#include "content/views/view_theme_manager.hpp" #include #include #include namespace hex::plugin::builtin { ViewThemeManager::ViewThemeManager() : View("hex.builtin.view.theme_manager.name") { ContentRegistry::Interface::addMenuItem({ "hex.builtin.menu.extras", "hex.builtin.view.theme_manager.name" }, 2000, Shortcut::None, [&, this] { this->m_viewOpen = true; this->getWindowOpenState() = true; }); } void ViewThemeManager::drawContent() { if (ImGui::Begin(View::toWindowName("hex.builtin.view.theme_manager.name").c_str(), &this->m_viewOpen, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoDocking)) { ImGui::Header("hex.builtin.view.theme_manager.colors"_lang, true); // Draw theme handlers ImGui::PushID(1); // Loop over each theme handler bool anyColorHovered = false; for (auto &[name, handler] : ThemeManager::getThemeHandlers()) { // Create a new collapsable header for each category if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader(name.c_str())) { // Loop over all the individual theme settings for (auto &[colorName, colorId] : handler.colorMap) { // Get the current color value auto color = handler.getFunction(colorId); // Draw a color picker for the color if (ImGui::ColorEdit4(colorName.c_str(), reinterpret_cast(&color.Value), ImGuiColorEditFlags_NoInputs | ImGuiColorEditFlags_AlphaBar | ImGuiColorEditFlags_AlphaPreviewHalf)) { // Update the color value handler.setFunction(colorId, color); EventManager::post(); } if (ImGui::IsItemHovered()) { anyColorHovered = true; if (!this->m_hoveredColorId.has_value()) { this->m_hoveredColorId = colorId; this->m_startingColor = color; this->m_hoveredHandlerName = name; } } } } if (this->m_hoveredHandlerName == name && this->m_startingColor.has_value() && this->m_hoveredColorId.has_value()) { auto flashingColor = this->m_startingColor.value(); const float flashProgress = std::min(1.0F, (1.0F + sinf(ImGui::GetTime() * 6) / 2.0F)); flashingColor.Value.x = std::lerp(flashingColor.Value.x, 1.0F, flashProgress); flashingColor.Value.y = std::lerp(flashingColor.Value.y, 1.0F, flashProgress);; handler.setFunction(*this->m_hoveredColorId, flashingColor); if (!anyColorHovered) { handler.setFunction(this->m_hoveredColorId.value(), this->m_startingColor.value()); this->m_startingColor.reset(); this->m_hoveredColorId.reset(); } } } ImGui::PopID(); ImGui::Header("hex.builtin.view.theme_manager.styles"_lang); // Draw style handlers ImGui::PushID(2); // Loop over each style handler for (auto &[name, handler] : ThemeManager::getStyleHandlers()) { // Create a new collapsable header for each category if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader(name.c_str())) { // Loop over all the individual style settings for (auto &[styleName, style] : handler.styleMap) { // Get the current style value auto &[value, min, max, needsScaling] = style; // Styles can either be floats or ImVec2s // Determine which one it is and draw the appropriate slider if (auto floatValue = std::get_if(&value); floatValue != nullptr) { if (ImGui::SliderFloat(styleName.c_str(), *floatValue, min, max, "%.1f")) { EventManager::post(); } } else if (auto vecValue = std::get_if(&value); vecValue != nullptr) { if (ImGui::SliderFloat2(styleName.c_str(), &(*vecValue)->x, min, max, "%.1f")) { EventManager::post(); } } } } } ImGui::PopID(); // Draw export settings ImGui::Header("hex.builtin.view.theme_manager.export"_lang); ImGui::InputTextIcon("hex.builtin.view.theme_manager.export.name"_lang, ICON_VS_SYMBOL_KEY, this->m_themeName); // Draw the export buttons if (ImGui::Button("hex.builtin.view.theme_manager.save_theme"_lang, ImVec2(ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().x, 0))) { fs::openFileBrowser(fs::DialogMode::Save, { { "ImHex Theme", "json" } }, [this](const std::fs::path &path){ // Export the current theme as json auto json = ThemeManager::exportCurrentTheme(this->m_themeName); // Write the json to the file wolv::io::File outputFile(path, wolv::io::File::Mode::Create); outputFile.writeString(json.dump(4)); }); } } ImGui::End(); this->getWindowOpenState() = this->m_viewOpen; } }