//-------------------------------------------------- // ImPlot3D v0.1 // implot3d.cpp // Date: 2024-11-16 // Author: Breno Cunha Queiroz (brenocq.com) // // Acknowledgments: // ImPlot3D is heavily inspired by ImPlot // (https://github.com/epezent/implot) by Evan Pezent, // and follows a similar code style and structure to // maintain consistency with ImPlot's API. //-------------------------------------------------- // Table of Contents: // [SECTION] Includes // [SECTION] Macros // [SECTION] Context // [SECTION] Text Utils // [SECTION] Legend Utils // [SECTION] Mouse Position Utils // [SECTION] Plot Box Utils // [SECTION] Formatter // [SECTION] Locator // [SECTION] Context Menus // [SECTION] Begin/End Plot // [SECTION] Setup // [SECTION] Plot Utils // [SECTION] Setup Utils // [SECTION] Miscellaneous // [SECTION] Styles // [SECTION] Colormaps // [SECTION] Context Utils // [SECTION] Style Utils // [SECTION] ImPlot3DPoint // [SECTION] ImPlot3DBox // [SECTION] ImPlot3DRange // [SECTION] ImPlot3DQuat // [SECTION] ImDrawList3D // [SECTION] ImPlot3DAxis // [SECTION] ImPlot3DPlot // [SECTION] ImPlot3DStyle //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [SECTION] Includes //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef IMGUI_DEFINE_MATH_OPERATORS #define IMGUI_DEFINE_MATH_OPERATORS #endif // We define this to avoid accidentally using the deprecated API #ifndef IMPLOT_DISABLE_OBSOLETE_FUNCTIONS #define IMPLOT_DISABLE_OBSOLETE_FUNCTIONS #endif #include "implot3d.h" #include "implot3d_internal.h" #ifndef IMGUI_DISABLE //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [SECTION] Macros //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define IMPLOT3D_CHECK_CTX() IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(GImPlot3D != nullptr, "No current context. Did you call ImPlot3D::CreateContext() or ImPlot3D::SetCurrentContext()?") #define IMPLOT3D_CHECK_PLOT() IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(GImPlot3D->CurrentPlot != nullptr, "No active plot. Did you call ImPlot3D::BeginPlot()?") //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [SECTION] Context //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace ImPlot3D { // Global ImPlot3D context #ifndef GImPlot3D ImPlot3DContext* GImPlot3D = nullptr; #endif static ImPlot3DQuat init_rotation = ImPlot3DQuat(-0.513269f, -0.212596f, -0.318184f, 0.76819f); ImPlot3DContext* CreateContext() { ImPlot3DContext* ctx = IM_NEW(ImPlot3DContext)(); if (GImPlot3D == nullptr) SetCurrentContext(ctx); InitializeContext(ctx); return ctx; } void DestroyContext(ImPlot3DContext* ctx) { if (ctx == nullptr) ctx = GImPlot3D; if (GImPlot3D == ctx) SetCurrentContext(nullptr); IM_DELETE(ctx); } ImPlot3DContext* GetCurrentContext() { return GImPlot3D; } void SetCurrentContext(ImPlot3DContext* ctx) { GImPlot3D = ctx; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [SECTION] Text Utils //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AddTextRotated(ImDrawList* draw_list, ImVec2 pos, float angle, ImU32 col, const char* text_begin, const char* text_end) { if (!text_end) text_end = text_begin + strlen(text_begin); ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui; ImFont* font = g.Font; // Align to be pixel perfect pos = ImFloor(pos); const float scale = g.FontSize / font->FontSize; // Measure the size of the text in unrotated coordinates ImVec2 text_size = font->CalcTextSizeA(g.FontSize, FLT_MAX, 0.0f, text_begin, text_end, nullptr); // Precompute sine and cosine of the angle (note: angle should be positive for rotation in ImGui) float cos_a = cosf(-angle); float sin_a = sinf(-angle); const char* s = text_begin; int chars_total = (int)(text_end - s); int chars_rendered = 0; const int vtx_count_max = chars_total * 4; const int idx_count_max = chars_total * 6; draw_list->PrimReserve(idx_count_max, vtx_count_max); // Adjust pen position to center the text ImVec2 pen = ImVec2(-text_size.x * 0.5f, -text_size.y * 0.5f); while (s < text_end) { unsigned int c = (unsigned int)*s; if (c < 0x80) { s += 1; } else { s += ImTextCharFromUtf8(&c, s, text_end); if (c == 0) // Malformed UTF-8? break; } const ImFontGlyph* glyph = font->FindGlyph((ImWchar)c); if (glyph == nullptr) { continue; } // Glyph dimensions and positions ImVec2 glyph_offset = ImVec2(glyph->X0, glyph->Y0) * scale; ImVec2 glyph_size = ImVec2(glyph->X1 - glyph->X0, glyph->Y1 - glyph->Y0) * scale; // Corners of the glyph quad in unrotated space ImVec2 corners[4]; corners[0] = pen + glyph_offset; corners[1] = pen + glyph_offset + ImVec2(glyph_size.x, 0); corners[2] = pen + glyph_offset + glyph_size; corners[3] = pen + glyph_offset + ImVec2(0, glyph_size.y); // Rotate and translate the corners for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { float x = corners[i].x; float y = corners[i].y; corners[i].x = x * cos_a - y * sin_a + pos.x; corners[i].y = x * sin_a + y * cos_a + pos.y; } // Texture coordinates ImVec2 uv0 = ImVec2(glyph->U0, glyph->V0); ImVec2 uv1 = ImVec2(glyph->U1, glyph->V1); // Render the glyph quad draw_list->PrimQuadUV(corners[0], corners[1], corners[2], corners[3], uv0, ImVec2(glyph->U1, glyph->V0), uv1, ImVec2(glyph->U0, glyph->V1), col); // Advance the pen position pen.x += glyph->AdvanceX * scale; chars_rendered++; } // Return unused vertices int chars_skipped = chars_total - chars_rendered; draw_list->PrimUnreserve(chars_skipped * 6, chars_skipped * 4); } void AddTextCentered(ImDrawList* draw_list, ImVec2 top_center, ImU32 col, const char* text_begin) { const char* text_end = ImGui::FindRenderedTextEnd(text_begin); ImVec2 text_size = ImGui::CalcTextSize(text_begin, text_end, true); draw_list->AddText(ImVec2(top_center.x - text_size.x * 0.5f, top_center.y), col, text_begin, text_end); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [SECTION] Legend Utils //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ImVec2 GetLocationPos(const ImRect& outer_rect, const ImVec2& inner_size, ImPlot3DLocation loc, const ImVec2& pad) { ImVec2 pos; // Legend x coordinate if (ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(loc, ImPlot3DLocation_West) && !ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(loc, ImPlot3DLocation_East)) pos.x = outer_rect.Min.x + pad.x; else if (!ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(loc, ImPlot3DLocation_West) && ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(loc, ImPlot3DLocation_East)) pos.x = outer_rect.Max.x - pad.x - inner_size.x; else pos.x = outer_rect.GetCenter().x - inner_size.x * 0.5f; // Legend y coordinate if (ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(loc, ImPlot3DLocation_North) && !ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(loc, ImPlot3DLocation_South)) pos.y = outer_rect.Min.y + pad.y; else if (!ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(loc, ImPlot3DLocation_North) && ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(loc, ImPlot3DLocation_South)) pos.y = outer_rect.Max.y - pad.y - inner_size.y; else pos.y = outer_rect.GetCenter().y - inner_size.y * 0.5f; pos.x = IM_ROUND(pos.x); pos.y = IM_ROUND(pos.y); return pos; } ImVec2 CalcLegendSize(ImPlot3DItemGroup& items, const ImVec2& pad, const ImVec2& spacing, bool vertical) { const int nItems = items.GetLegendCount(); const float txt_ht = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight(); const float icon_size = txt_ht; // Get label max width float max_label_width = 0; float sum_label_width = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nItems; i++) { const char* label = items.GetLegendLabel(i); const float label_width = ImGui::CalcTextSize(label, nullptr, true).x; max_label_width = label_width > max_label_width ? label_width : max_label_width; sum_label_width += label_width; } // Compute legend size const ImVec2 legend_size = vertical ? ImVec2(pad.x * 2 + icon_size + max_label_width, pad.y * 2 + nItems * txt_ht + (nItems - 1) * spacing.y) : ImVec2(pad.x * 2 + icon_size * nItems + sum_label_width + (nItems - 1) * spacing.x, pad.y * 2 + txt_ht); return legend_size; } void ShowLegendEntries(ImPlot3DItemGroup& items, const ImRect& legend_bb, bool hovered, const ImVec2& pad, const ImVec2& spacing, bool vertical, ImDrawList& draw_list) { const float txt_ht = ImGui::GetTextLineHeight(); const float icon_size = txt_ht; const float icon_shrink = 2; ImU32 col_txt = GetStyleColorU32(ImPlot3DCol_LegendText); ImU32 col_txt_dis = ImAlphaU32(col_txt, 0.25f); float sum_label_width = 0; const int num_items = items.GetLegendCount(); if (num_items == 0) return; // Render legend items for (int i = 0; i < num_items; i++) { const int idx = i; ImPlot3DItem* item = items.GetLegendItem(idx); const char* label = items.GetLegendLabel(idx); const float label_width = ImGui::CalcTextSize(label, nullptr, true).x; const ImVec2 top_left = vertical ? legend_bb.Min + pad + ImVec2(0, i * (txt_ht + spacing.y)) : legend_bb.Min + pad + ImVec2(i * (icon_size + spacing.x) + sum_label_width, 0); sum_label_width += label_width; ImRect icon_bb; icon_bb.Min = top_left + ImVec2(icon_shrink, icon_shrink); icon_bb.Max = top_left + ImVec2(icon_size - icon_shrink, icon_size - icon_shrink); ImRect label_bb; label_bb.Min = top_left; label_bb.Max = top_left + ImVec2(label_width + icon_size, icon_size); ImU32 col_txt_hl; ImU32 col_item = ImAlphaU32(item->Color, 1); ImRect button_bb(icon_bb.Min, label_bb.Max); ImGui::KeepAliveID(item->ID); bool item_hov = false; bool item_hld = false; bool item_clk = ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(items.Legend.Flags, ImPlot3DLegendFlags_NoButtons) ? false : ImGui::ButtonBehavior(button_bb, item->ID, &item_hov, &item_hld); if (item_clk) item->Show = !item->Show; const bool hovering = item_hov && !ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(items.Legend.Flags, ImPlot3DLegendFlags_NoHighlightItem); if (hovering) { item->LegendHovered = true; col_txt_hl = ImPlot3D::ImMixU32(col_txt, col_item, 64); } else { item->LegendHovered = false; col_txt_hl = ImGui::GetColorU32(col_txt); } ImU32 col_icon; if (item_hld) col_icon = item->Show ? ImAlphaU32(col_item, 0.5f) : ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_TextDisabled, 0.5f); else if (item_hov) col_icon = item->Show ? ImAlphaU32(col_item, 0.75f) : ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_TextDisabled, 0.75f); else col_icon = item->Show ? col_item : col_txt_dis; draw_list.AddRectFilled(icon_bb.Min, icon_bb.Max, col_icon); const char* text_display_end = ImGui::FindRenderedTextEnd(label, nullptr); if (label != text_display_end) draw_list.AddText(top_left + ImVec2(icon_size, 0), item->Show ? col_txt_hl : col_txt_dis, label, text_display_end); } } void RenderLegend() { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; ImPlot3DPlot& plot = *gp.CurrentPlot; if (ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlot3DFlags_NoLegend) || plot.Items.GetLegendCount() == 0) return; ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui; ImGuiWindow* window = g.CurrentWindow; ImDrawList* draw_list = window->DrawList; const ImGuiIO& IO = ImGui::GetIO(); ImPlot3DLegend& legend = plot.Items.Legend; const bool legend_horz = ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(legend.Flags, ImPlot3DLegendFlags_Horizontal); const ImVec2 legend_size = CalcLegendSize(plot.Items, gp.Style.LegendInnerPadding, gp.Style.LegendSpacing, !legend_horz); const ImVec2 legend_pos = GetLocationPos(plot.PlotRect, legend_size, legend.Location, gp.Style.LegendPadding); legend.Rect = ImRect(legend_pos, legend_pos + legend_size); // Test hover legend.Hovered = legend.Rect.Contains(IO.MousePos); // Render background ImU32 col_bg = GetStyleColorU32(ImPlot3DCol_LegendBg); ImU32 col_bd = GetStyleColorU32(ImPlot3DCol_LegendBorder); draw_list->AddRectFilled(legend.Rect.Min, legend.Rect.Max, col_bg); draw_list->AddRect(legend.Rect.Min, legend.Rect.Max, col_bd); // Render legends ShowLegendEntries(plot.Items, legend.Rect, legend.Hovered, gp.Style.LegendInnerPadding, gp.Style.LegendSpacing, !legend_horz, *draw_list); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [SECTION] Mouse Position Utils //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void RenderMousePos() { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; ImPlot3DPlot& plot = *gp.CurrentPlot; if (ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlot3DFlags_NoMouseText)) return; ImVec2 mouse_pos = ImGui::GetMousePos(); ImPlot3DPoint mouse_plot_pos = PixelsToPlotPlane(mouse_pos, ImPlane3D_YZ, true); if (mouse_plot_pos.IsNaN()) mouse_plot_pos = PixelsToPlotPlane(mouse_pos, ImPlane3D_XZ, true); if (mouse_plot_pos.IsNaN()) mouse_plot_pos = PixelsToPlotPlane(mouse_pos, ImPlane3D_XY, true); char buff[IMPLOT3D_LABEL_MAX_SIZE]; if (!mouse_plot_pos.IsNaN()) { ImGuiTextBuffer builder; builder.append("("); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { ImPlot3DAxis& axis = plot.Axes[i]; if (i > 0) builder.append(", "); axis.Formatter(mouse_plot_pos[i], buff, IMPLOT3D_LABEL_MAX_SIZE, axis.FormatterData); builder.append(buff); } builder.append(")"); const ImVec2 size = ImGui::CalcTextSize(builder.c_str()); // TODO custom location/padding const ImVec2 pos = GetLocationPos(plot.PlotRect, size, ImPlot3DLocation_SouthEast, ImVec2(10, 10)); ImDrawList& draw_list = *ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); draw_list.AddText(pos, GetStyleColorU32(ImPlot3DCol_InlayText), builder.c_str()); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [SECTION] Plot Box Utils //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Faces of the box (defined by 4 corner indices) static const int faces[6][4] = { {0, 3, 7, 4}, // X-min face {0, 4, 5, 1}, // Y-min face {0, 1, 2, 3}, // Z-min face {1, 2, 6, 5}, // X-max face {3, 7, 6, 2}, // Y-max face {4, 5, 6, 7}, // Z-max face }; // Edges of the box (defined by 2 corner indices) static const int edges[12][2] = { // Bottom face edges {0, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 0}, // Top face edges {4, 5}, {5, 6}, {6, 7}, {7, 4}, // Vertical edges {0, 4}, {1, 5}, {2, 6}, {3, 7}, }; // Face edges (4 edge indices for each face) static const int face_edges[6][4] = { {3, 11, 8, 7}, // X-min face {0, 8, 4, 9}, // Y-min face {0, 1, 2, 3}, // Z-min face {1, 9, 5, 10}, // X-max face {2, 10, 6, 11}, // Y-max face {4, 5, 6, 7}, // Z-max face }; // Lookup table for axis_corners based on active_faces (3D plot) static const int axis_corners_lookup_3d[8][3][2] = { // Index 0: active_faces = {0, 0, 0} {{3, 2}, {1, 2}, {1, 5}}, // Index 1: active_faces = {0, 0, 1} {{7, 6}, {5, 6}, {1, 5}}, // Index 2: active_faces = {0, 1, 0} {{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 6}}, // Index 3: active_faces = {0, 1, 1} {{4, 5}, {5, 6}, {2, 6}}, // Index 4: active_faces = {1, 0, 0} {{3, 2}, {0, 3}, {0, 4}}, // Index 5: active_faces = {1, 0, 1} {{7, 6}, {4, 7}, {0, 4}}, // Index 6: active_faces = {1, 1, 0} {{0, 1}, {0, 3}, {3, 7}}, // Index 7: active_faces = {1, 1, 1} {{4, 5}, {4, 7}, {3, 7}}, }; int GetMouseOverPlane(const ImPlot3DPlot& plot, const bool* active_faces, const ImVec2* corners_pix, int* plane_out = nullptr) { ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO(); ImVec2 mouse_pos = io.MousePos; if (plane_out) *plane_out = -1; // Check each active face for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++) { int face_idx = a + 3 * active_faces[a]; ImVec2 p0 = corners_pix[faces[face_idx][0]]; ImVec2 p1 = corners_pix[faces[face_idx][1]]; ImVec2 p2 = corners_pix[faces[face_idx][2]]; ImVec2 p3 = corners_pix[faces[face_idx][3]]; // Check if the mouse is inside the face's quad (using a triangle check) if (ImTriangleContainsPoint(p0, p1, p2, mouse_pos) || ImTriangleContainsPoint(p2, p3, p0, mouse_pos)) { if (plane_out) *plane_out = a; return a; // Return the plane index: 0 -> YZ, 1 -> XZ, 2 -> XY } } return -1; // Not over any active plane } int GetMouseOverAxis(const ImPlot3DPlot& plot, const bool* active_faces, const ImVec2* corners_pix, const int plane_2d, int* edge_out = nullptr) { const float axis_proximity_threshold = 15.0f; // Distance in pixels to consider the mouse "close" to an axis ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO(); ImVec2 mouse_pos = io.MousePos; if (edge_out) *edge_out = -1; bool visible_edges[12]; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) visible_edges[i] = false; for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++) { int face_idx = a + 3 * active_faces[a]; if (plane_2d != -1 && a != plane_2d) continue; for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) visible_edges[face_edges[face_idx][i]] = true; } // Check each edge for proximity to the mouse for (int edge = 0; edge < 12; edge++) { if (!visible_edges[edge]) continue; ImVec2 p0 = corners_pix[edges[edge][0]]; ImVec2 p1 = corners_pix[edges[edge][1]]; // Check distance to the edge ImVec2 closest_point = ImLineClosestPoint(p0, p1, mouse_pos); float dist = ImLengthSqr(mouse_pos - closest_point); if (dist <= axis_proximity_threshold) { if (edge_out) *edge_out = edge; // Determine which axis the edge belongs to if (edge == 0 || edge == 2 || edge == 4 || edge == 6) return 0; // X-axis else if (edge == 1 || edge == 3 || edge == 5 || edge == 7) return 1; // Y-axis else return 2; // Z-axis } } return -1; // Not over any axis } void RenderPlotBackground(ImDrawList* draw_list, const ImPlot3DPlot& plot, const ImVec2* corners_pix, const bool* active_faces, const int plane_2d) { const ImVec4 col_bg = GetStyleColorVec4(ImPlot3DCol_PlotBg); const ImVec4 col_bg_hov = col_bg + ImVec4(0.03f, 0.03f, 0.03f, 0.0f); int hovered_plane = -1; if (!plot.Held) { // If the mouse is not held, highlight plane hovering when mouse over it hovered_plane = GetMouseOverPlane(plot, active_faces, corners_pix); if (GetMouseOverAxis(plot, active_faces, corners_pix, plane_2d) != -1) hovered_plane = -1; } else { // If the mouse is held, highlight the held plane hovered_plane = plot.HeldPlaneIdx; } for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++) { int idx[4]; // Corner indices for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) idx[i] = faces[a + 3 * active_faces[a]][i]; const ImU32 col = ImGui::ColorConvertFloat4ToU32((hovered_plane == a) ? col_bg_hov : col_bg); draw_list->AddQuadFilled(corners_pix[idx[0]], corners_pix[idx[1]], corners_pix[idx[2]], corners_pix[idx[3]], col); } } void RenderPlotBorder(ImDrawList* draw_list, const ImPlot3DPlot& plot, const ImVec2* corners_pix, const bool* active_faces, const int plane_2d) { int hovered_edge = -1; if (!plot.Held) GetMouseOverAxis(plot, active_faces, corners_pix, plane_2d, &hovered_edge); else hovered_edge = plot.HeldEdgeIdx; bool render_edge[12]; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) render_edge[i] = false; for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++) { int face_idx = a + 3 * active_faces[a]; if (plane_2d != -1 && a != plane_2d) continue; for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) render_edge[face_edges[face_idx][i]] = true; } ImU32 col_bd = GetStyleColorU32(ImPlot3DCol_PlotBorder); for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (render_edge[i]) { int idx0 = edges[i][0]; int idx1 = edges[i][1]; float thickness = i == hovered_edge ? 3.0f : 1.0f; draw_list->AddLine(corners_pix[idx0], corners_pix[idx1], col_bd, thickness); } } } void RenderGrid(ImDrawList* draw_list, const ImPlot3DPlot& plot, const ImPlot3DPoint* corners, const bool* active_faces, const int plane_2d) { ImVec4 col_grid = GetStyleColorVec4(ImPlot3DCol_AxisGrid); ImU32 col_grid_minor = ImGui::GetColorU32(col_grid * ImVec4(1, 1, 1, 0.3f)); ImU32 col_grid_major = ImGui::GetColorU32(col_grid * ImVec4(1, 1, 1, 0.6f)); for (int face = 0; face < 3; face++) { if (plane_2d != -1 && face != plane_2d) continue; int face_idx = face + 3 * active_faces[face]; const ImPlot3DAxis& axis_u = plot.Axes[(face + 1) % 3]; const ImPlot3DAxis& axis_v = plot.Axes[(face + 2) % 3]; // Get the two axes (u and v) that define the face plane int idx0 = faces[face_idx][0]; int idx1 = faces[face_idx][1]; int idx3 = faces[face_idx][3]; // Corners of the face in plot space ImPlot3DPoint p0 = corners[idx0]; ImPlot3DPoint p1 = corners[idx1]; ImPlot3DPoint p3 = corners[idx3]; // Vectors along the edges ImPlot3DPoint u_vec = p1 - p0; ImPlot3DPoint v_vec = p3 - p0; // Render grid lines along u axis (axis_u) if (!ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(axis_u.Flags, ImPlot3DAxisFlags_NoGridLines)) for (int t = 0; t < axis_u.Ticker.TickCount(); ++t) { const ImPlot3DTick& tick = axis_u.Ticker.Ticks[t]; // Compute position along u float t_u = (tick.PlotPos - axis_u.Range.Min) / (axis_u.Range.Max - axis_u.Range.Min); // Skip ticks that are out of range if (t_u < 0.0f || t_u > 1.0f) continue; ImPlot3DPoint p_start = p0 + u_vec * t_u; ImPlot3DPoint p_end = p3 + u_vec * t_u; // Convert to pixel coordinates ImVec2 p_start_pix = PlotToPixels(p_start); ImVec2 p_end_pix = PlotToPixels(p_end); // Get color ImU32 col_line = tick.Major ? col_grid_major : col_grid_minor; // Draw the grid line draw_list->AddLine(p_start_pix, p_end_pix, col_line); } // Render grid lines along v axis (axis_v) if (!ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(axis_v.Flags, ImPlot3DAxisFlags_NoGridLines)) for (int t = 0; t < axis_v.Ticker.TickCount(); ++t) { const ImPlot3DTick& tick = axis_v.Ticker.Ticks[t]; // Compute position along v float t_v = (tick.PlotPos - axis_v.Range.Min) / (axis_v.Range.Max - axis_v.Range.Min); // Skip ticks that are out of range if (t_v < 0.0f || t_v > 1.0f) continue; ImPlot3DPoint p_start = p0 + v_vec * t_v; ImPlot3DPoint p_end = p1 + v_vec * t_v; // Convert to pixel coordinates ImVec2 p_start_pix = PlotToPixels(p_start); ImVec2 p_end_pix = PlotToPixels(p_end); // Get color ImU32 col_line = tick.Major ? col_grid_major : col_grid_minor; // Draw the grid line draw_list->AddLine(p_start_pix, p_end_pix, col_line); } } } void RenderTickMarks(ImDrawList* draw_list, const ImPlot3DPlot& plot, const ImPlot3DPoint* corners, const ImVec2* corners_pix, const int axis_corners[3][2], const int plane_2d) { ImU32 col_tick = GetStyleColorU32(ImPlot3DCol_AxisTick); auto DeterminePlaneForAxis = [&](int axis_idx) { if (plane_2d != -1) return plane_2d; // If no plane chosen (-1), use: // X or Y axis -> XY plane (2) // Z axis -> YZ plane (0) if (axis_idx == 2) return 1; // Z-axis use XZ plane else return 2; // X or Y-axis use XY plane }; for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++) { const ImPlot3DAxis& axis = plot.Axes[a]; if (ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(axis.Flags, ImPlot3DAxisFlags_NoTickMarks)) continue; int idx0 = axis_corners[a][0]; int idx1 = axis_corners[a][1]; if (idx0 == idx1) // axis not visible or invalid continue; ImPlot3DPoint axis_start = corners[idx0]; ImPlot3DPoint axis_end = corners[idx1]; ImPlot3DPoint axis_dir = axis_end - axis_start; float axis_len = axis_dir.Length(); if (axis_len < 1e-12f) continue; axis_dir /= axis_len; // Draw axis line ImVec2 axis_start_pix = corners_pix[idx0]; ImVec2 axis_end_pix = corners_pix[idx1]; draw_list->AddLine(axis_start_pix, axis_end_pix, col_tick); // Choose plane int chosen_plane = DeterminePlaneForAxis(a); // Project axis_dir onto chosen plane ImPlot3DPoint proj_dir = axis_dir; if (chosen_plane == 0) { // YZ plane: zero out x proj_dir.x = 0.0f; } else if (chosen_plane == 1) { // XZ plane: zero out y proj_dir.y = 0.0f; } else if (chosen_plane == 2) { // XY plane: zero out z proj_dir.z = 0.0f; } float proj_len = proj_dir.Length(); if (proj_len < 1e-12f) { // Axis is parallel to plane normal or something degenerate, skip ticks continue; } proj_dir /= proj_len; // Rotate 90 degrees in chosen plane ImPlot3DPoint tick_dir; if (chosen_plane == 0) { // YZ plane // proj_dir=(0,py,pz), rotate 90°: (py,pz) -> (-pz,py) tick_dir = ImPlot3DPoint(0, -proj_dir.z, proj_dir.y); } else if (chosen_plane == 1) { // XZ plane (plane=1) // proj_dir=(px,0,pz), rotate 90°: (px,pz) -> (-pz,px) tick_dir = ImPlot3DPoint(-proj_dir.z, 0, proj_dir.x); } else { // XY plane // proj_dir=(px,py,0), rotate by 90°: (px,py) -> (-py,px) tick_dir = ImPlot3DPoint(-proj_dir.y, proj_dir.x, 0); } tick_dir.Normalize(); // Tick lengths in NDC units const float major_size_ndc = 0.06f; const float minor_size_ndc = 0.03f; for (int t = 0; t < axis.Ticker.TickCount(); ++t) { const ImPlot3DTick& tick = axis.Ticker.Ticks[t]; float v = (tick.PlotPos - axis.Range.Min) / (axis.Range.Max - axis.Range.Min); // Skip ticks that are out of range if (v < 0.0f || v > 1.0f) continue; ImPlot3DPoint tick_pos_ndc = PlotToNDC(axis_start + axis_dir * (v * axis_len)); // Half tick on each side of the axis line float size_tick_ndc = tick.Major ? major_size_ndc : minor_size_ndc; ImPlot3DPoint half_tick_ndc = tick_dir * (size_tick_ndc * 0.5f); ImPlot3DPoint T1_ndc = tick_pos_ndc - half_tick_ndc; ImPlot3DPoint T2_ndc = tick_pos_ndc + half_tick_ndc; ImVec2 T1_screen = NDCToPixels(T1_ndc); ImVec2 T2_screen = NDCToPixels(T2_ndc); draw_list->AddLine(T1_screen, T2_screen, col_tick); } } } void RenderTickLabels(ImDrawList* draw_list, const ImPlot3DPlot& plot, const ImPlot3DPoint* corners, const ImVec2* corners_pix, const int axis_corners[3][2]) { ImU32 col_tick_txt = GetStyleColorU32(ImPlot3DCol_AxisText); for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++) { const ImPlot3DAxis& axis = plot.Axes[a]; if (ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(axis.Flags, ImPlot3DAxisFlags_NoTickLabels)) continue; // Corner indices for this axis int idx0 = axis_corners[a][0]; int idx1 = axis_corners[a][1]; // If normal to the 2D plot, ignore the ticks if (idx0 == idx1) continue; // Start and end points of the axis in plot space ImPlot3DPoint axis_start = corners[idx0]; ImPlot3DPoint axis_end = corners[idx1]; // Direction vector along the axis ImPlot3DPoint axis_dir = axis_end - axis_start; // Convert axis start and end to screen space ImVec2 axis_start_pix = corners_pix[idx0]; ImVec2 axis_end_pix = corners_pix[idx1]; // Screen space axis direction ImVec2 axis_screen_dir = axis_end_pix - axis_start_pix; float axis_length = ImSqrt(ImLengthSqr(axis_screen_dir)); if (axis_length != 0.0f) axis_screen_dir /= axis_length; else axis_screen_dir = ImVec2(1.0f, 0.0f); // Default direction if length is zero // Perpendicular direction in screen space ImVec2 offset_dir_pix = ImVec2(-axis_screen_dir.y, axis_screen_dir.x); // Make sure direction points away from cube center ImVec2 box_center_pix = PlotToPixels(plot.RangeCenter()); ImVec2 axis_center_pix = (axis_start_pix + axis_end_pix) * 0.5f; ImVec2 center_to_axis_pix = axis_center_pix - box_center_pix; center_to_axis_pix /= ImSqrt(ImLengthSqr(center_to_axis_pix)); if (ImDot(offset_dir_pix, center_to_axis_pix) < 0.0f) offset_dir_pix = -offset_dir_pix; // Adjust the offset magnitude float offset_magnitude = 20.0f; // TODO Calculate based on label size ImVec2 offset_pix = offset_dir_pix * offset_magnitude; // Compute angle perpendicular to axis in screen space float angle = atan2f(-axis_screen_dir.y, axis_screen_dir.x) + IM_PI * 0.5f; // Normalize angle to be between -π and π if (angle > IM_PI) angle -= 2 * IM_PI; if (angle < -IM_PI) angle += 2 * IM_PI; // Adjust angle to keep labels upright if (angle > IM_PI * 0.5f) angle -= IM_PI; if (angle < -IM_PI * 0.5f) angle += IM_PI; // Loop over ticks for (int t = 0; t < axis.Ticker.TickCount(); ++t) { const ImPlot3DTick& tick = axis.Ticker.Ticks[t]; if (!tick.ShowLabel) continue; // Compute position along the axis float t_axis = (tick.PlotPos - axis.Range.Min) / (axis.Range.Max - axis.Range.Min); // Skip ticks that are out of range if (t_axis < 0.0f || t_axis > 1.0f) continue; ImPlot3DPoint tick_pos = axis_start + axis_dir * t_axis; // Convert to pixel coordinates ImVec2 tick_pos_pix = PlotToPixels(tick_pos); // Get the tick label text const char* label = axis.Ticker.GetText(tick); // Adjust label position by offset ImVec2 label_pos_pix = tick_pos_pix + offset_pix; // Render the tick label AddTextRotated(draw_list, label_pos_pix, angle, col_tick_txt, label); } } } void RenderAxisLabels(ImDrawList* draw_list, const ImPlot3DPlot& plot, const ImPlot3DPoint* corners, const ImVec2* corners_pix, const int axis_corners[3][2]) { for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++) { const ImPlot3DAxis& axis = plot.Axes[a]; if (!axis.HasLabel()) continue; const char* label = axis.GetLabel(); // Corner indices int idx0 = axis_corners[a][0]; int idx1 = axis_corners[a][1]; // If normal to the 2D plot, ignore axis label if (idx0 == idx1) continue; // Position at the end of the axis ImPlot3DPoint label_pos = (PlotToNDC(corners[idx0]) + PlotToNDC(corners[idx1])) * 0.5f; ImPlot3DPoint center_dir = label_pos.Normalized(); // Add offset label_pos += center_dir * 0.3f; // Convert to pixel coordinates ImVec2 label_pos_pix = NDCToPixels(label_pos); // Adjust label position and angle ImU32 col_ax_txt = GetStyleColorU32(ImPlot3DCol_AxisText); // Compute text angle ImVec2 screen_delta = corners_pix[idx1] - corners_pix[idx0]; float angle = atan2f(-screen_delta.y, screen_delta.x); if (angle > IM_PI * 0.5f) angle -= IM_PI; if (angle < -IM_PI * 0.5f) angle += IM_PI; AddTextRotated(draw_list, label_pos_pix, angle, col_ax_txt, label); } } // Function to compute active faces based on the rotation // If the plot is close to 2D, plane_2d is set to the plane index (0 -> YZ, 1 -> XZ, 2 -> XY) // plane_2d is set to -1 otherwise void ComputeActiveFaces(bool* active_faces, const ImPlot3DQuat& rotation, const ImPlot3DAxis* axes, int* plane_2d = nullptr) { if (plane_2d) *plane_2d = -1; ImPlot3DPoint rot_face_n[3] = { rotation * ImPlot3DPoint(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), rotation * ImPlot3DPoint(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), rotation * ImPlot3DPoint(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), }; int num_deg = 0; // Check number of planes that are degenerate (seen as a line) for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { // Determine the active face based on the Z component if (fabs(rot_face_n[i].z) < 0.025) { // If aligned with the plane, choose the min face for bottom/left active_faces[i] = rot_face_n[i].x + rot_face_n[i].y < 0.0f; num_deg++; } else { // Otherwise, determine based on the Z component bool is_inverted = ImHasFlag(axes[i].Flags, ImPlot3DAxisFlags_Invert); active_faces[i] = is_inverted ? (rot_face_n[i].z > 0.0f) : (rot_face_n[i].z < 0.0f); // Set this plane as possible 2d plane if (plane_2d) *plane_2d = i; } } // Only return 2d plane if there are exactly 2 degenerate planes if (num_deg != 2 && plane_2d) *plane_2d = -1; } // Function to compute the box corners in plot space void ComputeBoxCorners(ImPlot3DPoint* corners, const ImPlot3DPoint& range_min, const ImPlot3DPoint& range_max) { corners[0] = ImPlot3DPoint(range_min.x, range_min.y, range_min.z); // 0 corners[1] = ImPlot3DPoint(range_max.x, range_min.y, range_min.z); // 1 corners[2] = ImPlot3DPoint(range_max.x, range_max.y, range_min.z); // 2 corners[3] = ImPlot3DPoint(range_min.x, range_max.y, range_min.z); // 3 corners[4] = ImPlot3DPoint(range_min.x, range_min.y, range_max.z); // 4 corners[5] = ImPlot3DPoint(range_max.x, range_min.y, range_max.z); // 5 corners[6] = ImPlot3DPoint(range_max.x, range_max.y, range_max.z); // 6 corners[7] = ImPlot3DPoint(range_min.x, range_max.y, range_max.z); // 7 } // Function to compute the box corners in pixel space void ComputeBoxCornersPix(ImVec2* corners_pix, const ImPlot3DPoint* corners) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { corners_pix[i] = PlotToPixels(corners[i]); } } void RenderPlotBox(ImDrawList* draw_list, const ImPlot3DPlot& plot) { // Get plot parameters const ImPlot3DQuat& rotation = plot.Rotation; ImPlot3DPoint range_min = plot.RangeMin(); ImPlot3DPoint range_max = plot.RangeMax(); // Compute active faces bool active_faces[3]; int plane_2d = -1; ComputeActiveFaces(active_faces, rotation, plot.Axes, &plane_2d); bool is_2d = plane_2d != -1; // Compute box corners in plot space ImPlot3DPoint corners[8]; ComputeBoxCorners(corners, range_min, range_max); // Compute box corners in pixel space ImVec2 corners_pix[8]; ComputeBoxCornersPix(corners_pix, corners); // Compute axes start and end corners (given current rotation) int axis_corners[3][2]; if (is_2d) { int face = plane_2d + 3 * active_faces[plane_2d]; // Face of the 2D plot int common_edges[2] = {-1, -1}; // Edges shared by the 3 faces // Find the common edges between the 3 faces for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int edge = face_edges[face][i]; for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { int axis = (plane_2d + 1 + j) % 3; int face_idx = axis + active_faces[axis] * 3; for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { if (face_edges[face_idx][k] == edge) { common_edges[j] = edge; break; } } } } // Get corners from 2 edges (origin is the corner in common) int origin_corner = -1; int x_corner = -1; int y_corner = -1; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) if (edges[common_edges[0]][i] == edges[common_edges[1]][j]) { origin_corner = edges[common_edges[0]][i]; x_corner = edges[common_edges[0]][!i]; y_corner = edges[common_edges[1]][!j]; } // Swap x and y if they are flipped ImVec2 x_vec = corners_pix[x_corner] - corners_pix[origin_corner]; ImVec2 y_vec = corners_pix[y_corner] - corners_pix[origin_corner]; if (y_vec.x > x_vec.x) ImSwap(x_corner, y_corner); // Check which 3d axis the 2d axis refers to ImPlot3DPoint origin_3d = corners[origin_corner]; ImPlot3DPoint x_3d = (corners[x_corner] - origin_3d).Normalized(); ImPlot3DPoint y_3d = (corners[y_corner] - origin_3d).Normalized(); int x_axis = -1; bool x_inverted = false; int y_axis = -1; bool y_inverted = false; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { int axis_i = (plane_2d + 1 + i) % 3; if (y_axis != -1 || (ImAbs(x_3d[axis_i]) > 1e-8f && x_axis == -1)) { x_axis = axis_i; x_inverted = x_3d[axis_i] < 0.0f; } else { y_axis = axis_i; y_inverted = y_3d[axis_i] < 0.0f; } } // Set the 3d axis corners based on the 2d axis corners axis_corners[plane_2d][0] = -1; axis_corners[plane_2d][1] = -1; if (x_inverted) { axis_corners[x_axis][0] = x_corner; axis_corners[x_axis][1] = origin_corner; } else { axis_corners[x_axis][0] = origin_corner; axis_corners[x_axis][1] = x_corner; } if (y_inverted) { axis_corners[y_axis][0] = y_corner; axis_corners[y_axis][1] = origin_corner; } else { axis_corners[y_axis][0] = origin_corner; axis_corners[y_axis][1] = y_corner; } } else { int index = ((int)active_faces[0] << 2) | ((int)active_faces[1] << 1) | ((int)active_faces[2]); for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++) { axis_corners[a][0] = axis_corners_lookup_3d[index][a][0]; axis_corners[a][1] = axis_corners_lookup_3d[index][a][1]; } } // Render components RenderPlotBackground(draw_list, plot, corners_pix, active_faces, plane_2d); RenderPlotBorder(draw_list, plot, corners_pix, active_faces, plane_2d); RenderGrid(draw_list, plot, corners, active_faces, plane_2d); RenderTickMarks(draw_list, plot, corners, corners_pix, axis_corners, plane_2d); RenderTickLabels(draw_list, plot, corners, corners_pix, axis_corners); RenderAxisLabels(draw_list, plot, corners, corners_pix, axis_corners); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [SECTION] Formatter //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int Formatter_Default(float value, char* buff, int size, void* data) { char* fmt = (char*)data; return ImFormatString(buff, size, fmt, value); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // [SECTION] Locator //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ double NiceNum(double x, bool round) { double f; double nf; int expv = (int)floor(ImLog10((float)x)); f = x / ImPow(10.0, (double)expv); if (round) if (f < 1.5) nf = 1; else if (f < 3) nf = 2; else if (f < 7) nf = 5; else nf = 10; else if (f <= 1) nf = 1; else if (f <= 2) nf = 2; else if (f <= 5) nf = 5; else nf = 10; return nf * ImPow(10.0, expv); } void Locator_Default(ImPlot3DTicker& ticker, const ImPlot3DRange& range, float pixels, ImPlot3DFormatter formatter, void* formatter_data) { if (range.Min == range.Max) return; const int nMinor = ImMin(ImMax(1, (int)IM_ROUND(pixels / 30.0f)), 5); const int nMajor = ImMax(2, (int)IM_ROUND(pixels / 80.0f)); const int max_ticks_labels = 7; const double nice_range = NiceNum(range.Size() * 0.99, false); const double interval = NiceNum(nice_range / (nMajor - 1), true); const double graphmin = floor(range.Min / interval) * interval; const double graphmax = ceil(range.Max / interval) * interval; bool first_major_set = false; int first_major_idx = 0; const int idx0 = ticker.TickCount(); // Ticker may have user custom ticks for (double major = graphmin; major < graphmax + 0.5 * interval; major += interval) { // Is this zero? combat zero formatting issues if (major - interval < 0 && major + interval > 0) major = 0; if (range.Contains((float)major)) { if (!first_major_set) { first_major_idx = ticker.TickCount(); first_major_set = true; } ticker.AddTick(major, true, true, formatter, formatter_data); } for (int i = 1; i < nMinor; ++i) { double minor = major + i * interval / nMinor; if (range.Contains((float)minor)) { ticker.AddTick(minor, false, true, formatter, formatter_data); } } } // Prune tick labels if (ticker.TickCount() > max_ticks_labels) { for (int i = first_major_idx - 1; i >= idx0; i -= 2) ticker.Ticks[i].ShowLabel = false; for (int i = first_major_idx + 1; i < ticker.TickCount(); i += 2) ticker.Ticks[i].ShowLabel = false; } } void AddTicksCustom(const double* values, const char* const labels[], int n, ImPlot3DTicker& ticker, ImPlot3DFormatter formatter, void* data) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (labels != nullptr) ticker.AddTick(values[i], false, true, labels[i]); else ticker.AddTick(values[i], false, true, formatter, data); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // [SECTION] Context Menus //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static const char* axis_contexts[3] = {"##XAxisContext", "##YAxisContext", "##ZAxisContext"}; static const char* axis_labels[3] = {"X-Axis", "Y-Axis", "Z-Axis"}; static const char* plane_contexts[3] = {"##YZPlaneContext", "##XZPlaneContext", "##XYPlaneContext"}; static const char* plane_labels[3] = {"YZ-Plane", "XZ-Plane", "XY-Plane"}; bool ShowLegendContextMenu(ImPlot3DLegend& legend, bool visible) { const float s = ImGui::GetFrameHeight(); bool ret = false; if (ImGui::Checkbox("Show", &visible)) ret = true; if (ImGui::RadioButton("H", ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(legend.Flags, ImPlot3DLegendFlags_Horizontal))) legend.Flags |= ImPlot3DLegendFlags_Horizontal; ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::RadioButton("V", !ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(legend.Flags, ImPlot3DLegendFlags_Horizontal))) legend.Flags &= ~ImPlot3DLegendFlags_Horizontal; ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_ItemSpacing, ImVec2(2, 2)); // clang-format off if (ImGui::Button("NW",ImVec2(1.5f*s,s))) { legend.Location = ImPlot3DLocation_NorthWest; } ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("N", ImVec2(1.5f*s,s))) { legend.Location = ImPlot3DLocation_North; } ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("NE",ImVec2(1.5f*s,s))) { legend.Location = ImPlot3DLocation_NorthEast; } if (ImGui::Button("W", ImVec2(1.5f*s,s))) { legend.Location = ImPlot3DLocation_West; } ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::InvisibleButton("C", ImVec2(1.5f*s,s))) { } ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("E", ImVec2(1.5f*s,s))) { legend.Location = ImPlot3DLocation_East; } if (ImGui::Button("SW",ImVec2(1.5f*s,s))) { legend.Location = ImPlot3DLocation_SouthWest; } ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("S", ImVec2(1.5f*s,s))) { legend.Location = ImPlot3DLocation_South; } ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("SE",ImVec2(1.5f*s,s))) { legend.Location = ImPlot3DLocation_SouthEast; } // clang-format on ImGui::PopStyleVar(); return ret; } void ShowAxisContextMenu(ImPlot3DAxis& axis) { ImGui::PushItemWidth(75); bool always_locked = axis.IsRangeLocked() || axis.IsAutoFitting(); bool label = axis.HasLabel(); bool grid = axis.HasGridLines(); bool ticks = axis.HasTickMarks(); bool labels = axis.HasTickLabels(); double drag_speed = (axis.Range.Size() <= FLT_EPSILON) ? FLT_EPSILON * 1.0e+13 : 0.01 * axis.Range.Size(); // recover from almost equal axis limits. ImGui::BeginDisabled(always_locked); ImGui::CheckboxFlags("##LockMin", (unsigned int*)&axis.Flags, ImPlot3DAxisFlags_LockMin); ImGui::EndDisabled(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::BeginDisabled(axis.IsLockedMin() || always_locked); float temp_min = axis.Range.Min; if (ImGui::DragFloat("Min", &temp_min, (float)drag_speed, -HUGE_VAL, axis.Range.Max - FLT_EPSILON)) { axis.SetMin(temp_min, true); } ImGui::EndDisabled(); ImGui::BeginDisabled(always_locked); ImGui::CheckboxFlags("##LockMax", (unsigned int*)&axis.Flags, ImPlot3DAxisFlags_LockMax); ImGui::EndDisabled(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::BeginDisabled(axis.IsLockedMax() || always_locked); float temp_max = axis.Range.Max; if (ImGui::DragFloat("Max", &temp_max, (float)drag_speed, axis.Range.Min + FLT_EPSILON, HUGE_VAL)) { axis.SetMax(temp_max, true); } ImGui::EndDisabled(); ImGui::Separator(); // Flags ImGui::CheckboxFlags("Auto-Fit", (unsigned int*)&axis.Flags, ImPlot3DAxisFlags_AutoFit); ImGui::Separator(); bool inverted = ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(axis.Flags, ImPlot3DAxisFlags_Invert); if (ImGui::Checkbox("Invert", &inverted)) ImFlipFlag(axis.Flags, ImPlot3DAxisFlags_Invert); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::BeginDisabled(axis.Label.empty()); if (ImGui::Checkbox("Label", &label)) ImFlipFlag(axis.Flags, ImPlot3DAxisFlags_NoLabel); ImGui::EndDisabled(); if (ImGui::Checkbox("Grid Lines", &grid)) ImFlipFlag(axis.Flags, ImPlot3DAxisFlags_NoGridLines); if (ImGui::Checkbox("Tick Marks", &ticks)) ImFlipFlag(axis.Flags, ImPlot3DAxisFlags_NoTickMarks); if (ImGui::Checkbox("Tick Labels", &labels)) ImFlipFlag(axis.Flags, ImPlot3DAxisFlags_NoTickLabels); } void ShowPlaneContextMenu(ImPlot3DPlot& plot, int plane_idx) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (i == plane_idx) continue; ImPlot3DAxis& axis = plot.Axes[i]; ImGui::PushID(i); if (ImGui::BeginMenu(axis.HasLabel() ? axis.GetLabel() : axis_labels[i])) { ShowAxisContextMenu(axis); ImGui::EndMenu(); } ImGui::PopID(); } } void ShowPlotContextMenu(ImPlot3DPlot& plot) { char buf[16] = {}; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { ImPlot3DAxis& axis = plot.Axes[i]; ImGui::PushID(i); ImFormatString(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, i == 0 ? "X-Axis" : "X-Axis %d", i + 1); if (ImGui::BeginMenu(axis.HasLabel() ? axis.GetLabel() : axis_labels[i])) { ShowAxisContextMenu(axis); ImGui::EndMenu(); } ImGui::PopID(); } ImGui::Separator(); if ((ImGui::BeginMenu("Box"))) { ImGui::PushItemWidth(75); float temp_scale[3] = {plot.BoxScale[0], plot.BoxScale[1], plot.BoxScale[2]}; if (ImGui::DragFloat("Scale X", &temp_scale[0], 0.01f, 0.1f, 3.0f)) plot.BoxScale[0] = ImMax(temp_scale[0], 0.01f); if (ImGui::DragFloat("Scale Y", &temp_scale[1], 0.01f, 0.1f, 3.0f)) plot.BoxScale[1] = ImMax(temp_scale[1], 0.01f); if (ImGui::DragFloat("Scale Z", &temp_scale[2], 0.01f, 0.1f, 3.0f)) plot.BoxScale[2] = ImMax(temp_scale[2], 0.01f); ImGui::PopItemWidth(); ImGui::EndMenu(); } ImGui::Separator(); if ((ImGui::BeginMenu("Legend"))) { if (ShowLegendContextMenu(plot.Items.Legend, !ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlot3DFlags_NoLegend))) ImFlipFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlot3DFlags_NoLegend); ImGui::EndMenu(); } if ((ImGui::BeginMenu("Settings"))) { ImGui::BeginDisabled(plot.Title.empty()); if (ImGui::MenuItem("Title", nullptr, plot.HasTitle())) ImFlipFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlot3DFlags_NoTitle); ImGui::EndDisabled(); if (ImGui::MenuItem("Clip", nullptr, !ImHasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlot3DFlags_NoClip))) ImFlipFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlot3DFlags_NoClip); if (ImGui::MenuItem("Mouse Position", nullptr, !ImHasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlot3DFlags_NoMouseText))) ImFlipFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlot3DFlags_NoMouseText); ImGui::EndMenu(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [SECTION] Begin/End Plot //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool BeginPlot(const char* title_id, const ImVec2& size, ImPlot3DFlags flags) { IMPLOT3D_CHECK_CTX(); ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot == nullptr, "Mismatched BeginPlot()/EndPlot()!"); // Get window ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui; ImGuiWindow* window = g.CurrentWindow; // Skip if needed if (window->SkipItems) return false; // Get or create plot const ImGuiID ID = window->GetID(title_id); const bool just_created = gp.Plots.GetByKey(ID) == nullptr; gp.CurrentPlot = gp.Plots.GetOrAddByKey(ID); gp.CurrentItems = &gp.CurrentPlot->Items; ImPlot3DPlot& plot = *gp.CurrentPlot; // Populate plot plot.ID = ID; plot.JustCreated = just_created; if (just_created) { plot.Rotation = init_rotation; plot.FitThisFrame = true; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { plot.Axes[i] = ImPlot3DAxis(); plot.Axes[i].FitThisFrame = true; } } if (plot.PreviousFlags != flags) plot.Flags = flags; plot.PreviousFlags = flags; plot.SetupLocked = false; plot.OpenContextThisFrame = false; // Populate title plot.SetTitle(title_id); // Calculate frame size ImVec2 frame_size = ImGui::CalcItemSize(size, gp.Style.PlotDefaultSize.x, gp.Style.PlotDefaultSize.y); if (frame_size.x < gp.Style.PlotMinSize.x && size.x < 0.0f) frame_size.x = gp.Style.PlotMinSize.x; if (frame_size.y < gp.Style.PlotMinSize.y && size.y < 0.0f) frame_size.y = gp.Style.PlotMinSize.y; // Create child window to capture scroll ImGui::BeginChild(title_id, frame_size, false, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar); window = ImGui::GetCurrentWindow(); window->ScrollMax.y = 1.0f; plot.FrameRect = ImRect(window->DC.CursorPos, window->DC.CursorPos + frame_size); ImGui::ItemSize(plot.FrameRect); if (!ImGui::ItemAdd(plot.FrameRect, plot.ID, &plot.FrameRect)) { gp.CurrentPlot = nullptr; gp.CurrentItems = nullptr; ImGui::EndChild(); return false; } // Reset legend plot.Items.Legend.Reset(); // Reset axes for (int i = 0; i < ImAxis3D_COUNT; ++i) { plot.Axes[i].Reset(); } // Push frame rect clipping ImGui::PushClipRect(plot.FrameRect.Min, plot.FrameRect.Max, true); plot.DrawList._Flags = window->DrawList->Flags; plot.DrawList._SharedData = ImGui::GetDrawListSharedData(); return true; } void EndPlot() { IMPLOT3D_CHECK_CTX(); ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != nullptr, "Mismatched BeginPlot()/EndPlot()!"); ImPlot3DPlot& plot = *gp.CurrentPlot; // Move triangles from 3D draw list to ImGui draw list plot.DrawList.SortedMoveToImGuiDrawList(); // Handle data fitting if (plot.FitThisFrame) { plot.FitThisFrame = false; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (plot.Axes[i].FitThisFrame) { plot.Axes[i].FitThisFrame = false; plot.Axes[i].ApplyFit(); } } } // Lock setup if not already done SetupLock(); // Reset legend hover plot.Items.Legend.Hovered = false; // Render legend RenderLegend(); // Render mouse position RenderMousePos(); // Legend context menu if (ImGui::BeginPopup("##LegendContext")) { ImGui::Text("Legend"); ImGui::Separator(); if (ShowLegendContextMenu(plot.Items.Legend, !ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlot3DFlags_NoLegend))) ImFlipFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlot3DFlags_NoLegend); ImGui::EndPopup(); } // Axis context menus for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { ImPlot3DAxis& axis = plot.Axes[i]; if (ImGui::BeginPopup(axis_contexts[i])) { ImGui::Text(axis.HasLabel() ? axis.GetLabel() : "%c-Axis", 'X' + i); ImGui::Separator(); ShowAxisContextMenu(axis); ImGui::EndPopup(); } } // Plane context menus for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (ImGui::BeginPopup(plane_contexts[i])) { ImGui::Text("%s", plane_labels[i]); ImGui::Separator(); ShowPlaneContextMenu(plot, i); ImGui::EndPopup(); } } // Plot context menu if (ImGui::BeginPopup("##PlotContext")) { ShowPlotContextMenu(plot); ImGui::EndPopup(); } // Pop frame rect clipping ImGui::PopClipRect(); // End child window ImGui::EndChild(); // Reset current plot gp.CurrentPlot = nullptr; gp.CurrentItems = nullptr; // Reset the plot items for the next frame for (int i = 0; i < plot.Items.GetItemCount(); i++) plot.Items.GetItemByIndex(i)->SeenThisFrame = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [SECTION] Setup //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetupAxis(ImAxis3D idx, const char* label, ImPlot3DAxisFlags flags) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != nullptr && !gp.CurrentPlot->SetupLocked, "SetupAxis() needs to be called after BeginPlot() and before any setup locking functions (e.g. PlotX)!"); // Get plot and axis ImPlot3DPlot& plot = *gp.CurrentPlot; ImPlot3DAxis& axis = plot.Axes[idx]; if (axis.PreviousFlags != flags) axis.Flags = flags; axis.PreviousFlags = flags; axis.SetLabel(label); } void SetupAxisLimits(ImAxis3D idx, double min_lim, double max_lim, ImPlot3DCond cond) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != nullptr && !gp.CurrentPlot->SetupLocked, "SetupAxisLimits() needs to be called after BeginPlot and before any setup locking functions (e.g. PlotX)!"); // get plot and axis ImPlot3DPlot& plot = *gp.CurrentPlot; ImPlot3DAxis& axis = plot.Axes[idx]; if (!plot.Initialized || cond == ImPlot3DCond_Always) { axis.SetRange(min_lim, max_lim); axis.RangeCond = cond; axis.FitThisFrame = false; } } void SetupAxisFormat(ImAxis3D idx, ImPlot3DFormatter formatter, void* data) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != nullptr && !gp.CurrentPlot->SetupLocked, "Setup needs to be called after BeginPlot and before any setup locking functions (e.g. PlotX)!"); ImPlot3DPlot& plot = *gp.CurrentPlot; ImPlot3DAxis& axis = plot.Axes[idx]; axis.Formatter = formatter; axis.FormatterData = data; } void SetupAxisTicks(ImAxis3D idx, const double* values, int n_ticks, const char* const labels[], bool keep_default) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != nullptr && !gp.CurrentPlot->SetupLocked, "Setup needs to be called after BeginPlot and before any setup locking functions (e.g. PlotX)!"); ImPlot3DPlot& plot = *gp.CurrentPlot; ImPlot3DAxis& axis = plot.Axes[idx]; axis.ShowDefaultTicks = keep_default; AddTicksCustom(values, labels, n_ticks, axis.Ticker, axis.Formatter ? axis.Formatter : Formatter_Default, (axis.Formatter && axis.FormatterData) ? axis.FormatterData : (void*)IMPLOT3D_LABEL_FORMAT); } void SetupAxisTicks(ImAxis3D idx, double v_min, double v_max, int n_ticks, const char* const labels[], bool keep_default) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != nullptr && !gp.CurrentPlot->SetupLocked, "Setup needs to be called after BeginPlot and before any setup locking functions (e.g. PlotX)!"); n_ticks = n_ticks < 2 ? 2 : n_ticks; ImVector temp; FillRange(temp, n_ticks, v_min, v_max); SetupAxisTicks(idx, temp.Data, n_ticks, labels, keep_default); } void SetupAxes(const char* x_label, const char* y_label, const char* z_label, ImPlot3DAxisFlags x_flags, ImPlot3DAxisFlags y_flags, ImPlot3DAxisFlags z_flags) { SetupAxis(ImAxis3D_X, x_label, x_flags); SetupAxis(ImAxis3D_Y, y_label, y_flags); SetupAxis(ImAxis3D_Z, z_label, z_flags); } void SetupAxesLimits(double x_min, double x_max, double y_min, double y_max, double z_min, double z_max, ImPlot3DCond cond) { SetupAxisLimits(ImAxis3D_X, x_min, x_max, cond); SetupAxisLimits(ImAxis3D_Y, y_min, y_max, cond); SetupAxisLimits(ImAxis3D_Z, z_min, z_max, cond); if (cond == ImPlot3DCond_Once) GImPlot3D->CurrentPlot->FitThisFrame = false; } void SetupBoxScale(float x, float y, float z) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != nullptr && !gp.CurrentPlot->SetupLocked, "SetupBoxScale() needs to be called after BeginPlot() and before any setup locking functions (e.g. PlotX)!"); IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(x > 0.0f && y > 0.0f && z > 0.0f, "SetupBoxScale() requires all aspect ratios to be greater than 0!"); ImPlot3DPlot& plot = *gp.CurrentPlot; plot.BoxScale = ImPlot3DPoint(x, y, z); } void SetupLegend(ImPlot3DLocation location, ImPlot3DLegendFlags flags) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != nullptr && !gp.CurrentPlot->SetupLocked, "SetupLegend() needs to be called after BeginPlot() and before any setup locking functions (e.g. PlotX)!"); IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentItems != nullptr, "SetupLegend() needs to be called within an itemized context!"); ImPlot3DLegend& legend = gp.CurrentItems->Legend; if (legend.PreviousLocation != location) legend.Location = location; legend.PreviousLocation = location; if (legend.PreviousFlags != flags) legend.Flags = flags; legend.PreviousFlags = flags; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [SECTION] Plot Utils //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ImPlot3DPlot* GetCurrentPlot() { return GImPlot3D->CurrentPlot; } void BustPlotCache() { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; gp.Plots.Clear(); } ImVec2 PlotToPixels(const ImPlot3DPoint& point) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != nullptr, "PlotToPixels() needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); return NDCToPixels(PlotToNDC(point)); } ImVec2 PlotToPixels(double x, double y, double z) { return PlotToPixels(ImPlot3DPoint((float)x, (float)y, (float)z)); } ImPlot3DRay PixelsToPlotRay(const ImVec2& pix) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != nullptr, "PixelsToPlotRay() needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); return NDCRayToPlotRay(PixelsToNDCRay(pix)); } ImPlot3DRay PixelsToPlotRay(double x, double y) { return PixelsToPlotRay(ImVec2((float)x, (float)y)); } ImPlot3DPoint PixelsToPlotPlane(const ImVec2& pix, ImPlane3D plane, bool mask) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != nullptr, "PixelsToPlotPlane() needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); ImPlot3DPlot& plot = *gp.CurrentPlot; ImPlot3DRay ray = PixelsToNDCRay(pix); const ImPlot3DPoint& O = ray.Origin; const ImPlot3DPoint& D = ray.Direction; // Helper lambda to check intersection with a given coordinate and return intersection point if valid. auto IntersectPlane = [&](float coord) -> ImPlot3DPoint { // Solve for t in O[axis] + D[axis]*t = coord float denom = 0.0f; float numer = 0.0f; if (plane == ImPlane3D_YZ) { denom = D.x; numer = coord - O.x; } else if (plane == ImPlane3D_XZ) { denom = D.y; numer = coord - O.y; } else if (plane == ImPlane3D_XY) { denom = D.z; numer = coord - O.z; } if (ImAbs(denom) < 1e-12f) { // Ray is parallel or nearly parallel to the plane return ImPlot3DPoint(NAN, NAN, NAN); } float t = numer / denom; if (t < 0.0f) { // Intersection behind the ray origin return ImPlot3DPoint(NAN, NAN, NAN); } return O + D * t; }; // Compute which plane to intersect with bool active_faces[3]; ComputeActiveFaces(active_faces, plot.Rotation, plot.Axes); // Calculate intersection point with the planes ImPlot3DPoint P = IntersectPlane(active_faces[plane] ? 0.5f * plot.BoxScale[plane] : -0.5f * plot.BoxScale[plane]); if (P.IsNaN()) return P; // Helper lambda to check if point P is within the plot box auto InRange = [&](const ImPlot3DPoint& P) { return P.x >= -0.5f * plot.BoxScale.x && P.x <= 0.5f * plot.BoxScale.x && P.y >= -0.5f * plot.BoxScale.y && P.y <= 0.5f * plot.BoxScale.y && P.z >= -0.5f * plot.BoxScale.z && P.z <= 0.5f * plot.BoxScale.z; }; // Handle mask (if one of the intersections is out of range, set it to NAN) if (mask) { switch (plane) { case ImPlane3D_YZ: if (!InRange(ImPlot3DPoint(0.0, P.y, P.z))) return ImPlot3DPoint(NAN, NAN, NAN); break; case ImPlane3D_XZ: if (!InRange(ImPlot3DPoint(P.x, 0.0, P.z))) return ImPlot3DPoint(NAN, NAN, NAN); break; case ImPlane3D_XY: if (!InRange(ImPlot3DPoint(P.x, P.y, 0.0))) return ImPlot3DPoint(NAN, NAN, NAN); break; } } return NDCToPlot(P); } ImPlot3DPoint PixelsToPlotPlane(double x, double y, ImPlane3D plane, bool mask) { return PixelsToPlotPlane(ImVec2((float)x, (float)y), plane, mask); } ImVec2 GetPlotPos() { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != nullptr, "GetPlotPos() needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); SetupLock(); return gp.CurrentPlot->PlotRect.Min; } ImVec2 GetPlotSize() { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != nullptr, "GetPlotSize() needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); SetupLock(); return gp.CurrentPlot->PlotRect.GetSize(); } ImVec2 GetFramePos() { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != nullptr, "GetFramePos() needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); return gp.CurrentPlot->FrameRect.Min; } ImVec2 GetFrameSize() { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != nullptr, "GetFrameSize() needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); return gp.CurrentPlot->FrameRect.GetSize(); } ImPlot3DPoint PlotToNDC(const ImPlot3DPoint& point) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != nullptr, "PlotToNDC() needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); ImPlot3DPlot& plot = *gp.CurrentPlot; SetupLock(); ImPlot3DPoint ndc_point; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { ImPlot3DAxis& axis = plot.Axes[i]; float ndc_range = 0.5f * plot.BoxScale[i]; float t = (point[i] - axis.Range.Min) / (axis.Range.Max - axis.Range.Min); t *= plot.BoxScale[i]; ndc_point[i] = ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(axis.Flags, ImPlot3DAxisFlags_Invert) ? (ndc_range - t) : (t - ndc_range); } return ndc_point; } ImPlot3DPoint NDCToPlot(const ImPlot3DPoint& point) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != nullptr, "NDCToPlot() needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); ImPlot3DPlot& plot = *gp.CurrentPlot; SetupLock(); ImPlot3DPoint plot_point; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { ImPlot3DAxis& axis = plot.Axes[i]; float ndc_range = 0.5f * plot.BoxScale[i]; float t = ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(axis.Flags, ImPlot3DAxisFlags_Invert) ? (ndc_range - point[i]) : (point[i] + ndc_range); t /= plot.BoxScale[i]; plot_point[i] = axis.Range.Min + t * (axis.Range.Max - axis.Range.Min); } return plot_point; } ImVec2 NDCToPixels(const ImPlot3DPoint& point) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != nullptr, "NDCToPixels() needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); ImPlot3DPlot& plot = *gp.CurrentPlot; SetupLock(); ImVec2 center = plot.PlotRect.GetCenter(); ImPlot3DPoint point_pix = plot.GetBoxZoom() * (plot.Rotation * point); point_pix.y *= -1.0f; // Invert y-axis point_pix.x += center.x; point_pix.y += center.y; return {point_pix.x, point_pix.y}; } ImPlot3DRay PixelsToNDCRay(const ImVec2& pix) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != nullptr, "PixelsToNDCRay() needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); ImPlot3DPlot& plot = *gp.CurrentPlot; SetupLock(); // Calculate zoom factor and plot center float zoom = plot.GetBoxZoom(); ImVec2 center = plot.PlotRect.GetCenter(); // Undo screen transformations to get back to NDC space float x = (pix.x - center.x) / zoom; float y = -(pix.y - center.y) / zoom; // Invert y-axis // Define near and far points in NDC space along the z-axis ImPlot3DPoint ndc_near = plot.Rotation.Inverse() * ImPlot3DPoint(x, y, -10.0f); ImPlot3DPoint ndc_far = plot.Rotation.Inverse() * ImPlot3DPoint(x, y, 10.0f); // Create the ray in NDC space ImPlot3DRay ndc_ray; ndc_ray.Origin = ndc_near; ndc_ray.Direction = (ndc_far - ndc_near).Normalized(); return ndc_ray; } ImPlot3DRay NDCRayToPlotRay(const ImPlot3DRay& ray) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != nullptr, "NDCRayToPlotRay() needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); SetupLock(); // Convert NDC origin and a point along the ray to plot coordinates ImPlot3DPoint plot_origin = NDCToPlot(ray.Origin); ImPlot3DPoint ndc_point_along_ray = ray.Origin + ray.Direction; ImPlot3DPoint plot_point_along_ray = NDCToPlot(ndc_point_along_ray); // Compute the direction in plot coordinates ImPlot3DPoint plot_direction = (plot_point_along_ray - plot_origin).Normalized(); // Create the ray in plot coordinates ImPlot3DRay plot_ray; plot_ray.Origin = plot_origin; plot_ray.Direction = plot_direction; return plot_ray; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [SECTION] Setup Utils //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static const float MOUSE_CURSOR_DRAG_THRESHOLD = 5.0f; static const float ANIMATION_ANGULAR_VELOCITY = 2 * 3.1415f; void HandleInput(ImPlot3DPlot& plot) { ImGuiIO& IO = ImGui::GetIO(); // clang-format off const ImGuiButtonFlags plot_button_flags = ImGuiButtonFlags_AllowOverlap | ImGuiButtonFlags_PressedOnClick | ImGuiButtonFlags_PressedOnDoubleClick | ImGuiButtonFlags_MouseButtonLeft | ImGuiButtonFlags_MouseButtonRight | ImGuiButtonFlags_MouseButtonMiddle; // clang-format on const bool plot_clicked = ImGui::ButtonBehavior(plot.PlotRect, plot.ID, &plot.Hovered, &plot.Held, plot_button_flags); #if (IMGUI_VERSION_NUM < 18966) ImGui::SetItemAllowOverlap(); // Handled by ButtonBehavior() #endif // State const ImVec2 rot_drag = ImGui::GetMouseDragDelta(ImGuiMouseButton_Right); const bool rotating = ImLengthSqr(rot_drag) > MOUSE_CURSOR_DRAG_THRESHOLD; // Check if any axis/plane is hovered const ImPlot3DQuat& rotation = plot.Rotation; ImPlot3DPoint range_min = plot.RangeMin(); ImPlot3DPoint range_max = plot.RangeMax(); bool active_faces[3]; int plane_2d = -1; ComputeActiveFaces(active_faces, rotation, plot.Axes, &plane_2d); ImPlot3DPoint corners[8]; ComputeBoxCorners(corners, range_min, range_max); ImVec2 corners_pix[8]; ComputeBoxCornersPix(corners_pix, corners); int hovered_plane_idx = -1; int hovered_plane = GetMouseOverPlane(plot, active_faces, corners_pix, &hovered_plane_idx); int hovered_edge_idx = -1; int hovered_axis = GetMouseOverAxis(plot, active_faces, corners_pix, plane_2d, &hovered_edge_idx); if (hovered_axis != -1) { hovered_plane_idx = -1; hovered_plane = -1; } // If the user is no longer pressing the translation/zoom buttons, set axes as not held if (!ImGui::IsMouseDown(ImGuiMouseButton_Left) && !ImGui::IsMouseDown(ImGuiMouseButton_Middle)) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) plot.Axes[i].Held = false; } // Reset held edge/plane indices (it will be set if mouse button is down) if (!plot.Held) { plot.HeldEdgeIdx = -1; plot.HeldPlaneIdx = -1; } // Check which axes should be transformed (fit/zoom/translate) bool any_axis_held = plot.Axes[0].Held || plot.Axes[1].Held || plot.Axes[2].Held; if (!any_axis_held) { // Only update the transformation axes if the user is not already performing a transformation plot.Axes[0].Hovered = plot.Axes[1].Hovered = plot.Axes[2].Hovered = false; if (hovered_axis != -1) { plot.Axes[hovered_axis].Hovered = true; } else if (hovered_plane != -1) { plot.Axes[(hovered_plane + 1) % 3].Hovered = true; plot.Axes[(hovered_plane + 2) % 3].Hovered = true; } else { plot.Axes[0].Hovered = plot.Axes[1].Hovered = plot.Axes[2].Hovered = true; } } // Compute plane that is being hovered by mouse ImPlane3D mouse_plane = ImPlane3D_XY; if (plane_2d != -1) mouse_plane = plane_2d; else if (plot.Axes[1].Hovered && plot.Axes[2].Hovered) mouse_plane = ImPlane3D_YZ; else if (plot.Axes[0].Hovered && plot.Axes[2].Hovered) mouse_plane = ImPlane3D_XZ; else if (plot.Axes[2].Hovered) mouse_plane = ImPlane3D_YZ; ImVec2 mouse_pos = ImGui::GetMousePos(); ImPlot3DPoint mouse_pos_plot = PixelsToPlotPlane(mouse_pos, mouse_plane, false); // Handle translation/zoom fit with double click if (plot_clicked && (ImGui::IsMouseDoubleClicked(ImGuiMouseButton_Left) || ImGui::IsMouseDoubleClicked(ImGuiMouseButton_Middle))) { plot.FitThisFrame = true; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) plot.Axes[i].FitThisFrame = plot.Axes[i].Hovered; } // Handle auto fit for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) if (plot.Axes[i].IsAutoFitting()) { plot.FitThisFrame = true; plot.Axes[i].FitThisFrame = true; } // Handle translation with right mouse button if (plot.Held && ImGui::IsMouseDown(ImGuiMouseButton_Left)) { ImVec2 delta(IO.MouseDelta.x, IO.MouseDelta.y); if (plot.Axes[0].Hovered && plot.Axes[1].Hovered && plot.Axes[2].Hovered) { // Perform unconstrained translation (translate on the viewer plane) // Compute delta_pixels in 3D (invert y-axis) ImPlot3DPoint delta_pixels(delta.x, -delta.y, 0.0f); // Convert delta to NDC space float zoom = plot.GetBoxZoom(); ImPlot3DPoint delta_NDC = plot.Rotation.Inverse() * (delta_pixels / zoom); // Convert delta to plot space ImPlot3DPoint delta_plot = delta_NDC * (plot.RangeMax() - plot.RangeMin()) / plot.BoxScale; // Adjust delta for inverted axes for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (ImHasFlag(plot.Axes[i].Flags, ImPlot3DAxisFlags_Invert)) delta_plot[i] *= -1; } // Adjust plot range to translate the plot for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (plot.Axes[i].Hovered) { if (!plot.Axes[i].IsInputLocked()) { plot.Axes[i].SetMin(plot.Axes[i].Range.Min - delta_plot[i]); plot.Axes[i].SetMax(plot.Axes[i].Range.Max - delta_plot[i]); } plot.Axes[i].Held = true; } // If no axis was held before (user started translating in this frame), set the held edge/plane indices if (!any_axis_held) { plot.HeldEdgeIdx = hovered_edge_idx; plot.HeldPlaneIdx = hovered_plane_idx; } } } else if (plot.Axes[0].Hovered || plot.Axes[1].Hovered || plot.Axes[2].Hovered) { // Translate along plane/axis // Mouse delta in pixels ImVec2 mouse_delta(IO.MouseDelta.x, IO.MouseDelta.y); ImPlot3DPoint mouse_delta_plot = PixelsToPlotPlane(mouse_pos + mouse_delta, mouse_plane, false); ImPlot3DPoint delta_plot = mouse_delta_plot - mouse_pos_plot; // Apply translation to the selected axes for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (plot.Axes[i].Hovered) { if (!plot.Axes[i].IsInputLocked()) { plot.Axes[i].SetMin(plot.Axes[i].Range.Min - delta_plot[i]); plot.Axes[i].SetMax(plot.Axes[i].Range.Max - delta_plot[i]); } plot.Axes[i].Held = true; } if (!any_axis_held) { plot.HeldEdgeIdx = hovered_edge_idx; plot.HeldPlaneIdx = hovered_plane_idx; } } } } // Handle context click with right mouse button if (plot.Held && ImGui::IsMouseClicked(ImGuiMouseButton_Right) && !ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(plot.Flags, ImPlot3DFlags_NoMenus)) plot.ContextClick = true; if (rotating || ImGui::IsMouseDoubleClicked(ImGuiMouseButton_Right)) plot.ContextClick = false; // Handle reset rotation with left mouse double click if (plot.Held && ImGui::IsMouseDoubleClicked(ImGuiMouseButton_Right)) { plot.RotationAnimationEnd = plot.Rotation; // Calculate rotation to align the z-axis with the camera direction if (hovered_plane == -1) { plot.RotationAnimationEnd = init_rotation; } else { // Compute plane normal ImPlot3DPoint axis_normal = ImPlot3DPoint(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); axis_normal[hovered_plane] = active_faces[hovered_plane] ? -1.0f : 1.0f; if (ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(plot.Axes[hovered_plane].Flags, ImPlot3DAxisFlags_Invert)) axis_normal[hovered_plane] *= -1; // Compute rotation to align the plane normal with the z-axis ImPlot3DQuat align_normal = ImPlot3DQuat::FromTwoVectors(plot.RotationAnimationEnd * axis_normal, ImPlot3DPoint(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); plot.RotationAnimationEnd = align_normal * plot.RotationAnimationEnd; if (hovered_plane != 2) { // Compute rotation to point z-axis up ImPlot3DQuat align_up = ImPlot3DQuat::FromTwoVectors(plot.RotationAnimationEnd * ImPlot3DPoint(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), ImPlot3DPoint(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); plot.RotationAnimationEnd = align_up * plot.RotationAnimationEnd; } else { // Find the axis most aligned with the up direction ImPlot3DPoint up(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); ImPlot3DPoint x_axis = plot.RotationAnimationEnd * ImPlot3DPoint(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); ImPlot3DPoint y_axis = plot.RotationAnimationEnd * ImPlot3DPoint(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); ImPlot3DPoint neg_x_axis = plot.RotationAnimationEnd * ImPlot3DPoint(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); ImPlot3DPoint neg_y_axis = plot.RotationAnimationEnd * ImPlot3DPoint(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f); struct AxisAlignment { ImPlot3DPoint axis; float dot; }; AxisAlignment candidates[] = { {x_axis, x_axis.Dot(up)}, {y_axis, y_axis.Dot(up)}, {neg_x_axis, neg_x_axis.Dot(up)}, {neg_y_axis, neg_y_axis.Dot(up)}, }; // Find the candidate with the maximum dot product AxisAlignment* best_candidate = &candidates[0]; for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i) { if (candidates[i].dot > best_candidate->dot) { best_candidate = &candidates[i]; } } // Compute the rotation to align the best candidate with the up direction ImPlot3DQuat align_up = ImPlot3DQuat::FromTwoVectors(best_candidate->axis, up); plot.RotationAnimationEnd = align_up * plot.RotationAnimationEnd; } } // Compute the angular distance between current and target rotation float dot_product = ImClamp(plot.Rotation.Dot(plot.RotationAnimationEnd), -1.0f, 1.0f); float angle = 2.0f * acosf(fabsf(dot_product)); // Calculate animation time for constant the angular velocity plot.AnimationTime = angle / ANIMATION_ANGULAR_VELOCITY; } // Handle rotation with left mouse dragging if (plot.Held && ImGui::IsMouseDown(ImGuiMouseButton_Right)) { ImVec2 delta(IO.MouseDelta.x, IO.MouseDelta.y); // Map delta to rotation angles (in radians) float angle_x = delta.x * (3.1415f / 180.0f); float angle_y = delta.y * (3.1415f / 180.0f); // Create quaternions for the rotations ImPlot3DQuat quat_x(angle_y, ImPlot3DPoint(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); ImPlot3DQuat quat_z(angle_x, ImPlot3DPoint(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); // Combine the new rotations with the current rotation plot.Rotation = quat_x * plot.Rotation * quat_z; plot.Rotation.Normalize(); } // Handle zoom with mouse wheel if (plot.Hovered && (ImGui::IsMouseDown(ImGuiMouseButton_Middle) || IO.MouseWheel != 0)) { float delta = ImGui::IsMouseDown(ImGuiMouseButton_Middle) ? (-0.01f * IO.MouseDelta.y) : (-0.1f * IO.MouseWheel); float zoom = 1.0f + delta; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { ImPlot3DAxis& axis = plot.Axes[i]; float size = axis.Range.Max - axis.Range.Min; float new_min, new_max; if (hovered_axis != -1 || hovered_plane != -1) { // If mouse over the plot box, zoom around the mouse plot position float new_size = size * zoom; // Calculate offset ratio of the mouse position relative to the axis range float offset = mouse_pos_plot[i] - axis.Range.Min; float ratio = offset / size; // Adjust the axis range to zoom around the mouse position new_min = mouse_pos_plot[i] - new_size * ratio; new_max = mouse_pos_plot[i] + new_size * (1.0f - ratio); } else { // If mouse is not over the plot box, zoom around the plot center float center = (axis.Range.Min + axis.Range.Max) * 0.5f; // Adjust the axis range to zoom around plot center new_min = center - zoom * size * 0.5f; new_max = center + zoom * size * 0.5f; } // Set new range after zoom if (plot.Axes[i].Hovered) { if (!plot.Axes[i].IsInputLocked()) { plot.Axes[i].SetMin(new_min); plot.Axes[i].SetMax(new_max); } plot.Axes[i].Held = true; } // If no axis was held before (user started zoom in this frame), set the held edge/plane indices if (!any_axis_held) { plot.HeldEdgeIdx = hovered_edge_idx; plot.HeldPlaneIdx = hovered_plane_idx; } } } // Handle context menu (should not happen if it is not a double click action) bool not_double_click = (float)(ImGui::GetTime() - IO.MouseClickedTime[ImGuiMouseButton_Right]) > IO.MouseDoubleClickTime; if (plot.Hovered && plot.ContextClick && not_double_click && !ImGui::IsMouseDown(ImGuiMouseButton_Right)) { plot.ContextClick = false; plot.OpenContextThisFrame = true; } if (plot.OpenContextThisFrame) { if (plot.Items.Legend.Hovered) ImGui::OpenPopup("##LegendContext"); else if (hovered_axis != -1) { ImGui::OpenPopup(axis_contexts[hovered_axis]); } else if (hovered_plane != -1) { ImGui::OpenPopup(plane_contexts[hovered_plane]); } else if (plot.Hovered) { ImGui::OpenPopup("##PlotContext"); } } } void SetupLock() { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentPlot != nullptr, "SetupLock() needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); ImPlot3DPlot& plot = *gp.CurrentPlot; if (plot.SetupLocked) return; // Lock setup plot.SetupLocked = true; ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui; ImGuiWindow* window = g.CurrentWindow; ImDrawList* draw_list = window->DrawList; ImGui::PushClipRect(plot.FrameRect.Min, plot.FrameRect.Max, true); // Set default formatter/locator for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { ImPlot3DAxis& axis = plot.Axes[i]; // Set formatter if (axis.Formatter == nullptr) { axis.Formatter = Formatter_Default; if (axis.FormatterData == nullptr) axis.FormatterData = (void*)IMPLOT3D_LABEL_FORMAT; } // Set locator if (axis.Locator == nullptr) axis.Locator = Locator_Default; } // Draw frame background ImU32 f_bg_color = GetStyleColorU32(ImPlot3DCol_FrameBg); draw_list->AddRectFilled(plot.FrameRect.Min, plot.FrameRect.Max, f_bg_color); // Compute canvas/canvas rectangle plot.CanvasRect = ImRect(plot.FrameRect.Min + gp.Style.PlotPadding, plot.FrameRect.Max - gp.Style.PlotPadding); plot.PlotRect = plot.CanvasRect; // Compute ticks for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { ImPlot3DAxis& axis = plot.Axes[i]; if (axis.ShowDefaultTicks) { float pixels = plot.GetBoxZoom() * plot.BoxScale[i]; axis.Locator(axis.Ticker, axis.Range, pixels, axis.Formatter, axis.FormatterData); } } // Render title if (plot.HasTitle()) { ImU32 col = GetStyleColorU32(ImPlot3DCol_TitleText); ImVec2 top_center = ImVec2(plot.FrameRect.GetCenter().x, plot.CanvasRect.Min.y); AddTextCentered(draw_list, top_center, col, plot.GetTitle()); plot.PlotRect.Min.y += ImGui::GetTextLineHeight() + gp.Style.LabelPadding.y; } // Handle animation if (plot.AnimationTime > 0.0f) { float dt = ImGui::GetIO().DeltaTime; float t = ImClamp(dt / plot.AnimationTime, 0.0f, 1.0f); plot.AnimationTime -= dt; if (plot.AnimationTime < 0.0f) plot.AnimationTime = 0.0f; plot.Rotation = ImPlot3DQuat::Slerp(plot.Rotation, plot.RotationAnimationEnd, t); } plot.Initialized = true; // Handle user input HandleInput(plot); // Render plot box RenderPlotBox(draw_list, plot); ImGui::PopClipRect(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [SECTION] Miscellaneous //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ImDrawList* GetPlotDrawList() { return ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [SECTION] Styles //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct ImPlot3DStyleVarInfo { ImGuiDataType Type; ImU32 Count; ImU32 Offset; void* GetVarPtr(ImPlot3DStyle* style) const { return (void*)((unsigned char*)style + Offset); } }; static const ImPlot3DStyleVarInfo GPlot3DStyleVarInfo[] = { // Item style {ImGuiDataType_Float, 1, (ImU32)offsetof(ImPlot3DStyle, LineWeight)}, // ImPlot3DStyleVar_LineWeight {ImGuiDataType_S32, 1, (ImU32)offsetof(ImPlot3DStyle, Marker)}, // ImPlot3DStyleVar_Marker {ImGuiDataType_Float, 1, (ImU32)offsetof(ImPlot3DStyle, MarkerSize)}, // ImPlot3DStyleVar_MarkerSize {ImGuiDataType_Float, 1, (ImU32)offsetof(ImPlot3DStyle, MarkerWeight)}, // ImPlot3DStyleVar_MarkerWeight {ImGuiDataType_Float, 1, (ImU32)offsetof(ImPlot3DStyle, FillAlpha)}, // ImPlot3DStyleVar_FillAlpha // Plot style {ImGuiDataType_Float, 2, (ImU32)offsetof(ImPlot3DStyle, PlotDefaultSize)}, // ImPlot3DStyleVar_Plot3DDefaultSize {ImGuiDataType_Float, 2, (ImU32)offsetof(ImPlot3DStyle, PlotMinSize)}, // ImPlot3DStyleVar_Plot3DMinSize {ImGuiDataType_Float, 2, (ImU32)offsetof(ImPlot3DStyle, PlotPadding)}, // ImPlot3DStyleVar_Plot3DPadding // Label style {ImGuiDataType_Float, 2, (ImU32)offsetof(ImPlot3DStyle, LabelPadding)}, // ImPlot3DStyleVar_LabelPaddine {ImGuiDataType_Float, 2, (ImU32)offsetof(ImPlot3DStyle, LegendPadding)}, // ImPlot3DStyleVar_LegendPadding {ImGuiDataType_Float, 2, (ImU32)offsetof(ImPlot3DStyle, LegendInnerPadding)}, // ImPlot3DStyleVar_LegendInnerPadding {ImGuiDataType_Float, 2, (ImU32)offsetof(ImPlot3DStyle, LegendSpacing)}, // ImPlot3DStyleVar_LegendSpacing }; static const ImPlot3DStyleVarInfo* GetPlotStyleVarInfo(ImPlot3DStyleVar idx) { IM_ASSERT(idx >= 0 && idx < ImPlot3DStyleVar_COUNT); IM_ASSERT(IM_ARRAYSIZE(GPlot3DStyleVarInfo) == ImPlot3DStyleVar_COUNT); return &GPlot3DStyleVarInfo[idx]; } ImPlot3DStyle& GetStyle() { return GImPlot3D->Style; } void StyleColorsAuto(ImPlot3DStyle* dst) { ImPlot3DStyle* style = dst ? dst : &ImPlot3D::GetStyle(); ImVec4* colors = style->Colors; colors[ImPlot3DCol_Line] = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; colors[ImPlot3DCol_Fill] = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; colors[ImPlot3DCol_MarkerOutline] = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; colors[ImPlot3DCol_MarkerFill] = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; colors[ImPlot3DCol_TitleText] = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; colors[ImPlot3DCol_InlayText] = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; colors[ImPlot3DCol_FrameBg] = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; colors[ImPlot3DCol_PlotBg] = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; colors[ImPlot3DCol_PlotBorder] = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; colors[ImPlot3DCol_LegendBg] = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; colors[ImPlot3DCol_LegendBorder] = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; colors[ImPlot3DCol_LegendText] = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; colors[ImPlot3DCol_AxisText] = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; colors[ImPlot3DCol_AxisGrid] = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; colors[ImPlot3DCol_AxisTick] = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; } void StyleColorsDark(ImPlot3DStyle* dst) { ImPlot3DStyle* style = dst ? dst : &ImPlot3D::GetStyle(); ImVec4* colors = style->Colors; colors[ImPlot3DCol_Line] = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; colors[ImPlot3DCol_Fill] = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; colors[ImPlot3DCol_MarkerOutline] = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; colors[ImPlot3DCol_MarkerFill] = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; colors[ImPlot3DCol_TitleText] = ImVec4(1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f); colors[ImPlot3DCol_InlayText] = ImVec4(1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f); colors[ImPlot3DCol_FrameBg] = ImVec4(1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 0.07f); colors[ImPlot3DCol_PlotBg] = ImVec4(0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.50f); colors[ImPlot3DCol_PlotBorder] = ImVec4(0.43f, 0.43f, 0.50f, 0.50f); colors[ImPlot3DCol_LegendBg] = ImVec4(0.08f, 0.08f, 0.08f, 0.94f); colors[ImPlot3DCol_LegendBorder] = ImVec4(0.43f, 0.43f, 0.50f, 0.50f); colors[ImPlot3DCol_LegendText] = ImVec4(1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f); colors[ImPlot3DCol_AxisText] = ImVec4(1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f); colors[ImPlot3DCol_AxisGrid] = ImVec4(1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 0.25f); colors[ImPlot3DCol_AxisTick] = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; } void StyleColorsLight(ImPlot3DStyle* dst) { ImPlot3DStyle* style = dst ? dst : &ImPlot3D::GetStyle(); ImVec4* colors = style->Colors; colors[ImPlot3DCol_Line] = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; colors[ImPlot3DCol_Fill] = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; colors[ImPlot3DCol_MarkerOutline] = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; colors[ImPlot3DCol_MarkerFill] = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; colors[ImPlot3DCol_TitleText] = ImVec4(0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 1.00f); colors[ImPlot3DCol_InlayText] = ImVec4(0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 1.00f); colors[ImPlot3DCol_FrameBg] = ImVec4(1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f); colors[ImPlot3DCol_PlotBg] = ImVec4(0.42f, 0.57f, 1.00f, 0.13f); colors[ImPlot3DCol_PlotBorder] = ImVec4(0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f); colors[ImPlot3DCol_LegendBg] = ImVec4(1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 0.98f); colors[ImPlot3DCol_LegendBorder] = ImVec4(0.82f, 0.82f, 0.82f, 0.80f); colors[ImPlot3DCol_LegendText] = ImVec4(0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 1.00f); colors[ImPlot3DCol_AxisText] = ImVec4(0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 1.00f); colors[ImPlot3DCol_AxisGrid] = ImVec4(1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f); colors[ImPlot3DCol_AxisTick] = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; } void StyleColorsClassic(ImPlot3DStyle* dst) { ImPlot3DStyle* style = dst ? dst : &ImPlot3D::GetStyle(); ImVec4* colors = style->Colors; colors[ImPlot3DCol_Line] = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; colors[ImPlot3DCol_Fill] = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; colors[ImPlot3DCol_MarkerOutline] = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; colors[ImPlot3DCol_MarkerFill] = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; colors[ImPlot3DCol_TitleText] = ImVec4(0.90f, 0.90f, 0.90f, 1.00f); colors[ImPlot3DCol_InlayText] = ImVec4(0.90f, 0.90f, 0.90f, 1.00f); colors[ImPlot3DCol_FrameBg] = ImVec4(0.43f, 0.43f, 0.43f, 0.39f); colors[ImPlot3DCol_PlotBg] = ImVec4(0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.35f); colors[ImPlot3DCol_PlotBorder] = ImVec4(0.50f, 0.50f, 0.50f, 0.50f); colors[ImPlot3DCol_LegendBg] = ImVec4(0.11f, 0.11f, 0.14f, 0.92f); colors[ImPlot3DCol_LegendBorder] = ImVec4(0.50f, 0.50f, 0.50f, 0.50f); colors[ImPlot3DCol_LegendText] = ImVec4(0.90f, 0.90f, 0.90f, 1.00f); colors[ImPlot3DCol_AxisText] = ImVec4(0.90f, 0.90f, 0.90f, 1.00f); colors[ImPlot3DCol_AxisGrid] = ImVec4(0.90f, 0.90f, 0.90f, 0.25f); colors[ImPlot3DCol_AxisTick] = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; } void PushStyleColor(ImPlot3DCol idx, ImU32 col) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; ImGuiColorMod backup; backup.Col = (ImGuiCol)idx; backup.BackupValue = gp.Style.Colors[idx]; gp.ColorModifiers.push_back(backup); gp.Style.Colors[idx] = ImGui::ColorConvertU32ToFloat4(col); } void PushStyleColor(ImPlot3DCol idx, const ImVec4& col) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; ImGuiColorMod backup; backup.Col = (ImGuiCol)idx; backup.BackupValue = gp.Style.Colors[idx]; gp.ColorModifiers.push_back(backup); gp.Style.Colors[idx] = col; } void PopStyleColor(int count) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(count <= gp.ColorModifiers.Size, "You can't pop more modifiers than have been pushed!"); while (count > 0) { ImGuiColorMod& backup = gp.ColorModifiers.back(); gp.Style.Colors[backup.Col] = backup.BackupValue; gp.ColorModifiers.pop_back(); count--; } } void PushStyleVar(ImPlot3DStyleVar idx, float val) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; const ImPlot3DStyleVarInfo* var_info = GetPlotStyleVarInfo(idx); if (var_info->Type == ImGuiDataType_Float && var_info->Count == 1) { float* pvar = (float*)var_info->GetVarPtr(&gp.Style); gp.StyleModifiers.push_back(ImGuiStyleMod((ImGuiStyleVar)idx, *pvar)); *pvar = val; return; } IM_ASSERT(0 && "Called PushStyleVar() float variant but variable is not a float!"); } void PushStyleVar(ImPlot3DStyleVar idx, int val) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; const ImPlot3DStyleVarInfo* var_info = GetPlotStyleVarInfo(idx); if (var_info->Type == ImGuiDataType_S32 && var_info->Count == 1) { int* pvar = (int*)var_info->GetVarPtr(&gp.Style); gp.StyleModifiers.push_back(ImGuiStyleMod((ImGuiStyleVar)idx, *pvar)); *pvar = val; return; } else if (var_info->Type == ImGuiDataType_Float && var_info->Count == 1) { float* pvar = (float*)var_info->GetVarPtr(&gp.Style); gp.StyleModifiers.push_back(ImGuiStyleMod((ImGuiStyleVar)idx, *pvar)); *pvar = (float)val; return; } IM_ASSERT(0 && "Called PushStyleVar() int variant but variable is not a int!"); } void PushStyleVar(ImPlot3DStyleVar idx, const ImVec2& val) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; const ImPlot3DStyleVarInfo* var_info = GetPlotStyleVarInfo(idx); if (var_info->Type == ImGuiDataType_Float && var_info->Count == 2) { ImVec2* pvar = (ImVec2*)var_info->GetVarPtr(&gp.Style); gp.StyleModifiers.push_back(ImGuiStyleMod((ImGuiStyleVar)idx, *pvar)); *pvar = val; return; } IM_ASSERT(0 && "Called PushStyleVar() ImVec2 variant but variable is not a ImVec2!"); } void PopStyleVar(int count) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(count <= gp.StyleModifiers.Size, "You can't pop more modifiers than have been pushed!"); while (count > 0) { ImGuiStyleMod& backup = gp.StyleModifiers.back(); const ImPlot3DStyleVarInfo* info = GetPlotStyleVarInfo(backup.VarIdx); void* data = info->GetVarPtr(&gp.Style); if (info->Type == ImGuiDataType_Float && info->Count == 1) { ((float*)data)[0] = backup.BackupFloat[0]; } else if (info->Type == ImGuiDataType_Float && info->Count == 2) { ((float*)data)[0] = backup.BackupFloat[0]; ((float*)data)[1] = backup.BackupFloat[1]; } else if (info->Type == ImGuiDataType_S32 && info->Count == 1) { ((int*)data)[0] = backup.BackupInt[0]; } gp.StyleModifiers.pop_back(); count--; } } ImVec4 GetStyleColorVec4(ImPlot3DCol idx) { return IsColorAuto(idx) ? GetAutoColor(idx) : GImPlot3D->Style.Colors[idx]; } ImU32 GetStyleColorU32(ImPlot3DCol idx) { return ImGui::ColorConvertFloat4ToU32(ImPlot3D::GetStyleColorVec4(idx)); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // [SECTION] Colormaps //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ImPlot3DColormap AddColormap(const char* name, const ImVec4* colormap, int size, bool qual) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(size > 1, "The colormap size must be greater than 1!"); IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.ColormapData.GetIndex(name) == -1, "The colormap name has already been used!"); ImVector buffer; buffer.resize(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) buffer[i] = ImGui::ColorConvertFloat4ToU32(colormap[i]); return gp.ColormapData.Append(name, buffer.Data, size, qual); } ImPlot3DColormap AddColormap(const char* name, const ImU32* colormap, int size, bool qual) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(size > 1, "The colormap size must be greater than 1!"); IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.ColormapData.GetIndex(name) == -1, "The colormap name has already be used!"); return gp.ColormapData.Append(name, colormap, size, qual); } int GetColormapCount() { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; return gp.ColormapData.Count; } const char* GetColormapName(ImPlot3DColormap colormap) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; return gp.ColormapData.GetName(colormap); } ImPlot3DColormap GetColormapIndex(const char* name) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; return gp.ColormapData.GetIndex(name); } void PushColormap(ImPlot3DColormap colormap) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(colormap >= 0 && colormap < gp.ColormapData.Count, "The colormap index is invalid!"); gp.ColormapModifiers.push_back(gp.Style.Colormap); gp.Style.Colormap = colormap; } void PushColormap(const char* name) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; ImPlot3DColormap idx = gp.ColormapData.GetIndex(name); IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(idx != -1, "The colormap name is invalid!"); PushColormap(idx); } void PopColormap(int count) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(count <= gp.ColormapModifiers.Size, "You can't pop more modifiers than have been pushed!"); while (count > 0) { const ImPlot3DColormap& backup = gp.ColormapModifiers.back(); gp.Style.Colormap = backup; gp.ColormapModifiers.pop_back(); count--; } } ImU32 NextColormapColorU32() { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(gp.CurrentItems != nullptr, "NextColormapColor() needs to be called between BeginPlot() and EndPlot()!"); int idx = gp.CurrentItems->ColormapIdx % gp.ColormapData.GetKeyCount(gp.Style.Colormap); ImU32 col = gp.ColormapData.GetKeyColor(gp.Style.Colormap, idx); gp.CurrentItems->ColormapIdx++; return col; } ImVec4 NextColormapColor() { return ImGui::ColorConvertU32ToFloat4(NextColormapColorU32()); } int GetColormapSize(ImPlot3DColormap cmap) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; cmap = cmap == IMPLOT3D_AUTO ? gp.Style.Colormap : cmap; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(cmap >= 0 && cmap < gp.ColormapData.Count, "Invalid colormap index!"); return gp.ColormapData.GetKeyCount(cmap); } ImU32 GetColormapColorU32(int idx, ImPlot3DColormap cmap) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; cmap = cmap == IMPLOT3D_AUTO ? gp.Style.Colormap : cmap; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(cmap >= 0 && cmap < gp.ColormapData.Count, "Invalid colormap index!"); idx = idx % gp.ColormapData.GetKeyCount(cmap); return gp.ColormapData.GetKeyColor(cmap, idx); } ImVec4 GetColormapColor(int idx, ImPlot3DColormap cmap) { return ImGui::ColorConvertU32ToFloat4(GetColormapColorU32(idx, cmap)); } ImU32 SampleColormapU32(float t, ImPlot3DColormap cmap) { ImPlot3DContext& gp = *GImPlot3D; cmap = cmap == IMPLOT3D_AUTO ? gp.Style.Colormap : cmap; IM_ASSERT_USER_ERROR(cmap >= 0 && cmap < gp.ColormapData.Count, "Invalid colormap index!"); return gp.ColormapData.LerpTable(cmap, t); } ImVec4 SampleColormap(float t, ImPlot3DColormap cmap) { return ImGui::ColorConvertU32ToFloat4(SampleColormapU32(t, cmap)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [SECTION] Context Utils //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define IMPLOT3D_APPEND_CMAP(name, qual) ctx->ColormapData.Append(#name, name, sizeof(name) / sizeof(ImU32), qual) #define IM_RGB(r, g, b) IM_COL32(r, g, b, 255) void InitializeContext(ImPlot3DContext* ctx) { ResetContext(ctx); const ImU32 Deep[] = {4289753676, 4283598045, 4285048917, 4283584196, 4289950337, 4284512403, 4291005402, 4287401100, 4285839820, 4291671396}; const ImU32 Dark[] = {4280031972, 4290281015, 4283084621, 4288892568, 4278222847, 4281597951, 4280833702, 4290740727, 4288256409}; const ImU32 Pastel[] = {4289639675, 4293119411, 4291161036, 4293184478, 4289124862, 4291624959, 4290631909, 4293712637, 4294111986}; const ImU32 Paired[] = {4293119554, 4290017311, 4287291314, 4281114675, 4288256763, 4280031971, 4285513725, 4278222847, 4292260554, 4288298346, 4288282623, 4280834481}; const ImU32 Viridis[] = {4283695428, 4285867080, 4287054913, 4287455029, 4287526954, 4287402273, 4286883874, 4285579076, 4283552122, 4280737725, 4280674301}; const ImU32 Plasma[] = {4287039501, 4288480321, 4289200234, 4288941455, 4287638193, 4286072780, 4284638433, 4283139314, 4281771772, 4280667900, 4280416752}; const ImU32 Hot[] = {4278190144, 4278190208, 4278190271, 4278190335, 4278206719, 4278223103, 4278239231, 4278255615, 4283826175, 4289396735, 4294967295}; const ImU32 Cool[] = {4294967040, 4294960666, 4294954035, 4294947661, 4294941030, 4294934656, 4294928025, 4294921651, 4294915020, 4294908646, 4294902015}; const ImU32 Pink[] = {4278190154, 4282532475, 4284308894, 4285690554, 4286879686, 4287870160, 4288794330, 4289651940, 4291685869, 4293392118, 4294967295}; const ImU32 Jet[] = {4289331200, 4294901760, 4294923520, 4294945280, 4294967040, 4289396565, 4283826090, 4278255615, 4278233855, 4278212095, 4278190335}; const ImU32 Twilight[] = {IM_RGB(226, 217, 226), IM_RGB(166, 191, 202), IM_RGB(109, 144, 192), IM_RGB(95, 88, 176), IM_RGB(83, 30, 124), IM_RGB(47, 20, 54), IM_RGB(100, 25, 75), IM_RGB(159, 60, 80), IM_RGB(192, 117, 94), IM_RGB(208, 179, 158), IM_RGB(226, 217, 226)}; const ImU32 RdBu[] = {IM_RGB(103, 0, 31), IM_RGB(178, 24, 43), IM_RGB(214, 96, 77), IM_RGB(244, 165, 130), IM_RGB(253, 219, 199), IM_RGB(247, 247, 247), IM_RGB(209, 229, 240), IM_RGB(146, 197, 222), IM_RGB(67, 147, 195), IM_RGB(33, 102, 172), IM_RGB(5, 48, 97)}; const ImU32 BrBG[] = {IM_RGB(84, 48, 5), IM_RGB(140, 81, 10), IM_RGB(191, 129, 45), IM_RGB(223, 194, 125), IM_RGB(246, 232, 195), IM_RGB(245, 245, 245), IM_RGB(199, 234, 229), IM_RGB(128, 205, 193), IM_RGB(53, 151, 143), IM_RGB(1, 102, 94), IM_RGB(0, 60, 48)}; const ImU32 PiYG[] = {IM_RGB(142, 1, 82), IM_RGB(197, 27, 125), IM_RGB(222, 119, 174), IM_RGB(241, 182, 218), IM_RGB(253, 224, 239), IM_RGB(247, 247, 247), IM_RGB(230, 245, 208), IM_RGB(184, 225, 134), IM_RGB(127, 188, 65), IM_RGB(77, 146, 33), IM_RGB(39, 100, 25)}; const ImU32 Spectral[] = {IM_RGB(158, 1, 66), IM_RGB(213, 62, 79), IM_RGB(244, 109, 67), IM_RGB(253, 174, 97), IM_RGB(254, 224, 139), IM_RGB(255, 255, 191), IM_RGB(230, 245, 152), IM_RGB(171, 221, 164), IM_RGB(102, 194, 165), IM_RGB(50, 136, 189), IM_RGB(94, 79, 162)}; const ImU32 Greys[] = {IM_COL32_WHITE, IM_COL32_BLACK}; IMPLOT3D_APPEND_CMAP(Deep, true); IMPLOT3D_APPEND_CMAP(Dark, true); IMPLOT3D_APPEND_CMAP(Pastel, true); IMPLOT3D_APPEND_CMAP(Paired, true); IMPLOT3D_APPEND_CMAP(Viridis, false); IMPLOT3D_APPEND_CMAP(Plasma, false); IMPLOT3D_APPEND_CMAP(Hot, false); IMPLOT3D_APPEND_CMAP(Cool, false); IMPLOT3D_APPEND_CMAP(Pink, false); IMPLOT3D_APPEND_CMAP(Jet, false); IMPLOT3D_APPEND_CMAP(Twilight, false); IMPLOT3D_APPEND_CMAP(RdBu, false); IMPLOT3D_APPEND_CMAP(BrBG, false); IMPLOT3D_APPEND_CMAP(PiYG, false); IMPLOT3D_APPEND_CMAP(Spectral, false); IMPLOT3D_APPEND_CMAP(Greys, false); } void ResetContext(ImPlot3DContext* ctx) { ctx->Plots.Clear(); ctx->CurrentPlot = nullptr; ctx->CurrentItems = nullptr; ctx->NextItemData.Reset(); ctx->Style = ImPlot3DStyle(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [SECTION] Style Utils //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool IsColorAuto(const ImVec4& col) { return col.w == -1.0f; } bool IsColorAuto(ImPlot3DCol idx) { return IsColorAuto(GImPlot3D->Style.Colors[idx]); } ImVec4 GetAutoColor(ImPlot3DCol idx) { switch (idx) { case ImPlot3DCol_Line: return IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; // Plot dependent case ImPlot3DCol_Fill: return IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; // Plot dependent case ImPlot3DCol_MarkerOutline: return IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; // Plot dependent case ImPlot3DCol_MarkerFill: return IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; // Plot dependent case ImPlot3DCol_TitleText: return ImGui::GetStyleColorVec4(ImGuiCol_Text); case ImPlot3DCol_InlayText: return ImGui::GetStyleColorVec4(ImGuiCol_Text); case ImPlot3DCol_FrameBg: return ImGui::GetStyleColorVec4(ImGuiCol_FrameBg); case ImPlot3DCol_PlotBg: return ImGui::GetStyleColorVec4(ImGuiCol_WindowBg); case ImPlot3DCol_PlotBorder: return ImGui::GetStyleColorVec4(ImGuiCol_Border); case ImPlot3DCol_LegendBg: return ImGui::GetStyleColorVec4(ImGuiCol_PopupBg); case ImPlot3DCol_LegendBorder: return ImGui::GetStyleColorVec4(ImGuiCol_Border); case ImPlot3DCol_LegendText: return ImGui::GetStyleColorVec4(ImGuiCol_Text); case ImPlot3DCol_AxisText: return ImGui::GetStyleColorVec4(ImGuiCol_Text); case ImPlot3DCol_AxisGrid: return ImGui::GetStyleColorVec4(ImGuiCol_Text) * ImVec4(1, 1, 1, 0.25f); case ImPlot3DCol_AxisTick: return GetStyleColorVec4(ImPlot3DCol_AxisGrid); default: return IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL; } } const char* GetStyleColorName(ImPlot3DCol idx) { static const char* color_names[ImPlot3DCol_COUNT] = { "Line", "Fill", "MarkerOutline", "MarkerFill", "TitleText", "InlayText", "FrameBg", "PlotBg", "PlotBorder", "LegendBg", "LegendBorder", "LegendText", "AxisText", "AxisGrid", "AxisTick", }; return color_names[idx]; } const ImPlot3DNextItemData& GetItemData() { return GImPlot3D->NextItemData; } } // namespace ImPlot3D //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [SECTION] ImPlot3DPoint //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ImPlot3DPoint ImPlot3DPoint::operator*(float rhs) const { return ImPlot3DPoint(x * rhs, y * rhs, z * rhs); } ImPlot3DPoint ImPlot3DPoint::operator/(float rhs) const { return ImPlot3DPoint(x / rhs, y / rhs, z / rhs); } ImPlot3DPoint ImPlot3DPoint::operator+(const ImPlot3DPoint& rhs) const { return ImPlot3DPoint(x + rhs.x, y + rhs.y, z + rhs.z); } ImPlot3DPoint ImPlot3DPoint::operator-(const ImPlot3DPoint& rhs) const { return ImPlot3DPoint(x - rhs.x, y - rhs.y, z - rhs.z); } ImPlot3DPoint ImPlot3DPoint::operator*(const ImPlot3DPoint& rhs) const { return ImPlot3DPoint(x * rhs.x, y * rhs.y, z * rhs.z); } ImPlot3DPoint ImPlot3DPoint::operator/(const ImPlot3DPoint& rhs) const { return ImPlot3DPoint(x / rhs.x, y / rhs.y, z / rhs.z); } ImPlot3DPoint ImPlot3DPoint::operator-() const { return ImPlot3DPoint(-x, -y, -z); } ImPlot3DPoint& ImPlot3DPoint::operator*=(float rhs) { x *= rhs; y *= rhs; z *= rhs; return *this; } ImPlot3DPoint& ImPlot3DPoint::operator/=(float rhs) { x /= rhs; y /= rhs; z /= rhs; return *this; } ImPlot3DPoint& ImPlot3DPoint::operator+=(const ImPlot3DPoint& rhs) { x += rhs.x; y += rhs.y; z += rhs.z; return *this; } ImPlot3DPoint& ImPlot3DPoint::operator-=(const ImPlot3DPoint& rhs) { x -= rhs.x; y -= rhs.y; z -= rhs.z; return *this; } ImPlot3DPoint& ImPlot3DPoint::operator*=(const ImPlot3DPoint& rhs) { x *= rhs.x; y *= rhs.y; z *= rhs.z; return *this; } ImPlot3DPoint& ImPlot3DPoint::operator/=(const ImPlot3DPoint& rhs) { x /= rhs.x; y /= rhs.y; z /= rhs.z; return *this; } bool ImPlot3DPoint::operator==(const ImPlot3DPoint& rhs) const { return x == rhs.x && y == rhs.y && z == rhs.z; } bool ImPlot3DPoint::operator!=(const ImPlot3DPoint& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } float ImPlot3DPoint::Dot(const ImPlot3DPoint& rhs) const { return x * rhs.x + y * rhs.y + z * rhs.z; } ImPlot3DPoint ImPlot3DPoint::Cross(const ImPlot3DPoint& rhs) const { return ImPlot3DPoint(y * rhs.z - z * rhs.y, z * rhs.x - x * rhs.z, x * rhs.y - y * rhs.x); } float ImPlot3DPoint::Length() const { return ImSqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z); } float ImPlot3DPoint::LengthSquared() const { return x * x + y * y + z * z; } void ImPlot3DPoint::Normalize() { float l = Length(); x /= l; y /= l; z /= l; } ImPlot3DPoint ImPlot3DPoint::Normalized() const { float l = Length(); return ImPlot3DPoint(x / l, y / l, z / l); } ImPlot3DPoint operator*(float lhs, const ImPlot3DPoint& rhs) { return ImPlot3DPoint(lhs * rhs.x, lhs * rhs.y, lhs * rhs.z); } bool ImPlot3DPoint::IsNaN() const { return ImPlot3D::ImNan(x) || ImPlot3D::ImNan(y) || ImPlot3D::ImNan(z); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [SECTION] ImPlot3DBox //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImPlot3DBox::Expand(const ImPlot3DPoint& point) { Min.x = ImMin(Min.x, point.x); Min.y = ImMin(Min.y, point.y); Min.z = ImMin(Min.z, point.z); Max.x = ImMax(Max.x, point.x); Max.y = ImMax(Max.y, point.y); Max.z = ImMax(Max.z, point.z); } bool ImPlot3DBox::Contains(const ImPlot3DPoint& point) const { return (point.x >= Min.x && point.x <= Max.x) && (point.y >= Min.y && point.y <= Max.y) && (point.z >= Min.z && point.z <= Max.z); } bool ImPlot3DBox::ClipLineSegment(const ImPlot3DPoint& p0, const ImPlot3DPoint& p1, ImPlot3DPoint& p0_clipped, ImPlot3DPoint& p1_clipped) const { // Check if the line segment is completely inside the box if (Contains(p0) && Contains(p1)) { p0_clipped = p0; p1_clipped = p1; return true; } // Perform Liang-Barsky 3D clipping double t0 = 0.0; double t1 = 1.0; ImPlot3DPoint d = p1 - p0; // Define the clipping boundaries const double xmin = Min.x, xmax = Max.x; const double ymin = Min.y, ymax = Max.y; const double zmin = Min.z, zmax = Max.z; // Lambda function to update t0 and t1 auto update = [&](double p, double q) -> bool { if (p == 0.0) { if (q < 0.0) return false; // Line is parallel and outside the boundary else return true; // Line is parallel and inside or coincident with boundary } double r = q / p; if (p < 0.0) { if (r > t1) return false; // Line is outside if (r > t0) t0 = r; // Move up t0 } else { if (r < t0) return false; // Line is outside if (r < t1) t1 = r; // Move down t1 } return true; }; // Clip against each boundary if (!update(-d.x, p0.x - xmin)) return false; // Left if (!update(d.x, xmax - p0.x)) return false; // Right if (!update(-d.y, p0.y - ymin)) return false; // Bottom if (!update(d.y, ymax - p0.y)) return false; // Top if (!update(-d.z, p0.z - zmin)) return false; // Near if (!update(d.z, zmax - p0.z)) return false; // Far // Compute clipped points p0_clipped = p0 + d * (float)t0; p1_clipped = p0 + d * (float)t1; return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [SECTION] ImPlot3DRange //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImPlot3DRange::Expand(float value) { Min = ImMin(Min, value); Max = ImMax(Max, value); } bool ImPlot3DRange::Contains(float value) const { return value >= Min && value <= Max; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [SECTION] ImPlot3DQuat //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ImPlot3DQuat::ImPlot3DQuat(float _angle, const ImPlot3DPoint& _axis) { float half_angle = _angle * 0.5f; float s = ImSin(half_angle); x = s * _axis.x; y = s * _axis.y; z = s * _axis.z; w = ImCos(half_angle); } ImPlot3DQuat ImPlot3DQuat::FromTwoVectors(const ImPlot3DPoint& v0, const ImPlot3DPoint& v1) { ImPlot3DQuat q; // Compute the dot product and lengths of the vectors float dot = v0.Dot(v1); float length_v0 = v0.Length(); float length_v1 = v1.Length(); // Normalize the dot product float normalized_dot = dot / (length_v0 * length_v1); // Handle edge cases: if vectors are very close or identical const float epsilon = 1e-6f; if (ImFabs(normalized_dot - 1.0f) < epsilon) { // v0 and v1 are nearly identical; return an identity quaternion q.x = 0.0f; q.y = 0.0f; q.z = 0.0f; q.w = 1.0f; return q; } // Handle edge case: if vectors are opposite if (ImFabs(normalized_dot + 1.0f) < epsilon) { // v0 and v1 are opposite; choose an arbitrary orthogonal axis ImPlot3DPoint arbitrary_axis = ImFabs(v0.x) > ImFabs(v0.z) ? ImPlot3DPoint(-v0.y, v0.x, 0.0f) : ImPlot3DPoint(0.0f, -v0.z, v0.y); arbitrary_axis.Normalize(); q.x = arbitrary_axis.x; q.y = arbitrary_axis.y; q.z = arbitrary_axis.z; q.w = 0.0f; return q; } // General case ImPlot3DPoint axis = v0.Cross(v1); axis.Normalize(); float angle = ImAcos(normalized_dot); float half_angle = angle * 0.5f; float s = ImSin(half_angle); q.x = s * axis.x; q.y = s * axis.y; q.z = s * axis.z; q.w = ImCos(half_angle); return q; } float ImPlot3DQuat::Length() const { return ImSqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z + w * w); } ImPlot3DQuat ImPlot3DQuat::Normalized() const { float l = Length(); return ImPlot3DQuat(x / l, y / l, z / l, w / l); } ImPlot3DQuat ImPlot3DQuat::Conjugate() const { return ImPlot3DQuat(-x, -y, -z, w); } ImPlot3DQuat ImPlot3DQuat::Inverse() const { float l_squared = x * x + y * y + z * z + w * w; return ImPlot3DQuat(-x / l_squared, -y / l_squared, -z / l_squared, w / l_squared); } ImPlot3DQuat ImPlot3DQuat::operator*(const ImPlot3DQuat& rhs) const { return ImPlot3DQuat( w * rhs.x + x * rhs.w + y * rhs.z - z * rhs.y, w * rhs.y - x * rhs.z + y * rhs.w + z * rhs.x, w * rhs.z + x * rhs.y - y * rhs.x + z * rhs.w, w * rhs.w - x * rhs.x - y * rhs.y - z * rhs.z); } ImPlot3DQuat& ImPlot3DQuat::Normalize() { float l = Length(); x /= l; y /= l; z /= l; w /= l; return *this; } ImPlot3DPoint ImPlot3DQuat::operator*(const ImPlot3DPoint& point) const { // Extract vector part of the quaternion ImPlot3DPoint qv(x, y, z); // Compute the cross products needed for rotation ImPlot3DPoint uv = qv.Cross(point); // uv = qv x point ImPlot3DPoint uuv = qv.Cross(uv); // uuv = qv x uv // Compute the rotated vector return point + (uv * w * 2.0f) + (uuv * 2.0f); } bool ImPlot3DQuat::operator==(const ImPlot3DQuat& rhs) const { return x == rhs.x && y == rhs.y && z == rhs.z && w == rhs.w; } bool ImPlot3DQuat::operator!=(const ImPlot3DQuat& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); } ImPlot3DQuat ImPlot3DQuat::Slerp(const ImPlot3DQuat& q1, const ImPlot3DQuat& q2, float t) { // Clamp t to [0, 1] t = ImClamp(t, 0.0f, 1.0f); // Compute the dot product (cosine of the angle between quaternions) float dot = q1.x * q2.x + q1.y * q2.y + q1.z * q2.z + q1.w * q2.w; // If the dot product is negative, negate one quaternion to take the shorter path ImPlot3DQuat q2_ = q2; if (dot < 0.0f) { q2_ = ImPlot3DQuat(-q2.x, -q2.y, -q2.z, -q2.w); dot = -dot; } // If the quaternions are very close, use linear interpolation to avoid numerical instability if (dot > 0.9995f) { return ImPlot3DQuat( q1.x + t * (q2_.x - q1.x), q1.y + t * (q2_.y - q1.y), q1.z + t * (q2_.z - q1.z), q1.w + t * (q2_.w - q1.w)) .Normalized(); } // Compute the angle and the interpolation factors float theta_0 = ImAcos(dot); // Angle between input quaternions float theta = theta_0 * t; // Interpolated angle float sin_theta = ImSin(theta); // Sine of interpolated angle float sin_theta_0 = ImSin(theta_0); // Sine of original angle float s1 = ImCos(theta) - dot * sin_theta / sin_theta_0; float s2 = sin_theta / sin_theta_0; // Interpolate and return the result return ImPlot3DQuat( s1 * q1.x + s2 * q2_.x, s1 * q1.y + s2 * q2_.y, s1 * q1.z + s2 * q2_.z, s1 * q1.w + s2 * q2_.w); } float ImPlot3DQuat::Dot(const ImPlot3DQuat& rhs) const { return x * rhs.x + y * rhs.y + z * rhs.z + w * rhs.w; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [SECTION] ImDrawList3D //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImDrawList3D::PrimReserve(int idx_count, int vtx_count) { IM_ASSERT_PARANOID(idx_count >= 0 && vtx_count >= 0 && idx_count % 3 == 0); int vtx_buffer_old_size = VtxBuffer.Size; VtxBuffer.resize(vtx_buffer_old_size + vtx_count); _VtxWritePtr = VtxBuffer.Data + vtx_buffer_old_size; int idx_buffer_old_size = IdxBuffer.Size; IdxBuffer.resize(idx_buffer_old_size + idx_count); _IdxWritePtr = IdxBuffer.Data + idx_buffer_old_size; int z_buffer_old_size = ZBuffer.Size; ZBuffer.resize(z_buffer_old_size + idx_count / 3); _ZWritePtr = ZBuffer.Data + z_buffer_old_size; } void ImDrawList3D::PrimUnreserve(int idx_count, int vtx_count) { IM_ASSERT_PARANOID(idx_count >= 0 && vtx_count >= 0 && idx_count % 3 == 0); VtxBuffer.shrink(VtxBuffer.Size - vtx_count); IdxBuffer.shrink(IdxBuffer.Size - idx_count); ZBuffer.shrink(ZBuffer.Size - idx_count / 3); } void ImDrawList3D::SortedMoveToImGuiDrawList() { ImDrawList& draw_list = *ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); const int tri_count = ZBuffer.Size; if (tri_count == 0) { // No triangles, just clear and return VtxBuffer.clear(); IdxBuffer.clear(); ZBuffer.clear(); _VtxCurrentIdx = 0; _VtxWritePtr = VtxBuffer.Data; _IdxWritePtr = IdxBuffer.Data; _ZWritePtr = ZBuffer.Data; return; } // Build an array of (z, tri_idx) struct TriRef { float z; int tri_idx; }; TriRef* tris = (TriRef*)IM_ALLOC(sizeof(TriRef) * tri_count); for (int i = 0; i < tri_count; i++) { tris[i].z = ZBuffer[i]; tris[i].tri_idx = i; } // Sort by z (distance from viewer) ImQsort(tris, (size_t)tri_count, sizeof(TriRef), [](const void* a, const void* b) { float za = ((const TriRef*)a)->z; float zb = ((const TriRef*)b)->z; return (za < zb) ? -1 : (za > zb) ? 1 : 0; }); // Reserve space in the ImGui draw list draw_list.PrimReserve(IdxBuffer.Size, VtxBuffer.Size); // Copy vertices (no reordering needed) memcpy(draw_list._VtxWritePtr, VtxBuffer.Data, VtxBuffer.Size * sizeof(ImDrawVert)); unsigned int idx_offset = draw_list._VtxCurrentIdx; draw_list._VtxWritePtr += VtxBuffer.Size; draw_list._VtxCurrentIdx += (unsigned int)VtxBuffer.Size; // Maximum index allowed to not overflow ImDrawIdx unsigned int max_index_allowed = MaxIdx() - idx_offset; // Copy indices with triangle sorting based on distance from viewer ImDrawIdx* idx_out = draw_list._IdxWritePtr; ImDrawIdx* idx_in = IdxBuffer.Data; for (int i = 0; i < tri_count; i++) { int tri_i = tris[i].tri_idx; int base_idx = tri_i * 3; unsigned int i0 = (unsigned int)idx_in[base_idx + 0]; unsigned int i1 = (unsigned int)idx_in[base_idx + 1]; unsigned int i2 = (unsigned int)idx_in[base_idx + 2]; // Check if after adding offset any of these indices exceed max_index_allowed if (i0 > max_index_allowed || i1 > max_index_allowed || i2 > max_index_allowed) break; idx_out[0] = (ImDrawIdx)(i0 + idx_offset); idx_out[1] = (ImDrawIdx)(i1 + idx_offset); idx_out[2] = (ImDrawIdx)(i2 + idx_offset); idx_out += 3; } draw_list._IdxWritePtr = idx_out; // Clear local buffers since we've moved them VtxBuffer.clear(); IdxBuffer.clear(); ZBuffer.clear(); _VtxCurrentIdx = 0; _VtxWritePtr = VtxBuffer.Data; _IdxWritePtr = IdxBuffer.Data; _ZWritePtr = ZBuffer.Data; IM_FREE(tris); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [SECTION] ImPlot3DAxis //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ImPlot3DAxis::HasLabel() const { return !Label.empty() && !ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(Flags, ImPlot3DAxisFlags_NoLabel); } bool ImPlot3DAxis::HasGridLines() const { return !ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(Flags, ImPlot3DAxisFlags_NoGridLines); } bool ImPlot3DAxis::HasTickLabels() const { return !ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(Flags, ImPlot3DAxisFlags_NoTickLabels); } bool ImPlot3DAxis::HasTickMarks() const { return !ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(Flags, ImPlot3DAxisFlags_NoTickMarks); } bool ImPlot3DAxis::IsAutoFitting() const { return ImPlot3D::ImHasFlag(Flags, ImPlot3DAxisFlags_AutoFit); } void ImPlot3DAxis::ExtendFit(float value) { FitExtents.Min = ImMin(FitExtents.Min, value); FitExtents.Max = ImMax(FitExtents.Max, value); } void ImPlot3DAxis::ApplyFit() { if (!IsLockedMin() && !ImPlot3D::ImNanOrInf(FitExtents.Min)) Range.Min = FitExtents.Min; if (!IsLockedMax() && !ImPlot3D::ImNanOrInf(FitExtents.Max)) Range.Max = FitExtents.Max; if (ImPlot3D::ImAlmostEqual(Range.Min, Range.Max)) { Range.Max += 0.5; Range.Min -= 0.5; } FitExtents.Min = HUGE_VAL; FitExtents.Max = -HUGE_VAL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [SECTION] ImPlot3DPlot //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ImPlot3DPlot::ExtendFit(const ImPlot3DPoint& point) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (!ImPlot3D::ImNanOrInf(point[i]) && Axes[i].FitThisFrame) Axes[i].ExtendFit(point[i]); } } ImPlot3DPoint ImPlot3DPlot::RangeMin() const { return ImPlot3DPoint(Axes[0].Range.Min, Axes[1].Range.Min, Axes[2].Range.Min); } ImPlot3DPoint ImPlot3DPlot::RangeMax() const { return ImPlot3DPoint(Axes[0].Range.Max, Axes[1].Range.Max, Axes[2].Range.Max); } ImPlot3DPoint ImPlot3DPlot::RangeCenter() const { return ImPlot3DPoint( (Axes[0].Range.Min + Axes[0].Range.Max) * 0.5f, (Axes[1].Range.Min + Axes[1].Range.Max) * 0.5f, (Axes[2].Range.Min + Axes[2].Range.Max) * 0.5f); } void ImPlot3DPlot::SetRange(const ImPlot3DPoint& min, const ImPlot3DPoint& max) { Axes[0].SetRange(min.x, max.x); Axes[1].SetRange(min.y, max.y); Axes[2].SetRange(min.z, max.z); } float ImPlot3DPlot::GetBoxZoom() const { return ImMin(PlotRect.GetWidth(), PlotRect.GetHeight()) / 1.8f; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // [SECTION] ImPlot3DStyle //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ImPlot3DStyle::ImPlot3DStyle() { // Item style LineWeight = 1.0f; Marker = ImPlot3DMarker_None; MarkerSize = 4.0f; MarkerWeight = 1.0f; FillAlpha = 1.0f; // Plot style PlotDefaultSize = ImVec2(400, 400); PlotMinSize = ImVec2(200, 200); PlotPadding = ImVec2(10, 10); LabelPadding = ImVec2(5, 5); // Legend style LegendPadding = ImVec2(10, 10); LegendInnerPadding = ImVec2(5, 5); LegendSpacing = ImVec2(5, 0); // Colors ImPlot3D::StyleColorsAuto(this); Colormap = ImPlot3DColormap_Deep; }; #endif // #ifndef IMGUI_DISABLE