# Jumperlab/Jumperless/jlctl Roadmap ###### this is just random stuff I thought of right now, there will be more ## Jumperlab/jlctl - Packaged app - Support for special functions - Integrated terminal to see serial comms - ADC and I_Sense readouts/plots - Function generator/DAC interface - Get rails/special functions/nano header to work in camera mode - (maybe) use some object detection to automatically align board in camera mode - Port auto firmware update and new port detection from JumperlessWokwiBridge - Have jlctl auto disconnect when something else connects to the port and then reopen (like the bridge app) so you can update firmware without killing jlctl first. - Integrate arduino-cli and some way to flash an Arduino #### minor fixes - Changing rail supply switch to anything but 5V sends ::setsupplyswitch on every netlist update ## Jumperless - open an HID port so ADC readings/DAC outputs can be sent with minimal overhead - Scan all rows with ADCs - Support connecting a probe on GPIO 18 and 19 to poke out connections without a computer (and have it default to this with no host) - Support changing config on arduino-cli to support non-standard Arduinos (anything but a regular Nano) - Make some board adapters for nano header - Independently test connections after they're all made and report issues (so we're not trusting the same buggy code to report it's own issues - Support onboard (micropython of circuitpython?) scripting to make sequences of connections - Make a separate class of nets for special functions/power. (I_Sense+- gets added twice when connected to a special function, it should be treated like the ADCs) #### minor fixes - Save machine mode netlist on filesystem