#include <imgui.h> #include <imgui_internal.h> #include <imgui_freetype.h> #include <imgui_impl_opengl3.h> #include <memory> #include <list> #include <hex/api/imhex_api.hpp> #include <hex/api/content_registry.hpp> #include <hex/api/event_manager.hpp> #include <hex/api/task_manager.hpp> #include <hex/helpers/auto_reset.hpp> #include <hex/helpers/logger.hpp> #include <hex/helpers/fs.hpp> #include <hex/helpers/utils.hpp> #include <hex/helpers/default_paths.hpp> #include <romfs/romfs.hpp> #include <wolv/io/file.hpp> #include <wolv/utils/string.hpp> namespace hex::fonts { namespace { class Font { public: Font() = default; float getDescent() const { return m_font->Descent; } private: explicit Font(ImFont *font) : m_font(font) { } private: friend class FontAtlas; ImFont *m_font; }; class FontAtlas { public: FontAtlas() : m_fontAtlas(IM_NEW(ImFontAtlas)) { enableUnicodeCharacters(false); // Set the default configuration for the font atlas m_config.OversampleH = m_config.OversampleV = 1; m_config.PixelSnapH = true; m_config.MergeMode = false; // Make sure the font atlas doesn't get too large, otherwise weaker GPUs might reject it m_fontAtlas->Flags |= ImFontAtlasFlags_NoPowerOfTwoHeight; m_fontAtlas->TexDesiredWidth = 4096; } ~FontAtlas() { IM_DELETE(m_fontAtlas); } Font addDefaultFont() { ImFontConfig config = m_config; config.FontBuilderFlags |= ImGuiFreeTypeBuilderFlags_Monochrome | ImGuiFreeTypeBuilderFlags_MonoHinting; config.SizePixels = std::floor(ImHexApi::System::getGlobalScale()) * 13.0F; auto font = m_fontAtlas->AddFontDefault(&config); m_fontSizes.emplace_back(false, config.SizePixels); m_config.MergeMode = true; return Font(font); } Font addFontFromMemory(const std::vector<u8> &fontData, float fontSize, bool scalable, ImVec2 offset, const ImVector<ImWchar> &glyphRange = {}) { auto &storedFontData = m_fontData.emplace_back(fontData); ImFontConfig config = m_config; config.FontDataOwnedByAtlas = false; config.GlyphOffset = { offset.x, offset.y }; auto font = m_fontAtlas->AddFontFromMemoryTTF(storedFontData.data(), int(storedFontData.size()), fontSize, &config, !glyphRange.empty() ? glyphRange.Data : m_glyphRange.Data); m_fontSizes.emplace_back(scalable, fontSize); m_config.MergeMode = true; return Font(font); } Font addFontFromRomFs(const std::fs::path &path, float fontSize, bool scalable, ImVec2 offset, const ImVector<ImWchar> &glyphRange = {}) { auto data = romfs::get(path).span<u8>(); return addFontFromMemory({ data.begin(), data.end() }, fontSize, scalable, offset, glyphRange); } Font addFontFromFile(const std::fs::path &path, float fontSize, bool scalable, ImVec2 offset, const ImVector<ImWchar> &glyphRange = {}) { wolv::io::File file(path, wolv::io::File::Mode::Read); auto data = file.readVector(); return addFontFromMemory(data, fontSize, scalable, offset, glyphRange); } void setBold(bool enabled) { if (enabled) m_config.FontBuilderFlags |= ImGuiFreeTypeBuilderFlags_Bold; else m_config.FontBuilderFlags &= ~ImGuiFreeTypeBuilderFlags_Bold; } void setItalic(bool enabled) { if (enabled) m_config.FontBuilderFlags |= ImGuiFreeTypeBuilderFlags_Oblique; else m_config.FontBuilderFlags &= ~ImGuiFreeTypeBuilderFlags_Oblique; } void setAntiAliasing(bool enabled) { if (enabled) m_config.FontBuilderFlags &= ~ImGuiFreeTypeBuilderFlags_Monochrome | ImGuiFreeTypeBuilderFlags_MonoHinting; else m_config.FontBuilderFlags |= ImGuiFreeTypeBuilderFlags_Monochrome | ImGuiFreeTypeBuilderFlags_MonoHinting; } void enableUnicodeCharacters(bool enabled) { ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder glyphRangesBuilder; { constexpr static std::array<ImWchar, 3> controlCodeRange = { 0x0001, 0x001F, 0 }; constexpr static std::array<ImWchar, 3> extendedAsciiRange = { 0x007F, 0x00FF, 0 }; constexpr static std::array<ImWchar, 3> latinExtendedARange = { 0x0100, 0x017F, 0 }; glyphRangesBuilder.AddRanges(controlCodeRange.data()); glyphRangesBuilder.AddRanges(m_fontAtlas->GetGlyphRangesDefault()); glyphRangesBuilder.AddRanges(extendedAsciiRange.data()); glyphRangesBuilder.AddRanges(latinExtendedARange.data()); } if (enabled) { constexpr static std::array<ImWchar, 3> fullRange = { 0x0180, 0xFFEF, 0 }; glyphRangesBuilder.AddRanges(fullRange.data()); } else { glyphRangesBuilder.AddRanges(m_fontAtlas->GetGlyphRangesJapanese()); glyphRangesBuilder.AddRanges(m_fontAtlas->GetGlyphRangesChineseFull()); glyphRangesBuilder.AddRanges(m_fontAtlas->GetGlyphRangesCyrillic()); glyphRangesBuilder.AddRanges(m_fontAtlas->GetGlyphRangesKorean()); glyphRangesBuilder.AddRanges(m_fontAtlas->GetGlyphRangesThai()); glyphRangesBuilder.AddRanges(m_fontAtlas->GetGlyphRangesVietnamese()); } m_glyphRange.clear(); glyphRangesBuilder.BuildRanges(&m_glyphRange); } bool build() const { return m_fontAtlas->Build(); } [[nodiscard]] ImFontAtlas* getAtlas() { auto result = m_fontAtlas; return result; } float calculateFontDescend(const ImHexApi::Fonts::Font &font, float fontSize) const { auto atlas = std::make_unique<ImFontAtlas>(); auto cfg = m_config; // Calculate the expected font size auto size = fontSize; if (font.defaultSize.has_value()) size = font.defaultSize.value() * std::max(1.0F, std::floor(ImHexApi::Fonts::getFontSize() / ImHexApi::Fonts::DefaultFontSize)); else size = std::max(1.0F, std::floor(size / ImHexApi::Fonts::DefaultFontSize)) * ImHexApi::Fonts::DefaultFontSize; cfg.MergeMode = false; cfg.SizePixels = size; cfg.FontDataOwnedByAtlas = false; // Construct a range that only contains the first glyph of the font ImVector<ImWchar> queryRange; { auto firstGlyph = font.glyphRanges.empty() ? m_glyphRange.front() : font.glyphRanges.front().begin; queryRange.push_back(firstGlyph); queryRange.push_back(firstGlyph); } queryRange.push_back(0x00); // Build the font atlas with the query range auto newFont = atlas->AddFontFromMemoryTTF(const_cast<u8 *>(font.fontData.data()), int(font.fontData.size()), 0, &cfg, queryRange.Data); atlas->Build(); return newFont->Descent; } void reset() { IM_DELETE(m_fontAtlas); m_fontAtlas = IM_NEW(ImFontAtlas); m_fontData.clear(); m_config.MergeMode = false; } void updateFontScaling(float newScaling) { for (int i = 0; i < m_fontAtlas->ConfigData.size(); i += 1) { const auto &[scalable, fontSize] = m_fontSizes[i]; auto &configData = m_fontAtlas->ConfigData[i]; if (!scalable) { configData.SizePixels = fontSize * std::floor(newScaling); } else { configData.SizePixels = fontSize * newScaling; } } } private: ImFontAtlas* m_fontAtlas; std::vector<std::pair<bool, float>> m_fontSizes; ImFontConfig m_config; ImVector<ImWchar> m_glyphRange; std::list<std::vector<u8>> m_fontData; }; std::fs::path findCustomFontPath() { // Find the custom font file specified in the settings auto fontFile = ContentRegistry::Settings::read<std::fs::path>("hex.builtin.setting.font", "hex.builtin.setting.font.font_path", ""); if (!fontFile.empty()) { if (!wolv::io::fs::exists(fontFile) || !wolv::io::fs::isRegularFile(fontFile)) { log::warn("Custom font file {} not found! Falling back to default font.", wolv::util::toUTF8String(fontFile)); fontFile.clear(); } log::info("Loading custom font from {}", wolv::util::toUTF8String(fontFile)); } // If no custom font has been specified, search for a file called "font.ttf" in one of the resource folders if (fontFile.empty()) { for (const auto &dir : paths::Resources.read()) { auto path = dir / "font.ttf"; if (wolv::io::fs::exists(path)) { log::info("Loading custom font from {}", wolv::util::toUTF8String(path)); fontFile = path; break; } } } return fontFile; } float getFontSize() { float fontSize = ImHexApi::Fonts::DefaultFontSize; if (auto scaling = ImHexApi::System::getGlobalScale(); u32(scaling) * 10 == u32(scaling * 10)) fontSize *= scaling; else fontSize *= scaling * 0.75F; // Fall back to the default font if the global scale is 0 if (fontSize == 0.0F) fontSize = ImHexApi::Fonts::DefaultFontSize; // If a custom font is used, adjust the font size if (!ImHexApi::Fonts::getCustomFontPath().empty()) { fontSize = float(ContentRegistry::Settings::read<int>("hex.builtin.setting.font", "hex.builtin.setting.font.font_size", 13)) * ImHexApi::System::getGlobalScale(); } return fontSize; } } bool buildFontAtlasImpl(bool loadUnicodeCharacters) { static FontAtlas fontAtlas; fontAtlas.reset(); // Check if Unicode support is enabled in the settings and that the user doesn't use the No GPU version on Windows // The Mesa3D software renderer on Windows identifies itself as "VMware, Inc." bool shouldLoadUnicode = ContentRegistry::Settings::read<bool>("hex.builtin.setting.font", "hex.builtin.setting.font.load_all_unicode_chars", false) && ImHexApi::System::getGPUVendor() != "VMware, Inc."; if (!loadUnicodeCharacters) shouldLoadUnicode = false; fontAtlas.enableUnicodeCharacters(shouldLoadUnicode); // If a custom font is set in the settings, load the rest of the settings as well if (ContentRegistry::Settings::read<bool>("hex.builtin.setting.font", "hex.builtin.setting.font.custom_font_enable", false)) { fontAtlas.setBold(ContentRegistry::Settings::read<bool>("hex.builtin.setting.font", "hex.builtin.setting.font.font_bold", false)); fontAtlas.setItalic(ContentRegistry::Settings::read<bool>("hex.builtin.setting.font", "hex.builtin.setting.font.font_italic", false)); fontAtlas.setAntiAliasing(ContentRegistry::Settings::read<bool>("hex.builtin.setting.font", "hex.builtin.setting.font.font_antialias", true)); ImHexApi::Fonts::impl::setCustomFontPath(findCustomFontPath()); } ImHexApi::Fonts::impl::setFontSize(getFontSize()); const auto fontSize = ImHexApi::Fonts::getFontSize(); const auto &customFontPath = ImHexApi::Fonts::getCustomFontPath(); // Try to load the custom font if one was set std::optional<Font> defaultFont; if (!customFontPath.empty()) { defaultFont = fontAtlas.addFontFromFile(customFontPath, fontSize, true, ImVec2()); if (!fontAtlas.build()) { log::error("Failed to load custom font '{}'! Falling back to default font", wolv::util::toUTF8String(customFontPath)); defaultFont.reset(); } } // If there's no custom font set, or it failed to load, fall back to the default font if (!defaultFont.has_value()) { auto pixelPerfectFont = ContentRegistry::Settings::read<bool>("hex.builtin.setting.font", "hex.builtin.setting.font.pixel_perfect_default_font", true); if (pixelPerfectFont) defaultFont = fontAtlas.addDefaultFont(); else defaultFont = fontAtlas.addFontFromRomFs("fonts/firacode.ttf", fontSize * 1.1, true, ImVec2()); if (!fontAtlas.build()) { log::fatal("Failed to load default font!"); return false; } } // Add all the built-in fonts { static std::list<ImVector<ImWchar>> glyphRanges; glyphRanges.clear(); for (auto &font : ImHexApi::Fonts::impl::getFonts()) { // Construct the glyph range for the font ImVector<ImWchar> glyphRange; if (!font.glyphRanges.empty()) { for (const auto &range : font.glyphRanges) { glyphRange.push_back(range.begin); glyphRange.push_back(range.end); } glyphRange.push_back(0x00); } glyphRanges.push_back(glyphRange); // Calculate the glyph offset for the font ImVec2 offset = { font.offset.x, font.offset.y - (defaultFont->getDescent() - fontAtlas.calculateFontDescend(font, fontSize)) }; // Load the font fontAtlas.addFontFromMemory(font.fontData, font.defaultSize.value_or(fontSize), !font.defaultSize.has_value(), offset, glyphRanges.back()); } } EventDPIChanged::subscribe([](float, float newScaling) { fontAtlas.updateFontScaling(newScaling); if (fontAtlas.build()) { ImGui_ImplOpenGL3_DestroyFontsTexture(); ImGui_ImplOpenGL3_CreateFontsTexture(); ImHexApi::Fonts::impl::setFontAtlas(fontAtlas.getAtlas()); } }); // Build the font atlas const bool result = fontAtlas.build(); if (result) { // Set the font atlas if the build was successful ImHexApi::Fonts::impl::setFontAtlas(fontAtlas.getAtlas()); return true; } // If the build wasn't successful and Unicode characters are enabled, try again without them // If they were disabled already, something went wrong, and we can't recover from it if (!shouldLoadUnicode) { // Reset Unicode loading and scaling factor settings back to default to make sure the user can still use the application ContentRegistry::Settings::write<bool>("hex.builtin.setting.font", "hex.builtin.setting.font.load_all_unicode_chars", false); ContentRegistry::Settings::write<float>("hex.builtin.setting.interface", "hex.builtin.setting.interface.scaling_factor", 1.0F); ImHexApi::System::impl::setGlobalScale(1.0F); return false; } else { return buildFontAtlasImpl(false); } } bool buildFontAtlas() { return buildFontAtlasImpl(true); } }