* ui/ux: Initial recreation of the hex editor view * ui/ux: Added back support for editing cells * ux: Make scrolling and selecting bytes feel nice again * ui/ux: Improved byte selecting, added footer * sys: Make math evaluator more generic to support integer only calculations * patterns: Moved value formatting into pattern language * ui/ux: Added Goto and Search popups, improved selection * ui: Added better tooltips for bookmarks and patterns * sys: Use worse hex search algorithm on macOS Sadly it still doesn't support `std::boyer_moore_horsepool_searcher` * ui: Added back missing events, menu items and shortcuts * fix: Bookmark highlighting being rendered off by one * fix: Various macOS build errors * fix: size_t is not u64 on macos * fix: std::fmod and std::pow not working with integer types on macos * fix: Missing semicolons * sys: Added proper integer pow function * ui: Added back support for custom encodings * fix: Editor not jumping to selection when selection gets changed * ui: Turn Hexii setting into a data visualizer * sys: Added back remaining shortcuts * sys: Remove old hex editor files * sys: Moved more legacy things away from the hex editor view, updated localization * fix: Hex editor scrolling behaving weirdly and inconsistently * sys: Cleaned up Hex editor code * sys: Added selection color setting, localized all new settings * fix: Search feature not working correctly * ui: Replace custom ImGui::Disabled function with native ImGui ones * ui: Fix bookmark tooltip rendering issues * fix: Another size_t not being 64 bit issue on MacOS
427 lines
15 KiB
427 lines
15 KiB
#pragma once
#include <hex.hpp>
#include <hex/helpers/concepts.hpp>
#include <hex/helpers/fs.hpp>
#include <pl/pattern_language.hpp>
#include <hex/api/imhex_api.hpp>
#include <hex/api/event.hpp>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include <nlohmann/json_fwd.hpp>
using ImGuiDataType = int;
using ImGuiInputTextFlags = int;
namespace pl {
class Evaluator;
namespace hex {
class View;
class LanguageDefinition;
namespace dp {
class Node;
namespace prv {
class Provider;
The Content Registry is the heart of all features in ImHex that are in some way extendable by Plugins.
It allows you to add/register new content that will be picked up and used by the ImHex core or by other
plugins when needed.
namespace ContentRegistry {
/* Settings Registry. Allows adding of new entries into the ImHex preferences window. */
namespace Settings {
using Callback = std::function<bool(const std::string &, nlohmann::json &)>;
struct Entry {
std::string name;
bool requiresRestart;
Callback callback;
struct Category {
std::string name;
size_t slot = 0;
bool operator<(const Category &other) const {
return name < other.name;
operator const std::string &() const {
return name;
void load();
void store();
void add(const std::string &unlocalizedCategory, const std::string &unlocalizedName, i64 defaultValue, const Callback &callback, bool requiresRestart = false);
void add(const std::string &unlocalizedCategory, const std::string &unlocalizedName, const std::string &defaultValue, const Callback &callback, bool requiresRestart = false);
void add(const std::string &unlocalizedCategory, const std::string &unlocalizedName, const std::vector<std::string> &defaultValue, const Callback &callback, bool requiresRestart = false);
void addCategoryDescription(const std::string &unlocalizedCategory, const std::string &unlocalizedCategoryDescription);
void write(const std::string &unlocalizedCategory, const std::string &unlocalizedName, i64 value);
void write(const std::string &unlocalizedCategory, const std::string &unlocalizedName, const std::string &value);
void write(const std::string &unlocalizedCategory, const std::string &unlocalizedName, const std::vector<std::string> &value);
i64 read(const std::string &unlocalizedCategory, const std::string &unlocalizedName, i64 defaultValue);
std::string read(const std::string &unlocalizedCategory, const std::string &unlocalizedName, const std::string &defaultValue);
std::vector<std::string> read(const std::string &unlocalizedCategory, const std::string &unlocalizedName, const std::vector<std::string> &defaultValue = {});
std::map<Category, std::vector<Entry>> &getEntries();
std::map<std::string, std::string> &getCategoryDescriptions();
nlohmann::json getSetting(const std::string &unlocalizedCategory, const std::string &unlocalizedName);
nlohmann::json &getSettingsData();
/* Command Palette Command Registry. Allows adding of new commands to the command palette */
namespace CommandPaletteCommands {
enum class Type : u32
using DisplayCallback = std::function<std::string(std::string)>;
using ExecuteCallback = std::function<void(std::string)>;
struct Entry {
Type type;
std::string command;
std::string unlocalizedDescription;
DisplayCallback displayCallback;
ExecuteCallback executeCallback;
void add(
Type type,
const std::string &command,
const std::string &unlocalizedDescription,
const DisplayCallback &displayCallback,
const ExecuteCallback &executeCallback = [](auto) {});
std::vector<Entry> &getEntries();
/* Pattern Language Function Registry. Allows adding of new functions that may be used inside the pattern language */
namespace PatternLanguage {
namespace impl {
struct FunctionDefinition {
pl::api::Namespace ns;
std::string name;
pl::api::FunctionParameterCount parameterCount;
pl::api::FunctionCallback callback;
bool dangerous;
std::unique_ptr<pl::PatternLanguage> createDefaultRuntime(prv::Provider *provider);
void addPragma(const std::string &name, const pl::api::PragmaHandler &handler);
void addFunction(const pl::api::Namespace &ns, const std::string &name, pl::api::FunctionParameterCount parameterCount, const pl::api::FunctionCallback &func);
void addDangerousFunction(const pl::api::Namespace &ns, const std::string &name, pl::api::FunctionParameterCount parameterCount, const pl::api::FunctionCallback &func);
std::map<std::string, pl::api::PragmaHandler> &getPragmas();
std::vector<impl::FunctionDefinition> &getFunctions();
/* View Registry. Allows adding of new windows */
namespace Views {
namespace impl {
void add(View *view);
template<hex::derived_from<View> T, typename... Args>
void add(Args &&...args) {
return impl::add(new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...));
std::map<std::string, View *> &getEntries();
View *getViewByName(const std::string &unlocalizedName);
/* Tools Registry. Allows adding new entries to the tools window */
namespace Tools {
namespace impl {
using Callback = std::function<void()>;
struct Entry {
std::string name;
Callback function;
void add(const std::string &unlocalizedName, const impl::Callback &function);
std::vector<impl::Entry> &getEntries();
/* Data Inspector Registry. Allows adding of new types to the data inspector */
namespace DataInspector {
enum class NumberDisplayStyle
namespace impl {
using DisplayFunction = std::function<std::string()>;
using EditingFunction = std::function<std::vector<u8>(std::string, std::endian)>;
using GeneratorFunction = std::function<DisplayFunction(const std::vector<u8> &, std::endian, NumberDisplayStyle)>;
struct Entry {
std::string unlocalizedName;
size_t requiredSize;
impl::GeneratorFunction generatorFunction;
std::optional<impl::EditingFunction> editingFunction;
void add(const std::string &unlocalizedName, size_t requiredSize, impl::GeneratorFunction displayGeneratorFunction, std::optional<impl::EditingFunction> editingFunction = std::nullopt);
std::vector<impl::Entry> &getEntries();
/* Data Processor Node Registry. Allows adding new processor nodes to be used in the data processor */
namespace DataProcessorNode {
namespace impl {
using CreatorFunction = std::function<dp::Node *()>;
struct Entry {
std::string category;
std::string name;
CreatorFunction creatorFunction;
void add(const Entry &entry);
template<hex::derived_from<dp::Node> T, typename... Args>
void add(const std::string &unlocalizedCategory, const std::string &unlocalizedName, Args &&...args) {
add(impl::Entry { unlocalizedCategory.c_str(), unlocalizedName.c_str(), [=] {
auto node = new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return node;
} });
void addSeparator();
std::vector<impl::Entry> &getEntries();
/* Language Registry. Allows together with the LangEntry class and the _lang user defined literal to add new languages */
namespace Language {
void registerLanguage(const std::string &name, const std::string &languageCode);
void addLocalizations(const std::string &languageCode, const LanguageDefinition &definition);
std::map<std::string, std::string> &getLanguages();
std::map<std::string, std::vector<LanguageDefinition>> &getLanguageDefinitions();
/* Interface Registry. Allows adding new items to various interfaces */
namespace Interface {
namespace impl {
using DrawCallback = std::function<void()>;
using LayoutFunction = std::function<void(u32)>;
using ClickCallback = std::function<void()>;
struct Layout {
std::string unlocalizedName;
LayoutFunction callback;
struct MainMenuItem {
std::string unlocalizedName;
struct MenuItem {
std::string unlocalizedName;
DrawCallback callback;
struct SidebarItem {
std::string icon;
DrawCallback callback;
struct TitleBarButton {
std::string icon;
std::string unlocalizedTooltip;
ClickCallback callback;
void registerMainMenuItem(const std::string &unlocalizedName, u32 priority);
void addMenuItem(const std::string &unlocalizedMainMenuName, u32 priority, const impl::DrawCallback &function);
void addWelcomeScreenEntry(const impl::DrawCallback &function);
void addFooterItem(const impl::DrawCallback &function);
void addToolbarItem(const impl::DrawCallback &function);
void addSidebarItem(const std::string &icon, const impl::DrawCallback &function);
void addTitleBarButton(const std::string &icon, const std::string &unlocalizedTooltip, const impl::ClickCallback &function);
void addLayout(const std::string &unlocalizedName, const impl::LayoutFunction &function);
std::multimap<u32, impl::MainMenuItem> &getMainMenuItems();
std::multimap<u32, impl::MenuItem> &getMenuItems();
std::vector<impl::DrawCallback> &getWelcomeScreenEntries();
std::vector<impl::DrawCallback> &getFooterItems();
std::vector<impl::DrawCallback> &getToolbarItems();
std::vector<impl::SidebarItem> &getSidebarItems();
std::vector<impl::TitleBarButton> &getTitleBarButtons();
std::vector<impl::Layout> &getLayouts();
/* Provider Registry. Allows adding new data providers to be created from the UI */
namespace Provider {
namespace impl {
void addProviderName(const std::string &unlocalizedName);
template<hex::derived_from<hex::prv::Provider> T>
void add(const std::string &unlocalizedName, bool addToList = true) {
(void)EventManager::subscribe<RequestCreateProvider>([expectedName = unlocalizedName](const std::string &name, hex::prv::Provider **provider) {
if (name != expectedName) return;
auto newProvider = new T();
if (provider != nullptr)
*provider = newProvider;
if (addToList)
std::vector<std::string> &getEntries();
namespace DataFormatter {
namespace impl {
using Callback = std::function<std::string(prv::Provider *provider, u64 address, size_t size)>;
struct Entry {
std::string unlocalizedName;
Callback callback;
void add(const std::string &unlocalizedName, const impl::Callback &callback);
std::vector<impl::Entry> &getEntries();
namespace FileHandler {
namespace impl {
using Callback = std::function<bool(std::fs::path)>;
struct Entry {
std::vector<std::string> extensions;
Callback callback;
void add(const std::vector<std::string> &extensions, const impl::Callback &callback);
std::vector<impl::Entry> &getEntries();
namespace HexEditor {
class DataVisualizer {
DataVisualizer(u16 bytesPerCell, u16 maxCharsPerCell)
: m_bytesPerCell(bytesPerCell), m_maxCharsPerCell(maxCharsPerCell) {}
virtual ~DataVisualizer() = default;
virtual void draw(u64 address, const u8 *data, size_t size, bool upperCase) = 0;
virtual bool drawEditing(u64 address, u8 *data, size_t size, bool upperCase, bool startedEditing) = 0;
[[nodiscard]] u16 getBytesPerCell() const { return this->m_bytesPerCell; }
[[nodiscard]] u16 getMaxCharsPerCell() const { return this->m_maxCharsPerCell; }
const static int TextInputFlags;
bool drawDefaultEditingTextBox(u64 address, const char *format, ImGuiDataType dataType, u8 *data, ImGuiInputTextFlags flags) const;
u16 m_bytesPerCell;
u16 m_maxCharsPerCell;
namespace impl {
void addDataVisualizer(const std::string &unlocalizedName, DataVisualizer *visualizer);
std::map<std::string, DataVisualizer*> &getVisualizers();
template<hex::derived_from<DataVisualizer> T, typename... Args>
void addDataVisualizer(const std::string &unlocalizedName, Args &&...args) {
return impl::addDataVisualizer(unlocalizedName, new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...));