; PlatformIO Project Configuration File ; ; Build options: build flags, source filter ; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags ; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages ; Advanced options: extra scripting ; ; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples ; https://docs.platformio.org/page/projectconf.html [env] platform = https://github.com/maxgerhardt/platform-raspberrypi.git framework = arduino board_build.core = earlephilhower board_build.filesystem_size = 0.5m extra_scripts = pre:scripts/find_Jumperless_upload.py, post:scripts/extra_script.py monitor_speed = 256000 monitor_port = /dev/cu.usbmodem01 ; change this to your serial port #debug_tool = picoprobe #debug_port = /dev/cu.usbmodem1302 #upload_protocol = picoprobe build_flags = -DUSE_TINYUSB -DCFG_TUSB_CONFIG_FILE=\"custom_tusb_config.h\" -Iinclude/ [env:pico] board = pico lib_deps = powerbroker2/SafeString@^4.1.27 adafruit/Adafruit INA219@^1.2.1 robtillaart/INA219@^0.1.3 bblanchon/ArduinoJson@^6.21.2 arduino-libraries/Arduino_JSON@^0.2.0 adafruit/Adafruit NeoPixel@^1.11.0 robtillaart/MCP_DAC@^0.2.0