### Problem description The default result export functionality of the Find tool is limited to only exporting data in a nonstandard text format. This PR adds support for exporting the results in CSV, TSV or JSON format. The PR also removes the old format. ### Implementation description I added the classes `ExportFormatter`, `ExportFormatterCsv`, `ExportFormatterTsv` and `ExportFormatterJson`, with similar implementations to the pattern data exporters. ~~I also moved the `ViewFind::Occurrence` class into `hex/helpers/types.hh`, so the exporters can access it.~~ ### Screenshots  ### Additional things Another small change I made is moving the "{} entries found" line on the same line as the Search and Reset buttons. I think it looks cleaner this way, but if anyone disagrees, I can revert it. --------- Co-authored-by: WerWolv <werwolv98@gmail.com>
196 lines
9.1 KiB
196 lines
9.1 KiB
#include <hex/api/content_registry.hpp>
#include <hex/api/achievement_manager.hpp>
#include <hex/providers/provider.hpp>
#include <hex/providers/buffered_reader.hpp>
#include <hex/helpers/fmt.hpp>
#include <hex/helpers/crypto.hpp>
#include <hex/helpers/utils.hpp>
#include <content/export_formatters/export_formatter_csv.hpp>
#include <content/export_formatters/export_formatter_tsv.hpp>
#include <content/export_formatters/export_formatter_json.hpp>
namespace hex::plugin::builtin {
static std::string formatLanguageArray(prv::Provider *provider, u64 offset, size_t size, const std::string &start, const std::string &byteFormat, const std::string &end, bool removeFinalDelimiter= false) {
constexpr static auto NewLineIndent = "\n ";
constexpr static auto LineLength = 16;
std::string result;
result.reserve(start.size() + hex::format(byteFormat, 0x00).size() * size + + std::string(NewLineIndent).size() / LineLength + end.size());
result += start;
auto reader = prv::ProviderReader(provider);
reader.setEndAddress(offset + size - 1);
u64 index = 0x00;
for (u8 byte : reader) {
if ((index % LineLength) == 0x00)
result += NewLineIndent;
result += hex::format(byteFormat, byte);
// Remove trailing delimiter if required
if (removeFinalDelimiter && size > 0) {
result += "\n" + end;
return result;
void registerDataFormatters() {
ContentRegistry::DataFormatter::addExportMenuEntry("hex.builtin.view.hex_editor.copy.c", [](prv::Provider *provider, u64 offset, size_t size) {
return formatLanguageArray(provider, offset, size, hex::format("const uint8_t data[{0}] = {{", size), "0x{0:02X}, ", "};");
ContentRegistry::DataFormatter::addExportMenuEntry("hex.builtin.view.hex_editor.copy.cpp", [](prv::Provider *provider, u64 offset, size_t size) {
AchievementManager::unlockAchievement("hex.builtin.achievement.hex_editor", "hex.builtin.achievement.hex_editor.copy_as.name");
return formatLanguageArray(provider, offset, size, hex::format("constexpr std::array<uint8_t, {0}> data = {{", size), "0x{0:02X}, ", "};");
ContentRegistry::DataFormatter::addExportMenuEntry("hex.builtin.view.hex_editor.copy.java", [](prv::Provider *provider, u64 offset, size_t size) {
return formatLanguageArray(provider, offset, size, "final byte[] data = {", "0x{0:02X}, ", "};");
ContentRegistry::DataFormatter::addExportMenuEntry("hex.builtin.view.hex_editor.copy.csharp", [](prv::Provider *provider, u64 offset, size_t size) {
return formatLanguageArray(provider, offset, size, "const byte[] data = {", "0x{0:02X}, ", "};");
ContentRegistry::DataFormatter::addExportMenuEntry("hex.builtin.view.hex_editor.copy.rust", [](prv::Provider *provider, u64 offset, size_t size) {
return formatLanguageArray(provider, offset, size, hex::format("let data: [u8; 0x{0:02X}] = [", size), "0x{0:02X}, ", "];");
ContentRegistry::DataFormatter::addExportMenuEntry("hex.builtin.view.hex_editor.copy.python", [](prv::Provider *provider, u64 offset, size_t size) {
return formatLanguageArray(provider, offset, size, "data = bytes([", "0x{0:02X}, ", "])");
ContentRegistry::DataFormatter::addExportMenuEntry("hex.builtin.view.hex_editor.copy.js", [](prv::Provider *provider, u64 offset, size_t size) {
return formatLanguageArray(provider, offset, size, "const data = new Uint8Array([", "0x{0:02X}, ", "]);");
ContentRegistry::DataFormatter::addExportMenuEntry("hex.builtin.view.hex_editor.copy.lua", [](prv::Provider *provider, u64 offset, size_t size) {
return formatLanguageArray(provider, offset, size, "data = {", "0x{0:02X}, ", "}");
ContentRegistry::DataFormatter::addExportMenuEntry("hex.builtin.view.hex_editor.copy.go", [](prv::Provider *provider, u64 offset, size_t size) {
return formatLanguageArray(provider, offset, size, "data := [...]byte{", "0x{0:02X}, ", "}", false);
ContentRegistry::DataFormatter::addExportMenuEntry("hex.builtin.view.hex_editor.copy.crystal", [](prv::Provider *provider, u64 offset, size_t size) {
return formatLanguageArray(provider, offset, size, "data = [", "0x{0:02X}, ", "] of UInt8");
ContentRegistry::DataFormatter::addExportMenuEntry("hex.builtin.view.hex_editor.copy.swift", [](prv::Provider *provider, u64 offset, size_t size) {
return formatLanguageArray(provider, offset, size, "let data: [Uint8] = [", "0x{0:02X}, ", "]");
ContentRegistry::DataFormatter::addExportMenuEntry("hex.builtin.view.hex_editor.copy.pascal", [](prv::Provider *provider, u64 offset, size_t size) {
return formatLanguageArray(provider, offset, size, hex::format("data: array[0..{0}] of Byte = (", size - 1), "${0:02X}, ", ")");
ContentRegistry::DataFormatter::addExportMenuEntry("hex.builtin.view.hex_editor.copy.base64", [](prv::Provider *provider, u64 offset, size_t size) {
std::vector<u8> data(size, 0x00);
provider->read(offset, data.data(), size);
auto result = crypt::encode64(data);
return std::string(result.begin(), result.end());
ContentRegistry::DataFormatter::addExportMenuEntry("hex.builtin.view.hex_editor.copy.hex_view", [](prv::Provider *provider, u64 offset, size_t size) {
return hex::generateHexView(offset, size, provider);
ContentRegistry::DataFormatter::addExportMenuEntry("hex.builtin.view.hex_editor.copy.html", [](prv::Provider *provider, u64 offset, size_t size) {
std::string result =
" <style type=\"text/css\">\n"
" .offsetheader { color:#0000A0; line-height:200% }\n"
" .offsetcolumn { color:#0000A0 }\n"
" .hexcolumn { color:#000000 }\n"
" .textcolumn { color:#000000 }\n"
" .zerobyte { color:#808080 }\n"
" </style>\n\n"
" <code>\n"
" <span class=\"offsetheader\">Hex View  00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07  08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F</span>";
auto reader = prv::ProviderReader(provider);
reader.setEndAddress((offset + size) - 1);
u64 address = offset & ~u64(0x0F);
std::string asciiRow;
for (u8 byte : reader) {
if ((address % 0x10) == 0) {
result += hex::format(" {}", asciiRow);
result += hex::format("<br>\n <span class=\"offsetcolumn\">{0:08X}</span>  <span class=\"hexcolumn\">", address);
if (address == (offset & ~u64(0x0F))) {
for (u64 i = 0; i < (offset - address); i++) {
result += "   ";
asciiRow += " ";
address = offset;
result += "</span>";
std::string tagStart, tagEnd;
if (byte == 0x00) {
tagStart = "<span class=\"zerobyte\">";
tagEnd = "</span>";
result += hex::format("{0}{2:02X}{1} ", tagStart, tagEnd, byte);
asciiRow += std::isprint(byte) ? char(byte) : '.';
if ((address % 0x10) == 0x07)
result += " ";
if (address % 0x10 != 0x00)
for (u32 i = 0; i < (0x10 - (address % 0x10)); i++)
result += "   ";
result += asciiRow;
result +=
"\n </code>\n"
return result;
ContentRegistry::DataFormatter::addFindExportFormatter("csv", "csv", [](const std::vector<ContentRegistry::DataFormatter::impl::FindOccurrence>& occurrences, const auto &transformFunc) {
export_fmt::ExportFormatterCsv formatter;
return formatter.format(occurrences, transformFunc);
ContentRegistry::DataFormatter::addFindExportFormatter("tsv", "tsv", [](const std::vector<ContentRegistry::DataFormatter::impl::FindOccurrence>& occurrences, const auto &transformFunc) {
export_fmt::ExportFormatterTsv formatter;
return formatter.format(occurrences, transformFunc);
ContentRegistry::DataFormatter::addFindExportFormatter("json", "json", [](const std::vector<ContentRegistry::DataFormatter::impl::FindOccurrence>& occurrences, const auto &transformFunc) {
export_fmt::ExportFormatterJson formatter;
return formatter.format(occurrences, transformFunc);