#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace hex { namespace impl { struct AnnotationRegion { UnlocalizedString unlocalizedName; Region region; ImColor color; }; struct Tag { UnlocalizedString unlocalizedName; ImU64 value; ImAxis axis; ImGuiCol color; }; inline int IntegerAxisFormatter(double value, char* buffer, int size, void *userData) { u64 integer = static_cast(value); return snprintf(buffer, size, static_cast(userData), integer); } inline std::vector getSampleSelection(prv::Provider *provider, u64 address, size_t size, size_t sampleSize) { const size_t sequenceCount = std::ceil(std::sqrt(sampleSize)); std::vector buffer; if (size < sampleSize) { buffer.resize(size); provider->read(address, buffer.data(), size); } else { std::random_device randomDevice; std::mt19937_64 random(randomDevice()); std::map> orderedData; for (u32 i = 0; i < sequenceCount; i++) { ssize_t offset = random() % size; std::vector sequence; sequence.resize(std::min(sequenceCount, size - offset)); provider->read(address + offset, sequence.data(), sequence.size()); orderedData.insert({ offset, sequence }); } buffer.reserve(sampleSize); u64 lastEnd = 0x00; for (auto &[offset, sequence] : orderedData) { if (offset < lastEnd) buffer.resize(buffer.size() - (lastEnd - offset)); buffer = std::move(sequence); lastEnd = offset + buffer.size(); } } return buffer; } inline std::vector getSampleSelection(const std::vector &inputBuffer, size_t sampleSize) { const size_t sequenceCount = std::ceil(std::sqrt(sampleSize)); std::vector buffer; if (inputBuffer.size() < sampleSize) { buffer = inputBuffer; } else { std::random_device randomDevice; std::mt19937_64 random(randomDevice()); std::map> orderedData; for (u32 i = 0; i < sequenceCount; i++) { ssize_t offset = random() % inputBuffer.size(); std::vector sequence; sequence.reserve(sampleSize); std::copy_n(inputBuffer.begin() + offset, std::min(sequenceCount, inputBuffer.size() - offset), std::back_inserter(sequence)); orderedData.insert({ offset, sequence }); } buffer.reserve(sampleSize); u64 lastEnd = 0x00; for (auto &[offset, sequence] : orderedData) { if (offset < lastEnd) buffer.resize(buffer.size() - (lastEnd - offset)); buffer = std::move(sequence); lastEnd = offset + buffer.size(); } } return buffer; } } class DiagramDigram { public: explicit DiagramDigram() { } void draw(ImVec2 size) { if (!m_processing) { if (!m_textureValid) { std::vector pixels; pixels.resize(0x100 * 0x100, 0x00); for (size_t i = 0; i < (m_buffer.empty() ? 0 : m_buffer.size() - 1); i++) { const u8 x = m_buffer[i]; const u8 y = m_buffer[i + 1]; auto color = ImLerp( ImColor(0xFF, 0x6D, 0x01).Value, ImColor(0x01, 0x93, 0xFF).Value, float(i) / m_buffer.size()) + ImVec4(m_glowBuffer[i], m_glowBuffer[i], m_glowBuffer[i], 0.0F); color.w = m_opacity; auto &pixel = pixels[x * 0xFF + y]; pixel = ImAlphaBlendColors(pixel, ImColor(color)); } m_texture = ImGuiExt::Texture::fromBitmap(reinterpret_cast(pixels.data()), pixels.size() * 4, 0xFF, 0xFF, m_filter); m_textureValid = m_texture.isValid(); } } ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_ChildBg, ImU32(ImColor(0, 0, 0))); if (ImGui::BeginChild("##digram", size, ImGuiChildFlags_Borders)) { auto drawList = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); if (m_textureValid) { auto pos = ImGui::GetWindowPos() + ImVec2(size.x * 0.025F, size.y * 0.025F); drawList->AddImage(m_texture, pos, pos + size * 0.95F); } } ImGui::EndChild(); ImGui::PopStyleColor(); } void process(prv::Provider *provider, u64 address, size_t size) { m_processing = true; m_buffer = impl::getSampleSelection(provider, address, size, m_sampleSize == 0 ? size : m_sampleSize); processImpl(); m_processing = false; } void process(const std::vector &buffer) { m_processing = true; m_buffer = impl::getSampleSelection(buffer, m_sampleSize == 0 ? buffer.size() : m_sampleSize); processImpl(); m_processing = false; } void reset(u64 size) { m_processing = true; m_buffer.clear(); m_buffer.reserve(m_sampleSize == 0 ? size : m_sampleSize); m_byteCount = 0; m_fileSize = size; m_textureValid = false; } void update(u8 byte) { // Check if there is some space left if (m_byteCount < m_fileSize) { if (m_sampleSize == 0 || (m_byteCount % u64(std::ceil(double(m_fileSize) / double(m_sampleSize)))) == 0) m_buffer.push_back(byte); ++m_byteCount; if (m_byteCount == m_fileSize) { processImpl(); m_processing = false; } } } void setFiltering(ImGuiExt::Texture::Filter filter) { m_filter = filter; } void setBrightness(float brightness) { m_brightness = brightness; } void setSampleSize(size_t sampleSize) { m_sampleSize = sampleSize; } private: void processImpl() { m_glowBuffer.resize(m_buffer.size()); std::map heatMap; for (size_t i = 0; i < (m_buffer.empty() ? 0 : m_buffer.size() - 1); i++) { auto count = ++heatMap[m_buffer[i] << 8 | heatMap[i + 1]]; m_highestCount = std::max(m_highestCount, count); } for (size_t i = 0; i < (m_buffer.empty() ? 0 : m_buffer.size() - 1); i++) { m_glowBuffer[i] = std::min(0.2F + (float(heatMap[m_buffer[i] << 8 | m_buffer[i + 1]]) / float(m_highestCount / 1000)), 1.0F); } m_opacity = (log10(float(m_sampleSize == 0 ? m_buffer.size() : m_sampleSize)) / log10(float(m_highestCount))) / (100.0F * (1.0F - m_brightness)); } private: ImGuiExt::Texture::Filter m_filter = ImGuiExt::Texture::Filter::Nearest; float m_brightness = 0.5F; size_t m_sampleSize = 0; // The number of bytes processed and the size of // the file to analyze (useful for iterative analysis) u64 m_byteCount = 0; u64 m_fileSize = 0; std::vector m_buffer; std::vector m_glowBuffer; float m_opacity = 0.0F; size_t m_highestCount = 0; std::atomic m_processing = false; bool m_textureValid = false; ImGuiExt::Texture m_texture; }; class DiagramLayeredDistribution { public: explicit DiagramLayeredDistribution() { } void draw(ImVec2 size) { if (!m_processing) { if (!m_textureValid) { std::vector pixels; pixels.resize(0x100 * 0x100, 0x00); for (size_t i = 0; i < (m_buffer.empty() ? 0 : m_buffer.size() - 1); i++) { const u8 x = m_buffer[i]; const u8 y = (float(i) / m_buffer.size()) * 0xFF; auto color = ImLerp(ImColor(0xFF, 0x6D, 0x01).Value, ImColor(0x01, 0x93, 0xFF).Value, float(i) / m_buffer.size()) + ImVec4(m_glowBuffer[i], m_glowBuffer[i], m_glowBuffer[i], 0.0F); color.w = m_opacity; auto &pixel = pixels[x * 0xFF + y]; pixel = ImAlphaBlendColors(pixel, ImColor(color)); } m_texture = ImGuiExt::Texture::fromBitmap(reinterpret_cast(pixels.data()), pixels.size() * 4, 0xFF, 0xFF, m_filter); m_textureValid = m_texture.isValid(); } } ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_ChildBg, ImU32(ImColor(0, 0, 0))); if (ImGui::BeginChild("##layered_distribution", size, ImGuiChildFlags_Borders)) { auto drawList = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); if (m_textureValid) { const auto pos = ImGui::GetWindowPos() + ImVec2(size.x * 0.025F, size.y * 0.025F); drawList->AddImage(m_texture, pos, pos + size * 0.95F); } } ImGui::EndChild(); ImGui::PopStyleColor(); } void process(prv::Provider *provider, u64 address, size_t size) { m_processing = true; m_buffer = impl::getSampleSelection(provider, address, size, m_sampleSize == 0 ? size : m_sampleSize); processImpl(); m_processing = false; } void process(const std::vector &buffer) { m_processing = true; m_buffer = impl::getSampleSelection(buffer, m_sampleSize == 0 ? buffer.size() : m_sampleSize); processImpl(); m_processing = false; } void reset(u64 size) { m_processing = true; m_buffer.clear(); m_buffer.reserve(m_sampleSize == 0 ? size : m_sampleSize); m_byteCount = 0; m_fileSize = size; m_textureValid = false; } void update(u8 byte) { // Check if there is some space left if (m_byteCount < m_fileSize) { if (m_sampleSize == 0 || (m_byteCount % u64(std::ceil(double(m_fileSize) / double(m_sampleSize)))) == 0) m_buffer.push_back(byte); ++m_byteCount; if (m_byteCount == m_fileSize) { processImpl(); m_processing = false; } } } void setFiltering(ImGuiExt::Texture::Filter filter) { m_filter = filter; } void setBrightness(float brightness) { m_brightness = brightness; } void setSampleSize(size_t sampleSize) { m_sampleSize = sampleSize; } private: void processImpl() { m_glowBuffer.resize(m_buffer.size()); std::map heatMap; for (size_t i = 0; i < (m_buffer.empty() ? 0 : m_buffer.size() - 1); i++) { auto count = ++heatMap[m_buffer[i] << 8 | heatMap[i + 1]]; m_highestCount = std::max(m_highestCount, count); } for (size_t i = 0; i < (m_buffer.empty() ? 0 : m_buffer.size() - 1); i++) { m_glowBuffer[i] = std::min(0.2F + (float(heatMap[m_buffer[i] << 8 | m_buffer[i + 1]]) / float(m_highestCount / 1000)), 1.0F); } m_opacity = (log10(float(m_sampleSize == 0 ? m_buffer.size() : m_sampleSize)) / log10(float(m_highestCount))) / (100.0F * (1.0F - m_brightness)); } private: ImGuiExt::Texture::Filter m_filter = ImGuiExt::Texture::Filter::Nearest; float m_brightness = 0.5F; size_t m_sampleSize = 0; // The number of bytes processed and the size of // the file to analyze (useful for iterative analysis) u64 m_byteCount = 0; u64 m_fileSize = 0; std::vector m_buffer; std::vector m_glowBuffer; float m_opacity = 0.0F; size_t m_highestCount = 0; std::atomic m_processing = false; bool m_textureValid = false; ImGuiExt::Texture m_texture; }; class DiagramChunkBasedEntropyAnalysis { public: explicit DiagramChunkBasedEntropyAnalysis(u64 blockSize = 256, size_t sampleSize = 0x1000) : m_blockSize(blockSize), m_sampleSize(sampleSize) { } void draw(ImVec2 size, ImPlotFlags flags, bool updateHandle = false) { if (!m_processing && ImPlot::BeginPlot("##ChunkBasedAnalysis", size, flags)) { ImPlot::SetupAxes("hex.ui.common.address"_lang, "hex.builtin.information_section.info_analysis.entropy"_lang, ImPlotAxisFlags_Lock | ImPlotAxisFlags_NoHighlight | ImPlotAxisFlags_NoSideSwitch, ImPlotAxisFlags_Lock | ImPlotAxisFlags_NoHighlight | ImPlotAxisFlags_NoSideSwitch); ImPlot::SetupAxisFormat(ImAxis_X1, impl::IntegerAxisFormatter, (void*)("0x%04llX")); ImPlot::SetupMouseText(ImPlotLocation_NorthEast); // Set the axis limit to [first block : last block] ImPlot::SetupAxesLimits( m_xBlockEntropy.empty() ? 0 : m_xBlockEntropy.front(), m_xBlockEntropy.empty() ? 0 : m_xBlockEntropy.back(), -0.1F, 1.1F, ImGuiCond_Always); // Draw the plot ImPlot::PlotLine("##ChunkBasedAnalysisLine", m_xBlockEntropy.data(), m_yBlockEntropySampled.data(), m_xBlockEntropy.size()); if (m_showAnnotations) { u32 id = 1; for (const auto &annotation : m_annotationRegions) { const auto ®ion = annotation.region; double xMin = region.getStartAddress(); double xMax = region.getEndAddress(); double yMin = 0.0F; double yMax = 100.0F; ImPlot::DragRect(id, &xMin, &yMin, &xMax, &yMax, annotation.color, ImPlotDragToolFlags_NoFit | ImPlotDragToolFlags_NoInputs); const auto min = ImFloor(ImPlot::PlotToPixels(xMin, yMax)); const auto max = ImFloor(ImPlot::PlotToPixels(xMax, yMin)) + scaled({ 1, 1 }); const auto mousePos = ImPlot::PixelsToPlot(ImGui::GetMousePos()); if (ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect(min, max)) { ImPlot::Annotation(xMin + (xMax - xMin) / 2, mousePos.y, annotation.color, ImVec2(), false, "%s", Lang(annotation.unlocalizedName).get()); if (ImGui::IsMouseClicked(ImGuiMouseButton_Left)) { ImHexApi::HexEditor::setSelection(annotation.region); } } id += 1; } for (const auto &tag : m_tags) { if (tag.axis == ImAxis_X1) ImPlot::TagX(tag.value, ImGui::GetStyleColorVec4(tag.color), "%s", Lang(tag.unlocalizedName).get()); else if (tag.axis == ImAxis_Y1) ImPlot::TagY(tag.value, ImGui::GetStyleColorVec4(tag.color), "%s", Lang(tag.unlocalizedName).get()); } } // The parameter updateHandle is used when using the pattern language since we don't have a provider // but just a set of bytes, we won't be able to use the drag bar correctly. if (updateHandle) { // Set a draggable line on the plot if (ImPlot::DragLineX(1, &m_handlePosition, ImGui::GetStyleColorVec4(ImGuiCol_Text))) { // The line was dragged, update the position in the hex editor // Clamp the value between the start/end of the region to analyze m_handlePosition = std::clamp( m_handlePosition, m_startAddress, m_endAddress); // Compute the position inside hex editor u64 address = u64(std::max(m_handlePosition, 0)) + m_baseAddress; address = std::min(address, m_baseAddress + m_fileSize - 1); ImHexApi::HexEditor::setSelection(address, 1); } } ImPlot::EndPlot(); } } void process(prv::Provider *provider, u64 chunkSize, u64 startAddress, u64 endAddress) { m_processing = true; // Update attributes m_chunkSize = chunkSize; m_startAddress = startAddress; m_endAddress = endAddress; m_baseAddress = provider->getBaseAddress(); m_fileSize = provider->getSize(); // Get a file reader auto reader = prv::ProviderReader(provider); std::vector bytes = reader.read(m_startAddress, m_endAddress - m_startAddress); this->processImpl(bytes); // Set the diagram handle position to the start of the plot m_handlePosition = m_startAddress; m_processing = false; } void process(const std::vector &buffer, u64 chunkSize) { m_processing = true; // Update attributes (use buffer size as end address) m_chunkSize = chunkSize; m_startAddress = 0; m_endAddress = buffer.size(); m_baseAddress = 0; m_fileSize = buffer.size(); this->processImpl(buffer); // Set the diagram handle position to the start of the plot m_handlePosition = m_startAddress; m_processing = false; } // Reset the entropy analysis void reset(u64 chunkSize, u64 startAddress, u64 endAddress, u64 baseAddress, u64 size) { m_processing = true; // Update attributes m_chunkSize = chunkSize; m_startAddress = startAddress; m_endAddress = endAddress; m_baseAddress = baseAddress; m_fileSize = size; m_blockValueCounts = { 0 }; // Reset and resize the array m_yBlockEntropy.clear(); m_byteCount = 0; m_blockCount = 0; // Set the diagram handle position to the start of the plot m_handlePosition = m_startAddress; } // Process one byte at the time void update(u8 byte) { u64 totalBlock = std::ceil((m_endAddress - m_startAddress) / m_chunkSize); // Check if there is still some if (m_blockCount < totalBlock) { // Increment the occurrence of the current byte m_blockValueCounts[byte]++; m_byteCount++; // Check if we processed one complete chunk, if so compute the entropy and start analysing the next chunk if (((m_byteCount % m_chunkSize) == 0) || m_byteCount == (m_endAddress - m_startAddress)) [[unlikely]] { m_yBlockEntropy.push_back(calculateEntropy(m_blockValueCounts, m_chunkSize)); m_blockCount += 1; m_blockValueCounts = { 0 }; } // Check if we processed the last block, if so setup the X axis part of the data if (m_blockCount == totalBlock) { processFinalize(); m_processing = false; } } } // Method used to compute the entropy of a block of size `blockSize` // using the byte occurrences from `valueCounts` array. static double calculateEntropy(const std::array &valueCounts, size_t blockSize) { double entropy = 0; u8 processedValueCount = 0; for (const auto count : valueCounts) { if (count == 0) [[unlikely]] continue; processedValueCount += 1; double probability = static_cast(count) / blockSize; entropy += probability * std::log2(probability); } if (processedValueCount == 1) return 0.0; return std::min(1.0, (-entropy) / 8); // log2(256) = 8 } // Return the highest entropy value among all of the blocks double getHighestEntropyBlockValue() { double result = 0.0F; if (!m_yBlockEntropy.empty()) result = *std::ranges::max_element(m_yBlockEntropy); return result; } // Return the highest entropy value among all of the blocks u64 getHighestEntropyBlockAddress() { u64 address = 0x00; if (!m_yBlockEntropy.empty()) address = (std::ranges::max_element(m_yBlockEntropy) - m_yBlockEntropy.begin()) * m_blockSize; return m_startAddress + address; } // Return the highest entropy value among all of the blocks double getLowestEntropyBlockValue() { double result = 0.0F; if (m_yBlockEntropy.size() > 1) result = *std::min_element(m_yBlockEntropy.begin(), m_yBlockEntropy.end() - 1); return result; } // Return the highest entropy value among all of the blocks u64 getLowestEntropyBlockAddress() { u64 address = 0x00; if (m_yBlockEntropy.size() > 1) address = (std::min_element(m_yBlockEntropy.begin(), m_yBlockEntropy.end() - 1) - m_yBlockEntropy.begin()) * m_blockSize; return m_startAddress + address; } // Return the number of blocks that have been processed u64 getSize() const { return m_yBlockEntropySampled.size(); } // Return the size of the chunk used for this analysis u64 getChunkSize() const { return m_chunkSize; } void setHandlePosition(u64 filePosition) { m_handlePosition = filePosition; } void enableAnnotations(bool enabled) { m_showAnnotations = enabled; } private: // Private method used to factorize the process public method void processImpl(const std::vector &bytes) { m_blockValueCounts = { 0 }; // Reset and resize the array m_yBlockEntropy.clear(); m_byteCount = 0; m_blockCount = 0; // Loop over each byte of the file (or a part of it) for (u8 byte: bytes) { // Increment the occurrence of the current byte m_blockValueCounts[byte]++; m_byteCount++; // Check if we processed one complete chunk, if so compute the entropy and start analysing the next chunk if (((m_byteCount % m_chunkSize) == 0) || m_byteCount == bytes.size() * 8) [[unlikely]] { m_yBlockEntropy.push_back(calculateEntropy(m_blockValueCounts, m_chunkSize)); m_blockCount += 1; m_blockValueCounts = { 0 }; } } processFinalize(); } void processFinalize() { // Only save at most m_sampleSize elements of the result m_yBlockEntropySampled = sampleData(m_yBlockEntropy, std::min(m_blockCount + 1, m_sampleSize)); if (!m_yBlockEntropySampled.empty()) m_yBlockEntropySampled.push_back(m_yBlockEntropySampled.back()); double stride = std::max(1.0, double( double(std::ceil((m_endAddress - m_startAddress)) / m_blockSize) / m_yBlockEntropySampled.size())); m_blockCount = m_yBlockEntropySampled.size() - 1; // The m_xBlockEntropy attribute is used to specify the position of entropy values // in the plot when the Y axis doesn't start at 0 m_xBlockEntropy.clear(); m_xBlockEntropy.resize(m_blockCount); for (u64 i = 0; i < m_blockCount; ++i) m_xBlockEntropy[i] = ((m_startAddress / m_blockSize) + stride * i) * m_blockSize; m_xBlockEntropy.push_back(m_endAddress); for (u64 index = 0; index < m_yBlockEntropySampled.size() - 1; index += 1) { const auto first = m_yBlockEntropySampled[index + 0]; const auto second = m_yBlockEntropySampled[index + 1]; const auto relativeDifference = std::abs(first - second) / std::max(first, second); if (relativeDifference > 0.5 && index + 1 < m_xBlockEntropy.size()) { const u64 start = u64(m_xBlockEntropy[index + 1]); const u64 size = u64(m_xBlockEntropy[index + 1] - m_xBlockEntropy[index + 0]); Region region = { start, size }; if (first > second) { this->addRegion("hex.ui.diagram.entropy_analysis.entropy_drop", region, 0x60FF2020); } else { this->addRegion("hex.ui.diagram.entropy_analysis.entropy_spike", region, 0x602020FF); } } } } void addRegion(const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedName, Region region, ImColor color) { const auto existingRegion = std::ranges::find_if(m_annotationRegions, [this, ®ion](const impl::AnnotationRegion &annotation) { auto difference = i64(region.getEndAddress()) - i64(annotation.region.getEndAddress()); return difference > 0 && difference < i64(m_blockSize * 32); }); if (existingRegion != m_annotationRegions.end()) { existingRegion->region.size += region.size; } else { m_annotationRegions.push_back({ unlocalizedName, region, color }); } } void addTag(const UnlocalizedString &name, u64 value, ImAxis axis, ImGuiCol color) { m_tags.push_back({ name, value, axis, color }); } private: // Variables used to store the parameters to process // Chunk's size for entropy analysis u64 m_chunkSize = 0; u64 m_startAddress = 0x00; u64 m_endAddress = 0x00; // Start / size of the file u64 m_baseAddress = 0x00; u64 m_fileSize = 0; // The size of the blocks (for diagram drawing) u64 m_blockSize = 0; // Position of the handle inside the plot double m_handlePosition = 0.0; // Hold the number of blocks that have been processed // during the chunk-based entropy analysis u64 m_blockCount = 0; // Hold the number of bytes that have been processed // during the analysis (useful for the iterative analysis) u64 m_byteCount = 0; // Array used to hold the occurrences of each byte // (useful for the iterative analysis) std::array m_blockValueCounts = {}; // Variable to hold the result of the chunk-based // entropy analysis std::vector m_xBlockEntropy; std::vector m_yBlockEntropy, m_yBlockEntropySampled; // Sampling size, number of elements displayed in the plot, // avoid showing to many data because it decreased the frame rate size_t m_sampleSize = 0; std::atomic m_processing = false; std::vector m_annotationRegions; std::vector m_tags; bool m_showAnnotations = true; }; class DiagramByteDistribution { public: DiagramByteDistribution() = default; void draw(ImVec2 size, ImPlotFlags flags) { if (!m_processing && ImPlot::BeginPlot("##distribution", size, flags)) { ImPlot::SetupAxes("hex.ui.common.value"_lang, "hex.ui.common.count"_lang, ImPlotAxisFlags_Lock | ImPlotAxisFlags_NoHighlight | ImPlotAxisFlags_NoSideSwitch, ImPlotAxisFlags_Lock | ImPlotAxisFlags_NoHighlight | ImPlotAxisFlags_NoSideSwitch); ImPlot::SetupAxisScale(ImAxis_Y1, ImPlotScale_Log10); ImPlot::SetupAxesLimits(-1, 256, 1, double(*std::ranges::max_element(m_valueCounts)) * 1.1F, ImGuiCond_Always); ImPlot::SetupAxisFormat(ImAxis_X1, impl::IntegerAxisFormatter, (void*)("0x%02llX")); ImPlot::SetupAxisTicks(ImAxis_X1, 0, 255, 17); ImPlot::SetupMouseText(ImPlotLocation_NorthEast); constexpr static auto x = [] { std::array result { 0 }; std::iota(result.begin(), result.end(), 0); return result; }(); ImPlot::PlotBars("##bytes", x.data(), m_valueCounts.data(), x.size(), 1); ImPlot::EndPlot(); } } void process(prv::Provider *provider, u64 startAddress, u64 endAddress) { m_processing = true; // Update attributes m_startAddress = startAddress; m_endAddress = endAddress; // Get a file reader auto reader = prv::ProviderReader(provider); std::vector bytes = reader.read(m_startAddress, m_endAddress - m_startAddress); this->processImpl(bytes); m_processing = false; } void process(const std::vector &buffer) { m_processing = true; // Update attributes m_startAddress = 0; m_endAddress = buffer.size(); this->processImpl(buffer); m_processing = false; } // Reset the byte distribution array void reset() { m_processing = true; m_valueCounts.fill(0); m_processing = false; } // Process one byte at the time void update(u8 byte) { m_processing = true; m_valueCounts[byte]++; m_processing = false; } // Return byte distribution array in it's current state std::array & get() { return m_valueCounts; } private: // Private method used to factorize the process public method void processImpl(const std::vector &bytes) { // Reset the array m_valueCounts.fill(0); // Loop over each byte of the file (or a part of it) // Increment the occurrence of the current byte for (u8 byte : bytes) m_valueCounts[byte]++; } private: // Variables used to store the parameters to process u64 m_startAddress = 0; u64 m_endAddress = 0; // Hold the result of the byte distribution analysis std::array m_valueCounts = { }; std::atomic m_processing = false; }; class DiagramByteTypesDistribution { public: explicit DiagramByteTypesDistribution(u64 blockSize = 256, size_t sampleSize = 0x1000) : m_blockSize(blockSize), m_sampleSize(sampleSize){ } void draw(ImVec2 size, ImPlotFlags flags, bool updateHandle = false) { // Draw the result of the analysis if (!m_processing && ImPlot::BeginPlot("##byte_types", size, flags)) { ImPlot::SetupAxes("hex.ui.common.address"_lang, "hex.ui.common.percentage"_lang, ImPlotAxisFlags_Lock | ImPlotAxisFlags_NoHighlight | ImPlotAxisFlags_NoSideSwitch, ImPlotAxisFlags_Lock | ImPlotAxisFlags_NoHighlight | ImPlotAxisFlags_NoSideSwitch); ImPlot::SetupAxesLimits( m_xBlockTypeDistributions.empty() ? 0 : m_xBlockTypeDistributions.front(), m_xBlockTypeDistributions.empty() ? 0 : m_xBlockTypeDistributions.back(), -0.1F, 100.1F, ImGuiCond_Always); ImPlot::SetupLegend(ImPlotLocation_South, ImPlotLegendFlags_Horizontal | ImPlotLegendFlags_Outside); ImPlot::SetupAxisFormat(ImAxis_X1, impl::IntegerAxisFormatter, (void*)("0x%04llX")); ImPlot::SetupMouseText(ImPlotLocation_NorthEast); constexpr static std::array Names = { "iscntrl", "isprint", "isspace", "isblank", "isgraph", "ispunct", "isalnum", "isalpha", "isupper", "islower", "isdigit", "isxdigit" }; for (u32 i = 0; i < Names.size(); i++) { ImPlot::PlotLine(Names[i], m_xBlockTypeDistributions.data(), m_yBlockTypeDistributionsSampled[i].data(), m_xBlockTypeDistributions.size()); } if (m_showAnnotations) { u32 id = 1; for (const auto &annotation : m_annotationRegions) { const auto ®ion = annotation.region; double xMin = region.getStartAddress(); double xMax = region.getEndAddress(); double yMin = 0.0F; double yMax = 100.0F; ImPlot::DragRect(id, &xMin, &yMin, &xMax, &yMax, annotation.color, ImPlotDragToolFlags_NoFit | ImPlotDragToolFlags_NoInputs); const auto min = ImPlot::PlotToPixels(xMin, yMax); const auto max = ImPlot::PlotToPixels(xMax, yMin); const auto mousePos = ImPlot::PixelsToPlot(ImGui::GetMousePos()); if (ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect(min, max)) { ImPlot::Annotation(xMin + (xMax - xMin) / 2, mousePos.y, annotation.color, ImVec2(), false, "%s", Lang(annotation.unlocalizedName).get()); if (ImGui::IsMouseClicked(ImGuiMouseButton_Left)) { ImHexApi::HexEditor::setSelection(annotation.region); } } id += 1; } for (const auto &tag : m_tags) { if (tag.axis == ImAxis_X1) ImPlot::TagX(tag.value, ImGui::GetStyleColorVec4(tag.color), "%s", Lang(tag.unlocalizedName).get()); else if (tag.axis == ImAxis_Y1) ImPlot::TagY(tag.value, ImGui::GetStyleColorVec4(tag.color), "%s", Lang(tag.unlocalizedName).get()); } } // The parameter updateHandle is used when using the pattern language since we don't have a provider // but just a set of bytes, we won't be able to use the drag bar correctly. if (updateHandle) { // Set a draggable line on the plot if (ImPlot::DragLineX(1, &m_handlePosition, ImGui::GetStyleColorVec4(ImGuiCol_Text))) { // The line was dragged, update the position in the hex editor // Clamp the value between the start/end of the region to analyze m_handlePosition = std::clamp( m_handlePosition, m_startAddress, m_endAddress); // Compute the position inside hex editor u64 address = u64(std::max(m_handlePosition, 0)) + m_baseAddress; address = std::min(address, m_baseAddress + m_fileSize - 1); ImHexApi::HexEditor::setSelection(address, 1); } } ImPlot::EndPlot(); } } void process(prv::Provider *provider, u64 startAddress, u64 endAddress) { m_processing = true; // Update attributes m_startAddress = startAddress; m_endAddress = endAddress; m_baseAddress = provider->getBaseAddress(); m_fileSize = provider->getSize(); // Get a file reader auto reader = prv::ProviderReader(provider); std::vector bytes = reader.read(m_startAddress, m_endAddress - m_startAddress); this->processImpl(bytes); // Set the diagram handle position to the start of the plot m_handlePosition = m_startAddress; m_processing = false; } void process(const std::vector &buffer, u64 baseAddress, u64 fileSize) { m_processing = true; // Update attributes m_startAddress = 0; m_endAddress = buffer.size(); m_baseAddress = baseAddress; m_fileSize = fileSize; this->processImpl(buffer); // Set the diagram handle position to the start of the plot m_handlePosition = m_startAddress; m_processing = false; } // Reset the byte type distribution analysis void reset(u64 startAddress, u64 endAddress, u64 baseAddress, u64 size) { m_processing = true; // Update attributes m_startAddress = startAddress; m_endAddress = endAddress; m_baseAddress = baseAddress; m_fileSize = size; m_byteCount = 0; m_blockCount = 0; m_blockValueCounts = { 0 }; // Reset and resize the array m_yBlockTypeDistributions.fill({}); // Set the diagram handle position to the start of the plot m_handlePosition = m_startAddress; m_annotationRegions.clear(); } // Process one byte at the time void update(u8 byte) { u64 totalBlock = std::ceil((m_endAddress - m_startAddress) / m_blockSize); // Check if there is still some block to process if (m_blockCount < totalBlock) { m_blockValueCounts[byte]++; m_byteCount++; if (((m_byteCount % m_blockSize) == 0) || m_byteCount == (m_endAddress - m_startAddress)) [[unlikely]] { auto typeDist = calculateTypeDistribution(m_blockValueCounts, m_blockSize); for (size_t i = 0; i < typeDist.size(); i++) m_yBlockTypeDistributions[i].push_back(typeDist[i] * 100); if (m_yBlockTypeDistributions[2].back() + m_yBlockTypeDistributions[4].back() >= 95) { this->addRegion("hex.ui.diagram.byte_type_distribution.plain_text", Region { m_byteCount, m_blockSize }, 0x80FF00FF); } else if (std::ranges::any_of(m_blockValueCounts, [&](auto count) { return count >= m_blockSize * 0.95F; })) { this->addRegion("hex.ui.diagram.byte_type_distribution.similar_bytes", Region { m_byteCount, m_blockSize }, 0x8000FF00); } m_blockCount += 1; m_blockValueCounts = { 0 }; } // Check if we processed the last block, if so setup the X axis part of the data if (m_blockCount == totalBlock) { processFinalize(); m_processing = false; } } } // Return the percentage of plain text character inside the analyzed region double getPlainTextCharacterPercentage() { if (m_yBlockTypeDistributions[2].empty() || m_yBlockTypeDistributions[4].empty()) return -1.0; double plainTextPercentage = std::reduce(m_yBlockTypeDistributions[2].begin(), m_yBlockTypeDistributions[2].end()) / m_yBlockTypeDistributions[2].size(); return plainTextPercentage + std::reduce(m_yBlockTypeDistributions[4].begin(), m_yBlockTypeDistributions[4].end()) / m_yBlockTypeDistributions[4].size(); } void setHandlePosition(u64 filePosition) { m_handlePosition = filePosition; } void enableAnnotations(bool enabled) { m_showAnnotations = enabled; } private: static std::array calculateTypeDistribution(const std::array &valueCounts, size_t blockSize) { std::array counts = {}; for (u16 value = 0x00; value < u16(valueCounts.size()); value++) { const auto &count = valueCounts[value]; if (count == 0) [[unlikely]] continue; if (std::iscntrl(value)) counts[0] += count; if (std::isprint(value)) counts[1] += count; if (std::isspace(value)) counts[2] += count; if (std::isblank(value)) counts[3] += count; if (std::isgraph(value)) counts[4] += count; if (std::ispunct(value)) counts[5] += count; if (std::isalnum(value)) counts[6] += count; if (std::isalpha(value)) counts[7] += count; if (std::isupper(value)) counts[8] += count; if (std::islower(value)) counts[9] += count; if (std::isdigit(value)) counts[10] += count; if (std::isxdigit(value)) counts[11] += count; } std::array distribution = {}; for (u32 i = 0; i < distribution.size(); i++) distribution[i] = static_cast(counts[i]) / blockSize; return distribution; } // Private method used to factorize the process public method void processImpl(const std::vector &bytes) { m_blockValueCounts = { 0 }; m_yBlockTypeDistributions.fill({}); m_byteCount = 0; m_blockCount = 0; // Loop over each byte of the file (or a part of it) for (u8 byte : bytes) { m_blockValueCounts[byte]++; m_byteCount++; if (((m_byteCount % m_blockSize) == 0) || m_byteCount == (m_endAddress - m_startAddress)) [[unlikely]] { auto typeDist = calculateTypeDistribution(m_blockValueCounts, m_blockSize); for (size_t i = 0; i < typeDist.size(); i++) m_yBlockTypeDistributions[i].push_back(typeDist[i] * 100); m_blockCount += 1; m_blockValueCounts = { 0 }; } } processFinalize(); } void processFinalize() { // Only save at most m_sampleSize elements of the result for (size_t i = 0; i < m_yBlockTypeDistributions.size(); ++i) { m_yBlockTypeDistributionsSampled[i] = sampleData(m_yBlockTypeDistributions[i], std::min(m_blockCount + 1, m_sampleSize)); if (!m_yBlockTypeDistributionsSampled[i].empty()) m_yBlockTypeDistributionsSampled[i].push_back(m_yBlockTypeDistributionsSampled[i].back()); } double stride = std::max(1.0, double(m_blockCount) / m_yBlockTypeDistributionsSampled[0].size()); m_blockCount = m_yBlockTypeDistributionsSampled[0].size() - 1; // The m_xBlockTypeDistributions attribute is used to specify the position of entropy // values in the plot when the Y axis doesn't start at 0 m_xBlockTypeDistributions.clear(); m_xBlockTypeDistributions.resize(m_blockCount); for (u64 i = 0; i < m_blockCount; ++i) m_xBlockTypeDistributions[i] = m_startAddress + (stride * i * m_blockSize); m_xBlockTypeDistributions.push_back(m_endAddress); } void addRegion(const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedName, Region region, ImColor color) { const auto existingRegion = std::ranges::find_if(m_annotationRegions, [this, ®ion](const impl::AnnotationRegion &annotation) { auto difference = i64(region.getEndAddress()) - i64(annotation.region.getEndAddress()); return difference > 0 && difference < i64(m_blockSize * 32); }); if (existingRegion != m_annotationRegions.end()) { existingRegion->region.size += region.size; } else { m_annotationRegions.push_back({ unlocalizedName, region, color }); } } void addTag(const UnlocalizedString &name, u64 value, ImAxis axis, ImGuiCol color) { m_tags.push_back({ name, value, axis, color }); } private: // Variables used to store the parameters to process // The size of the block we are considering for the analysis u64 m_blockSize = 0; u64 m_startAddress = 0; u64 m_endAddress = 0; // Start / size of the file u64 m_baseAddress = 0; u64 m_fileSize = 0; // Position of the handle inside the plot double m_handlePosition = 0.0; // Hold the number of blocks that have been processed // during the chunk-based entropy analysis u64 m_blockCount = 0; // Hold the number of bytes that have been processed // during the analysis (useful for the iterative analysis) u64 m_byteCount = 0; // Sampling size, number of elements displayed in the plot, // avoid showing to many data because it decreased the frame rate size_t m_sampleSize = 0; // Array used to hold the occurrences of each byte // (useful for the iterative analysis) std::array m_blockValueCounts = {}; // The m_xBlockTypeDistributions attributes are used to specify the position of // the values in the plot when the Y axis doesn't start at 0 std::vector m_xBlockTypeDistributions; // Hold the result of the byte distribution analysis std::array, 12> m_yBlockTypeDistributions, m_yBlockTypeDistributionsSampled; std::atomic m_processing = false; std::vector m_annotationRegions; std::vector m_tags; bool m_showAnnotations = true; }; }