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synced 2025-02-21 12:49:48 +01:00
744 lines
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744 lines
28 KiB
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DarkControls;
using DarkControls.Controls;
using KsDumper11.Driver;
using KsDumper11.PE;
using KsDumper11.Utility;
namespace KsDumper11
// Token: 0x02000002 RID: 2
public partial class Dumper : Form
// Token: 0x17000001 RID: 1
// (get) Token: 0x06000001 RID: 1 RVA: 0x00002048 File Offset: 0x00000248
protected override CreateParams CreateParams
CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams;
cp.ExStyle |= 33554432;
return cp;
// Token: 0x06000002 RID: 2
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
private static extern bool TerminateProcess(IntPtr hProcess, uint uExitCode);
// Token: 0x06000003 RID: 3
[DllImport("advapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
private static extern int OpenProcessToken(int ProcessHandle, int DesiredAccess, ref int tokenhandle);
// Token: 0x06000004 RID: 4
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
private static extern int GetCurrentProcess();
// Token: 0x06000005 RID: 5
[DllImport("advapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
private static extern int LookupPrivilegeValue(string lpsystemname, string lpname, ref long lpLuid);
// Token: 0x06000006 RID: 6
[DllImport("advapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
private static extern int AdjustTokenPrivileges(int tokenhandle, int disableprivs, ref Dumper.TOKEN_PRIVILEGES Newstate, int bufferlength, int PreivousState, int Returnlength);
// Token: 0x06000007 RID: 7
[DllImport("advapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
private static extern int GetSecurityInfo(int HANDLE, int SE_OBJECT_TYPE, int SECURITY_INFORMATION, int psidOwner, int psidGroup, out IntPtr pDACL, IntPtr pSACL, out IntPtr pSecurityDescriptor);
// Token: 0x06000008 RID: 8
[DllImport("advapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
private static extern int SetSecurityInfo(int HANDLE, int SE_OBJECT_TYPE, int SECURITY_INFORMATION, int psidOwner, int psidGroup, IntPtr pDACL, IntPtr pSACL);
// Token: 0x06000009 RID: 9
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
private static extern bool ZwSuspendProcess(IntPtr hProcess);
// Token: 0x0600000A RID: 10
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
private static extern bool ZwResumeProcess(IntPtr hProcess);
// Token: 0x0600000B RID: 11
public static extern void GetSystemInfo(ref Dumper.SYSTEM_INFO pSI);
// Token: 0x0600000C RID: 12
private static extern IntPtr OpenProcess(uint dwDesiredAccess, int bInheritHandle, uint dwProcessId);
// Token: 0x0600000D RID: 13
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
private static extern bool CloseHandle(IntPtr hObject);
// Token: 0x0600000E RID: 14
[DllImport("kernel32", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
private static extern IntPtr CreateToolhelp32Snapshot([In] uint dwFlags, [In] uint th32ProcessID);
// Token: 0x0600000F RID: 15
[DllImport("kernel32", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
private static extern bool Process32First([In] IntPtr hSnapshot, ref Dumper.PROCESSENTRY32 lppe);
// Token: 0x06000010 RID: 16
[DllImport("kernel32", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
private static extern bool Process32Next([In] IntPtr hSnapshot, ref Dumper.PROCESSENTRY32 lppe);
// Token: 0x06000011 RID: 17
[DllImport("ntdll.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern int NtQueryInformationProcess(IntPtr processHandle, int processInformationClass, ref Dumper.PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION processInformation, uint processInformationLength, out int returnLength);
bool skip = false;
// Token: 0x06000012 RID: 18 RVA: 0x00002078 File Offset: 0x00000278
public Dumper()
closeDriverOnExitBox.Checked = Properties.Settings.Default.closeDriverOnExitSettings;
this.FormClosing += Dumper_FormClosing;
this.appIcon1.DragForm = this;
base.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
base.Region = Region.FromHrgn(Utils.CreateRoundRectRgn(0, 0, base.Width, base.Height, 10, 10));
this.closeBtn.Region = Region.FromHrgn(Utils.CreateRoundRectRgn(0, 0, this.closeBtn.Width, this.closeBtn.Height, 10, 10));
this.groupBox1.ForeColor = Color.Silver;
foreach (object obj in this.groupBox1.Controls)
Control c = (Control)obj;
c.ForeColor = this.groupBox1.ForeColor;
this.processList.HeaderStyle = ColumnHeaderStyle.Clickable;
this.processList.ColumnWidthChanging += this.processList_ColumnWidthChanging;
this.driver = new DriverInterface("\\\\.\\KsDumper");
this.dumper = new ProcessDumper(this.driver);
private void closeDriverOnExitBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Properties.Settings.Default.closeDriverOnExitSettings = closeDriverOnExitBox.Checked;
private void Dumper_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
if (closeDriverOnExitBox.Checked)
// Token: 0x06000013 RID: 19 RVA: 0x000021C4 File Offset: 0x000003C4
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
base.WndProc(ref m);
bool flag = m.Msg == Utils.WM_NCHITTEST;
if (flag)
m.Result = (IntPtr)Utils.HT_CAPTION;
// Token: 0x06000014 RID: 20 RVA: 0x000021FC File Offset: 0x000003FC
private void processList_ColumnWidthChanging(object sender, ColumnWidthChangingEventArgs e)
Console.Write("Column Resizing");
e.NewWidth = this.processList.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Width;
e.Cancel = true;
// Token: 0x06000015 RID: 21 RVA: 0x00002234 File Offset: 0x00000434
private void Dumper_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Logger.OnLog += this.Logger_OnLog;
Logger.Log("KsDumper 11 - [By EquiFox] Given Newlife", Array.Empty<object>());
// Token: 0x06000016 RID: 22 RVA: 0x0000225C File Offset: 0x0000045C
private void LoadProcessList()
bool flag = this.driver.HasValidHandle();
if (flag)
ProcessSummary[] result;
bool processSummaryList = this.driver.GetProcessSummaryList(out result);
if (processSummaryList)
MessageBox.Show("Unable to retrieve process list !", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand);
// Token: 0x06000017 RID: 23 RVA: 0x000022B4 File Offset: 0x000004B4
private bool DumpProcess(ProcessSummary process)
bool flag = this.driver.HasValidHandle();
bool flag2;
if (flag)
Logger.Log("Valid driver handle open", Array.Empty<object>());
bool sucess = false;
Task.Run(delegate ()
Logger.Log("Dumping process...", Array.Empty<object>());
PEFile peFile;
sucess = this.dumper.DumpProcess(process, out peFile);
if (sucess)
Logger.Log("Sucess!", Array.Empty<object>());
this.Invoke(new Action(delegate ()
using (SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog())
sfd.FileName = process.ProcessName.Replace(".exe", "_dump.exe");
sfd.Filter = "Executable File (.exe)|*.exe";
bool flag3 = sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK;
if (flag3)
Logger.Log("Saved at '{0}' !", new object[] { sfd.FileName });
Logger.Log(process.ProcessName + " Killed", Array.Empty<object>());
Logger.Log("Failure", Array.Empty<object>());
this.Invoke(new Action(delegate ()
MessageBox.Show("Unable to dump target process !", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand);
flag2 = sucess;
MessageBox.Show("Unable to communicate with driver ! Make sure it is loaded.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand);
flag2 = false;
return flag2;
// Token: 0x06000018 RID: 24 RVA: 0x00002340 File Offset: 0x00000540
private bool DumpProcess(Process process)
bool flag = this.driver.HasValidHandle();
bool flag3;
if (flag)
Logger.Log("Valid driver handle open", Array.Empty<object>());
Logger.Log("Dumping process...", Array.Empty<object>());
PEFile peFile;
bool sucess = this.dumper.DumpProcess(process, out peFile);
bool flag2 = sucess;
if (flag2)
Logger.Log("Sucess!", Array.Empty<object>());
base.Invoke(new Action(delegate ()
using (SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog())
sfd.FileName = process.ProcessName + "_dump.exe";
sfd.Filter = "Executable File (.exe)|*.exe";
bool flag4 = sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK;
if (flag4)
Logger.Log("Saved at '{0}' !", new object[] { sfd.FileName });
Logger.Log(process.ProcessName + " Killed", Array.Empty<object>());
Logger.Log("Failure", Array.Empty<object>());
Logger.Log(process.ProcessName + " Killed", Array.Empty<object>());
base.Invoke(new Action(delegate ()
MessageBox.Show("Unable to dump target process !", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand);
flag3 = sucess;
MessageBox.Show("Unable to communicate with driver ! Make sure it is loaded.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand);
Logger.Log(process.ProcessName + " Killed", Array.Empty<object>());
flag3 = false;
return flag3;
// Token: 0x06000019 RID: 25 RVA: 0x000024EC File Offset: 0x000006EC
private void dumpMainModuleToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ProcessSummary targetProcess = this.processList.SelectedItems[0].Tag as ProcessSummary;
// Token: 0x0600001A RID: 26 RVA: 0x00002520 File Offset: 0x00000720
private void Logger_OnLog(string message)
this.logsTextBox.Invoke(new Action(delegate ()
// Token: 0x0600001B RID: 27 RVA: 0x0000255A File Offset: 0x0000075A
private void refreshMenuBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Token: 0x0600001C RID: 28 RVA: 0x00002564 File Offset: 0x00000764
private void contextMenuStrip1_Opening(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
e.Cancel = this.processList.SelectedItems.Count == 0;
// Token: 0x0600001D RID: 29 RVA: 0x00002581 File Offset: 0x00000781
private void logsTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.logsTextBox.SelectionStart = this.logsTextBox.Text.Length;
// Token: 0x0600001E RID: 30 RVA: 0x000025AC File Offset: 0x000007AC
private void openInExplorerToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ProcessSummary targetProcess = this.processList.SelectedItems[0].Tag as ProcessSummary;
Process.Start("explorer.exe", Path.GetDirectoryName(targetProcess.MainModuleFileName));
// Token: 0x0600001F RID: 31 RVA: 0x000025EC File Offset: 0x000007EC
private void suspendProcessToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ProcessSummary targetProcess = this.processList.SelectedItems[0].Tag as ProcessSummary;
// Token: 0x06000020 RID: 32 RVA: 0x00002624 File Offset: 0x00000824
private void KillProcess(int processId)
IntPtr hProcess = Dumper.OpenProcess(1081U, 0, (uint)processId);
bool flag = hProcess == IntPtr.Zero;
if (flag)
IntPtr pDACL;
IntPtr pSecDesc;
Dumper.GetSecurityInfo((int)Process.GetCurrentProcess().Handle, 6, 4, 0, 0, out pDACL, IntPtr.Zero, out pSecDesc);
hProcess = Dumper.OpenProcess(262144U, 0, (uint)processId);
Dumper.SetSecurityInfo((int)hProcess, 6, 536870916, 0, 0, pDACL, IntPtr.Zero);
hProcess = Dumper.OpenProcess(1080U, 0, (uint)processId);
Dumper.TerminateProcess(hProcess, 0U);
// Token: 0x06000021 RID: 33 RVA: 0x000026D8 File Offset: 0x000008D8
private void SuspendProcess(int processId)
IntPtr hProcess = Dumper.OpenProcess(2048U, 0, (uint)processId);
bool flag = hProcess == IntPtr.Zero;
if (flag)
IntPtr pDACL;
IntPtr pSecDesc;
Dumper.GetSecurityInfo((int)Process.GetCurrentProcess().Handle, 6, 4, 0, 0, out pDACL, IntPtr.Zero, out pSecDesc);
hProcess = Dumper.OpenProcess(262144U, 0, (uint)processId);
Dumper.SetSecurityInfo((int)hProcess, 6, 536870916, 0, 0, pDACL, IntPtr.Zero);
hProcess = Dumper.OpenProcess(1080U, 0, (uint)processId);
// Token: 0x06000022 RID: 34 RVA: 0x0000278C File Offset: 0x0000098C
private void ResumeProcess(int processId)
IntPtr hProcess = Dumper.OpenProcess(2048U, 0, (uint)processId);
bool flag = hProcess == IntPtr.Zero;
if (flag)
IntPtr pDACL;
IntPtr pSecDesc;
Dumper.GetSecurityInfo((int)Process.GetCurrentProcess().Handle, 6, 4, 0, 0, out pDACL, IntPtr.Zero, out pSecDesc);
hProcess = Dumper.OpenProcess(262144U, 0, (uint)processId);
Dumper.SetSecurityInfo((int)hProcess, 6, 536870916, 0, 0, pDACL, IntPtr.Zero);
hProcess = Dumper.OpenProcess(1080U, 0, (uint)processId);
// Token: 0x06000023 RID: 35 RVA: 0x00002840 File Offset: 0x00000A40
private void resumeProcessToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ProcessSummary targetProcess = this.processList.SelectedItems[0].Tag as ProcessSummary;
// Token: 0x06000024 RID: 36 RVA: 0x00002878 File Offset: 0x00000A78
private void killProcessToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ProcessSummary targetProcess = this.processList.SelectedItems[0].Tag as ProcessSummary;
// Token: 0x06000025 RID: 37 RVA: 0x000028AF File Offset: 0x00000AAF
private void T_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Token: 0x06000026 RID: 38 RVA: 0x000028B9 File Offset: 0x00000AB9
private void ClearLog()
// Token: 0x06000027 RID: 39 RVA: 0x000028C8 File Offset: 0x00000AC8
private void StartAndDumpFile(string dumpFile)
Logger.Log(Path.GetFileName(dumpFile) + " Started", Array.Empty<object>());
Process process = Process.Start(dumpFile);
Logger.Log("Suspending process...", Array.Empty<object>());
bool flag = this.DumpProcess(process);
if (flag)
Logger.Log(Path.GetFileName(dumpFile) + " Dumped", Array.Empty<object>());
Logger.Log("process dump failed", Array.Empty<object>());
// Token: 0x06000028 RID: 40 RVA: 0x00002958 File Offset: 0x00000B58
private void fileDumpBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Logger.Log("KsDumper v1.1 - By EquiFox", Array.Empty<object>());
OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog();
openFileDialog.Filter = "Executable File (.exe)|*.exe";
openFileDialog.Title = "File to dump";
openFileDialog.RestoreDirectory = true;
bool flag = openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK;
if (flag)
string dumpFile = openFileDialog.FileName;
// Token: 0x06000029 RID: 41 RVA: 0x000029C4 File Offset: 0x00000BC4
private void hideSystemProcessBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
bool flag = !this.processList.SystemProcessesHidden;
if (flag)
this.hideSystemProcessBtn.Text = "Show System Processes";
this.hideSystemProcessBtn.Text = "Hide System Processes";
// Token: 0x0600002A RID: 42 RVA: 0x00002A24 File Offset: 0x00000C24
private void refreshBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Token: 0x0600002B RID: 43 RVA: 0x00002A30 File Offset: 0x00000C30
private void autoRefreshCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
bool @checked = this.autoRefreshCheckBox.Checked;
if (@checked)
bool flag = this.t == null;
if (flag)
this.t = new Timer();
this.t.Tick += this.T_Tick;
this.t.Interval = 100;
this.t.Interval = 100;
// Token: 0x04000001 RID: 1
private const int SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED = 2;
// Token: 0x04000002 RID: 2
private const int TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES = 32;
// Token: 0x04000003 RID: 3
private const int TOKEN_QUERY = 8;
// Token: 0x04000004 RID: 4
private const uint PROCESS_TERMINATE = 1U;
// Token: 0x04000005 RID: 5
private const uint PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD = 2U;
// Token: 0x04000006 RID: 6
private const uint PROCESS_SET_SESSIONID = 4U;
// Token: 0x04000007 RID: 7
private const uint PROCESS_VM_OPERATION = 8U;
// Token: 0x04000008 RID: 8
private const uint PROCESS_VM_READ = 16U;
// Token: 0x04000009 RID: 9
private const uint PROCESS_VM_WRITE = 32U;
// Token: 0x0400000A RID: 10
private const uint PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE = 64U;
// Token: 0x0400000B RID: 11
private const uint PROCESS_CREATE_PROCESS = 128U;
// Token: 0x0400000C RID: 12
private const uint PROCESS_SET_QUOTA = 256U;
// Token: 0x0400000D RID: 13
private const uint PROCESS_SET_INFORMATION = 512U;
// Token: 0x0400000E RID: 14
private const uint PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION = 1024U;
// Token: 0x0400000F RID: 15
private readonly DriverInterface driver;
// Token: 0x04000010 RID: 16
private readonly ProcessDumper dumper;
// Token: 0x04000011 RID: 17
private Timer t;
// Token: 0x02000016 RID: 22
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
private struct TOKEN_PRIVILEGES
// Token: 0x04000078 RID: 120
public int PrivilegeCount;
// Token: 0x04000079 RID: 121
public long Luid;
// Token: 0x0400007A RID: 122
public int Attributes;
// Token: 0x02000017 RID: 23
public enum ProcessAccess
// Token: 0x0400007C RID: 124
AllAccess = 1050235,
// Token: 0x0400007D RID: 125
CreateThread = 2,
// Token: 0x0400007E RID: 126
DuplicateHandle = 64,
// Token: 0x0400007F RID: 127
QueryInformation = 1024,
// Token: 0x04000080 RID: 128
SetInformation = 512,
// Token: 0x04000081 RID: 129
Terminate = 1,
// Token: 0x04000082 RID: 130
VMOperation = 8,
// Token: 0x04000083 RID: 131
VMRead = 16,
// Token: 0x04000084 RID: 132
VMWrite = 32,
// Token: 0x04000085 RID: 133
Synchronize = 1048576
// Token: 0x02000018 RID: 24
public struct SYSTEM_INFO
// Token: 0x04000086 RID: 134
public uint dwOemId;
// Token: 0x04000087 RID: 135
public uint dwPageSize;
// Token: 0x04000088 RID: 136
public uint lpMinimumApplicationAddress;
// Token: 0x04000089 RID: 137
public uint lpMaximumApplicationAddress;
// Token: 0x0400008A RID: 138
public uint dwActiveProcessorMask;
// Token: 0x0400008B RID: 139
public uint dwNumberOfProcessors;
// Token: 0x0400008C RID: 140
public uint dwProcessorType;
// Token: 0x0400008D RID: 141
public uint dwAllocationGranularity;
// Token: 0x0400008E RID: 142
public uint dwProcessorLevel;
// Token: 0x0400008F RID: 143
public uint dwProcessorRevision;
// Token: 0x02000019 RID: 25
private enum SnapshotFlags : uint
// Token: 0x04000091 RID: 145
HeapList = 1U,
// Token: 0x04000092 RID: 146
Process = 2U,
// Token: 0x04000093 RID: 147
Thread = 4U,
// Token: 0x04000094 RID: 148
Module = 8U,
// Token: 0x04000095 RID: 149
Module32 = 16U,
// Token: 0x04000096 RID: 150
Inherit = 2147483648U,
// Token: 0x04000097 RID: 151
All = 31U
// Token: 0x0200001A RID: 26
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
private struct PROCESSENTRY32
// Token: 0x04000098 RID: 152
private const int MAX_PATH = 260;
// Token: 0x04000099 RID: 153
internal uint dwSize;
// Token: 0x0400009A RID: 154
internal uint cntUsage;
// Token: 0x0400009B RID: 155
internal uint th32ProcessID;
// Token: 0x0400009C RID: 156
internal IntPtr th32DefaultHeapID;
// Token: 0x0400009D RID: 157
internal uint th32ModuleID;
// Token: 0x0400009E RID: 158
internal uint cntThreads;
// Token: 0x0400009F RID: 159
internal uint th32ParentProcessID;
// Token: 0x040000A0 RID: 160
internal int pcPriClassBase;
// Token: 0x040000A1 RID: 161
internal uint dwFlags;
// Token: 0x040000A2 RID: 162
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 260)]
internal string szExeFile;
// Token: 0x0200001B RID: 27
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
// Token: 0x17000033 RID: 51
// (get) Token: 0x060000E0 RID: 224 RVA: 0x00006064 File Offset: 0x00004264
public int Size
return 24;
// Token: 0x040000A3 RID: 163
public int ExitStatus;
// Token: 0x040000A4 RID: 164
public int PebBaseAddress;
// Token: 0x040000A5 RID: 165
public int AffinityMask;
// Token: 0x040000A6 RID: 166
public int BasePriority;
// Token: 0x040000A7 RID: 167
public int UniqueProcessId;
// Token: 0x040000A8 RID: 168
public int InheritedFromUniqueProcessId;