mirror of synced 2025-03-03 08:15:53 +01:00

1254 lines
48 KiB

#pragma once
#include <hex.hpp>
#include <hex/api/localization_manager.hpp>
#include <hex/helpers/concepts.hpp>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <span>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <pl/pattern_language.hpp>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <wolv/io/fs.hpp>
using ImGuiDataType = int;
using ImGuiInputTextFlags = int;
struct ImColor;
enum ImGuiCustomCol : int;
namespace hex {
class View;
class Shortcut;
namespace dp {
class Node;
namespace prv {
class Provider;
namespace LocalizationManager {
class LanguageDefinition;
The Content Registry is the heart of all features in ImHex that are in some way extendable by Plugins.
It allows you to add/register new content that will be picked up and used by the ImHex core or by other
plugins when needed.
namespace ContentRegistry {
/* Settings Registry. Allows adding of new entries into the ImHex preferences window. */
namespace Settings {
namespace Widgets {
class Widget {
virtual ~Widget() = default;
virtual bool draw(const std::string &name) = 0;
virtual void load(const nlohmann::json &data) = 0;
virtual nlohmann::json store() = 0;
class Interface {
friend class Widget;
Interface& requiresRestart() {
m_requiresRestart = true;
return *this;
Interface& setEnabledCallback(std::function<bool()> callback) {
m_enabledCallback = std::move(callback);
return *this;
Interface& setChangedCallback(std::function<void(Widget&)> callback) {
m_changedCallback = std::move(callback);
return *this;
Interface& setTooltip(const std::string &tooltip) {
m_tooltip = tooltip;
return *this;
Widget& getWidget() const {
return *m_widget;
explicit Interface(Widget *widget) : m_widget(widget) {}
Widget *m_widget;
bool m_requiresRestart = false;
std::function<bool()> m_enabledCallback;
std::function<void(Widget&)> m_changedCallback;
std::optional<std::string> m_tooltip;
bool doesRequireRestart() const {
return m_interface.m_requiresRestart;
bool isEnabled() const {
return !m_interface.m_enabledCallback || m_interface.m_enabledCallback();
const std::optional<std::string>& getTooltip() const {
return m_interface.m_tooltip;
void onChanged() {
if (m_interface.m_changedCallback)
Interface& getInterface() {
return m_interface;
Interface m_interface = Interface(this);
class Checkbox : public Widget {
explicit Checkbox(bool defaultValue) : m_value(defaultValue) { }
bool draw(const std::string &name) override;
void load(const nlohmann::json &data) override;
nlohmann::json store() override;
[[nodiscard]] bool isChecked() const { return m_value; }
bool m_value;
class SliderInteger : public Widget {
SliderInteger(i32 defaultValue, i32 min, i32 max) : m_value(defaultValue), m_min(min), m_max(max) { }
bool draw(const std::string &name) override;
void load(const nlohmann::json &data) override;
nlohmann::json store() override;
[[nodiscard]] i32 getValue() const { return m_value; }
int m_value;
i32 m_min, m_max;
class SliderFloat : public Widget {
SliderFloat(float defaultValue, float min, float max) : m_value(defaultValue), m_min(min), m_max(max) { }
bool draw(const std::string &name) override;
void load(const nlohmann::json &data) override;
nlohmann::json store() override;
[[nodiscard]] float getValue() const { return m_value; }
float m_value;
float m_min, m_max;
class ColorPicker : public Widget {
explicit ColorPicker(ImColor defaultColor);
bool draw(const std::string &name) override;
void load(const nlohmann::json &data) override;
nlohmann::json store() override;
[[nodiscard]] ImColor getColor() const;
std::array<float, 4> m_value{};
class DropDown : public Widget {
explicit DropDown(const std::vector<std::string> &items, const std::vector<nlohmann::json> &settingsValues, const nlohmann::json &defaultItem) : m_items(items), m_settingsValues(settingsValues), m_defaultItem(defaultItem) { }
bool draw(const std::string &name) override;
void load(const nlohmann::json &data) override;
nlohmann::json store() override;
const nlohmann::json& getValue() const;
std::vector<std::string> m_items;
std::vector<nlohmann::json> m_settingsValues;
nlohmann::json m_defaultItem;
int m_value = -1;
class TextBox : public Widget {
explicit TextBox(std::string defaultValue) : m_value(std::move(defaultValue)) { }
bool draw(const std::string &name) override;
void load(const nlohmann::json &data) override;
nlohmann::json store() override;
const std::string& getValue() const { return m_value; }
std::string m_value;
class FilePicker : public Widget {
bool draw(const std::string &name) override;
void load(const nlohmann::json &data) override;
nlohmann::json store() override;
[[nodiscard]] std::fs::path getPath() const {
return m_value;
std::string m_value;
class Label : public Widget {
bool draw(const std::string &name) override;
void load(const nlohmann::json &) override {}
nlohmann::json store() override { return {}; }
namespace impl {
struct Entry {
UnlocalizedString unlocalizedName;
std::unique_ptr<Widgets::Widget> widget;
struct SubCategory {
UnlocalizedString unlocalizedName;
std::vector<Entry> entries;
struct Category {
UnlocalizedString unlocalizedName;
UnlocalizedString unlocalizedDescription;
std::vector<SubCategory> subCategories;
void load();
void store();
void clear();
const std::vector<Category>& getSettings();
nlohmann::json& getSetting(const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedCategory, const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedName, const nlohmann::json &defaultValue);
const nlohmann::json& getSettingsData();
Widgets::Widget* add(const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedCategory, const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedSubCategory, const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedName, std::unique_ptr<Widgets::Widget> &&widget);
void printSettingReadError(const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedCategory, const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedName, const nlohmann::json::exception &e);
template<std::derived_from<Widgets::Widget> T>
Widgets::Widget::Interface& add(const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedCategory, const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedSubCategory, const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedName, auto && ... args) {
return impl::add(
void setCategoryDescription(const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedCategory, const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedDescription);
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] T read(const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedCategory, const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedName, const std::common_type_t<T> &defaultValue) {
auto setting = impl::getSetting(unlocalizedCategory, unlocalizedName, defaultValue);
try {
if (setting.is_number() && std::same_as<T, bool>)
setting = setting.template get<int>() != 0;
if (setting.is_null())
setting = defaultValue;
return setting.template get<T>();
} catch (const nlohmann::json::exception &e) {
impl::printSettingReadError(unlocalizedCategory, unlocalizedName, e);
return defaultValue;
template<typename T>
void write(const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedCategory, const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedName, const std::common_type_t<T> &value) {
impl::getSetting(unlocalizedCategory, unlocalizedName, value) = value;
/* Command Palette Command Registry. Allows adding of new commands to the command palette */
namespace CommandPaletteCommands {
enum class Type : u32 {
namespace impl {
struct QueryResult {
std::string name;
std::function<void(std::string)> callback;
using DisplayCallback = std::function<std::string(std::string)>;
using ExecuteCallback = std::function<void(std::string)>;
using QueryCallback = std::function<std::vector<QueryResult>(std::string)>;
struct Entry {
Type type;
std::string command;
UnlocalizedString unlocalizedDescription;
DisplayCallback displayCallback;
ExecuteCallback executeCallback;
struct Handler {
Type type;
std::string command;
QueryCallback queryCallback;
DisplayCallback displayCallback;
const std::vector<Entry>& getEntries();
const std::vector<Handler>& getHandlers();
* @brief Adds a new command to the command palette
* @param type The type of the command
* @param command The command to add
* @param unlocalizedDescription The description of the command
* @param displayCallback The callback that will be called when the command is displayed in the command palette
* @param executeCallback The callback that will be called when the command is executed
void add(
Type type,
const std::string &command,
const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedDescription,
const impl::DisplayCallback &displayCallback,
const impl::ExecuteCallback &executeCallback = [](auto) {});
* @brief Adds a new command handler to the command palette
* @param type The type of the command
* @param command The command to add
* @param queryCallback The callback that will be called when the command palette wants to load the name and callback items
* @param displayCallback The callback that will be called when the command is displayed in the command palette
void addHandler(
Type type,
const std::string &command,
const impl::QueryCallback &queryCallback,
const impl::DisplayCallback &displayCallback);
/* Pattern Language Function Registry. Allows adding of new functions that may be used inside the pattern language */
namespace PatternLanguage {
namespace impl {
using VisualizerFunctionCallback = std::function<void(pl::ptrn::Pattern&, pl::ptrn::IIterable&, bool, std::span<const pl::core::Token::Literal>)>;
struct FunctionDefinition {
pl::api::Namespace ns;
std::string name;
pl::api::FunctionParameterCount parameterCount;
pl::api::FunctionCallback callback;
bool dangerous;
struct Visualizer {
pl::api::FunctionParameterCount parameterCount;
VisualizerFunctionCallback callback;
const std::map<std::string, Visualizer>& getVisualizers();
const std::map<std::string, Visualizer>& getInlineVisualizers();
const std::map<std::string, pl::api::PragmaHandler>& getPragmas();
const std::vector<FunctionDefinition>& getFunctions();
* @brief Provides access to the current provider's pattern language runtime
* @return Runtime
pl::PatternLanguage& getRuntime();
* @brief Provides access to the current provider's pattern language runtime's lock
* @return Lock
std::mutex& getRuntimeLock();
* @brief Configures the pattern language runtime using ImHex's default settings
* @param runtime The pattern language runtime to configure
* @param provider The provider to use for data access
void configureRuntime(pl::PatternLanguage &runtime, prv::Provider *provider);
* @brief Adds a new pragma to the pattern language
* @param name The name of the pragma
* @param handler The handler that will be called when the pragma is encountered
void addPragma(const std::string &name, const pl::api::PragmaHandler &handler);
* @brief Adds a new function to the pattern language
* @param ns The namespace of the function
* @param name The name of the function
* @param parameterCount The amount of parameters the function takes
* @param func The function callback
void addFunction(
const pl::api::Namespace &ns,
const std::string &name,
pl::api::FunctionParameterCount parameterCount,
const pl::api::FunctionCallback &func
* @brief Adds a new dangerous function to the pattern language
* @note Dangerous functions are functions that require the user to explicitly allow them to be used
* @param ns The namespace of the function
* @param name The name of the function
* @param parameterCount The amount of parameters the function takes
* @param func The function callback
void addDangerousFunction(
const pl::api::Namespace &ns,
const std::string &name,
pl::api::FunctionParameterCount parameterCount,
const pl::api::FunctionCallback &func
* @brief Adds a new visualizer to the pattern language
* @note Visualizers are extensions to the [[hex::visualize]] attribute, used to visualize data
* @param name The name of the visualizer
* @param function The function callback
* @param parameterCount The amount of parameters the function takes
void addVisualizer(
const std::string &name,
const impl::VisualizerFunctionCallback &function,
pl::api::FunctionParameterCount parameterCount
* @brief Adds a new inline visualizer to the pattern language
* @note Inline visualizers are extensions to the [[hex::inline_visualize]] attribute, used to visualize data
* @param name The name of the visualizer
* @param function The function callback
* @param parameterCount The amount of parameters the function takes
void addInlineVisualizer(
const std::string &name,
const impl::VisualizerFunctionCallback &function,
pl::api::FunctionParameterCount parameterCount
/* View Registry. Allows adding of new windows */
namespace Views {
namespace impl {
void add(std::unique_ptr<View> &&view);
const std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<View>>& getEntries();
* @brief Adds a new view to ImHex
* @tparam T The custom view class that extends View
* @tparam Args Arguments types
* @param args Arguments passed to the constructor of the view
template<std::derived_from<View> T, typename... Args>
void add(Args &&...args) {
return impl::add(std::make_unique<T>(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
* @brief Gets a view by its unlocalized name
* @param unlocalizedName The unlocalized name of the view
* @return The view if it exists, nullptr otherwise
View* getViewByName(const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedName);
/* Tools Registry. Allows adding new entries to the tools window */
namespace Tools {
namespace impl {
using Callback = std::function<void()>;
struct Entry {
UnlocalizedString unlocalizedName;
Callback function;
const std::vector<Entry>& getEntries();
* @brief Adds a new tool to the tools window
* @param unlocalizedName The unlocalized name of the tool
* @param function The function that will be called to draw the tool
void add(const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedName, const impl::Callback &function);
/* Data Inspector Registry. Allows adding of new types to the data inspector */
namespace DataInspector {
enum class NumberDisplayStyle
namespace impl {
using DisplayFunction = std::function<std::string()>;
using EditingFunction = std::function<std::vector<u8>(std::string, std::endian)>;
using GeneratorFunction = std::function<DisplayFunction(const std::vector<u8> &, std::endian, NumberDisplayStyle)>;
struct Entry {
UnlocalizedString unlocalizedName;
size_t requiredSize;
size_t maxSize;
GeneratorFunction generatorFunction;
std::optional<EditingFunction> editingFunction;
const std::vector<Entry>& getEntries();
* @brief Adds a new entry to the data inspector
* @param unlocalizedName The unlocalized name of the entry
* @param requiredSize The minimum required number of bytes available for the entry to appear
* @param displayGeneratorFunction The function that will be called to generate the display function
* @param editingFunction The function that will be called to edit the data
void add(
const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedName,
size_t requiredSize,
impl::GeneratorFunction displayGeneratorFunction,
std::optional<impl::EditingFunction> editingFunction = std::nullopt
* @brief Adds a new entry to the data inspector
* @param unlocalizedName The unlocalized name of the entry
* @param requiredSize The minimum required number of bytes available for the entry to appear
* @param maxSize The maximum number of bytes to read from the data
* @param displayGeneratorFunction The function that will be called to generate the display function
* @param editingFunction The function that will be called to edit the data
void add(
const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedName,
size_t requiredSize,
size_t maxSize,
impl::GeneratorFunction displayGeneratorFunction,
std::optional<impl::EditingFunction> editingFunction = std::nullopt
/* Data Processor Node Registry. Allows adding new processor nodes to be used in the data processor */
namespace DataProcessorNode {
namespace impl {
using CreatorFunction = std::function<std::unique_ptr<dp::Node>()>;
struct Entry {
UnlocalizedString unlocalizedCategory;
UnlocalizedString unlocalizedName;
CreatorFunction creatorFunction;
void add(const Entry &entry);
const std::vector<Entry>& getEntries();
* @brief Adds a new node to the data processor
* @tparam T The custom node class that extends dp::Node
* @tparam Args Arguments types
* @param unlocalizedCategory The unlocalized category name of the node
* @param unlocalizedName The unlocalized name of the node
* @param args Arguments passed to the constructor of the node
template<std::derived_from<dp::Node> T, typename... Args>
void add(const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedCategory, const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedName, Args &&...args) {
add(impl::Entry {
[=, ...args = std::forward<Args>(args)] mutable {
auto node = std::make_unique<T>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return node;
* @brief Adds a separator to the data processor right click menu
void addSeparator();
/* Language Registry. Allows together with the Lang class and the _lang user defined literal to add new languages */
namespace Language {
* @brief Loads localization information from json data
* @param data The language data
void addLocalization(const nlohmann::json &data);
namespace impl {
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& getLanguages();
const std::map<std::string, std::vector<LocalizationManager::LanguageDefinition>>& getLanguageDefinitions();
/* Interface Registry. Allows adding new items to various interfaces */
namespace Interface {
struct Icon {
Icon(const char *glyph, ImGuiCustomCol color = ImGuiCustomCol(0x00)) : glyph(glyph), color(color) {}
std::string glyph;
ImGuiCustomCol color;
namespace impl {
using DrawCallback = std::function<void()>;
using MenuCallback = std::function<void()>;
using EnabledCallback = std::function<bool()>;
using SelectedCallback = std::function<bool()>;
using ClickCallback = std::function<void()>;
struct MainMenuItem {
UnlocalizedString unlocalizedName;
struct MenuItem {
std::vector<UnlocalizedString> unlocalizedNames;
Icon icon;
std::unique_ptr<Shortcut> shortcut;
View *view;
MenuCallback callback;
EnabledCallback enabledCallback;
SelectedCallback selectedCallback;
i32 toolbarIndex;
struct SidebarItem {
std::string icon;
DrawCallback callback;
EnabledCallback enabledCallback;
struct TitleBarButton {
std::string icon;
UnlocalizedString unlocalizedTooltip;
ClickCallback callback;
constexpr static auto SeparatorValue = "$SEPARATOR$";
constexpr static auto SubMenuValue = "$SUBMENU$";
const std::multimap<u32, MainMenuItem>& getMainMenuItems();
const std::multimap<u32, MenuItem>& getMenuItems();
std::multimap<u32, MenuItem>& getMenuItemsMutable();
const std::vector<DrawCallback>& getWelcomeScreenEntries();
const std::vector<DrawCallback>& getFooterItems();
const std::vector<DrawCallback>& getToolbarItems();
const std::vector<SidebarItem>& getSidebarItems();
const std::vector<TitleBarButton>& getTitlebarButtons();
* @brief Adds a new top-level main menu entry
* @param unlocalizedName The unlocalized name of the entry
* @param priority The priority of the entry. Lower values are displayed first
void registerMainMenuItem(const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedName, u32 priority);
* @brief Adds a new main menu entry
* @param unlocalizedMainMenuNames The unlocalized names of the main menu entries
* @param icon The icon to use for the entry
* @param priority The priority of the entry. Lower values are displayed first
* @param shortcut The shortcut to use for the entry
* @param function The function to call when the entry is clicked
* @param enabledCallback The function to call to determine if the entry is enabled
* @param view The view to use for the entry. If nullptr, the shortcut will work globally
void addMenuItem(
const std::vector<UnlocalizedString> &unlocalizedMainMenuNames,
const Icon &icon,
u32 priority,
const Shortcut &shortcut,
const impl::MenuCallback &function,
const impl::EnabledCallback& enabledCallback, View *view
* @brief Adds a new main menu entry
* @param unlocalizedMainMenuNames The unlocalized names of the main menu entries
* @param icon The icon to use for the entry
* @param priority The priority of the entry. Lower values are displayed first
* @param shortcut The shortcut to use for the entry
* @param function The function to call when the entry is clicked
* @param enabledCallback The function to call to determine if the entry is enabled
* @param selectedCallback The function to call to determine if the entry is selected
* @param view The view to use for the entry. If nullptr, the shortcut will work globally
void addMenuItem(
const std::vector<UnlocalizedString> &unlocalizedMainMenuNames,
const Icon &icon,
u32 priority,
const Shortcut &shortcut,
const impl::MenuCallback &function,
const impl::EnabledCallback& enabledCallback = []{ return true; },
const impl::SelectedCallback &selectedCallback = []{ return false; },
View *view = nullptr
* @brief Adds a new main menu entry
* @param unlocalizedMainMenuNames The unlocalized names of the main menu entries
* @param priority The priority of the entry. Lower values are displayed first
* @param shortcut The shortcut to use for the entry
* @param function The function to call when the entry is clicked
* @param enabledCallback The function to call to determine if the entry is enabled
* @param selectedCallback The function to call to determine if the entry is selected
* @param view The view to use for the entry. If nullptr, the shortcut will work globally
void addMenuItem(
const std::vector<UnlocalizedString> &unlocalizedMainMenuNames,
u32 priority,
const Shortcut &shortcut,
const impl::MenuCallback &function,
const impl::EnabledCallback& enabledCallback = []{ return true; },
const impl::SelectedCallback &selectedCallback = []{ return false; },
View *view = nullptr
* @brief Adds a new main menu sub-menu entry
* @param unlocalizedMainMenuNames The unlocalized names of the main menu entries
* @param priority The priority of the entry. Lower values are displayed first
* @param function The function to call when the entry is clicked
* @param enabledCallback The function to call to determine if the entry is enabled
void addMenuItemSubMenu(
std::vector<UnlocalizedString> unlocalizedMainMenuNames,
u32 priority,
const impl::MenuCallback &function,
const impl::EnabledCallback& enabledCallback = []{ return true; }
* @brief Adds a new main menu sub-menu entry
* @param unlocalizedMainMenuNames The unlocalized names of the main menu entries
* @param icon The icon to use for the entry
* @param priority The priority of the entry. Lower values are displayed first
* @param function The function to call when the entry is clicked
* @param enabledCallback The function to call to determine if the entry is enabled
void addMenuItemSubMenu(
std::vector<UnlocalizedString> unlocalizedMainMenuNames,
const char *icon,
u32 priority,
const impl::MenuCallback &function,
const impl::EnabledCallback& enabledCallback = []{ return true; }
* @brief Adds a new main menu separator
* @param unlocalizedMainMenuNames The unlocalized names of the main menu entries
* @param priority The priority of the entry. Lower values are displayed first
void addMenuItemSeparator(std::vector<UnlocalizedString> unlocalizedMainMenuNames, u32 priority);
* @brief Adds a new welcome screen entry
* @param function The function to call to draw the entry
void addWelcomeScreenEntry(const impl::DrawCallback &function);
* @brief Adds a new footer item
* @param function The function to call to draw the item
void addFooterItem(const impl::DrawCallback &function);
* @brief Adds a new toolbar item
* @param function The function to call to draw the item
void addToolbarItem(const impl::DrawCallback &function);
* @brief Adds a menu item to the toolbar
* @param unlocalizedName Unlocalized name of the menu item
* @param color Color of the toolbar icon
void addMenuItemToToolbar(const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedName, ImGuiCustomCol color);
* @brief Adds a new sidebar item
* @param icon The icon to use for the item
* @param function The function to call to draw the item
* @param enabledCallback The function
void addSidebarItem(
const std::string &icon,
const impl::DrawCallback &function,
const impl::EnabledCallback &enabledCallback = []{ return true; }
* @brief Adds a new title bar button
* @param icon The icon to use for the button
* @param unlocalizedTooltip The unlocalized tooltip to use for the button
* @param function The function to call when the button is clicked
void addTitleBarButton(
const std::string &icon,
const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedTooltip,
const impl::ClickCallback &function
/* Provider Registry. Allows adding new data providers to be created from the UI */
namespace Provider {
namespace impl {
void addProviderName(const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedName);
using ProviderCreationFunction = std::unique_ptr<prv::Provider>(*)();
void add(const std::string &typeName, ProviderCreationFunction creationFunction);
const std::vector<std::string>& getEntries();
* @brief Adds a new provider to the list of providers
* @tparam T The provider type that extends hex::prv::Provider
* @param addToList Whether to display the provider in the Other Providers list in the welcome screen and File menu
template<std::derived_from<prv::Provider> T>
void add(bool addToList = true) {
auto typeName = T().getTypeName();
impl::add(typeName, [] -> std::unique_ptr<prv::Provider> {
return std::make_unique<T>();
if (addToList)
/* Data Formatter Registry. Allows adding formatters that are used in the Copy-As menu for example */
namespace DataFormatter {
namespace impl {
using Callback = std::function<std::string(prv::Provider *provider, u64 address, size_t size)>;
struct Entry {
UnlocalizedString unlocalizedName;
Callback callback;
const std::vector<Entry>& getEntries();
* @brief Adds a new data formatter
* @param unlocalizedName The unlocalized name of the formatter
* @param callback The function to call to format the data
void add(const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedName, const impl::Callback &callback);
/* File Handler Registry. Allows adding handlers for opening files specific file types */
namespace FileHandler {
namespace impl {
using Callback = std::function<bool(std::fs::path)>;
struct Entry {
std::vector<std::string> extensions;
Callback callback;
const std::vector<Entry>& getEntries();
* @brief Adds a new file handler
* @param extensions The file extensions to handle
* @param callback The function to call to handle the file
void add(const std::vector<std::string> &extensions, const impl::Callback &callback);
/* Hex Editor Registry. Allows adding new functionality to the hex editor */
namespace HexEditor {
class DataVisualizer {
DataVisualizer(UnlocalizedString unlocalizedName, u16 bytesPerCell, u16 maxCharsPerCell)
: m_unlocalizedName(std::move(unlocalizedName)),
m_maxCharsPerCell(maxCharsPerCell) { }
virtual ~DataVisualizer() = default;
virtual void draw(u64 address, const u8 *data, size_t size, bool upperCase) = 0;
virtual bool drawEditing(u64 address, u8 *data, size_t size, bool upperCase, bool startedEditing) = 0;
[[nodiscard]] u16 getBytesPerCell() const { return m_bytesPerCell; }
[[nodiscard]] u16 getMaxCharsPerCell() const { return m_maxCharsPerCell; }
[[nodiscard]] const UnlocalizedString& getUnlocalizedName() const { return m_unlocalizedName; }
const static int TextInputFlags;
bool drawDefaultScalarEditingTextBox(u64 address, const char *format, ImGuiDataType dataType, u8 *data, ImGuiInputTextFlags flags) const;
bool drawDefaultTextEditingTextBox(u64 address, std::string &data, ImGuiInputTextFlags flags) const;
UnlocalizedString m_unlocalizedName;
u16 m_bytesPerCell;
u16 m_maxCharsPerCell;
struct MiniMapVisualizer {
using Callback = std::function<ImColor(const std::vector<u8>&)>;
UnlocalizedString unlocalizedName;
Callback callback;
namespace impl {
void addDataVisualizer(std::shared_ptr<DataVisualizer> &&visualizer);
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DataVisualizer>>& getVisualizers();
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<MiniMapVisualizer>>& getMiniMapVisualizers();
* @brief Adds a new cell data visualizer
* @tparam T The data visualizer type that extends hex::DataVisualizer
* @param args The arguments to pass to the constructor of the data visualizer
template<std::derived_from<DataVisualizer> T, typename... Args>
void addDataVisualizer(Args &&...args) {
return impl::addDataVisualizer(std::make_shared<T>(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
* @brief Gets a data visualizer by its unlocalized name
* @param unlocalizedName Unlocalized name of the data visualizer
* @return The data visualizer, or nullptr if it doesn't exist
std::shared_ptr<DataVisualizer> getVisualizerByName(const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedName);
* @brief Adds a new minimap visualizer
* @param unlocalizedName Unlocalized name of the minimap visualizer
* @param callback The callback that will be called to get the color of a line
void addMiniMapVisualizer(UnlocalizedString unlocalizedName, MiniMapVisualizer::Callback callback);
/* Diffing Registry. Allows adding new diffing algorithms */
namespace Diffing {
enum class DifferenceType : u8 {
Match = 0,
Insertion = 1,
Deletion = 2,
Mismatch = 3
using DiffTree = wolv::container::IntervalTree<DifferenceType>;
class Algorithm {
explicit Algorithm(UnlocalizedString unlocalizedName, UnlocalizedString unlocalizedDescription)
: m_unlocalizedName(std::move(unlocalizedName)),
m_unlocalizedDescription(std::move(unlocalizedDescription)) { }
virtual ~Algorithm() = default;
virtual std::vector<DiffTree> analyze(prv::Provider *providerA, prv::Provider *providerB) const = 0;
virtual void drawSettings() { }
const UnlocalizedString& getUnlocalizedName() const { return m_unlocalizedName; }
const UnlocalizedString& getUnlocalizedDescription() const { return m_unlocalizedDescription; }
UnlocalizedString m_unlocalizedName, m_unlocalizedDescription;
namespace impl {
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Algorithm>>& getAlgorithms();
void addAlgorithm(std::unique_ptr<Algorithm> &&hash);
* @brief Adds a new hash
* @tparam T The hash type that extends hex::Hash
* @param args The arguments to pass to the constructor of the hash
template<typename T, typename ... Args>
void addAlgorithm(Args && ... args) {
/* Hash Registry. Allows adding new hashes to the Hash view */
namespace Hashes {
class Hash {
explicit Hash(UnlocalizedString unlocalizedName) : m_unlocalizedName(std::move(unlocalizedName)) {}
virtual ~Hash() = default;
class Function {
using Callback = std::function<std::vector<u8>(const Region&, prv::Provider *)>;
Function(Hash *type, std::string name, Callback callback)
: m_type(type), m_name(std::move(name)), m_callback(std::move(callback)) {
[[nodiscard]] Hash *getType() { return m_type; }
[[nodiscard]] const Hash *getType() const { return m_type; }
[[nodiscard]] const std::string& getName() const { return m_name; }
const std::vector<u8>& get(const Region& region, prv::Provider *provider) {
if (m_cache.empty()) {
m_cache = m_callback(region, provider);
return m_cache;
void reset() {
Hash *m_type;
std::string m_name;
Callback m_callback;
std::vector<u8> m_cache;
virtual void draw() { }
[[nodiscard]] virtual Function create(std::string name) = 0;
[[nodiscard]] virtual nlohmann::json store() const = 0;
virtual void load(const nlohmann::json &json) = 0;
[[nodiscard]] const UnlocalizedString& getUnlocalizedName() const {
return m_unlocalizedName;
[[nodiscard]] Function create(const std::string &name, const Function::Callback &callback) {
return { this, name, callback };
UnlocalizedString m_unlocalizedName;
namespace impl {
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Hash>>& getHashes();
void add(std::unique_ptr<Hash> &&hash);
* @brief Adds a new hash
* @tparam T The hash type that extends hex::Hash
* @param args The arguments to pass to the constructor of the hash
template<typename T, typename ... Args>
void add(Args && ... args) {
/* Background Service Registry. Allows adding new background services */
namespace BackgroundServices {
namespace impl {
using Callback = std::function<void()>;
void stopServices();
void registerService(const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedName, const impl::Callback &callback);
/* Network Communication Interface Registry. Allows adding new communication interface endpoints */
namespace CommunicationInterface {
namespace impl {
using NetworkCallback = std::function<nlohmann::json(const nlohmann::json &)>;
const std::map<std::string, NetworkCallback>& getNetworkEndpoints();
void registerNetworkEndpoint(const std::string &endpoint, const impl::NetworkCallback &callback);
/* Experiments Registry. Allows adding new experiments */
namespace Experiments {
namespace impl {
struct Experiment {
UnlocalizedString unlocalizedName, unlocalizedDescription;
bool enabled;
const std::map<std::string, Experiment>& getExperiments();
void addExperiment(
const std::string &experimentName,
const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedName,
const UnlocalizedString &unlocalizedDescription = ""
void enableExperiement(const std::string &experimentName, bool enabled);
[[nodiscard]] bool isExperimentEnabled(const std::string &experimentName);
namespace Reports {
namespace impl {
using Callback = std::function<std::string(prv::Provider*)>;
struct ReportGenerator {
Callback callback;
const std::vector<ReportGenerator>& getGenerators();
void addReportProvider(impl::Callback callback);