mirror of
synced 2025-02-07 15:01:30 +01:00
230 lines
6.1 KiB
230 lines
6.1 KiB
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import json
import serial
import time
import serial.tools.list_ports
portSelected = 0
while portSelected == False:
ports = serial.tools.list_ports.comports()
i = 0
for port, desc, hwid in sorted(ports):
i = i + 1
print("{}: {} [{}]".format(i, port, desc))
selection = input ("\n\n\rSelect the port connected to your Jumperless ('r' to rescan)\n\n\r")
if selection.isdigit() == True and int(selection) <= i:
portName = ports[int(selection) - 1].device
portSelected = True
print(ports[int(selection) - 1].device)
#print(0 in ports)
#portName = '/dev/cu.usbmodem11301'
def portIsUsable(portName):
ser = serial.Serial(port=portName)
return False
return True
ser = serial.Serial(portName, 460800, timeout=0.050)
#the website URL
#url_link = "https://wokwi.com/projects/367384677537829889"
url_link = input('\n\n\rPaste the link to you Wokwi project here:\n\n\r')
print("\n\n\rSave your Wokwi project to update the Jumperless\n\n\r")
stringified = 0
lastDiagram = 1
while True:
result = requests.get(url_link).text
doc = BeautifulSoup(result, "html.parser")
s = doc.find('script', type='application/json').get_text()
stringex = str(s)
d = json.loads(stringex)
d = d['props']['pageProps']['p']['files'][1]['content']
f = json.loads(d)
stringified = str(f)
if lastDiagram != stringified:
length = len(f["connections"])
p = "{\n"
for i in range(length):
conn1 = str(f["connections"][i][0])
if conn1.startswith("bb1:") == True:
periodIndex = conn1.find('.')
conn1 = conn1[4:periodIndex]
if conn1.endswith('t') == True:
conn1 = conn1[0:(len(conn1)-1)]
elif conn1.endswith('b') == True:
conn1 = conn1[0:(len(conn1)-1)]
conn1 = int(conn1)
conn1 = conn1 + 30
conn1 = str(conn1)
elif conn1.endswith('n') == True:
conn1 = "100"
elif conn1.startswith("GND") == True:
conn1 = "100"
elif conn1.endswith('p') == True:
if conn1.startswith('t') == True:
conn1 = "105"
elif conn1.startswith('b') == True:
conn1 = "103"
if conn1.startswith("nano:") == True:
periodIndex = conn1.find('.')
conn1 = conn1[5:len(conn1)]
if conn1.startswith("GND") == True:
conn1 = "100"
elif conn1 == "AREF":
conn1 = "85"
elif conn1 == "RESET":
conn1 = "84"
elif conn1 == "5V":
conn1 = "105"
elif conn1 == "3.3V":
conn1 = "103"
elif conn1 == "5V":
conn1 = "105"
elif conn1.startswith("A") == True:
conn1 = conn1[1:(len(conn1))]
conn1 = int(conn1)
conn1 = conn1 + 86
conn1 = str(conn1)
elif conn1.isdigit() == True:
conn1 = int(conn1)
conn1 = conn1 + 70
conn1 = str(conn1)
conn2 = str(f["connections"][i][1])
if conn2.startswith("bb1:") == True:
periodIndex = conn2.find('.')
conn2 = conn2[4:periodIndex]
if conn2.endswith('t') == True:
conn2 = conn2[0:(len(conn2)-1)]
elif conn2.endswith('b') == True:
conn2 = conn2[0:(len(conn2)-1)]
conn2 = int(conn2)
conn2 = conn2 + 30
conn2 = str(conn2)
elif conn2.endswith('n') == True:
conn2 = "100"
elif conn2.startswith("GND") == True:
conn2 = "100"
elif conn2.endswith('p') == True:
if conn2.startswith('t') == True:
conn2 = "105"
elif conn2.startswith('b') == True:
conn2 = "103"
if conn2.startswith("nano:") == True:
periodIndex = conn2.find('.')
conn2 = conn2[5:len(conn2)]
if conn2.startswith("GND") == True:
conn2 = "100"
elif conn2 == "AREF":
conn2 = "85"
elif conn2 == "RESET":
conn2 = "84"
elif conn2 == "5V":
conn2 = "105"
elif conn2 == "3.3V":
conn2 = "103"
elif conn2 == "5V":
conn2 = "105"
elif conn2.startswith("A") == True and conn2 != "AREF":
conn2 = conn2[1:(len(conn2))]
conn2 = int(conn2)
conn2 = conn2 + 86
conn2 = str(conn2)
elif conn2.isdigit() == True:
conn2 = int(conn2)
conn2 = conn2 + 70
conn2 = str(conn2)
if conn1.isdigit()== True and conn2.isdigit() == True:
p = (p + conn1 + '-')
p = (p + conn2 + ',\n')
p = (p + "}\n{\n}")
lastDiagram = stringified
#print (p)