#include "views/view_hexeditor.hpp" #include "providers/provider.hpp" #include "providers/file_provider.hpp" #include #include "helpers/crypto.hpp" #include "helpers/patches.hpp" #include "helpers/project_file_handler.hpp" #include "helpers/loader_script_handler.hpp" #undef __STRICT_ANSI__ #include namespace hex { ViewHexEditor::ViewHexEditor(prv::Provider* &dataProvider, std::vector &patternData) : View("Hex Editor"), m_dataProvider(dataProvider), m_patternData(patternData) { this->m_memoryEditor.ReadFn = [](const ImU8 *data, size_t off) -> ImU8 { ViewHexEditor *_this = (ViewHexEditor *) data; if (!_this->m_dataProvider->isAvailable() || !_this->m_dataProvider->isReadable()) return 0x00; ImU8 byte; _this->m_dataProvider->read(off, &byte, sizeof(ImU8)); return byte; }; this->m_memoryEditor.WriteFn = [](ImU8 *data, size_t off, ImU8 d) -> void { ViewHexEditor *_this = (ViewHexEditor *) data; if (!_this->m_dataProvider->isAvailable() || !_this->m_dataProvider->isWritable()) return; _this->m_dataProvider->write(off, &d, sizeof(ImU8)); _this->postEvent(Events::DataChanged); ProjectFile::markDirty(); }; this->m_memoryEditor.HighlightFn = [](const ImU8 *data, size_t off, bool next) -> bool { ViewHexEditor *_this = (ViewHexEditor *) data; for (auto& pattern : _this->m_patternData) { if (next && pattern->highlightBytes(off - 1) != pattern->highlightBytes(off)) { return false; } if (auto color = pattern->highlightBytes(off); color.has_value()) { _this->m_memoryEditor.HighlightColor = color.value(); return true; } } _this->m_memoryEditor.HighlightColor = 0x60C08080; return false; }; View::subscribeEvent(Events::FileDropped, [this](const void *userData) { auto filePath = static_cast(userData); if (filePath != nullptr) this->openFile(filePath); }); View::subscribeEvent(Events::SelectionChangeRequest, [this](const void *userData) { const Region ®ion = *reinterpret_cast(userData); auto page = this->m_dataProvider->getPageOfAddress(region.address); if (!page.has_value()) return; this->m_dataProvider->setCurrentPage(page.value()); this->m_memoryEditor.GotoAddr = region.address; this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddr = region.address; this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddrEnd = region.address + region.size - 1; View::postEvent(Events::RegionSelected, ®ion); }); View::subscribeEvent(Events::ProjectFileLoad, [this](const void *userData) { this->openFile(ProjectFile::getFilePath()); }); View::subscribeEvent(Events::WindowClosing, [this](const void *userData) { auto window = const_cast(static_cast(userData)); if (ProjectFile::hasUnsavedChanges()) { glfwSetWindowShouldClose(window, GLFW_FALSE); this->getWindowOpenState() = true; View::doLater([] { ImGui::OpenPopup("Save Changes"); }); } }); } ViewHexEditor::~ViewHexEditor() { if (this->m_dataProvider != nullptr) delete this->m_dataProvider; this->m_dataProvider = nullptr; } void ViewHexEditor::createView() { size_t dataSize = (this->m_dataProvider == nullptr || !this->m_dataProvider->isReadable()) ? 0x00 : this->m_dataProvider->getSize(); this->m_memoryEditor.DrawWindow("Hex Editor", &this->getWindowOpenState(), this, dataSize, dataSize == 0 ? 0x00 : this->m_dataProvider->getBaseAddress()); if (dataSize != 0x00) { ImGui::Begin("Hex Editor"); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Text("Page %d / %d", this->m_dataProvider->getCurrentPage() + 1, this->m_dataProvider->getPageCount()); ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::ArrowButton("prevPage", ImGuiDir_Left)) { this->m_dataProvider->setCurrentPage(this->m_dataProvider->getCurrentPage() - 1); Region dataPreview = { std::min(this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddr, this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddrEnd), 1 }; View::postEvent(Events::RegionSelected, &dataPreview); } ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::ArrowButton("nextPage", ImGuiDir_Right)) { this->m_dataProvider->setCurrentPage(this->m_dataProvider->getCurrentPage() + 1); Region dataPreview = { std::min(this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddr, this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddrEnd), 1 }; View::postEvent(Events::RegionSelected, &dataPreview); } ImGui::End(); this->drawSearchPopup(); this->drawGotoPopup(); } if (ImGui::BeginPopupModal("Save Changes", nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize)) { constexpr auto Message = "You have unsaved changes made to your Project. Are you sure you want to exit?"; ImGui::NewLine(); if (ImGui::BeginChild("##scrolling", ImVec2(300, 50))) { ImGui::SetCursorPosX(10); ImGui::TextWrapped("%s", Message); ImGui::EndChild(); } ImGui::SetCursorPosX(40); if (ImGui::Button("Yes", ImVec2(100, 20))) std::exit(0); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SetCursorPosX(160); if (ImGui::Button("No", ImVec2(100, 20))) ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup(); ImGui::EndPopup(); } if (ImGui::BeginPopupModal("Load File with Loader Script", nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize)) { constexpr auto Message = "Load a file using a Python loader script."; ImGui::NewLine(); if (ImGui::BeginChild("##scrolling", ImVec2(500, 20))) { ImGui::SetCursorPosX(10); ImGui::TextWrapped("%s", Message); ImGui::EndChild(); } ImGui::NewLine(); ImGui::InputText("##nolabel", this->m_loaderScriptScriptPath.data(), this->m_loaderScriptScriptPath.length(), ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly); ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("Script")) ImGui::OpenPopup("Loader Script: Open Script"); ImGui::InputText("##nolabel", this->m_loaderScriptFilePath.data(), this->m_loaderScriptFilePath.length(), ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly); ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("File")) ImGui::OpenPopup("Loader Script: Open File"); if (this->m_fileBrowser.showFileDialog("Loader Script: Open Script", imgui_addons::ImGuiFileBrowser::DialogMode::OPEN, ImVec2(0, 0), ".py")) { this->m_loaderScriptScriptPath = this->m_fileBrowser.selected_path; } if (this->m_fileBrowser.showFileDialog("Loader Script: Open File", imgui_addons::ImGuiFileBrowser::DialogMode::OPEN)) { this->m_loaderScriptFilePath = this->m_fileBrowser.selected_path; } ImGui::NewLine(); ImGui::SetCursorPosX(40); if (ImGui::Button("Load", ImVec2(100, 20))) { if (!this->m_loaderScriptScriptPath.empty() && !this->m_loaderScriptFilePath.empty()) { this->openFile(this->m_loaderScriptFilePath); LoaderScript::setFilePath(this->m_loaderScriptFilePath); LoaderScript::setDataProvider(this->m_dataProvider); LoaderScript::processFile(this->m_loaderScriptScriptPath); ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup(); } } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SetCursorPosX(160); if (ImGui::Button("Cancel", ImVec2(100, 20))) { ImGui::CloseCurrentPopup(); } ImGui::EndPopup(); } if (this->m_fileBrowser.showFileDialog("Open File", imgui_addons::ImGuiFileBrowser::DialogMode::OPEN)) { this->openFile(this->m_fileBrowser.selected_path); } if (this->m_fileBrowser.showFileDialog("Open Base64 File", imgui_addons::ImGuiFileBrowser::DialogMode::OPEN)) { std::vector base64; this->loadFromFile(this->m_fileBrowser.selected_path, base64); if (!base64.empty()) { this->m_dataToSave = decode64(base64); if (this->m_dataToSave.empty()) View::showErrorPopup("File is not in a valid Base64 format!"); else ImGui::OpenPopup("Save Data"); } else View::showErrorPopup("Failed to open file!"); } if (this->m_fileBrowser.showFileDialog("Open Project", imgui_addons::ImGuiFileBrowser::DialogMode::OPEN, ImVec2(0, 0), ".hexproj")) { ProjectFile::load(this->m_fileBrowser.selected_path); View::postEvent(Events::ProjectFileLoad); } if (this->m_fileBrowser.showFileDialog("Save Project", imgui_addons::ImGuiFileBrowser::DialogMode::SAVE, ImVec2(0, 0), ".hexproj")) { ProjectFile::store(this->m_fileBrowser.selected_path); } if (this->m_fileBrowser.showFileDialog("Export File", imgui_addons::ImGuiFileBrowser::DialogMode::SAVE)) { this->saveToFile(this->m_fileBrowser.selected_path, this->m_dataToSave); } if (this->m_fileBrowser.showFileDialog("Apply IPS Patch", imgui_addons::ImGuiFileBrowser::DialogMode::OPEN)) { auto patchData = hex::readFile(this->m_fileBrowser.selected_path); auto patch = hex::loadIPSPatch(patchData); for (auto &[address, value] : patch) { this->m_dataProvider->write(address, &value, 1); } } if (this->m_fileBrowser.showFileDialog("Apply IPS32 Patch", imgui_addons::ImGuiFileBrowser::DialogMode::OPEN)) { auto patchData = hex::readFile(this->m_fileBrowser.selected_path); auto patch = hex::loadIPS32Patch(patchData); for (auto &[address, value] : patch) { this->m_dataProvider->write(address, &value, 1); } } if (this->m_fileBrowser.showFileDialog("Save As", imgui_addons::ImGuiFileBrowser::DialogMode::SAVE)) { FILE *file = fopen(this->m_fileBrowser.selected_path.c_str(), "wb"); if (file != nullptr) { std::vector buffer(0xFF'FFFF, 0x00); size_t bufferSize = buffer.size(); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); for (u64 offset = 0; offset < this->m_dataProvider->getActualSize(); offset += bufferSize) { if (bufferSize > this->m_dataProvider->getActualSize() - offset) bufferSize = this->m_dataProvider->getActualSize() - offset; this->m_dataProvider->read(offset, buffer.data(), bufferSize); fwrite(buffer.data(), 1, bufferSize, file); } fclose(file); } } } void ViewHexEditor::createMenu() { if (ImGui::BeginMenu("File")) { if (ImGui::MenuItem("Open File...", "CTRL + O")) { this->getWindowOpenState() = true; View::doLater([]{ ImGui::OpenPopup("Open File"); }); } if (ImGui::MenuItem("Save", "CTRL + S", false, this->m_dataProvider != nullptr && this->m_dataProvider->isWritable())) { for (const auto &[address, value] : this->m_dataProvider->getPatches()) this->m_dataProvider->writeRaw(address, &value, sizeof(u8)); } if (ImGui::MenuItem("Save As...", "CTRL + SHIFT + S", false, this->m_dataProvider != nullptr && this->m_dataProvider->isWritable())) { View::doLater([]{ ImGui::OpenPopup("Save As"); }); } ImGui::Separator(); if (ImGui::MenuItem("Open Project", "")) { this->getWindowOpenState() = true; View::doLater([]{ ImGui::OpenPopup("Open Project"); }); } if (ImGui::MenuItem("Save Project", "", false, this->m_dataProvider != nullptr && this->m_dataProvider->isWritable())) { View::postEvent(Events::ProjectFileStore); if (ProjectFile::getProjectFilePath() == "") View::doLater([] { ImGui::OpenPopup("Save Project"); }); else ProjectFile::store(); } ImGui::Separator(); if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Import...")) { if (ImGui::MenuItem("Base64 File")) { this->getWindowOpenState() = true; View::doLater([]{ ImGui::OpenPopup("Open Base64 File"); }); } ImGui::Separator(); if (ImGui::MenuItem("IPS Patch")) { this->getWindowOpenState() = true; View::doLater([]{ ImGui::OpenPopup("Apply IPS Patch"); }); } if (ImGui::MenuItem("IPS32 Patch")) { this->getWindowOpenState() = true; View::doLater([]{ ImGui::OpenPopup("Apply IPS32 Patch"); }); } if (ImGui::MenuItem("File with Loader Script")) { this->getWindowOpenState() = true; this->m_loaderScriptFilePath.clear(); this->m_loaderScriptScriptPath.clear(); View::doLater([]{ ImGui::OpenPopup("Load File with Loader Script"); }); } ImGui::EndMenu(); } if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Export...", this->m_dataProvider != nullptr && this->m_dataProvider->isWritable())) { if (ImGui::MenuItem("IPS Patch")) { Patches patches = this->m_dataProvider->getPatches(); if (!patches.contains(0x00454F45) && patches.contains(0x00454F46)) { u8 value = 0; this->m_dataProvider->read(0x00454F45, &value, sizeof(u8)); patches[0x00454F45] = value; } this->m_dataToSave = generateIPSPatch(patches); View::doLater([]{ ImGui::OpenPopup("Export File"); }); } if (ImGui::MenuItem("IPS32 Patch")) { Patches patches = this->m_dataProvider->getPatches(); if (!patches.contains(0x00454F45) && patches.contains(0x45454F46)) { u8 value = 0; this->m_dataProvider->read(0x45454F45, &value, sizeof(u8)); patches[0x45454F45] = value; } this->m_dataToSave = generateIPS32Patch(patches); View::doLater([]{ ImGui::OpenPopup("Export File"); }); } ImGui::EndMenu(); } ImGui::Separator(); if (ImGui::MenuItem("Search", "CTRL + F")) { this->getWindowOpenState() = true; View::doLater([]{ ImGui::OpenPopup("Search"); }); } if (ImGui::MenuItem("Goto", "CTRL + G")) { this->getWindowOpenState() = true; View::doLater([]{ ImGui::OpenPopup("Goto"); }); } ImGui::EndMenu(); } if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Edit")) { if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Copy as...", this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddr != -1 && this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddrEnd != -1)) { if (ImGui::MenuItem("Bytes", "CTRL + ALT + C")) this->copyBytes(); if (ImGui::MenuItem("Hex String", "CTRL + SHIFT + C")) this->copyString(); ImGui::Separator(); if (ImGui::MenuItem("C Array")) this->copyLanguageArray(Language::C); if (ImGui::MenuItem("C++ Array")) this->copyLanguageArray(Language::Cpp); if (ImGui::MenuItem("C# Array")) this->copyLanguageArray(Language::CSharp); if (ImGui::MenuItem("Rust Array")) this->copyLanguageArray(Language::Rust); if (ImGui::MenuItem("Python Array")) this->copyLanguageArray(Language::Python); if (ImGui::MenuItem("Java Array")) this->copyLanguageArray(Language::Java); if (ImGui::MenuItem("JavaScript Array")) this->copyLanguageArray(Language::JavaScript); ImGui::Separator(); if (ImGui::MenuItem("Editor View")) this->copyHexView(); if (ImGui::MenuItem("HTML")) this->copyHexViewHTML(); ImGui::EndMenu(); } if (ImGui::MenuItem("Create bookmark", nullptr, false, this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddr != -1 && this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddrEnd != -1)) { size_t start = std::min(this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddr, this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddrEnd); size_t end = std::max(this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddr, this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddrEnd); Bookmark bookmark = { start, end - start + 1, { }, { } }; View::postEvent(Events::AddBookmark, &bookmark); } ImGui::EndMenu(); } } bool ViewHexEditor::handleShortcut(int key, int mods) { if (mods == GLFW_MOD_CONTROL && key == GLFW_KEY_S) { for (const auto &[address, value] : this->m_dataProvider->getPatches()) this->m_dataProvider->writeRaw(address, &value, sizeof(u8)); return true; } else if (mods == (GLFW_MOD_CONTROL | GLFW_MOD_SHIFT) && key == GLFW_KEY_S) { ImGui::OpenPopup("Save As"); return true; } else if (mods == GLFW_MOD_CONTROL && key == GLFW_KEY_F) { ImGui::OpenPopup("Search"); return true; } else if (mods == GLFW_MOD_CONTROL && key == GLFW_KEY_G) { ImGui::OpenPopup("Goto"); return true; } else if (mods == GLFW_MOD_CONTROL && key == GLFW_KEY_O) { ImGui::OpenPopup("Open File"); return true; } else if (mods == (GLFW_MOD_CONTROL | GLFW_MOD_ALT) && key == GLFW_KEY_C) { this->copyBytes(); return true; } else if (mods == (GLFW_MOD_CONTROL | GLFW_MOD_SHIFT) && key == GLFW_KEY_C) { this->copyString(); return true; } return false; } void ViewHexEditor::openFile(std::string path) { if (this->m_dataProvider != nullptr) delete this->m_dataProvider; this->m_dataProvider = new prv::FileProvider(path); this->m_memoryEditor.ReadOnly = !this->m_dataProvider->isWritable(); if (this->m_dataProvider->isAvailable()) ProjectFile::setFilePath(path); this->getWindowOpenState() = true; View::postEvent(Events::FileLoaded); View::postEvent(Events::DataChanged); ProjectFile::markDirty(); } bool ViewHexEditor::saveToFile(std::string path, const std::vector& data) { FILE *file = fopen(path.c_str(), "wb"); if (file == nullptr) return false; fwrite(data.data(), 1, data.size(), file); fclose(file); return true; } bool ViewHexEditor::loadFromFile(std::string path, std::vector& data) { FILE *file = fopen(path.c_str(), "rb"); if (file == nullptr) return false; fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); size_t size = ftello64(file); rewind(file); data.resize(size); fread(data.data(), 1, data.size(), file); fclose(file); return true; } void ViewHexEditor::copyBytes() { size_t start = std::min(this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddr, this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddrEnd); size_t end = std::max(this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddr, this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddrEnd); size_t copySize = (end - start) + 1; std::vector buffer(copySize, 0x00); this->m_dataProvider->read(start, buffer.data(), buffer.size()); std::string str; for (const auto &byte : buffer) str += hex::format("%02X ", byte); str.pop_back(); ImGui::SetClipboardText(str.c_str()); } void ViewHexEditor::copyString() { size_t start = std::min(this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddr, this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddrEnd); size_t end = std::max(this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddr, this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddrEnd); size_t copySize = (end - start) + 1; std::string buffer(copySize, 0x00); buffer.reserve(copySize + 1); this->m_dataProvider->read(start, buffer.data(), copySize); ImGui::SetClipboardText(buffer.c_str()); } void ViewHexEditor::copyLanguageArray(Language language) { size_t start = std::min(this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddr, this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddrEnd); size_t end = std::max(this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddr, this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddrEnd); size_t copySize = (end - start) + 1; std::vector buffer(copySize, 0x00); this->m_dataProvider->read(start, buffer.data(), buffer.size()); std::string str; switch (language) { case Language::C: str += "const unsigned char data[" + std::to_string(buffer.size()) + "] = { "; for (const auto &byte : buffer) str += hex::format("0x%02X, ", byte); // Remove trailing comma str.pop_back(); str.pop_back(); str += " };"; break; case Language::Cpp: str += "constexpr std::array data = { "; for (const auto &byte : buffer) str += hex::format("0x%02X, ", byte); // Remove trailing comma str.pop_back(); str.pop_back(); str += " };"; break; case Language::Java: str += "final byte[] data = { "; for (const auto &byte : buffer) str += hex::format("0x%02X, ", byte); // Remove trailing comma str.pop_back(); str.pop_back(); str += " };"; break; case Language::CSharp: str += "const byte[] data = { "; for (const auto &byte : buffer) str += hex::format("0x%02X, ", byte); // Remove trailing comma str.pop_back(); str.pop_back(); str += " };"; break; case Language::Rust: str += "let data: [u8, " + std::to_string(buffer.size()) + "] = [ "; for (const auto &byte : buffer) str += hex::format("0x%02X, ", byte); // Remove trailing comma str.pop_back(); str.pop_back(); str += " ];"; break; case Language::Python: str += "data = bytes([ "; for (const auto &byte : buffer) str += hex::format("0x%02X, ", byte); // Remove trailing comma str.pop_back(); str.pop_back(); str += " ]);"; break; case Language::JavaScript: str += "const data = new Uint8Array([ "; for (const auto &byte : buffer) str += hex::format("0x%02X, ", byte); // Remove trailing comma str.pop_back(); str.pop_back(); str += " ]);"; break; } ImGui::SetClipboardText(str.c_str()); } void ViewHexEditor::copyHexView() { size_t start = std::min(this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddr, this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddrEnd); size_t end = std::max(this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddr, this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddrEnd); size_t copySize = (end - start) + 1; std::vector buffer(copySize, 0x00); this->m_dataProvider->read(start, buffer.data(), buffer.size()); std::string str = "Hex View 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F\n\n"; for (u32 col = start >> 4; col <= (end >> 4); col++) { str += hex::format("%08lX ", col << 4); for (u64 i = 0 ; i < 16; i++) { if (col == (start >> 4) && i < (start & 0xF) || col == (end >> 4) && i > (end & 0xF)) str += " "; else str += hex::format("%02lX ", buffer[((col << 4) - start) + i]); if ((i & 0xF) == 0x7) str += " "; } str += " "; for (u64 i = 0 ; i < 16; i++) { if (col == (start >> 4) && i < (start & 0xF) || col == (end >> 4) && i > (end & 0xF)) str += " "; else { u8 c = buffer[((col << 4) - start) + i]; char displayChar = (c < 32 || c >= 128) ? '.' : c; str += hex::format("%c", displayChar); } } str += "\n"; } ImGui::SetClipboardText(str.c_str()); } void ViewHexEditor::copyHexViewHTML() { size_t start = std::min(this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddr, this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddrEnd); size_t end = std::max(this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddr, this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddrEnd); size_t copySize = (end - start) + 1; std::vector buffer(copySize, 0x00); this->m_dataProvider->read(start, buffer.data(), buffer.size()); std::string str = R"(
Hex View  00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07  08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
)"; for (u32 col = start >> 4; col <= (end >> 4); col++) { str += hex::format(" %08lX  ", col << 4); for (u64 i = 0 ; i < 16; i++) { if (col == (start >> 4) && i < (start & 0xF) || col == (end >> 4) && i > (end & 0xF)) str += "   "; else str += hex::format("%02lX ", buffer[((col << 4) - start) + i]); if ((i & 0xF) == 0x7) str += " "; } str += "  "; for (u64 i = 0 ; i < 16; i++) { if (col == (start >> 4) && i < (start & 0xF) || col == (end >> 4) && i > (end & 0xF)) str += " "; else { u8 c = buffer[((col << 4) - start) + i]; char displayChar = (c < 32 || c >= 128) ? '.' : c; str += hex::format("%c", displayChar); } } str += "
\n"; } str += R"(
)"; ImGui::SetClipboardText(str.c_str()); } static std::vector> findString(prv::Provider* &provider, std::string string) { std::vector> results; u32 foundCharacters = 0; std::vector buffer(1024, 0x00); size_t dataSize = provider->getSize(); for (u64 offset = 0; offset < dataSize; offset += 1024) { size_t usedBufferSize = std::min(u64(buffer.size()), dataSize - offset); provider->read(offset, buffer.data(), usedBufferSize); for (u64 i = 0; i < usedBufferSize; i++) { if (buffer[i] == string[foundCharacters]) foundCharacters++; else foundCharacters = 0; if (foundCharacters == string.size()) { results.emplace_back(offset + i - foundCharacters + 1, offset + i + 1); foundCharacters = 0; } } } return results; } static std::vector> findHex(prv::Provider* &provider, std::string string) { std::vector> results; if ((string.size() % 2) == 1) string = "0" + string; std::vector hex; hex.reserve(string.size() / 2); for (u32 i = 0; i < string.size(); i += 2) { char byte[3] = { string[i], string[i + 1], 0 }; hex.push_back(strtoul(byte, nullptr, 16)); } u32 foundCharacters = 0; std::vector buffer(1024, 0x00); size_t dataSize = provider->getSize(); for (u64 offset = 0; offset < dataSize; offset += 1024) { size_t usedBufferSize = std::min(u64(buffer.size()), dataSize - offset); provider->read(offset, buffer.data(), usedBufferSize); for (u64 i = 0; i < usedBufferSize; i++) { if (buffer[i] == hex[foundCharacters]) foundCharacters++; else foundCharacters = 0; if (foundCharacters == hex.size()) { results.emplace_back(offset + i - foundCharacters + 1, offset + i + 1); foundCharacters = 0; } } } return results; } void ViewHexEditor::drawSearchPopup() { static auto InputCallback = [](ImGuiInputTextCallbackData* data) -> int { auto _this = static_cast(data->UserData); *_this->m_lastSearchBuffer = _this->m_searchFunction(_this->m_dataProvider, data->Buf); _this->m_lastSearchIndex = 0; if (_this->m_lastSearchBuffer->size() > 0) _this->m_memoryEditor.GotoAddrAndHighlight((*_this->m_lastSearchBuffer)[0].first, (*_this->m_lastSearchBuffer)[0].second); return 0; }; static auto Find = [this](char *buffer) { *this->m_lastSearchBuffer = this->m_searchFunction(this->m_dataProvider, buffer); this->m_lastSearchIndex = 0; if (this->m_lastSearchBuffer->size() > 0) this->m_memoryEditor.GotoAddrAndHighlight((*this->m_lastSearchBuffer)[0].first, (*this->m_lastSearchBuffer)[0].second); }; static auto FindNext = [this]() { if (this->m_lastSearchBuffer->size() > 0) { ++this->m_lastSearchIndex %= this->m_lastSearchBuffer->size(); this->m_memoryEditor.GotoAddrAndHighlight((*this->m_lastSearchBuffer)[this->m_lastSearchIndex].first, (*this->m_lastSearchBuffer)[this->m_lastSearchIndex].second); } }; static auto FindPrevious = [this]() { if (this->m_lastSearchBuffer->size() > 0) { this->m_lastSearchIndex--; if (this->m_lastSearchIndex < 0) this->m_lastSearchIndex = this->m_lastSearchBuffer->size() - 1; this->m_lastSearchIndex %= this->m_lastSearchBuffer->size(); this->m_memoryEditor.GotoAddrAndHighlight((*this->m_lastSearchBuffer)[this->m_lastSearchIndex].first, (*this->m_lastSearchBuffer)[this->m_lastSearchIndex].second); } }; if (ImGui::BeginPopup("Search")) { ImGui::TextUnformatted("Search"); if (ImGui::BeginTabBar("searchTabs")) { char *currBuffer; if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("String")) { this->m_searchFunction = findString; this->m_lastSearchBuffer = &this->m_lastStringSearch; currBuffer = this->m_searchStringBuffer; ImGui::InputText("##nolabel", currBuffer, 0xFFFF, ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackCompletion, InputCallback, this); ImGui::EndTabItem(); } if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Hex")) { this->m_searchFunction = findHex; this->m_lastSearchBuffer = &this->m_lastHexSearch; currBuffer = this->m_searchHexBuffer; ImGui::InputText("##nolabel", currBuffer, 0xFFFF, ImGuiInputTextFlags_CharsHexadecimal | ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackCompletion, InputCallback, this); ImGui::EndTabItem(); } if (ImGui::Button("Find")) Find(currBuffer); if (this->m_lastSearchBuffer->size() > 0) { if ((ImGui::Button("Find Next"))) FindNext(); ImGui::SameLine(); if ((ImGui::Button("Find Prev"))) FindPrevious(); } ImGui::EndTabBar(); } ImGui::EndPopup(); } } void ViewHexEditor::drawGotoPopup() { if (ImGui::BeginPopup("Goto")) { ImGui::TextUnformatted("Goto"); if (ImGui::BeginTabBar("gotoTabs")) { s64 newOffset = 0; if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Begin")) { ImGui::InputScalar("##nolabel", ImGuiDataType_U64, &this->m_gotoAddress, nullptr, nullptr, "%llx", ImGuiInputTextFlags_CharsHexadecimal); if (this->m_gotoAddress >= this->m_dataProvider->getActualSize()) this->m_gotoAddress = this->m_dataProvider->getActualSize() - 1; newOffset = this->m_gotoAddress; ImGui::EndTabItem(); } if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("Current")) { ImGui::InputScalar("##nolabel", ImGuiDataType_S64, &this->m_gotoAddress, nullptr, nullptr, "%llx", ImGuiInputTextFlags_CharsHexadecimal); if (this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddr == -1 || this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddrEnd == -1) { this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddr = 0; this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddrEnd = 0; } s64 currHighlightStart = std::min(this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddr, this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddrEnd); newOffset = this->m_gotoAddress + currHighlightStart; if (newOffset >= this->m_dataProvider->getActualSize()) { newOffset = this->m_dataProvider->getActualSize() - 1; this->m_gotoAddress = (this->m_dataProvider->getActualSize() - 1) - currHighlightStart; } else if (newOffset < 0) { newOffset = 0; this->m_gotoAddress = -currHighlightStart; } ImGui::EndTabItem(); } if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("End")) { ImGui::InputScalar("##nolabel", ImGuiDataType_U64, &this->m_gotoAddress, nullptr, nullptr, "%llx", ImGuiInputTextFlags_CharsHexadecimal); if (this->m_gotoAddress >= this->m_dataProvider->getActualSize()) this->m_gotoAddress = this->m_dataProvider->getActualSize() - 1; newOffset = (this->m_dataProvider->getActualSize() - 1) - this->m_gotoAddress; ImGui::EndTabItem(); } if (ImGui::Button("Goto")) { this->m_dataProvider->setCurrentPage(std::floor(newOffset / double(prv::Provider::PageSize))); this->m_memoryEditor.GotoAddr = newOffset; this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddr = newOffset; this->m_memoryEditor.DataPreviewAddrEnd = newOffset; } ImGui::EndTabBar(); } ImGui::EndPopup(); } } }