'use strict'
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const mimeType = require('mime-types')
const sizeOf = require('image-size')
const themePath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../assets/theme')
const themeList = {}
fs.readdirSync(themePath).forEach(theme => {
if (!(theme in themeList)) themeList[theme] = {}
const imgList = fs.readdirSync(path.resolve(themePath, theme))
imgList.forEach(img => {
const imgPath = path.resolve(themePath, theme, img)
const num = path.parse(img).name
const { width, height } = sizeOf(imgPath)
themeList[theme][num] = {
data: convertToDatauri(imgPath)
function convertToDatauri(path) {
const mime = mimeType.lookup(path)
const base64 = fs.readFileSync(path).toString('base64')
return `data:${mime};base64,${base64}`
function getCountImage(params) {
let { count, theme = 'moebooru', padding = 7, offset = 0, scale = 1, pixelated = '1', darkmode = 'auto' } = params
if (!(theme in themeList)) theme = 'moebooru'
padding = parseInt(padding, 10)
offset = parseInt(offset, 10)
// This is not the greatest way for generating an SVG but it'll do for now
const countArray = count.toString().padStart(padding, '0').split('')
const uniqueChar = [...new Set(countArray)]
let x = 0, y = 0
const defs = uniqueChar.reduce((ret, cur) => {
let { width, height, data } = themeList[theme][cur]
width *= scale
height *= scale
if (height > y) y = height
ret = `${ret}
return ret
}, '')
const parts = countArray.reduce((ret, cur) => {
let { width } = themeList[theme][cur]
width *= scale
const image = `${ret}
x += width + offset
return image
}, '')
// Fix the last image offset
x -= offset
const style = `
svg {
${pixelated === '1' ? 'image-rendering: pixelated;' : ''}
${darkmode === '1' ? 'filter: brightness(.6);' : ''}
${darkmode === 'auto' ? `@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { svg { filter: brightness(.6); } }` : ''}
return `
module.exports = {