mirror of synced 2025-03-01 15:40:26 +01:00

191 lines
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#include <imgui_imhex_extensions.h>
#include <imgui.h>
#include <imgui_freetype.h>
#include <imgui_internal.h>
#include <string>
namespace ImGui {
bool Hyperlink(const char* label, const ImVec2& size_arg, ImGuiButtonFlags flags) {
ImGuiWindow* window = GetCurrentWindow();
if (window->SkipItems)
return false;
ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
const ImGuiStyle& style = g.Style;
const ImGuiID id = window->GetID(label);
const ImVec2 label_size = CalcTextSize(label, NULL, true);
ImVec2 pos = window->DC.CursorPos;
ImVec2 size = CalcItemSize(size_arg, label_size.x, label_size.y);
const ImRect bb(pos, pos + size);
if (!ItemAdd(bb, id))
return false;
if (window->DC.ItemFlags & ImGuiItemFlags_ButtonRepeat)
flags |= ImGuiButtonFlags_Repeat;
bool hovered, held;
bool pressed = ButtonBehavior(bb, id, &hovered, &held, flags);
// Render
const ImU32 col = hovered ? GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered) : GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_ButtonActive);
PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, ImU32(col));
TextEx(label, NULL, ImGuiTextFlags_NoWidthForLargeClippedText); // Skip formatting
GetWindowDrawList()->AddLine(ImVec2(pos.x, pos.y + size.y), pos + size, ImU32(col));
IMGUI_TEST_ENGINE_ITEM_INFO(id, label, window->DC.LastItemStatusFlags);
return pressed;
bool BulletHyperlink(const char* label, const ImVec2& size_arg, ImGuiButtonFlags flags) {
ImGuiWindow* window = GetCurrentWindow();
if (window->SkipItems)
return false;
ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
const ImGuiStyle& style = g.Style;
const ImGuiID id = window->GetID(label);
const ImVec2 label_size = CalcTextSize(label, NULL, true);
ImVec2 pos = window->DC.CursorPos;
ImVec2 size = CalcItemSize(size_arg, label_size.x, label_size.y) + ImVec2(g.FontSize + style.FramePadding.x * 2, 0.0f);
const ImRect bb(pos, pos + size);
if (!ItemAdd(bb, id))
return false;
if (window->DC.ItemFlags & ImGuiItemFlags_ButtonRepeat)
flags |= ImGuiButtonFlags_Repeat;
bool hovered, held;
bool pressed = ButtonBehavior(bb, id, &hovered, &held, flags);
// Render
const ImU32 col = hovered ? GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered) : GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_ButtonActive);
PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, ImU32(col));
RenderBullet(window->DrawList, bb.Min + ImVec2(style.FramePadding.x + g.FontSize * 0.5f, g.FontSize * 0.5f), col);
RenderText(bb.Min + ImVec2(g.FontSize + style.FramePadding.x * 2, 0.0f), label, nullptr, false);
GetWindowDrawList()->AddLine(bb.Min + ImVec2(style.FramePadding.x, size.y), pos + size, ImU32(col));
IMGUI_TEST_ENGINE_ITEM_INFO(id, label, window->DC.LastItemStatusFlags);
return pressed;
bool DescriptionButton(const char* label, const char* description, const ImVec2& size_arg, ImGuiButtonFlags flags) {
ImGuiWindow* window = GetCurrentWindow();
if (window->SkipItems)
return false;
ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
const ImGuiStyle& style = g.Style;
const ImGuiID id = window->GetID(label);
const ImVec2 text_size = CalcTextSize((std::string(label) + "\n " + std::string(description)).c_str(), NULL, true);
const ImVec2 label_size = CalcTextSize(label, NULL, true);
ImVec2 pos = window->DC.CursorPos;
if ((flags & ImGuiButtonFlags_AlignTextBaseLine) && style.FramePadding.y < window->DC.CurrLineTextBaseOffset) // Try to vertically align buttons that are smaller/have no padding so that text baseline matches (bit hacky, since it shouldn't be a flag)
pos.y += window->DC.CurrLineTextBaseOffset - style.FramePadding.y;
ImVec2 size = CalcItemSize(size_arg, text_size.x + style.FramePadding.x * 4.0f, text_size.y + style.FramePadding.y * 4.0f);
const ImRect bb(pos, pos + size);
ItemSize(size, style.FramePadding.y);
if (!ItemAdd(bb, id))
return false;
if (window->DC.ItemFlags & ImGuiItemFlags_ButtonRepeat)
flags |= ImGuiButtonFlags_Repeat;
bool hovered, held;
bool pressed = ButtonBehavior(bb, id, &hovered, &held, flags);
ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_ButtonTextAlign, ImVec2(0.0, 0.5));
// Render
const ImU32 col = GetCustomColorU32((held && hovered) ? ImGuiCustomCol_DescButtonActive : hovered ? ImGuiCustomCol_DescButtonHovered : ImGuiCustomCol_DescButton);
RenderNavHighlight(bb, id);
RenderFrame(bb.Min, bb.Max, col, true, style.FrameRounding);
PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_ButtonActive));
RenderTextWrapped(bb.Min + style.FramePadding * 2, label, nullptr, CalcWrapWidthForPos(window->DC.CursorPos, window->DC.TextWrapPos));
PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_Text));
RenderTextClipped(bb.Min + style.FramePadding * 2 + ImVec2(style.FramePadding.x * 2, label_size.y), bb.Max - style.FramePadding, description, NULL, &text_size, style.ButtonTextAlign, &bb);
// Automatically close popups
//if (pressed && !(flags & ImGuiButtonFlags_DontClosePopups) && (window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_Popup))
// CloseCurrentPopup();
IMGUI_TEST_ENGINE_ITEM_INFO(id, label, window->DC.LastItemStatusFlags);
return pressed;
void UnderlinedText(const char* label, ImColor color, const ImVec2& size_arg) {
ImGuiWindow* window = GetCurrentWindow();
const ImVec2 label_size = CalcTextSize(label, NULL, true);
ImVec2 pos = window->DC.CursorPos;
ImVec2 size = CalcItemSize(size_arg, label_size.x, label_size.y);
PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, ImU32(color));
TextEx(label, NULL, ImGuiTextFlags_NoWidthForLargeClippedText); // Skip formatting
GetWindowDrawList()->AddLine(ImVec2(pos.x, pos.y + size.y), pos + size, ImU32(color));
void Disabled(const std::function<void()> &widgets, bool disabled) {
if (disabled) {
ImGui::PushItemFlag(ImGuiItemFlags_Disabled, true);
ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_Alpha, ImGui::GetStyle().Alpha * 0.5F);
} else {
void TextSpinner(const char* label) {
ImGui::Text("[%c] %s", "|/-\\"[ImU32(ImGui::GetTime() * 20) % 4], label);
ImU32 GetCustomColorU32(ImGuiCustomCol idx, float alpha_mul) {
auto& customData = *static_cast<ImHexCustomData*>(GImGui->IO.UserData);
ImVec4 c = customData.Colors[idx];
c.w *= GImGui->Style.Alpha * alpha_mul;
return ColorConvertFloat4ToU32(c);
void StyleCustomColorsDark() {
auto &colors = static_cast<ImHexCustomData*>(GImGui->IO.UserData)->Colors;
colors[ImGuiCustomCol_DescButton] = ImColor(20, 20, 20);
colors[ImGuiCustomCol_DescButtonHovered] = ImColor(40, 40, 40);
colors[ImGuiCustomCol_DescButtonActive] = ImColor(60, 60, 60);
void StyleCustomColorsLight() {
auto &colors = static_cast<ImHexCustomData*>(GImGui->IO.UserData)->Colors;
colors[ImGuiCustomCol_DescButton] = ImColor(230, 230, 230);
colors[ImGuiCustomCol_DescButtonHovered] = ImColor(210, 210, 210);
colors[ImGuiCustomCol_DescButtonActive] = ImColor(190, 190, 190);
void StyleCustomColorsClassic() {
auto &colors = static_cast<ImHexCustomData*>(GImGui->IO.UserData)->Colors;
colors[ImGuiCustomCol_DescButton] = ImColor(40, 40, 80);
colors[ImGuiCustomCol_DescButtonHovered] = ImColor(60, 60, 100);
colors[ImGuiCustomCol_DescButtonActive] = ImColor(80, 80, 120);