mirror of synced 2024-11-17 12:27:13 +01:00
WerWolv e74c0f5cf5 sys: Tons of long overdue cleanup
- std::string -> const std::string& where needed
- Added a FileIO abstraction class
- Fixed recent files not updating
- Removed localization file from global include
- Renamed lang to pattern_language/pl
- Renamed EventFileDropped to RequestFileOpen
2021-09-08 15:18:24 +02:00

247 lines
7.2 KiB

#include <hex/helpers/utils.hpp>
#include <cstdio>
#include <codecvt>
#include <locale>
#include <filesystem>
#include <hex/helpers/fmt.hpp>
namespace hex {
std::string to_string(u128 value) {
char data[45] = { 0 };
u8 index = sizeof(data) - 2;
while (value != 0 && index != 0) {
data[index] = '0' + value % 10;
value /= 10;
return std::string(data + index + 1);
std::string to_string(s128 value) {
char data[45] = { 0 };
u128 unsignedValue = value < 0 ? -value : value;
u8 index = sizeof(data) - 2;
while (unsignedValue != 0 && index != 0) {
data[index] = '0' + unsignedValue % 10;
unsignedValue /= 10;
if (value < 0) {
data[index] = '-';
return std::string(data + index);
} else
return std::string(data + index + 1);
std::string toByteString(u64 bytes) {
double value = bytes;
u8 unitIndex = 0;
while (value > 1024) {
value /= 1024;
if (unitIndex == 6)
std::string result = hex::format("{0:.2f}", value);
switch (unitIndex) {
case 0: result += " Bytes"; break;
case 1: result += " kB"; break;
case 2: result += " MB"; break;
case 3: result += " GB"; break;
case 4: result += " TB"; break;
case 5: result += " PB"; break;
case 6: result += " EB"; break;
default: result = "A lot!";
return result;
std::string makePrintable(u8 c) {
switch (c) {
case 0: return "NUL";
case 1: return "SOH";
case 2: return "STX";
case 3: return "ETX";
case 4: return "EOT";
case 5: return "ENQ";
case 6: return "ACK";
case 7: return "BEL";
case 8: return "BS";
case 9: return "TAB";
case 10: return "LF";
case 11: return "VT";
case 12: return "FF";
case 13: return "CR";
case 14: return "SO";
case 15: return "SI";
case 16: return "DLE";
case 17: return "DC1";
case 18: return "DC2";
case 19: return "DC3";
case 20: return "DC4";
case 21: return "NAK";
case 22: return "SYN";
case 23: return "ETB";
case 24: return "CAN";
case 25: return "EM";
case 26: return "SUB";
case 27: return "ESC";
case 28: return "FS";
case 29: return "GS";
case 30: return "RS";
case 31: return "US";
case 32: return "Space";
case 127: return "DEL";
case 128 ... 255: return " ";
default: return std::string() + static_cast<char>(c);
std::vector<std::string> splitString(const std::string &string, const std::string &delimiter) {
size_t start = 0, end;
std::string token;
std::vector<std::string> res;
while ((end = string.find(delimiter, start)) != std::string::npos) {
token = string.substr(start, end - start);
start = end + delimiter.length();
return res;
std::string combineStrings(const std::vector<std::string> &strings, const std::string &delimiter) {
std::string result;
for (const auto &string : strings) {
result += string;
result += delimiter;
return result.substr(0, result.length() - delimiter.length());
std::string toEngineeringString(double value) {
constexpr std::array Suffixes = { "a", "f", "p", "n", "u", "m", "", "k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E" };
int8_t suffixIndex = 6;
while (suffixIndex != 0 && suffixIndex != 12 && (value >= 1000 || value < 1) && value != 0) {
if (value >= 1000) {
value /= 1000;
} else if (value < 1) {
value *= 1000;
return std::to_string(value).substr(0, 5) + Suffixes[suffixIndex];
void runCommand(const std::string &command) {
#if defined(OS_WINDOWS)
system(hex::format("start {0}", command).c_str());
#elif defined(OS_MACOS)
system(hex::format("open {0}", command).c_str());
#elif defined(OS_LINUX)
system(hex::format("xdg-open {0}", command).c_str());
#warning "Unknown OS, can't open webpages"
void openWebpage(std::string url) {
if (!url.starts_with("http://") && !url.starts_with("https://"))
url = "https://" + url;
#if defined(OS_WINDOWS)
system(hex::format("start {0}", url).c_str());
#elif defined(OS_MACOS)
system(hex::format("open {0}", url).c_str());
#elif defined(OS_LINUX)
system(hex::format("xdg-open {0}", url).c_str());
#warning "Unknown OS, can't open webpages"
void openFileBrowser(const std::string &title, DialogMode mode, const std::vector<nfdfilteritem_t> &validExtensions, const std::function<void(std::string)> &callback) {
nfdchar_t *outPath;
nfdresult_t result;
switch (mode) {
case DialogMode::Open:
result = NFD::OpenDialog(outPath, validExtensions.data(), validExtensions.size(), nullptr);
case DialogMode::Save:
result = NFD::SaveDialog(outPath, validExtensions.data(), validExtensions.size(), nullptr);
case DialogMode::Folder:
result = NFD::PickFolder(outPath, nullptr);
default: __builtin_unreachable();
if (result == NFD_OKAY) {
float float16ToFloat32(u16 float16) {
u32 sign = float16 >> 15;
u32 exponent = (float16 >> 10) & 0x1F;
u32 mantissa = float16 & 0x3FF;
u32 result;
if (exponent == 0) {
if (mantissa == 0) {
// +- Zero
result = sign << 31;
} else {
// Subnormal value
exponent = 0x7F - 14;
while ((mantissa & (1 << 10)) == 0) {
mantissa <<= 1;
mantissa &= 0x3FF;
result = (sign << 31) | (exponent << 23) | (mantissa << 13);
} else if (exponent == 0x1F) {
// +-Inf or +-NaN
result = (sign << 31) | (0xFF << 23) | (mantissa << 13);
} else {
// Normal value
result = (sign << 31) | ((exponent + (0x7F - 15)) << 23) | (mantissa << 13);
return reinterpret_cast<float&>(result);