#if defined(OS_MACOS) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define GLFW_EXPOSE_NATIVE_COCOA #include #include #import #import #import #include void errorMessageMacos(const char *cMessage) { CFStringRef strMessage = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, cMessage, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert(0, kCFUserNotificationStopAlertLevel, NULL, NULL, NULL, strMessage, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } void openFile(const char *path); void registerFont(const char *fontName, const char *fontPath); void openWebpageMacos(const char *url) { CFURLRef urlRef = CFURLCreateWithBytes(NULL, (uint8_t*)(url), strlen(url), kCFStringEncodingASCII, NULL); LSOpenCFURLRef(urlRef, NULL); CFRelease(urlRef); } bool isMacosSystemDarkModeEnabled(void) { NSString * appleInterfaceStyle = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"AppleInterfaceStyle"]; if (appleInterfaceStyle && [appleInterfaceStyle length] > 0) { return [[appleInterfaceStyle lowercaseString] containsString:@"dark"]; } else { return false; } } float getBackingScaleFactor(void) { return [[NSScreen mainScreen] backingScaleFactor]; } void macOSCloseButtonPressed(void); @interface CloseButtonHandler : NSObject @end @implementation CloseButtonHandler - (void)pressed:(id)sender { macOSCloseButtonPressed(); } @end void setupMacosWindowStyle(GLFWwindow *window, bool borderlessWindowMode) { NSWindow* cocoaWindow = glfwGetCocoaWindow(window); cocoaWindow.titleVisibility = NSWindowTitleHidden; if (borderlessWindowMode) { cocoaWindow.titlebarAppearsTransparent = YES; cocoaWindow.styleMask |= NSWindowStyleMaskFullSizeContentView; [cocoaWindow setOpaque:NO]; [cocoaWindow setHasShadow:YES]; [cocoaWindow setBackgroundColor:[NSColor colorWithWhite: 0 alpha: 0.001f]]; } NSButton *closeButton = [cocoaWindow standardWindowButton:NSWindowCloseButton]; [closeButton setAction:@selector(pressed:)]; [closeButton setTarget:[CloseButtonHandler alloc]]; } bool isMacosFullScreenModeEnabled(GLFWwindow *window) { NSWindow* cocoaWindow = glfwGetCocoaWindow(window); return (cocoaWindow.styleMask & NSWindowStyleMaskFullScreen) == NSWindowStyleMaskFullScreen; } void enumerateFontsMacos(void) { CFArrayRef fontDescriptors = CTFontManagerCopyAvailableFontFamilyNames(); CFIndex count = CFArrayGetCount(fontDescriptors); for (CFIndex i = 0; i < count; i++) { CFStringRef fontName = (CFStringRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(fontDescriptors, i); // Get font path CFDictionaryRef attributes = (__bridge CFDictionaryRef)@{ (__bridge NSString *)kCTFontNameAttribute : (__bridge NSString *)fontName }; CTFontDescriptorRef descriptor = CTFontDescriptorCreateWithAttributes(attributes); CFURLRef fontURL = CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute(descriptor, kCTFontURLAttribute); CFStringRef fontPath = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(fontURL, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle); registerFont([(__bridge NSString *)fontName UTF8String], [(__bridge NSString *)fontPath UTF8String]); CFRelease(descriptor); CFRelease(fontURL); } CFRelease(fontDescriptors); } void macosHandleTitlebarDoubleClickGesture(GLFWwindow *window) { NSWindow* cocoaWindow = glfwGetCocoaWindow(window); // Consult user preferences: "System Settings -> Desktop & Dock -> Double-click a window's title bar to" NSString* action = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"AppleActionOnDoubleClick"]; if (action == nil || [action isEqualToString:@"None"]) { // Nothing to do } else if ([action isEqualToString:@"Minimize"]) { if ([cocoaWindow isMiniaturizable]) { [cocoaWindow miniaturize:nil]; } } else if ([action isEqualToString:@"Maximize"]) { // `[NSWindow zoom:_ sender]` takes over pumping the main runloop for the duration of the resize, // and would interfere with our renderer's frame logic. Schedule it for the next frame CFRunLoopPerformBlock(CFRunLoopGetMain(), kCFRunLoopCommonModes, ^{ if ([cocoaWindow isZoomable]) { [cocoaWindow zoom:nil]; } }); } } void macosSetWindowMovable(GLFWwindow *window, bool movable) { NSWindow* cocoaWindow = glfwGetCocoaWindow(window); [cocoaWindow setMovable:movable]; } bool macosIsWindowBeingResizedByUser(GLFWwindow *window) { NSWindow* cocoaWindow = glfwGetCocoaWindow(window); return cocoaWindow.inLiveResize; } void macosMarkContentEdited(GLFWwindow *window, bool edited) { NSWindow* cocoaWindow = glfwGetCocoaWindow(window); [cocoaWindow setDocumentEdited:edited]; } static NSArray* getRunningInstances(NSString *bundleIdentifier) { return [NSRunningApplication runningApplicationsWithBundleIdentifier: bundleIdentifier]; } bool macosIsMainInstance(void) { NSArray *applications = getRunningInstances(@"net.WerWolv.ImHex"); return applications.count == 0; } extern void macosEventDataReceived(const unsigned char *data, size_t length); static OSErr handleAppleEvent(const AppleEvent *event, AppleEvent *reply, void *refcon) { (void)reply; (void)refcon; // Extract the raw binary data from the event's parameter AEDesc paramDesc; OSErr err = AEGetParamDesc(event, keyDirectObject, typeWildCard, ¶mDesc); if (err != noErr) { NSLog(@"Failed to get parameter: %d", err); return err; } // Convert the AEDesc to NSData NSAppleEventDescriptor *descriptor = [[NSAppleEventDescriptor alloc] initWithAEDescNoCopy:¶mDesc]; NSData *binaryData = descriptor.data; // Process the binary data if (binaryData) { macosEventDataReceived(binaryData.bytes, binaryData.length); } return noErr; } void macosInstallEventListener(void) { AEInstallEventHandler('misc', 'imhx', NewAEEventHandlerUPP(handleAppleEvent), 0, false); } void macosSendMessageToMainInstance(const unsigned char *data, size_t size) { NSString *bundleIdentifier = @"net.WerWolv.ImHex"; NSData *binaryData = [NSData dataWithBytes:data length:size]; // Find the target application by its bundle identifier NSAppleEventDescriptor *targetApp = [NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptorWithBundleIdentifier:bundleIdentifier]; if (!targetApp) { NSLog(@"Application with bundle identifier %@ not found.", bundleIdentifier); return; } // Create the Apple event NSAppleEventDescriptor *event = [[NSAppleEventDescriptor alloc] initWithEventClass:'misc' eventID:'imhx' targetDescriptor:targetApp returnID:kAutoGenerateReturnID transactionID:kAnyTransactionID]; // Add a parameter with raw binary data NSAppleEventDescriptor *binaryDescriptor = [NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptorWithDescriptorType:typeData data:binaryData]; [event setParamDescriptor:binaryDescriptor forKeyword:keyDirectObject]; // Send the event OSStatus status = AESendMessage([event aeDesc], NULL, kAENoReply, kAEDefaultTimeout); if (status != noErr) { NSLog(@"Failed to send Apple event: %d", status); } } @interface HexDocument : NSDocument @end @implementation HexDocument - (BOOL) readFromURL:(NSURL *)url ofType:(NSString *)typeName error:(NSError **)outError { NSString* urlString = [url absoluteString]; const char* utf8String = [urlString UTF8String]; const char *prefix = "file://"; if (strncmp(utf8String, prefix, strlen(prefix)) == 0) utf8String += strlen(prefix); openFile(utf8String); return YES; } @end void macosGetKey(enum Keys key, int *output) { *output = 0x00; switch (key) { case Space: *output = ' '; break; case Apostrophe: *output = '\''; break; case Comma: *output = ','; break; case Minus: *output = '-'; break; case Period: *output = '.'; break; case Slash: *output = '/'; break; case Num0: *output = '0'; break; case Num1: *output = '1'; break; case Num2: *output = '2'; break; case Num3: *output = '3'; break; case Num4: *output = '4'; break; case Num5: *output = '5'; break; case Num6: *output = '6'; break; case Num7: *output = '7'; break; case Num8: *output = '8'; break; case Num9: *output = '9'; break; case Semicolon: *output = ';'; break; case Equals: *output = '='; break; case A: *output = 'a'; break; case B: *output = 'b'; break; case C: *output = 'c'; break; case D: *output = 'd'; break; case E: *output = 'e'; break; case F: *output = 'f'; break; case G: *output = 'g'; break; case H: *output = 'h'; break; case I: *output = 'i'; break; case J: *output = 'j'; break; case K: *output = 'k'; break; case L: *output = 'l'; break; case M: *output = 'm'; break; case N: *output = 'n'; break; case O: *output = 'o'; break; case P: *output = 'p'; break; case Q: *output = 'q'; break; case R: *output = 'r'; break; case S: *output = 's'; break; case T: *output = 't'; break; case U: *output = 'u'; break; case V: *output = 'v'; break; case W: *output = 'w'; break; case X: *output = 'x'; break; case Y: *output = 'y'; break; case Z: *output = 'z'; break; case LeftBracket: *output = '/'; break; case Backslash: *output = '\\'; break; case RightBracket: *output = ']'; break; case GraveAccent: *output = '`'; break; case World1: break; case World2: break; case Escape: break; case Enter: *output = NSEnterCharacter; break; case Tab: *output = NSTabCharacter; break; case Backspace: *output = NSBackspaceCharacter; break; case Insert: *output = NSInsertFunctionKey; break; case Delete: *output = NSDeleteCharacter; break; case Right: *output = NSRightArrowFunctionKey; break; case Left: *output = NSLeftArrowFunctionKey; break; case Down: *output = NSDownArrowFunctionKey; break; case Up: *output = NSUpArrowFunctionKey; break; case PageUp: *output = NSPageUpFunctionKey; break; case PageDown: *output = NSPageDownFunctionKey; break; case Home: *output = NSHomeFunctionKey; break; case End: *output = NSEndFunctionKey; break; case CapsLock: break; case ScrollLock: *output = NSScrollLockFunctionKey; break; case NumLock: break; case PrintScreen: *output = NSPrintScreenFunctionKey; break; case Pause: *output = NSPauseFunctionKey; break; case F1: *output = NSF1FunctionKey; break; case F2: *output = NSF2FunctionKey; break; case F3: *output = NSF3FunctionKey; break; case F4: *output = NSF4FunctionKey; break; case F5: *output = NSF5FunctionKey; break; case F6: *output = NSF6FunctionKey; break; case F7: *output = NSF7FunctionKey; break; case F8: *output = NSF8FunctionKey; break; case F9: *output = NSF9FunctionKey; break; case F10: *output = NSF10FunctionKey; break; case F11: *output = NSF11FunctionKey; break; case F12: *output = NSF12FunctionKey; break; case F13: *output = NSF13FunctionKey; break; case F14: *output = NSF14FunctionKey; break; case F15: *output = NSF15FunctionKey; break; case F16: *output = NSF16FunctionKey; break; case F17: *output = NSF17FunctionKey; break; case F18: *output = NSF18FunctionKey; break; case F19: *output = NSF19FunctionKey; break; case F20: *output = NSF20FunctionKey; break; case F21: *output = NSF21FunctionKey; break; case F22: *output = NSF22FunctionKey; break; case F23: *output = NSF23FunctionKey; break; case F24: *output = NSF24FunctionKey; break; case F25: *output = NSF25FunctionKey; break; case KeyPad0: *output = '0'; break; case KeyPad1: *output = '1'; break; case KeyPad2: *output = '2'; break; case KeyPad3: *output = '3'; break; case KeyPad4: *output = '4'; break; case KeyPad5: *output = '5'; break; case KeyPad6: *output = '6'; break; case KeyPad7: *output = '7'; break; case KeyPad8: *output = '8'; break; case KeyPad9: *output = '9'; break; case KeyPadDecimal: *output = '.'; break; case KeyPadDivide: *output = '/'; break; case KeyPadMultiply: *output = '*'; break; case KeyPadSubtract: *output = '-'; break; case KeyPadAdd: *output = '+'; break; case KeyPadEnter: *output = NSEnterCharacter; break; case KeyPadEqual: *output = '='; break; case Menu: *output = NSMenuFunctionKey; break; default: break; } } #endif