507 lines
21 KiB
507 lines
21 KiB
use bitflags::bitflags;
use std::f32;
use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut};
use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_int, c_void};
use std::time::Duration;
use crate::fonts::atlas::FontAtlas;
use crate::fonts::font::Font;
use crate::input::keyboard::Key;
use crate::input::mouse::MouseButton;
use crate::internal::{ImVector, RawCast};
use crate::sys;
bitflags! {
/// Configuration flags
pub struct ConfigFlags: u32 {
/// Master keyboard navigation enable flag.
/// `frame()` will automatically fill `io.nav_inputs` based on `io.keys_down`.
const NAV_ENABLE_KEYBOARD = sys::ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableKeyboard;
/// Master gamepad navigation enable flag.
/// This is mostly to instruct the backend to fill `io.nav_inputs`. The backend
/// also needs to set `BackendFlags::HasGamepad`.
const NAV_ENABLE_GAMEPAD = sys::ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableGamepad;
/// Instruction navigation to move the mouse cursor.
/// May be useful on TV/console systems where moving a virtual mouse is awkward.
/// Will update `io.mouse_pos` and set `io.want_set_mouse_pos = true`. If enabled,
/// you *must* honor `io.want_set_mouse_pos`, or imgui-rs will react as if the mouse is
/// jumping around back and forth.
const NAV_ENABLE_SET_MOUSE_POS = sys::ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableSetMousePos;
/// Instruction navigation to not set the `io.want_capture_keyboard` flag when
/// `io.nav_active` is set.
const NAV_NO_CAPTURE_KEYBOARD = sys::ImGuiConfigFlags_NavNoCaptureKeyboard;
/// Instruction imgui-rs to clear mouse position/buttons in `frame()`.
/// This allows ignoring the mouse information set by the backend.
const NO_MOUSE = sys::ImGuiConfigFlags_NoMouse;
/// Instruction backend to not alter mouse cursor shape and visibility.
/// Use if the backend cursor changes are interfering with yours and you don't want to use
/// `set_mouse_cursor` to change the mouse cursor. You may want to honor requests from
/// imgui-rs by reading `get_mouse_cursor` yourself instead.
const NO_MOUSE_CURSOR_CHANGE = sys::ImGuiConfigFlags_NoMouseCursorChange;
/// Application is SRGB-aware.
/// Not used by core imgui-rs.
const IS_SRGB = sys::ImGuiConfigFlags_IsSRGB;
/// Application is using a touch screen instead of a mouse.
/// Not used by core imgui-rs.
const IS_TOUCH_SCREEN = sys::ImGuiConfigFlags_IsTouchScreen;
bitflags! {
/// Backend capabilities
pub struct BackendFlags: u32 {
/// Backend supports gamepad and currently has one connected
const HAS_GAMEPAD = sys::ImGuiBackendFlags_HasGamepad;
/// Backend supports honoring `get_mouse_cursor` value to change the OS cursor shape
const HAS_MOUSE_CURSORS = sys::ImGuiBackendFlags_HasMouseCursors;
/// Backend supports `io.want_set_mouse_pos` requests to reposition the OS mouse position.
/// Only used if `ConfigFlags::NavEnableSetMousePos` is set.
const HAS_SET_MOUSE_POS = sys::ImGuiBackendFlags_HasSetMousePos;
/// Backend renderer supports DrawCmd::vtx_offset.
/// This enables output of large meshes (64K+ vertices) while still using 16-bits indices.
const RENDERER_HAS_VTX_OFFSET = sys::ImGuiBackendFlags_RendererHasVtxOffset;
/// An input identifier for navigation
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum NavInput {
Activate = sys::ImGuiNavInput_Activate,
Cancel = sys::ImGuiNavInput_Cancel,
Input = sys::ImGuiNavInput_Input,
Menu = sys::ImGuiNavInput_Menu,
DpadLeft = sys::ImGuiNavInput_DpadLeft,
DpadRight = sys::ImGuiNavInput_DpadRight,
DpadUp = sys::ImGuiNavInput_DpadUp,
DpadDown = sys::ImGuiNavInput_DpadDown,
LStickLeft = sys::ImGuiNavInput_LStickLeft,
LStickRight = sys::ImGuiNavInput_LStickRight,
LStickUp = sys::ImGuiNavInput_LStickUp,
LStickDown = sys::ImGuiNavInput_LStickDown,
FocusPrev = sys::ImGuiNavInput_FocusPrev,
FocusNext = sys::ImGuiNavInput_FocusNext,
TweakSlow = sys::ImGuiNavInput_TweakSlow,
TweakFast = sys::ImGuiNavInput_TweakFast,
impl NavInput {
/// All possible `NavInput` variants
pub const VARIANTS: [NavInput; NavInput::COUNT] = [
/// Amount of internal/hidden variants (not exposed by imgui-rs)
const INTERNAL_COUNT: usize = 4;
/// Total count of `NavInput` variants
pub const COUNT: usize = sys::ImGuiNavInput_COUNT as usize - NavInput::INTERNAL_COUNT;
fn test_nav_input_variants() {
for (idx, &value) in NavInput::VARIANTS.iter().enumerate() {
assert_eq!(idx, value as usize);
/// Settings and inputs/outputs for imgui-rs
pub struct Io {
/// Flags set by user/application
pub config_flags: ConfigFlags,
/// Flags set by backend
pub backend_flags: BackendFlags,
/// Main display size in pixels
pub display_size: [f32; 2],
/// Time elapsed since last frame, in seconds
pub delta_time: f32,
/// Minimum time between saving positions/sizes to .ini file, in seconds
pub ini_saving_rate: f32,
pub(crate) ini_filename: *const c_char,
pub(crate) log_filename: *const c_char,
/// Time for a double-click, in seconds
pub mouse_double_click_time: f32,
/// Distance threshold to stay in to validate a double-click, in pixels
pub mouse_double_click_max_dist: f32,
/// Distance threshold before considering we are dragging
pub mouse_drag_threshold: f32,
/// Map of indices into the `keys_down` entries array, which represent your "native" keyboard
/// state
pub key_map: [u32; sys::ImGuiKey_COUNT as usize],
/// When holding a key/button, time before it starts repeating, in seconds
pub key_repeat_delay: f32,
/// When holding a key/button, rate at which it repeats, in seconds
pub key_repeat_rate: f32,
user_data: *mut c_void,
pub(crate) fonts: *mut FontAtlas,
/// Global scale for all fonts
pub font_global_scale: f32,
/// Allow user to scale text of individual window with CTRL+wheel
pub font_allow_user_scaling: bool,
pub(crate) font_default: *mut Font,
/// For retina display or other situations where window coordinates are different from
/// framebuffer coordinates
pub display_framebuffer_scale: [f32; 2],
/// Request imgui-rs to draw a mouse cursor for you
pub mouse_draw_cursor: bool,
/// macOS-style input behavior.
/// Defaults to true on Apple platforms. Changes in behavior:
/// * Text editing cursor movement using Alt instead of Ctrl
/// * Shortcuts using Cmd/Super instead of Ctrl
/// * Line/text start and end using Cmd+Arrows instead of Home/End
/// * Double-click selects by word instead of selecting the whole text
/// * Multi-selection in lists uses Cmd/Super instead of Ctrl
pub config_mac_os_behaviors: bool,
/// Set to false to disable blinking cursor
pub config_input_text_cursor_blink: bool,
/// Enable turning DragXXX widgets into text input with a simple mouse
/// click-release (without moving). Not desirable on devices without a
/// keyboard.
pub config_drag_click_to_input_text: bool,
/// Enable resizing of windows from their edges and from the lower-left corner.
/// Requires `HasMouserCursors` in `backend_flags`, because it needs mouse cursor feedback.
pub config_windows_resize_from_edges: bool,
/// Set to true to only allow moving windows when clicked+dragged from the title bar.
/// Windows without a title bar are not affected.
pub config_windows_move_from_title_bar_only: bool,
/// Compact memory usage when unused.
/// Set to -1.0 to disable.
pub config_memory_compact_timer: f32,
pub(crate) backend_platform_name: *const c_char,
pub(crate) backend_renderer_name: *const c_char,
backend_platform_user_data: *mut c_void,
backend_renderer_user_data: *mut c_void,
backend_language_user_data: *mut c_void,
pub(crate) get_clipboard_text_fn:
Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(user_data: *mut c_void) -> *const c_char>,
pub(crate) set_clipboard_text_fn:
Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(user_data: *mut c_void, text: *const c_char)>,
pub(crate) clipboard_user_data: *mut c_void,
ime_set_input_screen_pos_fn: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(x: c_int, y: c_int)>,
ime_window_handle: *mut c_void,
/// Mouse position, in pixels.
/// Set to [f32::MAX, f32::MAX] if mouse is unavailable (on another screen, etc.).
pub mouse_pos: [f32; 2],
/// Mouse buttons: 0=left, 1=right, 2=middle + extras
pub mouse_down: [bool; 5],
/// Mouse wheel (vertical).
/// 1 unit scrolls about 5 lines of text.
pub mouse_wheel: f32,
/// Mouse wheel (horizontal).
/// Most users don't have a mouse with a horizontal wheel, and may not be filled by all
/// backends.
pub mouse_wheel_h: f32,
/// Keyboard modifier pressed: Control
pub key_ctrl: bool,
/// Keyboard modifier pressed: Shift
pub key_shift: bool,
/// Keyboard modifier pressed: Alt
pub key_alt: bool,
/// Keyboard modifier pressed: Cmd/Super/Windows
pub key_super: bool,
/// Keyboard keys that are pressed (indexing defined by the user/application)
pub keys_down: [bool; 512],
/// Gamepad inputs.
/// Cleared back to zero after each frame. Keyboard keys will be auto-mapped and written
/// here by `frame()`.
pub nav_inputs: [f32; NavInput::COUNT + NavInput::INTERNAL_COUNT],
/// When true, imgui-rs will use the mouse inputs, so do not dispatch them to your main
/// game/application
pub want_capture_mouse: bool,
/// When true, imgui-rs will use the keyboard inputs, so do not dispatch them to your main
/// game/application
pub want_capture_keyboard: bool,
/// Mobile/console: when true, you may display an on-screen keyboard.
/// This is set by imgui-rs when it wants textual keyboard input to happen.
pub want_text_input: bool,
/// Mouse position has been altered, so the backend should reposition the mouse on the next
/// frame.
/// Set only when `ConfigFlags::NavEnableSetMousePos` is enabled.
pub want_set_mouse_pos: bool,
/// When manual .ini load/save is active (`ini_filename` is `None`), this will be set to notify
/// your application that you can call `save_ini_settings` and save the settings yourself.
/// *Important*: You need to clear this flag yourself
pub want_save_ini_settings: bool,
/// Keyboard/Gamepad navigation is currently allowed
pub nav_active: bool,
/// Keyboard/Gamepad navigation is visible and allowed
pub nav_visible: bool,
/// Application framerate estimation, in frames per second.
/// Rolling average estimation based on `io.delta_time` over 120 frames.
pub framerate: f32,
/// Vertices output during last rendering
pub metrics_render_vertices: i32,
/// Indices output during last rendering (= number of triangles * 3)
pub metrics_render_indices: i32,
/// Number of visible windows
pub metrics_render_windows: i32,
/// Number of active windows
pub metrics_active_windows: i32,
/// Number of active internal imgui-rs allocations
pub metrics_active_allocations: i32,
/// Mouse delta.
/// Note that this is zero if either current or previous position is invalid ([f32::MAX,
/// f32::MAX]), so a disappearing/reappearing mouse won't have a huge delta.
pub mouse_delta: [f32; 2],
key_mods: sys::ImGuiKeyModFlags,
key_mods_prev: sys::ImGuiKeyModFlags,
mouse_pos_prev: [f32; 2],
mouse_clicked_pos: [[f32; 2]; 5],
mouse_clicked_time: [f64; 5],
mouse_clicked: [bool; 5],
mouse_double_clicked: [bool; 5],
mouse_released: [bool; 5],
mouse_down_owned: [bool; 5],
mouse_down_was_double_click: [bool; 5],
mouse_down_duration: [f32; 5],
mouse_down_duration_prev: [f32; 5],
mouse_drag_max_distance_abs: [[f32; 2]; 5],
mouse_drag_max_distance_sqr: [f32; 5],
keys_down_duration: [f32; 512],
keys_down_duration_prev: [f32; 512],
nav_inputs_down_duration: [f32; NavInput::COUNT + NavInput::INTERNAL_COUNT],
nav_inputs_down_duration_prev: [f32; NavInput::COUNT + NavInput::INTERNAL_COUNT],
pen_pressure: f32,
input_queue_surrogate: sys::ImWchar16,
input_queue_characters: ImVector<sys::ImWchar>,
unsafe impl RawCast<sys::ImGuiIO> for Io {}
impl Io {
/// Queue new character input
#[doc(alias = "AddInputCharactersUTF8")]
pub fn add_input_character(&mut self, character: char) {
let mut buf = [0; 5];
character.encode_utf8(&mut buf);
unsafe {
sys::ImGuiIO_AddInputCharactersUTF8(self.raw_mut(), buf.as_ptr() as *const _);
/// Clear character input buffer
#[doc(alias = "ClearCharacters")]
pub fn clear_input_characters(&mut self) {
unsafe {
/// Peek character input buffer, return a copy of entire buffer
pub fn peek_input_characters(&self) -> String {
/// Returns a view of the data in the input queue (without copying it).
/// The returned iterator is a simple mapping over a slice more or less what
/// you need for random access to the data (Rust has no
/// `RandomAccessIterator`, or we'd use that).
pub fn input_queue_characters(
) -> impl Iterator<Item = char> + DoubleEndedIterator + ExactSizeIterator + Clone + '_ {
// TODO: are the values in the buffer guaranteed to be valid unicode
// scalar values? if so we can just expose this as a `&[char]`...
.map(|c| core::char::from_u32(*c).unwrap_or(core::char::REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER))
pub fn update_delta_time(&mut self, delta: Duration) {
let delta_s = delta.as_secs() as f32 + delta.subsec_nanos() as f32 / 1_000_000_000.0;
if delta_s > 0.0 {
self.delta_time = delta_s;
} else {
self.delta_time = f32::MIN_POSITIVE;
self.delta_time = delta_s;
impl Index<Key> for Io {
type Output = u32;
fn index(&self, index: Key) -> &u32 {
&self.key_map[index as usize]
impl IndexMut<Key> for Io {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: Key) -> &mut u32 {
&mut self.key_map[index as usize]
impl Index<NavInput> for Io {
type Output = f32;
fn index(&self, index: NavInput) -> &f32 {
&self.nav_inputs[index as usize]
impl IndexMut<NavInput> for Io {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: NavInput) -> &mut f32 {
&mut self.nav_inputs[index as usize]
impl Index<MouseButton> for Io {
type Output = bool;
fn index(&self, index: MouseButton) -> &bool {
&self.mouse_down[index as usize]
impl IndexMut<MouseButton> for Io {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: MouseButton) -> &mut bool {
&mut self.mouse_down[index as usize]
fn test_io_memory_layout() {
use std::mem;
assert_eq!(mem::size_of::<Io>(), mem::size_of::<sys::ImGuiIO>());
assert_eq!(mem::align_of::<Io>(), mem::align_of::<sys::ImGuiIO>());
use sys::ImGuiIO;
macro_rules! assert_field_offset {
($l:ident, $r:ident) => {
memoffset::offset_of!(Io, $l),
memoffset::offset_of!(ImGuiIO, $r)
assert_field_offset!(config_flags, ConfigFlags);
assert_field_offset!(backend_flags, BackendFlags);
assert_field_offset!(display_size, DisplaySize);
assert_field_offset!(delta_time, DeltaTime);
assert_field_offset!(ini_saving_rate, IniSavingRate);
assert_field_offset!(ini_filename, IniFilename);
assert_field_offset!(log_filename, LogFilename);
assert_field_offset!(mouse_double_click_time, MouseDoubleClickTime);
assert_field_offset!(mouse_double_click_max_dist, MouseDoubleClickMaxDist);
assert_field_offset!(mouse_drag_threshold, MouseDragThreshold);
assert_field_offset!(key_map, KeyMap);
assert_field_offset!(key_repeat_delay, KeyRepeatDelay);
assert_field_offset!(key_repeat_rate, KeyRepeatRate);
assert_field_offset!(user_data, UserData);
assert_field_offset!(fonts, Fonts);
assert_field_offset!(font_global_scale, FontGlobalScale);
assert_field_offset!(font_allow_user_scaling, FontAllowUserScaling);
assert_field_offset!(font_default, FontDefault);
assert_field_offset!(display_framebuffer_scale, DisplayFramebufferScale);
assert_field_offset!(mouse_draw_cursor, MouseDrawCursor);
assert_field_offset!(config_mac_os_behaviors, ConfigMacOSXBehaviors);
assert_field_offset!(config_input_text_cursor_blink, ConfigInputTextCursorBlink);
assert_field_offset!(backend_platform_name, BackendPlatformName);
assert_field_offset!(backend_renderer_name, BackendRendererName);
assert_field_offset!(backend_platform_user_data, BackendPlatformUserData);
assert_field_offset!(backend_renderer_user_data, BackendRendererUserData);
assert_field_offset!(backend_language_user_data, BackendLanguageUserData);
assert_field_offset!(get_clipboard_text_fn, GetClipboardTextFn);
assert_field_offset!(set_clipboard_text_fn, SetClipboardTextFn);
assert_field_offset!(clipboard_user_data, ClipboardUserData);
assert_field_offset!(ime_set_input_screen_pos_fn, ImeSetInputScreenPosFn);
assert_field_offset!(ime_window_handle, ImeWindowHandle);
assert_field_offset!(mouse_pos, MousePos);
assert_field_offset!(mouse_down, MouseDown);
assert_field_offset!(mouse_wheel, MouseWheel);
assert_field_offset!(mouse_wheel_h, MouseWheelH);
assert_field_offset!(key_ctrl, KeyCtrl);
assert_field_offset!(key_shift, KeyShift);
assert_field_offset!(key_alt, KeyAlt);
assert_field_offset!(key_super, KeySuper);
assert_field_offset!(keys_down, KeysDown);
assert_field_offset!(nav_inputs, NavInputs);
assert_field_offset!(want_capture_mouse, WantCaptureMouse);
assert_field_offset!(want_capture_keyboard, WantCaptureKeyboard);
assert_field_offset!(want_text_input, WantTextInput);
assert_field_offset!(want_set_mouse_pos, WantSetMousePos);
assert_field_offset!(want_save_ini_settings, WantSaveIniSettings);
assert_field_offset!(nav_active, NavActive);
assert_field_offset!(nav_visible, NavVisible);
assert_field_offset!(framerate, Framerate);
assert_field_offset!(metrics_render_vertices, MetricsRenderVertices);
assert_field_offset!(metrics_render_indices, MetricsRenderIndices);
assert_field_offset!(metrics_render_windows, MetricsRenderWindows);
assert_field_offset!(metrics_active_windows, MetricsActiveWindows);
assert_field_offset!(metrics_active_allocations, MetricsActiveAllocations);
assert_field_offset!(mouse_delta, MouseDelta);
assert_field_offset!(key_mods, KeyMods);
assert_field_offset!(mouse_pos_prev, MousePosPrev);
assert_field_offset!(mouse_clicked_pos, MouseClickedPos);
assert_field_offset!(mouse_clicked_time, MouseClickedTime);
assert_field_offset!(mouse_clicked, MouseClicked);
assert_field_offset!(mouse_double_clicked, MouseDoubleClicked);
assert_field_offset!(mouse_released, MouseReleased);
assert_field_offset!(mouse_down_owned, MouseDownOwned);
assert_field_offset!(mouse_down_was_double_click, MouseDownWasDoubleClick);
assert_field_offset!(mouse_down_duration, MouseDownDuration);
assert_field_offset!(mouse_down_duration_prev, MouseDownDurationPrev);
assert_field_offset!(mouse_drag_max_distance_abs, MouseDragMaxDistanceAbs);
assert_field_offset!(mouse_drag_max_distance_sqr, MouseDragMaxDistanceSqr);
assert_field_offset!(keys_down_duration, KeysDownDuration);
assert_field_offset!(keys_down_duration_prev, KeysDownDurationPrev);
assert_field_offset!(nav_inputs_down_duration, NavInputsDownDuration);
assert_field_offset!(nav_inputs_down_duration_prev, NavInputsDownDurationPrev);
assert_field_offset!(pen_pressure, PenPressure);
assert_field_offset!(input_queue_surrogate, InputQueueSurrogate);
assert_field_offset!(input_queue_characters, InputQueueCharacters);