#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace hex::pl { void Evaluator::createParameterPack(const std::string &name, const std::vector &values) { this->getScope(0).parameterPack = ParameterPack { name, values }; } void Evaluator::createVariable(const std::string &name, ASTNode *type, const std::optional &value, bool outVariable) { auto &variables = *this->getScope(0).scope; for (auto &variable : variables) { if (variable->getVariableName() == name) { LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("variable with name '{}' already exists", name)); } } auto startOffset = this->dataOffset(); std::unique_ptr pattern; this->dataOffset() = startOffset; bool referenceType = false; auto typePattern = type->createPatterns(this); if (typePattern.empty()) { // Handle auto variables if (!value.has_value()) LogConsole::abortEvaluation("cannot determine type of auto variable", type); if (std::get_if(&value.value()) != nullptr) pattern = std::unique_ptr(new PatternUnsigned(this, 0, sizeof(u128))); else if (std::get_if(&value.value()) != nullptr) pattern = std::unique_ptr(new PatternSigned(this, 0, sizeof(i128))); else if (std::get_if(&value.value()) != nullptr) pattern = std::unique_ptr(new PatternFloat(this, 0, sizeof(double))); else if (std::get_if(&value.value()) != nullptr) pattern = std::unique_ptr(new PatternBoolean(this, 0)); else if (std::get_if(&value.value()) != nullptr) pattern = std::unique_ptr(new PatternCharacter(this, 0)); else if (std::get_if(&value.value()) != nullptr) pattern = std::unique_ptr(new PatternString(this, 0, 1)); else if (auto patternValue = std::get_if(&value.value()); patternValue != nullptr) { pattern = (*patternValue)->clone(); referenceType = true; } else LogConsole::abortEvaluation("cannot determine type of auto variable", type); } else { pattern = std::move(typePattern.front()); } pattern->setVariableName(name); if (!referenceType) { pattern->setOffset(this->getStack().size()); pattern->setLocal(true); this->getStack().emplace_back(); } if (outVariable) this->m_outVariables[name] = pattern->getOffset(); variables.push_back(std::move(pattern)); } void Evaluator::setVariable(const std::string &name, const Token::Literal &value) { std::unique_ptr pattern = nullptr; { auto &variables = *this->getScope(0).scope; for (auto &variable : variables) { if (variable->getVariableName() == name) { pattern = variable->clone(); break; } } } if (pattern == nullptr) { auto &variables = *this->getGlobalScope().scope; for (auto &variable : variables) { if (variable->getVariableName() == name) { if (!variable->isLocal()) LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("cannot modify global variable '{}' which has been placed in memory", name)); pattern = variable->clone(); break; } } } if (pattern == nullptr) LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("no variable with name '{}' found", name)); if (!pattern->isLocal()) return; Token::Literal castedLiteral = std::visit(overloaded { [&](double &value) -> Token::Literal { if (dynamic_cast(pattern.get())) return u128(value) & bitmask(pattern->getSize() * 8); else if (dynamic_cast(pattern.get())) return i128(value) & bitmask(pattern->getSize() * 8); else if (dynamic_cast(pattern.get())) return pattern->getSize() == sizeof(float) ? double(float(value)) : value; else LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("cannot cast type 'double' to type '{}'", pattern->getTypeName())); }, [&](const std::string &value) -> Token::Literal { if (dynamic_cast(pattern.get())) return value; else LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("cannot cast type 'string' to type '{}'", pattern->getTypeName())); }, [&](Pattern *value) -> Token::Literal { if (value->getTypeName() == pattern->getTypeName()) return value; else LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("cannot cast type '{}' to type '{}'", value->getTypeName(), pattern->getTypeName())); }, [&](auto &&value) -> Token::Literal { if (dynamic_cast(pattern.get()) || dynamic_cast(pattern.get())) return u128(value) & bitmask(pattern->getSize() * 8); else if (dynamic_cast(pattern.get())) return i128(value) & bitmask(pattern->getSize() * 8); else if (dynamic_cast(pattern.get())) return char(value); else if (dynamic_cast(pattern.get())) return bool(value); else if (dynamic_cast(pattern.get())) return pattern->getSize() == sizeof(float) ? double(float(value)) : value; else LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("cannot cast integer literal to type '{}'", pattern->getTypeName())); } }, value); this->getStack()[pattern->getOffset()] = castedLiteral; } std::optional>> Evaluator::evaluate(const std::vector> &ast) { this->m_stack.clear(); this->m_customFunctions.clear(); this->m_scopes.clear(); this->m_mainResult.reset(); this->m_aborted = false; if (this->m_allowDangerousFunctions == DangerousFunctionPermission::Deny) this->m_allowDangerousFunctions = DangerousFunctionPermission::Ask; this->m_dangerousFunctionCalled = false; ON_SCOPE_EXIT { this->m_envVariables.clear(); }; this->dataOffset() = 0x00; this->m_currPatternCount = 0; this->m_customFunctionDefinitions.clear(); std::vector> patterns; try { this->setCurrentControlFlowStatement(ControlFlowStatement::None); pushScope(nullptr, patterns); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { popScope(); }; for (auto &node : ast) { if (dynamic_cast(node.get())) { ; // Don't create patterns from type declarations } else if (dynamic_cast(node.get())) { (void)node->evaluate(this); } else if (dynamic_cast(node.get())) { this->m_customFunctionDefinitions.push_back(node->evaluate(this)); } else if (auto varDeclNode = dynamic_cast(node.get())) { for (auto &pattern : node->createPatterns(this)) { if (varDeclNode->getPlacementOffset() == nullptr) { auto type = varDeclNode->getType()->evaluate(this); auto &name = pattern->getVariableName(); this->createVariable(name, type.get(), std::nullopt, varDeclNode->isOutVariable()); if (varDeclNode->isInVariable() && this->m_inVariables.contains(name)) this->setVariable(name, this->m_inVariables[name]); } else { patterns.push_back(std::move(pattern)); } } } else { auto newPatterns = node->createPatterns(this); std::move(newPatterns.begin(), newPatterns.end(), std::back_inserter(patterns)); } } if (this->m_customFunctions.contains("main")) { auto mainFunction = this->m_customFunctions["main"]; if (mainFunction.parameterCount > 0) LogConsole::abortEvaluation("main function may not accept any arguments"); this->m_mainResult = mainFunction.func(this, {}); } } catch (PatternLanguageError &error) { this->m_console.log(LogConsole::Level::Error, error.what()); if (error.getLineNumber() != 0) this->m_console.setHardError(error); patterns.clear(); this->m_currPatternCount = 0; return std::nullopt; } // Remove global local variables std::erase_if(patterns, [](const std::shared_ptr &pattern) { return pattern->isLocal(); }); return patterns; } void Evaluator::patternCreated() { if (this->m_currPatternCount > this->m_patternLimit) LogConsole::abortEvaluation(hex::format("exceeded maximum number of patterns: {}", this->m_patternLimit)); this->m_currPatternCount++; } void Evaluator::patternDestroyed() { this->m_currPatternCount--; } }