#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace hex { class View { explicit View(UnlocalizedString unlocalizedName, const char *icon); public: virtual ~View() = default; /** * @brief Draws the view * @note Do not override this method. Override drawContent() instead */ virtual void draw() = 0; /** * @brief Draws the content of the view */ virtual void drawContent() = 0; /** * @brief Draws content that should always be visible, even if the view is not open */ virtual void drawAlwaysVisibleContent() { } /** * @brief Whether or not the view window should be drawn * @return True if the view window should be drawn, false otherwise */ [[nodiscard]] virtual bool shouldDraw() const; /** * @brief Whether or not the entire view should be processed * If this returns false, the view will not be drawn and no shortcuts will be handled. This includes things * drawn in the drawAlwaysVisibleContent() function. * @return True if the view should be processed, false otherwise */ [[nodiscard]] virtual bool shouldProcess() const; /** * @brief Whether or not the view should have an entry in the view menu * @return True if the view should have an entry in the view menu, false otherwise */ [[nodiscard]] virtual bool hasViewMenuItemEntry() const; /** * @brief Gets the minimum size of the view window * @return The minimum size of the view window */ [[nodiscard]] virtual ImVec2 getMinSize() const; /** * @brief Gets the maximum size of the view window * @return The maximum size of the view window */ [[nodiscard]] virtual ImVec2 getMaxSize() const; /** * @brief Gets additional window flags for the view window * @return Additional window flags for the view window */ [[nodiscard]] virtual ImGuiWindowFlags getWindowFlags() const; [[nodiscard]] virtual bool shouldStoreWindowState() const { return true; } [[nodiscard]] const char *getIcon() const { return m_icon; } [[nodiscard]] bool &getWindowOpenState(); [[nodiscard]] const bool &getWindowOpenState() const; [[nodiscard]] const UnlocalizedString &getUnlocalizedName() const; [[nodiscard]] std::string getName() const; [[nodiscard]] bool didWindowJustOpen(); void setWindowJustOpened(bool state); void trackViewOpenState(); static void discardNavigationRequests(); [[nodiscard]] static std::string toWindowName(const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedName); public: class Window; class Special; class Floating; class Modal; private: UnlocalizedString m_unlocalizedViewName; bool m_windowOpen = false, m_prevWindowOpen = false; std::map m_shortcuts; bool m_windowJustOpened = false; const char *m_icon; friend class ShortcutManager; }; /** * @brief A view that draws a regular window. This should be the default for most views */ class View::Window : public View { public: explicit Window(UnlocalizedString unlocalizedName, const char *icon) : View(std::move(unlocalizedName), icon) {} void draw() final { if (this->shouldDraw()) { ImGui::SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(this->getMinSize(), this->getMaxSize()); if (ImGui::Begin(View::toWindowName(this->getUnlocalizedName()).c_str(), &this->getWindowOpenState(), ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse | this->getWindowFlags())) { this->drawContent(); } ImGui::End(); } } }; /** * @brief A view that doesn't handle any window creation and just draws its content. * This should be used if you intend to draw your own special window */ class View::Special : public View { public: explicit Special(UnlocalizedString unlocalizedName) : View(std::move(unlocalizedName), "") {} void draw() final { if (this->shouldDraw()) { ImGui::SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(this->getMinSize(), this->getMaxSize()); this->drawContent(); } } }; /** * @brief A view that draws a floating window. These are the same as regular windows but cannot be docked */ class View::Floating : public View::Window { public: explicit Floating(UnlocalizedString unlocalizedName) : Window(std::move(unlocalizedName), "") {} [[nodiscard]] ImGuiWindowFlags getWindowFlags() const override { return ImGuiWindowFlags_NoDocking; } [[nodiscard]] bool shouldStoreWindowState() const override { return false; } }; /** * @brief A view that draws a modal window. The window will always be drawn on top and will block input to other windows */ class View::Modal : public View { public: explicit Modal(UnlocalizedString unlocalizedName) : View(std::move(unlocalizedName), "") {} void draw() final { if (this->shouldDraw()) { if (this->getWindowOpenState()) ImGui::OpenPopup(View::toWindowName(this->getUnlocalizedName()).c_str()); ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImGui::GetMainViewport()->GetCenter(), ImGuiCond_Appearing, ImVec2(0.5F, 0.5F)); ImGui::SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(this->getMinSize(), this->getMaxSize()); if (ImGui::BeginPopupModal(View::toWindowName(this->getUnlocalizedName()).c_str(), this->hasCloseButton() ? &this->getWindowOpenState() : nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse | ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize | this->getWindowFlags())) { this->drawContent(); ImGui::EndPopup(); } if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(ImGuiKey_Escape)) this->getWindowOpenState() = false; } } [[nodiscard]] virtual bool hasCloseButton() const { return true; } [[nodiscard]] bool shouldStoreWindowState() const override { return false; } }; }