### Compiling ImHex on Linux On Linux, ImHex is built through regular GCC (or optionally Clang). 1. Clone the repo using `git clone https://github.com/WerWolv/ImHex --recurse-submodules` 2. Install the dependencies using one of the `dist/get_deps_*.sh` scripts. Choose the one that matches your distro. 3. Build ImHex itself using the following commands: ```sh cd ImHex mkdir -p build cd build CC=gcc-12 CXX=g++-12 cmake \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/usr" \ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache \ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache \ -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-fuse-ld=lld" \ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-fuse-ld=lld" \ -DCMAKE_OBJC_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache \ -DCMAKE_OBJCXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache \ .. make -j 4 install ``` All paths follow the XDG Base Directories standard, and can thus be modified with the environment variables `XDG_CONFIG_HOME`, `XDG_CONFIG_DIRS`, `XDG_DATA_HOME` and `XDG_DATA_DIRS`.