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// ImPlot3D v0.1
// implot3d.h
// Date: 2024-11-16
// Author: Breno Cunha Queiroz (brenocq.com)
// Acknowledgments:
// ImPlot3D is heavily inspired by ImPlot
// (https://github.com/epezent/implot) by Evan Pezent,
// and follows a similar code style and structure to
// maintain consistency with ImPlot's API.
// Table of Contents:
// [SECTION] Macros and Defines
// [SECTION] Forward declarations and basic types
// [SECTION] Flags & Enumerations
// [SECTION] Context
// [SECTION] Begin/End Plot
// [SECTION] Setup
// [SECTION] Plot Items
// [SECTION] Plot Utils
// [SECTION] Miscellaneous
// [SECTION] Styles
// [SECTION] Demo
// [SECTION] Debugging
// [SECTION] ImPlot3DPoint
// [SECTION] ImPlot3DRay
// [SECTION] ImPlot3DPlane
// [SECTION] ImPlot3DBox
// [SECTION] ImPlot3DQuat
// [SECTION] ImPlot3DStyle
// [SECTION] Callbacks
// [SECTION] Meshes
#pragma once
#include "imgui.h"
// [SECTION] Macros and Defines
#ifndef IMPLOT3D_API
#define IMPLOT3D_API
#define IMPLOT3D_VERSION "0.1" // ImPlot3D version
#define IMPLOT3D_AUTO -1 // Deduce variable automatically
#define IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL ImVec4(0, 0, 0, -1) // Deduce color automatically
#define IMPLOT3D_TMP template <typename T> IMPLOT3D_API
// [SECTION] Forward declarations and basic types
// Forward declarations
struct ImPlot3DContext;
struct ImPlot3DStyle;
struct ImPlot3DPoint;
struct ImPlot3DRay;
struct ImPlot3DPlane;
struct ImPlot3DBox;
struct ImPlot3DRange;
struct ImPlot3DQuat;
// Enums
typedef int ImPlot3DCond; // -> ImPlot3DCond_ // Enum: Condition for flags
typedef int ImPlot3DCol; // -> ImPlot3DCol_ // Enum: Styling colors
typedef int ImPlot3DStyleVar; // -> ImPlot3DStyleVar_ // Enum: Style variables
typedef int ImPlot3DMarker; // -> ImPlot3DMarker_ // Enum: Marker styles
typedef int ImPlot3DLocation; // -> ImPlot3DLocation_ // Enum: Locations
typedef int ImAxis3D; // -> ImAxis3D_ // Enum: Axis indices
typedef int ImPlane3D; // -> ImPlane3D_ // Enum: Plane indices
typedef int ImPlot3DColormap; // -> ImPlot3DColormap_ // Enum: Colormaps
// Flags
typedef int ImPlot3DFlags; // -> ImPlot3DFlags_ // Flags: for BeginPlot()
typedef int ImPlot3DItemFlags; // -> ImPlot3DItemFlags_ // Flags: Item flags
typedef int ImPlot3DScatterFlags; // -> ImPlot3DScatterFlags_ // Flags: Scatter plot flags
typedef int ImPlot3DLineFlags; // -> ImPlot3DLineFlags_ // Flags: Line plot flags
typedef int ImPlot3DTriangleFlags; // -> ImPlot3DTriangleFlags_ // Flags: Triangle plot flags
typedef int ImPlot3DQuadFlags; // -> ImPlot3DQuadFlags_ // Flags: QuadFplot flags
typedef int ImPlot3DSurfaceFlags; // -> ImPlot3DSurfaceFlags_ // Flags: Surface plot flags
typedef int ImPlot3DMeshFlags; // -> ImPlot3DMeshFlags_ // Flags: Mesh plot flags
typedef int ImPlot3DLegendFlags; // -> ImPlot3DLegendFlags_ // Flags: Legend flags
typedef int ImPlot3DAxisFlags; // -> ImPlot3DAxisFlags_ // Flags: Axis flags
// [SECTION] Flags & Enumerations
// Flags for ImPlot3D::BeginPlot()
enum ImPlot3DFlags_ {
ImPlot3DFlags_None = 0, // Default
ImPlot3DFlags_NoTitle = 1 << 0, // Hide plot title
ImPlot3DFlags_NoLegend = 1 << 1, // Hide plot legend
ImPlot3DFlags_NoMouseText = 1 << 2, // Hide mouse position in plot coordinates
ImPlot3DFlags_NoClip = 1 << 3, // Disable 3D box clipping
ImPlot3DFlags_CanvasOnly = ImPlot3DFlags_NoTitle | ImPlot3DFlags_NoLegend | ImPlot3DFlags_NoMouseText,
// Represents a condition for SetupAxisLimits etc. (same as ImGuiCond, but we only support a subset of those enums)
enum ImPlot3DCond_ {
ImPlot3DCond_None = ImGuiCond_None, // No condition (always set the variable), same as _Always
ImPlot3DCond_Always = ImGuiCond_Always, // No condition (always set the variable)
ImPlot3DCond_Once = ImGuiCond_Once, // Set the variable once per runtime session (only the first call will succeed)
enum ImPlot3DCol_ {
// Item colors
ImPlot3DCol_Line = 0, // Line color
ImPlot3DCol_Fill, // Fill color
ImPlot3DCol_MarkerOutline, // Marker outline color
ImPlot3DCol_MarkerFill, // Marker fill color
// Plot colors
ImPlot3DCol_TitleText, // Title color
ImPlot3DCol_InlayText, // Color for texts appearing inside of plots
ImPlot3DCol_FrameBg, // Frame background color
ImPlot3DCol_PlotBg, // Plot area background color
ImPlot3DCol_PlotBorder, // Plot area border color
// Legend colors
ImPlot3DCol_LegendBg, // Legend background color
ImPlot3DCol_LegendBorder, // Legend border color
ImPlot3DCol_LegendText, // Legend text color
// Axis colors
ImPlot3DCol_AxisText, // Axis label and tick lables color
ImPlot3DCol_AxisGrid, // Axis grid color
ImPlot3DCol_AxisTick, // Axis tick color (defaults to AxisGrid)
// Plot styling variables
enum ImPlot3DStyleVar_ {
// Item style
ImPlot3DStyleVar_LineWeight, // float, plot item line weight in pixels
ImPlot3DStyleVar_Marker, // int, marker specification
ImPlot3DStyleVar_MarkerSize, // float, marker size in pixels (roughly the marker's "radius")
ImPlot3DStyleVar_MarkerWeight, // float, plot outline weight of markers in pixels
ImPlot3DStyleVar_FillAlpha, // float, alpha modifier applied to all plot item fills
// Plot style
ImPlot3DStyleVar_PlotDefaultSize, // ImVec2, default size used when ImVec2(0,0) is passed to BeginPlot
ImPlot3DStyleVar_PlotMinSize, // ImVec2, minimum size plot frame can be when shrunk
ImPlot3DStyleVar_PlotPadding, // ImVec2, padding between widget frame and plot area, labels, or outside legends (i.e. main padding)
ImPlot3DStyleVar_LabelPadding, // ImVec2, padding between axes labels, tick labels, and plot edge
// Legend style
ImPlot3DStyleVar_LegendPadding, // ImVec2, legend padding from plot edges
ImPlot3DStyleVar_LegendInnerPadding, // ImVec2, legend inner padding from legend edges
ImPlot3DStyleVar_LegendSpacing, // ImVec2, spacing between legend entries
enum ImPlot3DMarker_ {
ImPlot3DMarker_None = -1, // No marker
ImPlot3DMarker_Circle, // Circle marker (default)
ImPlot3DMarker_Square, // Square maker
ImPlot3DMarker_Diamond, // Diamond marker
ImPlot3DMarker_Up, // Upward-pointing triangle marker
ImPlot3DMarker_Down, // Downward-pointing triangle marker
ImPlot3DMarker_Left, // Leftward-pointing triangle marker
ImPlot3DMarker_Right, // Rightward-pointing triangle marker
ImPlot3DMarker_Cross, // Cross marker (not fillable)
ImPlot3DMarker_Plus, // Plus marker (not fillable)
ImPlot3DMarker_Asterisk, // Asterisk marker (not fillable)
// Flags for items
enum ImPlot3DItemFlags_ {
ImPlot3DItemFlags_None = 0, // Default
ImPlot3DItemFlags_NoLegend = 1 << 0, // The item won't have a legend entry displayed
ImPlot3DItemFlags_NoFit = 1 << 1, // The item won't be considered for plot fits
// Flags for PlotScatter
enum ImPlot3DScatterFlags_ {
ImPlot3DScatterFlags_None = 0, // Default
ImPlot3DScatterFlags_NoLegend = ImPlot3DItemFlags_NoLegend,
ImPlot3DScatterFlags_NoFit = ImPlot3DItemFlags_NoFit,
// Flags for PlotLine
enum ImPlot3DLineFlags_ {
ImPlot3DLineFlags_None = 0, // Default
ImPlot3DLineFlags_NoLegend = ImPlot3DItemFlags_NoLegend,
ImPlot3DLineFlags_NoFit = ImPlot3DItemFlags_NoFit,
ImPlot3DLineFlags_Segments = 1 << 10, // A line segment will be rendered from every two consecutive points
ImPlot3DLineFlags_Loop = 1 << 11, // The last and first point will be connected to form a closed loop
ImPlot3DLineFlags_SkipNaN = 1 << 12, // NaNs values will be skipped instead of rendered as missing data
// Flags for PlotTriangle
enum ImPlot3DTriangleFlags_ {
ImPlot3DTriangleFlags_None = 0, // Default
ImPlot3DTriangleFlags_NoLegend = ImPlot3DItemFlags_NoLegend,
ImPlot3DTriangleFlags_NoFit = ImPlot3DItemFlags_NoFit,
// Flags for PlotQuad
enum ImPlot3DQuadFlags_ {
ImPlot3DQuadFlags_None = 0, // Default
ImPlot3DQuadFlags_NoLegend = ImPlot3DItemFlags_NoLegend,
ImPlot3DQuadFlags_NoFit = ImPlot3DItemFlags_NoFit,
// Flags for PlotSurface
enum ImPlot3DSurfaceFlags_ {
ImPlot3DSurfaceFlags_None = 0, // Default
ImPlot3DSurfaceFlags_NoLegend = ImPlot3DItemFlags_NoLegend,
ImPlot3DSurfaceFlags_NoFit = ImPlot3DItemFlags_NoFit,
// Flags for PlotMesh
enum ImPlot3DMeshFlags_ {
ImPlot3DMeshFlags_None = 0, // Default
ImPlot3DMeshFlags_NoLegend = ImPlot3DItemFlags_NoLegend,
ImPlot3DMeshFlags_NoFit = ImPlot3DItemFlags_NoFit,
// Flags for legends
enum ImPlot3DLegendFlags_ {
ImPlot3DLegendFlags_None = 0, // Default
ImPlot3DLegendFlags_NoButtons = 1 << 0, // Legend icons will not function as hide/show buttons
ImPlot3DLegendFlags_NoHighlightItem = 1 << 1, // Plot items will not be highlighted when their legend entry is hovered
ImPlot3DLegendFlags_Horizontal = 1 << 2, // Legend entries will be displayed horizontally
// Used to position legend on a plot
enum ImPlot3DLocation_ {
ImPlot3DLocation_Center = 0, // Center-center
ImPlot3DLocation_North = 1 << 0, // Top-center
ImPlot3DLocation_South = 1 << 1, // Bottom-center
ImPlot3DLocation_West = 1 << 2, // Center-left
ImPlot3DLocation_East = 1 << 3, // Center-right
ImPlot3DLocation_NorthWest = ImPlot3DLocation_North | ImPlot3DLocation_West, // Top-left
ImPlot3DLocation_NorthEast = ImPlot3DLocation_North | ImPlot3DLocation_East, // Top-right
ImPlot3DLocation_SouthWest = ImPlot3DLocation_South | ImPlot3DLocation_West, // Bottom-left
ImPlot3DLocation_SouthEast = ImPlot3DLocation_South | ImPlot3DLocation_East // Bottom-right
// Flags for axis
enum ImPlot3DAxisFlags_ {
ImPlot3DAxisFlags_None = 0, // Default
ImPlot3DAxisFlags_NoLabel = 1 << 0, // No axis label will be displayed
ImPlot3DAxisFlags_NoGridLines = 1 << 1, // No grid lines will be displayed
ImPlot3DAxisFlags_NoTickMarks = 1 << 2, // No tick marks will be displayed
ImPlot3DAxisFlags_NoTickLabels = 1 << 3, // No tick labels will be displayed
ImPlot3DAxisFlags_LockMin = 1 << 4, // The axis minimum value will be locked when panning/zooming
ImPlot3DAxisFlags_LockMax = 1 << 5, // The axis maximum value will be locked when panning/zooming
ImPlot3DAxisFlags_AutoFit = 1 << 6, // Axis will be auto-fitting to data extents
ImPlot3DAxisFlags_Lock = ImPlot3DAxisFlags_LockMin | ImPlot3DAxisFlags_LockMax,
ImPlot3DAxisFlags_NoDecorations = ImPlot3DAxisFlags_NoLabel | ImPlot3DAxisFlags_NoGridLines | ImPlot3DAxisFlags_NoTickLabels,
// Axis indices
enum ImAxis3D_ {
ImAxis3D_X = 0,
// Plane indices
enum ImPlane3D_ {
ImPlane3D_YZ = 0,
// Colormaps
enum ImPlot3DColormap_ {
ImPlot3DColormap_Deep = 0, // Same as seaborn "deep"
ImPlot3DColormap_Dark = 1, // Same as matplotlib "Set1"
ImPlot3DColormap_Pastel = 2, // Same as matplotlib "Pastel1"
ImPlot3DColormap_Paired = 3, // Same as matplotlib "Paired"
ImPlot3DColormap_Viridis = 4, // Same as matplotlib "viridis"
ImPlot3DColormap_Plasma = 5, // Same as matplotlib "plasma"
ImPlot3DColormap_Hot = 6, // Same as matplotlib/MATLAB "hot"
ImPlot3DColormap_Cool = 7, // Same as matplotlib/MATLAB "cool"
ImPlot3DColormap_Pink = 8, // Same as matplotlib/MATLAB "pink"
ImPlot3DColormap_Jet = 9, // Same as matplotlib/MATLAB "jet"
ImPlot3DColormap_Twilight = 10, // Same as matplotlib "twilight"
ImPlot3DColormap_RdBu = 11, // Same as matplotlib "RdBu"
ImPlot3DColormap_BrBG = 12, // Same as matplotlib "BrGB"
ImPlot3DColormap_PiYG = 13, // Same as matplotlib "PiYG"
ImPlot3DColormap_Spectral = 14, // Same as matplotlib "Spectral"
ImPlot3DColormap_Greys = 15, // White/black
namespace ImPlot3D {
// [SECTION] Context
IMPLOT3D_API ImPlot3DContext* CreateContext();
IMPLOT3D_API void DestroyContext(ImPlot3DContext* ctx = nullptr);
IMPLOT3D_API ImPlot3DContext* GetCurrentContext();
IMPLOT3D_API void SetCurrentContext(ImPlot3DContext* ctx);
// [SECTION] Begin/End Plot
// Starts a 3D plotting context. If this function returns true, EndPlot() MUST
// be called! You are encouraged to use the following convention:
// if (ImPlot3D::BeginPlot(...)) {
// ImPlot3D::PlotLine(...);
// ...
// ImPlot3D::EndPlot();
// }
// Important notes:
// - #title_id must be unique to the current ImGui ID scope. If you need to avoid ID
// collisions or don't want to display a title in the plot, use double hashes
// (e.g. "MyPlot##HiddenIdText" or "##NoTitle").
// - #size is the **frame** size of the plot widget, not the plot area.
IMPLOT3D_API bool BeginPlot(const char* title_id, const ImVec2& size = ImVec2(-1, 0), ImPlot3DFlags flags = 0);
IMPLOT3D_API void EndPlot(); // Only call if BeginPlot() returns true!
// [SECTION] Setup
// The following API allows you to setup and customize various aspects of the
// current plot. The functions should be called immediately after BeginPlot()
// and before any other API calls. Typical usage is as follows:
// if (ImPlot3D::BeginPlot(...)) { 1) Begin a new plot
// ImPlot3D::SetupAxis(ImAxis3D_X, "My X-Axis"); 2) Make Setup calls
// ImPlot3D::SetupAxis(ImAxis3D_Y, "My Y-Axis");
// ImPlot3D::SetupLegend(ImPlotLocation_North);
// ...
// ImPlot3D::SetupFinish(); 3) [Optional] Explicitly finish setup
// ImPlot3D::PlotLine(...); 4) Plot items
// ...
// ImPlot3D::EndPlot(); 5) End the plot
// }
// Important notes:
// - Always call Setup code at the top of your BeginPlot conditional statement.
// - Setup is locked once you start plotting or explicitly call SetupFinish.
// Do NOT call Setup code after you begin plotting or after you make
// any non-Setup API calls (e.g. utils like PlotToPixels also lock Setup).
// - Calling SetupFinish is OPTIONAL, but probably good practice. If you do not
// call it yourself, then the first subsequent plotting or utility function will
// call it for you.
// Enables an axis or sets the label and/or flags for an existing axis. Leave #label = nullptr for no label
IMPLOT3D_API void SetupAxis(ImAxis3D axis, const char* label = nullptr, ImPlot3DAxisFlags flags = 0);
IMPLOT3D_API void SetupAxisLimits(ImAxis3D axis, double v_min, double v_max, ImPlot3DCond cond = ImPlot3DCond_Once);
// Sets the label and/or flags for primary X/Y/Z axes (shorthand for three calls to SetupAxis)
IMPLOT3D_API void SetupAxes(const char* x_label, const char* y_label, const char* z_label, ImPlot3DAxisFlags x_flags = 0, ImPlot3DAxisFlags y_flags = 0, ImPlot3DAxisFlags z_flags = 0);
// Sets the X/Y/Z axes range limits. If ImPlotCond_Always is used, the axes limits will be locked (shorthand for two calls to SetupAxisLimits)
IMPLOT3D_API void SetupAxesLimits(double x_min, double x_max, double y_min, double y_max, double z_min, double z_max, ImPlot3DCond cond = ImPlot3DCond_Once);
IMPLOT3D_API void SetupLegend(ImPlot3DLocation location, ImPlot3DLegendFlags flags = 0);
// [SECTION] Plot Items
IMPLOT3D_TMP void PlotScatter(const char* label_id, const T* xs, const T* ys, const T* zs, int count, ImPlot3DScatterFlags flags = 0, int offset = 0, int stride = sizeof(T));
IMPLOT3D_TMP void PlotLine(const char* label_id, const T* xs, const T* ys, const T* zs, int count, ImPlot3DLineFlags flags = 0, int offset = 0, int stride = sizeof(T));
IMPLOT3D_TMP void PlotTriangle(const char* label_id, const T* xs, const T* ys, const T* zs, int count, ImPlot3DTriangleFlags flags = 0, int offset = 0, int stride = sizeof(T));
IMPLOT3D_TMP void PlotQuad(const char* label_id, const T* xs, const T* ys, const T* zs, int count, ImPlot3DQuadFlags flags = 0, int offset = 0, int stride = sizeof(T));
IMPLOT3D_TMP void PlotSurface(const char* label_id, const T* xs, const T* ys, const T* zs, int x_count, int y_count, ImPlot3DSurfaceFlags flags = 0, int offset = 0, int stride = sizeof(T));
IMPLOT3D_API void PlotMesh(const char* label_id, const ImPlot3DPoint* vtx, const unsigned int* idx, int vtx_count, int idx_count, ImPlot3DMeshFlags flags = 0);
// Plots a centered text label at point x,y,z. It is possible to set the text angle in radians and offset in pixels
IMPLOT3D_API void PlotText(const char* text, float x, float y, float z, float angle = 0.0f, const ImVec2& pix_offset = ImVec2(0, 0));
// [SECTION] Plot Utils
// Convert a position in the current plot's coordinate system to pixels
IMPLOT3D_API ImVec2 PlotToPixels(const ImPlot3DPoint& point);
IMPLOT3D_API ImVec2 PlotToPixels(double x, double y, double z);
// Convert a pixel coordinate to a ray in the current plot's coordinate system
IMPLOT3D_API ImPlot3DRay PixelsToPlotRay(const ImVec2& pix);
IMPLOT3D_API ImPlot3DRay PixelsToPlotRay(double x, double y);
// Convert a pixel coordinate to a point in an axis plane in the current plot's coordinate system
IMPLOT3D_API ImPlot3DPoint PixelsToPlotPlane(const ImVec2& pix, ImPlane3D plane, bool mask = true);
IMPLOT3D_API ImPlot3DPoint PixelsToPlotPlane(double x, double y, ImPlane3D plane, bool mask = true);
IMPLOT3D_API ImVec2 GetPlotPos(); // Get the current plot position (top-left) in pixels
IMPLOT3D_API ImVec2 GetPlotSize(); // Get the current plot size in pixels
// [SECTION] Miscellaneous
IMPLOT3D_API ImDrawList* GetPlotDrawList();
// [SECTION] Styles
// Get current style
IMPLOT3D_API ImPlot3DStyle& GetStyle();
// Set color styles
IMPLOT3D_API void StyleColorsAuto(ImPlot3DStyle* dst = nullptr); // Set colors with ImGui style
IMPLOT3D_API void StyleColorsDark(ImPlot3DStyle* dst = nullptr); // Set colors with dark style
IMPLOT3D_API void StyleColorsLight(ImPlot3DStyle* dst = nullptr); // Set colors with light style
IMPLOT3D_API void StyleColorsClassic(ImPlot3DStyle* dst = nullptr); // Set colors with classic style
// Temporarily modify a style color. Don't forget to call PopStyleColor!
IMPLOT3D_API void PushStyleColor(ImPlot3DCol idx, ImU32 col);
IMPLOT3D_API void PushStyleColor(ImPlot3DCol idx, const ImVec4& col);
// Undo temporary style color modification(s). Undo multiple pushes at once by increasing count
IMPLOT3D_API void PopStyleColor(int count = 1);
// Temporarily modify a style variable of float type. Don't forget to call PopStyleVar!
IMPLOT3D_API void PushStyleVar(ImPlot3DStyleVar idx, float val);
// Temporarily modify a style variable of int type. Don't forget to call PopStyleVar!
IMPLOT3D_API void PushStyleVar(ImPlot3DStyleVar idx, int val);
// Temporarily modify a style variable of ImVec2 type. Don't forget to call PopStyleVar!
IMPLOT3D_API void PushStyleVar(ImPlot3DStyleVar idx, const ImVec2& val);
// Undo temporary style variable modification(s). Undo multiple pushes at once by increasing count
IMPLOT3D_API void PopStyleVar(int count = 1);
// Set the line color and weight for the next item only
IMPLOT3D_API void SetNextLineStyle(const ImVec4& col = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL, float weight = IMPLOT3D_AUTO);
// Set the fill color for the next item only
IMPLOT3D_API void SetNextFillStyle(const ImVec4& col = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL, float alpha_mod = IMPLOT3D_AUTO);
// Set the marker style for the next item only
IMPLOT3D_API void SetNextMarkerStyle(ImPlot3DMarker marker = IMPLOT3D_AUTO, float size = IMPLOT3D_AUTO, const ImVec4& fill = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL, float weight = IMPLOT3D_AUTO, const ImVec4& outline = IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL);
// Get color
IMPLOT3D_API ImVec4 GetStyleColorVec4(ImPlot3DCol idx);
IMPLOT3D_API ImU32 GetStyleColorU32(ImPlot3DCol idx);
// [SECTION] Colormaps
// Item styling is based on colormaps when the relevant ImPlot3DCol_XXX is set to
// IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL (default). Several built-in colormaps are available. You can
// add and then push/pop your own colormaps as well. To permanently set a colormap,
// modify the Colormap index member of your ImPlot3DStyle.
// Colormap data will be ignored and a custom color will be used if you have done one of the following:
// 1) Modified an item style color in your ImPlot3DStyle to anything other than IMPLOT3D_AUTO_COL.
// 3) Set the next item style with a SetNextXXXStyle function.
// Add a new colormap. The color data will be copied. The colormap can be used by pushing either the returned index or the
// string name with PushColormap. The colormap name must be unique and the size must be greater than 1. You will receive
// an assert otherwise! By default colormaps are considered to be qualitative (i.e. discrete). If you want to create a
// continuous colormap, set #qual=false. This will treat the colors you provide as keys, and ImPlot3D will build a linearly
// interpolated lookup table. The memory footprint of this table will be exactly ((size-1)*255+1)*4 bytes.
IMPLOT3D_API ImPlot3DColormap AddColormap(const char* name, const ImVec4* cols, int size, bool qual = true);
IMPLOT3D_API ImPlot3DColormap AddColormap(const char* name, const ImU32* cols, int size, bool qual = true);
// Returns the number of available colormaps (i.e. the built-in + user-added count)
IMPLOT3D_API int GetColormapCount();
// Returns a null terminated string name for a colormap given an index. Returns nullptr if index is invalid
IMPLOT3D_API const char* GetColormapName(ImPlot3DColormap cmap);
// Returns an index number for a colormap given a valid string name. Returns -1 if name is invalid
IMPLOT3D_API ImPlot3DColormap GetColormapIndex(const char* name);
// Temporarily switch to one of the built-in (i.e. ImPlot3DColormap_XXX) or user-added colormaps (i.e. a return value of AddColormap). Don't forget to call PopColormap!
IMPLOT3D_API void PushColormap(ImPlot3DColormap cmap);
// Push a colormap by string name. Use built-in names such as "Default", "Deep", "Jet", etc. or a string you provided to AddColormap. Don't forget to call PopColormap!
IMPLOT3D_API void PushColormap(const char* name);
// Undo temporary colormap modification(s). Undo multiple pushes at once by increasing count
IMPLOT3D_API void PopColormap(int count = 1);
// Returns the next color from the current colormap and advances the colormap for the current plot
// Can also be used with no return value to skip colors if desired. You need to call it between Begin/EndPlot!
IMPLOT3D_API ImVec4 NextColormapColor();
// Returns the size of a colormap
IMPLOT3D_API int GetColormapSize(ImPlot3DColormap cmap = IMPLOT3D_AUTO);
// Returns a color from a colormap given an index >= 0 (modulo will be performed)
IMPLOT3D_API ImVec4 GetColormapColor(int idx, ImPlot3DColormap cmap = IMPLOT3D_AUTO);
// Sample a color from the current colormap given t between 0 and 1
IMPLOT3D_API ImVec4 SampleColormap(float t, ImPlot3DColormap cmap = IMPLOT3D_AUTO);
// [SECTION] Demo
// Add implot3d_demo.cpp to your sources to use methods in this section
// Shows the ImPlot3D demo window
IMPLOT3D_API void ShowDemoWindow(bool* p_open = nullptr);
// Shows ImPlot3D style editor block (not a window)
IMPLOT3D_API void ShowStyleEditor(ImPlot3DStyle* ref = nullptr);
} // namespace ImPlot3D
// [SECTION] ImPlot3DPoint
// ImPlot3DPoint: 3D vector to store points in 3D
struct ImPlot3DPoint {
float x, y, z;
constexpr ImPlot3DPoint() : x(0.0f), y(0.0f), z(0.0f) {}
constexpr ImPlot3DPoint(float _x, float _y, float _z) : x(_x), y(_y), z(_z) {}
// Accessors
float& operator[](size_t idx) {
IM_ASSERT(idx == 0 || idx == 1 || idx == 2);
return ((float*)(void*)(char*)this)[idx];
float operator[](size_t idx) const {
IM_ASSERT(idx == 0 || idx == 1 || idx == 2);
return ((const float*)(const void*)(const char*)this)[idx];
// Binary operators
ImPlot3DPoint operator*(float rhs) const;
ImPlot3DPoint operator/(float rhs) const;
ImPlot3DPoint operator+(const ImPlot3DPoint& rhs) const;
ImPlot3DPoint operator-(const ImPlot3DPoint& rhs) const;
ImPlot3DPoint operator*(const ImPlot3DPoint& rhs) const;
ImPlot3DPoint operator/(const ImPlot3DPoint& rhs) const;
// Unary operator
ImPlot3DPoint operator-() const;
// Compound assignment operators
ImPlot3DPoint& operator*=(float rhs);
ImPlot3DPoint& operator/=(float rhs);
ImPlot3DPoint& operator+=(const ImPlot3DPoint& rhs);
ImPlot3DPoint& operator-=(const ImPlot3DPoint& rhs);
ImPlot3DPoint& operator*=(const ImPlot3DPoint& rhs);
ImPlot3DPoint& operator/=(const ImPlot3DPoint& rhs);
// Comparison operators
bool operator==(const ImPlot3DPoint& rhs) const;
bool operator!=(const ImPlot3DPoint& rhs) const;
// Dot product
float Dot(const ImPlot3DPoint& rhs) const;
// Cross product
ImPlot3DPoint Cross(const ImPlot3DPoint& rhs) const;
// Get vector length
float Length() const;
// Get vector squared length
float LengthSquared() const;
// Normalize to unit length
void Normalize();
// Return vector normalized to unit length
ImPlot3DPoint Normalized() const;
// Friend binary operators to allow commutative behavior
friend ImPlot3DPoint operator*(float lhs, const ImPlot3DPoint& rhs);
// Check if the point is NaN
bool IsNaN() const;
IMPLOT3D_POINT_CLASS_EXTRA // Define additional constructors and implicit cast operators in imconfig.h to convert back and forth between your math types and ImPlot3DPoint
// [SECTION] ImPlot3DRay
struct ImPlot3DRay {
ImPlot3DPoint Origin;
ImPlot3DPoint Direction;
// [SECTION] ImPlot3DPlane
struct ImPlot3DPlane {
ImPlot3DPoint Point;
ImPlot3DPoint Normal;
// [SECTION] ImPlot3DBox
struct ImPlot3DBox {
ImPlot3DPoint Min;
ImPlot3DPoint Max;
// Default constructor
constexpr ImPlot3DBox() : Min(ImPlot3DPoint()), Max(ImPlot3DPoint()) {}
// Constructor with two points
constexpr ImPlot3DBox(const ImPlot3DPoint& min, const ImPlot3DPoint& max) : Min(min), Max(max) {}
// Method to expand the box to include a point
void Expand(const ImPlot3DPoint& point);
// Method to check if a point is inside the box
bool Contains(const ImPlot3DPoint& point) const;
// Method to clip a line segment against the box
bool ClipLineSegment(const ImPlot3DPoint& p0, const ImPlot3DPoint& p1, ImPlot3DPoint& p0_clipped, ImPlot3DPoint& p1_clipped) const;
// [SECTION] ImPlot3DRange
struct ImPlot3DRange {
float Min;
float Max;
constexpr ImPlot3DRange() : Min(0.0f), Max(0.0f) {}
constexpr ImPlot3DRange(float min, float max) : Min(min), Max(max) {}
void Expand(float value);
bool Contains(float value) const;
float Size() const { return Max - Min; }
// [SECTION] ImPlot3DQuat
struct ImPlot3DQuat {
float x, y, z, w;
// Constructors
constexpr ImPlot3DQuat() : x(0.0f), y(0.0f), z(0.0f), w(1.0f) {}
constexpr ImPlot3DQuat(float _x, float _y, float _z, float _w) : x(_x), y(_y), z(_z), w(_w) {}
ImPlot3DQuat(float _angle, const ImPlot3DPoint& _axis);
// Set quaternion from two vectors
static ImPlot3DQuat FromTwoVectors(const ImPlot3DPoint& v0, const ImPlot3DPoint& v1);
// Get quaternion length
float Length() const;
// Get normalized quaternion
ImPlot3DQuat Normalized() const;
// Conjugate of the quaternion
ImPlot3DQuat Conjugate() const;
// Inverse of the quaternion
ImPlot3DQuat Inverse() const;
// Binary operators
ImPlot3DQuat operator*(const ImPlot3DQuat& rhs) const;
// Normalize the quaternion in place
ImPlot3DQuat& Normalize();
// Rotate a 3D point using the quaternion
ImPlot3DPoint operator*(const ImPlot3DPoint& point) const;
// Comparison operators
bool operator==(const ImPlot3DQuat& rhs) const;
bool operator!=(const ImPlot3DQuat& rhs) const;
// Interpolate between two quaternions
static ImPlot3DQuat Slerp(const ImPlot3DQuat& q1, const ImPlot3DQuat& q2, float t);
// Get quaternion dot product
float Dot(const ImPlot3DQuat& rhs) const;
IMPLOT3D_QUAT_CLASS_EXTRA // Define additional constructors and implicit cast operators in imconfig.h to convert back and forth between your math types and ImPlot3DQuat
// [SECTION] ImPlot3DStyle
struct ImPlot3DStyle {
// Item style
float LineWeight; // Line weight in pixels
int Marker; // Default marker type (ImPlot3DMarker_None)
float MarkerSize; // Marker size in pixels (roughly the marker's "radius")
float MarkerWeight; // Marker outline weight in pixels
float FillAlpha; // Alpha modifier applied to plot fills
// Plot style
ImVec2 PlotDefaultSize;
ImVec2 PlotMinSize;
ImVec2 PlotPadding;
ImVec2 LabelPadding;
// Legend style
ImVec2 LegendPadding; // Legend padding from plot edges
ImVec2 LegendInnerPadding; // Legend inner padding from legend edges
ImVec2 LegendSpacing; // Spacing between legend entries
// Colors
ImVec4 Colors[ImPlot3DCol_COUNT];
// Colormap
ImPlot3DColormap Colormap; // The current colormap. Set this to either an ImPlot3DColormap_ enum or an index returned by AddColormap
// Constructor
IMPLOT3D_API ImPlot3DStyle();
// [SECTION] Callbacks
// Callback signature for axis tick label formatter
typedef int (*ImPlot3DFormatter)(float value, char* buff, int size, void* user_data);
// [SECTION] Meshes
namespace ImPlot3D {
// Cube
constexpr int CUBE_VTX_COUNT = 8; // Number of cube vertices
constexpr int CUBE_IDX_COUNT = 36; // Number of cube indices (12 triangles)
extern ImPlot3DPoint cube_vtx[CUBE_VTX_COUNT]; // Cube vertices
extern unsigned int cube_idx[CUBE_IDX_COUNT]; // Cube indices
// Sphere
constexpr int SPHERE_VTX_COUNT = 162; // Number of sphere vertices for 128 triangles
constexpr int SPHERE_IDX_COUNT = 960; // Number of sphere indices (128 triangles)
extern ImPlot3DPoint sphere_vtx[SPHERE_VTX_COUNT]; // Sphere vertices
extern unsigned int sphere_idx[SPHERE_IDX_COUNT]; // Sphere indices
// Duck (Rubber Duck by Poly by Google [CC-BY] via Poly Pizza)
constexpr int DUCK_VTX_COUNT = 254; // Number of duck vertices
constexpr int DUCK_IDX_COUNT = 1428; // Number of duck indices
extern ImPlot3DPoint duck_vtx[DUCK_VTX_COUNT]; // Duck vertices
extern unsigned int duck_idx[DUCK_IDX_COUNT]; // Duck indices
} // namespace ImPlot3D
#endif // #ifndef IMGUI_DISABLE