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synced 2025-02-19 03:25:54 +01:00
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# https://bsnk.me/eamuse/
from Cryptodome.Cipher import DES3
KEY = bytes(i * 2 for i in b"?I'llB2c.YouXXXeMeHaYpy!")
IV = bytes(8)
valid_characters = "0123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRSTUWXYZ"
def enc_des(uid):
cipher = DES3.new(KEY, DES3.MODE_CBC, IV)
return cipher.encrypt(uid)
def dec_des(uid):
cipher = DES3.new(KEY, DES3.MODE_CBC, IV)
return cipher.decrypt(uid)
def checksum(data):
chk = sum(data[i] * (i % 3 + 1) for i in range(15))
while chk > 31:
chk = (chk >> 5) + (chk & 31)
return chk
def pack_5(data):
data = "".join(f"{i:05b}" for i in data)
if len(data) % 8 != 0:
data += "0" * (8 - (len(data) % 8))
return bytes(int(data[i:i+8], 2) for i in range(0, len(data), 8))
def unpack_5(data):
data = "".join(f"{i:08b}" for i in data)
if len(data) % 5 != 0:
data += "0" * (5 - (len(data) % 5))
return bytes(int(data[i:i+5], 2) for i in range(0, len(data), 5))
def to_konami_id(uid):
assert len(uid) == 16, "UID must be 16 bytes"
if uid.upper().startswith("E004"):
card_type = 1
elif uid.upper().startswith("0"):
card_type = 2
raise ValueError("Invalid UID prefix")
kid = bytes.fromhex(uid)
assert len(kid) == 8, "ID must be 8 bytes"
out = bytearray(unpack_5(enc_des(kid[::-1]))[:13]) + bytes(3)
out[0] ^= card_type
out[13] = 1
for i in range(1, 14):
out[i] ^= out[i - 1]
out[14] = card_type
out[15] = checksum(out)
return "".join(valid_characters[i] for i in out)
def to_uid(konami_id):
if konami_id[14] == "1":
card_type = 1
elif konami_id[14] == "2":
card_type = 2
raise ValueError("Invalid ID")
assert len(konami_id) == 16, f"ID must be 16 characters"
assert all(i in valid_characters for i in konami_id), "ID contains invalid characters"
card = [valid_characters.index(i) for i in konami_id]
assert card[11] % 2 == card[12] % 2, "Parity check failed"
assert card[13] == card[12] ^ 1, "Card invalid"
assert card[15] == checksum(card), "Checksum failed"
for i in range(13, 0, -1):
card[i] ^= card[i - 1]
card[0] ^= card_type
card_id = dec_des(pack_5(card[:13])[:8])[::-1]
card_id = card_id.hex().upper()
if card_type == 1:
assert card_id[:4] == "E004", "Invalid card type"
elif card_type == 2:
assert card_id[0] == "0", "Invalid card type"
return card_id
if __name__ == "__main__":
assert to_konami_id("0000000000000000") == "007TUT8XJNSSPN2P", "To KID failed"
assert to_uid("007TUT8XJNSSPN2P") == "0000000000000000", "From KID failed"
assert to_uid(to_konami_id("000000100200F000")) == "000000100200F000", "Roundtrip failed"