#include "content/views/view_diff.hpp" #include #include #include namespace hex::plugin::builtin { namespace { constexpr u32 getDiffColor(u32 color) { return (color & 0x00FFFFFF) | 0x40000000; } } ViewDiff::ViewDiff() : View::Window("hex.builtin.view.diff.name", ICON_VS_DIFF_SIDEBYSIDE) { // Clear the selected diff providers when a provider is closed EventProviderClosed::subscribe(this, [this](prv::Provider *) { for (u8 i = 0; i < 2; i++) { m_columns[i].provider = -1; m_columns[i].hexEditor.setSelectionUnchecked(std::nullopt, std::nullopt); } m_diffs.clear(); }); // Set the background highlight callbacks for the two hex editor columns m_columns[0].hexEditor.setBackgroundHighlightCallback(this->createCompareFunction(1)); m_columns[1].hexEditor.setBackgroundHighlightCallback(this->createCompareFunction(0)); } ViewDiff::~ViewDiff() { EventProviderClosed::unsubscribe(this); } namespace { bool drawDiffColumn(ViewDiff::Column &column, float height) { bool scrolled = false; ImGui::PushID(&column); // Draw the hex editor float prevScroll = column.hexEditor.getScrollPosition(); column.hexEditor.draw(height); float currScroll = column.hexEditor.getScrollPosition(); // Check if the user scrolled the hex editor if (prevScroll != currScroll) { scrolled = true; column.scrollLock = 5; } ImGui::PopID(); return scrolled; } bool drawProviderSelector(ViewDiff::Column &column) { bool shouldReanalyze = false; ImGui::PushID(&column); auto &providers = ImHexApi::Provider::getProviders(); auto &providerIndex = column.provider; // Get the name of the currently selected provider std::string preview; if (ImHexApi::Provider::isValid() && providerIndex >= 0) preview = providers[providerIndex]->getName(); // Draw combobox with all available providers ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().x); if (ImGui::BeginCombo("", preview.c_str())) { for (size_t i = 0; i < providers.size(); i++) { ImGui::PushID(i + 1); if (ImGui::Selectable(providers[i]->getName().c_str())) { providerIndex = i; shouldReanalyze = true; } ImGui::PopID(); } ImGui::EndCombo(); } ImGui::PopID(); return shouldReanalyze; } } std::function(u64, const u8*, size_t)> ViewDiff::createCompareFunction(size_t otherIndex) const { // Create a function that will handle highlighting the differences between the two providers // This is a stupidly simple diffing implementation. It will highlight bytes that are different in yellow // and if one provider is larger than the other it will highlight the extra bytes in green or red depending on which provider is larger // TODO: Use an actual binary diffing algorithm that searches for the longest common subsequences return [this, otherIndex](u64 address, const u8 *data, size_t) -> std::optional { const auto &providers = ImHexApi::Provider::getProviders(); auto otherId = m_columns[otherIndex].provider; // Check if the other provider is valid if (otherId < 0 || size_t(otherId) >= providers.size()) return std::nullopt; auto &otherProvider = providers[otherId]; // Handle the case where one provider is larger than the other one if ((address - otherProvider->getBaseAddress()) > otherProvider->getActualSize()) { if (otherIndex == 1) return getDiffColor(ImGuiExt::GetCustomColorU32(ImGuiCustomCol_DiffAdded)); else return getDiffColor(ImGuiExt::GetCustomColorU32(ImGuiCustomCol_DiffRemoved)); } // Read the current byte from the other provider u8 otherByte = 0x00; otherProvider->read(address, &otherByte, 1); // Compare the two bytes, highlight both in yellow if they are different if (otherByte != *data) return getDiffColor(ImGuiExt::GetCustomColorU32(ImGuiCustomCol_DiffChanged)); // No difference return std::nullopt; }; } void ViewDiff::analyze(prv::Provider *providerA, prv::Provider *providerB) { auto commonSize = std::min(providerA->getActualSize(), providerB->getActualSize()); m_diffTask = TaskManager::createTask("Diffing...", commonSize, [this, providerA, providerB](Task &task) { std::vector differences; // Set up readers for both providers auto readerA = prv::ProviderReader(providerA); auto readerB = prv::ProviderReader(providerB); // Iterate over both providers and compare the bytes for (auto itA = readerA.begin(), itB = readerB.begin(); itA < readerA.end() && itB < readerB.end(); ++itA, ++itB) { // Stop comparing if the diff task was canceled if (task.wasInterrupted()) break; // If the bytes are different, find the end of the difference if (*itA != *itB) { u64 start = itA.getAddress(); size_t end = 0; while (itA != readerA.end() && itB != readerB.end() && *itA != *itB) { ++itA; ++itB; ++end; } // Add the difference to the list differences.push_back(Diff { Region{ start, end }, ViewDiff::DifferenceType::Modified }); } // Update the progress bar task.update(itA.getAddress()); } // If one provider is larger than the other, add the extra bytes to the list if (providerA->getActualSize() != providerB->getActualSize()) { auto endA = providerA->getActualSize() + 1; auto endB = providerB->getActualSize() + 1; if (endA > endB) differences.push_back(Diff { Region{ endB, endA - endB }, ViewDiff::DifferenceType::Added }); else differences.push_back(Diff { Region{ endA, endB - endA }, ViewDiff::DifferenceType::Removed }); } // Move the calculated differences over so they can be displayed m_diffs = std::move(differences); m_analyzed = true; }); } void ViewDiff::drawContent() { auto &[a, b] = m_columns; a.hexEditor.enableSyncScrolling(false); b.hexEditor.enableSyncScrolling(false); if (a.scrollLock > 0) a.scrollLock--; if (b.scrollLock > 0) b.scrollLock--; // Change the hex editor providers if the user selected a new provider { const auto &providers = ImHexApi::Provider::getProviders(); if (a.provider >= 0 && size_t(a.provider) < providers.size()) a.hexEditor.setProvider(providers[a.provider]); else a.hexEditor.setProvider(nullptr); if (b.provider >= 0 && size_t(b.provider) < providers.size()) b.hexEditor.setProvider(providers[b.provider]); else b.hexEditor.setProvider(nullptr); } // Analyze the providers if they are valid and the user selected a new provider if (!m_analyzed && a.provider != -1 && b.provider != -1 && !m_diffTask.isRunning()) { const auto &providers = ImHexApi::Provider::getProviders(); auto providerA = providers[a.provider]; auto providerB = providers[b.provider]; this->analyze(providerA, providerB); } const auto height = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().y; // Draw the two hex editor columns side by side if (ImGui::BeginTable("##binary_diff", 2, ImGuiTableFlags_None, ImVec2(0, height - 250_scaled))) { ImGui::TableSetupColumn("hex.builtin.view.diff.provider_a"_lang); ImGui::TableSetupColumn("hex.builtin.view.diff.provider_b"_lang); ImGui::TableHeadersRow(); ImGui::BeginDisabled(m_diffTask.isRunning()); { // Draw first provider selector ImGui::TableNextColumn(); if (drawProviderSelector(a)) m_analyzed = false; // Draw second provider selector ImGui::TableNextColumn(); if (drawProviderSelector(b)) m_analyzed = false; } ImGui::EndDisabled(); ImGui::TableNextRow(); // Draw first hex editor column ImGui::TableNextColumn(); bool scrollB = drawDiffColumn(a, height - 250_scaled); // Draw second hex editor column ImGui::TableNextColumn(); bool scrollA = drawDiffColumn(b, height - 250_scaled); // Sync the scroll positions of the hex editors { if (scrollA && a.scrollLock == 0) { a.hexEditor.setScrollPosition(b.hexEditor.getScrollPosition()); a.hexEditor.forceUpdateScrollPosition(); } if (scrollB && b.scrollLock == 0) { b.hexEditor.setScrollPosition(a.hexEditor.getScrollPosition()); b.hexEditor.forceUpdateScrollPosition(); } } ImGui::EndTable(); } // Draw the differences table if (ImGui::BeginTable("##differences", 3, ImGuiTableFlags_Borders | ImGuiTableFlags_ScrollY | ImGuiTableFlags_Reorderable | ImGuiTableFlags_Resizable, ImVec2(0, 200_scaled))) { ImGui::TableSetupScrollFreeze(0, 1); ImGui::TableSetupColumn("hex.ui.common.begin"_lang); ImGui::TableSetupColumn("hex.ui.common.end"_lang); ImGui::TableSetupColumn("hex.ui.common.type"_lang); ImGui::TableHeadersRow(); // Draw the differences if the providers have been analyzed if (m_analyzed) { ImGuiListClipper clipper; clipper.Begin(int(m_diffs.size())); while (clipper.Step()) for (int i = clipper.DisplayStart; i < clipper.DisplayEnd; i++) { ImGui::TableNextRow(); // Prevent the list from trying to access non-existing diffs if (size_t(i) >= m_diffs.size()) break; ImGui::PushID(i); const auto &diff = m_diffs[i]; // Draw a clickable row for each difference that will select the difference in both hex editors // Draw start address ImGui::TableNextColumn(); if (ImGui::Selectable(hex::format("0x{:02X}", diff.region.getStartAddress()).c_str(), false, ImGuiSelectableFlags_SpanAllColumns)) { a.hexEditor.setSelection(diff.region); a.hexEditor.jumpToSelection(); b.hexEditor.setSelection(diff.region); b.hexEditor.jumpToSelection(); } // Draw end address ImGui::TableNextColumn(); ImGui::TextUnformatted(hex::format("0x{:02X}", diff.region.getEndAddress()).c_str()); // Draw difference type ImGui::TableNextColumn(); switch (diff.type) { case DifferenceType::Modified: ImGuiExt::TextFormattedColored(ImGuiExt::GetCustomColorVec4(ImGuiCustomCol_DiffChanged), "hex.builtin.view.diff.modified"_lang); break; case DifferenceType::Added: ImGuiExt::TextFormattedColored(ImGuiExt::GetCustomColorVec4(ImGuiCustomCol_DiffAdded), "hex.builtin.view.diff.added"_lang); break; case DifferenceType::Removed: ImGuiExt::TextFormattedColored(ImGuiExt::GetCustomColorVec4(ImGuiCustomCol_DiffRemoved), "hex.builtin.view.diff.removed"_lang); break; } ImGui::PopID(); } } ImGui::EndTable(); } } }