mirror of synced 2025-02-05 05:35:28 +01:00
2024-11-28 21:26:55 +01:00

390 lines
13 KiB

#pragma once
#include <hex.hpp>
#include <hex/api/imhex_api.hpp>
#include <hex/api/content_registry.hpp>
#include <hex/providers/provider.hpp>
#include <hex/helpers/encoding_file.hpp>
#include <imgui.h>
#include <hex/ui/view.hpp>
namespace hex::ui {
class ScrollPosition {
ScrollPosition() = default;
// We explicitly don't assign any data during copy and move operations so that each instance of the
// Hex Editor will get its own independent scroll position
ScrollPosition(const ScrollPosition&) { }
ScrollPosition(ScrollPosition&&) noexcept { }
ScrollPosition& operator=(const ScrollPosition&) { return *this; }
ScrollPosition& operator=(ScrollPosition&&) noexcept { return *this; }
void setSynced(bool synced) {
m_synced = synced;
void setProvider(prv::Provider *provider) {
m_provider = provider;
ImS64& get() {
if (m_synced)
return m_syncedPosition;
return m_unsyncedPosition.get(m_provider);
[[nodiscard]] const ImS64& get() const {
if (m_synced)
return m_syncedPosition;
return m_unsyncedPosition.get(m_provider);
operator ImS64&() {
return this->get();
operator const ImS64&() const {
return this->get();
ScrollPosition& operator=(ImS64 value) {
this->get() = value;
return *this;
auto operator<=>(const ScrollPosition &other) const {
return this->get() <=> other.get();
bool m_synced = false;
prv::Provider *m_provider = nullptr;
ImS64 m_syncedPosition = 0;
PerProvider<ImS64> m_unsyncedPosition;
class HexEditor {
explicit HexEditor(prv::Provider *provider = nullptr);
void draw(float height = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().y);
HexEditor(const HexEditor&) = default;
HexEditor& operator=(const HexEditor&) = default;
HexEditor(HexEditor &&editor) noexcept = default;
HexEditor& operator=(HexEditor &&) noexcept = default;
void setProvider(prv::Provider *provider) {
m_provider = provider;
m_currValidRegion = { Region::Invalid(), false };
[[nodiscard]] prv::Provider* getProvider() const {
return m_provider;
void setUnknownDataCharacter(char character) { m_unknownDataCharacter = character; }
enum class CellType : u8 { None, Hex, ASCII };
void drawCell(u64 address, const u8 *data, size_t size, bool hovered, CellType cellType);
void drawSeparatorLine(u64 address, bool drawVerticalConnector);
void drawSelectionFrame(u32 x, u32 y, Region selection, u64 byteAddress, u16 bytesPerCell, const ImVec2 &cellPos, const ImVec2 &cellSize, const ImColor &backgroundColor) const;
void drawEditor(const ImVec2 &size);
void drawFooter(const ImVec2 &size);
void drawTooltip(u64 address, const u8 *data, size_t size) const;
void drawScrollbar(ImVec2 characterSize);
void drawMinimap(ImVec2 characterSize);
void handleSelection(u64 address, u32 bytesPerCell, const u8 *data, bool cellHovered);
std::optional<color_t> applySelectionColor(u64 byteAddress, std::optional<color_t> color);
void setSelectionUnchecked(std::optional<u64> start, std::optional<u64> end) {
m_selectionStart = start;
m_selectionEnd = end;
m_cursorPosition = end;
void setSelection(const Region &region) { this->setSelection(region.getStartAddress(), region.getEndAddress()); }
void setSelection(u128 start, u128 end) {
if (!ImHexApi::Provider::isValid() || m_provider == nullptr)
if (start > m_provider->getBaseAddress() + m_provider->getActualSize())
if (start < m_provider->getBaseAddress())
if (m_provider->getActualSize() == 0)
const size_t maxAddress = m_provider->getActualSize() + m_provider->getBaseAddress() - 1;
constexpr static auto alignDown = [](u128 value, u128 alignment) {
return value & ~(alignment - 1);
m_selectionChanged = m_selectionStart != start || m_selectionEnd != end;
if (!m_selectionStart.has_value()) m_selectionStart = start;
if (!m_selectionEnd.has_value()) m_selectionEnd = end;
if (auto bytesPerCell = m_currDataVisualizer->getBytesPerCell(); bytesPerCell > 1) {
if (end > start) {
start = alignDown(start, bytesPerCell);
end = alignDown(end, bytesPerCell) + (bytesPerCell - 1);
} else {
start = alignDown(start, bytesPerCell) + (bytesPerCell - 1);
end = alignDown(end, bytesPerCell);
m_selectionStart = std::clamp<u128>(start, 0, maxAddress);
m_selectionEnd = std::clamp<u128>(end, 0, maxAddress);
m_cursorPosition = m_selectionEnd;
if (m_selectionChanged) {
auto selection = this->getSelection();
EventRegionSelected::post(ImHexApi::HexEditor::ProviderRegion{ { selection.address, selection.size }, m_provider });
m_shouldModifyValue = true;
if (m_mode == Mode::Insert) {
m_selectionStart = m_selectionEnd;
m_cursorBlinkTimer = -0.3F;
[[nodiscard]] Region getSelection() const {
if (!isSelectionValid())
return Region::Invalid();
const auto start = std::min(m_selectionStart.value(), m_selectionEnd.value());
const auto end = std::max(m_selectionStart.value(), m_selectionEnd.value());
const size_t size = end - start + 1;
return { start, size };
[[nodiscard]] std::optional<u64> getCursorPosition() const {
return m_cursorPosition;
void setCursorPosition(u64 cursorPosition) {
m_cursorPosition = cursorPosition;
[[nodiscard]] bool isSelectionValid() const {
return m_selectionStart.has_value() && m_selectionEnd.has_value();
void jumpToSelection(float pivot = 0.0F) {
m_shouldJumpToSelection = true;
m_jumpPivot = pivot;
void scrollToSelection() {
m_shouldScrollToSelection = true;
void jumpIfOffScreen() {
m_shouldScrollToSelection = true;
m_shouldJumpWhenOffScreen = true;
[[nodiscard]] u16 getBytesPerRow() const {
return m_bytesPerRow;
[[nodiscard]] u16 getBytesPerCell() const {
return m_currDataVisualizer->getBytesPerCell();
void setBytesPerRow(u16 bytesPerRow) {
m_bytesPerRow = bytesPerRow;
[[nodiscard]] u16 getVisibleRowCount() const {
return m_visibleRowCount;
void setSelectionColor(color_t color) {
m_selectionColor = color;
void enableUpperCaseHex(bool upperCaseHex) {
m_upperCaseHex = upperCaseHex;
void enableGrayOutZeros(bool grayOutZeros) {
m_grayOutZero = grayOutZeros;
void enableShowAscii(bool showAscii) {
m_showAscii = showAscii;
void enableSyncScrolling(bool syncScrolling) {
void setByteCellPadding(u32 byteCellPadding) {
m_byteCellPadding = byteCellPadding;
void setCharacterCellPadding(u32 characterCellPadding) {
m_characterCellPadding = characterCellPadding;
[[nodiscard]] const std::optional<EncodingFile>& getCustomEncoding() const {
return m_currCustomEncoding;
void setCustomEncoding(const EncodingFile &encoding) {
m_currCustomEncoding = encoding;
void setCustomEncoding(EncodingFile &&encoding) {
m_currCustomEncoding = std::move(encoding);
void forceUpdateScrollPosition() {
m_shouldUpdateScrollPosition = true;
void setForegroundHighlightCallback(const std::function<std::optional<color_t>(u64, const u8 *, size_t)> &callback) {
m_foregroundColorCallback = callback;
void setBackgroundHighlightCallback(const std::function<std::optional<color_t>(u64, const u8 *, size_t)> &callback) {
m_backgroundColorCallback = callback;
void setHoverChangedCallback(const std::function<void(u64, size_t)> &callback) {
m_hoverChangedCallback = callback;
void setTooltipCallback(const std::function<void(u64, const u8 *, size_t)> &callback) {
m_tooltipCallback = callback;
[[nodiscard]] i64 getScrollPosition() {
return m_scrollPosition.get();
void setScrollPosition(i64 scrollPosition) {
m_scrollPosition.get() = scrollPosition;
void setEditingAddress(u64 address) {
m_editingAddress = address;
m_shouldModifyValue = false;
m_enteredEditingMode = true;
m_provider->read(address + m_provider->getBaseAddress(), m_editingBytes.data(), m_editingBytes.size());
m_editingCellType = CellType::Hex;
void clearEditingAddress() {
m_editingAddress = std::nullopt;
enum class Mode : u8 {
void setMode(Mode mode) {
if (mode == Mode::Insert) {
// Don't enter insert mode if the provider doesn't support resizing the underlying data
if (!m_provider->isResizable())
// Get rid of any selection in insert mode
m_selectionStart = m_selectionEnd;
m_cursorPosition = m_selectionEnd;
m_selectionChanged = true;
m_mode = mode;
[[nodiscard]] Mode getMode() const {
return m_mode;
prv::Provider *m_provider = nullptr;
std::optional<u64> m_selectionStart;
std::optional<u64> m_selectionEnd;
std::optional<u64> m_cursorPosition;
ScrollPosition m_scrollPosition;
Region m_frameStartSelectionRegion = Region::Invalid();
Region m_hoveredRegion = Region::Invalid();
u16 m_bytesPerRow = 16;
std::endian m_dataVisualizerEndianness = std::endian::little;
std::shared_ptr<ContentRegistry::HexEditor::DataVisualizer> m_currDataVisualizer;
char m_unknownDataCharacter = '?';
u64 m_separatorStride = 0;
bool m_shouldJumpToSelection = false;
float m_jumpPivot = 0.0F;
bool m_shouldScrollToSelection = false;
bool m_shouldJumpWhenOffScreen = false;
bool m_shouldUpdateScrollPosition = false;
bool m_selectionChanged = false;
u16 m_visibleRowCount = 0;
CellType m_editingCellType = CellType::None;
std::optional<u64> m_editingAddress;
bool m_shouldModifyValue = false;
bool m_enteredEditingMode = false;
bool m_shouldUpdateEditingValue = false;
std::vector<u8> m_editingBytes;
std::shared_ptr<ContentRegistry::HexEditor::MiniMapVisualizer> m_miniMapVisualizer;
color_t m_selectionColor = 0x60C08080;
bool m_upperCaseHex = true;
bool m_grayOutZero = true;
bool m_showAscii = true;
bool m_showCustomEncoding = true;
bool m_showMiniMap = false;
int m_miniMapWidth = 5;
u32 m_byteCellPadding = 0, m_characterCellPadding = 0;
bool m_footerCollapsed = true;
std::optional<EncodingFile> m_currCustomEncoding;
std::vector<u64> m_encodingLineStartAddresses;
std::pair<Region, bool> m_currValidRegion = { Region::Invalid(), false };
static std::optional<color_t> defaultColorCallback(u64, const u8 *, size_t) { return std::nullopt; }
static void defaultTooltipCallback(u64, const u8 *, size_t) { }
std::function<std::optional<color_t>(u64, const u8 *, size_t)> m_foregroundColorCallback = defaultColorCallback, m_backgroundColorCallback = defaultColorCallback;
std::function<void(u64, size_t)> m_hoverChangedCallback = [](auto, auto){ };
std::function<void(u64, const u8 *, size_t)> m_tooltipCallback = defaultTooltipCallback;
Mode m_mode = Mode::Overwrite;
float m_cursorBlinkTimer = -0.3F;