mirror of synced 2025-03-02 07:51:27 +01:00
WerWolv 5c7a529fa1
Added Data Processor using Nodes (#152)
* Added imnodes

* Added basic data processor view. Still needs to be cleaned up

* Make sure all attached links get properly removed when a Node is deleted

* Cleanup and API exposing

* Added data provider overlays and integrate them with the data processor

* Optimized data processing

* Node UI enhancements

* Added support for all themes to the nodes editor

* Improved data processor context menus

* Fixed data processor context menu showing up everywhere

* Make hex editor context menu behave the same as data processor one

* Add different node pin types and prevent incompatible ones from being connected

* Don't require explicitly marking node as end node

* Fixed plugin copying

* Added some more nodes
2021-01-30 22:39:06 +01:00

2945 lines
90 KiB

// the structure of this file:
// [SECTION] internal data structures
// [SECTION] global struct
// [SECTION] editor context definition
// [SECTION] draw list helper
// [SECTION] ObjectPool implementation
// [SECTION] ui state logic
// [SECTION] render helpers
// [SECTION] API implementation
#include "imnodes.h"
#include <imgui.h>
#include <imgui_internal.h>
// Check minimum ImGui version
#error "Minimum ImGui version requirement not met -- please use a newer version!"
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <new>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h> // strlen, strncmp
#include <stdio.h> // for fwrite, ssprintf, sscanf
#include <stdlib.h>
namespace imnodes
enum ScopeFlags
Scope_None = 1,
Scope_Editor = 1 << 1,
Scope_Node = 1 << 2,
Scope_Attribute = 1 << 3
enum AttributeType
enum ElementStateChange
ElementStateChange_None = 0,
ElementStateChange_LinkStarted = 1 << 0,
ElementStateChange_LinkDropped = 1 << 1,
ElementStateChange_LinkCreated = 1 << 2
// [SECTION] internal data structures
// The object T must have the following interface:
// struct T
// {
// T();
// int id;
// };
template<typename T>
struct ObjectPool
ImVector<T> pool;
ImVector<bool> in_use;
ImVector<int> free_list;
ImGuiStorage id_map;
ObjectPool() : pool(), in_use(), free_list(), id_map() {}
// Emulates std::optional<int> using the sentinel value `invalid_index`.
struct OptionalIndex
OptionalIndex() : m_index(invalid_index) {}
OptionalIndex(const int value) : m_index(value) {}
// Observers
inline bool has_value() const { return m_index != invalid_index; }
inline int value() const
return m_index;
// Modifiers
inline OptionalIndex& operator=(const int value)
m_index = value;
return *this;
inline void reset() { m_index = invalid_index; }
inline bool operator==(const OptionalIndex& rhs) const { return m_index == rhs.m_index; }
inline bool operator==(const int rhs) const { return m_index == rhs; }
static const int invalid_index = -1;
int m_index;
struct NodeData
int id;
ImVec2 origin; // The node origin is in editor space
ImRect title_bar_content_rect;
ImRect rect;
ImU32 background, background_hovered, background_selected, outline, titlebar,
titlebar_hovered, titlebar_selected;
} color_style;
float corner_rounding;
ImVec2 padding;
float border_thickness;
} layout_style;
ImVector<int> pin_indices;
bool draggable;
NodeData(const int node_id)
: id(node_id), origin(100.0f, 100.0f), title_bar_content_rect(),
rect(ImVec2(0.0f, 0.0f), ImVec2(0.0f, 0.0f)), color_style(), layout_style(),
pin_indices(), draggable(true)
~NodeData() { id = INT_MIN; }
struct PinData
int id;
int parent_node_idx;
ImRect attribute_rect;
AttributeType type;
PinShape shape;
ImVec2 pos; // screen-space coordinates
int flags;
ImU32 background, hovered;
} color_style;
PinData(const int pin_id)
: id(pin_id), parent_node_idx(), attribute_rect(), type(AttributeType_None),
shape(PinShape_CircleFilled), pos(), flags(AttributeFlags_None), color_style()
struct LinkData
int id;
int start_pin_idx, end_pin_idx;
ImU32 base, hovered, selected;
} color_style;
LinkData(const int link_id) : id(link_id), start_pin_idx(), end_pin_idx(), color_style() {}
struct LinkPredicate
bool operator()(const LinkData& lhs, const LinkData& rhs) const
// Do a unique compare by sorting the pins' addresses.
// This catches duplicate links, whether they are in the
// same direction or not.
// Sorting by pin index should have the uniqueness guarantees as sorting
// by id -- each unique id will get one slot in the link pool array.
int lhs_start = lhs.start_pin_idx;
int lhs_end = lhs.end_pin_idx;
int rhs_start = rhs.start_pin_idx;
int rhs_end = rhs.end_pin_idx;
if (lhs_start > lhs_end)
ImSwap(lhs_start, lhs_end);
if (rhs_start > rhs_end)
ImSwap(rhs_start, rhs_end);
return lhs_start == rhs_start && lhs_end == rhs_end;
struct BezierCurve
// the curve control points
ImVec2 p0, p1, p2, p3;
struct LinkBezierData
BezierCurve bezier;
int num_segments;
enum ClickInteractionType
enum LinkCreationType
struct ClickInteractionState
int start_pin_idx;
OptionalIndex end_pin_idx;
LinkCreationType link_creation_type;
} link_creation;
ImRect rect;
} box_selector;
struct ColorStyleElement
ImU32 color;
ColorStyle item;
ColorStyleElement(const ImU32 c, const ColorStyle s) : color(c), item(s) {}
struct StyleElement
StyleVar item;
float value;
StyleElement(const float value, const StyleVar variable) : item(variable), value(value) {}
// [SECTION] global struct
// this stores data which only lives for one frame
EditorContext* default_editor_ctx;
EditorContext* editor_ctx;
// Canvas draw list and helper state
ImDrawList* canvas_draw_list;
ImGuiStorage node_idx_to_submission_idx;
ImVector<int> node_idx_submission_order;
ImVector<int> node_indices_overlapping_with_mouse;
// Canvas extents
ImVec2 canvas_origin_screen_space;
ImRect canvas_rect_screen_space;
// Debug helpers
ScopeFlags current_scope;
// Configuration state
IO io;
Style style;
ImVector<ColorStyleElement> color_modifier_stack;
ImVector<StyleElement> style_modifier_stack;
ImGuiTextBuffer text_buffer;
int current_attribute_flags;
ImVector<int> attribute_flag_stack;
// UI element state
int current_node_idx;
int current_pin_idx;
int current_attribute_id;
OptionalIndex hovered_node_idx;
OptionalIndex interactive_node_idx;
OptionalIndex hovered_link_idx;
OptionalIndex hovered_pin_idx;
int hovered_pin_flags;
OptionalIndex deleted_link_idx;
OptionalIndex snap_link_idx;
// Event helper state
int element_state_change;
int active_attribute_id;
bool active_attribute;
// ImGui::IO cache
ImVec2 mouse_pos;
bool left_mouse_clicked;
bool left_mouse_released;
bool middle_mouse_clicked;
bool left_mouse_dragging;
bool middle_mouse_dragging;
} g;
EditorContext& editor_context_get()
// No editor context was set! Did you forget to call imnodes::Initialize?
assert(g.editor_ctx != NULL);
return *g.editor_ctx;
inline bool is_mouse_hovering_near_point(const ImVec2& point, float radius)
ImVec2 delta = g.mouse_pos - point;
return (delta.x * delta.x + delta.y * delta.y) < (radius * radius);
inline ImVec2 eval_bezier(float t, const BezierCurve& bezier)
// B(t) = (1-t)**3 p0 + 3(1 - t)**2 t P1 + 3(1-t)t**2 P2 + t**3 P3
return ImVec2(
(1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * bezier.p0.x + 3 * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * t * bezier.p1.x +
3 * (1 - t) * t * t * bezier.p2.x + t * t * t * bezier.p3.x,
(1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * bezier.p0.y + 3 * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * t * bezier.p1.y +
3 * (1 - t) * t * t * bezier.p2.y + t * t * t * bezier.p3.y);
// Calculates the closest point along each bezier curve segment.
ImVec2 get_closest_point_on_cubic_bezier(
const int num_segments,
const ImVec2& p,
const BezierCurve& bezier)
IM_ASSERT(num_segments > 0);
ImVec2 p_last = bezier.p0;
ImVec2 p_closest;
float p_closest_dist = FLT_MAX;
float t_step = 1.0f / (float)num_segments;
for (int i = 1; i <= num_segments; ++i)
ImVec2 p_current = eval_bezier(t_step * i, bezier);
ImVec2 p_line = ImLineClosestPoint(p_last, p_current, p);
float dist = ImLengthSqr(p - p_line);
if (dist < p_closest_dist)
p_closest = p_line;
p_closest_dist = dist;
p_last = p_current;
return p_closest;
inline float get_distance_to_cubic_bezier(
const ImVec2& pos,
const BezierCurve& bezier,
const int num_segments)
const ImVec2 point_on_curve = get_closest_point_on_cubic_bezier(num_segments, pos, bezier);
const ImVec2 to_curve = point_on_curve - pos;
return ImSqrt(ImLengthSqr(to_curve));
inline ImRect get_containing_rect_for_bezier_curve(const BezierCurve& bezier)
const ImVec2 min = ImVec2(ImMin(bezier.p0.x, bezier.p3.x), ImMin(bezier.p0.y, bezier.p3.y));
const ImVec2 max = ImVec2(ImMax(bezier.p0.x, bezier.p3.x), ImMax(bezier.p0.y, bezier.p3.y));
const float hover_distance = g.style.link_hover_distance;
ImRect rect(min, max);
rect.Expand(ImVec2(hover_distance, hover_distance));
return rect;
inline LinkBezierData get_link_renderable(
ImVec2 start,
ImVec2 end,
const AttributeType start_type,
const float line_segments_per_length)
assert((start_type == AttributeType_Input) || (start_type == AttributeType_Output));
if (start_type == AttributeType_Input)
ImSwap(start, end);
const float link_length = ImSqrt(ImLengthSqr(end - start));
const ImVec2 offset = ImVec2(0.25f * link_length, 0.f);
LinkBezierData link_data;
link_data.bezier.p0 = start;
link_data.bezier.p1 = start + offset;
link_data.bezier.p2 = end - offset;
link_data.bezier.p3 = end;
link_data.num_segments = ImMax(static_cast<int>(link_length * line_segments_per_length), 1);
return link_data;
inline bool is_mouse_hovering_near_link(const BezierCurve& bezier, const int num_segments)
const ImVec2 mouse_pos = g.mouse_pos;
// First, do a simple bounding box test against the box containing the link
// to see whether calculating the distance to the link is worth doing.
const ImRect link_rect = get_containing_rect_for_bezier_curve(bezier);
if (link_rect.Contains(mouse_pos))
const float distance = get_distance_to_cubic_bezier(mouse_pos, bezier, num_segments);
if (distance < g.style.link_hover_distance)
return true;
return false;
inline float eval_implicit_line_eq(const ImVec2& p1, const ImVec2& p2, const ImVec2& p)
return (p2.y - p1.y) * p.x + (p1.x - p2.x) * p.y + (p2.x * p1.y - p1.x * p2.y);
inline int sign(float val) { return int(val > 0.0f) - int(val < 0.0f); }
inline bool rectangle_overlaps_line_segment(const ImRect& rect, const ImVec2& p1, const ImVec2& p2)
// Trivial case: rectangle contains an endpoint
if (rect.Contains(p1) || rect.Contains(p2))
return true;
// Flip rectangle if necessary
ImRect flip_rect = rect;
if (flip_rect.Min.x > flip_rect.Max.x)
ImSwap(flip_rect.Min.x, flip_rect.Max.x);
if (flip_rect.Min.y > flip_rect.Max.y)
ImSwap(flip_rect.Min.y, flip_rect.Max.y);
// Trivial case: line segment lies to one particular side of rectangle
if ((p1.x < flip_rect.Min.x && p2.x < flip_rect.Min.x) ||
(p1.x > flip_rect.Max.x && p2.x > flip_rect.Max.x) ||
(p1.y < flip_rect.Min.y && p2.y < flip_rect.Min.y) ||
(p1.y > flip_rect.Max.y && p2.y > flip_rect.Max.y))
return false;
const int corner_signs[4] = {
sign(eval_implicit_line_eq(p1, p2, flip_rect.Min)),
sign(eval_implicit_line_eq(p1, p2, ImVec2(flip_rect.Max.x, flip_rect.Min.y))),
sign(eval_implicit_line_eq(p1, p2, ImVec2(flip_rect.Min.x, flip_rect.Max.y))),
sign(eval_implicit_line_eq(p1, p2, flip_rect.Max))};
int sum = 0;
int sum_abs = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
sum += corner_signs[i];
sum_abs += abs(corner_signs[i]);
// At least one corner of rectangle lies on a different side of line segment
return abs(sum) != sum_abs;
inline bool rectangle_overlaps_bezier(const ImRect& rectangle, const LinkBezierData& link_data)
ImVec2 current = eval_bezier(0.f, link_data.bezier);
const float dt = 1.0f / link_data.num_segments;
for (int s = 0; s < link_data.num_segments; ++s)
ImVec2 next = eval_bezier(static_cast<float>((s + 1) * dt), link_data.bezier);
if (rectangle_overlaps_line_segment(rectangle, current, next))
return true;
current = next;
return false;
inline bool rectangle_overlaps_link(
const ImRect& rectangle,
const ImVec2& start,
const ImVec2& end,
const AttributeType start_type)
// First level: simple rejection test via rectangle overlap:
ImRect lrect = ImRect(start, end);
if (lrect.Min.x > lrect.Max.x)
ImSwap(lrect.Min.x, lrect.Max.x);
if (lrect.Min.y > lrect.Max.y)
ImSwap(lrect.Min.y, lrect.Max.y);
if (rectangle.Overlaps(lrect))
// First, check if either one or both endpoinds are trivially contained
// in the rectangle
if (rectangle.Contains(start) || rectangle.Contains(end))
return true;
// Second level of refinement: do a more expensive test against the
// link
const LinkBezierData link_data =
get_link_renderable(start, end, start_type, g.style.link_line_segments_per_length);
return rectangle_overlaps_bezier(rectangle, link_data);
return false;
} // namespace
// [SECTION] editor context definition
struct EditorContext
ObjectPool<NodeData> nodes;
ObjectPool<PinData> pins;
ObjectPool<LinkData> links;
ImVector<int> node_depth_order;
// ui related fields
ImVec2 panning;
ImVector<int> selected_node_indices;
ImVector<int> selected_link_indices;
ClickInteractionType click_interaction_type;
ClickInteractionState click_interaction_state;
: nodes(), pins(), links(), panning(0.f, 0.f), selected_node_indices(),
selected_link_indices(), click_interaction_type(ClickInteractionType_None),
// [SECTION] draw list helper
void ImDrawList_grow_channels(ImDrawList* draw_list, const int num_channels)
ImDrawListSplitter& splitter = draw_list->_Splitter;
if (splitter._Count == 1)
splitter.Split(draw_list, num_channels + 1);
// NOTE: this logic has been lifted from ImDrawListSplitter::Split with slight modifications
// to allow nested splits. The main modification is that we only create new ImDrawChannel
// instances after splitter._Count, instead of over the whole splitter._Channels array like
// the regular ImDrawListSplitter::Split method does.
const int old_channel_capacity = splitter._Channels.Size;
// NOTE: _Channels is not resized down, and therefore _Count <= _Channels.size()!
const int old_channel_count = splitter._Count;
const int requested_channel_count = old_channel_count + num_channels;
if (old_channel_capacity < old_channel_count + num_channels)
splitter._Count = requested_channel_count;
for (int i = old_channel_count; i < requested_channel_count; ++i)
ImDrawChannel& channel = splitter._Channels[i];
// If we're inside the old capacity region of the array, we need to reuse the existing
// memory of the command and index buffers.
if (i < old_channel_capacity)
// Else, we need to construct new draw channels.
IM_PLACEMENT_NEW(&channel) ImDrawChannel();
ImDrawCmd draw_cmd;
draw_cmd.ClipRect = draw_list->_ClipRectStack.back();
draw_cmd.TextureId = draw_list->_TextureIdStack.back();
void ImDrawListSplitter_swap_channels(
ImDrawListSplitter& splitter,
const int lhs_idx,
const int rhs_idx)
if (lhs_idx == rhs_idx)
assert(lhs_idx >= 0 && lhs_idx < splitter._Count);
assert(rhs_idx >= 0 && rhs_idx < splitter._Count);
ImDrawChannel& lhs_channel = splitter._Channels[lhs_idx];
ImDrawChannel& rhs_channel = splitter._Channels[rhs_idx];
const int current_channel = splitter._Current;
if (current_channel == lhs_idx)
splitter._Current = rhs_idx;
else if (current_channel == rhs_idx)
splitter._Current = lhs_idx;
void draw_list_set(ImDrawList* window_draw_list)
g.canvas_draw_list = window_draw_list;
// The draw list channels are structured as follows. First we have our base channel, the canvas grid
// on which we render the grid lines in BeginNodeEditor(). The base channel is the reason
// draw_list_submission_idx_to_background_channel_idx offsets the index by one. Each BeginNode()
// call appends two new draw channels, for the node background and foreground. The node foreground
// is the channel into which the node's ImGui content is rendered. Finally, in EndNodeEditor() we
// append one last draw channel for rendering the selection box and the incomplete link on top of
// everything else.
// +----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+
// | | | | | | |
// |canvas |node |node |... |... |click |
// |grid |background|foreground| | |interaction
// | | | | | | |
// +----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+
// | |
// | submission idx |
// | |
// -----------------------
void draw_list_add_node(const int node_idx)
static_cast<ImGuiID>(node_idx), g.node_idx_submission_order.Size);
ImDrawList_grow_channels(g.canvas_draw_list, 2);
void draw_list_append_click_interaction_channel()
// NOTE: don't use this function outside of EndNodeEditor. Using this before all nodes have been
// added will screw up the node draw order.
ImDrawList_grow_channels(g.canvas_draw_list, 1);
int draw_list_submission_idx_to_background_channel_idx(const int submission_idx)
// NOTE: the first channel is the canvas background, i.e. the grid
return 1 + 2 * submission_idx;
int draw_list_submission_idx_to_foreground_channel_idx(const int submission_idx)
return draw_list_submission_idx_to_background_channel_idx(submission_idx) + 1;
void draw_list_activate_click_interaction_channel()
g.canvas_draw_list, g.canvas_draw_list->_Splitter._Count - 1);
void draw_list_activate_current_node_foreground()
const int foreground_channel_idx =
draw_list_submission_idx_to_foreground_channel_idx(g.node_idx_submission_order.Size - 1);
g.canvas_draw_list->_Splitter.SetCurrentChannel(g.canvas_draw_list, foreground_channel_idx);
void draw_list_activate_node_background(const int node_idx)
const int submission_idx =
g.node_idx_to_submission_idx.GetInt(static_cast<ImGuiID>(node_idx), -1);
// There is a discrepancy in the submitted node count and the rendered node count! Did you call
// one of the following functions
// * EditorContextMoveToNode
// * SetNodeScreenSpacePos
// * SetNodeGridSpacePos
// * SetNodeDraggable
// after the BeginNode/EndNode function calls?
assert(submission_idx != -1);
const int background_channel_idx =
g.canvas_draw_list->_Splitter.SetCurrentChannel(g.canvas_draw_list, background_channel_idx);
void draw_list_swap_submission_indices(const int lhs_idx, const int rhs_idx)
assert(lhs_idx != rhs_idx);
const int lhs_foreground_channel_idx =
const int lhs_background_channel_idx =
const int rhs_foreground_channel_idx =
const int rhs_background_channel_idx =
g.canvas_draw_list->_Splitter, lhs_background_channel_idx, rhs_background_channel_idx);
g.canvas_draw_list->_Splitter, lhs_foreground_channel_idx, rhs_foreground_channel_idx);
void draw_list_sort_channels_by_depth(const ImVector<int>& node_idx_depth_order)
if (g.node_idx_to_submission_idx.Data.Size < 2)
assert(node_idx_depth_order.Size == g.node_idx_submission_order.Size);
int start_idx = node_idx_depth_order.Size - 1;
while (node_idx_depth_order[start_idx] == g.node_idx_submission_order[start_idx])
if (--start_idx == 0)
// early out if submission order and depth order are the same
// TODO: this is an O(N^2) algorithm. It might be worthwhile revisiting this to see if the time
// complexity can be reduced.
for (int depth_idx = start_idx; depth_idx > 0; --depth_idx)
const int node_idx = node_idx_depth_order[depth_idx];
// Find the current index of the node_idx in the submission order array
int submission_idx = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < g.node_idx_submission_order.Size; ++i)
if (g.node_idx_submission_order[i] == node_idx)
submission_idx = i;
assert(submission_idx >= 0);
if (submission_idx == depth_idx)
for (int j = submission_idx; j < depth_idx; ++j)
draw_list_swap_submission_indices(j, j + 1);
ImSwap(g.node_idx_submission_order[j], g.node_idx_submission_order[j + 1]);
// [SECTION] ObjectPool implementation
template<typename T>
int object_pool_find(ObjectPool<T>& objects, const int id)
const int index = objects.id_map.GetInt(static_cast<ImGuiID>(id), -1);
return index;
template<typename T>
void object_pool_update(ObjectPool<T>& objects)
for (int i = 0; i < objects.in_use.size(); ++i)
if (!objects.in_use[i])
objects.id_map.SetInt(objects.pool[i].id, -1);
(objects.pool.Data + i)->~T();
void object_pool_update(ObjectPool<NodeData>& nodes)
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.in_use.size(); ++i)
if (nodes.in_use[i])
const int previous_id = nodes.pool[i].id;
const int previous_idx = nodes.id_map.GetInt(previous_id, -1);
if (previous_idx != -1)
assert(previous_idx == i);
// Remove node idx form depth stack the first time we detect that this idx slot is
// unused
ImVector<int>& depth_stack = editor_context_get().node_depth_order;
const int* const elem = depth_stack.find(i);
assert(elem != depth_stack.end());
nodes.id_map.SetInt(previous_id, -1);
(nodes.pool.Data + i)->~NodeData();
template<typename T>
void object_pool_reset(ObjectPool<T>& objects)
if (!objects.in_use.empty())
memset(objects.in_use.Data, 0, objects.in_use.size_in_bytes());
template<typename T>
int object_pool_find_or_create_index(ObjectPool<T>& objects, const int id)
int index = objects.id_map.GetInt(static_cast<ImGuiID>(id), -1);
// Construct new object
if (index == -1)
if (objects.free_list.empty())
index = objects.pool.size();
IM_ASSERT(objects.pool.size() == objects.in_use.size());
const int new_size = objects.pool.size() + 1;
index = objects.free_list.back();
IM_PLACEMENT_NEW(objects.pool.Data + index) T(id);
objects.id_map.SetInt(static_cast<ImGuiID>(id), index);
// Flag it as used
objects.in_use[index] = true;
return index;
int object_pool_find_or_create_index(ObjectPool<NodeData>& nodes, const int node_id)
int node_idx = nodes.id_map.GetInt(static_cast<ImGuiID>(node_id), -1);
// Construct new node
if (node_idx == -1)
if (nodes.free_list.empty())
node_idx = nodes.pool.size();
IM_ASSERT(nodes.pool.size() == nodes.in_use.size());
const int new_size = nodes.pool.size() + 1;
node_idx = nodes.free_list.back();
IM_PLACEMENT_NEW(nodes.pool.Data + node_idx) NodeData(node_id);
nodes.id_map.SetInt(static_cast<ImGuiID>(node_id), node_idx);
EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
// Flag node as used
nodes.in_use[node_idx] = true;
return node_idx;
template<typename T>
T& object_pool_find_or_create_object(ObjectPool<T>& objects, const int id)
const int index = object_pool_find_or_create_index(objects, id);
return objects.pool[index];
// [SECTION] ui state logic
ImVec2 get_screen_space_pin_coordinates(
const ImRect& node_rect,
const ImRect& attribute_rect,
const AttributeType type)
assert(type == AttributeType_Input || type == AttributeType_Output);
const float x = type == AttributeType_Input ? (node_rect.Min.x - g.style.pin_offset)
: (node_rect.Max.x + g.style.pin_offset);
return ImVec2(x, 0.5f * (attribute_rect.Min.y + attribute_rect.Max.y));
ImVec2 get_screen_space_pin_coordinates(const EditorContext& editor, const PinData& pin)
const ImRect& parent_node_rect = editor.nodes.pool[pin.parent_node_idx].rect;
return get_screen_space_pin_coordinates(parent_node_rect, pin.attribute_rect, pin.type);
// These functions are here, and not members of the BoxSelector struct, because
// implementing a C API in C++ is frustrating. EditorContext has a BoxSelector
// field, but the state changes depend on the editor. So, these are implemented
// as C-style free functions so that the code is not too much of a mish-mash of
// C functions and C++ method definitions.
bool mouse_in_canvas()
return g.canvas_rect_screen_space.Contains(ImGui::GetMousePos()) && ImGui::IsWindowHovered();
void begin_node_selection(EditorContext& editor, const int node_idx)
// Don't start selecting a node if we are e.g. already creating and dragging
// a new link! New link creation can happen when the mouse is clicked over
// a node, but within the hover radius of a pin.
if (editor.click_interaction_type != ClickInteractionType_None)
editor.click_interaction_type = ClickInteractionType_Node;
// If the node is not already contained in the selection, then we want only
// the interaction node to be selected, effective immediately.
// Otherwise, we want to allow for the possibility of multiple nodes to be
// moved at once.
if (!editor.selected_node_indices.contains(node_idx))
// Ensure that individually selected nodes get rendered on top
ImVector<int>& depth_stack = editor.node_depth_order;
const int* const elem = depth_stack.find(node_idx);
assert(elem != depth_stack.end());
void begin_link_selection(EditorContext& editor, const int link_idx)
editor.click_interaction_type = ClickInteractionType_Link;
// When a link is selected, clear all other selections, and insert the link
// as the sole selection.
void begin_link_detach(EditorContext& editor, const int link_idx, const int detach_pin_idx)
const LinkData& link = editor.links.pool[link_idx];
ClickInteractionState& state = editor.click_interaction_state;
state.link_creation.start_pin_idx =
detach_pin_idx == link.start_pin_idx ? link.end_pin_idx : link.start_pin_idx;
g.deleted_link_idx = link_idx;
void begin_link_interaction(EditorContext& editor, const int link_idx)
// First check if we are clicking a link in the vicinity of a pin.
// This may result in a link detach via click and drag.
if (editor.click_interaction_type == ClickInteractionType_LinkCreation)
if ((g.hovered_pin_flags & AttributeFlags_EnableLinkDetachWithDragClick) != 0)
begin_link_detach(editor, link_idx, g.hovered_pin_idx.value());
editor.click_interaction_state.link_creation.link_creation_type =
// If we aren't near a pin, check if we are clicking the link with the
// modifier pressed. This may also result in a link detach via clicking.
const bool modifier_pressed = g.io.link_detach_with_modifier_click.modifier == NULL
? false
: *g.io.link_detach_with_modifier_click.modifier;
if (modifier_pressed)
const LinkData& link = editor.links.pool[link_idx];
const PinData& start_pin = editor.pins.pool[link.start_pin_idx];
const PinData& end_pin = editor.pins.pool[link.end_pin_idx];
const ImVec2& mouse_pos = g.mouse_pos;
const float dist_to_start = ImLengthSqr(start_pin.pos - mouse_pos);
const float dist_to_end = ImLengthSqr(end_pin.pos - mouse_pos);
const int closest_pin_idx =
dist_to_start < dist_to_end ? link.start_pin_idx : link.end_pin_idx;
editor.click_interaction_type = ClickInteractionType_LinkCreation;
begin_link_detach(editor, link_idx, closest_pin_idx);
begin_link_selection(editor, link_idx);
void begin_link_creation(EditorContext& editor, const int hovered_pin_idx)
editor.click_interaction_type = ClickInteractionType_LinkCreation;
editor.click_interaction_state.link_creation.start_pin_idx = hovered_pin_idx;
editor.click_interaction_state.link_creation.link_creation_type = LinkCreationType_Standard;
g.element_state_change |= ElementStateChange_LinkStarted;
void begin_canvas_interaction(EditorContext& editor)
const bool any_ui_element_hovered = g.hovered_node_idx.has_value() ||
g.hovered_link_idx.has_value() ||
g.hovered_pin_idx.has_value() || ImGui::IsAnyItemHovered();
const bool mouse_not_in_canvas = !mouse_in_canvas();
if (editor.click_interaction_type != ClickInteractionType_None || any_ui_element_hovered ||
const bool started_panning =
? (g.left_mouse_clicked && *g.io.emulate_three_button_mouse.modifier)
: g.middle_mouse_clicked;
if (started_panning)
editor.click_interaction_type = ClickInteractionType_Panning;
else if (g.left_mouse_clicked)
editor.click_interaction_type = ClickInteractionType_BoxSelection;
editor.click_interaction_state.box_selector.rect.Min = g.mouse_pos;
void box_selector_update_selection(EditorContext& editor, ImRect box_rect)
// Invert box selector coordinates as needed
if (box_rect.Min.x > box_rect.Max.x)
ImSwap(box_rect.Min.x, box_rect.Max.x);
if (box_rect.Min.y > box_rect.Max.y)
ImSwap(box_rect.Min.y, box_rect.Max.y);
// Update node selection
// Test for overlap against node rectangles
for (int node_idx = 0; node_idx < editor.nodes.pool.size(); ++node_idx)
if (editor.nodes.in_use[node_idx])
NodeData& node = editor.nodes.pool[node_idx];
if (box_rect.Overlaps(node.rect))
// Update link selection
// Test for overlap against links
for (int link_idx = 0; link_idx < editor.links.pool.size(); ++link_idx)
if (editor.links.in_use[link_idx])
const LinkData& link = editor.links.pool[link_idx];
const PinData& pin_start = editor.pins.pool[link.start_pin_idx];
const PinData& pin_end = editor.pins.pool[link.end_pin_idx];
const ImRect& node_start_rect = editor.nodes.pool[pin_start.parent_node_idx].rect;
const ImRect& node_end_rect = editor.nodes.pool[pin_end.parent_node_idx].rect;
const ImVec2 start = get_screen_space_pin_coordinates(
node_start_rect, pin_start.attribute_rect, pin_start.type);
const ImVec2 end = get_screen_space_pin_coordinates(
node_end_rect, pin_end.attribute_rect, pin_end.type);
// Test
if (rectangle_overlaps_link(box_rect, start, end, pin_start.type))
void translate_selected_nodes(EditorContext& editor)
if (g.left_mouse_dragging)
const ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();
for (int i = 0; i < editor.selected_node_indices.size(); ++i)
const int node_idx = editor.selected_node_indices[i];
NodeData& node = editor.nodes.pool[node_idx];
if (node.draggable)
node.origin += io.MouseDelta;
OptionalIndex find_duplicate_link(
const EditorContext& editor,
const int start_pin_idx,
const int end_pin_idx)
LinkData test_link(0);
test_link.start_pin_idx = start_pin_idx;
test_link.end_pin_idx = end_pin_idx;
for (int link_idx = 0; link_idx < editor.links.pool.size(); ++link_idx)
const LinkData& link = editor.links.pool[link_idx];
if (LinkPredicate()(test_link, link) && editor.links.in_use[link_idx])
return OptionalIndex(link_idx);
return OptionalIndex();
bool should_link_snap_to_pin(
const EditorContext& editor,
const PinData& start_pin,
const int hovered_pin_idx,
const OptionalIndex duplicate_link)
const PinData& end_pin = editor.pins.pool[hovered_pin_idx];
// The end pin must be in a different node
if (start_pin.parent_node_idx == end_pin.parent_node_idx)
return false;
// The end pin must be of a different type
if (start_pin.type == end_pin.type)
return false;
// The link to be created must not be a duplicate, unless it is the link which was created on
// snap. In that case we want to snap, since we want it to appear visually as if the created
// link remains snapped to the pin.
if (duplicate_link.has_value() && !(duplicate_link == g.snap_link_idx))
return false;
return true;
void click_interaction_update(EditorContext& editor)
switch (editor.click_interaction_type)
case ClickInteractionType_BoxSelection:
ImRect& box_rect = editor.click_interaction_state.box_selector.rect;
box_rect.Max = g.mouse_pos;
box_selector_update_selection(editor, box_rect);
const ImU32 box_selector_color = g.style.colors[ColorStyle_BoxSelector];
const ImU32 box_selector_outline = g.style.colors[ColorStyle_BoxSelectorOutline];
g.canvas_draw_list->AddRectFilled(box_rect.Min, box_rect.Max, box_selector_color);
g.canvas_draw_list->AddRect(box_rect.Min, box_rect.Max, box_selector_outline);
if (g.left_mouse_released)
ImVector<int>& depth_stack = editor.node_depth_order;
const ImVector<int>& selected_idxs = editor.selected_node_indices;
// Bump the selected node indices, in order, to the top of the depth stack.
// NOTE: this algorithm has worst case time complexity of O(N^2), if the node selection
// is ~ N (due to selected_idxs.contains()).
if ((selected_idxs.Size > 0) && (selected_idxs.Size < depth_stack.Size))
int num_moved = 0; // The number of indices moved. Stop after selected_idxs.Size
for (int i = 0; i < depth_stack.Size - selected_idxs.Size; ++i)
for (int node_idx = depth_stack[i]; selected_idxs.contains(node_idx);
node_idx = depth_stack[i])
depth_stack.erase(depth_stack.begin() + static_cast<size_t>(i));
if (num_moved == selected_idxs.Size)
editor.click_interaction_type = ClickInteractionType_None;
case ClickInteractionType_Node:
if (g.left_mouse_released)
editor.click_interaction_type = ClickInteractionType_None;
case ClickInteractionType_Link:
if (g.left_mouse_released)
editor.click_interaction_type = ClickInteractionType_None;
case ClickInteractionType_LinkCreation:
const PinData& start_pin =
const OptionalIndex maybe_duplicate_link_idx =
? find_duplicate_link(
: OptionalIndex();
const bool should_snap =
g.hovered_pin_idx.has_value() &&
editor, start_pin, g.hovered_pin_idx.value(), maybe_duplicate_link_idx);
// If we created on snap and the hovered pin is empty or changed, then we need signal that
// the link's state has changed.
const bool snapping_pin_changed =
editor.click_interaction_state.link_creation.end_pin_idx.has_value() &&
!(g.hovered_pin_idx == editor.click_interaction_state.link_creation.end_pin_idx);
// Detach the link that was created by this link event if it's no longer in snap range
if (snapping_pin_changed && g.snap_link_idx.has_value())
const ImVec2 start_pos = get_screen_space_pin_coordinates(editor, start_pin);
// If we are within the hover radius of a receiving pin, snap the link
// endpoint to it
const ImVec2 end_pos = should_snap
? get_screen_space_pin_coordinates(
editor, editor.pins.pool[g.hovered_pin_idx.value()])
: g.mouse_pos;
const LinkBezierData link_data = get_link_renderable(
start_pos, end_pos, start_pin.type, g.style.link_line_segments_per_length);
const bool link_creation_on_snap =
g.hovered_pin_idx.has_value() && (editor.pins.pool[g.hovered_pin_idx.value()].flags &
if (!should_snap)
const bool create_link = should_snap && (g.left_mouse_released || link_creation_on_snap);
if (create_link && !maybe_duplicate_link_idx.has_value())
// Avoid send OnLinkCreated() events every frame if the snap link is not saved
// (only applies for EnableLinkCreationOnSnap)
if (!g.left_mouse_released &&
editor.click_interaction_state.link_creation.end_pin_idx == g.hovered_pin_idx)
g.element_state_change |= ElementStateChange_LinkCreated;
editor.click_interaction_state.link_creation.end_pin_idx = g.hovered_pin_idx.value();
if (g.left_mouse_released)
editor.click_interaction_type = ClickInteractionType_None;
if (!create_link)
g.element_state_change |= ElementStateChange_LinkDropped;
case ClickInteractionType_Panning:
const bool dragging =
? (g.left_mouse_dragging && (*g.io.emulate_three_button_mouse.modifier))
: g.middle_mouse_dragging;
if (dragging)
editor.panning += ImGui::GetIO().MouseDelta;
editor.click_interaction_type = ClickInteractionType_None;
case ClickInteractionType_None:
assert(!"Unreachable code!");
OptionalIndex resolve_hovered_node(const EditorContext& editor)
if (g.node_indices_overlapping_with_mouse.Size == 0)
return OptionalIndex();
int largest_depth_idx = -1;
int node_idx_on_top = -1;
const ImVector<int>& depth_stack = editor.node_depth_order;
for (int i = 0; i < g.node_indices_overlapping_with_mouse.Size; ++i)
const int node_idx = g.node_indices_overlapping_with_mouse[i];
for (int depth_idx = 0; depth_idx < depth_stack.Size; ++depth_idx)
if (depth_stack[depth_idx] == node_idx && (depth_idx > largest_depth_idx))
largest_depth_idx = depth_idx;
node_idx_on_top = node_idx;
assert(node_idx_on_top != -1);
return OptionalIndex(node_idx_on_top);
// [SECTION] render helpers
inline ImVec2 screen_space_to_grid_space(const EditorContext& editor, const ImVec2& v)
return v - g.canvas_origin_screen_space - editor.panning;
inline ImVec2 grid_space_to_screen_space(const EditorContext& editor, const ImVec2& v)
return v + g.canvas_origin_screen_space + editor.panning;
inline ImVec2 grid_space_to_editor_space(const EditorContext& editor, const ImVec2& v)
return v + editor.panning;
inline ImVec2 editor_space_to_grid_space(const EditorContext& editor, const ImVec2& v)
return v - editor.panning;
inline ImVec2 editor_space_to_screen_space(const ImVec2& v)
return g.canvas_origin_screen_space + v;
inline ImRect get_item_rect() { return ImRect(ImGui::GetItemRectMin(), ImGui::GetItemRectMax()); }
inline ImVec2 get_node_title_bar_origin(const NodeData& node)
return node.origin + node.layout_style.padding;
inline ImVec2 get_node_content_origin(const NodeData& node)
const ImVec2 title_bar_height =
ImVec2(0.f, node.title_bar_content_rect.GetHeight() + 2.0f * node.layout_style.padding.y);
return node.origin + title_bar_height + node.layout_style.padding;
inline ImRect get_node_title_rect(const NodeData& node)
ImRect expanded_title_rect = node.title_bar_content_rect;
return ImRect(
expanded_title_rect.Min + ImVec2(node.rect.GetWidth(), 0.f) +
ImVec2(0.f, expanded_title_rect.GetHeight()));
void draw_grid(EditorContext& editor, const ImVec2& canvas_size)
const ImVec2 offset = editor.panning;
for (float x = fmodf(offset.x, g.style.grid_spacing); x < canvas_size.x;
x += g.style.grid_spacing)
editor_space_to_screen_space(ImVec2(x, 0.0f)),
editor_space_to_screen_space(ImVec2(x, canvas_size.y)),
for (float y = fmodf(offset.y, g.style.grid_spacing); y < canvas_size.y;
y += g.style.grid_spacing)
editor_space_to_screen_space(ImVec2(0.0f, y)),
editor_space_to_screen_space(ImVec2(canvas_size.x, y)),
struct QuadOffsets
ImVec2 top_left, bottom_left, bottom_right, top_right;
QuadOffsets calculate_quad_offsets(const float side_length)
const float half_side = 0.5f * side_length;
QuadOffsets offset;
offset.top_left = ImVec2(-half_side, half_side);
offset.bottom_left = ImVec2(-half_side, -half_side);
offset.bottom_right = ImVec2(half_side, -half_side);
offset.top_right = ImVec2(half_side, half_side);
return offset;
struct TriangleOffsets
ImVec2 top_left, bottom_left, right;
TriangleOffsets calculate_triangle_offsets(const float side_length)
// Calculates the Vec2 offsets from an equilateral triangle's midpoint to
// its vertices. Here is how the left_offset and right_offset are
// calculated.
// For an equilateral triangle of side length s, the
// triangle's height, h, is h = s * sqrt(3) / 2.
// The length from the base to the midpoint is (1 / 3) * h. The length from
// the midpoint to the triangle vertex is (2 / 3) * h.
const float sqrt_3 = sqrtf(3.0f);
const float left_offset = -0.1666666666667f * sqrt_3 * side_length;
const float right_offset = 0.333333333333f * sqrt_3 * side_length;
const float vertical_offset = 0.5f * side_length;
TriangleOffsets offset;
offset.top_left = ImVec2(left_offset, vertical_offset);
offset.bottom_left = ImVec2(left_offset, -vertical_offset);
offset.right = ImVec2(right_offset, 0.f);
return offset;
void draw_pin_shape(const ImVec2& pin_pos, const PinData& pin, const ImU32 pin_color)
static const int circle_num_segments = 8;
switch (pin.shape)
case PinShape_Circle:
case PinShape_CircleFilled:
pin_pos, g.style.pin_circle_radius, pin_color, circle_num_segments);
case PinShape_Quad:
const QuadOffsets offset = calculate_quad_offsets(g.style.pin_quad_side_length);
pin_pos + offset.top_left,
pin_pos + offset.bottom_left,
pin_pos + offset.bottom_right,
pin_pos + offset.top_right,
case PinShape_QuadFilled:
const QuadOffsets offset = calculate_quad_offsets(g.style.pin_quad_side_length);
pin_pos + offset.top_left,
pin_pos + offset.bottom_left,
pin_pos + offset.bottom_right,
pin_pos + offset.top_right,
case PinShape_Triangle:
const TriangleOffsets offset = calculate_triangle_offsets(g.style.pin_triangle_side_length);
pin_pos + offset.top_left,
pin_pos + offset.bottom_left,
pin_pos + offset.right,
// NOTE: for some weird reason, the line drawn by AddTriangle is
// much thinner than the lines drawn by AddCircle or AddQuad.
// Multiplying the line thickness by two seemed to solve the
// problem at a few different thickness values.
2.f * g.style.pin_line_thickness);
case PinShape_TriangleFilled:
const TriangleOffsets offset = calculate_triangle_offsets(g.style.pin_triangle_side_length);
pin_pos + offset.top_left,
pin_pos + offset.bottom_left,
pin_pos + offset.right,
assert(!"Invalid PinShape value!");
bool is_pin_hovered(const PinData& pin)
return is_mouse_hovering_near_point(pin.pos, g.style.pin_hover_radius);
void draw_pin(EditorContext& editor, const int pin_idx, const bool left_mouse_clicked)
PinData& pin = editor.pins.pool[pin_idx];
const ImRect& parent_node_rect = editor.nodes.pool[pin.parent_node_idx].rect;
pin.pos = get_screen_space_pin_coordinates(parent_node_rect, pin.attribute_rect, pin.type);
ImU32 pin_color = pin.color_style.background;
const bool pin_hovered = is_pin_hovered(pin) && mouse_in_canvas() &&
editor.click_interaction_type != ClickInteractionType_BoxSelection;
if (pin_hovered)
g.hovered_pin_idx = pin_idx;
g.hovered_pin_flags = pin.flags;
pin_color = pin.color_style.hovered;
if (left_mouse_clicked)
begin_link_creation(editor, pin_idx);
draw_pin_shape(pin.pos, pin, pin_color);
// TODO: Separate hover code from drawing code to avoid this unpleasant divergent function
// signature.
bool is_node_hovered(const NodeData& node, const int node_idx, const ObjectPool<PinData> pins)
// We render pins on top of nodes. In order to prevent node interaction when a pin is on top of
// a node, we just early out here if a pin is hovered.
for (int i = 0; i < node.pin_indices.size(); ++i)
const PinData& pin = pins.pool[node.pin_indices[i]];
if (is_pin_hovered(pin))
return false;
return g.hovered_node_idx.has_value() && node_idx == g.hovered_node_idx.value();
// TODO: It may be useful to make this an EditorContext method, since this uses
// a lot of editor state. Currently that is just not clear, since we don't pass
// the editor as a part of the function signature.
void draw_node(EditorContext& editor, const int node_idx)
const NodeData& node = editor.nodes.pool[node_idx];
ImGui::SetCursorPos(node.origin + editor.panning);
const bool node_hovered = is_node_hovered(node, node_idx, editor.pins) && mouse_in_canvas() &&
editor.click_interaction_type != ClickInteractionType_BoxSelection;
ImU32 node_background = node.color_style.background;
ImU32 titlebar_background = node.color_style.titlebar;
if (editor.selected_node_indices.contains(node_idx))
node_background = node.color_style.background_selected;
titlebar_background = node.color_style.titlebar_selected;
else if (node_hovered)
node_background = node.color_style.background_hovered;
titlebar_background = node.color_style.titlebar_hovered;
// node base
node.rect.Min, node.rect.Max, node_background, node.layout_style.corner_rounding);
// title bar:
if (node.title_bar_content_rect.GetHeight() > 0.f)
ImRect title_bar_rect = get_node_title_rect(node);
if ((g.style.flags & StyleFlags_NodeOutline) != 0)
for (int i = 0; i < node.pin_indices.size(); ++i)
draw_pin(editor, node.pin_indices[i], g.left_mouse_clicked);
if (node_hovered)
g.hovered_node_idx = node_idx;
const bool node_ui_interaction = g.interactive_node_idx == node_idx;
if (g.left_mouse_clicked && !node_ui_interaction)
begin_node_selection(editor, node_idx);
bool is_link_hovered(const LinkBezierData& link_data)
// We render pins and nodes on top of links. In order to prevent link interaction when a pin or
// node is on top of a link, we just early out here if a pin or node is hovered.
if (g.hovered_pin_idx.has_value() || g.hovered_node_idx.has_value())
return false;
return is_mouse_hovering_near_link(link_data.bezier, link_data.num_segments);
void draw_link(EditorContext& editor, const int link_idx)
const LinkData& link = editor.links.pool[link_idx];
const PinData& start_pin = editor.pins.pool[link.start_pin_idx];
const PinData& end_pin = editor.pins.pool[link.end_pin_idx];
const LinkBezierData link_data = get_link_renderable(
start_pin.pos, end_pin.pos, start_pin.type, g.style.link_line_segments_per_length);
const bool link_hovered = is_link_hovered(link_data) && mouse_in_canvas() &&
editor.click_interaction_type != ClickInteractionType_BoxSelection;
if (link_hovered)
g.hovered_link_idx = link_idx;
if (g.left_mouse_clicked)
begin_link_interaction(editor, link_idx);
// It's possible for a link to be deleted in begin_link_interaction. A user
// may detach a link, resulting in the link wire snapping to the mouse
// position.
// In other words, skip rendering the link if it was deleted.
if (g.deleted_link_idx == link_idx)
ImU32 link_color = link.color_style.base;
if (editor.selected_link_indices.contains(link_idx))
link_color = link.color_style.selected;
else if (link_hovered)
link_color = link.color_style.hovered;
void begin_pin_attribute(
const int id,
const AttributeType type,
const PinShape shape,
const int node_idx)
// Make sure to call BeginNode() before calling
// BeginAttribute()
assert(g.current_scope == Scope_Node);
g.current_scope = Scope_Attribute;
EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
g.current_attribute_id = id;
const int pin_idx = object_pool_find_or_create_index(editor.pins, id);
g.current_pin_idx = pin_idx;
PinData& pin = editor.pins.pool[pin_idx];
pin.id = id;
pin.parent_node_idx = node_idx;
pin.type = type;
pin.shape = shape;
pin.flags = g.current_attribute_flags;
pin.color_style.background = g.style.colors[ColorStyle_Pin];
pin.color_style.hovered = g.style.colors[ColorStyle_PinHovered];
void end_pin_attribute()
assert(g.current_scope == Scope_Attribute);
g.current_scope = Scope_Node;
if (ImGui::IsItemActive())
g.active_attribute = true;
g.active_attribute_id = g.current_attribute_id;
g.interactive_node_idx = g.current_node_idx;
EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
PinData& pin = editor.pins.pool[g.current_pin_idx];
NodeData& node = editor.nodes.pool[g.current_node_idx];
pin.attribute_rect = get_item_rect();
} // namespace
// [SECTION] API implementation
IO::EmulateThreeButtonMouse::EmulateThreeButtonMouse() : enabled(false), modifier(NULL) {}
IO::LinkDetachWithModifierClick::LinkDetachWithModifierClick() : modifier(NULL) {}
IO::IO() : emulate_three_button_mouse(), link_detach_with_modifier_click() {}
: grid_spacing(32.f), node_corner_rounding(4.f), node_padding_horizontal(8.f),
node_padding_vertical(8.f), node_border_thickness(1.f), link_thickness(3.f),
link_line_segments_per_length(0.1f), link_hover_distance(10.f), pin_circle_radius(4.f),
pin_quad_side_length(7.f), pin_triangle_side_length(9.5), pin_line_thickness(1.f),
pin_hover_radius(10.f), pin_offset(0.f),
flags(StyleFlags(StyleFlags_NodeOutline | StyleFlags_GridLines)), colors()
EditorContext* EditorContextCreate()
void* mem = ImGui::MemAlloc(sizeof(EditorContext));
new (mem) EditorContext();
return (EditorContext*)mem;
void EditorContextFree(EditorContext* ctx)
void EditorContextSet(EditorContext* ctx) { g.editor_ctx = ctx; }
ImVec2 EditorContextGetPanning()
const EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
return editor.panning;
void EditorContextResetPanning(const ImVec2& pos)
EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
editor.panning = pos;
void EditorContextMoveToNode(const int node_id)
EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
NodeData& node = object_pool_find_or_create_object(editor.nodes, node_id);
editor.panning.x = -node.origin.x;
editor.panning.y = -node.origin.y;
void Initialize()
g.canvas_origin_screen_space = ImVec2(0.0f, 0.0f);
g.canvas_rect_screen_space = ImRect(ImVec2(0.f, 0.f), ImVec2(0.f, 0.f));
g.current_scope = Scope_None;
g.current_pin_idx = INT_MAX;
g.current_node_idx = INT_MAX;
g.default_editor_ctx = EditorContextCreate();
const ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();
g.io.emulate_three_button_mouse.modifier = &io.KeyAlt;
g.current_attribute_flags = AttributeFlags_None;
void Shutdown()
g.editor_ctx = NULL;
g.default_editor_ctx = NULL;
IO& GetIO() { return g.io; }
Style& GetStyle() { return g.style; }
void StyleColorsDark()
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_NodeBackground] = IM_COL32(50, 50, 50, 255);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_NodeBackgroundHovered] = IM_COL32(75, 75, 75, 255);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_NodeBackgroundSelected] = IM_COL32(75, 75, 75, 255);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_NodeOutline] = IM_COL32(100, 100, 100, 255);
// title bar colors match ImGui's titlebg colors
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_TitleBar] = IM_COL32(41, 74, 122, 255);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_TitleBarHovered] = IM_COL32(66, 150, 250, 255);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_TitleBarSelected] = IM_COL32(66, 150, 250, 255);
// link colors match ImGui's slider grab colors
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_Link] = IM_COL32(61, 133, 224, 200);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_LinkHovered] = IM_COL32(66, 150, 250, 255);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_LinkSelected] = IM_COL32(66, 150, 250, 255);
// pin colors match ImGui's button colors
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_Pin] = IM_COL32(53, 150, 250, 180);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_PinHovered] = IM_COL32(53, 150, 250, 255);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_BoxSelector] = IM_COL32(61, 133, 224, 30);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_BoxSelectorOutline] = IM_COL32(61, 133, 224, 150);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_GridBackground] = IM_COL32(40, 40, 50, 200);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_GridLine] = IM_COL32(200, 200, 200, 40);
void StyleColorsClassic()
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_NodeBackground] = IM_COL32(50, 50, 50, 255);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_NodeBackgroundHovered] = IM_COL32(75, 75, 75, 255);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_NodeBackgroundSelected] = IM_COL32(75, 75, 75, 255);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_NodeOutline] = IM_COL32(100, 100, 100, 255);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_TitleBar] = IM_COL32(69, 69, 138, 255);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_TitleBarHovered] = IM_COL32(82, 82, 161, 255);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_TitleBarSelected] = IM_COL32(82, 82, 161, 255);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_Link] = IM_COL32(255, 255, 255, 100);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_LinkHovered] = IM_COL32(105, 99, 204, 153);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_LinkSelected] = IM_COL32(105, 99, 204, 153);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_Pin] = IM_COL32(89, 102, 156, 170);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_PinHovered] = IM_COL32(102, 122, 179, 200);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_BoxSelector] = IM_COL32(82, 82, 161, 100);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_BoxSelectorOutline] = IM_COL32(82, 82, 161, 255);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_GridBackground] = IM_COL32(40, 40, 50, 200);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_GridLine] = IM_COL32(200, 200, 200, 40);
void StyleColorsLight()
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_NodeBackground] = IM_COL32(240, 240, 240, 255);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_NodeBackgroundHovered] = IM_COL32(240, 240, 240, 255);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_NodeBackgroundSelected] = IM_COL32(240, 240, 240, 255);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_NodeOutline] = IM_COL32(100, 100, 100, 255);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_TitleBar] = IM_COL32(248, 248, 248, 255);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_TitleBarHovered] = IM_COL32(209, 209, 209, 255);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_TitleBarSelected] = IM_COL32(209, 209, 209, 255);
// original imgui values: 66, 150, 250
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_Link] = IM_COL32(66, 150, 250, 100);
// original imgui values: 117, 138, 204
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_LinkHovered] = IM_COL32(66, 150, 250, 242);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_LinkSelected] = IM_COL32(66, 150, 250, 242);
// original imgui values: 66, 150, 250
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_Pin] = IM_COL32(66, 150, 250, 160);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_PinHovered] = IM_COL32(66, 150, 250, 255);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_BoxSelector] = IM_COL32(90, 170, 250, 30);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_BoxSelectorOutline] = IM_COL32(90, 170, 250, 150);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_GridBackground] = IM_COL32(225, 225, 225, 255);
g.style.colors[ColorStyle_GridLine] = IM_COL32(180, 180, 180, 100);
g.style.flags = StyleFlags(StyleFlags_None);
void BeginNodeEditor()
assert(g.current_scope == Scope_None);
g.current_scope = Scope_Editor;
// Reset state from previous pass
EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
g.hovered_pin_flags = AttributeFlags_None;
g.element_state_change = ElementStateChange_None;
g.mouse_pos = ImGui::GetIO().MousePos;
g.left_mouse_clicked = ImGui::IsMouseClicked(0);
g.left_mouse_released = ImGui::IsMouseReleased(0);
g.middle_mouse_clicked = ImGui::IsMouseClicked(2);
g.left_mouse_dragging = ImGui::IsMouseDragging(0, 0.0f);
g.middle_mouse_dragging = ImGui::IsMouseDragging(2, 0.0f);
g.active_attribute = false;
ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_FramePadding, ImVec2(1.f, 1.f));
ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_WindowPadding, ImVec2(0.f, 0.f));
ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_ChildBg, g.style.colors[ColorStyle_GridBackground]);
ImVec2(0.f, 0.f),
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove |
g.canvas_origin_screen_space = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();
// NOTE: we have to fetch the canvas draw list *after* we call
// BeginChild(), otherwise the ImGui UI elements are going to be
// rendered into the parent window draw list.
const ImVec2 canvas_size = ImGui::GetWindowSize();
g.canvas_rect_screen_space = ImRect(
editor_space_to_screen_space(ImVec2(0.f, 0.f)),
if (g.style.flags & StyleFlags_GridLines)
draw_grid(editor, canvas_size);
void EndNodeEditor()
assert(g.current_scope == Scope_Editor);
g.current_scope = Scope_None;
EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
// Resolve which node is actually on top and being hovered. This needs to be done before any of
// the nodes can be rendered.
g.hovered_node_idx = resolve_hovered_node(editor);
// Render the nodes and resolve which pin the mouse is hovering over. The hovered pin is needed
// for handling click interactions.
for (int node_idx = 0; node_idx < editor.nodes.pool.size(); ++node_idx)
if (editor.nodes.in_use[node_idx])
draw_node(editor, node_idx);
// In order to render the links underneath the nodes, we want to first select the bottom draw
// channel.
for (int link_idx = 0; link_idx < editor.links.pool.size(); ++link_idx)
if (editor.links.in_use[link_idx])
draw_link(editor, link_idx);
// Render the click interaction UI elements (partial links, box selector) on top of everything
// else.
if (g.left_mouse_clicked || g.middle_mouse_clicked)
// At this point, draw commands have been issued for all nodes (and pins). Update the node pool
// to detect unused node slots and remove those indices from the depth stack before sorting the
// node draw commands by depth.
// After the links have been rendered, the link pool can be updated as well.
// Finally, merge the draw channels
// pop style
ImGui::EndChild(); // end scrolling region
ImGui::PopStyleColor(); // pop child window background color
ImGui::PopStyleVar(); // pop window padding
ImGui::PopStyleVar(); // pop frame padding
void BeginNode(const int node_id)
// Remember to call BeginNodeEditor before calling BeginNode
assert(g.current_scope == Scope_Editor);
g.current_scope = Scope_Node;
EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
const int node_idx = object_pool_find_or_create_index(editor.nodes, node_id);
g.current_node_idx = node_idx;
NodeData& node = editor.nodes.pool[node_idx];
node.color_style.background = g.style.colors[ColorStyle_NodeBackground];
node.color_style.background_hovered = g.style.colors[ColorStyle_NodeBackgroundHovered];
node.color_style.background_selected = g.style.colors[ColorStyle_NodeBackgroundSelected];
node.color_style.outline = g.style.colors[ColorStyle_NodeOutline];
node.color_style.titlebar = g.style.colors[ColorStyle_TitleBar];
node.color_style.titlebar_hovered = g.style.colors[ColorStyle_TitleBarHovered];
node.color_style.titlebar_selected = g.style.colors[ColorStyle_TitleBarSelected];
node.layout_style.corner_rounding = g.style.node_corner_rounding;
node.layout_style.padding =
ImVec2(g.style.node_padding_horizontal, g.style.node_padding_vertical);
node.layout_style.border_thickness = g.style.node_border_thickness;
// ImGui::SetCursorPos sets the cursor position, local to the current widget
// (in this case, the child object started in BeginNodeEditor). Use
// ImGui::SetCursorScreenPos to set the screen space coordinates directly.
ImGui::SetCursorPos(grid_space_to_editor_space(editor, get_node_title_bar_origin(node)));
void EndNode()
assert(g.current_scope == Scope_Node);
g.current_scope = Scope_Editor;
EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
// The node's rectangle depends on the ImGui UI group size.
NodeData& node = editor.nodes.pool[g.current_node_idx];
node.rect = get_item_rect();
if (node.rect.Contains(g.mouse_pos))
ImVec2 GetNodeDimensions(int node_id)
EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
const int node_idx = object_pool_find(editor.nodes, node_id);
assert(node_idx != -1); // invalid node_id
const NodeData& node = editor.nodes.pool[node_idx];
return node.rect.GetSize();
void BeginNodeTitleBar()
assert(g.current_scope == Scope_Node);
void EndNodeTitleBar()
assert(g.current_scope == Scope_Node);
EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
NodeData& node = editor.nodes.pool[g.current_node_idx];
node.title_bar_content_rect = get_item_rect();
ImGui::ItemAdd(get_node_title_rect(node), ImGui::GetID("title_bar"));
ImGui::SetCursorPos(grid_space_to_editor_space(editor, get_node_content_origin(node)));
void BeginInputAttribute(const int id, const PinShape shape)
begin_pin_attribute(id, AttributeType_Input, shape, g.current_node_idx);
void EndInputAttribute() { end_pin_attribute(); }
void BeginOutputAttribute(const int id, const PinShape shape)
begin_pin_attribute(id, AttributeType_Output, shape, g.current_node_idx);
void EndOutputAttribute() { end_pin_attribute(); }
void BeginStaticAttribute(const int id)
// Make sure to call BeginNode() before calling BeginAttribute()
assert(g.current_scope == Scope_Node);
g.current_scope = Scope_Attribute;
g.current_attribute_id = id;
void EndStaticAttribute()
// Make sure to call BeginNode() before calling BeginAttribute()
assert(g.current_scope == Scope_Attribute);
g.current_scope = Scope_Node;
if (ImGui::IsItemActive())
g.active_attribute = true;
g.active_attribute_id = g.current_attribute_id;
g.interactive_node_idx = g.current_node_idx;
void PushAttributeFlag(AttributeFlags flag)
g.current_attribute_flags |= static_cast<int>(flag);
void PopAttributeFlag()
// PopAttributeFlag called without a matching PushAttributeFlag!
// The bottom value is always the default value, pushed in Initialize().
assert(g.attribute_flag_stack.size() > 1);
g.current_attribute_flags = g.attribute_flag_stack.back();
void Link(int id, const int start_attr_id, const int end_attr_id)
assert(g.current_scope == Scope_Editor);
EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
LinkData& link = object_pool_find_or_create_object(editor.links, id);
link.id = id;
link.start_pin_idx = object_pool_find_or_create_index(editor.pins, start_attr_id);
link.end_pin_idx = object_pool_find_or_create_index(editor.pins, end_attr_id);
link.color_style.base = g.style.colors[ColorStyle_Link];
link.color_style.hovered = g.style.colors[ColorStyle_LinkHovered];
link.color_style.selected = g.style.colors[ColorStyle_LinkSelected];
// Check if this link was created by the current link event
if ((editor.click_interaction_type == ClickInteractionType_LinkCreation &&
editor.pins.pool[link.end_pin_idx].flags & AttributeFlags_EnableLinkCreationOnSnap &&
editor.click_interaction_state.link_creation.start_pin_idx == link.start_pin_idx &&
editor.click_interaction_state.link_creation.end_pin_idx == link.end_pin_idx) ||
(editor.click_interaction_state.link_creation.start_pin_idx == link.end_pin_idx &&
editor.click_interaction_state.link_creation.end_pin_idx == link.start_pin_idx))
g.snap_link_idx = object_pool_find_or_create_index(editor.links, id);
void PushColorStyle(ColorStyle item, unsigned int color)
g.color_modifier_stack.push_back(ColorStyleElement(g.style.colors[item], item));
g.style.colors[item] = color;
void PopColorStyle()
assert(g.color_modifier_stack.size() > 0);
const ColorStyleElement elem = g.color_modifier_stack.back();
g.style.colors[elem.item] = elem.color;
float& lookup_style_var(const StyleVar item)
// TODO: once the switch gets too big and unwieldy to work with, we could do
// a byte-offset lookup into the Style struct, using the StyleVar as an
// index. This is how ImGui does it.
float* style_var = 0;
switch (item)
case StyleVar_GridSpacing:
style_var = &g.style.grid_spacing;
case StyleVar_NodeCornerRounding:
style_var = &g.style.node_corner_rounding;
case StyleVar_NodePaddingHorizontal:
style_var = &g.style.node_padding_horizontal;
case StyleVar_NodePaddingVertical:
style_var = &g.style.node_padding_vertical;
case StyleVar_NodeBorderThickness:
style_var = &g.style.node_border_thickness;
case StyleVar_LinkThickness:
style_var = &g.style.link_thickness;
case StyleVar_LinkLineSegmentsPerLength:
style_var = &g.style.link_line_segments_per_length;
case StyleVar_LinkHoverDistance:
style_var = &g.style.link_hover_distance;
case StyleVar_PinCircleRadius:
style_var = &g.style.pin_circle_radius;
case StyleVar_PinQuadSideLength:
style_var = &g.style.pin_quad_side_length;
case StyleVar_PinTriangleSideLength:
style_var = &g.style.pin_triangle_side_length;
case StyleVar_PinLineThickness:
style_var = &g.style.pin_line_thickness;
case StyleVar_PinHoverRadius:
style_var = &g.style.pin_hover_radius;
case StyleVar_PinOffset:
style_var = &g.style.pin_offset;
assert(!"Invalid StyleVar value!");
return *style_var;
void PushStyleVar(const StyleVar item, const float value)
float& style_var = lookup_style_var(item);
g.style_modifier_stack.push_back(StyleElement(style_var, item));
style_var = value;
void PopStyleVar()
assert(g.style_modifier_stack.size() > 0);
const StyleElement style_elem = g.style_modifier_stack.back();
float& style_var = lookup_style_var(style_elem.item);
style_var = style_elem.value;
void SetNodeScreenSpacePos(int node_id, const ImVec2& screen_space_pos)
EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
NodeData& node = object_pool_find_or_create_object(editor.nodes, node_id);
node.origin = screen_space_to_grid_space(editor, screen_space_pos);
void SetNodeEditorSpacePos(int node_id, const ImVec2& editor_space_pos)
EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
NodeData& node = object_pool_find_or_create_object(editor.nodes, node_id);
node.origin = editor_space_to_grid_space(editor, editor_space_pos);
void SetNodeGridSpacePos(int node_id, const ImVec2& grid_pos)
EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
NodeData& node = object_pool_find_or_create_object(editor.nodes, node_id);
node.origin = grid_pos;
void SetNodeDraggable(int node_id, const bool draggable)
EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
NodeData& node = object_pool_find_or_create_object(editor.nodes, node_id);
node.draggable = draggable;
ImVec2 GetNodeScreenSpacePos(const int node_id)
EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
const int node_idx = object_pool_find(editor.nodes, node_id);
assert(node_idx != -1);
NodeData& node = editor.nodes.pool[node_idx];
return grid_space_to_screen_space(editor, node.origin);
ImVec2 GetNodeEditorSpacePos(const int node_id)
EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
const int node_idx = object_pool_find(editor.nodes, node_id);
assert(node_idx != -1);
NodeData& node = editor.nodes.pool[node_idx];
return grid_space_to_editor_space(editor, node.origin);
ImVec2 GetNodeGridSpacePos(int node_id)
EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
const int node_idx = object_pool_find(editor.nodes, node_id);
assert(node_idx != -1);
NodeData& node = editor.nodes.pool[node_idx];
return node.origin;
bool IsEditorHovered() { return mouse_in_canvas(); }
bool IsNodeHovered(int* const node_id)
assert(g.current_scope == Scope_None);
assert(node_id != NULL);
const bool is_hovered = g.hovered_node_idx.has_value();
if (is_hovered)
const EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
*node_id = editor.nodes.pool[g.hovered_node_idx.value()].id;
return is_hovered;
bool IsLinkHovered(int* const link_id)
assert(g.current_scope == Scope_None);
assert(link_id != NULL);
const bool is_hovered = g.hovered_link_idx.has_value();
if (is_hovered)
const EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
*link_id = editor.links.pool[g.hovered_link_idx.value()].id;
return is_hovered;
bool IsPinHovered(int* const attr)
assert(g.current_scope == Scope_None);
assert(attr != NULL);
const bool is_hovered = g.hovered_pin_idx.has_value();
if (is_hovered)
const EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
*attr = editor.pins.pool[g.hovered_pin_idx.value()].id;
return is_hovered;
int NumSelectedNodes()
assert(g.current_scope == Scope_None);
const EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
return editor.selected_node_indices.size();
int NumSelectedLinks()
assert(g.current_scope == Scope_None);
const EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
return editor.selected_link_indices.size();
void GetSelectedNodes(int* node_ids)
assert(node_ids != NULL);
const EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
for (int i = 0; i < editor.selected_node_indices.size(); ++i)
const int node_idx = editor.selected_node_indices[i];
node_ids[i] = editor.nodes.pool[node_idx].id;
void GetSelectedLinks(int* link_ids)
assert(link_ids != NULL);
const EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
for (int i = 0; i < editor.selected_link_indices.size(); ++i)
const int link_idx = editor.selected_link_indices[i];
link_ids[i] = editor.links.pool[link_idx].id;
void ClearNodeSelection()
EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
void ClearLinkSelection()
EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
bool IsAttributeActive()
assert((g.current_scope & Scope_Node) != 0);
if (!g.active_attribute)
return false;
return g.active_attribute_id == g.current_attribute_id;
bool IsAnyAttributeActive(int* const attribute_id)
assert((g.current_scope & (Scope_Node | Scope_Attribute)) == 0);
if (!g.active_attribute)
return false;
if (attribute_id != NULL)
*attribute_id = g.active_attribute_id;
return true;
bool IsLinkStarted(int* const started_at_id)
// Call this function after EndNodeEditor()!
assert(g.current_scope == Scope_None);
assert(started_at_id != NULL);
const bool is_started = (g.element_state_change & ElementStateChange_LinkStarted) != 0;
if (is_started)
const EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
const int pin_idx = editor.click_interaction_state.link_creation.start_pin_idx;
*started_at_id = editor.pins.pool[pin_idx].id;
return is_started;
bool IsLinkDropped(int* const started_at_id, const bool including_detached_links)
// Call this function after EndNodeEditor()!
assert(g.current_scope == Scope_None);
const EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
const bool link_dropped = (g.element_state_change & ElementStateChange_LinkDropped) != 0 &&
(including_detached_links ||
editor.click_interaction_state.link_creation.link_creation_type !=
if (link_dropped && started_at_id)
const int pin_idx = editor.click_interaction_state.link_creation.start_pin_idx;
*started_at_id = editor.pins.pool[pin_idx].id;
return link_dropped;
bool IsLinkCreated(
int* const started_at_pin_id,
int* const ended_at_pin_id,
bool* const created_from_snap)
assert(g.current_scope == Scope_None);
assert(started_at_pin_id != NULL);
assert(ended_at_pin_id != NULL);
const bool is_created = (g.element_state_change & ElementStateChange_LinkCreated) != 0;
if (is_created)
const EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
const int start_idx = editor.click_interaction_state.link_creation.start_pin_idx;
const int end_idx = editor.click_interaction_state.link_creation.end_pin_idx.value();
const PinData& start_pin = editor.pins.pool[start_idx];
const PinData& end_pin = editor.pins.pool[end_idx];
if (start_pin.type == AttributeType_Output)
*started_at_pin_id = start_pin.id;
*ended_at_pin_id = end_pin.id;
*started_at_pin_id = end_pin.id;
*ended_at_pin_id = start_pin.id;
if (created_from_snap)
*created_from_snap = editor.click_interaction_type == ClickInteractionType_LinkCreation;
return is_created;
bool IsLinkCreated(
int* started_at_node_id,
int* started_at_pin_id,
int* ended_at_node_id,
int* ended_at_pin_id,
bool* created_from_snap)
assert(g.current_scope == Scope_None);
assert(started_at_node_id != NULL);
assert(started_at_pin_id != NULL);
assert(ended_at_node_id != NULL);
assert(ended_at_pin_id != NULL);
const bool is_created = (g.element_state_change & ElementStateChange_LinkCreated) != 0;
if (is_created)
const EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
const int start_idx = editor.click_interaction_state.link_creation.start_pin_idx;
const int end_idx = editor.click_interaction_state.link_creation.end_pin_idx.value();
const PinData& start_pin = editor.pins.pool[start_idx];
const NodeData& start_node = editor.nodes.pool[start_pin.parent_node_idx];
const PinData& end_pin = editor.pins.pool[end_idx];
const NodeData& end_node = editor.nodes.pool[end_pin.parent_node_idx];
if (start_pin.type == AttributeType_Output)
*started_at_pin_id = start_pin.id;
*started_at_node_id = start_node.id;
*ended_at_pin_id = end_pin.id;
*ended_at_node_id = end_node.id;
*started_at_pin_id = end_pin.id;
*started_at_node_id = end_node.id;
*ended_at_pin_id = start_pin.id;
*ended_at_node_id = start_node.id;
if (created_from_snap)
*created_from_snap = editor.click_interaction_type == ClickInteractionType_LinkCreation;
return is_created;
bool IsLinkDestroyed(int* const link_id)
assert(g.current_scope == Scope_None);
const bool link_destroyed = g.deleted_link_idx.has_value();
if (link_destroyed)
const EditorContext& editor = editor_context_get();
const int link_idx = g.deleted_link_idx.value();
*link_id = editor.links.pool[link_idx].id;
return link_destroyed;
void node_line_handler(EditorContext& editor, const char* line)
int id;
int x, y;
if (sscanf(line, "[node.%i", &id) == 1)
const int node_idx = object_pool_find_or_create_index(editor.nodes, id);
g.current_node_idx = node_idx;
NodeData& node = editor.nodes.pool[node_idx];
node.id = id;
else if (sscanf(line, "origin=%i,%i", &x, &y) == 2)
NodeData& node = editor.nodes.pool[g.current_node_idx];
node.origin = ImVec2((float)x, (float)y);
void editor_line_handler(EditorContext& editor, const char* line)
sscanf(line, "panning=%f,%f", &editor.panning.x, &editor.panning.y);
} // namespace
const char* SaveCurrentEditorStateToIniString(size_t* const data_size)
return SaveEditorStateToIniString(&editor_context_get(), data_size);
const char* SaveEditorStateToIniString(
const EditorContext* const editor_ptr,
size_t* const data_size)
assert(editor_ptr != NULL);
const EditorContext& editor = *editor_ptr;
// TODO: check to make sure that the estimate is the upper bound of element
g.text_buffer.reserve(64 * editor.nodes.pool.size());
"[editor]\npanning=%i,%i\n", (int)editor.panning.x, (int)editor.panning.y);
for (int i = 0; i < editor.nodes.pool.size(); i++)
if (editor.nodes.in_use[i])
const NodeData& node = editor.nodes.pool[i];
g.text_buffer.appendf("\n[node.%d]\n", node.id);
g.text_buffer.appendf("origin=%i,%i\n", (int)node.origin.x, (int)node.origin.y);
if (data_size != NULL)
*data_size = g.text_buffer.size();
return g.text_buffer.c_str();
void LoadCurrentEditorStateFromIniString(const char* const data, const size_t data_size)
LoadEditorStateFromIniString(&editor_context_get(), data, data_size);
void LoadEditorStateFromIniString(
EditorContext* const editor_ptr,
const char* const data,
const size_t data_size)
if (data_size == 0u)
EditorContext& editor = editor_ptr == NULL ? editor_context_get() : *editor_ptr;
char* buf = (char*)ImGui::MemAlloc(data_size + 1);
const char* buf_end = buf + data_size;
memcpy(buf, data, data_size);
buf[data_size] = 0;
void (*line_handler)(EditorContext&, const char*);
line_handler = NULL;
char* line_end = NULL;
for (char* line = buf; line < buf_end; line = line_end + 1)
while (*line == '\n' || *line == '\r')
line_end = line;
while (line_end < buf_end && *line_end != '\n' && *line_end != '\r')
line_end[0] = 0;
if (*line == ';' || *line == '\0')
if (line[0] == '[' && line_end[-1] == ']')
line_end[-1] = 0;
if (strncmp(line + 1, "node", 4) == 0)
line_handler = node_line_handler;
else if (strcmp(line + 1, "editor") == 0)
line_handler = editor_line_handler;
if (line_handler != NULL)
line_handler(editor, line);
void SaveCurrentEditorStateToIniFile(const char* const file_name)
SaveEditorStateToIniFile(&editor_context_get(), file_name);
void SaveEditorStateToIniFile(const EditorContext* const editor, const char* const file_name)
size_t data_size = 0u;
const char* data = SaveEditorStateToIniString(editor, &data_size);
FILE* file = ImFileOpen(file_name, "wt");
if (!file)
fwrite(data, sizeof(char), data_size, file);
void LoadCurrentEditorStateFromIniFile(const char* const file_name)
LoadEditorStateFromIniFile(&editor_context_get(), file_name);
void LoadEditorStateFromIniFile(EditorContext* const editor, const char* const file_name)
size_t data_size = 0u;
char* file_data = (char*)ImFileLoadToMemory(file_name, "rb", &data_size);
if (!file_data)
LoadEditorStateFromIniString(editor, file_data, data_size);
} // namespace imnodes