#include "content/views/view_settings.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include namespace hex::plugin::builtin { ViewSettings::ViewSettings() : View::Modal("hex.builtin.view.settings.name") { // Handle window open requests RequestOpenWindow::subscribe(this, [this](const std::string &name) { if (name == "Settings") { TaskManager::doLater([this] { this->getWindowOpenState() = true; }); } }); // Add the settings menu item to the Extras menu ContentRegistry::Interface::addMenuItemSeparator({ "hex.builtin.menu.extras" }, 3000); ContentRegistry::Interface::addMenuItem({ "hex.builtin.menu.extras", "hex.builtin.view.settings.name" }, ICON_VS_SETTINGS_GEAR, 4000, Shortcut::None, [&, this] { this->getWindowOpenState() = true; }); EventImHexStartupFinished::subscribe(this, []{ for (const auto &[unlocalizedCategory, unlocalizedDescription, subCategories] : ContentRegistry::Settings::impl::getSettings()) { for (const auto &[unlocalizedSubCategory, entries] : subCategories) { for (const auto &[unlocalizedName, widget] : entries) { try { auto defaultValue = widget->store(); widget->load(ContentRegistry::Settings::impl::getSetting(unlocalizedCategory, unlocalizedName, defaultValue)); } catch (const std::exception &e) { log::error("Failed to load setting [{} / {}]: {}", unlocalizedCategory.get(), unlocalizedName.get(), e.what()); } } } } }); } ViewSettings::~ViewSettings() { RequestOpenWindow::unsubscribe(this); EventImHexStartupFinished::unsubscribe(this); } void ViewSettings::drawContent() { if (ImGui::BeginTable("Settings", 2, ImGuiTableFlags_BordersInner)) { ImGui::TableSetupColumn("##category", ImGuiTableColumnFlags_WidthFixed, 120_scaled); ImGui::TableSetupColumn("##settings", ImGuiTableColumnFlags_WidthStretch); ImGui::TableNextRow(); ImGui::TableNextColumn(); { auto &categories = ContentRegistry::Settings::impl::getSettings(); // Draw all categories bool categorySet = false; for (auto &category : categories) { // Skip empty categories if (category.subCategories.empty()) continue; if (ImGui::Selectable(Lang(category.unlocalizedName), m_selectedCategory == &category, ImGuiSelectableFlags_NoAutoClosePopups) || m_selectedCategory == nullptr) m_selectedCategory = &category; if (m_selectedCategory == &category) categorySet = true; } if (!categorySet) m_selectedCategory = nullptr; } ImGui::TableNextColumn(); if (m_selectedCategory != nullptr) { auto &category = *m_selectedCategory; if (ImGui::BeginChild("scrolling")) { // Draw the category description if (!category.unlocalizedDescription.empty()) { ImGuiExt::TextFormattedWrapped("{}", Lang(category.unlocalizedDescription)); ImGui::NewLine(); } // Draw all settings of that category u32 index = 0; for (auto &subCategory : category.subCategories) { ON_SCOPE_EXIT { index += 1; }; // Skip empty subcategories if (subCategory.entries.empty()) continue; if (ImGuiExt::BeginSubWindow(Lang(subCategory.unlocalizedName))) { for (auto &setting : subCategory.entries) { ImGui::BeginDisabled(!setting.widget->isEnabled()); ImGui::PushItemWidth(-200_scaled); bool settingChanged = setting.widget->draw(Lang(setting.unlocalizedName)); ImGui::PopItemWidth(); ImGui::EndDisabled(); if (const auto &tooltip = setting.widget->getTooltip(); tooltip.has_value() && ImGui::IsItemHovered()) ImGuiExt::InfoTooltip(Lang(tooltip.value())); auto &widget = setting.widget; // Handle a setting being changed if (settingChanged) { auto newValue = widget->store(); // Write new value to settings ContentRegistry::Settings::write(category.unlocalizedName, setting.unlocalizedName, newValue); // Print a debug message log::debug("Setting [{} / {}]: Value was changed to {}", category.unlocalizedName.get(), setting.unlocalizedName.get(), nlohmann::to_string(newValue)); // Signal that the setting was changed widget->onChanged(); // Request a restart if the setting requires it if (widget->doesRequireRestart()) { m_restartRequested = true; m_triggerPopup = true; } } } } ImGuiExt::EndSubWindow(); if (index != i64(category.subCategories.size()) - 1) ImGui::NewLine(); } } ImGui::EndChild(); } ImGui::EndTable(); } } void ViewSettings::drawAlwaysVisibleContent() { // If a restart is required, ask the user if they want to restart if (!this->getWindowOpenState() && m_triggerPopup) { m_triggerPopup = false; ui::PopupQuestion::open("hex.builtin.view.settings.restart_question"_lang, ImHexApi::System::restartImHex, [this]{ m_restartRequested = false; } ); } } }