#include #include #if defined(OS_WINDOWS) #define STRING(str) L##str #else #define STRING(str) str #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" void igSetCurrentContext(ImGuiContext* ctx); namespace hex::script::loader { namespace { using get_hostfxr_path_fn = int(*)(char_t * buffer, size_t * buffer_size, const get_hostfxr_parameters *parameters); hostfxr_initialize_for_runtime_config_fn hostfxr_initialize_for_runtime_config = nullptr; hostfxr_get_runtime_delegate_fn hostfxr_get_runtime_delegate = nullptr; hostfxr_close_fn hostfxr_close = nullptr; hostfxr_set_runtime_property_value_fn hostfxr_set_runtime_property_value = nullptr; hostfxr_set_error_writer_fn hostfxr_set_error_writer = nullptr; void* pInvokeOverride(const char *libraryName, const char *symbolName) { auto library = std::string_view(libraryName); if (library == "cimgui") { return getExport(ImHexApi::System::getLibImHexModuleHandle(), symbolName); } else if (library == "ImHex") { return getExport(hex::getContainingModule((void*)&pInvokeOverride), symbolName); } return nullptr; } bool loadHostfxr() { #if defined(OS_WINDOWS) auto netHostLibrary = loadLibrary(L"nethost.dll"); #elif defined(OS_LINUX) auto netHostLibrary = loadLibrary("libnethost.so"); #elif defined(OS_MACOS) void *netHostLibrary = nullptr; for (const auto &pluginPath : paths::Plugins.read()) { auto frameworksPath = pluginPath.parent_path().parent_path() / "Frameworks"; netHostLibrary = loadLibrary((frameworksPath / "libnethost.dylib").c_str()); if (netHostLibrary != nullptr) break; } if (netHostLibrary == nullptr) { for (const auto &librariesPath : paths::Libraries.read()) { netHostLibrary = loadLibrary((librariesPath / "libnethost.dylib").c_str()); if (netHostLibrary != nullptr) break; } } #endif if (netHostLibrary == nullptr) { log::debug("libnethost is not available! Disabling .NET support"); return false; } auto get_hostfxr_path_ptr = getExport(netHostLibrary, "get_hostfxr_path"); std::array buffer = { }; size_t bufferSize = buffer.size(); u32 result = get_hostfxr_path_ptr(buffer.data(), &bufferSize, nullptr); if (result != 0) { log::error(hex::format("Could not get hostfxr path! 0x{:X}", result)); return false; } void *hostfxrLibrary = loadLibrary(buffer.data()); if (hostfxrLibrary == nullptr) { log::error("Could not load hostfxr library!"); return false; } { hostfxr_initialize_for_runtime_config = getExport(hostfxrLibrary, "hostfxr_initialize_for_runtime_config"); hostfxr_get_runtime_delegate = getExport(hostfxrLibrary, "hostfxr_get_runtime_delegate"); hostfxr_close = getExport(hostfxrLibrary, "hostfxr_close"); hostfxr_set_runtime_property_value = getExport(hostfxrLibrary, "hostfxr_set_runtime_property_value"); hostfxr_set_error_writer = getExport(hostfxrLibrary, "hostfxr_set_error_writer"); } hostfxr_set_error_writer([] (const char_t *) { }); return hostfxr_initialize_for_runtime_config != nullptr && hostfxr_get_runtime_delegate != nullptr && hostfxr_close != nullptr && hostfxr_set_runtime_property_value != nullptr && hostfxr_set_error_writer != nullptr; } load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer_fn getLoadAssemblyFunction(const std::fs::path &path) { load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer_fn loadAssemblyFunction = nullptr; hostfxr_handle ctx = nullptr; u32 result = hostfxr_initialize_for_runtime_config(path.c_str(), nullptr, &ctx); ON_SCOPE_EXIT { hostfxr_close(ctx); }; if (result > 2 || ctx == nullptr) { if (result == /* FrameworkMissingFailure */ 0x80008096) { log::warn("ImHex has built-in support for .NET scripts and extensions. However, these can only be used when the .NET runtime is installed."); log::warn("Please install version {} or later of the .NET runtime if you plan to use them. Otherwise this error can be safely ignored.", IMHEX_DOTNET_RUNTIME_VERSION); } throw std::runtime_error(hex::format("Command line init failed 0x{:X}", result)); } #if defined (OS_WINDOWS) hostfxr_set_runtime_property_value(ctx, STRING("PINVOKE_OVERRIDE"), utf8ToUtf16(hex::format("{}", (void*)pInvokeOverride)).c_str()); #else hostfxr_set_runtime_property_value(ctx, STRING("PINVOKE_OVERRIDE"), hex::format("{}", (void*)pInvokeOverride).c_str()); #endif hostfxr_set_error_writer([](const char_t *message) { #if defined(OS_WINDOWS) log::error("{}", utf16ToUtf8(message)); #else log::error("{}", message); #endif }); result = hostfxr_get_runtime_delegate( ctx, hostfxr_delegate_type::hdt_load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer, reinterpret_cast(&loadAssemblyFunction) ); if (result != 0 || loadAssemblyFunction == nullptr) { throw std::runtime_error(hex::format("Failed to get load_assembly_and_get_function_pointer delegate 0x{:X}", result)); } return loadAssemblyFunction; } } bool DotNetLoader::initialize() { if (!loadHostfxr()) { return false; } for (const auto& path : paths::Plugins.read()) { auto assemblyLoader = path / "AssemblyLoader.dll"; if (!wolv::io::fs::exists(assemblyLoader)) continue; auto loadAssembly = getLoadAssemblyFunction(std::fs::absolute(path) / "AssemblyLoader.runtimeconfig.json"); auto dotnetType = STRING("ImHex.EntryPoint, AssemblyLoader"); const char_t *dotnetTypeMethod = STRING("ExecuteScript"); this-> m_assemblyLoaderPathString = assemblyLoader.native(); component_entry_point_fn entryPoint = nullptr; u32 result = loadAssembly( m_assemblyLoaderPathString.c_str(), dotnetType, dotnetTypeMethod, nullptr, nullptr, reinterpret_cast(&entryPoint) ); if (result != 0 || entryPoint == nullptr) { log::error("Failed to load assembly loader '{}'! 0x{:X}", assemblyLoader.string(), result); continue; } m_runMethod = [entryPoint](const std::string &methodName, bool keepLoaded, const std::fs::path &path) -> int { auto pathString = wolv::util::toUTF8String(path); auto string = hex::format("{}||{}||{}", keepLoaded ? "LOAD" : "EXEC", methodName, pathString); auto result = entryPoint(string.data(), string.size()); return result; }; m_methodExists = [entryPoint](const std::string &methodName, const std::fs::path &path) -> bool { auto pathString = wolv::util::toUTF8String(path); auto string = hex::format("CHECK||{}||{}", methodName, pathString); auto result = entryPoint(string.data(), string.size()); return result == 0; }; return true; } return false; } bool DotNetLoader::loadAll() { this->clearScripts(); for (const auto &imhexPath : paths::Scripts.read()) { auto directoryPath = imhexPath / "custom" / "dotnet"; if (!wolv::io::fs::exists(directoryPath)) wolv::io::fs::createDirectories(directoryPath); if (!wolv::io::fs::exists(directoryPath)) continue; for (const auto &entry : std::fs::directory_iterator(directoryPath)) { if (!entry.is_directory()) continue; const auto &scriptPath = entry.path() / "Main.dll"; if (!std::fs::exists(scriptPath)) continue; bool skip = false; for (const auto &existingScript : getScripts()) { if (existingScript.path == scriptPath) { skip = true; } } if (skip) continue; const bool hasMain = m_methodExists("Main", scriptPath); const bool hasOnLoad = m_methodExists("OnLoad", scriptPath); const auto scriptName = entry.path().stem().string(); if (hasMain && hasOnLoad) { log::error("Script '{}' has both a Main() and a OnLoad() function. Only one is allowed per script.", scriptName); continue; } else if (!hasMain && !hasOnLoad) { log::error("Script '{}' has neither a Main() nor a OnLoad() function.", scriptName); continue; } if (hasMain) { this->addScript(scriptName, scriptPath, false, [this, scriptPath] { auto result = m_runMethod("Main", false, scriptPath); if (result != 0) { ui::ToastError::open(hex::format("Script '{}' running failed with code {}", result)); } }); } else if (hasOnLoad) { this->addScript(scriptName, scriptPath, true, [] {}); auto result = m_runMethod("OnLoad", true, scriptPath); if (result != 0) { TaskManager::doLater([=] { ui::ToastError::open(hex::format("Script '{}' loading failed with code {}", scriptName, result)); }); } } } } return true; } void DotNetLoader::clearScripts() { std::erase_if(getScripts(), [](const Script &script) { return !script.background; }); } }