#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(OS_WINDOWS) #include #else #include #endif namespace hex { static uintptr_t loadLibrary(const std::fs::path &path) { #if defined(OS_WINDOWS) auto handle = uintptr_t(LoadLibraryW(path.c_str())); if (handle == uintptr_t(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) || handle == 0) { log::error("Loading library '{}' failed: {} {}!", wolv::util::toUTF8String(path.filename()), ::GetLastError(), hex::formatSystemError(::GetLastError())); return 0; } return handle; #else const auto pathString = wolv::util::toUTF8String(path); auto handle = uintptr_t(dlopen(pathString.c_str(), RTLD_NOLOAD)); if (handle == 0) handle = uintptr_t(dlopen(pathString.c_str(), RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL)); if (handle == 0) { log::error("Loading library '{}' failed: {}!", wolv::util::toUTF8String(path.filename()), dlerror()); return 0; } return handle; #endif } static void unloadLibrary(uintptr_t handle, const std::fs::path &path) { #if defined(OS_WINDOWS) if (handle != 0) { if (FreeLibrary(HMODULE(handle)) == FALSE) { log::error("Error when unloading library '{}': {}!", wolv::util::toUTF8String(path.filename()), hex::formatSystemError(::GetLastError())); } } #else if (handle != 0) { if (dlclose(reinterpret_cast(handle)) != 0) { log::error("Error when unloading library '{}': {}!", path.filename().string(), dlerror()); } } #endif } Plugin::Plugin(const std::fs::path &path) : m_path(path) { log::info("Loading plugin '{}'", wolv::util::toUTF8String(path.filename())); m_handle = loadLibrary(path); if (m_handle == 0) return; const auto fileName = path.stem().string(); m_functions.initializePluginFunction = getPluginFunction("initializePlugin"); m_functions.initializeLibraryFunction = getPluginFunction(hex::format("initializeLibrary_{}", fileName)); m_functions.getPluginNameFunction = getPluginFunction("getPluginName"); m_functions.getLibraryNameFunction = getPluginFunction(hex::format("getLibraryName_{}", fileName)); m_functions.getPluginAuthorFunction = getPluginFunction("getPluginAuthor"); m_functions.getPluginDescriptionFunction = getPluginFunction("getPluginDescription"); m_functions.getCompatibleVersionFunction = getPluginFunction("getCompatibleVersion"); m_functions.setImGuiContextFunction = getPluginFunction("setImGuiContext"); m_functions.setImGuiContextLibraryFunction = getPluginFunction(hex::format("setImGuiContext_{}", fileName)); m_functions.getSubCommandsFunction = getPluginFunction("getSubCommands"); m_functions.getFeaturesFunction = getPluginFunction("getFeatures"); } Plugin::Plugin(const std::string &name, const hex::PluginFunctions &functions) { m_handle = 0; m_functions = functions; m_path = name; m_addedManually = true; } Plugin::Plugin(Plugin &&other) noexcept { m_handle = other.m_handle; other.m_handle = 0; m_path = std::move(other.m_path); m_addedManually = other.m_addedManually; m_functions = other.m_functions; other.m_functions = {}; } Plugin& Plugin::operator=(Plugin &&other) noexcept { m_handle = other.m_handle; other.m_handle = 0; m_path = std::move(other.m_path); m_addedManually = other.m_addedManually; m_functions = other.m_functions; other.m_functions = {}; return *this; } Plugin::~Plugin() { unloadLibrary(m_handle, m_path); } bool Plugin::initializePlugin() const { const auto pluginName = wolv::util::toUTF8String(m_path.filename()); if (this->isLibraryPlugin()) { m_functions.initializeLibraryFunction(); log::info("Library '{}' initialized successfully", pluginName); m_initialized = true; return true; } const auto requestedVersion = getCompatibleVersion(); const auto imhexVersion = ImHexApi::System::getImHexVersion().get(); if (!imhexVersion.starts_with(requestedVersion)) { if (requestedVersion.empty()) { log::warn("Plugin '{}' did not specify a compatible version, assuming it is compatible with the current version of ImHex.", wolv::util::toUTF8String(m_path.filename())); } else { log::error("Refused to load plugin '{}' which was built for a different version of ImHex: '{}'", wolv::util::toUTF8String(m_path.filename()), requestedVersion); return false; } } if (m_functions.initializePluginFunction != nullptr) { try { m_functions.initializePluginFunction(); } catch (const std::exception &e) { log::error("Plugin '{}' threw an exception on init: {}", pluginName, e.what()); return false; } catch (...) { log::error("Plugin '{}' threw an exception on init", pluginName); return false; } } else { log::error("Plugin '{}' does not have a proper entrypoint", pluginName); return false; } log::info("Plugin '{}' initialized successfully", pluginName); m_initialized = true; return true; } std::string Plugin::getPluginName() const { if (m_functions.getPluginNameFunction != nullptr) { return m_functions.getPluginNameFunction(); } else { if (this->isLibraryPlugin()) return m_functions.getLibraryNameFunction(); else return hex::format("Unknown Plugin @ 0x{0:016X}", m_handle); } } std::string Plugin::getPluginAuthor() const { if (m_functions.getPluginAuthorFunction != nullptr) return m_functions.getPluginAuthorFunction(); else return "Unknown"; } std::string Plugin::getPluginDescription() const { if (m_functions.getPluginDescriptionFunction != nullptr) return m_functions.getPluginDescriptionFunction(); else return ""; } std::string Plugin::getCompatibleVersion() const { if (m_functions.getCompatibleVersionFunction != nullptr) return m_functions.getCompatibleVersionFunction(); else return ""; } void Plugin::setImGuiContext(ImGuiContext *ctx) const { if (m_functions.setImGuiContextFunction != nullptr) m_functions.setImGuiContextFunction(ctx); } const std::fs::path &Plugin::getPath() const { return m_path; } bool Plugin::isValid() const { return m_handle != 0 || m_functions.initializeLibraryFunction != nullptr || m_functions.initializePluginFunction != nullptr; } bool Plugin::isLoaded() const { return m_initialized; } std::span Plugin::getSubCommands() const { if (m_functions.getSubCommandsFunction != nullptr) { const auto result = m_functions.getSubCommandsFunction(); if (result == nullptr) return { }; return *static_cast*>(result); } else { return { }; } } std::span Plugin::getFeatures() const { if (m_functions.getFeaturesFunction != nullptr) { const auto result = m_functions.getFeaturesFunction(); if (result == nullptr) return { }; return *static_cast*>(result); } else { return { }; } } bool Plugin::isLibraryPlugin() const { return m_functions.initializeLibraryFunction != nullptr && m_functions.initializePluginFunction == nullptr; } bool Plugin::wasAddedManually() const { return m_addedManually; } void *Plugin::getPluginFunction(const std::string &symbol) const { #if defined(OS_WINDOWS) return reinterpret_cast(GetProcAddress(HMODULE(m_handle), symbol.c_str())); #else return dlsym(reinterpret_cast(m_handle), symbol.c_str()); #endif } AutoReset> PluginManager::s_pluginPaths, PluginManager::s_pluginLoadPaths; void PluginManager::addLoadPath(const std::fs::path& path) { s_pluginLoadPaths->emplace_back(path); } bool PluginManager::load() { bool success = true; for (const auto &loadPath : getPluginLoadPaths()) success = PluginManager::load(loadPath) && success; return success; } bool PluginManager::load(const std::fs::path &pluginFolder) { if (!wolv::io::fs::exists(pluginFolder)) return false; s_pluginPaths->push_back(pluginFolder); // Load library plugins first for (auto &pluginPath : std::fs::directory_iterator(pluginFolder)) { if (pluginPath.is_regular_file() && pluginPath.path().extension() == ".hexpluglib") { if (!isPluginLoaded(pluginPath.path())) { getPluginsMutable().emplace_back(pluginPath.path()); } } } // Load regular plugins afterwards for (auto &pluginPath : std::fs::directory_iterator(pluginFolder)) { if (pluginPath.is_regular_file() && pluginPath.path().extension() == ".hexplug") { if (!isPluginLoaded(pluginPath.path())) { getPluginsMutable().emplace_back(pluginPath.path()); } } } std::erase_if(getPluginsMutable(), [](const Plugin &plugin) { return !plugin.isValid(); }); return true; } AutoReset> PluginManager::s_loadedLibraries; bool PluginManager::loadLibraries() { bool success = true; for (const auto &loadPath : paths::Libraries.read()) success = PluginManager::loadLibraries(loadPath) && success; return success; } bool PluginManager::loadLibraries(const std::fs::path& libraryFolder) { bool success = true; for (const auto &entry : std::fs::directory_iterator(libraryFolder)) { if (!(entry.path().extension() == ".dll" || entry.path().extension() == ".so" || entry.path().extension() == ".dylib")) continue; auto handle = loadLibrary(entry); if (handle == 0) { success = false; } PluginManager::s_loadedLibraries->push_back(handle); } return success; } void PluginManager::initializeNewPlugins() { for (const auto &plugin : getPlugins()) { if (!plugin.isLoaded()) std::ignore = plugin.initializePlugin(); } } void PluginManager::unload() { s_pluginPaths->clear(); // Unload plugins in reverse order auto &plugins = getPluginsMutable(); std::list savedPlugins; while (!plugins.empty()) { if (plugins.back().wasAddedManually()) savedPlugins.emplace_front(std::move(plugins.back())); plugins.pop_back(); } while (!s_loadedLibraries->empty()) { unloadLibrary(s_loadedLibraries->back(), ""); s_loadedLibraries->pop_back(); } getPluginsMutable() = std::move(savedPlugins); } void PluginManager::addPlugin(const std::string &name, hex::PluginFunctions functions) { getPluginsMutable().emplace_back(name, functions); } const std::list& PluginManager::getPlugins() { return getPluginsMutable(); } std::list& PluginManager::getPluginsMutable() { static std::list plugins; return plugins; } Plugin* PluginManager::getPlugin(const std::string &name) { for (auto &plugin : getPluginsMutable()) { if (plugin.getPluginName() == name) return &plugin; } return nullptr; } const std::vector& PluginManager::getPluginPaths() { return s_pluginPaths; } const std::vector& PluginManager::getPluginLoadPaths() { return s_pluginLoadPaths; } bool PluginManager::isPluginLoaded(const std::fs::path &path) { return std::ranges::any_of(getPlugins(), [&path](const Plugin &plugin) { return plugin.getPath().filename() == path.filename(); }); } }