#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace hex::pl { class PatternData; class Evaluator; class ASTNode : public Cloneable { public: constexpr ASTNode() = default; constexpr virtual ~ASTNode() = default; constexpr ASTNode(const ASTNode &) = default; [[nodiscard]] constexpr u32 getLineNumber() const { return this->m_lineNumber; } [[maybe_unused]] constexpr void setLineNumber(u32 lineNumber) { this->m_lineNumber = lineNumber; } [[nodiscard]] virtual ASTNode *evaluate(Evaluator *evaluator) const { return this->clone(); } [[nodiscard]] virtual std::vector createPatterns(Evaluator *evaluator) const { return {}; } using FunctionResult = std::optional; virtual FunctionResult execute(Evaluator *evaluator) const { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("cannot execute non-function statement", this); } private: u32 m_lineNumber = 1; }; class ASTNodeAttribute : public ASTNode { public: explicit ASTNodeAttribute(std::string attribute, std::optional value = std::nullopt) : ASTNode(), m_attribute(std::move(attribute)), m_value(std::move(value)) { } ~ASTNodeAttribute() override = default; ASTNodeAttribute(const ASTNodeAttribute &other) : ASTNode(other) { this->m_attribute = other.m_attribute; this->m_value = other.m_value; } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *clone() const override { return new ASTNodeAttribute(*this); } [[nodiscard]] const std::string &getAttribute() const { return this->m_attribute; } [[nodiscard]] const std::optional &getValue() const { return this->m_value; } private: std::string m_attribute; std::optional m_value; }; class Attributable { protected: Attributable() = default; ~Attributable() { for (auto &attribute : this->m_attributes) delete attribute; } Attributable(const Attributable &other) { for (auto &attribute : other.m_attributes) { if (auto node = dynamic_cast(attribute->clone())) this->m_attributes.push_back(node); else delete node; } } public: virtual void addAttribute(ASTNodeAttribute *attribute) { this->m_attributes.push_back(attribute); } [[nodiscard]] const auto &getAttributes() const { return this->m_attributes; } bool hasAttribute(const std::string &key, bool needsParameter) const { return std::any_of(this->m_attributes.begin(), this->m_attributes.end(), [&](ASTNodeAttribute *attribute) { if (attribute->getAttribute() == key) { if (needsParameter && !attribute->getValue().has_value()) LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("attribute '{}' expected a parameter"), attribute); else if (!needsParameter && attribute->getValue().has_value()) LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("attribute '{}' did not expect a parameter "), attribute); else return true; } return false; }); } [[nodiscard]] std::optional getAttributeValue(const std::string &key) const { auto attribute = std::find_if(this->m_attributes.begin(), this->m_attributes.end(), [&](ASTNodeAttribute *attribute) { return attribute->getAttribute() == key; }); if (attribute != this->m_attributes.end()) return (*attribute)->getValue(); else return std::nullopt; } private: std::vector m_attributes; }; class ASTNodeLiteral : public ASTNode { public: explicit ASTNodeLiteral(Token::Literal literal) : ASTNode(), m_literal(std::move(literal)) { } ASTNodeLiteral(const ASTNodeLiteral &) = default; [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *clone() const override { return new ASTNodeLiteral(*this); } [[nodiscard]] const auto &getValue() const { return this->m_literal; } private: Token::Literal m_literal; }; class ASTNodeMathematicalExpression : public ASTNode { #define FLOAT_BIT_OPERATION(name) \ auto name(hex::floating_point auto left, auto right) const { \ LogConsole::abortEvaluation("invalid floating point operation", this); \ return 0; \ } \ auto name(auto left, hex::floating_point auto right) const { \ LogConsole::abortEvaluation("invalid floating point operation", this); \ return 0; \ } \ auto name(hex::floating_point auto left, hex::floating_point auto right) const { \ LogConsole::abortEvaluation("invalid floating point operation", this); \ return 0; \ } \ auto name(hex::integral auto left, hex::integral auto right) const FLOAT_BIT_OPERATION(shiftLeft) { return left << right; } FLOAT_BIT_OPERATION(shiftRight) { return left >> right; } FLOAT_BIT_OPERATION(bitAnd) { return left & right; } FLOAT_BIT_OPERATION(bitOr) { return left | right; } FLOAT_BIT_OPERATION(bitXor) { return left ^ right; } FLOAT_BIT_OPERATION(bitNot) { return ~right; } FLOAT_BIT_OPERATION(modulus) { return left % right; } #undef FLOAT_BIT_OPERATION public: ASTNodeMathematicalExpression(ASTNode *left, ASTNode *right, Token::Operator op) : ASTNode(), m_left(left), m_right(right), m_operator(op) { } ~ASTNodeMathematicalExpression() override { delete this->m_left; delete this->m_right; } ASTNodeMathematicalExpression(const ASTNodeMathematicalExpression &other) : ASTNode(other) { this->m_operator = other.m_operator; this->m_left = other.m_left->clone(); this->m_right = other.m_right->clone(); } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *clone() const override { return new ASTNodeMathematicalExpression(*this); } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *evaluate(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { if (this->getLeftOperand() == nullptr || this->getRightOperand() == nullptr) LogConsole::abortEvaluation("attempted to use void expression in mathematical expression", this); auto *left = dynamic_cast(this->getLeftOperand()->evaluate(evaluator)); auto *right = dynamic_cast(this->getRightOperand()->evaluate(evaluator)); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { delete left; delete right; }; return std::visit(overloaded { // TODO: :notlikethis: [this](u128 left, PatternData *const &right) -> ASTNode * { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("invalid operand used in mathematical expression", this); }, [this](i128 left, PatternData *const &right) -> ASTNode * { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("invalid operand used in mathematical expression", this); }, [this](double left, PatternData *const &right) -> ASTNode * { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("invalid operand used in mathematical expression", this); }, [this](char left, PatternData *const &right) -> ASTNode * { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("invalid operand used in mathematical expression", this); }, [this](bool left, PatternData *const &right) -> ASTNode * { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("invalid operand used in mathematical expression", this); }, [this](const std::string &left, PatternData *const &right) -> ASTNode * { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("invalid operand used in mathematical expression", this); }, [this](PatternData *const &left, u128 right) -> ASTNode * { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("invalid operand used in mathematical expression", this); }, [this](PatternData *const &left, i128 right) -> ASTNode * { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("invalid operand used in mathematical expression", this); }, [this](PatternData *const &left, double right) -> ASTNode * { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("invalid operand used in mathematical expression", this); }, [this](PatternData *const &left, char right) -> ASTNode * { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("invalid operand used in mathematical expression", this); }, [this](PatternData *const &left, bool right) -> ASTNode * { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("invalid operand used in mathematical expression", this); }, [this](PatternData *const &left, const std::string &right) -> ASTNode * { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("invalid operand used in mathematical expression", this); }, [this](PatternData *const &left, PatternData *const &right) -> ASTNode * { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("invalid operand used in mathematical expression", this); }, [this](auto &&left, const std::string &right) -> ASTNode * { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("invalid operand used in mathematical expression", this); }, [this](const std::string &left, auto &&right) -> ASTNode * { switch (this->getOperator()) { case Token::Operator::Star: { std::string result; for (auto i = 0; i < right; i++) result += left; return new ASTNodeLiteral(result); } default: LogConsole::abortEvaluation("invalid operand used in mathematical expression", this); } }, [this](const std::string &left, const std::string &right) -> ASTNode * { switch (this->getOperator()) { case Token::Operator::Plus: return new ASTNodeLiteral(left + right); case Token::Operator::BoolEquals: return new ASTNodeLiteral(left == right); case Token::Operator::BoolNotEquals: return new ASTNodeLiteral(left != right); case Token::Operator::BoolGreaterThan: return new ASTNodeLiteral(left > right); case Token::Operator::BoolLessThan: return new ASTNodeLiteral(left < right); case Token::Operator::BoolGreaterThanOrEquals: return new ASTNodeLiteral(left >= right); case Token::Operator::BoolLessThanOrEquals: return new ASTNodeLiteral(left <= right); default: LogConsole::abortEvaluation("invalid operand used in mathematical expression", this); } }, [this](const std::string &left, char right) -> ASTNode * { switch (this->getOperator()) { case Token::Operator::Plus: return new ASTNodeLiteral(left + right); default: LogConsole::abortEvaluation("invalid operand used in mathematical expression", this); } }, [this](char left, const std::string &right) -> ASTNode * { switch (this->getOperator()) { case Token::Operator::Plus: return new ASTNodeLiteral(left + right); default: LogConsole::abortEvaluation("invalid operand used in mathematical expression", this); } }, [this](auto &&left, auto &&right) -> ASTNode * { switch (this->getOperator()) { case Token::Operator::Plus: return new ASTNodeLiteral(left + right); case Token::Operator::Minus: return new ASTNodeLiteral(left - right); case Token::Operator::Star: return new ASTNodeLiteral(left * right); case Token::Operator::Slash: if (right == 0) LogConsole::abortEvaluation("division by zero!", this); return new ASTNodeLiteral(left / right); case Token::Operator::Percent: if (right == 0) LogConsole::abortEvaluation("division by zero!", this); return new ASTNodeLiteral(modulus(left, right)); case Token::Operator::ShiftLeft: return new ASTNodeLiteral(shiftLeft(left, right)); case Token::Operator::ShiftRight: return new ASTNodeLiteral(shiftRight(left, right)); case Token::Operator::BitAnd: return new ASTNodeLiteral(bitAnd(left, right)); case Token::Operator::BitXor: return new ASTNodeLiteral(bitXor(left, right)); case Token::Operator::BitOr: return new ASTNodeLiteral(bitOr(left, right)); case Token::Operator::BitNot: return new ASTNodeLiteral(bitNot(left, right)); case Token::Operator::BoolEquals: return new ASTNodeLiteral(bool(left == right)); case Token::Operator::BoolNotEquals: return new ASTNodeLiteral(bool(left != right)); case Token::Operator::BoolGreaterThan: return new ASTNodeLiteral(bool(left > right)); case Token::Operator::BoolLessThan: return new ASTNodeLiteral(bool(left < right)); case Token::Operator::BoolGreaterThanOrEquals: return new ASTNodeLiteral(bool(left >= right)); case Token::Operator::BoolLessThanOrEquals: return new ASTNodeLiteral(bool(left <= right)); case Token::Operator::BoolAnd: return new ASTNodeLiteral(bool(left && right)); case Token::Operator::BoolXor: return new ASTNodeLiteral(bool(left && !right || !left && right)); case Token::Operator::BoolOr: return new ASTNodeLiteral(bool(left || right)); case Token::Operator::BoolNot: return new ASTNodeLiteral(bool(!right)); default: LogConsole::abortEvaluation("invalid operand used in mathematical expression", this); } } }, left->getValue(), right->getValue()); } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *getLeftOperand() const { return this->m_left; } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *getRightOperand() const { return this->m_right; } [[nodiscard]] Token::Operator getOperator() const { return this->m_operator; } private: ASTNode *m_left, *m_right; Token::Operator m_operator; }; class ASTNodeTernaryExpression : public ASTNode { public: ASTNodeTernaryExpression(ASTNode *first, ASTNode *second, ASTNode *third, Token::Operator op) : ASTNode(), m_first(first), m_second(second), m_third(third), m_operator(op) { } ~ASTNodeTernaryExpression() override { delete this->m_first; delete this->m_second; delete this->m_third; } ASTNodeTernaryExpression(const ASTNodeTernaryExpression &other) : ASTNode(other) { this->m_operator = other.m_operator; this->m_first = other.m_first->clone(); this->m_second = other.m_second->clone(); this->m_third = other.m_third->clone(); } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *clone() const override { return new ASTNodeTernaryExpression(*this); } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *evaluate(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { if (this->getFirstOperand() == nullptr || this->getSecondOperand() == nullptr || this->getThirdOperand() == nullptr) LogConsole::abortEvaluation("attempted to use void expression in mathematical expression", this); auto *first = dynamic_cast(this->getFirstOperand()->evaluate(evaluator)); auto *second = dynamic_cast(this->getSecondOperand()->evaluate(evaluator)); auto *third = dynamic_cast(this->getThirdOperand()->evaluate(evaluator)); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { delete first; delete second; delete third; }; auto condition = std::visit(overloaded { [](const std::string &value) -> bool { return !value.empty(); }, [this](PatternData *const &) -> bool { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("cannot cast custom type to bool", this); }, [](auto &&value) -> bool { return bool(value); } }, first->getValue()); return std::visit(overloaded { [condition](const T &second, const T &third) -> ASTNode * { return new ASTNodeLiteral(condition ? second : third); }, [this](auto &&second, auto &&third) -> ASTNode * { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("operands to ternary expression have different types", this); } }, second->getValue(), third->getValue()); } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *getFirstOperand() const { return this->m_first; } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *getSecondOperand() const { return this->m_second; } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *getThirdOperand() const { return this->m_third; } [[nodiscard]] Token::Operator getOperator() const { return this->m_operator; } private: ASTNode *m_first, *m_second, *m_third; Token::Operator m_operator; }; class ASTNodeBuiltinType : public ASTNode { public: constexpr explicit ASTNodeBuiltinType(Token::ValueType type) : ASTNode(), m_type(type) { } [[nodiscard]] constexpr const auto &getType() const { return this->m_type; } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *clone() const override { return new ASTNodeBuiltinType(*this); } [[nodiscard]] std::vector createPatterns(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { auto offset = evaluator->dataOffset(); auto size = Token::getTypeSize(this->m_type); evaluator->dataOffset() += size; PatternData *pattern; if (Token::isUnsigned(this->m_type)) pattern = new PatternDataUnsigned(evaluator, offset, size); else if (Token::isSigned(this->m_type)) pattern = new PatternDataSigned(evaluator, offset, size); else if (Token::isFloatingPoint(this->m_type)) pattern = new PatternDataFloat(evaluator, offset, size); else if (this->m_type == Token::ValueType::Boolean) pattern = new PatternDataBoolean(evaluator, offset); else if (this->m_type == Token::ValueType::Character) pattern = new PatternDataCharacter(evaluator, offset); else if (this->m_type == Token::ValueType::Character16) pattern = new PatternDataCharacter16(evaluator, offset); else if (this->m_type == Token::ValueType::Padding) pattern = new PatternDataPadding(evaluator, offset, 1); else if (this->m_type == Token::ValueType::String) pattern = new PatternDataString(evaluator, offset, 1); else if (this->m_type == Token::ValueType::Auto) return { nullptr }; else LogConsole::abortEvaluation("invalid built-in type", this); pattern->setTypeName(Token::getTypeName(this->m_type)); return { pattern }; } private: const Token::ValueType m_type; }; class ASTNodeTypeDecl : public ASTNode, public Attributable { public: ASTNodeTypeDecl(std::string name, ASTNode *type, std::optional endian = std::nullopt) : ASTNode(), m_name(std::move(name)), m_type(type), m_endian(endian) { } ASTNodeTypeDecl(const ASTNodeTypeDecl &other) : ASTNode(other), Attributable(other) { this->m_name = other.m_name; this->m_type = other.m_type; this->m_endian = other.m_endian; } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *clone() const override { return new ASTNodeTypeDecl(*this); } void setName(const std::string &name) { this->m_name = name; } [[nodiscard]] const std::string &getName() const { return this->m_name; } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *getType() { return this->m_type; } [[nodiscard]] std::optional getEndian() const { return this->m_endian; } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *evaluate(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { auto type = this->m_type->evaluate(evaluator); if (auto attributable = dynamic_cast(type)) { for (auto &attribute : this->getAttributes()) { if (auto node = dynamic_cast(attribute->clone())) attributable->addAttribute(node); else delete node; } } return type; } [[nodiscard]] std::vector createPatterns(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { auto patterns = this->m_type->createPatterns(evaluator); for (auto &pattern : patterns) { if (pattern == nullptr) continue; if (!this->m_name.empty()) pattern->setTypeName(this->m_name); if (this->m_endian.has_value()) pattern->setEndian(this->m_endian.value()); } return patterns; } void addAttribute(ASTNodeAttribute *attribute) override { Attributable::addAttribute(attribute); if (auto attributable = dynamic_cast(this->m_type); attributable != nullptr) attributable->addAttribute(static_cast(attribute->clone())); } private: std::string m_name; ASTNode *m_type; std::optional m_endian; }; class ASTNodeCast : public ASTNode { public: ASTNodeCast(ASTNode *value, ASTNode *type) : m_value(value), m_type(type) { } ASTNodeCast(const ASTNodeCast &other) : ASTNode(other) { this->m_value = other.m_value->clone(); this->m_type = other.m_type->clone(); } ~ASTNodeCast() override { delete this->m_value; delete this->m_type; } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *clone() const override { return new ASTNodeCast(*this); } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *evaluate(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { auto literal = dynamic_cast(this->m_value->evaluate(evaluator)); auto type = dynamic_cast(this->m_type->evaluate(evaluator))->getType(); auto startOffset = evaluator->dataOffset(); auto typePattern = this->m_type->createPatterns(evaluator).front(); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { evaluator->dataOffset() = startOffset; delete typePattern; }; return std::visit(overloaded { [&, this](PatternData *value) -> ASTNode * { LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("cannot cast custom type '{}' to '{}'", value->getTypeName(), Token::getTypeName(type)), this); }, [&, this](const std::string &) -> ASTNode * { LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("cannot cast string to '{}'", Token::getTypeName(type)), this); }, [&, this](auto &&value) -> ASTNode * { auto endianAdjustedValue = hex::changeEndianess(value, typePattern->getSize(), typePattern->getEndian()); switch (type) { case Token::ValueType::Unsigned8Bit: return new ASTNodeLiteral(u128(u8(endianAdjustedValue))); case Token::ValueType::Unsigned16Bit: return new ASTNodeLiteral(u128(u16(endianAdjustedValue))); case Token::ValueType::Unsigned32Bit: return new ASTNodeLiteral(u128(u32(endianAdjustedValue))); case Token::ValueType::Unsigned64Bit: return new ASTNodeLiteral(u128(u64(endianAdjustedValue))); case Token::ValueType::Unsigned128Bit: return new ASTNodeLiteral(u128(endianAdjustedValue)); case Token::ValueType::Signed8Bit: return new ASTNodeLiteral(i128(i8(endianAdjustedValue))); case Token::ValueType::Signed16Bit: return new ASTNodeLiteral(i128(i16(endianAdjustedValue))); case Token::ValueType::Signed32Bit: return new ASTNodeLiteral(i128(i32(endianAdjustedValue))); case Token::ValueType::Signed64Bit: return new ASTNodeLiteral(i128(i64(endianAdjustedValue))); case Token::ValueType::Signed128Bit: return new ASTNodeLiteral(i128(endianAdjustedValue)); case Token::ValueType::Float: return new ASTNodeLiteral(double(float(endianAdjustedValue))); case Token::ValueType::Double: return new ASTNodeLiteral(double(endianAdjustedValue)); case Token::ValueType::Character: return new ASTNodeLiteral(char(endianAdjustedValue)); case Token::ValueType::Character16: return new ASTNodeLiteral(u128(char16_t(endianAdjustedValue))); case Token::ValueType::Boolean: return new ASTNodeLiteral(bool(endianAdjustedValue)); case Token::ValueType::String: { std::string string(sizeof(value), '\x00'); std::memcpy(string.data(), &value, string.size()); hex::trim(string); if (typePattern->getEndian() != std::endian::native) std::reverse(string.begin(), string.end()); return new ASTNodeLiteral(string); } default: LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("cannot cast value to '{}'", Token::getTypeName(type)), this); } }, }, literal->getValue()); } private: ASTNode *m_value; ASTNode *m_type; }; class ASTNodeWhileStatement : public ASTNode { public: explicit ASTNodeWhileStatement(ASTNode *condition, std::vector body, ASTNode *postExpression = nullptr) : ASTNode(), m_condition(condition), m_body(std::move(body)), m_postExpression(postExpression) { } ~ASTNodeWhileStatement() override { delete this->m_condition; for (auto &statement : this->m_body) delete statement; delete this->m_postExpression; } ASTNodeWhileStatement(const ASTNodeWhileStatement &other) : ASTNode(other) { this->m_condition = other.m_condition->clone(); for (auto &statement : other.m_body) this->m_body.push_back(statement->clone()); if (other.m_postExpression != nullptr) this->m_postExpression = other.m_postExpression->clone(); else this->m_postExpression = nullptr; } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *clone() const override { return new ASTNodeWhileStatement(*this); } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *getCondition() { return this->m_condition; } [[nodiscard]] const std::vector &getBody() { return this->m_body; } FunctionResult execute(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { u64 loopIterations = 0; while (evaluateCondition(evaluator)) { evaluator->handleAbort(); auto variables = *evaluator->getScope(0).scope; auto parameterPack = evaluator->getScope(0).parameterPack; u32 startVariableCount = variables.size(); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { ssize_t stackSize = evaluator->getStack().size(); for (u32 i = startVariableCount; i < variables.size(); i++) { stackSize--; delete variables[i]; } if (stackSize < 0) LogConsole::abortEvaluation("stack pointer underflow!", this); evaluator->getStack().resize(stackSize); }; evaluator->pushScope(nullptr, variables); evaluator->getScope(0).parameterPack = parameterPack; ON_SCOPE_EXIT { evaluator->popScope(); }; auto ctrlFlow = ControlFlowStatement::None; for (auto &statement : this->m_body) { auto result = statement->execute(evaluator); ctrlFlow = evaluator->getCurrentControlFlowStatement(); evaluator->setCurrentControlFlowStatement(ControlFlowStatement::None); if (ctrlFlow == ControlFlowStatement::Return) return result; else if (ctrlFlow != ControlFlowStatement::None) break; } if (this->m_postExpression != nullptr) this->m_postExpression->execute(evaluator); loopIterations++; if (loopIterations >= evaluator->getLoopLimit()) LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("loop iterations exceeded limit of {}", evaluator->getLoopLimit()), this); evaluator->handleAbort(); if (ctrlFlow == ControlFlowStatement::Break) break; else if (ctrlFlow == ControlFlowStatement::Continue) continue; } return std::nullopt; } [[nodiscard]] bool evaluateCondition(Evaluator *evaluator) const { auto literal = dynamic_cast(this->m_condition->evaluate(evaluator)); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { delete literal; }; return std::visit(overloaded { [](const std::string &value) -> bool { return !value.empty(); }, [this](PatternData *const &) -> bool { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("cannot cast custom type to bool", this); }, [](auto &&value) -> bool { return value != 0; } }, literal->getValue()); } private: ASTNode *m_condition; std::vector m_body; ASTNode *m_postExpression; }; inline void applyVariableAttributes(Evaluator *evaluator, const ASTNode *node, PatternData *pattern) { auto attributable = dynamic_cast(node); if (attributable == nullptr) LogConsole::abortEvaluation("attribute cannot be applied here", node); auto endOffset = evaluator->dataOffset(); evaluator->dataOffset() = pattern->getOffset(); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { evaluator->dataOffset() = endOffset; }; if (auto value = attributable->getAttributeValue("color"); value) { u32 color = strtoul(value->c_str(), nullptr, 16); pattern->setColor(hex::changeEndianess(color, std::endian::big) >> 8); } else if (auto value = attributable->hasAttribute("single_color", false); value) { pattern->setColor(ContentRegistry::PatternLanguage::getNextColor()); } if (auto value = attributable->getAttributeValue("name"); value) { pattern->setDisplayName(*value); } if (auto value = attributable->getAttributeValue("comment"); value) { pattern->setComment(*value); } if (auto value = attributable->getAttributeValue("format"); value) { auto functions = evaluator->getCustomFunctions(); if (!functions.contains(*value)) LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("cannot find formatter function '{}'", *value), node); const auto &function = functions[*value]; if (function.parameterCount != 1) LogConsole::abortEvaluation("formatter function needs exactly one parameter", node); pattern->setFormatterFunction(function); } if (auto value = attributable->getAttributeValue("transform"); value) { auto functions = evaluator->getCustomFunctions(); if (!functions.contains(*value)) LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("cannot find transform function '{}'", *value), node); const auto &function = functions[*value]; if (function.parameterCount != 1) LogConsole::abortEvaluation("transform function needs exactly one parameter", node); pattern->setTransformFunction(function); } if (auto value = attributable->getAttributeValue("pointer_base"); value) { auto functions = evaluator->getCustomFunctions(); if (!functions.contains(*value)) LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("cannot find pointer base function '{}'", *value), node); const auto &function = functions[*value]; if (function.parameterCount != 1) LogConsole::abortEvaluation("pointer base function needs exactly one parameter", node); if (auto pointerPattern = dynamic_cast(pattern)) { u128 pointerValue = pointerPattern->getPointedAtAddress(); auto result = function.func(evaluator, { pointerValue }); if (!result.has_value()) LogConsole::abortEvaluation("pointer base function did not return a value", node); pointerPattern->setPointedAtAddress(Token::literalToUnsigned(result.value()) + pointerValue); } else { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("pointer_base attribute may only be applied to a pointer"); } } if (attributable->hasAttribute("hidden", false)) { pattern->setHidden(true); } if (attributable->hasAttribute("no_unique_address", false)) { endOffset -= pattern->getSize(); } if (attributable->hasAttribute("inline", false)) { auto inlinable = dynamic_cast(pattern); if (inlinable == nullptr) LogConsole::abortEvaluation("inline attribute can only be applied to nested types", node); else inlinable->setInlined(true); } if (auto value = attributable->getAttributeValue("format_entries"); value) { auto functions = evaluator->getCustomFunctions(); if (!functions.contains(*value)) LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("cannot find formatter function '{}'", *value), node); const auto &function = functions[*value]; if (function.parameterCount != 1) LogConsole::abortEvaluation("formatter function needs exactly one parameter", node); auto array = dynamic_cast(pattern); if (array == nullptr) LogConsole::abortEvaluation("inline_array attribute can only be applied to array types", node); for (const auto &entry : array->getEntries()) { entry->setFormatterFunction(function); } } } class ASTNodeVariableDecl : public ASTNode, public Attributable { public: ASTNodeVariableDecl(std::string name, ASTNode *type, ASTNode *placementOffset = nullptr, bool inVariable = false, bool outVariable = false) : ASTNode(), m_name(std::move(name)), m_type(type), m_placementOffset(placementOffset), m_inVariable(inVariable), m_outVariable(outVariable) { } ASTNodeVariableDecl(const ASTNodeVariableDecl &other) : ASTNode(other), Attributable(other) { this->m_name = other.m_name; this->m_type = other.m_type->clone(); if (other.m_placementOffset != nullptr) this->m_placementOffset = other.m_placementOffset->clone(); else this->m_placementOffset = nullptr; this->m_inVariable = other.m_inVariable; this->m_outVariable = other.m_outVariable; } ~ASTNodeVariableDecl() override { delete this->m_type; delete this->m_placementOffset; } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *clone() const override { return new ASTNodeVariableDecl(*this); } [[nodiscard]] const std::string &getName() const { return this->m_name; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr ASTNode *getType() const { return this->m_type; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto getPlacementOffset() const { return this->m_placementOffset; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool isInVariable() const { return this->m_inVariable; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool isOutVariable() const { return this->m_outVariable; } [[nodiscard]] std::vector createPatterns(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { u64 startOffset = evaluator->dataOffset(); if (this->m_placementOffset != nullptr) { auto offset = dynamic_cast(this->m_placementOffset->evaluate(evaluator)); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { delete offset; }; evaluator->dataOffset() = std::visit(overloaded { [this](const std::string &) -> u64 { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("placement offset cannot be a string", this); }, [this](PatternData *const &) -> u64 { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("placement offset cannot be a custom type", this); }, [](auto &&offset) -> u64 { return offset; } }, offset->getValue()); } auto pattern = this->m_type->createPatterns(evaluator).front(); pattern->setVariableName(this->m_name); applyVariableAttributes(evaluator, this, pattern); if (this->m_placementOffset != nullptr && !evaluator->isGlobalScope()) { evaluator->dataOffset() = startOffset; } return { pattern }; } FunctionResult execute(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { evaluator->createVariable(this->getName(), this->getType()); return std::nullopt; } private: std::string m_name; ASTNode *m_type; ASTNode *m_placementOffset; bool m_inVariable = false, m_outVariable = false; }; class ASTNodeArrayVariableDecl : public ASTNode, public Attributable { public: ASTNodeArrayVariableDecl(std::string name, ASTNode *type, ASTNode *size, ASTNode *placementOffset = nullptr) : ASTNode(), m_name(std::move(name)), m_type(type), m_size(size), m_placementOffset(placementOffset) { } ASTNodeArrayVariableDecl(const ASTNodeArrayVariableDecl &other) : ASTNode(other), Attributable(other) { this->m_name = other.m_name; this->m_type = other.m_type->clone(); if (other.m_size != nullptr) this->m_size = other.m_size->clone(); else this->m_size = nullptr; if (other.m_placementOffset != nullptr) this->m_placementOffset = other.m_placementOffset->clone(); else this->m_placementOffset = nullptr; } ~ASTNodeArrayVariableDecl() override { delete this->m_type; delete this->m_size; delete this->m_placementOffset; } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *clone() const override { return new ASTNodeArrayVariableDecl(*this); } [[nodiscard]] std::vector createPatterns(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { auto startOffset = evaluator->dataOffset(); if (this->m_placementOffset != nullptr) { auto offset = dynamic_cast(this->m_placementOffset->evaluate(evaluator)); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { delete offset; }; evaluator->dataOffset() = std::visit(overloaded { [this](const std::string &) -> u64 { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("placement offset cannot be a string", this); }, [this](PatternData *const &) -> u64 { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("placement offset cannot be a custom type", this); }, [](auto &&offset) -> u64 { return offset; } }, offset->getValue()); } auto type = this->m_type->evaluate(evaluator); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { delete type; }; PatternData *pattern; if (dynamic_cast(type)) pattern = createStaticArray(evaluator); else if (auto attributable = dynamic_cast(type)) { bool isStaticType = attributable->hasAttribute("static", false); if (isStaticType) pattern = createStaticArray(evaluator); else pattern = createDynamicArray(evaluator); } else { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("invalid type used in array", this); } applyVariableAttributes(evaluator, this, pattern); if (this->m_placementOffset != nullptr && !evaluator->isGlobalScope()) { evaluator->dataOffset() = startOffset; } return { pattern }; } [[nodiscard]] const std::string &getName() const { return this->m_name; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr ASTNode *getType() const { return this->m_type; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr ASTNode *getSize() const { return this->m_size; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto getPlacementOffset() const { return this->m_placementOffset; } private: std::string m_name; ASTNode *m_type; ASTNode *m_size; ASTNode *m_placementOffset; PatternData *createStaticArray(Evaluator *evaluator) const { u64 startOffset = evaluator->dataOffset(); PatternData *templatePattern = this->m_type->createPatterns(evaluator).front(); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { delete templatePattern; }; evaluator->dataOffset() = startOffset; i128 entryCount = 0; if (this->m_size != nullptr) { auto sizeNode = this->m_size->evaluate(evaluator); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { delete sizeNode; }; if (auto literal = dynamic_cast(sizeNode)) { entryCount = std::visit(overloaded { [this](const std::string &) -> u128 { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("cannot use string to index array", this); }, [this](PatternData *) -> u128 { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("cannot use custom type to index array", this); }, [](auto &&size) -> u128 { return size; } }, literal->getValue()); } else if (auto whileStatement = dynamic_cast(sizeNode)) { while (whileStatement->evaluateCondition(evaluator)) { entryCount++; evaluator->dataOffset() += templatePattern->getSize(); evaluator->handleAbort(); } } if (entryCount < 0) LogConsole::abortEvaluation("array cannot have a negative size", this); } else { std::vector buffer(templatePattern->getSize()); while (true) { if (evaluator->dataOffset() >= evaluator->getProvider()->getActualSize() - buffer.size()) LogConsole::abortEvaluation("reached end of file before finding end of unsized array", this); evaluator->getProvider()->read(evaluator->dataOffset(), buffer.data(), buffer.size()); evaluator->dataOffset() += buffer.size(); entryCount++; bool reachedEnd = true; for (u8 &byte : buffer) { if (byte != 0x00) { reachedEnd = false; break; } } if (reachedEnd) break; evaluator->handleAbort(); } } PatternData *outputPattern; if (dynamic_cast(templatePattern)) { outputPattern = new PatternDataPadding(evaluator, startOffset, 0); } else if (dynamic_cast(templatePattern)) { outputPattern = new PatternDataString(evaluator, startOffset, 0); } else if (dynamic_cast(templatePattern)) { outputPattern = new PatternDataString16(evaluator, startOffset, 0); } else { auto arrayPattern = new PatternDataStaticArray(evaluator, startOffset, 0); arrayPattern->setEntries(templatePattern->clone(), entryCount); outputPattern = arrayPattern; } outputPattern->setVariableName(this->m_name); outputPattern->setEndian(templatePattern->getEndian()); outputPattern->setTypeName(templatePattern->getTypeName()); outputPattern->setSize(templatePattern->getSize() * entryCount); evaluator->dataOffset() = startOffset + outputPattern->getSize(); return outputPattern; } PatternData *createDynamicArray(Evaluator *evaluator) const { auto arrayPattern = new PatternDataDynamicArray(evaluator, evaluator->dataOffset(), 0); arrayPattern->setVariableName(this->m_name); std::vector entries; auto arrayCleanup = SCOPE_GUARD { for (auto entry : entries) delete entry; }; size_t size = 0; u64 entryIndex = 0; auto addEntries = [&](const std::vector &patterns) { for (auto pattern : patterns) { pattern->setVariableName(hex::format("[{}]", entryIndex)); pattern->setEndian(arrayPattern->getEndian()); entries.push_back(pattern); size += pattern->getSize(); entryIndex++; evaluator->handleAbort(); } }; auto discardEntries = [&](u32 count) { for (u32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { delete entries.back(); entries.pop_back(); entryIndex--; } }; if (this->m_size != nullptr) { auto sizeNode = this->m_size->evaluate(evaluator); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { delete sizeNode; }; if (auto literal = dynamic_cast(sizeNode)) { auto entryCount = std::visit(overloaded { [this](const std::string &) -> u128 { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("cannot use string to index array", this); }, [this](PatternData *) -> u128 { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("cannot use custom type to index array", this); }, [](auto &&size) -> u128 { return size; } }, literal->getValue()); auto limit = evaluator->getArrayLimit(); if (entryCount > limit) LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("array grew past set limit of {}", limit), this); for (u64 i = 0; i < entryCount; i++) { evaluator->setCurrentControlFlowStatement(ControlFlowStatement::None); auto patterns = this->m_type->createPatterns(evaluator); if (!patterns.empty()) addEntries(patterns); auto ctrlFlow = evaluator->getCurrentControlFlowStatement(); if (ctrlFlow == ControlFlowStatement::Break) break; else if (ctrlFlow == ControlFlowStatement::Continue) { discardEntries(patterns.size()); continue; } } } else if (auto whileStatement = dynamic_cast(sizeNode)) { while (whileStatement->evaluateCondition(evaluator)) { auto limit = evaluator->getArrayLimit(); if (entryIndex > limit) LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("array grew past set limit of {}", limit), this); evaluator->setCurrentControlFlowStatement(ControlFlowStatement::None); auto patterns = this->m_type->createPatterns(evaluator); if (!patterns.empty()) addEntries(patterns); auto ctrlFlow = evaluator->getCurrentControlFlowStatement(); if (ctrlFlow == ControlFlowStatement::Break) break; else if (ctrlFlow == ControlFlowStatement::Continue) { discardEntries(patterns.size()); continue; } } } } else { while (true) { bool reachedEnd = true; auto limit = evaluator->getArrayLimit(); if (entryIndex > limit) LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("array grew past set limit of {}", limit), this); evaluator->setCurrentControlFlowStatement(ControlFlowStatement::None); auto patterns = this->m_type->createPatterns(evaluator); for (auto pattern : patterns) { std::vector buffer(pattern->getSize()); if (evaluator->dataOffset() >= evaluator->getProvider()->getActualSize() - buffer.size()) { delete pattern; LogConsole::abortEvaluation("reached end of file before finding end of unsized array", this); } addEntries({ pattern }); auto ctrlFlow = evaluator->getCurrentControlFlowStatement(); if (ctrlFlow == ControlFlowStatement::None) break; evaluator->getProvider()->read(evaluator->dataOffset() - pattern->getSize(), buffer.data(), buffer.size()); reachedEnd = true; for (u8 &byte : buffer) { if (byte != 0x00) { reachedEnd = false; break; } } if (reachedEnd) break; } auto ctrlFlow = evaluator->getCurrentControlFlowStatement(); if (ctrlFlow == ControlFlowStatement::Break) break; else if (ctrlFlow == ControlFlowStatement::Continue) { discardEntries(1); continue; } if (reachedEnd) break; } } arrayPattern->setEntries(entries); arrayPattern->setSize(size); if (auto &entries = arrayPattern->getEntries(); !entries.empty()) arrayPattern->setTypeName(entries.front()->getTypeName()); arrayCleanup.release(); return arrayPattern; } }; class ASTNodePointerVariableDecl : public ASTNode, public Attributable { public: ASTNodePointerVariableDecl(std::string name, ASTNode *type, ASTNode *sizeType, ASTNode *placementOffset = nullptr) : ASTNode(), m_name(std::move(name)), m_type(type), m_sizeType(sizeType), m_placementOffset(placementOffset) { } ASTNodePointerVariableDecl(const ASTNodePointerVariableDecl &other) : ASTNode(other), Attributable(other) { this->m_name = other.m_name; this->m_type = other.m_type->clone(); this->m_sizeType = other.m_sizeType->clone(); if (other.m_placementOffset != nullptr) this->m_placementOffset = other.m_placementOffset->clone(); else this->m_placementOffset = nullptr; } ~ASTNodePointerVariableDecl() override { delete this->m_type; delete this->m_sizeType; delete this->m_placementOffset; } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *clone() const override { return new ASTNodePointerVariableDecl(*this); } [[nodiscard]] const std::string &getName() const { return this->m_name; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr ASTNode *getType() const { return this->m_type; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr ASTNode *getSizeType() const { return this->m_sizeType; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto getPlacementOffset() const { return this->m_placementOffset; } [[nodiscard]] std::vector createPatterns(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { auto startOffset = evaluator->dataOffset(); if (this->m_placementOffset != nullptr) { auto offset = dynamic_cast(this->m_placementOffset->evaluate(evaluator)); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { delete offset; }; evaluator->dataOffset() = std::visit(overloaded { [this](const std::string &) -> u64 { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("placement offset cannot be a string", this); }, [this](PatternData *) -> u64 { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("placement offset cannot be a custom type", this); }, [](auto &&offset) -> u64 { return u64(offset); } }, offset->getValue()); } auto pointerStartOffset = evaluator->dataOffset(); auto sizePattern = this->m_sizeType->createPatterns(evaluator).front(); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { delete sizePattern; }; auto pattern = new PatternDataPointer(evaluator, pointerStartOffset, sizePattern->getSize()); pattern->setVariableName(this->m_name); auto pointerEndOffset = evaluator->dataOffset(); { u128 pointerAddress = 0; evaluator->getProvider()->read(pattern->getOffset(), &pointerAddress, pattern->getSize()); pointerAddress = hex::changeEndianess(pointerAddress, sizePattern->getSize(), sizePattern->getEndian()); evaluator->dataOffset() = pointerStartOffset; pattern->setPointedAtAddress(pointerAddress); applyVariableAttributes(evaluator, this, pattern); evaluator->dataOffset() = pattern->getPointedAtAddress(); auto pointedAtPattern = this->m_type->createPatterns(evaluator).front(); pattern->setPointedAtPattern(pointedAtPattern); pattern->setEndian(sizePattern->getEndian()); } if (this->m_placementOffset != nullptr && !evaluator->isGlobalScope()) { evaluator->dataOffset() = startOffset; } else { evaluator->dataOffset() = pointerEndOffset; } return { pattern }; } private: std::string m_name; ASTNode *m_type; ASTNode *m_sizeType; ASTNode *m_placementOffset; }; class ASTNodeMultiVariableDecl : public ASTNode { public: explicit ASTNodeMultiVariableDecl(std::vector variables) : m_variables(std::move(variables)) { } ASTNodeMultiVariableDecl(const ASTNodeMultiVariableDecl &other) : ASTNode(other) { for (auto &variable : other.m_variables) this->m_variables.push_back(variable->clone()); } ~ASTNodeMultiVariableDecl() override { for (auto &variable : this->m_variables) delete variable; } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *clone() const override { return new ASTNodeMultiVariableDecl(*this); } [[nodiscard]] std::vector getVariables() { return this->m_variables; } [[nodiscard]] std::vector createPatterns(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { std::vector patterns; for (auto &node : this->m_variables) { auto newPatterns = node->createPatterns(evaluator); patterns.insert(patterns.end(), newPatterns.begin(), newPatterns.end()); } return patterns; } FunctionResult execute(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { for (auto &variable : this->m_variables) { auto variableDecl = dynamic_cast(variable); evaluator->createVariable(variableDecl->getName(), variableDecl->getType()->evaluate(evaluator)); } return std::nullopt; } private: std::vector m_variables; }; class ASTNodeStruct : public ASTNode, public Attributable { public: ASTNodeStruct() : ASTNode() { } ASTNodeStruct(const ASTNodeStruct &other) : ASTNode(other), Attributable(other) { for (const auto &otherMember : other.getMembers()) this->m_members.push_back(otherMember->clone()); for (const auto &otherInheritance : other.getInheritance()) this->m_inheritance.push_back(otherInheritance->clone()); } ~ASTNodeStruct() override { for (auto &member : this->m_members) delete member; for (auto &inheritance : this->m_inheritance) delete inheritance; } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *clone() const override { return new ASTNodeStruct(*this); } [[nodiscard]] std::vector createPatterns(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { auto pattern = new PatternDataStruct(evaluator, evaluator->dataOffset(), 0); u64 startOffset = evaluator->dataOffset(); std::vector memberPatterns; auto structCleanup = SCOPE_GUARD { delete pattern; for (auto member : memberPatterns) delete member; }; evaluator->pushScope(pattern, memberPatterns); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { evaluator->popScope(); }; for (auto inheritance : this->m_inheritance) { auto inheritancePatterns = inheritance->createPatterns(evaluator).front(); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { delete inheritancePatterns; }; if (auto structPattern = dynamic_cast(inheritancePatterns)) { for (auto member : structPattern->getMembers()) { memberPatterns.push_back(member->clone()); } } } for (auto member : this->m_members) { for (auto &memberPattern : member->createPatterns(evaluator)) { memberPatterns.push_back(memberPattern); } } pattern->setMembers(memberPatterns); pattern->setSize(evaluator->dataOffset() - startOffset); structCleanup.release(); if (!pattern->hasOverriddenColor()) { if (auto value = getAttributeValue("color"); value) { u32 color = strtoul(value->c_str(), nullptr, 16); pattern->setColor(hex::changeEndianess(color, std::endian::big) >> 8); } else if (auto value = hasAttribute("single_color", false); value) { pattern->setColor(ContentRegistry::PatternLanguage::getNextColor()); } } return { pattern }; } [[nodiscard]] const std::vector &getMembers() const { return this->m_members; } void addMember(ASTNode *node) { this->m_members.push_back(node); } [[nodiscard]] const std::vector &getInheritance() const { return this->m_inheritance; } void addInheritance(ASTNode *node) { this->m_inheritance.push_back(node); } private: std::vector m_members; std::vector m_inheritance; }; class ASTNodeUnion : public ASTNode, public Attributable { public: ASTNodeUnion() : ASTNode() { } ASTNodeUnion(const ASTNodeUnion &other) : ASTNode(other), Attributable(other) { for (const auto &otherMember : other.getMembers()) this->m_members.push_back(otherMember->clone()); } ~ASTNodeUnion() override { for (auto &member : this->m_members) delete member; } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *clone() const override { return new ASTNodeUnion(*this); } [[nodiscard]] std::vector createPatterns(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { auto pattern = new PatternDataUnion(evaluator, evaluator->dataOffset(), 0); size_t size = 0; std::vector memberPatterns; u64 startOffset = evaluator->dataOffset(); auto unionCleanup = SCOPE_GUARD { delete pattern; for (auto member : memberPatterns) delete member; }; evaluator->pushScope(pattern, memberPatterns); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { evaluator->popScope(); }; for (auto member : this->m_members) { for (auto &memberPattern : member->createPatterns(evaluator)) { memberPattern->setOffset(startOffset); memberPatterns.push_back(memberPattern); size = std::max(memberPattern->getSize(), size); } } evaluator->dataOffset() = startOffset + size; pattern->setMembers(memberPatterns); pattern->setSize(size); unionCleanup.release(); return { pattern }; } [[nodiscard]] const std::vector &getMembers() const { return this->m_members; } void addMember(ASTNode *node) { this->m_members.push_back(node); } private: std::vector m_members; }; class ASTNodeEnum : public ASTNode, public Attributable { public: explicit ASTNodeEnum(ASTNode *underlyingType) : ASTNode(), m_underlyingType(underlyingType) { } ASTNodeEnum(const ASTNodeEnum &other) : ASTNode(other), Attributable(other) { for (const auto &[name, entry] : other.getEntries()) this->m_entries.emplace(name, entry->clone()); this->m_underlyingType = other.m_underlyingType->clone(); } ~ASTNodeEnum() override { for (auto &[name, expr] : this->m_entries) delete expr; delete this->m_underlyingType; } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *clone() const override { return new ASTNodeEnum(*this); } [[nodiscard]] std::vector createPatterns(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { auto pattern = new PatternDataEnum(evaluator, evaluator->dataOffset(), 0); auto enumCleanup = SCOPE_GUARD { delete pattern; }; std::vector> enumEntries; for (const auto &[name, value] : this->m_entries) { auto literal = dynamic_cast(value->evaluate(evaluator)); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { delete literal; }; enumEntries.emplace_back(literal->getValue(), name); } pattern->setEnumValues(enumEntries); auto underlying = this->m_underlyingType->createPatterns(evaluator).front(); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { delete underlying; }; pattern->setSize(underlying->getSize()); pattern->setEndian(underlying->getEndian()); enumCleanup.release(); return { pattern }; } [[nodiscard]] const std::map &getEntries() const { return this->m_entries; } void addEntry(const std::string &name, ASTNode *expression) { this->m_entries.insert({ name, expression }); } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *getUnderlyingType() { return this->m_underlyingType; } private: std::map m_entries; ASTNode *m_underlyingType; }; class ASTNodeBitfield : public ASTNode, public Attributable { public: ASTNodeBitfield() : ASTNode() { } ASTNodeBitfield(const ASTNodeBitfield &other) : ASTNode(other), Attributable(other) { for (const auto &[name, entry] : other.getEntries()) this->m_entries.emplace_back(name, entry->clone()); } ~ASTNodeBitfield() override { for (auto &[name, expr] : this->m_entries) delete expr; } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *clone() const override { return new ASTNodeBitfield(*this); } [[nodiscard]] const std::vector> &getEntries() const { return this->m_entries; } void addEntry(const std::string &name, ASTNode *size) { this->m_entries.emplace_back(name, size); } [[nodiscard]] std::vector createPatterns(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { auto pattern = new PatternDataBitfield(evaluator, evaluator->dataOffset(), 0); size_t bitOffset = 0; std::vector fields; auto bitfieldCleanup = SCOPE_GUARD { delete pattern; for (auto field : fields) delete field; }; bool isLeftToRight = false; if (this->hasAttribute("left_to_right", false)) isLeftToRight = true; else if (this->hasAttribute("right_to_left", false)) isLeftToRight = false; auto entries = this->m_entries; if (isLeftToRight) std::reverse(entries.begin(), entries.end()); evaluator->pushScope(pattern, fields); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { evaluator->popScope(); }; for (auto [name, bitSizeNode] : entries) { auto literal = bitSizeNode->evaluate(evaluator); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { delete literal; }; u8 bitSize = std::visit(overloaded { [this](const std::string &) -> u8 { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("bitfield field size cannot be a string", this); }, [this](PatternData *) -> u8 { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("bitfield field size cannot be a custom type", this); }, [](auto &&offset) -> u8 { return static_cast(offset); } }, dynamic_cast(literal)->getValue()); // If a field is named padding, it was created through a padding expression and only advances the bit position if (name != "padding") { auto field = new PatternDataBitfieldField(evaluator, evaluator->dataOffset(), bitOffset, bitSize, pattern); field->setVariableName(name); fields.push_back(field); } bitOffset += bitSize; } pattern->setSize((bitOffset + 7) / 8); pattern->setFields(fields); evaluator->dataOffset() += pattern->getSize(); bitfieldCleanup.release(); return { pattern }; } private: std::vector> m_entries; }; class ASTNodeParameterPack : public ASTNode { public: explicit ASTNodeParameterPack(std::vector values) : m_values(std::move(values)) { } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *clone() const override { return new ASTNodeParameterPack(*this); } [[nodiscard]] const std::vector &getValues() const { return this->m_values; } private: std::vector m_values; }; class ASTNodeRValue : public ASTNode { public: using Path = std::vector>; explicit ASTNodeRValue(Path path) : ASTNode(), m_path(std::move(path)) { } ASTNodeRValue(const ASTNodeRValue &other) { for (auto &part : other.m_path) { if (auto stringPart = std::get_if(&part); stringPart != nullptr) this->m_path.push_back(*stringPart); else if (auto nodePart = std::get_if(&part); nodePart != nullptr) this->m_path.push_back((*nodePart)->clone()); } } ~ASTNodeRValue() override { for (auto &part : this->m_path) { if (auto node = std::get_if(&part); node != nullptr) delete *node; } } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *clone() const override { return new ASTNodeRValue(*this); } [[nodiscard]] const Path &getPath() const { return this->m_path; } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *evaluate(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { if (this->getPath().size() == 1) { if (auto name = std::get_if(&this->getPath().front()); name != nullptr) { if (*name == "$") return new ASTNodeLiteral(u128(evaluator->dataOffset())); auto ¶meterPack = evaluator->getScope(0).parameterPack; if (parameterPack && *name == parameterPack->name) return new ASTNodeParameterPack(parameterPack->values); } } auto pattern = this->createPatterns(evaluator).front(); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { delete pattern; }; Token::Literal literal; if (dynamic_cast(pattern) || dynamic_cast(pattern)) { u128 value = 0; readVariable(evaluator, value, pattern); literal = value; } else if (dynamic_cast(pattern)) { i128 value = 0; readVariable(evaluator, value, pattern); value = hex::signExtend(pattern->getSize() * 8, value); literal = value; } else if (dynamic_cast(pattern)) { if (pattern->getSize() == sizeof(u16)) { u16 value = 0; readVariable(evaluator, value, pattern); literal = double(float16ToFloat32(value)); } else if (pattern->getSize() == sizeof(float)) { float value = 0; readVariable(evaluator, value, pattern); literal = double(value); } else if (pattern->getSize() == sizeof(double)) { double value = 0; readVariable(evaluator, value, pattern); literal = value; } else LogConsole::abortEvaluation("invalid floating point type access", this); } else if (dynamic_cast(pattern)) { char value = 0; readVariable(evaluator, value, pattern); literal = value; } else if (dynamic_cast(pattern)) { bool value = false; readVariable(evaluator, value, pattern); literal = value; } else if (dynamic_cast(pattern)) { std::string value; if (pattern->isLocal()) { auto &literal = evaluator->getStack()[pattern->getOffset()]; std::visit(overloaded { [&](char assignmentValue) { if (assignmentValue != 0x00) value = std::string({ assignmentValue }); }, [&](std::string assignmentValue) { value = assignmentValue; }, [&, this](PatternData *const &assignmentValue) { if (!dynamic_cast(assignmentValue) && !dynamic_cast(assignmentValue)) LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("cannot assign '{}' to string", pattern->getTypeName()), this); readVariable(evaluator, value, assignmentValue); }, [&, this](auto &&assignmentValue) { LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("cannot assign '{}' to string", pattern->getTypeName()), this); } }, literal); } else { value.resize(pattern->getSize()); evaluator->getProvider()->read(pattern->getOffset(), value.data(), value.size()); value.erase(std::find(value.begin(), value.end(), '\0'), value.end()); } literal = value; } else if (auto bitfieldFieldPattern = dynamic_cast(pattern)) { u64 value = 0; readVariable(evaluator, value, pattern); literal = u128(hex::extract(bitfieldFieldPattern->getBitOffset() + (bitfieldFieldPattern->getBitSize() - 1), bitfieldFieldPattern->getBitOffset(), value)); } else { literal = pattern->clone(); } if (auto transformFunc = pattern->getTransformFunction(); transformFunc.has_value()) { auto result = transformFunc->func(evaluator, { literal }); if (!result.has_value()) LogConsole::abortEvaluation("transform function did not return a value", this); literal = result.value(); } return new ASTNodeLiteral(literal); } [[nodiscard]] std::vector createPatterns(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { std::vector searchScope; PatternData *currPattern = nullptr; i32 scopeIndex = 0; if (!evaluator->isGlobalScope()) { auto globalScope = evaluator->getGlobalScope().scope; std::copy(globalScope->begin(), globalScope->end(), std::back_inserter(searchScope)); } { auto currScope = evaluator->getScope(scopeIndex).scope; std::copy(currScope->begin(), currScope->end(), std::back_inserter(searchScope)); } for (const auto &part : this->getPath()) { if (part.index() == 0) { // Variable access auto name = std::get(part); if (name == "parent") { scopeIndex--; if (-scopeIndex >= evaluator->getScopeCount()) LogConsole::abortEvaluation("cannot access parent of global scope", this); searchScope = *evaluator->getScope(scopeIndex).scope; auto currParent = evaluator->getScope(scopeIndex).parent; if (currParent == nullptr) { currPattern = nullptr; } else { currPattern = currParent->clone(); } continue; } else if (name == "this") { searchScope = *evaluator->getScope(scopeIndex).scope; auto currParent = evaluator->getScope(0).parent; if (currParent == nullptr) LogConsole::abortEvaluation("invalid use of 'this' outside of struct-like type", this); currPattern = currParent->clone(); continue; } else { bool found = false; for (auto iter = searchScope.crbegin(); iter != searchScope.crend(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->getVariableName() == name) { auto newPattern = (*iter)->clone(); delete currPattern; currPattern = newPattern; found = true; break; } } if (name == "$") LogConsole::abortEvaluation("invalid use of placeholder operator in rvalue"); if (!found) { LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("no variable named '{}' found", name), this); } } } else { // Array indexing auto index = dynamic_cast(std::get(part)->evaluate(evaluator)); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { delete index; }; std::visit(overloaded { [this](const std::string &) { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("cannot use string to index array", this); }, [this](PatternData *const &) { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("cannot use custom type to index array", this); }, [&, this](auto &&index) { if (auto dynamicArrayPattern = dynamic_cast(currPattern)) { if (index >= searchScope.size() || index < 0) LogConsole::abortEvaluation("array index out of bounds", this); auto newPattern = searchScope[index]->clone(); delete currPattern; currPattern = newPattern; } else if (auto staticArrayPattern = dynamic_cast(currPattern)) { if (index >= staticArrayPattern->getEntryCount() || index < 0) LogConsole::abortEvaluation("array index out of bounds", this); auto newPattern = searchScope.front()->clone(); newPattern->setOffset(staticArrayPattern->getOffset() + index * staticArrayPattern->getTemplate()->getSize()); delete currPattern; currPattern = newPattern; } } }, index->getValue()); } if (currPattern == nullptr) break; if (auto pointerPattern = dynamic_cast(currPattern)) { auto newPattern = pointerPattern->getPointedAtPattern()->clone(); delete currPattern; currPattern = newPattern; } PatternData *indexPattern; if (currPattern->isLocal()) { auto stackLiteral = evaluator->getStack()[currPattern->getOffset()]; if (auto stackPattern = std::get_if(&stackLiteral); stackPattern != nullptr) indexPattern = *stackPattern; else return { currPattern }; } else indexPattern = currPattern; if (auto structPattern = dynamic_cast(indexPattern)) searchScope = structPattern->getMembers(); else if (auto unionPattern = dynamic_cast(indexPattern)) searchScope = unionPattern->getMembers(); else if (auto bitfieldPattern = dynamic_cast(indexPattern)) searchScope = bitfieldPattern->getFields(); else if (auto dynamicArrayPattern = dynamic_cast(indexPattern)) searchScope = dynamicArrayPattern->getEntries(); else if (auto staticArrayPattern = dynamic_cast(indexPattern)) searchScope = { staticArrayPattern->getTemplate() }; } if (currPattern == nullptr) LogConsole::abortEvaluation("cannot reference global scope", this); return { currPattern }; } private: Path m_path; void readVariable(Evaluator *evaluator, auto &value, PatternData *variablePattern) const { constexpr bool isString = std::same_as, std::string>; if (variablePattern->isLocal()) { auto &literal = evaluator->getStack()[variablePattern->getOffset()]; std::visit(overloaded { [&](std::string &assignmentValue) { if constexpr (isString) value = assignmentValue; }, [&](PatternData *assignmentValue) { readVariable(evaluator, value, assignmentValue); }, [&](auto &&assignmentValue) { value = assignmentValue; } }, literal); } else { if constexpr (isString) { value.resize(variablePattern->getSize()); evaluator->getProvider()->read(variablePattern->getOffset(), value.data(), value.size()); value.erase(std::find(value.begin(), value.end(), '\0'), value.end()); } else { evaluator->getProvider()->read(variablePattern->getOffset(), &value, variablePattern->getSize()); } } if constexpr (!isString) value = hex::changeEndianess(value, variablePattern->getSize(), variablePattern->getEndian()); } }; class ASTNodeScopeResolution : public ASTNode { public: explicit ASTNodeScopeResolution(ASTNode *type, std::string name) : ASTNode(), m_type(type), m_name(std::move(name)) { } ASTNodeScopeResolution(const ASTNodeScopeResolution &other) : ASTNode(other) { this->m_type = other.m_type->clone(); this->m_name = other.m_name; } ~ASTNodeScopeResolution() override { delete this->m_type; } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *clone() const override { return new ASTNodeScopeResolution(*this); } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *evaluate(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { auto type = this->m_type->evaluate(evaluator); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { delete type; }; if (auto enumType = dynamic_cast(type)) { for (auto &[name, value] : enumType->getEntries()) { if (name == this->m_name) return value->evaluate(evaluator); } } else { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("invalid scope resolution. Cannot access this type"); } LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("could not find constant '{}'", this->m_name), this); } private: ASTNode *m_type; std::string m_name; }; class ASTNodeConditionalStatement : public ASTNode { public: explicit ASTNodeConditionalStatement(ASTNode *condition, std::vector trueBody, std::vector falseBody) : ASTNode(), m_condition(condition), m_trueBody(std::move(trueBody)), m_falseBody(std::move(falseBody)) { } ~ASTNodeConditionalStatement() override { delete this->m_condition; for (auto &statement : this->m_trueBody) delete statement; for (auto &statement : this->m_falseBody) delete statement; } ASTNodeConditionalStatement(const ASTNodeConditionalStatement &other) : ASTNode(other) { this->m_condition = other.m_condition->clone(); for (auto &statement : other.m_trueBody) this->m_trueBody.push_back(statement->clone()); for (auto &statement : other.m_falseBody) this->m_falseBody.push_back(statement->clone()); } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *clone() const override { return new ASTNodeConditionalStatement(*this); } [[nodiscard]] std::vector createPatterns(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { auto &scope = *evaluator->getScope(0).scope; auto &body = evaluateCondition(evaluator) ? this->m_trueBody : this->m_falseBody; for (auto &node : body) { auto newPatterns = node->createPatterns(evaluator); for (auto &pattern : newPatterns) { scope.push_back(pattern); } } return {}; } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *getCondition() { return this->m_condition; } FunctionResult execute(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { auto &body = evaluateCondition(evaluator) ? this->m_trueBody : this->m_falseBody; auto variables = *evaluator->getScope(0).scope; auto parameterPack = evaluator->getScope(0).parameterPack; u32 startVariableCount = variables.size(); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { i64 stackSize = evaluator->getStack().size(); for (u32 i = startVariableCount; i < variables.size(); i++) { stackSize--; delete variables[i]; } if (stackSize < 0) LogConsole::abortEvaluation("stack pointer underflow!", this); evaluator->getStack().resize(stackSize); }; evaluator->pushScope(nullptr, variables); evaluator->getScope(0).parameterPack = parameterPack; ON_SCOPE_EXIT { evaluator->popScope(); }; for (auto &statement : body) { auto result = statement->execute(evaluator); if (auto ctrlStatement = evaluator->getCurrentControlFlowStatement(); ctrlStatement != ControlFlowStatement::None) { return result; } } return std::nullopt; } private: [[nodiscard]] bool evaluateCondition(Evaluator *evaluator) const { auto literal = dynamic_cast(this->m_condition->evaluate(evaluator)); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { delete literal; }; return std::visit(overloaded { [](const std::string &value) -> bool { return !value.empty(); }, [this](PatternData *const &) -> bool { LogConsole::abortEvaluation("cannot cast custom type to bool", this); }, [](auto &&value) -> bool { return value != 0; } }, literal->getValue()); } ASTNode *m_condition; std::vector m_trueBody, m_falseBody; }; class ASTNodeFunctionCall : public ASTNode { public: explicit ASTNodeFunctionCall(std::string functionName, std::vector params) : ASTNode(), m_functionName(std::move(functionName)), m_params(std::move(params)) { } ~ASTNodeFunctionCall() override { for (auto ¶m : this->m_params) delete param; } ASTNodeFunctionCall(const ASTNodeFunctionCall &other) : ASTNode(other) { this->m_functionName = other.m_functionName; for (auto ¶m : other.m_params) this->m_params.push_back(param->clone()); } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *clone() const override { return new ASTNodeFunctionCall(*this); } [[nodiscard]] const std::string &getFunctionName() { return this->m_functionName; } [[nodiscard]] const std::vector &getParams() const { return this->m_params; } [[nodiscard]] std::vector createPatterns(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { this->execute(evaluator); return {}; } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *evaluate(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { std::vector evaluatedParams; for (auto param : this->m_params) { auto expression = param->evaluate(evaluator); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { delete expression; }; if (auto literal = dynamic_cast(expression->evaluate(evaluator))) { evaluatedParams.push_back(literal->getValue()); delete literal; } else if (auto parameterPack = dynamic_cast(expression->evaluate(evaluator))) { for (auto &value : parameterPack->getValues()) { evaluatedParams.push_back(value); } delete parameterPack; } } auto &customFunctions = evaluator->getCustomFunctions(); auto functions = ContentRegistry::PatternLanguage::getFunctions(); for (auto &func : customFunctions) functions.insert(func); if (!functions.contains(this->m_functionName)) { if (this->m_functionName.starts_with("std::")) { evaluator->getConsole().log(LogConsole::Level::Warning, "This function might be part of the standard library.\nYou can install the standard library though\nthe Content Store found under Help -> Content Store and then\ninclude the correct file."); } LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("call to unknown function '{}'", this->m_functionName), this); } auto function = functions[this->m_functionName]; if (function.parameterCount == ContentRegistry::PatternLanguage::UnlimitedParameters) { ; // Don't check parameter count } else if (function.parameterCount & ContentRegistry::PatternLanguage::LessParametersThan) { if (evaluatedParams.size() >= (function.parameterCount & ~ContentRegistry::PatternLanguage::LessParametersThan)) LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("too many parameters for function '{0}'. Expected less than {1}", this->m_functionName, function.parameterCount & ~ContentRegistry::PatternLanguage::LessParametersThan), this); } else if (function.parameterCount & ContentRegistry::PatternLanguage::MoreParametersThan) { if (evaluatedParams.size() <= (function.parameterCount & ~ContentRegistry::PatternLanguage::MoreParametersThan)) LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("too few parameters for function '{0}'. Expected more than {1}", this->m_functionName, function.parameterCount & ~ContentRegistry::PatternLanguage::MoreParametersThan), this); } else if (function.parameterCount & ContentRegistry::PatternLanguage::ExactlyOrMoreParametersThan) { if (evaluatedParams.size() < (function.parameterCount & ~ContentRegistry::PatternLanguage::ExactlyOrMoreParametersThan)) LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("too few parameters for function '{0}'. Expected more than {1}", this->m_functionName, (function.parameterCount - 1) & ~ContentRegistry::PatternLanguage::ExactlyOrMoreParametersThan), this); } else if (function.parameterCount != evaluatedParams.size()) { LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("invalid number of parameters for function '{0}'. Expected {1}", this->m_functionName, function.parameterCount), this); } try { auto &function = functions[this->m_functionName]; if (function.dangerous && evaluator->getDangerousFunctionPermission() != DangerousFunctionPermission::Allow) { evaluator->dangerousFunctionCalled(); while (evaluator->getDangerousFunctionPermission() == DangerousFunctionPermission::Ask) { using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals; std::this_thread::sleep_for(100ms); } if (evaluator->getDangerousFunctionPermission() == DangerousFunctionPermission::Deny) { LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("calling of dangerous function '{}' is not allowed", this->m_functionName), this); } } auto result = function.func(evaluator, evaluatedParams); if (result.has_value()) return new ASTNodeLiteral(result.value()); else return new ASTNodeMathematicalExpression(nullptr, nullptr, Token::Operator::Plus); } catch (std::string &error) { LogConsole::abortEvaluation(error, this); } return nullptr; } FunctionResult execute(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { delete this->evaluate(evaluator); return {}; } private: std::string m_functionName; std::vector m_params; }; class ASTNodeTypeOperator : public ASTNode { public: ASTNodeTypeOperator(Token::Operator op, ASTNode *expression) : m_op(op), m_expression(expression) { } ASTNodeTypeOperator(const ASTNodeTypeOperator &other) : ASTNode(other) { this->m_op = other.m_op; this->m_expression = other.m_expression->clone(); } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *clone() const override { return new ASTNodeTypeOperator(*this); } ~ASTNodeTypeOperator() override { delete this->m_expression; } [[nodiscard]] Token::Operator getOperator() const { return this->m_op; } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *getExpression() const { return this->m_expression; } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *evaluate(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { auto pattern = this->m_expression->createPatterns(evaluator).front(); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { delete pattern; }; switch (this->getOperator()) { case Token::Operator::AddressOf: return new ASTNodeLiteral(u128(pattern->getOffset())); case Token::Operator::SizeOf: return new ASTNodeLiteral(u128(pattern->getSize())); default: LogConsole::abortEvaluation("invalid type operator", this); } } private: Token::Operator m_op; ASTNode *m_expression; }; class ASTNodeAssignment : public ASTNode { public: ASTNodeAssignment(std::string lvalueName, ASTNode *rvalue) : m_lvalueName(std::move(lvalueName)), m_rvalue(rvalue) { } ASTNodeAssignment(const ASTNodeAssignment &other) : ASTNode(other) { this->m_lvalueName = other.m_lvalueName; this->m_rvalue = other.m_rvalue->clone(); } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *clone() const override { return new ASTNodeAssignment(*this); } ~ASTNodeAssignment() override { delete this->m_rvalue; } [[nodiscard]] const std::string &getLValueName() const { return this->m_lvalueName; } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *getRValue() const { return this->m_rvalue; } [[nodiscard]] std::vector createPatterns(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { this->execute(evaluator); return {}; } FunctionResult execute(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { auto literal = dynamic_cast(this->getRValue()->evaluate(evaluator)); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { delete literal; }; if (this->getLValueName() == "$") evaluator->dataOffset() = Token::literalToUnsigned(literal->getValue()); else evaluator->setVariable(this->getLValueName(), literal->getValue()); return {}; } private: std::string m_lvalueName; ASTNode *m_rvalue; }; class ASTNodeControlFlowStatement : public ASTNode { public: explicit ASTNodeControlFlowStatement(ControlFlowStatement type, ASTNode *rvalue) : m_type(type), m_rvalue(rvalue) { } ASTNodeControlFlowStatement(const ASTNodeControlFlowStatement &other) : ASTNode(other) { this->m_type = other.m_type; if (other.m_rvalue != nullptr) this->m_rvalue = other.m_rvalue->clone(); else this->m_rvalue = nullptr; } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *clone() const override { return new ASTNodeControlFlowStatement(*this); } ~ASTNodeControlFlowStatement() override { delete this->m_rvalue; } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *getReturnValue() const { return this->m_rvalue; } [[nodiscard]] std::vector createPatterns(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { this->execute(evaluator); return {}; } FunctionResult execute(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { auto returnValue = this->getReturnValue(); auto literal = dynamic_cast(returnValue->evaluate(evaluator)); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { delete literal; }; evaluator->setCurrentControlFlowStatement(this->m_type); if (literal == nullptr) return std::nullopt; else return literal->getValue(); } private: ControlFlowStatement m_type; ASTNode *m_rvalue; }; class ASTNodeFunctionDefinition : public ASTNode { public: ASTNodeFunctionDefinition(std::string name, std::vector> params, std::vector body, std::optional parameterPack) : m_name(std::move(name)), m_params(std::move(params)), m_body(std::move(body)), m_parameterPack(std::move(parameterPack)) { } ASTNodeFunctionDefinition(const ASTNodeFunctionDefinition &other) : ASTNode(other) { this->m_name = other.m_name; this->m_params = other.m_params; for (const auto &[name, type] : other.m_params) { this->m_params.emplace_back(name, type->clone()); } for (auto statement : other.m_body) { this->m_body.push_back(statement->clone()); } } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *clone() const override { return new ASTNodeFunctionDefinition(*this); } ~ASTNodeFunctionDefinition() override { for (auto &[name, type] : this->m_params) delete type; for (auto statement : this->m_body) delete statement; } [[nodiscard]] const std::string &getName() const { return this->m_name; } [[nodiscard]] const auto &getParams() const { return this->m_params; } [[nodiscard]] const auto &getBody() const { return this->m_body; } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *evaluate(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { size_t paramCount = this->m_params.size(); if (this->m_parameterPack.has_value()) paramCount |= ContentRegistry::PatternLanguage::ExactlyOrMoreParametersThan; evaluator->addCustomFunction(this->m_name, paramCount, [this](Evaluator *ctx, const std::vector ¶ms) -> std::optional { std::vector variables; ctx->pushScope(nullptr, variables); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { for (auto variable : variables) delete variable; ctx->popScope(); }; if (this->m_parameterPack.has_value()) { std::vector parameterPackContent; for (u32 paramIndex = this->m_params.size(); paramIndex < params.size(); paramIndex++) parameterPackContent.push_back(params[paramIndex]); ctx->createParameterPack(this->m_parameterPack.value(), parameterPackContent); } for (u32 paramIndex = 0; paramIndex < this->m_params.size(); paramIndex++) { const auto &[name, type] = this->m_params[paramIndex]; ctx->createVariable(name, type, params[paramIndex]); ctx->setVariable(name, params[paramIndex]); } for (auto statement : this->m_body) { auto result = statement->execute(ctx); if (ctx->getCurrentControlFlowStatement() != ControlFlowStatement::None) { switch (ctx->getCurrentControlFlowStatement()) { case ControlFlowStatement::Break: LogConsole::abortEvaluation("break statement not within a loop", statement); case ControlFlowStatement::Continue: LogConsole::abortEvaluation("continue statement not within a loop", statement); default: break; } ctx->setCurrentControlFlowStatement(ControlFlowStatement::None); return result; } } return {}; }); return nullptr; } private: std::string m_name; std::vector> m_params; std::vector m_body; std::optional m_parameterPack; }; class ASTNodeCompoundStatement : public ASTNode { public: explicit ASTNodeCompoundStatement(std::vector statements, bool newScope = false) : m_statements(std::move(statements)), m_newScope(newScope) { } ASTNodeCompoundStatement(const ASTNodeCompoundStatement &other) : ASTNode(other) { for (const auto &statement : other.m_statements) { this->m_statements.push_back(statement->clone()); } this->m_newScope = other.m_newScope; } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *clone() const override { return new ASTNodeCompoundStatement(*this); } ~ASTNodeCompoundStatement() override { for (const auto &statement : this->m_statements) { delete statement; } } [[nodiscard]] ASTNode *evaluate(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { ASTNode *result = nullptr; for (const auto &statement : this->m_statements) { delete result; result = statement->evaluate(evaluator); } return result; } [[nodiscard]] std::vector createPatterns(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { std::vector result; for (const auto &statement : this->m_statements) { auto patterns = statement->createPatterns(evaluator); std::copy(patterns.begin(), patterns.end(), std::back_inserter(result)); } return result; } FunctionResult execute(Evaluator *evaluator) const override { FunctionResult result; auto variables = *evaluator->getScope(0).scope; u32 startVariableCount = variables.size(); if (this->m_newScope) { evaluator->pushScope(nullptr, variables); } for (const auto &statement : this->m_statements) { result = statement->execute(evaluator); if (evaluator->getCurrentControlFlowStatement() != ControlFlowStatement::None) return result; } if (this->m_newScope) { i64 stackSize = evaluator->getStack().size(); for (u32 i = startVariableCount; i < variables.size(); i++) { stackSize--; delete variables[i]; } if (stackSize < 0) LogConsole::abortEvaluation("stack pointer underflow!", this); evaluator->getStack().resize(stackSize); evaluator->popScope(); } return result; } public: std::vector m_statements; bool m_newScope = false; }; };