#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace hex::plugin::visualizers { void drawTimestampVisualizer(pl::ptrn::Pattern &, bool, std::span arguments) { time_t timestamp = arguments[0].toUnsigned(); auto tm = fmt::gmtime(timestamp); auto date = std::chrono::year_month_day(std::chrono::year(tm.tm_year + 1900), std::chrono::month(tm.tm_mon + 1), std::chrono::day(tm.tm_mday)); auto lastMonthDay = std::chrono::year_month_day_last(date.year(), date.month() / std::chrono::last); auto firstWeekDay = std::chrono::weekday(std::chrono::year_month_day(date.year(), date.month(), std::chrono::day(1))); const auto scale = 1_scaled * (ImHexApi::Fonts::getFontSize() / ImHexApi::Fonts::DefaultFontSize); // Draw calendar if (ImGui::BeginTable("##month_table", 2)) { ImGui::TableNextRow(); ImGui::TableNextColumn(); // Draw centered month name and year ImGuiExt::TextFormattedCenteredHorizontal("{:%B %Y}", tm); if (ImGui::BeginTable("##days_table", 7, ImGuiTableFlags_Borders | ImGuiTableFlags_NoHostExtendX, ImVec2(160, 120) * scale)) { constexpr static auto ColumnFlags = ImGuiTableColumnFlags_WidthFixed | ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoResize | ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoReorder | ImGuiTableColumnFlags_NoHide; ImGui::TableSetupColumn("M", ColumnFlags); ImGui::TableSetupColumn("T", ColumnFlags); ImGui::TableSetupColumn("W", ColumnFlags); ImGui::TableSetupColumn("T", ColumnFlags); ImGui::TableSetupColumn("F", ColumnFlags); ImGui::TableSetupColumn("S", ColumnFlags); ImGui::TableSetupColumn("S", ColumnFlags); ImGui::TableHeadersRow(); ImGui::TableNextRow(); // Skip days before the first day of the month for (u32 i = 0; i < firstWeekDay.c_encoding() - 1; ++i) ImGui::TableNextColumn(); // Draw days for (u32 i = 1; i <= u32(lastMonthDay.day()); ++i) { ImGui::TableNextColumn(); ImGuiExt::TextFormatted("{:02}", i); if (std::chrono::day(i) == date.day()) ImGui::TableSetBgColor(ImGuiTableBgTarget_CellBg, ImGuiExt::GetCustomColorU32(ImGuiCustomCol_ToolbarRed)); if (std::chrono::weekday(std::chrono::year_month_day(date.year(), date.month(), std::chrono::day(i))) == std::chrono::Sunday) ImGui::TableNextRow(); } ImGui::EndTable(); } ImGui::TableNextColumn(); // Draw analog clock const auto size = ImVec2(120, 120) * scale; if (ImGui::BeginChild("##clock", size + ImVec2(0, ImGui::GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing()))) { // Draw centered digital hour, minute and seconds ImGuiExt::TextFormattedCenteredHorizontal("{:%H:%M:%S}", tm); auto drawList = ImGui::GetWindowDrawList(); const auto center = ImGui::GetWindowPos() + ImVec2(0, ImGui::GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing()) + size / 2; // Draw clock face drawList->AddCircle(center, size.x / 2, ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_TextDisabled), 0); auto sectionPos = [](float i) { return ImVec2(std::sin(-i * 30.0F * std::numbers::pi / 180.0F + std::numbers::pi / 2), std::cos(-i * 30.0F * std::numbers::pi / 180.0F + std::numbers::pi / 2)); }; // Draw clock sections and numbers for (u8 i = 0; i < 12; ++i) { auto text = hex::format("{}", (((i + 2) % 12) + 1)); drawList->AddLine(center + sectionPos(i) * size / 2.2, center + sectionPos(i) * size / 2, ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_TextDisabled), 1_scaled); drawList->AddText(center + sectionPos(i) * size / 3 - ImGui::CalcTextSize(text.c_str()) / 2, ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_Text), text.c_str()); } // Draw hour hand drawList->AddLine(center, center + sectionPos((tm.tm_hour + 9) % 12 + float(tm.tm_min) / 60.0) * size / 3.5, ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_TextDisabled), 3_scaled); // Draw minute hand drawList->AddLine(center, center + sectionPos((float(tm.tm_min) / 5.0F) - 3) * size / 2.5, ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_TextDisabled), 3_scaled); // Draw second hand drawList->AddLine(center, center + sectionPos((float(tm.tm_sec) / 5.0F) - 3) * size / 2.5, ImGuiExt::GetCustomColorU32(ImGuiCustomCol_ToolbarRed), 2_scaled); } ImGui::EndChild(); ImGui::EndTable(); } } }