#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace hex::plugin::visualizers { namespace { enum class IndexType : u8 { U8, U16, U32, Undefined, }; template struct Vectors { std::vector vertices; std::vector normals; std::vector colors; std::vector uv; std::vector indices; }; template struct LineVectors { std::vector vertices; std::vector colors; std::vector indices; }; template struct Buffers { gl::Buffer vertices; gl::Buffer normals; gl::Buffer colors; gl::Buffer uv; gl::Buffer indices; }; template struct LineBuffers { gl::Buffer vertices; gl::Buffer colors; gl::Buffer indices; }; ImVec2 s_renderingWindowSize; int s_drawMode = GL_TRIANGLES; float s_nearLimit = 0.9F; float s_farLimit = 100.0F; float s_scaling = 1.0F; float s_max; bool s_isPerspective = true; bool s_drawAxes = true; bool s_drawGrid = true; bool s_drawLightSource = true; bool s_drawTexture = false; bool s_shouldReset = false; bool s_shouldUpdateLightSource = true; bool s_shouldUpdateTexture = false; std::vector s_badIndices; IndexType s_indexType; ImGuiExt::Texture s_modelTexture; gl::Vector s_translation = { { 0.0F, 0.0F, -3.0F } }; gl::Vector s_rotation = { { 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F } }; gl::Vector s_lightPosition = { { -0.7F, 0.0F, 0.0F } }; gl::Vector s_lightBrightness = { { 0.5F, 0.5F, 0.5F, 32.0F } }; gl::Vector s_lightColor = { { 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F } }; gl::Matrix s_rotate = gl::Matrix::identity(); ImGuiExt::Texture s_texture; std::fs::path s_texturePath; std::fs::path s_texturePathOld; u32 s_vertexCount; const auto isIndexInRange = [](auto index) { if (index >= s_vertexCount) s_badIndices.push_back(index); return index < s_vertexCount; }; template void indicesForLines(std::vector &vertexIndices) { std::vector indices; u32 vertexCount = vertexIndices.size() / 3; indices.resize(vertexCount * 6); for (u32 i = 0; i < vertexCount; i += 1) { indices[ i * 6 ] = vertexIndices[ 3 * i ]; indices[(i * 6) + 1] = vertexIndices[(3 * i) + 1]; indices[(i * 6) + 2] = vertexIndices[(3 * i) + 1]; indices[(i * 6) + 3] = vertexIndices[(3 * i) + 2]; indices[(i * 6) + 4] = vertexIndices[(3 * i) + 2]; indices[(i * 6) + 5] = vertexIndices[ 3 * i ]; } vertexIndices.resize(indices.size()); for (u32 i = 0; i < indices.size(); i += 1) { vertexIndices[i] = indices[i]; } } float getBoundingBox(const std::vector &vertices) { gl::Vector minWorld(std::numeric_limits::infinity()), maxWorld(-std::numeric_limits::infinity()); for (u32 i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i += 3) { minWorld[0] = std::min(vertices[i ], minWorld[0]); minWorld[1] = std::min(vertices[i + 1], minWorld[1]); minWorld[2] = std::min(vertices[i + 2], minWorld[2]); maxWorld[0] = std::max(vertices[i ], maxWorld[0]); maxWorld[1] = std::max(vertices[i + 1], maxWorld[1]); maxWorld[2] = std::max(vertices[i + 2], maxWorld[2]); } minWorld[3] = 1; maxWorld[3] = 1; gl::Vector minCamera = minWorld, maxCamera = maxWorld; if (maxCamera[3] != 0) maxCamera = maxCamera * (1.0F / maxCamera[3]); if (minCamera[3] != 0) minCamera = minCamera * (1.0F / minCamera[3]); float max_X = std::max(std::fabs(minCamera[0]), std::fabs(maxCamera[0])); float max_Y = std::max(std::fabs(minCamera[1]), std::fabs(maxCamera[1])); return std::max(max_X, max_Y); } void setDefaultUVs(std::vector &uv, size_t size) { uv.resize(size / 3 * 2); for (u32 i = 0; i < uv.size(); i += 2) { uv[i ] = 0.0F; uv[i + 1] = 0.0F; } } void setDefaultColors(std::vector &colors, size_t size, u32 color) { colors.resize(size / 3 * 4); float red = float((color >> 0) & 0xFF) / 255.0F; float green = float((color >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255.0F; float blue = float((color >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255.0F; float alpha = float((color >> 24) & 0xFF) / 255.0F; for (u32 i = 0; i < colors.size(); i += 4) { colors[i ] = red; colors[i + 1] = green; colors[i + 2] = blue; colors[i + 3] = alpha; } } void setNormals(const std::vector &vertices, std::vector &normals) { for (u32 i = 0; i < normals.size(); i += 9) { auto v1 = gl::Vector({vertices[i ], vertices[i + 1], vertices[i + 2]}); auto v2 = gl::Vector({vertices[i + 3], vertices[i + 4], vertices[i + 5]}); auto v3 = gl::Vector({vertices[i + 6], vertices[i + 7], vertices[i + 8]}); auto normal = ((v2 - v1).cross(v3 - v1)); normals[i ] += normal[0]; normals[i + 1] += normal[1]; normals[i + 2] += normal[2]; normals[i + 3] += normal[0]; normals[i + 4] += normal[1]; normals[i + 5] += normal[2]; normals[i + 6] += normal[0]; normals[i + 7] += normal[1]; normals[i + 8] += normal[2]; } for (u32 i = 0; i < normals.size(); i += 3) { auto normal = gl::Vector({normals[i], normals[i + 1], normals[i + 2]}); normal.normalize(); normals[i ] = normal[0]; normals[i + 1] = normal[1]; normals[i + 2] = normal[2]; } } void setNormalsWithIndices(const std::vector &vertices, std::vector &normals, const std::vector &indices) { for (u32 i = 0; i < indices.size(); i += 3) { auto idx = indices[i ]; auto idx1 = indices[i + 1]; auto idx2 = indices[i + 2]; auto v1 = gl::Vector({vertices[3 * idx ], vertices[(3 * idx ) + 1], vertices[(3 * idx ) + 2]}); auto v2 = gl::Vector({vertices[3 * idx1], vertices[(3 * idx1) + 1], vertices[(3 * idx1) + 2]}); auto v3 = gl::Vector({vertices[3 * idx2], vertices[(3 * idx2) + 1], vertices[(3 * idx2) + 2]}); auto weighted = ((v2 - v1).cross(v3 - v1)); normals[ 3 * idx ] += weighted[0]; normals[(3 * idx) + 1] += weighted[1]; normals[(3 * idx) + 2] += weighted[2]; normals[(3 * idx1) ] += weighted[0]; normals[(3 * idx1) + 1] += weighted[1]; normals[(3 * idx1) + 2] += weighted[2]; normals[(3 * idx2) ] += weighted[0]; normals[(3 * idx2) + 1] += weighted[1]; normals[(3 * idx2) + 2] += weighted[2]; } for (u32 i = 0; i < normals.size(); i += 3) { auto normal = gl::Vector({normals[i], normals[i + 1], normals[i + 2]}); auto mag = normal.magnitude(); if (mag > 0.001F) { normals[i] = normal[0] / mag; normals[i + 1] = normal[1] / mag; normals[i + 2] = normal[2] / mag; } } } template void loadVectors(Vectors &vectors, IndexType indexType) { s_max = getBoundingBox(vectors.vertices); if (s_drawTexture) setDefaultColors(vectors.colors, vectors.vertices.size(), 0x00000000); else if (vectors.colors.empty()) setDefaultColors(vectors.colors, vectors.vertices.size(), 0xFF337FFF); if (vectors.uv.empty()) setDefaultUVs(vectors.uv, vectors.vertices.size()); if (vectors.normals.empty()) { vectors.normals.resize(vectors.vertices.size()); if (vectors.indices.empty() || (indexType == IndexType::Undefined)) { setNormals(vectors.vertices, vectors.normals); } else { std::vector indices; indices.resize(vectors.indices.size()); for (u32 i = 0; i < vectors.indices.size(); i += 1) indices[i] = vectors.indices[i]; setNormalsWithIndices(vectors.vertices, vectors.normals, indices); } } } template void loadLineVectors(LineVectors &lineVectors, IndexType indexType) { s_max = getBoundingBox(lineVectors.vertices); if (lineVectors.colors.empty()) setDefaultColors(lineVectors.colors, lineVectors.vertices.size(), 0xFF337FFF); if (indexType != IndexType::Undefined) indicesForLines(lineVectors.indices); } void processKeyEvent(ImGuiKey key, float &variable, float increment, float acceleration) { if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(key)) { auto temp = variable + (increment * acceleration); if (variable * temp < 0.0F) variable = 0.0F; else variable = temp; } } void processInputEvents(gl::Vector &rotation, gl::Vector &translation, float &scaling, float &nearLimit, float &farLimit) { auto accel = 1.0F; if (ImGui::IsKeyDown(ImGuiKey_LeftShift) || ImGui::IsKeyDown(ImGuiKey_RightShift)) accel = 10.0F; auto dragDelta = ImGui::GetMouseDragDelta(ImGuiMouseButton_Middle); if (dragDelta.x != 0) { rotation[1] += dragDelta.x * 0.0075F * accel; } if (dragDelta.y != 0) { rotation[0] += dragDelta.y * 0.0075F * accel; } ImGui::ResetMouseDragDelta(ImGuiMouseButton_Middle); dragDelta = ImGui::GetMouseDragDelta(ImGuiMouseButton_Right); translation[0] += dragDelta.x * 0.0075F * accel; translation[1] -= dragDelta.y * 0.0075F * accel; ImGui::ResetMouseDragDelta(ImGuiMouseButton_Right); auto scrollDelta = ImGui::GetIO().MouseWheel; scaling += scrollDelta * 0.1F * accel; scaling = std::max(scaling, 0.01F); processKeyEvent(ImGuiKey_Keypad4, translation[0], -0.1F, accel); processKeyEvent(ImGuiKey_Keypad6, translation[0], 0.1F, accel); processKeyEvent(ImGuiKey_Keypad8, translation[1], 0.1F, accel); processKeyEvent(ImGuiKey_Keypad2, translation[1], -0.1F, accel); processKeyEvent(ImGuiKey_Keypad1, translation[2], 0.1F, accel); processKeyEvent(ImGuiKey_Keypad7, translation[2], -0.1F, accel); processKeyEvent(ImGuiKey_Keypad9, nearLimit, -0.01F, accel); processKeyEvent(ImGuiKey_Keypad3, nearLimit, 0.01F, accel); if (ImHexApi::System::isDebugBuild()) { processKeyEvent(ImGuiKey_KeypadDivide, farLimit, -1.0F, accel); processKeyEvent(ImGuiKey_KeypadMultiply, farLimit, 1.0F, accel); } processKeyEvent(ImGuiKey_KeypadAdd, rotation[2], -0.075F, accel); processKeyEvent(ImGuiKey_KeypadSubtract, rotation[2], 0.075F, accel); rotation[2] = std::fmod(rotation[2], 2 * std::numbers::pi_v); } bool validateVector(const std::vector &vector, u32 vertexCount, u32 divisor, const std::string &name,std::string &errorMessage) { if (!vector.empty()) { if (vector.size() % divisor != 0) { errorMessage = name + " must be a multiple of " + std::to_string(divisor); return false; } } else { errorMessage = name + " can't be empty"; return false; } auto vectorCount = vector.size()/divisor; if (vectorCount != vertexCount) { errorMessage = hex::format("Expected {} colors, got {}", vertexCount, vectorCount); return false; } return true; } template void bindBuffers(Buffers &buffers, const gl::VertexArray &vertexArray, Vectors vectors, IndexType indexType) { buffers.vertices = {}; buffers.normals = {}; buffers.colors = {}; buffers.uv = {}; buffers.indices = {}; vertexArray.bind(); u32 vertexCount = vectors.vertices.size() / 3; std::string errorMessage; if (indexType != IndexType::Undefined && !vectors.indices.empty()) buffers.indices = gl::Buffer(gl::BufferType::Index, vectors.indices); if (validateVector(vectors.vertices, vertexCount, 3, "Positions", errorMessage)) { if ((indexType == IndexType::Undefined || vectors.indices.empty()) && vertexCount % 3 != 0) throw std::runtime_error("Without indices vertices must be a multiple of 3"); else buffers.vertices = gl::Buffer(gl::BufferType::Vertex, vectors.vertices); } else throw std::runtime_error(errorMessage); if (validateVector(vectors.colors, vertexCount, 4, "Colors", errorMessage)) buffers.colors = gl::Buffer(gl::BufferType::Vertex, vectors.colors); else throw std::runtime_error(errorMessage); if (validateVector(vectors.normals, vertexCount, 3, "Normals", errorMessage)) buffers.normals = gl::Buffer(gl::BufferType::Vertex, vectors.normals); else throw std::runtime_error(errorMessage); if (validateVector(vectors.uv, vertexCount, 2, "UV coordinates", errorMessage)) buffers.uv = gl::Buffer(gl::BufferType::Vertex, vectors.uv); else throw std::runtime_error(errorMessage); vertexArray.addBuffer(0, buffers.vertices); vertexArray.addBuffer(1, buffers.colors, 4); vertexArray.addBuffer(2, buffers.normals); vertexArray.addBuffer(3, buffers.uv, 2); buffers.vertices.unbind(); buffers.colors.unbind(); buffers.normals.unbind(); buffers.uv.unbind(); if (indexType != IndexType::Undefined) buffers.indices.unbind(); vertexArray.unbind(); } template void bindLineBuffers(LineBuffers &lineBuffers, const gl::VertexArray &vertexArray, const LineVectors &lineVectors, IndexType indexType) { lineBuffers.vertices = {}; lineBuffers.colors = {}; lineBuffers.indices = {}; u32 vertexCount = lineVectors.vertices.size() / 3; vertexArray.bind(); std::string errorMessage; if (indexType != IndexType::Undefined) lineBuffers.indices = gl::Buffer(gl::BufferType::Index, lineVectors.indices); if (validateVector(lineVectors.vertices, vertexCount, 3, "Positions", errorMessage)) { if ((indexType == IndexType::Undefined || lineVectors.indices.empty()) && vertexCount % 3 != 0) throw std::runtime_error("Without indices vertices must be a multiple of 3"); else lineBuffers.vertices = gl::Buffer(gl::BufferType::Vertex, lineVectors.vertices); } else throw std::runtime_error(errorMessage); if (validateVector(lineVectors.colors, vertexCount, 4, "Colors", errorMessage)) lineBuffers.colors = gl::Buffer(gl::BufferType::Vertex, lineVectors.colors); else throw std::runtime_error(errorMessage); vertexArray.addBuffer(0, lineBuffers.vertices); vertexArray.addBuffer(1, lineBuffers.colors, 4); lineBuffers.vertices.unbind(); lineBuffers.colors.unbind(); if (indexType != IndexType::Undefined) lineBuffers.indices.unbind(); vertexArray.unbind(); } void drawWindow(const ImGuiExt::Texture &texture, ImVec2 &renderingWindowSize, const gl::Matrix &mvp) { auto textureSize = texture.getSize(); auto textureWidth = textureSize.x; auto textureHeight = textureSize.y; ImVec2 screenPos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos(); ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_WindowPadding, ImVec2(0, 0)); ImGui::SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(scaled({ 350, 350 }), ImVec2(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX)); if (ImGui::BeginChild("##image", textureSize, ImGuiChildFlags_ResizeX | ImGuiChildFlags_ResizeY | ImGuiChildFlags_Border, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollWithMouse)) { renderingWindowSize = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail(); ImGui::Image(texture, textureSize, ImVec2(0, 1), ImVec2(1, 0)); if (s_drawAxes) { gl::Matrix axes = gl::Matrix::identity(); axes(0, 3) = 1.0F; axes(1, 3) = 1.0F; axes(2, 3) = 1.0F; axes = axes * mvp; bool showX = axes(0, 3) > 0.0F; bool showY = axes(1, 3) > 0.0F; bool showZ = axes(2, 3) > 0.0F; axes.updateRow(0, axes.getRow(0) * (1.0F / axes(0, 3))); axes.updateRow(1, axes.getRow(1) * (1.0F / axes(1, 3))); axes.updateRow(2, axes.getRow(2) * (1.0F / axes(2, 3))); auto axesPositionX = (axes.getColumn(0) + 1.0F) * (textureWidth / 2.0F); auto axesPositionY = (axes.getColumn(1) + 1.0F) * (-textureHeight / 2.0F) + textureHeight; ImDrawList *drawList = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); if (showX) drawList->AddText(ImVec2(axesPositionX[0], axesPositionY[0]) + screenPos, IM_COL32(255, 0, 0, 255), "X"); if (showY) drawList->AddText(ImVec2(axesPositionX[1], axesPositionY[1]) + screenPos, IM_COL32(0, 255, 0, 255), "Y"); if (showZ) drawList->AddText(ImVec2(axesPositionX[2], axesPositionY[2]) + screenPos, IM_COL32(0, 0, 255, 255), "Z"); } if (ImHexApi::System::isDebugBuild()) { auto mousePos = ImClamp(ImGui::GetMousePos() - screenPos, { 0, 0 }, textureSize); ImDrawList *drawList = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); drawList->AddText( screenPos + scaled({ 5, 5 }), ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_Text), hex::format("X: {:.5}\nY: {:.5}", mousePos.x, mousePos.y).c_str()); } } ImGui::EndChild(); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); { ImGui::SameLine(); { ImGui::PushID(5); ImGui::Dummy(ImVec2(0, 0)); ImGui::PopID(); } } // Draw axis arrows toggle { ImGui::PushID(1); if (ImGuiExt::DimmedIconToggle(ICON_BI_EMPTY_ARROWS, &s_drawAxes)) s_shouldReset = true; ImGui::PopID(); } ImGui::SameLine(); // Draw grid toggle { ImGui::PushID(2); if (ImGuiExt::DimmedIconToggle(s_isPerspective ? ICON_BI_GRID : ICON_VS_SYMBOL_NUMBER, &s_drawGrid)) s_shouldReset = true; ImGui::PopID(); } ImGui::SameLine(); // Draw light source toggle { ImGui::PushID(3); if (ImGuiExt::DimmedIconToggle(ICON_VS_LIGHTBULB, &s_drawLightSource)) s_shouldReset = true; if (ImGui::IsItemClicked(ImGuiMouseButton_Right)) { ImGui::OpenPopup("LightSettings"); } if (ImGui::BeginPopup("LightSettings")) { if (ImGui::DragFloat3("hex.visualizers.pl_visualizer.3d.light_position"_lang, s_lightPosition.data(), 0.05F)) { s_shouldUpdateLightSource = true; } ImGui::SliderFloat("hex.visualizers.pl_visualizer.3d.ambient_brightness"_lang, &s_lightBrightness.data()[0], 0, 2); ImGui::SliderFloat("hex.visualizers.pl_visualizer.3d.diffuse_brightness"_lang, &s_lightBrightness.data()[1], 0, 2); ImGui::SliderFloat("hex.visualizers.pl_visualizer.3d.specular_brightness"_lang, &s_lightBrightness.data()[2], 0, 2); ImGui::SliderFloat("hex.visualizers.pl_visualizer.3d.object_reflectiveness"_lang, &s_lightBrightness.data()[3], 0, 64); if (ImGui::ColorEdit3("hex.visualizers.pl_visualizer.3d.light_color"_lang, s_lightColor.data())) s_shouldUpdateLightSource = true; ImGui::EndPopup(); } ImGui::PopID(); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SeparatorEx(ImGuiSeparatorFlags_Vertical); ImGui::SameLine(); // Draw projection toggle { ImGui::PushID(4); if (ImGuiExt::DimmedIconToggle(ICON_BI_VIEW_PERSPECTIVE, ICON_BI_VIEW_ORTHO, &s_isPerspective)) { s_shouldReset = true; } ImGui::PopID(); } ImGui::SameLine(); // Draw solid / line mode toggle { ImGui::PushID(4); bool isSolid = s_drawMode == GL_TRIANGLES; if (ImGuiExt::DimmedIconToggle(ICON_BI_MOD_SOLIDIFY, ICON_BI_CUBE , &isSolid)) { s_shouldReset = true; s_drawMode = isSolid ? GL_TRIANGLES : GL_LINES; } ImGui::PopID(); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SeparatorEx(ImGuiSeparatorFlags_Vertical); ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGuiExt::DimmedButton("hex.ui.common.reset"_lang, ImVec2(renderingWindowSize.x-ImGui::GetCursorPosX(), 0))) { s_translation = { { 0.0F, 0.0F, -3.0F } }; s_rotation = { { 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F } }; s_scaling = 1.0F; } // Draw more settings if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("hex.visualizers.pl_visualizer.3d.more_settings"_lang)) { if (ImGuiExt::InputFilePicker("hex.visualizers.pl_visualizer.3d.texture_file"_lang, s_texturePath, {})) s_shouldUpdateTexture = true; } } } template void processRendering(std::shared_ptr verticesPattern, std::shared_ptr indicesPattern, std::shared_ptr normalsPattern, std::shared_ptr colorsPattern, std::shared_ptr uvPattern) { static gl::LightSourceVectors sourceVectors(20); static gl::VertexArray sourceVertexArray = {}; static gl::LightSourceBuffers sourceBuffers(sourceVertexArray, sourceVectors); static gl::VertexArray gridVertexArray = {}; static gl::GridVectors gridVectors(9); static gl::GridBuffers gridBuffers(gridVertexArray, gridVectors); static gl::VertexArray axesVertexArray = {}; static gl::AxesVectors axesVectors; static gl::AxesBuffers axesBuffers(axesVertexArray, axesVectors); static gl::VertexArray vertexArray = {}; if (s_renderingWindowSize.x <= 0 || s_renderingWindowSize.y <= 0) s_renderingWindowSize = {350_scaled, 350_scaled}; gl::Matrix mvp(0); static Buffers buffers; static LineBuffers lineBuffers; if (s_shouldReset) { s_shouldReset = false; s_shouldUpdateLightSource = true; if (s_drawMode == GL_TRIANGLES) { Vectors vectors; vectors.vertices = patternToArray(verticesPattern.get()); s_vertexCount = vectors.vertices.size() / 3; if (s_indexType != IndexType::Undefined) { vectors.indices = patternToArray(indicesPattern.get()); s_badIndices.clear(); auto indexCount = vectors.indices.size(); if (indexCount < 3 || indexCount % 3 != 0) { throw std::runtime_error("Index count must be a multiple of 3"); } auto booleans = std::views::transform(vectors.indices,isIndexInRange); if (!std::accumulate(std::begin(booleans), std::end(booleans), true, std::logical_and<>())) { std::string badIndicesStr = "Invalid indices: "; for (auto badIndex : s_badIndices) badIndicesStr += std::to_string(badIndex) + ", "; badIndicesStr.pop_back(); badIndicesStr.pop_back(); badIndicesStr += hex::format(" for {} vertices",s_vertexCount); throw std::runtime_error(badIndicesStr); } } if (colorsPattern != nullptr) vectors.colors = patternToArray(colorsPattern.get()); if (normalsPattern != nullptr) vectors.normals = patternToArray(normalsPattern.get()); if (uvPattern != nullptr) vectors.uv = patternToArray(uvPattern.get()); loadVectors(vectors, s_indexType); bindBuffers(buffers, vertexArray, vectors, s_indexType); } else { LineVectors lineVectors; lineVectors.vertices = patternToArray(verticesPattern.get()); s_vertexCount = lineVectors.vertices.size() / 3; if (s_indexType != IndexType::Undefined) { lineVectors.indices = patternToArray(indicesPattern.get()); auto indexCount = lineVectors.indices.size(); if (indexCount < 3 || indexCount % 3 != 0) { throw std::runtime_error("Index count must be a multiple of 3"); } s_badIndices.clear(); if (!std::ranges::all_of(lineVectors.indices,isIndexInRange)) { std::string badIndicesStr = "Invalid indices: "; for (auto badIndex : s_badIndices) badIndicesStr += std::to_string(badIndex) + ", "; badIndicesStr.pop_back(); badIndicesStr.pop_back(); badIndicesStr += hex::format(" for {} vertices",s_vertexCount); throw std::runtime_error(badIndicesStr); } } if (colorsPattern != nullptr) lineVectors.colors = patternToArray(colorsPattern.get()); loadLineVectors(lineVectors, s_indexType); bindLineBuffers(lineBuffers, vertexArray, lineVectors, s_indexType); } } if (s_shouldUpdateLightSource) { s_shouldUpdateLightSource = false; sourceVectors.moveTo(s_lightPosition); sourceVectors.setColor(s_lightColor[0], s_lightColor[1], s_lightColor[2]); sourceBuffers.moveVertices(sourceVertexArray, sourceVectors); sourceBuffers.updateColors(sourceVertexArray, sourceVectors); } { gl::Matrix model(0); gl::Matrix scaledModel(0); gl::Matrix view(0); gl::Matrix projection(0); unsigned width = std::floor(s_renderingWindowSize.x); unsigned height = std::floor(s_renderingWindowSize.y); gl::FrameBuffer frameBuffer(width, height); gl::Texture renderTexture(width, height); frameBuffer.attachTexture(renderTexture); frameBuffer.bind(); s_rotate = gl::getRotationMatrix(s_rotation, true, gl::RotationSequence::ZYX); gl::Matrix scale = gl::Matrix::identity(); gl::Matrix scaleForVertices = gl::Matrix::identity(); gl::Matrix translate = gl::Matrix::identity(); float totalScale; float viewWidth = s_renderingWindowSize.x / 500.0F; float viewHeight = s_renderingWindowSize.y / 500.0F; glViewport(0,0 , GLsizei(renderTexture.getWidth()), GLsizei(renderTexture.getHeight())); glDepthRangef(s_nearLimit, s_farLimit); glClearColor(0.00F, 0.00F, 0.00F, 0.00F); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); if (!s_isPerspective) { projection = gl::GetOrthographicMatrix(viewWidth, viewHeight, s_nearLimit, s_farLimit, false); totalScale = s_scaling / (std::fabs(s_translation[2])); scale(0, 0) = totalScale; scale(1, 1) = totalScale; scale(2, 2) = totalScale; translate(3, 0) = s_translation[0] / std::fabs(s_translation[2]); translate(3, 1) = s_translation[1] / std::fabs(s_translation[2]); translate(3, 2) = s_translation[2]; } else { projection = gl::GetPerspectiveMatrix(viewWidth, viewHeight, s_nearLimit, s_farLimit, false); totalScale = s_scaling; scale(0, 0) = totalScale; scale(1, 1) = totalScale; scale(2, 2) = totalScale; translate(3, 0) = s_translation[0]; translate(3, 1) = s_translation[1]; translate(3, 2) = s_translation[2]; } totalScale /= (3.0F * s_max); scaleForVertices(0, 0) = totalScale; scaleForVertices(1, 1) = totalScale; scaleForVertices(2, 2) = totalScale; model = s_rotate * scale; scaledModel = s_rotate * scaleForVertices; view = translate; mvp = model * view * projection; if (s_drawMode == GL_TRIANGLES) { static gl::Shader shader = gl::Shader( romfs::get("shaders/default/vertex.glsl").string(), romfs::get("shaders/default/fragment.glsl").string() ); shader.bind(); shader.setUniform("modelScale", scaledModel); shader.setUniform("modelMatrix", model); shader.setUniform("viewMatrix", view); shader.setUniform("projectionMatrix", projection); shader.setUniform("lightPosition", s_lightPosition); shader.setUniform("lightBrightness", s_lightBrightness); shader.setUniform("lightColor", s_lightColor); vertexArray.bind(); if (s_shouldUpdateTexture) { s_shouldUpdateTexture = false; s_modelTexture = ImGuiExt::Texture::fromImage(s_texturePath, ImGuiExt::Texture::Filter::Nearest); if (s_modelTexture.isValid()) { s_drawTexture = true; } } if (s_drawTexture) glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, s_modelTexture); buffers.indices.bind(); if (buffers.indices.getSize() == 0) buffers.vertices.draw(s_drawMode); else buffers.indices.draw(s_drawMode); buffers.indices.unbind(); } else { static gl::Shader lineShader = gl::Shader( romfs::get("shaders/default/lineVertex.glsl").string(), romfs::get("shaders/default/lineFragment.glsl").string() ); lineShader.bind(); lineShader.setUniform("modelMatrix", scaledModel); lineShader.setUniform("viewMatrix", view); lineShader.setUniform("projectionMatrix", projection); vertexArray.bind(); lineBuffers.indices.bind(); if (lineBuffers.indices.getSize() == 0) lineBuffers.vertices.draw(s_drawMode); else lineBuffers.indices.draw(s_drawMode); lineBuffers.indices.unbind(); } if (s_drawGrid || s_drawAxes) { static auto gridAxesShader = gl::Shader( romfs::get("shaders/default/lineVertex.glsl").string(), romfs::get("shaders/default/lineFragment.glsl").string() ); gridAxesShader.bind(); gridAxesShader.setUniform("modelMatrix", model); gridAxesShader.setUniform("viewMatrix", view); gridAxesShader.setUniform("projectionMatrix", projection); if (s_drawGrid) { gridVertexArray.bind(); gridBuffers.getIndices().bind(); gridBuffers.getIndices().draw(GL_LINES); gridBuffers.getIndices().unbind(); gridVertexArray.unbind(); } if (s_drawAxes) { axesVertexArray.bind(); axesBuffers.getIndices().bind(); axesBuffers.getIndices().draw(GL_LINES); axesBuffers.getIndices().unbind(); axesVertexArray.unbind(); } gridAxesShader.unbind(); } if (s_drawLightSource) { static auto sourceShader = gl::Shader( romfs::get("shaders/default/lightVertex.glsl").string(), romfs::get("shaders/default/lightFragment.glsl").string() ); sourceShader.bind(); sourceShader.setUniform("modelMatrix", model); sourceShader.setUniform("viewMatrix", view); sourceShader.setUniform("projectionMatrix", projection); sourceVertexArray.bind(); sourceBuffers.getIndices().bind(); sourceBuffers.getIndices().draw(GL_TRIANGLES); sourceBuffers.getIndices().unbind(); sourceVertexArray.unbind(); sourceShader.unbind(); } vertexArray.unbind(); frameBuffer.unbind(); s_texture = ImGuiExt::Texture::fromGLTexture(renderTexture.release(), GLsizei(renderTexture.getWidth()), GLsizei(renderTexture.getHeight())); drawWindow(s_texture, s_renderingWindowSize, mvp); } } void draw3DVisualizer(pl::ptrn::Pattern &, bool shouldReset, std::span arguments) { std::shared_ptr verticesPattern = arguments[0].toPattern(); std::shared_ptr indicesPattern = arguments[1].toPattern(); std::shared_ptr normalsPattern = nullptr; std::shared_ptr colorsPattern = nullptr; std::shared_ptr uvPattern = nullptr; std::string textureFile; if (arguments.size() > 2) { normalsPattern = arguments[2].toPattern(); if (arguments.size() > 3) { colorsPattern = arguments[3].toPattern(); if (arguments.size() > 4) { uvPattern = arguments[4].toPattern(); if (arguments.size() > 5) textureFile = arguments[5].toString(); } } } s_texturePath = textureFile; s_drawTexture = !textureFile.empty(); if (shouldReset) s_shouldReset = true; processInputEvents(s_rotation, s_translation, s_scaling, s_nearLimit, s_farLimit); auto *iterable = dynamic_cast(indicesPattern.get()); if (iterable != nullptr && iterable->getEntryCount() > 0) { const auto &content = iterable->getEntry(0); if (content->getSize() == 1) { s_indexType = IndexType::U8; processRendering(verticesPattern, indicesPattern, normalsPattern, colorsPattern, uvPattern); } else if (content->getSize() == 2) { s_indexType = IndexType::U16; processRendering(verticesPattern, indicesPattern, normalsPattern, colorsPattern, uvPattern); } else if (content->getSize() == 4) { s_indexType = IndexType::U32; processRendering(verticesPattern, indicesPattern, normalsPattern, colorsPattern, uvPattern); } } else { s_indexType = IndexType::Undefined; processRendering(verticesPattern, indicesPattern, normalsPattern, colorsPattern, uvPattern); } } }