#include "content/views/view_achievements.hpp" #include #include #include #include namespace hex::plugin::builtin { ViewAchievements::ViewAchievements() : View("hex.builtin.view.achievements.name") { // Add achievements menu item to Extas menu ContentRegistry::Interface::addMenuItem({ "hex.builtin.menu.extras", "hex.builtin.view.achievements.name" }, 2600, Shortcut::None, [&, this] { this->m_viewOpen = true; this->getWindowOpenState() = true; }); // Add newly unlocked achievements to the display queue EventManager::subscribe(this, [this](const Achievement &achievement) { this->m_achievementUnlockQueue.push_back(&achievement); }); // Load settings this->m_showPopup = bool(ContentRegistry::Settings::read("hex.builtin.setting.interface", "hex.builtin.setting.interface.achievement_popup", 1)); } ViewAchievements::~ViewAchievements() { EventManager::unsubscribe(this); } void drawAchievement(ImDrawList *drawList, const AchievementManager::AchievementNode *node, ImVec2 position) { const auto achievementSize = scaled({ 50, 50 }); auto &achievement = *node->achievement; // Determine achievement border color based on unlock state const auto borderColor = [&] { if (achievement.isUnlocked()) return ImGui::GetCustomColorU32(ImGuiCustomCol_ToolbarYellow, 1.0F); else if (node->isUnlockable()) return ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_Button, 1.0F); else return ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_PlotLines, 1.0F); }(); // Determine achievement fill color based on unlock state const auto fillColor = [&] { if (achievement.isUnlocked()) return ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_FrameBg, 1.0F) | 0xFF000000; else if (node->isUnlockable()) { auto cycleProgress = sinf(float(ImGui::GetTime()) * 6.0F) * 0.5F + 0.5F; return (u32(ImColor(ImLerp(ImGui::GetStyleColorVec4(ImGuiCol_TextDisabled), ImGui::GetStyleColorVec4(ImGuiCol_Text), cycleProgress))) & 0x00FFFFFF) | 0x80000000; } else return ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_TextDisabled, 0.5F); }(); // Draw achievement background if (achievement.isUnlocked()) { drawList->AddRectFilled(position, position + achievementSize, fillColor, 5_scaled, 0); drawList->AddRect(position, position + achievementSize, borderColor, 5_scaled, 0, 2_scaled); } else { drawList->AddRectFilled(position, position + achievementSize, ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_WindowBg) | 0xFF000000, 5_scaled, 0); } // Draw achievement icon if available if (const auto &icon = achievement.getIcon(); icon.isValid()) { ImVec2 iconSize; if (icon.getSize().x > icon.getSize().y) { iconSize.x = achievementSize.x; iconSize.y = iconSize.x / icon.getSize().x * icon.getSize().y; } else { iconSize.y = achievementSize.y; iconSize.x = iconSize.y / icon.getSize().y * icon.getSize().x; } iconSize *= 0.7F; ImVec2 margin = (achievementSize - iconSize) / 2.0F; drawList->AddImage(icon, position + margin, position + margin + iconSize); } // Dim achievement if it is not unlocked if (!achievement.isUnlocked()) { drawList->AddRectFilled(position, position + achievementSize, fillColor, 5_scaled, 0); drawList->AddRect(position, position + achievementSize, borderColor, 5_scaled, 0, 2_scaled); } auto tooltipPos = position + ImVec2(achievementSize.x, 0); auto tooltipSize = achievementSize * ImVec2(4, 0); // Draw achievement tooltip when hovering over it if (ImGui::IsWindowHovered() && ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect(position, position + achievementSize)) { ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(tooltipPos); ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(tooltipSize); if (ImGui::BeginTooltip()) { if (achievement.isBlacked() && !achievement.isUnlocked()) { // Handle achievements that are blacked out ImGui::TextUnformatted("[ ??? ]"); } else { // Handle regular achievements ImGui::BeginDisabled(!achievement.isUnlocked()); // Draw achievement name ImGui::TextUnformatted(LangEntry(achievement.getUnlocalizedName())); // Draw progress bar if achievement has progress if (auto requiredProgress = achievement.getRequiredProgress(); requiredProgress > 1) { ImGui::ProgressBar(float(achievement.getProgress()) / float(requiredProgress + 1), ImVec2(achievementSize.x * 4, 5_scaled), ""); } bool separator = false; // Draw prompt to click on achievement if it has a click callback if (achievement.getClickCallback() && !achievement.isUnlocked()) { ImGui::Separator(); separator = true; ImGui::TextFormattedColored(ImGui::GetCustomColorVec4(ImGuiCustomCol_ToolbarYellow), "[ {} ]", LangEntry("hex.builtin.view.achievements.click")); } // Draw achievement description if available if (const auto &desc = achievement.getUnlocalizedDescription(); !desc.empty()) { if (!separator) ImGui::Separator(); else ImGui::NewLine(); ImGui::TextFormattedWrapped("{}", LangEntry(desc)); } ImGui::EndDisabled(); } ImGui::EndTooltip(); } // Handle achievement click if (!achievement.isUnlocked() && ImGui::IsMouseClicked(ImGuiMouseButton_Left)) { if (ImGui::GetIO().KeyShift) { // Allow achievements to be unlocked in debug mode by shift-clicking them #if defined (DEBUG) AchievementManager::unlockAchievement(node->achievement->getUnlocalizedCategory(), node->achievement->getUnlocalizedName()); #endif } else { // Trigger achievement click callback if (auto clickCallback = achievement.getClickCallback(); clickCallback) clickCallback(achievement); } } } } void drawOverlay(ImDrawList *drawList, ImVec2 windowMin, ImVec2 windowMax, const std::string &currCategory) { auto &achievements = AchievementManager::getAchievements()[currCategory]; // Calculate number of achievements that have been unlocked const auto unlockedCount = std::count_if(achievements.begin(), achievements.end(), [](const auto &entry) { const auto &[name, achievement] = entry; return achievement->isUnlocked(); }); // Calculate number of invisible achievements const auto invisibleCount = std::count_if(achievements.begin(), achievements.end(), [](const auto &entry) { const auto &[name, achievement] = entry; return achievement->isInvisible(); }); // Calculate number of visible achievements const auto visibleCount = achievements.size() - invisibleCount; // Construct number of unlocked achievements text auto unlockedText = hex::format("{}: {} / {}{}", "hex.builtin.view.achievements.unlocked_count"_lang, unlockedCount, visibleCount, invisibleCount > 0 ? "+" : " "); // Calculate overlay size auto &style = ImGui::GetStyle(); auto overlaySize = ImGui::CalcTextSize(unlockedText.c_str()) + style.ItemSpacing + style.WindowPadding * 2.0F; auto padding = scaled({ 10, 10 }); auto overlayPos = ImVec2(windowMax.x - overlaySize.x - padding.x, windowMin.y + padding.y); // Draw overlay background drawList->AddRectFilled(overlayPos, overlayPos + overlaySize, ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_WindowBg, 0.8F)); drawList->AddRect(overlayPos, overlayPos + overlaySize, ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_Border)); // Draw overlay content ImGui::SetCursorScreenPos(overlayPos + padding); ImGui::BeginGroup(); ImGui::TextUnformatted(unlockedText.c_str()); ImGui::EndGroup(); } void drawBackground(ImDrawList *drawList, ImVec2 min, ImVec2 max, ImVec2 offset) { const auto patternSize = scaled({ 10, 10 }); const auto darkColor = ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_TableRowBg); const auto lightColor = ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_TableRowBgAlt); // Draw a border around the entire background drawList->AddRect(min, max, ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_Border), 0.0F, 0, 1.0_scaled); // Draw a checkerboard pattern bool light = false; bool prevStart = false; for (float x = min.x + offset.x; x < max.x; x += i32(patternSize.x)) { if (prevStart == light) light = !light; prevStart = light; for (float y = min.y + offset.y; y < max.y; y += i32(patternSize.y)) { drawList->AddRectFilled({ x, y }, { x + patternSize.x, y + patternSize.y }, light ? lightColor : darkColor); light = !light; } } } ImVec2 ViewAchievements::drawAchievementTree(ImDrawList *drawList, const AchievementManager::AchievementNode * prevNode, const std::vector &nodes, ImVec2 position) { ImVec2 maxPos = position; // Loop over all available achievement nodes for (auto &node : nodes) { // If the achievement is invisible and not unlocked yet, don't draw anything if (node->achievement->isInvisible() && !node->achievement->isUnlocked()) continue; // If the achievement has any visibility requirements, check if they are met if (!node->visibilityParents.empty()) { bool visible = true; // Check if all the visibility requirements are unlocked for (auto &parent : node->visibilityParents) { if (!parent->achievement->isUnlocked()) { visible = false; break; } } // If any of the visibility requirements are not unlocked, don't draw the achievement if (!visible) continue; } drawList->ChannelsSetCurrent(1); // Check if the achievement has any parents if (prevNode != nullptr) { // Check if the parent achievement is in the same category if (prevNode->achievement->getUnlocalizedCategory() != node->achievement->getUnlocalizedCategory()) continue; auto start = prevNode->position + scaled({ 25, 25 }); auto end = position + scaled({ 25, 25 }); auto middle = ((start + end) / 2.0F) - scaled({ 50, 0 }); const auto color = [prevNode]{ if (prevNode->achievement->isUnlocked()) return ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_Text) | 0xFF000000; else return ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_TextDisabled) | 0xFF000000; }(); // Draw a bezier curve between the parent and child achievement drawList->AddBezierQuadratic(start, middle, end, color, 2_scaled); // Handle jumping to an achievement if (this->m_achievementToGoto != nullptr) { if (this->m_achievementToGoto == node->achievement) { this->m_offset = position - scaled({ 100, 100 }); } } } drawList->ChannelsSetCurrent(2); // Draw the achievement drawAchievement(drawList, node, position); // Adjust the position for the next achievement and continue drawing the achievement tree node->position = position; auto newMaxPos = drawAchievementTree(drawList, node, node->children, position + scaled({ 150, 0 })); if (newMaxPos.x > maxPos.x) maxPos.x = newMaxPos.x; if (newMaxPos.y > maxPos.y) maxPos.y = newMaxPos.y; position.y = maxPos.y + 100_scaled; } return maxPos; } void ViewAchievements::drawContent() { if (ImGui::Begin(View::toWindowName("hex.builtin.view.achievements.name").c_str(), &this->m_viewOpen, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoDocking)) { if (ImGui::BeginTabBar("##achievement_categories")) { auto &startNodes = AchievementManager::getAchievementStartNodes(); // Get all achievement category names std::vector categories; for (const auto &[categoryName, achievements] : startNodes) { categories.push_back(categoryName); } std::reverse(categories.begin(), categories.end()); // Draw each individual achievement category for (const auto &categoryName : categories) { const auto &achievements = startNodes[categoryName]; // Check if any achievements in the category are unlocked or unlockable bool visible = false; for (const auto &achievement : achievements) { if (achievement->isUnlocked() || achievement->isUnlockable()) { visible = true; break; } } // If all achievements in this category are invisible, don't draw it if (!visible) continue; ImGuiTabItemFlags flags = ImGuiTabItemFlags_None; // Handle jumping to the category of an achievement if (this->m_achievementToGoto != nullptr) { if (this->m_achievementToGoto->getUnlocalizedCategory() == categoryName) { flags |= ImGuiTabItemFlags_SetSelected; } } // Draw the achievement category if (ImGui::BeginTabItem(LangEntry(categoryName), nullptr, flags)) { auto drawList = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); const auto cursorPos = ImGui::GetCursorPos(); const auto windowPos = ImGui::GetWindowPos() + ImVec2(0, cursorPos.y); const auto windowSize = ImGui::GetWindowSize() - ImVec2(0, cursorPos.y);; const float borderSize = 20.0_scaled; const auto windowPadding = ImGui::GetStyle().WindowPadding; const auto innerWindowPos = windowPos + ImVec2(borderSize, borderSize); const auto innerWindowSize = windowSize - ImVec2(borderSize * 2, borderSize * 2) - ImVec2(0, ImGui::GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing()); // Prevent the achievement tree from being drawn outside of the window drawList->PushClipRect(innerWindowPos, innerWindowPos + innerWindowSize, true); drawList->ChannelsSplit(4); drawList->ChannelsSetCurrent(0); // Draw achievement background drawBackground(drawList, innerWindowPos, innerWindowPos + innerWindowSize, this->m_offset); // Draw the achievement tree auto maxPos = drawAchievementTree(drawList, nullptr, achievements, innerWindowPos + scaled({ 100, 100 }) + this->m_offset); drawList->ChannelsSetCurrent(3); // Draw the achievement overlay drawOverlay(drawList, innerWindowPos, innerWindowPos + innerWindowSize, categoryName); drawList->ChannelsMerge(); // Handle dragging the achievement tree around if (ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect(innerWindowPos, innerWindowPos + innerWindowSize)) { auto dragDelta = ImGui::GetMouseDragDelta(ImGuiMouseButton_Left); this->m_offset += dragDelta; ImGui::ResetMouseDragDelta(ImGuiMouseButton_Left); } // Clamp the achievement tree to the window this->m_offset = -ImClamp(-this->m_offset, { 0, 0 }, ImMax(maxPos - innerWindowPos - innerWindowSize, { 0, 0 })); drawList->PopClipRect(); // Draw settings below the window ImGui::SetCursorScreenPos(innerWindowPos + ImVec2(0, innerWindowSize.y + windowPadding.y)); ImGui::BeginGroup(); { if (ImGui::Checkbox("Show popup", &this->m_showPopup)) ContentRegistry::Settings::write("hex.builtin.setting.interface", "hex.builtin.setting.interface.achievement_popup", i64(this->m_showPopup)); } ImGui::EndGroup(); ImGui::EndTabItem(); } } ImGui::EndTabBar(); } } ImGui::End(); this->getWindowOpenState() = this->m_viewOpen; this->m_achievementToGoto = nullptr; } void ViewAchievements::drawAlwaysVisible() { // Handle showing the achievement unlock popup if (this->m_achievementUnlockQueueTimer >= 0 && this->m_showPopup) { this->m_achievementUnlockQueueTimer -= ImGui::GetIO().DeltaTime; // Check if there's an achievement that can be drawn if (this->m_currAchievement != nullptr) { const ImVec2 windowSize = scaled({ 200, 55 }); ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImHexApi::System::getMainWindowPosition() + ImVec2 { ImHexApi::System::getMainWindowSize().x - windowSize.x - 100_scaled, 0 }); ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(windowSize); if (ImGui::Begin("##achievement_unlocked", nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollWithMouse | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoDocking | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoFocusOnAppearing | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoInputs)) { // Draw unlock text ImGui::TextFormattedColored(ImGui::GetCustomColorVec4(ImGuiCustomCol_ToolbarYellow), "{}", "hex.builtin.view.achievements.unlocked"_lang); // Draw achievement icon ImGui::Image(this->m_currAchievement->getIcon(), scaled({ 20, 20 })); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SeparatorEx(ImGuiSeparatorFlags_Vertical); ImGui::SameLine(); // Draw name of achievement ImGui::TextFormattedWrapped("{}", LangEntry(this->m_currAchievement->getUnlocalizedName())); // Handle clicking on the popup if (ImGui::IsWindowHovered() && ImGui::IsMouseReleased(ImGuiMouseButton_Left)) { // Open the achievement window and jump to the achievement this->m_viewOpen = true; this->getWindowOpenState() = this->m_viewOpen; this->m_achievementToGoto = this->m_currAchievement; } } ImGui::End(); } } else { // Reset the achievement unlock queue timer this->m_achievementUnlockQueueTimer = -1.0F; this->m_currAchievement = nullptr; // If there are more achievements to draw, draw the next one if (!this->m_achievementUnlockQueue.empty()) { this->m_currAchievement = this->m_achievementUnlockQueue.front(); this->m_achievementUnlockQueue.pop_front(); this->m_achievementUnlockQueueTimer = 5.0F; } } } }