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synced 2025-03-01 08:02:11 +01:00
Add all the missing locales from XCI Trimmer and LDN merge (#281)
Hello any fellow developers that may be reading this. Whenever you add any new locales to `en_US.json`, please make sure to add them to the rest of the locale files. I will not always be there to add them myself.
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"MenuBarToolsManageFileTypes": "إدارة أنواع الملفات",
"MenuBarToolsInstallFileTypes": "تثبيت أنواع الملفات",
"MenuBarToolsUninstallFileTypes": "إزالة أنواع الملفات",
"MenuBarToolsXCITrimmer": "Trim XCI Files",
"MenuBarView": "_عرض",
"MenuBarViewWindow": "حجم النافذة",
"MenuBarViewWindow720": "720p",
@ -84,8 +85,11 @@
"GameListContextMenuOpenModsDirectoryToolTip": "يفتح المجلد الذي يحتوي على تعديلات(mods) التطبيق",
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectory": "فتح مجلد تعديلات(mods) أتموسفير",
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectoryToolTip": "يفتح مجلد أتموسفير لبطاقة SD البديلة الذي يحتوي على تعديلات التطبيق. مفيد للتعديلات التي تم تعبئتها للأجهزة الحقيقية.",
"GameListContextMenuTrimXCI": "Check and Trim XCI File",
"GameListContextMenuTrimXCIToolTip": "Check and Trim XCI File to Save Disk Space",
"StatusBarGamesLoaded": "{0}/{1} لعبة تم تحميلها",
"StatusBarSystemVersion": "إصدار النظام: {0}",
"StatusBarXCIFileTrimming": "Trimming XCI File '{0}'",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTitle": "الحد الأدنى لتعيينات الذاكرة المكتشفة",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextPrimary": "هل ترغب في زيادة قيمة vm.max_map_count إلى {0}",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextSecondary": "قد تحاول بعض الألعاب إنشاء المزيد من تعيينات الذاكرة أكثر مما هو مسموح به حاليا. سيغلق ريوجينكس بمجرد تجاوز هذا الحد.",
@ -400,6 +404,8 @@
"InputDialogTitle": "حوار الإدخال",
"InputDialogOk": "موافق",
"InputDialogCancel": "إلغاء",
"InputDialogCancelling": "Cancelling",
"InputDialogClose": "Close",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileTitle": "اختر اسم الملف الشخصي",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileHeader": "الرجاء إدخال اسم الملف الشخصي",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileSubtext": "(الطول الأقصى: {0})",
@ -469,6 +475,7 @@
"DialogUninstallFileTypesSuccessMessage": "تم إلغاء تثبيت أنواع الملفات بنجاح!",
"DialogUninstallFileTypesErrorMessage": "فشل إلغاء تثبيت أنواع الملفات.",
"DialogOpenSettingsWindowLabel": "فتح نافذة الإعدادات",
"DialogOpenXCITrimmerWindowLabel": "XCI Trimmer Window",
"DialogControllerAppletTitle": "تطبيق وحدة التحكم المصغر",
"DialogMessageDialogErrorExceptionMessage": "خطأ في عرض مربع حوار الرسالة: {0}",
"DialogSoftwareKeyboardErrorExceptionMessage": "خطأ في عرض لوحة مفاتيح البرامج: {0}",
@ -671,6 +678,12 @@
"TitleUpdateVersionLabel": "الإصدار: {0}",
"TitleBundledUpdateVersionLabel": "Bundled: Version {0}",
"TitleBundledDlcLabel": "Bundled:",
"TitleXCIStatusPartialLabel": "Partial",
"TitleXCIStatusTrimmableLabel": "Untrimmed",
"TitleXCIStatusUntrimmableLabel": "Trimmed",
"TitleXCIStatusFailedLabel": "(Failed)",
"TitleXCICanSaveLabel": "Save {0:n0} Mb",
"TitleXCISavingLabel": "Saved {0:n0} Mb",
"RyujinxInfo": "ريوجينكس - معلومات",
"RyujinxConfirm": "ريوجينكس - تأكيد",
"FileDialogAllTypes": "كل الأنواع",
@ -723,11 +736,37 @@
"SelectDlcDialogTitle": "حدد ملفات المحتوي الإضافي",
"SelectUpdateDialogTitle": "حدد ملفات التحديث",
"SelectModDialogTitle": "حدد مجلد التعديل",
"TrimXCIFileDialogTitle": "Check and Trim XCI File",
"TrimXCIFileDialogPrimaryText": "This function will first check the empty space and then trim the XCI File to save disk space.",
"TrimXCIFileDialogSecondaryText": "Current File Size: {0:n} MB\nGame Data Size: {1:n} MB\nDisk Space Savings: {2:n} MB",
"TrimXCIFileNoTrimNecessary": "XCI File does not need to be trimmed. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileNoUntrimPossible": "XCI File cannot be untrimmed. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileReadOnlyFileCannotFix": "XCI File is Read Only and could not be made writable. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFileSizeChanged": "XCI File has changed in size since it was scanned. Please check the file is not being written to and try again.",
"TrimXCIFileFreeSpaceCheckFailed": "XCI File has data in the free space area, it is not safe to trim",
"TrimXCIFileInvalidXCIFile": "XCI File contains invalid data. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFileIOWriteError": "XCI File could not be opened for writing. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFailedPrimaryText": "Trimming of the XCI file failed",
"TrimXCIFileCancelled": "The operation was cancelled",
"TrimXCIFileFileUndertermined": "No operation was performed",
"UserProfileWindowTitle": "مدير الملفات الشخصية للمستخدمين",
"CheatWindowTitle": "مدير الغش",
"DlcWindowTitle": "إدارة المحتوى القابل للتنزيل لـ {0} ({1})",
"ModWindowTitle": "إدارة التعديلات لـ {0} ({1})",
"UpdateWindowTitle": "مدير تحديث العنوان",
"XCITrimmerWindowTitle": "XCI File Trimmer",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusCount": "{0} of {1} Title(s) Selected",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusCountWithFilter": "{0} of {1} Title(s) Selected ({2} displayed)",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusTrimming": "Trimming {0} Title(s)...",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusUntrimming": "Untrimming {0} Title(s)...",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusFailed": "Failed",
"XCITrimmerPotentialSavings": "Potential Savings",
"XCITrimmerActualSavings": "Actual Savings",
"XCITrimmerSavingsMb": "{0:n0} Mb",
"XCITrimmerSelectDisplayed": "Select Shown",
"XCITrimmerDeselectDisplayed": "Deselect Shown",
"XCITrimmerSortName": "Title",
"XCITrimmerSortSaved": "Space Savings",
"XCITrimmerTrim": "Trim",
"XCITrimmerUntrim": "Untrim",
"UpdateWindowUpdateAddedMessage": "{0} new update(s) added",
@ -743,6 +782,7 @@
"AutoloadUpdateRemovedMessage": "{0} missing update(s) removed",
"ModWindowHeading": "{0} تعديل",
"UserProfilesEditProfile": "تعديل المحدد",
"Continue": "Continue",
"Cancel": "إلغاء",
"Save": "حفظ",
"Discard": "تجاهل",
@ -810,5 +850,17 @@
"MultiplayerMode": "الوضع:",
"MultiplayerModeTooltip": "تغيير وضع LDN متعدد اللاعبين.\n\nسوف يقوم LdnMitm بتعديل وظيفة اللعب المحلية/اللاسلكية المحلية في الألعاب لتعمل كما لو كانت شبكة LAN، مما يسمح باتصالات الشبكة المحلية نفسها مع محاكيات ريوجينكس الأخرى وأجهزة نينتندو سويتش المخترقة التي تم تثبيت وحدة ldn_mitm عليها.\n\nيتطلب وضع اللاعبين المتعددين أن يكون جميع اللاعبين على نفس إصدار اللعبة (على سبيل المثال، يتعذر على الإصدار 13.0.1 من سوبر سماش برذرز ألتميت الاتصال بالإصدار 13.0.0).\n\nاتركه معطلا إذا لم تكن متأكدا.",
"MultiplayerModeDisabled": "معطل",
"MultiplayerModeLdnMitm": "ldn_mitm"
"MultiplayerModeLdnMitm": "ldn_mitm",
"MultiplayerModeLdnRyu": "RyuLDN",
"MultiplayerDisableP2P": "Disable P2P Network Hosting (may increase latency)",
"MultiplayerDisableP2PTooltip": "Disable P2P network hosting, peers will proxy through the master server instead of connecting to you directly.",
"LdnPassphrase": "Network Passphrase:",
"LdnPassphraseTooltip": "You will only be able to see hosted games with the same passphrase as you.",
"LdnPassphraseInputTooltip": "Enter a passphrase in the format Ryujinx-<8 hex chars>. You will only be able to see hosted games with the same passphrase as you.",
"LdnPassphraseInputPublic": "(public)",
"GenLdnPass": "Generate Random",
"GenLdnPassTooltip": "Generates a new passphrase, which can be shared with other players.",
"ClearLdnPass": "Clear",
"ClearLdnPassTooltip": "Clears the current passphrase, returning to the public network.",
"InvalidLdnPassphrase": "Invalid Passphrase! Must be in the format \"Ryujinx-<8 hex chars>\""
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"MenuBarToolsManageFileTypes": "Dateitypen verwalten",
"MenuBarToolsInstallFileTypes": "Dateitypen installieren",
"MenuBarToolsUninstallFileTypes": "Dateitypen deinstallieren",
"MenuBarToolsXCITrimmer": "Trim XCI Files",
"MenuBarView": "_Ansicht",
"MenuBarViewWindow": "Fenstergröße",
"MenuBarViewWindow720": "720p",
@ -84,8 +85,11 @@
"GameListContextMenuOpenModsDirectoryToolTip": "Öffnet das Verzeichnis, welches Mods für die Spiele beinhaltet",
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectory": "Atmosphere-Mod-Verzeichnis öffnen",
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectoryToolTip": "Öffnet das alternative SD-Karten-Atmosphere-Verzeichnis, das die Mods der Anwendung enthält. Dieser Ordner ist nützlich für Mods, die für echte Hardware erstellt worden sind.",
"GameListContextMenuTrimXCI": "Check and Trim XCI File",
"GameListContextMenuTrimXCIToolTip": "Check and Trim XCI File to Save Disk Space",
"StatusBarGamesLoaded": "{0}/{1} Spiele geladen",
"StatusBarSystemVersion": "Systemversion: {0}",
"StatusBarXCIFileTrimming": "Trimming XCI File '{0}'",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTitle": "Niedriges Limit für Speicherzuordnungen erkannt",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextPrimary": "Möchtest Du den Wert von vm.max_map_count auf {0} erhöhen",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextSecondary": "Einige Spiele könnten versuchen, mehr Speicherzuordnungen zu erstellen, als derzeit erlaubt. Ryujinx wird abstürzen, sobald dieses Limit überschritten wird.",
@ -400,6 +404,8 @@
"InputDialogTitle": "Eingabe-Dialog",
"InputDialogOk": "OK",
"InputDialogCancel": "Abbrechen",
"InputDialogCancelling": "Cancelling",
"InputDialogClose": "Close",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileTitle": "Wähle den Profilnamen",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileHeader": "Bitte gebe einen Profilnamen ein",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileSubtext": "(Maximale Länge: {0})",
@ -469,6 +475,7 @@
"DialogUninstallFileTypesSuccessMessage": "Dateitypen erfolgreich deinstalliert!",
"DialogUninstallFileTypesErrorMessage": "Deinstallation der Dateitypen fehlgeschlagen.",
"DialogOpenSettingsWindowLabel": "Fenster-Einstellungen öffnen",
"DialogOpenXCITrimmerWindowLabel": "XCI Trimmer Window",
"DialogControllerAppletTitle": "Controller-Applet",
"DialogMessageDialogErrorExceptionMessage": "Fehler bei der Anzeige des Meldungs-Dialogs: {0}",
"DialogSoftwareKeyboardErrorExceptionMessage": "Fehler bei der Anzeige der Software-Tastatur: {0}",
@ -671,6 +678,12 @@
"TitleUpdateVersionLabel": "Version {0} - {1}",
"TitleBundledUpdateVersionLabel": "Bundled: Version {0}",
"TitleBundledDlcLabel": "Bundled:",
"TitleXCIStatusPartialLabel": "Partial",
"TitleXCIStatusTrimmableLabel": "Untrimmed",
"TitleXCIStatusUntrimmableLabel": "Trimmed",
"TitleXCIStatusFailedLabel": "(Failed)",
"TitleXCICanSaveLabel": "Save {0:n0} Mb",
"TitleXCISavingLabel": "Saved {0:n0} Mb",
"RyujinxInfo": "Ryujinx - Info",
"RyujinxConfirm": "Ryujinx - Bestätigung",
"FileDialogAllTypes": "Alle Typen",
@ -723,11 +736,37 @@
"SelectDlcDialogTitle": "DLC-Dateien auswählen",
"SelectUpdateDialogTitle": "Update-Datei auswählen",
"SelectModDialogTitle": "Mod-Ordner auswählen",
"TrimXCIFileDialogTitle": "Check and Trim XCI File",
"TrimXCIFileDialogPrimaryText": "This function will first check the empty space and then trim the XCI File to save disk space.",
"TrimXCIFileDialogSecondaryText": "Current File Size: {0:n} MB\nGame Data Size: {1:n} MB\nDisk Space Savings: {2:n} MB",
"TrimXCIFileNoTrimNecessary": "XCI File does not need to be trimmed. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileNoUntrimPossible": "XCI File cannot be untrimmed. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileReadOnlyFileCannotFix": "XCI File is Read Only and could not be made writable. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFileSizeChanged": "XCI File has changed in size since it was scanned. Please check the file is not being written to and try again.",
"TrimXCIFileFreeSpaceCheckFailed": "XCI File has data in the free space area, it is not safe to trim",
"TrimXCIFileInvalidXCIFile": "XCI File contains invalid data. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFileIOWriteError": "XCI File could not be opened for writing. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFailedPrimaryText": "Trimming of the XCI file failed",
"TrimXCIFileCancelled": "The operation was cancelled",
"TrimXCIFileFileUndertermined": "No operation was performed",
"UserProfileWindowTitle": "Benutzerprofile verwalten",
"CheatWindowTitle": "Spiel-Cheats verwalten",
"DlcWindowTitle": "Spiel-DLC verwalten",
"ModWindowTitle": "Manage Mods for {0} ({1})",
"UpdateWindowTitle": "Spiel-Updates verwalten",
"XCITrimmerWindowTitle": "XCI File Trimmer",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusCount": "{0} of {1} Title(s) Selected",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusCountWithFilter": "{0} of {1} Title(s) Selected ({2} displayed)",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusTrimming": "Trimming {0} Title(s)...",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusUntrimming": "Untrimming {0} Title(s)...",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusFailed": "Failed",
"XCITrimmerPotentialSavings": "Potential Savings",
"XCITrimmerActualSavings": "Actual Savings",
"XCITrimmerSavingsMb": "{0:n0} Mb",
"XCITrimmerSelectDisplayed": "Select Shown",
"XCITrimmerDeselectDisplayed": "Deselect Shown",
"XCITrimmerSortName": "Title",
"XCITrimmerSortSaved": "Space Savings",
"XCITrimmerTrim": "Trim",
"XCITrimmerUntrim": "Untrim",
"UpdateWindowUpdateAddedMessage": "{0} new update(s) added",
@ -743,6 +782,7 @@
"AutoloadUpdateRemovedMessage": "{0} missing update(s) removed",
"ModWindowHeading": "{0} Mod(s)",
"UserProfilesEditProfile": "Profil bearbeiten",
"Continue": "Continue",
"Cancel": "Abbrechen",
"Save": "Speichern",
"Discard": "Verwerfen",
@ -810,5 +850,17 @@
"MultiplayerMode": "Modus:",
"MultiplayerModeTooltip": "Ändert den LDN-Mehrspielermodus.\n\nLdnMitm ändert die lokale drahtlose/lokale Spielfunktionalität in Spielen so, dass sie wie ein LAN funktioniert und lokale, netzwerkgleiche Verbindungen mit anderen Ryujinx-Instanzen und gehackten Nintendo Switch-Konsolen ermöglicht, auf denen das ldn_mitm-Modul installiert ist.\n\nMultiplayer erfordert, dass alle Spieler die gleiche Spielversion verwenden (d.h. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate v13.0.1 kann sich nicht mit v13.0.0 verbinden).\n\nIm Zweifelsfall auf DISABLED lassen.",
"MultiplayerModeDisabled": "Deaktiviert",
"MultiplayerModeLdnMitm": "ldn_mitm"
"MultiplayerModeLdnMitm": "ldn_mitm",
"MultiplayerModeLdnRyu": "RyuLDN",
"MultiplayerDisableP2P": "Disable P2P Network Hosting (may increase latency)",
"MultiplayerDisableP2PTooltip": "Disable P2P network hosting, peers will proxy through the master server instead of connecting to you directly.",
"LdnPassphrase": "Network Passphrase:",
"LdnPassphraseTooltip": "You will only be able to see hosted games with the same passphrase as you.",
"LdnPassphraseInputTooltip": "Enter a passphrase in the format Ryujinx-<8 hex chars>. You will only be able to see hosted games with the same passphrase as you.",
"LdnPassphraseInputPublic": "(public)",
"GenLdnPass": "Generate Random",
"GenLdnPassTooltip": "Generates a new passphrase, which can be shared with other players.",
"ClearLdnPass": "Clear",
"ClearLdnPassTooltip": "Clears the current passphrase, returning to the public network.",
"InvalidLdnPassphrase": "Invalid Passphrase! Must be in the format \"Ryujinx-<8 hex chars>\""
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"MenuBarToolsManageFileTypes": "Διαχείριση τύπων αρχείων",
"MenuBarToolsInstallFileTypes": "Εγκαταστήσετε τύπους αρχείων.",
"MenuBarToolsUninstallFileTypes": "Απεγκαταστήσετε τύπους αρχείων",
"MenuBarToolsXCITrimmer": "Trim XCI Files",
"MenuBarView": "_View",
"MenuBarViewWindow": "Window Size",
"MenuBarViewWindow720": "720p",
@ -84,8 +85,11 @@
"GameListContextMenuOpenModsDirectoryToolTip": "Opens the directory which contains Application's Mods",
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectory": "Open Atmosphere Mods Directory",
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectoryToolTip": "Opens the alternative SD card Atmosphere directory which contains Application's Mods. Useful for mods that are packaged for real hardware.",
"GameListContextMenuTrimXCI": "Check and Trim XCI File",
"GameListContextMenuTrimXCIToolTip": "Check and Trim XCI File to Save Disk Space",
"StatusBarGamesLoaded": "{0}/{1} Φορτωμένα Παιχνίδια",
"StatusBarSystemVersion": "Έκδοση Συστήματος: {0}",
"StatusBarXCIFileTrimming": "Trimming XCI File '{0}'",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTitle": "Εντοπίστηκε χαμηλό όριο για αντιστοιχίσεις μνήμης",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextPrimary": "Θα θέλατε να αυξήσετε την τιμή του vm.max_map_count σε {0}",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextSecondary": "Μερικά παιχνίδια μπορεί να προσπαθήσουν να δημιουργήσουν περισσότερες αντιστοιχίσεις μνήμης από αυτές που επιτρέπονται τώρα. Ο Ryujinx θα καταρρεύσει μόλις ξεπεραστεί αυτό το όριο.",
@ -400,6 +404,8 @@
"InputDialogTitle": "Διάλογος Εισαγωγής",
"InputDialogOk": "ΟΚ",
"InputDialogCancel": "Ακύρωση",
"InputDialogCancelling": "Cancelling",
"InputDialogClose": "Close",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileTitle": "Επιλογή Ονόματος Προφίλ",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileHeader": "Εισαγωγή Ονόματος Προφίλ",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileSubtext": "(Σύνολο Χαρακτήρων: {0})",
@ -469,6 +475,7 @@
"DialogUninstallFileTypesSuccessMessage": "Επιτυχής απεγκατάσταση τύπων αρχείων!",
"DialogUninstallFileTypesErrorMessage": "Αποτυχία απεγκατάστασης τύπων αρχείων.",
"DialogOpenSettingsWindowLabel": "Άνοιγμα Παραθύρου Ρυθμίσεων",
"DialogOpenXCITrimmerWindowLabel": "XCI Trimmer Window",
"DialogControllerAppletTitle": "Applet Χειρισμού",
"DialogMessageDialogErrorExceptionMessage": "Σφάλμα εμφάνισης του διαλόγου Μηνυμάτων: {0}",
"DialogSoftwareKeyboardErrorExceptionMessage": "Σφάλμα εμφάνισης Λογισμικού Πληκτρολογίου: {0}",
@ -671,6 +678,12 @@
"TitleUpdateVersionLabel": "Version {0} - {1}",
"TitleBundledUpdateVersionLabel": "Bundled: Version {0}",
"TitleBundledDlcLabel": "Bundled:",
"TitleXCIStatusPartialLabel": "Partial",
"TitleXCIStatusTrimmableLabel": "Untrimmed",
"TitleXCIStatusUntrimmableLabel": "Trimmed",
"TitleXCIStatusFailedLabel": "(Failed)",
"TitleXCICanSaveLabel": "Save {0:n0} Mb",
"TitleXCISavingLabel": "Saved {0:n0} Mb",
"RyujinxInfo": "Ryujinx - Πληροφορίες",
"RyujinxConfirm": "Ryujinx - Επιβεβαίωση",
"FileDialogAllTypes": "Όλοι οι τύποι",
@ -723,11 +736,37 @@
"SelectDlcDialogTitle": "Επιλογή αρχείων DLC",
"SelectUpdateDialogTitle": "Επιλογή αρχείων ενημέρωσης",
"SelectModDialogTitle": "Select mod directory",
"TrimXCIFileDialogTitle": "Check and Trim XCI File",
"TrimXCIFileDialogPrimaryText": "This function will first check the empty space and then trim the XCI File to save disk space.",
"TrimXCIFileDialogSecondaryText": "Current File Size: {0:n} MB\nGame Data Size: {1:n} MB\nDisk Space Savings: {2:n} MB",
"TrimXCIFileNoTrimNecessary": "XCI File does not need to be trimmed. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileNoUntrimPossible": "XCI File cannot be untrimmed. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileReadOnlyFileCannotFix": "XCI File is Read Only and could not be made writable. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFileSizeChanged": "XCI File has changed in size since it was scanned. Please check the file is not being written to and try again.",
"TrimXCIFileFreeSpaceCheckFailed": "XCI File has data in the free space area, it is not safe to trim",
"TrimXCIFileInvalidXCIFile": "XCI File contains invalid data. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFileIOWriteError": "XCI File could not be opened for writing. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFailedPrimaryText": "Trimming of the XCI file failed",
"TrimXCIFileCancelled": "The operation was cancelled",
"TrimXCIFileFileUndertermined": "No operation was performed",
"UserProfileWindowTitle": "Διαχειριστής Προφίλ Χρήστη",
"CheatWindowTitle": "Διαχειριστής των Cheats",
"DlcWindowTitle": "Downloadable Content Manager",
"ModWindowTitle": "Manage Mods for {0} ({1})",
"UpdateWindowTitle": "Διαχειριστής Ενημερώσεων Τίτλου",
"XCITrimmerWindowTitle": "XCI File Trimmer",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusCount": "{0} of {1} Title(s) Selected",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusCountWithFilter": "{0} of {1} Title(s) Selected ({2} displayed)",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusTrimming": "Trimming {0} Title(s)...",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusUntrimming": "Untrimming {0} Title(s)...",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusFailed": "Failed",
"XCITrimmerPotentialSavings": "Potential Savings",
"XCITrimmerActualSavings": "Actual Savings",
"XCITrimmerSavingsMb": "{0:n0} Mb",
"XCITrimmerSelectDisplayed": "Select Shown",
"XCITrimmerDeselectDisplayed": "Deselect Shown",
"XCITrimmerSortName": "Title",
"XCITrimmerSortSaved": "Space Savings",
"XCITrimmerTrim": "Trim",
"XCITrimmerUntrim": "Untrim",
"UpdateWindowUpdateAddedMessage": "{0} new update(s) added",
@ -743,6 +782,7 @@
"AutoloadUpdateRemovedMessage": "{0} missing update(s) removed",
"ModWindowHeading": "{0} Mod(s)",
"UserProfilesEditProfile": "Επεξεργασία Επιλεγμένων",
"Continue": "Continue",
"Cancel": "Ακύρωση",
"Save": "Αποθήκευση",
"Discard": "Απόρριψη",
@ -810,5 +850,17 @@
"MultiplayerMode": "Λειτουργία:",
"MultiplayerModeTooltip": "Change LDN multiplayer mode.\n\nLdnMitm will modify local wireless/local play functionality in games to function as if it were LAN, allowing for local, same-network connections with other Ryujinx instances and hacked Nintendo Switch consoles that have the ldn_mitm module installed.\n\nMultiplayer requires all players to be on the same game version (i.e. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate v13.0.1 can't connect to v13.0.0).\n\nLeave DISABLED if unsure.",
"MultiplayerModeDisabled": "Disabled",
"MultiplayerModeLdnMitm": "ldn_mitm"
"MultiplayerModeLdnMitm": "ldn_mitm",
"MultiplayerModeLdnRyu": "RyuLDN",
"MultiplayerDisableP2P": "Disable P2P Network Hosting (may increase latency)",
"MultiplayerDisableP2PTooltip": "Disable P2P network hosting, peers will proxy through the master server instead of connecting to you directly.",
"LdnPassphrase": "Network Passphrase:",
"LdnPassphraseTooltip": "You will only be able to see hosted games with the same passphrase as you.",
"LdnPassphraseInputTooltip": "Enter a passphrase in the format Ryujinx-<8 hex chars>. You will only be able to see hosted games with the same passphrase as you.",
"LdnPassphraseInputPublic": "(public)",
"GenLdnPass": "Generate Random",
"GenLdnPassTooltip": "Generates a new passphrase, which can be shared with other players.",
"ClearLdnPass": "Clear",
"ClearLdnPassTooltip": "Clears the current passphrase, returning to the public network.",
"InvalidLdnPassphrase": "Invalid Passphrase! Must be in the format \"Ryujinx-<8 hex chars>\""
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"MenuBarToolsManageFileTypes": "Administrar tipos de archivo",
"MenuBarToolsInstallFileTypes": "Instalar tipos de archivo",
"MenuBarToolsUninstallFileTypes": "Desinstalar tipos de archivo",
"MenuBarToolsXCITrimmer": "Trim XCI Files",
"MenuBarView": "_View",
"MenuBarViewWindow": "Tamaño Ventana",
"MenuBarViewWindow720": "720p",
@ -84,8 +85,11 @@
"GameListContextMenuOpenModsDirectoryToolTip": "Abre el directorio que contiene los Mods de la Aplicación.",
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectory": "Abrir Directorio de Mods de Atmosphere\n\n\n\n\n\n",
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectoryToolTip": "Abre el directorio alternativo de la tarjeta SD de Atmosphere que contiene los Mods de la Aplicación. Útil para los mods que están empaquetados para el hardware real.",
"GameListContextMenuTrimXCI": "Check and Trim XCI File",
"GameListContextMenuTrimXCIToolTip": "Check and Trim XCI File to Save Disk Space",
"StatusBarGamesLoaded": "{0}/{1} juegos cargados",
"StatusBarSystemVersion": "Versión del sistema: {0}",
"StatusBarXCIFileTrimming": "Trimming XCI File '{0}'",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTitle": "Límite inferior para mapeos de memoria detectado",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextPrimary": "¿Quieres aumentar el valor de vm.max_map_count a {0}?",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextSecondary": "Algunos juegos podrían intentar crear más mapeos de memoria de los permitidos. Ryujinx se bloqueará tan pronto como se supere este límite.",
@ -400,6 +404,8 @@
"InputDialogTitle": "Cuadro de diálogo de entrada",
"InputDialogOk": "Aceptar",
"InputDialogCancel": "Cancelar",
"InputDialogCancelling": "Cancelling",
"InputDialogClose": "Close",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileTitle": "Introducir nombre de perfil",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileHeader": "Por favor elige un nombre de usuario",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileSubtext": "(Máximo de caracteres: {0})",
@ -469,6 +475,7 @@
"DialogUninstallFileTypesSuccessMessage": "¡Tipos de archivos desinstalados con éxito!",
"DialogUninstallFileTypesErrorMessage": "No se pudo desinstalar los tipos de archivo.",
"DialogOpenSettingsWindowLabel": "Abrir ventana de opciones",
"DialogOpenXCITrimmerWindowLabel": "XCI Trimmer Window",
"DialogControllerAppletTitle": "Applet de mandos",
"DialogMessageDialogErrorExceptionMessage": "Error al mostrar cuadro de diálogo: {0}",
"DialogSoftwareKeyboardErrorExceptionMessage": "Error al mostrar teclado de software: {0}",
@ -671,6 +678,12 @@
"TitleUpdateVersionLabel": "Versión {0} - {1}",
"TitleBundledUpdateVersionLabel": "Bundled: Version {0}",
"TitleBundledDlcLabel": "Bundled:",
"TitleXCIStatusPartialLabel": "Partial",
"TitleXCIStatusTrimmableLabel": "Untrimmed",
"TitleXCIStatusUntrimmableLabel": "Trimmed",
"TitleXCIStatusFailedLabel": "(Failed)",
"TitleXCICanSaveLabel": "Save {0:n0} Mb",
"TitleXCISavingLabel": "Saved {0:n0} Mb",
"RyujinxInfo": "Ryujinx - Info",
"RyujinxConfirm": "Ryujinx - Confirmación",
"FileDialogAllTypes": "Todos los tipos",
@ -723,11 +736,37 @@
"SelectDlcDialogTitle": "Selecciona archivo(s) de DLC",
"SelectUpdateDialogTitle": "Selecciona archivo(s) de actualización",
"SelectModDialogTitle": "Seleccionar un directorio de Mods",
"TrimXCIFileDialogTitle": "Check and Trim XCI File",
"TrimXCIFileDialogPrimaryText": "This function will first check the empty space and then trim the XCI File to save disk space.",
"TrimXCIFileDialogSecondaryText": "Current File Size: {0:n} MB\nGame Data Size: {1:n} MB\nDisk Space Savings: {2:n} MB",
"TrimXCIFileNoTrimNecessary": "XCI File does not need to be trimmed. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileNoUntrimPossible": "XCI File cannot be untrimmed. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileReadOnlyFileCannotFix": "XCI File is Read Only and could not be made writable. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFileSizeChanged": "XCI File has changed in size since it was scanned. Please check the file is not being written to and try again.",
"TrimXCIFileFreeSpaceCheckFailed": "XCI File has data in the free space area, it is not safe to trim",
"TrimXCIFileInvalidXCIFile": "XCI File contains invalid data. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFileIOWriteError": "XCI File could not be opened for writing. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFailedPrimaryText": "Trimming of the XCI file failed",
"TrimXCIFileCancelled": "The operation was cancelled",
"TrimXCIFileFileUndertermined": "No operation was performed",
"UserProfileWindowTitle": "Administrar perfiles de usuario",
"CheatWindowTitle": "Administrar cheats",
"DlcWindowTitle": "Administrar contenido descargable",
"ModWindowTitle": "Administrar Mods para {0} ({1})",
"UpdateWindowTitle": "Administrar actualizaciones",
"XCITrimmerWindowTitle": "XCI File Trimmer",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusCount": "{0} of {1} Title(s) Selected",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusCountWithFilter": "{0} of {1} Title(s) Selected ({2} displayed)",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusTrimming": "Trimming {0} Title(s)...",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusUntrimming": "Untrimming {0} Title(s)...",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusFailed": "Failed",
"XCITrimmerPotentialSavings": "Potential Savings",
"XCITrimmerActualSavings": "Actual Savings",
"XCITrimmerSavingsMb": "{0:n0} Mb",
"XCITrimmerSelectDisplayed": "Select Shown",
"XCITrimmerDeselectDisplayed": "Deselect Shown",
"XCITrimmerSortName": "Title",
"XCITrimmerSortSaved": "Space Savings",
"XCITrimmerTrim": "Trim",
"XCITrimmerUntrim": "Untrim",
"UpdateWindowUpdateAddedMessage": "{0} nueva(s) actualización(es) agregada(s)",
@ -742,6 +781,7 @@
"AutoloadUpdateRemovedMessage": "Se eliminaron {0} actualización(es) faltantes",
"ModWindowHeading": "{0} Mod(s)",
"UserProfilesEditProfile": "Editar selección",
"Continue": "Continue",
"Cancel": "Cancelar",
"Save": "Guardar",
"Discard": "Descartar",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"MenuBarToolsManageFileTypes": "Gérer les types de fichiers",
"MenuBarToolsInstallFileTypes": "Installer les types de fichiers",
"MenuBarToolsUninstallFileTypes": "Désinstaller les types de fichiers",
"MenuBarToolsXCITrimmer": "Réduire les fichiers XCI",
"MenuBarView": "_Fenêtre",
"MenuBarViewWindow": "Taille de la fenêtre",
"MenuBarViewWindow720": "720p",
@ -84,8 +85,11 @@
"GameListContextMenuOpenModsDirectoryToolTip": "Ouvre le dossier contenant les mods du jeu",
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectory": "Ouvrir le dossier des mods Atmosphère",
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectoryToolTip": "Ouvre le dossier alternatif de la carte SD Atmosphère qui contient les mods de l'application. Utile pour les mods conçus pour console.",
"GameListContextMenuTrimXCI": "Vérifier et réduire les fichiers XCI",
"GameListContextMenuTrimXCIToolTip": "Vérifier et réduire les fichiers XCI pour économiser de l'espace",
"StatusBarGamesLoaded": "{0}/{1} Jeux chargés",
"StatusBarSystemVersion": "Version du Firmware: {0}",
"StatusBarXCIFileTrimming": "Réduction du fichier XCI '{0}'",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTitle": "Limite basse pour les mappings mémoire détectée",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextPrimary": "Voulez-vous augmenter la valeur de vm.max_map_count à {0}",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextSecondary": "Certains jeux peuvent essayer de créer plus de mappings mémoire que ce qui est actuellement autorisé. Ryujinx plantera dès que cette limite sera dépassée.",
@ -400,6 +404,8 @@
"InputDialogTitle": "Fenêtre d'entrée de texte",
"InputDialogOk": "OK",
"InputDialogCancel": "Annuler",
"InputDialogCancelling": "Annulation en cours",
"InputDialogClose": "Fermer",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileTitle": "Choisir un nom de profil",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileHeader": "Merci d'entrer un nom de profil",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileSubtext": "(Longueur max.: {0})",
@ -469,6 +475,7 @@
"DialogUninstallFileTypesSuccessMessage": "Types de fichiers désinstallés avec succès!",
"DialogUninstallFileTypesErrorMessage": "Échec de la désinstallation des types de fichiers.",
"DialogOpenSettingsWindowLabel": "Ouvrir la fenêtre de configuration",
"DialogOpenXCITrimmerWindowLabel": "Fenêtre de réduction de fichiers XCI",
"DialogControllerAppletTitle": "Programme Manette",
"DialogMessageDialogErrorExceptionMessage": "Erreur lors de l'affichage de la boîte de dialogue : {0}",
"DialogSoftwareKeyboardErrorExceptionMessage": "Erreur lors de l'affichage du clavier logiciel: {0}",
@ -671,6 +678,12 @@
"TitleUpdateVersionLabel": "Version {0}",
"TitleBundledUpdateVersionLabel": "Inclus avec le jeu: Version {0}",
"TitleBundledDlcLabel": "Inclus avec le jeu :",
"TitleXCIStatusPartialLabel": "Partiel",
"TitleXCIStatusTrimmableLabel": "Non réduit",
"TitleXCIStatusUntrimmableLabel": "Réduit",
"TitleXCIStatusFailedLabel": "(Échoué)",
"TitleXCICanSaveLabel": "Sauvegarde de {0:n0} Mo",
"TitleXCISavingLabel": "Sauvegardé {0:n0} Mo",
"RyujinxInfo": "Ryujinx - Info",
"RyujinxConfirm": "Ryujinx - Confirmation",
"FileDialogAllTypes": "Tous les types",
@ -723,11 +736,39 @@
"SelectDlcDialogTitle": "Sélectionner les fichiers DLC",
"SelectUpdateDialogTitle": "Sélectionner les fichiers de mise à jour",
"SelectModDialogTitle": "Sélectionner le répertoire du mod",
"TrimXCIFileDialogTitle": "Vérifier et Réduire le fichier XCI",
"TrimXCIFileDialogPrimaryText": "Cette fonction va vérifier l'espace vide, puis réduire le fichier XCI pour économiser de l'espace de disque dur.",
"TrimXCIFileDialogSecondaryText": "Taille actuelle du fichier: {0:n} MB\nTaille des données de jeux: {1:n} MB\nÉconomie d'espaces sur le disque: {2:n} MB",
"TrimXCIFileNoTrimNecessary": "Fichier XCI n'a pas besoin d'être réduit. Regarder les journaux pour plus de détails",
"TrimXCIFileNoUntrimPossible": "Fichier XCI ne peut pas être dé-réduit. Regarder les journaux pour plus de détails",
"TrimXCIFileReadOnlyFileCannotFix": "Fichier XCI est en Lecture Seule et n'a pas pu être rendu accessible en écriture. Regarder les journaux pour plus de détails",
"TrimXCIFileFileSizeChanged": "Fichier XCI a changé en taille depuis qu'il a été scanné. Vérifier que le fichier n'est pas en cours d'écriture et réessayer.",
"TrimXCIFileFreeSpaceCheckFailed": "Fichier XCI a des données dans la zone d'espace libre, ce n'est pas sûr de réduire",
"TrimXCIFileInvalidXCIFile": "Fichier XCI contient des données invalides. Regarder les journaux pour plus de détails",
"TrimXCIFileFileIOWriteError": "Fichier XCI n'a pas pu été ouvert pour écriture. Regarder les journaux pour plus de détails",
"TrimXCIFileFailedPrimaryText": "Réduction du fichier XCI a échoué",
"TrimXCIFileCancelled": "L'opération a été annulée",
"TrimXCIFileFileUndertermined": "Aucune opération a été faite",
"UserProfileWindowTitle": "Gestionnaire de profils utilisateur",
"CheatWindowTitle": "Gestionnaire de cheats",
"DlcWindowTitle": "Gérer le contenu téléchargeable pour {0} ({1})",
"ModWindowTitle": "Gérer les mods pour {0} ({1})",
"UpdateWindowTitle": "Gestionnaire de mises à jour",
"XCITrimmerWindowTitle": "Rogneur de fichier XCI",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusCount": "{0} sur {1} Fichier(s) Sélectionnés",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusCountWithFilter": "{0} sur {1} Fichier(s) Sélectionnés ({2} affiché(s)",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusTrimming": "Réduction de {0} Fichier(s)...",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusUntrimming": "Dé-Réduction de {0} Fichier(s)...",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusFailed": "Échoué",
"XCITrimmerPotentialSavings": "Économies potentielles d'espace de disque dur",
"XCITrimmerActualSavings": "Économies actualles d'espace de disque dur",
"XCITrimmerSavingsMb": "{0:n0} Mo",
"XCITrimmerSelectDisplayed": "Sélectionner Affiché",
"XCITrimmerDeselectDisplayed": "Désélectionner Affiché",
"XCITrimmerSortName": "Titre",
"XCITrimmerSortSaved": "Économies de disque dur",
"XCITrimmerTrim": "Réduire",
"XCITrimmerUntrim": "Dé-Réduire",
"UpdateWindowUpdateAddedMessage": "{0} nouvelle(s) mise(s) à jour ajoutée(s)",
"UpdateWindowBundledContentNotice": "Les mises à jour incluses avec le jeu ne peuvent pas être supprimées mais peuvent être désactivées.",
"CheatWindowHeading": "Cheats disponibles pour {0} [{1}]",
@ -741,6 +782,7 @@
"AutoloadUpdateRemovedMessage": "{0} mises à jour manquantes supprimées",
"ModWindowHeading": "{0} Mod(s)",
"UserProfilesEditProfile": "Éditer la sélection",
"Continue": "Continuer",
"Cancel": "Annuler",
"Save": "Enregistrer",
"Discard": "Abandonner",
@ -808,5 +850,17 @@
"MultiplayerMode": "Mode :",
"MultiplayerModeTooltip": "Changer le mode multijoueur LDN.\n\nLdnMitm modifiera la fonctionnalité de jeu sans fil local/jeu local dans les jeux pour fonctionner comme s'il s'agissait d'un LAN, permettant des connexions locales sur le même réseau avec d'autres instances de Ryujinx et des consoles Nintendo Switch piratées ayant le module ldn_mitm installé.\n\nLe multijoueur nécessite que tous les joueurs soient sur la même version du jeu (par exemple, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate v13.0.1 ne peut pas se connecter à v13.0.0).\n\nLaissez DÉSACTIVÉ si vous n'êtes pas sûr.",
"MultiplayerModeDisabled": "Désactivé",
"MultiplayerModeLdnMitm": "ldn_mitm"
"MultiplayerModeLdnMitm": "ldn_mitm",
"MultiplayerModeLdnRyu": "RyuLDN",
"MultiplayerDisableP2P": "Désactiver PàP Hébergement de Réseau (pourrait augmenter la latence)",
"MultiplayerDisableP2PTooltip": "Désactiver PàP hébergement de réseau, les postes vont proxy avec le serveur principal au lieu de se connecter directement à vous.",
"LdnPassphrase": "Mot de passe Réseau :",
"LdnPassphraseTooltip": "Vous pourez seulement voir les jeux hébergé avec le même mot de passe que vous.",
"LdnPassphraseInputTooltip": "Entrer un mot de passe dans le format Ryujinx-<8 hex chars>. Vous pourez seulement voir les jeux hébergé avec le même mot de passe que vous.",
"LdnPassphraseInputPublic": "(publique)",
"GenLdnPass": "Générer Aléatoire",
"GenLdnPassTooltip": "Génére un nouveau mot de passe, qui peut être partagé avec les autres.",
"ClearLdnPass": "Supprimer",
"ClearLdnPassTooltip": "Supprime le mot de passe actuel, ce qui vous remet sur le réseau public.",
"InvalidLdnPassphrase": "Mot de passe invalide! Il doit être dans le format \"Ryujinx-<8 hex chars>\""
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"MenuBarToolsManageFileTypes": "ניהול סוגי קבצים",
"MenuBarToolsInstallFileTypes": "סוגי קבצי התקנה",
"MenuBarToolsUninstallFileTypes": "סוגי קבצי הסרה",
"MenuBarToolsXCITrimmer": "Trim XCI Files",
"MenuBarView": "_View",
"MenuBarViewWindow": "Window Size",
"MenuBarViewWindow720": "720p",
@ -84,8 +85,11 @@
"GameListContextMenuOpenModsDirectoryToolTip": "פותח את התיקייה שמכילה מודים של האפליקציה",
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectory": "פתח תיקיית מודים של Atmosphere",
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectoryToolTip": "פותח את תיקיית כרטיס ה-SD החלופית של Atmosphere המכילה את המודים של האפליקציה. שימושי עבור מודים שארוזים עבור חומרה אמיתית.",
"GameListContextMenuTrimXCI": "Check and Trim XCI File",
"GameListContextMenuTrimXCIToolTip": "Check and Trim XCI File to Save Disk Space",
"StatusBarGamesLoaded": "{1}/{0} משחקים נטענו",
"StatusBarSystemVersion": "גרסת מערכת: {0}",
"StatusBarXCIFileTrimming": "Trimming XCI File '{0}'",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTitle": "זוהתה מגבלה נמוכה עבור מיפויי זיכרון",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextPrimary": "האם תרצה להגביר את הערך של vm.max_map_count ל{0}",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextSecondary": "משחקים מסוימים עלולים לייצר עוד מיפויי זיכרון ממה שמתאפשר. Ryujinx יקרוס ברגע שהמגבלה תחרוג.",
@ -400,6 +404,8 @@
"InputDialogTitle": "דיאלוג קלט",
"InputDialogOk": "בסדר",
"InputDialogCancel": "ביטול",
"InputDialogCancelling": "Cancelling",
"InputDialogClose": "Close",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileTitle": "בחרו את שם הפרופיל",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileHeader": "אנא הזינו שם לפרופיל",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileSubtext": "(אורך מרבי: {0})",
@ -469,6 +475,7 @@
"DialogUninstallFileTypesSuccessMessage": "סוגי קבצים הוסרו בהצלחה!",
"DialogUninstallFileTypesErrorMessage": "נכשל בהסרת סוגי קבצים.",
"DialogOpenSettingsWindowLabel": "פתח את חלון ההגדרות",
"DialogOpenXCITrimmerWindowLabel": "XCI Trimmer Window",
"DialogControllerAppletTitle": "יישומון בקר",
"DialogMessageDialogErrorExceptionMessage": "שגיאה בהצגת דיאלוג ההודעה: {0}",
"DialogSoftwareKeyboardErrorExceptionMessage": "שגיאה בהצגת תוכנת המקלדת: {0}",
@ -671,6 +678,12 @@
"TitleUpdateVersionLabel": "גרסה {0}",
"TitleBundledUpdateVersionLabel": "Bundled: Version {0}",
"TitleBundledDlcLabel": "Bundled:",
"TitleXCIStatusPartialLabel": "Partial",
"TitleXCIStatusTrimmableLabel": "Untrimmed",
"TitleXCIStatusUntrimmableLabel": "Trimmed",
"TitleXCIStatusFailedLabel": "(Failed)",
"TitleXCICanSaveLabel": "Save {0:n0} Mb",
"TitleXCISavingLabel": "Saved {0:n0} Mb",
"RyujinxInfo": "ריוג'ינקס - מידע",
"RyujinxConfirm": "ריוג'ינקס - אישור",
"FileDialogAllTypes": "כל הסוגים",
@ -723,11 +736,37 @@
"SelectDlcDialogTitle": "בחרו קבצי הרחבות משחק",
"SelectUpdateDialogTitle": "בחרו קבצי עדכון",
"SelectModDialogTitle": "בחר תיקיית מודים",
"TrimXCIFileDialogTitle": "Check and Trim XCI File",
"TrimXCIFileDialogPrimaryText": "This function will first check the empty space and then trim the XCI File to save disk space.",
"TrimXCIFileDialogSecondaryText": "Current File Size: {0:n} MB\nGame Data Size: {1:n} MB\nDisk Space Savings: {2:n} MB",
"TrimXCIFileNoTrimNecessary": "XCI File does not need to be trimmed. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileNoUntrimPossible": "XCI File cannot be untrimmed. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileReadOnlyFileCannotFix": "XCI File is Read Only and could not be made writable. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFileSizeChanged": "XCI File has changed in size since it was scanned. Please check the file is not being written to and try again.",
"TrimXCIFileFreeSpaceCheckFailed": "XCI File has data in the free space area, it is not safe to trim",
"TrimXCIFileInvalidXCIFile": "XCI File contains invalid data. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFileIOWriteError": "XCI File could not be opened for writing. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFailedPrimaryText": "Trimming of the XCI file failed",
"TrimXCIFileCancelled": "The operation was cancelled",
"TrimXCIFileFileUndertermined": "No operation was performed",
"UserProfileWindowTitle": "ניהול פרופילי משתמש",
"CheatWindowTitle": "נהל צ'יטים למשחק",
"DlcWindowTitle": "נהל הרחבות משחק עבור {0} ({1})",
"ModWindowTitle": "Manage Mods for {0} ({1})",
"UpdateWindowTitle": "נהל עדכוני משחקים",
"XCITrimmerWindowTitle": "XCI File Trimmer",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusCount": "{0} of {1} Title(s) Selected",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusCountWithFilter": "{0} of {1} Title(s) Selected ({2} displayed)",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusTrimming": "Trimming {0} Title(s)...",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusUntrimming": "Untrimming {0} Title(s)...",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusFailed": "Failed",
"XCITrimmerPotentialSavings": "Potential Savings",
"XCITrimmerActualSavings": "Actual Savings",
"XCITrimmerSavingsMb": "{0:n0} Mb",
"XCITrimmerSelectDisplayed": "Select Shown",
"XCITrimmerDeselectDisplayed": "Deselect Shown",
"XCITrimmerSortName": "Title",
"XCITrimmerSortSaved": "Space Savings",
"XCITrimmerTrim": "Trim",
"XCITrimmerUntrim": "Untrim",
"UpdateWindowUpdateAddedMessage": "{0} new update(s) added",
@ -743,6 +782,7 @@
"AutoloadUpdateRemovedMessage": "{0} missing update(s) removed",
"ModWindowHeading": "{0} מוד(ים)",
"UserProfilesEditProfile": "ערוך נבחר/ים",
"Continue": "Continue",
"Cancel": "בטל",
"Save": "שמור",
"Discard": "השלך",
@ -810,5 +850,17 @@
"MultiplayerMode": "מצב:",
"MultiplayerModeTooltip": "Change LDN multiplayer mode.\n\nLdnMitm will modify local wireless/local play functionality in games to function as if it were LAN, allowing for local, same-network connections with other Ryujinx instances and hacked Nintendo Switch consoles that have the ldn_mitm module installed.\n\nMultiplayer requires all players to be on the same game version (i.e. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate v13.0.1 can't connect to v13.0.0).\n\nLeave DISABLED if unsure.",
"MultiplayerModeDisabled": "Disabled",
"MultiplayerModeLdnMitm": "ldn_mitm"
"MultiplayerModeLdnMitm": "ldn_mitm",
"MultiplayerModeLdnRyu": "RyuLDN",
"MultiplayerDisableP2P": "Disable P2P Network Hosting (may increase latency)",
"MultiplayerDisableP2PTooltip": "Disable P2P network hosting, peers will proxy through the master server instead of connecting to you directly.",
"LdnPassphrase": "Network Passphrase:",
"LdnPassphraseTooltip": "You will only be able to see hosted games with the same passphrase as you.",
"LdnPassphraseInputTooltip": "Enter a passphrase in the format Ryujinx-<8 hex chars>. You will only be able to see hosted games with the same passphrase as you.",
"LdnPassphraseInputPublic": "(public)",
"GenLdnPass": "Generate Random",
"GenLdnPassTooltip": "Generates a new passphrase, which can be shared with other players.",
"ClearLdnPass": "Clear",
"ClearLdnPassTooltip": "Clears the current passphrase, returning to the public network.",
"InvalidLdnPassphrase": "Invalid Passphrase! Must be in the format \"Ryujinx-<8 hex chars>\""
@ -850,5 +850,17 @@
"MultiplayerMode": "Modalità:",
"MultiplayerModeTooltip": "Cambia la modalità multigiocatore LDN.\n\nLdnMitm modificherà la funzionalità locale wireless/local play nei giochi per funzionare come se fosse in modalità LAN, consentendo connessioni locali sulla stessa rete con altre istanze di Ryujinx e console Nintendo Switch modificate che hanno il modulo ldn_mitm installato.\n\nLa modalità multigiocatore richiede che tutti i giocatori usino la stessa versione del gioco (es. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate v13.0.1 non può connettersi con la v13.0.0).\n\nNel dubbio, lascia l'opzione su Disabilitato.",
"MultiplayerModeDisabled": "Disabilitato",
"MultiplayerModeLdnMitm": "ldn_mitm"
"MultiplayerModeLdnMitm": "ldn_mitm",
"MultiplayerModeLdnRyu": "RyuLDN",
"MultiplayerDisableP2P": "Disable P2P Network Hosting (may increase latency)",
"MultiplayerDisableP2PTooltip": "Disable P2P network hosting, peers will proxy through the master server instead of connecting to you directly.",
"LdnPassphrase": "Network Passphrase:",
"LdnPassphraseTooltip": "You will only be able to see hosted games with the same passphrase as you.",
"LdnPassphraseInputTooltip": "Enter a passphrase in the format Ryujinx-<8 hex chars>. You will only be able to see hosted games with the same passphrase as you.",
"LdnPassphraseInputPublic": "(public)",
"GenLdnPass": "Generate Random",
"GenLdnPassTooltip": "Generates a new passphrase, which can be shared with other players.",
"ClearLdnPass": "Clear",
"ClearLdnPassTooltip": "Clears the current passphrase, returning to the public network.",
"InvalidLdnPassphrase": "Invalid Passphrase! Must be in the format \"Ryujinx-<8 hex chars>\""
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"MenuBarToolsManageFileTypes": "ファイル形式を管理",
"MenuBarToolsInstallFileTypes": "ファイル形式をインストール",
"MenuBarToolsUninstallFileTypes": "ファイル形式をアンインストール",
"MenuBarToolsXCITrimmer": "Trim XCI Files",
"MenuBarView": "_View",
"MenuBarViewWindow": "Window Size",
"MenuBarViewWindow720": "720p",
@ -84,8 +85,11 @@
"GameListContextMenuOpenModsDirectoryToolTip": "アプリケーションの Mod データを格納するディレクトリを開きます",
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectory": "Atmosphere Mods ディレクトリを開く",
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectoryToolTip": "アプリケーションの Mod データを格納する SD カードの Atmosphere ディレクトリを開きます. 実際のハードウェア用に作成された Mod データに有用です.",
"GameListContextMenuTrimXCI": "Check and Trim XCI File",
"GameListContextMenuTrimXCIToolTip": "Check and Trim XCI File to Save Disk Space",
"StatusBarGamesLoaded": "{0}/{1} ゲーム",
"StatusBarSystemVersion": "システムバージョン: {0}",
"StatusBarXCIFileTrimming": "Trimming XCI File '{0}'",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTitle": "メモリマッピング上限値が小さすぎます",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextPrimary": "vm.max_map_count の値を {0}に増やしますか?",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextSecondary": "ゲームによっては, 現在許可されているサイズより大きなメモリマッピングを作成しようとすることがあります. この制限を超えると, Ryjinx はすぐにクラッシュします.",
@ -400,6 +404,8 @@
"InputDialogTitle": "入力ダイアログ",
"InputDialogOk": "OK",
"InputDialogCancel": "キャンセル",
"InputDialogCancelling": "Cancelling",
"InputDialogClose": "Close",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileTitle": "プロファイル名を選択",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileHeader": "プロファイル名を入力してください",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileSubtext": "(最大長: {0})",
@ -469,6 +475,7 @@
"DialogUninstallFileTypesSuccessMessage": "ファイル形式のアンインストールに成功しました!",
"DialogUninstallFileTypesErrorMessage": "ファイル形式のアンインストールに失敗しました.",
"DialogOpenSettingsWindowLabel": "設定ウインドウを開く",
"DialogOpenXCITrimmerWindowLabel": "XCI Trimmer Window",
"DialogControllerAppletTitle": "コントローラアプレット",
"DialogMessageDialogErrorExceptionMessage": "メッセージダイアログ表示エラー: {0}",
"DialogSoftwareKeyboardErrorExceptionMessage": "ソフトウェアキーボード表示エラー: {0}",
@ -671,6 +678,12 @@
"TitleUpdateVersionLabel": "バージョン {0} - {1}",
"TitleBundledUpdateVersionLabel": "Bundled: Version {0}",
"TitleBundledDlcLabel": "Bundled:",
"TitleXCIStatusPartialLabel": "Partial",
"TitleXCIStatusTrimmableLabel": "Untrimmed",
"TitleXCIStatusUntrimmableLabel": "Trimmed",
"TitleXCIStatusFailedLabel": "(Failed)",
"TitleXCICanSaveLabel": "Save {0:n0} Mb",
"TitleXCISavingLabel": "Saved {0:n0} Mb",
"RyujinxInfo": "Ryujinx - 情報",
"RyujinxConfirm": "Ryujinx - 確認",
"FileDialogAllTypes": "すべての種別",
@ -723,11 +736,37 @@
"SelectDlcDialogTitle": "DLC ファイルを選択",
"SelectUpdateDialogTitle": "アップデートファイルを選択",
"SelectModDialogTitle": "modディレクトリを選択",
"TrimXCIFileDialogTitle": "Check and Trim XCI File",
"TrimXCIFileDialogPrimaryText": "This function will first check the empty space and then trim the XCI File to save disk space.",
"TrimXCIFileDialogSecondaryText": "Current File Size: {0:n} MB\nGame Data Size: {1:n} MB\nDisk Space Savings: {2:n} MB",
"TrimXCIFileNoTrimNecessary": "XCI File does not need to be trimmed. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileNoUntrimPossible": "XCI File cannot be untrimmed. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileReadOnlyFileCannotFix": "XCI File is Read Only and could not be made writable. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFileSizeChanged": "XCI File has changed in size since it was scanned. Please check the file is not being written to and try again.",
"TrimXCIFileFreeSpaceCheckFailed": "XCI File has data in the free space area, it is not safe to trim",
"TrimXCIFileInvalidXCIFile": "XCI File contains invalid data. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFileIOWriteError": "XCI File could not be opened for writing. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFailedPrimaryText": "Trimming of the XCI file failed",
"TrimXCIFileCancelled": "The operation was cancelled",
"TrimXCIFileFileUndertermined": "No operation was performed",
"UserProfileWindowTitle": "ユーザプロファイルを管理",
"CheatWindowTitle": "チート管理",
"DlcWindowTitle": "DLC 管理",
"ModWindowTitle": "Manage Mods for {0} ({1})",
"UpdateWindowTitle": "アップデート管理",
"XCITrimmerWindowTitle": "XCI File Trimmer",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusCount": "{0} of {1} Title(s) Selected",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusCountWithFilter": "{0} of {1} Title(s) Selected ({2} displayed)",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusTrimming": "Trimming {0} Title(s)...",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusUntrimming": "Untrimming {0} Title(s)...",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusFailed": "Failed",
"XCITrimmerPotentialSavings": "Potential Savings",
"XCITrimmerActualSavings": "Actual Savings",
"XCITrimmerSavingsMb": "{0:n0} Mb",
"XCITrimmerSelectDisplayed": "Select Shown",
"XCITrimmerDeselectDisplayed": "Deselect Shown",
"XCITrimmerSortName": "Title",
"XCITrimmerSortSaved": "Space Savings",
"XCITrimmerTrim": "Trim",
"XCITrimmerUntrim": "Untrim",
"UpdateWindowUpdateAddedMessage": "{0} new update(s) added",
@ -742,6 +781,7 @@
"AutoloadUpdateRemovedMessage": "{0} missing update(s) removed",
"ModWindowHeading": "{0} Mod(s)",
"UserProfilesEditProfile": "編集",
"Continue": "Continue",
"Cancel": "キャンセル",
"Save": "セーブ",
"Discard": "破棄",
@ -809,5 +849,17 @@
"MultiplayerMode": "モード:",
"MultiplayerModeTooltip": "LDNマルチプレイヤーモードを変更します.\n\nldn_mitmモジュールがインストールされた, 他のRyujinxインスタンスや,ハックされたNintendo Switchコンソールとのローカル/同一ネットワーク接続を可能にします.\n\nマルチプレイでは, すべてのプレイヤーが同じゲームバージョンである必要があります(例:Super Smash Bros. Ultimate v13.0.1はv13.0.0に接続できません).\n\n不明な場合は「無効」のままにしてください.",
"MultiplayerModeDisabled": "無効",
"MultiplayerModeLdnMitm": "ldn_mitm"
"MultiplayerModeLdnMitm": "ldn_mitm",
"MultiplayerModeLdnRyu": "RyuLDN",
"MultiplayerDisableP2P": "Disable P2P Network Hosting (may increase latency)",
"MultiplayerDisableP2PTooltip": "Disable P2P network hosting, peers will proxy through the master server instead of connecting to you directly.",
"LdnPassphrase": "Network Passphrase:",
"LdnPassphraseTooltip": "You will only be able to see hosted games with the same passphrase as you.",
"LdnPassphraseInputTooltip": "Enter a passphrase in the format Ryujinx-<8 hex chars>. You will only be able to see hosted games with the same passphrase as you.",
"LdnPassphraseInputPublic": "(public)",
"GenLdnPass": "Generate Random",
"GenLdnPassTooltip": "Generates a new passphrase, which can be shared with other players.",
"ClearLdnPass": "Clear",
"ClearLdnPassTooltip": "Clears the current passphrase, returning to the public network.",
"InvalidLdnPassphrase": "Invalid Passphrase! Must be in the format \"Ryujinx-<8 hex chars>\""
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"MenuBarToolsManageFileTypes": "Zarządzaj rodzajami plików",
"MenuBarToolsInstallFileTypes": "Typy plików instalacyjnych",
"MenuBarToolsUninstallFileTypes": "Typy plików dezinstalacyjnych",
"MenuBarToolsXCITrimmer": "Trim XCI Files",
"MenuBarView": "_View",
"MenuBarViewWindow": "Window Size",
"MenuBarViewWindow720": "720p",
@ -84,8 +85,11 @@
"GameListContextMenuOpenModsDirectoryToolTip": "Otwiera katalog zawierający mody dla danej aplikacji",
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectory": "Otwórz katalog modów Atmosphere",
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectoryToolTip": "Otwiera alternatywny katalog Atmosphere na karcie SD, który zawiera mody danej aplikacji. Przydatne dla modów przygotowanych pod prawdziwy sprzęt.",
"GameListContextMenuTrimXCI": "Check and Trim XCI File",
"GameListContextMenuTrimXCIToolTip": "Check and Trim XCI File to Save Disk Space",
"StatusBarGamesLoaded": "{0}/{1} Załadowane gry",
"StatusBarSystemVersion": "Wersja systemu: {0}",
"StatusBarXCIFileTrimming": "Trimming XCI File '{0}'",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTitle": "Wykryto niski limit dla przypisań pamięci",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextPrimary": "Czy chcesz zwiększyć wartość vm.max_map_count do {0}",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextSecondary": "Niektóre gry mogą próbować przypisać sobie więcej pamięci niż obecnie, jest to dozwolone. Ryujinx ulegnie awarii, gdy limit zostanie przekroczony.",
@ -400,6 +404,8 @@
"InputDialogTitle": "Okno Dialogowe Wprowadzania",
"InputDialogOk": "OK",
"InputDialogCancel": "Anuluj",
"InputDialogCancelling": "Cancelling",
"InputDialogClose": "Close",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileTitle": "Wybierz nazwę profilu",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileHeader": "Wprowadź nazwę profilu",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileSubtext": "(Maksymalna długość: {0})",
@ -469,6 +475,7 @@
"DialogUninstallFileTypesSuccessMessage": "Pomyślnie odinstalowano typy plików!",
"DialogUninstallFileTypesErrorMessage": "Nie udało się odinstalować typów plików.",
"DialogOpenSettingsWindowLabel": "Otwórz Okno Ustawień",
"DialogOpenXCITrimmerWindowLabel": "XCI Trimmer Window",
"DialogControllerAppletTitle": "Aplet Kontrolera",
"DialogMessageDialogErrorExceptionMessage": "Błąd wyświetlania okna Dialogowego Wiadomości: {0}",
"DialogSoftwareKeyboardErrorExceptionMessage": "Błąd wyświetlania Klawiatury Oprogramowania: {0}",
@ -671,6 +678,12 @@
"TitleUpdateVersionLabel": "Wersja {0} - {1}",
"TitleBundledUpdateVersionLabel": "Bundled: Version {0}",
"TitleBundledDlcLabel": "Bundled:",
"TitleXCIStatusPartialLabel": "Partial",
"TitleXCIStatusTrimmableLabel": "Untrimmed",
"TitleXCIStatusUntrimmableLabel": "Trimmed",
"TitleXCIStatusFailedLabel": "(Failed)",
"TitleXCICanSaveLabel": "Save {0:n0} Mb",
"TitleXCISavingLabel": "Saved {0:n0} Mb",
"RyujinxInfo": "Ryujinx - Info",
"RyujinxConfirm": "Ryujinx - Potwierdzenie",
"FileDialogAllTypes": "Wszystkie typy",
@ -723,11 +736,37 @@
"SelectDlcDialogTitle": "Wybierz pliki DLC",
"SelectUpdateDialogTitle": "Wybierz pliki aktualizacji",
"SelectModDialogTitle": "Wybierz katalog modów",
"TrimXCIFileDialogTitle": "Check and Trim XCI File",
"TrimXCIFileDialogPrimaryText": "This function will first check the empty space and then trim the XCI File to save disk space.",
"TrimXCIFileDialogSecondaryText": "Current File Size: {0:n} MB\nGame Data Size: {1:n} MB\nDisk Space Savings: {2:n} MB",
"TrimXCIFileNoTrimNecessary": "XCI File does not need to be trimmed. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileNoUntrimPossible": "XCI File cannot be untrimmed. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileReadOnlyFileCannotFix": "XCI File is Read Only and could not be made writable. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFileSizeChanged": "XCI File has changed in size since it was scanned. Please check the file is not being written to and try again.",
"TrimXCIFileFreeSpaceCheckFailed": "XCI File has data in the free space area, it is not safe to trim",
"TrimXCIFileInvalidXCIFile": "XCI File contains invalid data. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFileIOWriteError": "XCI File could not be opened for writing. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFailedPrimaryText": "Trimming of the XCI file failed",
"TrimXCIFileCancelled": "The operation was cancelled",
"TrimXCIFileFileUndertermined": "No operation was performed",
"UserProfileWindowTitle": "Menedżer Profili Użytkowników",
"CheatWindowTitle": "Menedżer Kodów",
"DlcWindowTitle": "Menedżer Zawartości do Pobrania",
"ModWindowTitle": "Zarządzaj modami dla {0} ({1})",
"UpdateWindowTitle": "Menedżer Aktualizacji Tytułu",
"XCITrimmerWindowTitle": "XCI File Trimmer",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusCount": "{0} of {1} Title(s) Selected",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusCountWithFilter": "{0} of {1} Title(s) Selected ({2} displayed)",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusTrimming": "Trimming {0} Title(s)...",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusUntrimming": "Untrimming {0} Title(s)...",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusFailed": "Failed",
"XCITrimmerPotentialSavings": "Potential Savings",
"XCITrimmerActualSavings": "Actual Savings",
"XCITrimmerSavingsMb": "{0:n0} Mb",
"XCITrimmerSelectDisplayed": "Select Shown",
"XCITrimmerDeselectDisplayed": "Deselect Shown",
"XCITrimmerSortName": "Title",
"XCITrimmerSortSaved": "Space Savings",
"XCITrimmerTrim": "Trim",
"XCITrimmerUntrim": "Untrim",
"UpdateWindowUpdateAddedMessage": "{0} new update(s) added",
@ -743,6 +782,7 @@
"AutoloadUpdateRemovedMessage": "{0} missing update(s) removed",
"ModWindowHeading": "{0} Mod(y/ów)",
"UserProfilesEditProfile": "Edytuj Zaznaczone",
"Continue": "Continue",
"Cancel": "Anuluj",
"Save": "Zapisz",
"Discard": "Odrzuć",
@ -810,5 +850,17 @@
"MultiplayerMode": "Tryb:",
"MultiplayerModeTooltip": "Change LDN multiplayer mode.\n\nLdnMitm will modify local wireless/local play functionality in games to function as if it were LAN, allowing for local, same-network connections with other Ryujinx instances and hacked Nintendo Switch consoles that have the ldn_mitm module installed.\n\nMultiplayer requires all players to be on the same game version (i.e. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate v13.0.1 can't connect to v13.0.0).\n\nLeave DISABLED if unsure.",
"MultiplayerModeDisabled": "Wyłączone",
"MultiplayerModeLdnMitm": "ldn_mitm"
"MultiplayerModeLdnMitm": "ldn_mitm",
"MultiplayerModeLdnRyu": "RyuLDN",
"MultiplayerDisableP2P": "Disable P2P Network Hosting (may increase latency)",
"MultiplayerDisableP2PTooltip": "Disable P2P network hosting, peers will proxy through the master server instead of connecting to you directly.",
"LdnPassphrase": "Network Passphrase:",
"LdnPassphraseTooltip": "You will only be able to see hosted games with the same passphrase as you.",
"LdnPassphraseInputTooltip": "Enter a passphrase in the format Ryujinx-<8 hex chars>. You will only be able to see hosted games with the same passphrase as you.",
"LdnPassphraseInputPublic": "(public)",
"GenLdnPass": "Generate Random",
"GenLdnPassTooltip": "Generates a new passphrase, which can be shared with other players.",
"ClearLdnPass": "Clear",
"ClearLdnPassTooltip": "Clears the current passphrase, returning to the public network.",
"InvalidLdnPassphrase": "Invalid Passphrase! Must be in the format \"Ryujinx-<8 hex chars>\""
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"MenuBarToolsManageFileTypes": "Gerenciar tipos de arquivo",
"MenuBarToolsInstallFileTypes": "Instalar tipos de arquivo",
"MenuBarToolsUninstallFileTypes": "Desinstalar tipos de arquivos",
"MenuBarToolsXCITrimmer": "Trim XCI Files",
"MenuBarView": "_View",
"MenuBarViewWindow": "Window Size",
"MenuBarViewWindow720": "720p",
@ -84,8 +85,11 @@
"GameListContextMenuOpenModsDirectoryToolTip": "Abre a pasta que contém os mods da aplicação ",
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectory": "Abrir diretório de mods Atmosphere",
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectoryToolTip": "Opens the alternative SD card Atmosphere directory which contains Application's Mods. Useful for mods that are packaged for real hardware.",
"GameListContextMenuTrimXCI": "Check and Trim XCI File",
"GameListContextMenuTrimXCIToolTip": "Check and Trim XCI File to Save Disk Space",
"StatusBarGamesLoaded": "{0}/{1} jogos carregados",
"StatusBarSystemVersion": "Versão do firmware: {0}",
"StatusBarXCIFileTrimming": "Trimming XCI File '{0}'",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTitle": "Limite baixo para mapeamentos de memória detectado",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextPrimary": "Você gostaria de aumentar o valor de vm.max_map_count para {0}",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextSecondary": "Alguns jogos podem tentar criar mais mapeamentos de memória do que o atualmente permitido. Ryujinx irá falhar assim que este limite for excedido.",
@ -400,6 +404,8 @@
"InputDialogTitle": "Diálogo de texto",
"InputDialogOk": "OK",
"InputDialogCancel": "Cancelar",
"InputDialogCancelling": "Cancelling",
"InputDialogClose": "Close",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileTitle": "Escolha o nome de perfil",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileHeader": "Escreva o nome do perfil",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileSubtext": "(Máximo de caracteres: {0})",
@ -469,6 +475,7 @@
"DialogUninstallFileTypesSuccessMessage": "Tipos de arquivo desinstalados com sucesso!",
"DialogUninstallFileTypesErrorMessage": "Falha ao desinstalar tipos de arquivo.",
"DialogOpenSettingsWindowLabel": "Abrir janela de configurações",
"DialogOpenXCITrimmerWindowLabel": "XCI Trimmer Window",
"DialogControllerAppletTitle": "Applet de controle",
"DialogMessageDialogErrorExceptionMessage": "Erro ao exibir diálogo de mensagem: {0}",
"DialogSoftwareKeyboardErrorExceptionMessage": "Erro ao exibir teclado virtual: {0}",
@ -618,7 +625,6 @@
"LoadApplicationFolderTooltip": "Abre o navegador de pastas para seleção de pasta extraída do Switch compatível a ser carregada",
"OpenRyujinxFolderTooltip": "Abre o diretório do sistema de arquivos do Ryujinx",
"LoadTitleUpdatesFromFolderTooltip": "Abra o explorador de arquivos para selecionar uma ou mais pastas e carregar atualizações de jogo em massa.",
"OpenRyujinxFolderTooltip": "Abrir diretório do sistema de arquivos do Ryujinx",
"OpenRyujinxLogsTooltip": "Abre o diretório onde os logs são salvos",
"ExitTooltip": "Sair do Ryujinx",
"OpenSettingsTooltip": "Abrir janela de configurações",
@ -671,6 +677,12 @@
"TitleUpdateVersionLabel": "Versão {0}",
"TitleBundledUpdateVersionLabel": "Empacotado: Versão {0}",
"TitleBundledDlcLabel": "Empacotado:",
"TitleXCIStatusPartialLabel": "Partial",
"TitleXCIStatusTrimmableLabel": "Untrimmed",
"TitleXCIStatusUntrimmableLabel": "Trimmed",
"TitleXCIStatusFailedLabel": "(Failed)",
"TitleXCICanSaveLabel": "Save {0:n0} Mb",
"TitleXCISavingLabel": "Saved {0:n0} Mb",
"RyujinxInfo": "Ryujinx - Informação",
"RyujinxConfirm": "Ryujinx - Confirmação",
"FileDialogAllTypes": "Todos os tipos",
@ -724,10 +736,36 @@
"SelectUpdateDialogTitle": "Selecionar arquivos de atualização",
"SelectModDialogTitle": "Select mod directory",
"UserProfileWindowTitle": "Gerenciador de perfis de usuário",
"TrimXCIFileDialogTitle": "Check and Trim XCI File",
"TrimXCIFileDialogPrimaryText": "This function will first check the empty space and then trim the XCI File to save disk space.",
"TrimXCIFileDialogSecondaryText": "Current File Size: {0:n} MB\nGame Data Size: {1:n} MB\nDisk Space Savings: {2:n} MB",
"TrimXCIFileNoTrimNecessary": "XCI File does not need to be trimmed. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileNoUntrimPossible": "XCI File cannot be untrimmed. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileReadOnlyFileCannotFix": "XCI File is Read Only and could not be made writable. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFileSizeChanged": "XCI File has changed in size since it was scanned. Please check the file is not being written to and try again.",
"TrimXCIFileFreeSpaceCheckFailed": "XCI File has data in the free space area, it is not safe to trim",
"TrimXCIFileInvalidXCIFile": "XCI File contains invalid data. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFileIOWriteError": "XCI File could not be opened for writing. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFailedPrimaryText": "Trimming of the XCI file failed",
"TrimXCIFileCancelled": "The operation was cancelled",
"TrimXCIFileFileUndertermined": "No operation was performed",
"CheatWindowTitle": "Gerenciador de Cheats",
"DlcWindowTitle": "Gerenciador de DLC",
"ModWindowTitle": "Gerenciar Mods para {0} ({1})",
"UpdateWindowTitle": "Gerenciador de atualizações",
"XCITrimmerWindowTitle": "XCI File Trimmer",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusCount": "{0} of {1} Title(s) Selected",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusCountWithFilter": "{0} of {1} Title(s) Selected ({2} displayed)",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusTrimming": "Trimming {0} Title(s)...",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusUntrimming": "Untrimming {0} Title(s)...",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusFailed": "Failed",
"XCITrimmerPotentialSavings": "Potential Savings",
"XCITrimmerActualSavings": "Actual Savings",
"XCITrimmerSavingsMb": "{0:n0} Mb",
"XCITrimmerSelectDisplayed": "Select Shown",
"XCITrimmerDeselectDisplayed": "Deselect Shown",
"XCITrimmerSortName": "Title",
"XCITrimmerSortSaved": "Space Savings",
"XCITrimmerTrim": "Trim",
"XCITrimmerUntrim": "Untrim",
"UpdateWindowUpdateAddedMessage": "{0} nova(s) atualização(ões) adicionada(s)",
@ -743,6 +781,7 @@
"AutoloadUpdateRemovedMessage": "{0} atualização(ões) ausente(s) removida(s)",
"ModWindowHeading": "{0} Mod(s)",
"UserProfilesEditProfile": "Editar selecionado",
"Continue": "Continue",
"Cancel": "Cancelar",
"Save": "Salvar",
"Discard": "Descartar",
@ -810,5 +849,17 @@
"MultiplayerMode": "Modo:",
"MultiplayerModeTooltip": "Alterar o modo multiplayer LDN.\n\nLdnMitm modificará a funcionalidade de jogo sem fio/local nos jogos para funcionar como se fosse LAN, permitindo conexões locais, na mesma rede, com outras instâncias do Ryujinx e consoles Nintendo Switch hackeados que possuem o módulo ldn_mitm instalado.\n\nO multiplayer exige que todos os jogadores estejam na mesma versão do jogo (ex.: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate v13.0.1 não consegue se conectar à v13.0.0).\n\nDeixe DESATIVADO se estiver em dúvida.",
"MultiplayerModeDisabled": "Desativado",
"MultiplayerModeLdnMitm": "ldn_mitm"
"MultiplayerModeLdnMitm": "ldn_mitm",
"MultiplayerModeLdnRyu": "RyuLDN",
"MultiplayerDisableP2P": "Disable P2P Network Hosting (may increase latency)",
"MultiplayerDisableP2PTooltip": "Disable P2P network hosting, peers will proxy through the master server instead of connecting to you directly.",
"LdnPassphrase": "Network Passphrase:",
"LdnPassphraseTooltip": "You will only be able to see hosted games with the same passphrase as you.",
"LdnPassphraseInputTooltip": "Enter a passphrase in the format Ryujinx-<8 hex chars>. You will only be able to see hosted games with the same passphrase as you.",
"LdnPassphraseInputPublic": "(public)",
"GenLdnPass": "Generate Random",
"GenLdnPassTooltip": "Generates a new passphrase, which can be shared with other players.",
"ClearLdnPass": "Clear",
"ClearLdnPassTooltip": "Clears the current passphrase, returning to the public network.",
"InvalidLdnPassphrase": "Invalid Passphrase! Must be in the format \"Ryujinx-<8 hex chars>\""
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"MenuBarToolsManageFileTypes": "Управление типами файлов",
"MenuBarToolsInstallFileTypes": "Установить типы файлов",
"MenuBarToolsUninstallFileTypes": "Удалить типы файлов",
"MenuBarToolsXCITrimmer": "Trim XCI Files",
"MenuBarView": "_Вид",
"MenuBarViewWindow": "Размер окна",
"MenuBarViewWindow720": "720p",
@ -84,8 +85,11 @@
"GameListContextMenuOpenModsDirectoryToolTip": "Открывает папку, содержащую моды для приложений и игр",
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectory": "Открыть папку с модами Atmosphere",
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectoryToolTip": "Открывает папку Atmosphere на альтернативной SD-карте, которая содержит моды для приложений и игр. Полезно для модов, сделанных для реальной консоли.",
"GameListContextMenuTrimXCI": "Check and Trim XCI File",
"GameListContextMenuTrimXCIToolTip": "Check and Trim XCI File to Save Disk Space",
"StatusBarGamesLoaded": "{0}/{1} игр загружено",
"StatusBarSystemVersion": "Версия прошивки: {0}",
"StatusBarXCIFileTrimming": "Trimming XCI File '{0}'",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTitle": "Обнаружен низкий лимит разметки памяти",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextPrimary": "Хотите увеличить значение vm.max_map_count до {0}",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextSecondary": "Некоторые игры могут создавать большую разметку памяти, чем разрешено на данный момент по умолчанию. Ryujinx вылетит при превышении этого лимита.",
@ -400,6 +404,8 @@
"InputDialogTitle": "Диалоговое окно ввода",
"InputDialogOk": "ОК",
"InputDialogCancel": "Отмена",
"InputDialogCancelling": "Cancelling",
"InputDialogClose": "Close",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileTitle": "Выберите никнейм",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileHeader": "Пожалуйста, введите никнейм",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileSubtext": "(Максимальная длина: {0})",
@ -469,6 +475,7 @@
"DialogUninstallFileTypesSuccessMessage": "Типы файлов успешно удалены",
"DialogUninstallFileTypesErrorMessage": "Не удалось удалить типы файлов.",
"DialogOpenSettingsWindowLabel": "Открывает окно параметров",
"DialogOpenXCITrimmerWindowLabel": "XCI Trimmer Window",
"DialogControllerAppletTitle": "Апплет контроллера",
"DialogMessageDialogErrorExceptionMessage": "Ошибка отображения сообщения: {0}",
"DialogSoftwareKeyboardErrorExceptionMessage": "Ошибка отображения программной клавиатуры: {0}",
@ -671,6 +678,12 @@
"TitleUpdateVersionLabel": "Version {0} - {1}",
"TitleBundledUpdateVersionLabel": "Bundled: Version {0}",
"TitleBundledDlcLabel": "Bundled:",
"TitleXCIStatusPartialLabel": "Partial",
"TitleXCIStatusTrimmableLabel": "Untrimmed",
"TitleXCIStatusUntrimmableLabel": "Trimmed",
"TitleXCIStatusFailedLabel": "(Failed)",
"TitleXCICanSaveLabel": "Save {0:n0} Mb",
"TitleXCISavingLabel": "Saved {0:n0} Mb",
"RyujinxInfo": "Ryujinx - Информация",
"RyujinxConfirm": "Ryujinx - Подтверждение",
"FileDialogAllTypes": "Все типы",
@ -723,11 +736,37 @@
"SelectDlcDialogTitle": "Выберите файлы DLC",
"SelectUpdateDialogTitle": "Выберите файлы обновлений",
"SelectModDialogTitle": "Выбрать папку с модами",
"TrimXCIFileDialogTitle": "Check and Trim XCI File",
"TrimXCIFileDialogPrimaryText": "This function will first check the empty space and then trim the XCI File to save disk space.",
"TrimXCIFileDialogSecondaryText": "Current File Size: {0:n} MB\nGame Data Size: {1:n} MB\nDisk Space Savings: {2:n} MB",
"TrimXCIFileNoTrimNecessary": "XCI File does not need to be trimmed. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileNoUntrimPossible": "XCI File cannot be untrimmed. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileReadOnlyFileCannotFix": "XCI File is Read Only and could not be made writable. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFileSizeChanged": "XCI File has changed in size since it was scanned. Please check the file is not being written to and try again.",
"TrimXCIFileFreeSpaceCheckFailed": "XCI File has data in the free space area, it is not safe to trim",
"TrimXCIFileInvalidXCIFile": "XCI File contains invalid data. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFileIOWriteError": "XCI File could not be opened for writing. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFailedPrimaryText": "Trimming of the XCI file failed",
"TrimXCIFileCancelled": "The operation was cancelled",
"TrimXCIFileFileUndertermined": "No operation was performed",
"UserProfileWindowTitle": "Менеджер учетных записей",
"CheatWindowTitle": "Менеджер читов",
"DlcWindowTitle": "Управление DLC для {0} ({1})",
"ModWindowTitle": "Управление модами для {0} ({1})",
"UpdateWindowTitle": "Менеджер обновлений игр",
"XCITrimmerWindowTitle": "XCI File Trimmer",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusCount": "{0} of {1} Title(s) Selected",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusCountWithFilter": "{0} of {1} Title(s) Selected ({2} displayed)",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusTrimming": "Trimming {0} Title(s)...",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusUntrimming": "Untrimming {0} Title(s)...",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusFailed": "Failed",
"XCITrimmerPotentialSavings": "Potential Savings",
"XCITrimmerActualSavings": "Actual Savings",
"XCITrimmerSavingsMb": "{0:n0} Mb",
"XCITrimmerSelectDisplayed": "Select Shown",
"XCITrimmerDeselectDisplayed": "Deselect Shown",
"XCITrimmerSortName": "Title",
"XCITrimmerSortSaved": "Space Savings",
"XCITrimmerTrim": "Trim",
"XCITrimmerUntrim": "Untrim",
"UpdateWindowUpdateAddedMessage": "{0} new update(s) added",
@ -743,6 +782,7 @@
"AutoloadUpdateRemovedMessage": "{0} missing update(s) removed",
"ModWindowHeading": "Моды для {0} ",
"UserProfilesEditProfile": "Изменить выбранные",
"Continue": "Continue",
"Cancel": "Отмена",
"Save": "Сохранить",
"Discard": "Отменить",
@ -810,5 +850,17 @@
"MultiplayerMode": "Режим:",
"MultiplayerModeTooltip": "Меняет многопользовательский режим LDN.\n\nLdnMitm модифицирует функциональность локальной беспроводной/игры на одном устройстве в играх, позволяя играть с другими пользователями Ryujinx или взломанными консолями Nintendo Switch с установленным модулем ldn_mitm, находящимися в одной локальной сети друг с другом.\n\nМногопользовательская игра требует наличия у всех игроков одной и той же версии игры (т.е. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate v13.0.1 не может подключиться к v13.0.0).\n\nРекомендуется оставить отключенным.",
"MultiplayerModeDisabled": "Отключено",
"MultiplayerModeLdnMitm": "ldn_mitm"
"MultiplayerModeLdnMitm": "ldn_mitm",
"MultiplayerModeLdnRyu": "RyuLDN",
"MultiplayerDisableP2P": "Disable P2P Network Hosting (may increase latency)",
"MultiplayerDisableP2PTooltip": "Disable P2P network hosting, peers will proxy through the master server instead of connecting to you directly.",
"LdnPassphrase": "Network Passphrase:",
"LdnPassphraseTooltip": "You will only be able to see hosted games with the same passphrase as you.",
"LdnPassphraseInputTooltip": "Enter a passphrase in the format Ryujinx-<8 hex chars>. You will only be able to see hosted games with the same passphrase as you.",
"LdnPassphraseInputPublic": "(public)",
"GenLdnPass": "Generate Random",
"GenLdnPassTooltip": "Generates a new passphrase, which can be shared with other players.",
"ClearLdnPass": "Clear",
"ClearLdnPassTooltip": "Clears the current passphrase, returning to the public network.",
"InvalidLdnPassphrase": "Invalid Passphrase! Must be in the format \"Ryujinx-<8 hex chars>\""
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"MenuBarToolsManageFileTypes": "จัดการประเภทไฟล์",
"MenuBarToolsInstallFileTypes": "ติดตั้งประเภทไฟล์",
"MenuBarToolsUninstallFileTypes": "ถอนการติดตั้งประเภทไฟล์",
"MenuBarToolsXCITrimmer": "Trim XCI Files",
"MenuBarView": "_มุมมอง",
"MenuBarViewWindow": "ขนาดหน้าต่าง",
"MenuBarViewWindow720": "720p",
@ -84,8 +85,11 @@
"GameListContextMenuOpenModsDirectoryToolTip": "เปิดไดเร็กทอรี่ Mods ของแอปพลิเคชัน",
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectory": "เปิดไดเร็กทอรี่ Mods Atmosphere",
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectoryToolTip": "เปิดไดเร็กทอรี่ Atmosphere ของการ์ด SD สำรองซึ่งมี Mods ของแอปพลิเคชัน ซึ่งมีประโยชน์สำหรับ Mods ที่บรรจุมากับฮาร์ดแวร์จริง",
"GameListContextMenuTrimXCI": "Check and Trim XCI File",
"GameListContextMenuTrimXCIToolTip": "Check and Trim XCI File to Save Disk Space",
"StatusBarGamesLoaded": "เกมส์โหลดแล้ว {0}/{1}",
"StatusBarSystemVersion": "เวอร์ชั่นของระบบ: {0}",
"StatusBarXCIFileTrimming": "Trimming XCI File '{0}'",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTitle": "การตั้งค่าหน่วยความถึงขีดจำกัดต่ำสุดแล้ว",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextPrimary": "คุณต้องเพิ่มค่า vm.max_map_count ไปยัง {0}",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextSecondary": "บางเกมอาจพยายามใช้งานหน่วยความจำมากกว่าที่ได้รับอนุญาตในปัจจุบัน Ryujinx จะปิดตัวลงเมื่อเกินขีดจำกัดนี้",
@ -400,6 +404,8 @@
"InputDialogTitle": "กล่องโต้ตอบการป้อนข้อมูล",
"InputDialogOk": "ตกลง",
"InputDialogCancel": "ยกเลิก",
"InputDialogCancelling": "Cancelling",
"InputDialogClose": "Close",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileTitle": "เลือก ชื่อโปรไฟล์",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileHeader": "กรุณาใส่ชื่อโปรไฟล์",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileSubtext": "(ความยาวสูงสุด: {0})",
@ -469,6 +475,7 @@
"DialogUninstallFileTypesSuccessMessage": "ถอนการติดตั้งตามประเภทของไฟล์สำเร็จแล้ว!",
"DialogUninstallFileTypesErrorMessage": "ไม่สามารถถอนการติดตั้งตามประเภทของไฟล์ได้",
"DialogOpenSettingsWindowLabel": "เปิดหน้าต่างการตั้งค่า",
"DialogOpenXCITrimmerWindowLabel": "XCI Trimmer Window",
"DialogControllerAppletTitle": "คอนโทรลเลอร์ Applet",
"DialogMessageDialogErrorExceptionMessage": "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการแสดงกล่องโต้ตอบข้อความ: {0}",
"DialogSoftwareKeyboardErrorExceptionMessage": "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการแสดงซอฟต์แวร์แป้นพิมพ์: {0}",
@ -671,6 +678,12 @@
"TitleUpdateVersionLabel": "เวอร์ชั่น {0}",
"TitleBundledUpdateVersionLabel": "Bundled: เวอร์ชั่น {0}",
"TitleBundledDlcLabel": "Bundled:",
"TitleXCIStatusPartialLabel": "Partial",
"TitleXCIStatusTrimmableLabel": "Untrimmed",
"TitleXCIStatusUntrimmableLabel": "Trimmed",
"TitleXCIStatusFailedLabel": "(Failed)",
"TitleXCICanSaveLabel": "Save {0:n0} Mb",
"TitleXCISavingLabel": "Saved {0:n0} Mb",
"RyujinxInfo": "Ryujinx – ข้อมูล",
"RyujinxConfirm": "Ryujinx - ยืนยัน",
"FileDialogAllTypes": "ทุกประเภท",
@ -723,11 +736,37 @@
"SelectDlcDialogTitle": "เลือกไฟล์ DLC",
"SelectUpdateDialogTitle": "เลือกไฟล์อัพเดต",
"SelectModDialogTitle": "เลือกไดเรกทอรี Mods",
"TrimXCIFileDialogTitle": "Check and Trim XCI File",
"TrimXCIFileDialogPrimaryText": "This function will first check the empty space and then trim the XCI File to save disk space.",
"TrimXCIFileDialogSecondaryText": "Current File Size: {0:n} MB\nGame Data Size: {1:n} MB\nDisk Space Savings: {2:n} MB",
"TrimXCIFileNoTrimNecessary": "XCI File does not need to be trimmed. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileNoUntrimPossible": "XCI File cannot be untrimmed. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileReadOnlyFileCannotFix": "XCI File is Read Only and could not be made writable. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFileSizeChanged": "XCI File has changed in size since it was scanned. Please check the file is not being written to and try again.",
"TrimXCIFileFreeSpaceCheckFailed": "XCI File has data in the free space area, it is not safe to trim",
"TrimXCIFileInvalidXCIFile": "XCI File contains invalid data. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFileIOWriteError": "XCI File could not be opened for writing. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFailedPrimaryText": "Trimming of the XCI file failed",
"TrimXCIFileCancelled": "The operation was cancelled",
"TrimXCIFileFileUndertermined": "No operation was performed",
"UserProfileWindowTitle": "จัดการโปรไฟล์ผู้ใช้",
"CheatWindowTitle": "จัดการสูตรโกง",
"DlcWindowTitle": "จัดการ DLC ที่ดาวน์โหลดได้สำหรับ {0} ({1})",
"ModWindowTitle": "จัดการม็อดที่ดาวน์โหลดได้สำหรับ {0} ({1})",
"UpdateWindowTitle": "จัดการอัปเดตหัวข้อ",
"XCITrimmerWindowTitle": "XCI File Trimmer",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusCount": "{0} of {1} Title(s) Selected",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusCountWithFilter": "{0} of {1} Title(s) Selected ({2} displayed)",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusTrimming": "Trimming {0} Title(s)...",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusUntrimming": "Untrimming {0} Title(s)...",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusFailed": "Failed",
"XCITrimmerPotentialSavings": "Potential Savings",
"XCITrimmerActualSavings": "Actual Savings",
"XCITrimmerSavingsMb": "{0:n0} Mb",
"XCITrimmerSelectDisplayed": "Select Shown",
"XCITrimmerDeselectDisplayed": "Deselect Shown",
"XCITrimmerSortName": "Title",
"XCITrimmerSortSaved": "Space Savings",
"XCITrimmerTrim": "Trim",
"XCITrimmerUntrim": "Untrim",
"UpdateWindowUpdateAddedMessage": "{0} อัพเดตที่เพิ่มมาใหม่",
@ -743,6 +782,7 @@
"AutoloadUpdateRemovedMessage": "{0} missing update(s) removed",
"ModWindowHeading": "{0} ม็อด",
"UserProfilesEditProfile": "แก้ไขที่เลือกแล้ว",
"Continue": "Continue",
"Cancel": "ยกเลิก",
"Save": "บันทึก",
"Discard": "ละทิ้ง",
@ -810,5 +850,17 @@
"MultiplayerMode": "โหมด:",
"MultiplayerModeTooltip": "เปลี่ยนโหมดผู้เล่นหลายคนของ LDN\n\nLdnMitm จะปรับเปลี่ยนฟังก์ชันการเล่นแบบไร้สาย/ภายใน จะให้เกมทำงานเหมือนกับว่าเป็น LAN ช่วยให้สามารถเชื่อมต่อภายในเครือข่ายเดียวกันกับอินสแตนซ์ Ryujinx อื่น ๆ และคอนโซล Nintendo Switch ที่ถูกแฮ็กซึ่งมีโมดูล ldn_mitm ติดตั้งอยู่\n\nผู้เล่นหลายคนต้องการให้ผู้เล่นทุกคนอยู่ในเกมเวอร์ชันเดียวกัน (เช่น Super Smash Bros. Ultimate v13.0.1 ไม่สามารถเชื่อมต่อกับ v13.0.0)\n\nปล่อยให้ปิดการใช้งานหากไม่แน่ใจ",
"MultiplayerModeDisabled": "ปิดใช้งาน",
"MultiplayerModeLdnMitm": "ldn_mitm"
"MultiplayerModeLdnMitm": "ldn_mitm",
"MultiplayerModeLdnRyu": "RyuLDN",
"MultiplayerDisableP2P": "Disable P2P Network Hosting (may increase latency)",
"MultiplayerDisableP2PTooltip": "Disable P2P network hosting, peers will proxy through the master server instead of connecting to you directly.",
"LdnPassphrase": "Network Passphrase:",
"LdnPassphraseTooltip": "You will only be able to see hosted games with the same passphrase as you.",
"LdnPassphraseInputTooltip": "Enter a passphrase in the format Ryujinx-<8 hex chars>. You will only be able to see hosted games with the same passphrase as you.",
"LdnPassphraseInputPublic": "(public)",
"GenLdnPass": "Generate Random",
"GenLdnPassTooltip": "Generates a new passphrase, which can be shared with other players.",
"ClearLdnPass": "Clear",
"ClearLdnPassTooltip": "Clears the current passphrase, returning to the public network.",
"InvalidLdnPassphrase": "Invalid Passphrase! Must be in the format \"Ryujinx-<8 hex chars>\""
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"MenuBarToolsManageFileTypes": "Dosya uzantılarını yönet",
"MenuBarToolsInstallFileTypes": "Dosya uzantılarını yükle",
"MenuBarToolsUninstallFileTypes": "Dosya uzantılarını kaldır",
"MenuBarToolsXCITrimmer": "Trim XCI Files",
"MenuBarView": "_Görüntüle",
"MenuBarViewWindow": "Pencere Boyutu",
"MenuBarViewWindow720": "720p",
@ -84,8 +85,11 @@
"GameListContextMenuOpenModsDirectoryToolTip": "Opens the directory which contains Application's Mods",
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectory": "Open Atmosphere Mods Directory",
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectoryToolTip": "Opens the alternative SD card Atmosphere directory which contains Application's Mods. Useful for mods that are packaged for real hardware.",
"GameListContextMenuTrimXCI": "Check and Trim XCI File",
"GameListContextMenuTrimXCIToolTip": "Check and Trim XCI File to Save Disk Space",
"StatusBarGamesLoaded": "{0}/{1} Oyun Yüklendi",
"StatusBarSystemVersion": "Sistem Sürümü: {0}",
"StatusBarXCIFileTrimming": "Trimming XCI File '{0}'",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTitle": "Bellek Haritaları İçin Düşük Limit Tespit Edildi ",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextPrimary": "vm.max_map_count değerini {0} sayısına yükseltmek ister misiniz",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextSecondary": "Bazı oyunlar şu an izin verilen bellek haritası limitinden daha fazlasını yaratmaya çalışabilir. Ryujinx bu limitin geçildiği takdirde kendini kapatıcaktır.",
@ -400,6 +404,8 @@
"InputDialogTitle": "Giriş Yöntemi Diyaloğu",
"InputDialogOk": "Tamam",
"InputDialogCancel": "İptal",
"InputDialogCancelling": "Cancelling",
"InputDialogClose": "Close",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileTitle": "Profil İsmini Seç",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileHeader": "Lütfen Bir Profil İsmi Girin",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileSubtext": "(Maksimum Uzunluk: {0})",
@ -469,6 +475,7 @@
"DialogUninstallFileTypesSuccessMessage": "Dosya uzantıları başarıyla kaldırıldı!",
"DialogUninstallFileTypesErrorMessage": "Dosya uzantıları kaldırma işlemi başarısız oldu.",
"DialogOpenSettingsWindowLabel": "Seçenekler Penceresini Aç",
"DialogOpenXCITrimmerWindowLabel": "XCI Trimmer Window",
"DialogControllerAppletTitle": "Kumanda Applet'i",
"DialogMessageDialogErrorExceptionMessage": "Mesaj diyaloğu gösterilirken hata: {0}",
"DialogSoftwareKeyboardErrorExceptionMessage": "Mesaj diyaloğu gösterilirken hata: {0}",
@ -671,6 +678,12 @@
"TitleUpdateVersionLabel": "Sürüm {0} - {1}",
"TitleBundledUpdateVersionLabel": "Bundled: Version {0}",
"TitleBundledDlcLabel": "Bundled:",
"TitleXCIStatusPartialLabel": "Partial",
"TitleXCIStatusTrimmableLabel": "Untrimmed",
"TitleXCIStatusUntrimmableLabel": "Trimmed",
"TitleXCIStatusFailedLabel": "(Failed)",
"TitleXCICanSaveLabel": "Save {0:n0} Mb",
"TitleXCISavingLabel": "Saved {0:n0} Mb",
"RyujinxInfo": "Ryujinx - Bilgi",
"RyujinxConfirm": "Ryujinx - Doğrulama",
"FileDialogAllTypes": "Tüm türler",
@ -723,11 +736,37 @@
"SelectDlcDialogTitle": "DLC dosyalarını seç",
"SelectUpdateDialogTitle": "Güncelleme dosyalarını seç",
"SelectModDialogTitle": "Mod Dizinini Seç",
"TrimXCIFileDialogTitle": "Check and Trim XCI File",
"TrimXCIFileDialogPrimaryText": "This function will first check the empty space and then trim the XCI File to save disk space.",
"TrimXCIFileDialogSecondaryText": "Current File Size: {0:n} MB\nGame Data Size: {1:n} MB\nDisk Space Savings: {2:n} MB",
"TrimXCIFileNoTrimNecessary": "XCI File does not need to be trimmed. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileNoUntrimPossible": "XCI File cannot be untrimmed. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileReadOnlyFileCannotFix": "XCI File is Read Only and could not be made writable. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFileSizeChanged": "XCI File has changed in size since it was scanned. Please check the file is not being written to and try again.",
"TrimXCIFileFreeSpaceCheckFailed": "XCI File has data in the free space area, it is not safe to trim",
"TrimXCIFileInvalidXCIFile": "XCI File contains invalid data. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFileIOWriteError": "XCI File could not be opened for writing. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFailedPrimaryText": "Trimming of the XCI file failed",
"TrimXCIFileCancelled": "The operation was cancelled",
"TrimXCIFileFileUndertermined": "No operation was performed",
"UserProfileWindowTitle": "Kullanıcı Profillerini Yönet",
"CheatWindowTitle": "Oyun Hilelerini Yönet",
"DlcWindowTitle": "Oyun DLC'lerini Yönet",
"ModWindowTitle": "Manage Mods for {0} ({1})",
"UpdateWindowTitle": "Oyun Güncellemelerini Yönet",
"XCITrimmerWindowTitle": "XCI File Trimmer",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusCount": "{0} of {1} Title(s) Selected",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusCountWithFilter": "{0} of {1} Title(s) Selected ({2} displayed)",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusTrimming": "Trimming {0} Title(s)...",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusUntrimming": "Untrimming {0} Title(s)...",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusFailed": "Failed",
"XCITrimmerPotentialSavings": "Potential Savings",
"XCITrimmerActualSavings": "Actual Savings",
"XCITrimmerSavingsMb": "{0:n0} Mb",
"XCITrimmerSelectDisplayed": "Select Shown",
"XCITrimmerDeselectDisplayed": "Deselect Shown",
"XCITrimmerSortName": "Title",
"XCITrimmerSortSaved": "Space Savings",
"XCITrimmerTrim": "Trim",
"XCITrimmerUntrim": "Untrim",
"UpdateWindowUpdateAddedMessage": "{0} new update(s) added",
@ -743,6 +782,7 @@
"AutoloadUpdateRemovedMessage": "{0} missing update(s) removed",
"ModWindowHeading": "{0} Mod(lar)",
"UserProfilesEditProfile": "Seçiliyi Düzenle",
"Continue": "Continue",
"Cancel": "İptal",
"Save": "Kaydet",
"Discard": "Iskarta",
@ -810,5 +850,17 @@
"MultiplayerMode": "Mod:",
"MultiplayerModeTooltip": "Change LDN multiplayer mode.\n\nLdnMitm will modify local wireless/local play functionality in games to function as if it were LAN, allowing for local, same-network connections with other Ryujinx instances and hacked Nintendo Switch consoles that have the ldn_mitm module installed.\n\nMultiplayer requires all players to be on the same game version (i.e. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate v13.0.1 can't connect to v13.0.0).\n\nLeave DISABLED if unsure.",
"MultiplayerModeDisabled": "Devre Dışı",
"MultiplayerModeLdnMitm": "ldn_mitm"
"MultiplayerModeLdnMitm": "ldn_mitm",
"MultiplayerModeLdnRyu": "RyuLDN",
"MultiplayerDisableP2P": "Disable P2P Network Hosting (may increase latency)",
"MultiplayerDisableP2PTooltip": "Disable P2P network hosting, peers will proxy through the master server instead of connecting to you directly.",
"LdnPassphrase": "Network Passphrase:",
"LdnPassphraseTooltip": "You will only be able to see hosted games with the same passphrase as you.",
"LdnPassphraseInputTooltip": "Enter a passphrase in the format Ryujinx-<8 hex chars>. You will only be able to see hosted games with the same passphrase as you.",
"LdnPassphraseInputPublic": "(public)",
"GenLdnPass": "Generate Random",
"GenLdnPassTooltip": "Generates a new passphrase, which can be shared with other players.",
"ClearLdnPass": "Clear",
"ClearLdnPassTooltip": "Clears the current passphrase, returning to the public network.",
"InvalidLdnPassphrase": "Invalid Passphrase! Must be in the format \"Ryujinx-<8 hex chars>\""
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"MenuBarToolsManageFileTypes": "Керувати типами файлів",
"MenuBarToolsInstallFileTypes": "Установити типи файлів",
"MenuBarToolsUninstallFileTypes": "Видалити типи файлів",
"MenuBarToolsXCITrimmer": "Trim XCI Files",
"MenuBarView": "_View",
"MenuBarViewWindow": "Window Size",
"MenuBarViewWindow720": "720p",
@ -84,8 +85,11 @@
"GameListContextMenuOpenModsDirectoryToolTip": "Відкриває каталог, який містить модифікації Додатків",
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectory": "Відкрити каталог модифікацій Atmosphere",
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectoryToolTip": "Відкриває альтернативний каталог SD-карти Atmosphere, що містить модифікації Додатків. Корисно для модифікацій, зроблених для реального обладнання.",
"GameListContextMenuTrimXCI": "Check and Trim XCI File",
"GameListContextMenuTrimXCIToolTip": "Check and Trim XCI File to Save Disk Space",
"StatusBarGamesLoaded": "{0}/{1} ігор завантажено",
"StatusBarSystemVersion": "Версія системи: {0}",
"StatusBarXCIFileTrimming": "Trimming XCI File '{0}'",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTitle": "Виявлено низьку межу для відображення памʼяті",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextPrimary": "Бажаєте збільшити значення vm.max_map_count на {0}",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextSecondary": "Деякі ігри можуть спробувати створити більше відображень памʼяті, ніж дозволено наразі. Ryujinx завершить роботу, щойно цей ліміт буде перевищено.",
@ -400,6 +404,8 @@
"InputDialogTitle": "Діалог введення",
"InputDialogOk": "Гаразд",
"InputDialogCancel": "Скасувати",
"InputDialogCancelling": "Cancelling",
"InputDialogClose": "Close",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileTitle": "Виберіть ім'я профілю",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileHeader": "Будь ласка, введіть ім'я профілю",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileSubtext": "(Макс. довжина: {0})",
@ -469,6 +475,7 @@
"DialogUninstallFileTypesSuccessMessage": "Успішно видалено типи файлів!",
"DialogUninstallFileTypesErrorMessage": "Не вдалося видалити типи файлів.",
"DialogOpenSettingsWindowLabel": "Відкрити вікно налаштувань",
"DialogOpenXCITrimmerWindowLabel": "XCI Trimmer Window",
"DialogControllerAppletTitle": "Аплет контролера",
"DialogMessageDialogErrorExceptionMessage": "Помилка показу діалогового вікна повідомлення: {0}",
"DialogSoftwareKeyboardErrorExceptionMessage": "Помилка показу програмної клавіатури: {0}",
@ -671,6 +678,12 @@
"TitleUpdateVersionLabel": "Версія {0} - {1}",
"TitleBundledUpdateVersionLabel": "Bundled: Version {0}",
"TitleBundledDlcLabel": "Bundled:",
"TitleXCIStatusPartialLabel": "Partial",
"TitleXCIStatusTrimmableLabel": "Untrimmed",
"TitleXCIStatusUntrimmableLabel": "Trimmed",
"TitleXCIStatusFailedLabel": "(Failed)",
"TitleXCICanSaveLabel": "Save {0:n0} Mb",
"TitleXCISavingLabel": "Saved {0:n0} Mb",
"RyujinxInfo": "Ryujin x - Інформація",
"RyujinxConfirm": "Ryujinx - Підтвердження",
"FileDialogAllTypes": "Всі типи",
@ -723,11 +736,37 @@
"SelectDlcDialogTitle": "Виберіть файли DLC",
"SelectUpdateDialogTitle": "Виберіть файли оновлення",
"SelectModDialogTitle": "Виберіть теку з модами",
"TrimXCIFileDialogTitle": "Check and Trim XCI File",
"TrimXCIFileDialogPrimaryText": "This function will first check the empty space and then trim the XCI File to save disk space.",
"TrimXCIFileDialogSecondaryText": "Current File Size: {0:n} MB\nGame Data Size: {1:n} MB\nDisk Space Savings: {2:n} MB",
"TrimXCIFileNoTrimNecessary": "XCI File does not need to be trimmed. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileNoUntrimPossible": "XCI File cannot be untrimmed. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileReadOnlyFileCannotFix": "XCI File is Read Only and could not be made writable. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFileSizeChanged": "XCI File has changed in size since it was scanned. Please check the file is not being written to and try again.",
"TrimXCIFileFreeSpaceCheckFailed": "XCI File has data in the free space area, it is not safe to trim",
"TrimXCIFileInvalidXCIFile": "XCI File contains invalid data. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFileIOWriteError": "XCI File could not be opened for writing. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFailedPrimaryText": "Trimming of the XCI file failed",
"TrimXCIFileCancelled": "The operation was cancelled",
"TrimXCIFileFileUndertermined": "No operation was performed",
"UserProfileWindowTitle": "Менеджер профілів користувачів",
"CheatWindowTitle": "Менеджер читів",
"DlcWindowTitle": "Менеджер вмісту для завантаження",
"ModWindowTitle": "Керувати модами для {0} ({1})",
"UpdateWindowTitle": "Менеджер оновлення назв",
"XCITrimmerWindowTitle": "XCI File Trimmer",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusCount": "{0} of {1} Title(s) Selected",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusCountWithFilter": "{0} of {1} Title(s) Selected ({2} displayed)",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusTrimming": "Trimming {0} Title(s)...",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusUntrimming": "Untrimming {0} Title(s)...",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusFailed": "Failed",
"XCITrimmerPotentialSavings": "Potential Savings",
"XCITrimmerActualSavings": "Actual Savings",
"XCITrimmerSavingsMb": "{0:n0} Mb",
"XCITrimmerSelectDisplayed": "Select Shown",
"XCITrimmerDeselectDisplayed": "Deselect Shown",
"XCITrimmerSortName": "Title",
"XCITrimmerSortSaved": "Space Savings",
"XCITrimmerTrim": "Trim",
"XCITrimmerUntrim": "Untrim",
"UpdateWindowUpdateAddedMessage": "{0} new update(s) added",
@ -743,6 +782,7 @@
"AutoloadUpdateRemovedMessage": "{0} missing update(s) removed",
"ModWindowHeading": "{0} мод(ів)",
"UserProfilesEditProfile": "Редагувати вибране",
"Continue": "Continue",
"Cancel": "Скасувати",
"Save": "Зберегти",
"Discard": "Скасувати",
@ -810,5 +850,17 @@
"MultiplayerMode": "Режим:",
"MultiplayerModeTooltip": "Змінити LDN мультиплеєру.\n\nLdnMitm змінить функціонал бездротової/локальної гри в іграх, щоб вони працювали так, ніби це LAN, що дозволяє локальні підключення в тій самій мережі з іншими екземплярами Ryujinx та хакнутими консолями Nintendo Switch, які мають встановлений модуль ldn_mitm.\n\nМультиплеєр вимагає, щоб усі гравці були на одній і тій же версії гри (наприклад Super Smash Bros. Ultimate v13.0.1 не зможе під'єднатися до v13.0.0).\n\nЗалиште на \"Вимкнено\", якщо не впевнені, ",
"MultiplayerModeDisabled": "Вимкнено",
"MultiplayerModeLdnMitm": "ldn_mitm"
"MultiplayerModeLdnMitm": "ldn_mitm",
"MultiplayerModeLdnRyu": "RyuLDN",
"MultiplayerDisableP2P": "Disable P2P Network Hosting (may increase latency)",
"MultiplayerDisableP2PTooltip": "Disable P2P network hosting, peers will proxy through the master server instead of connecting to you directly.",
"LdnPassphrase": "Network Passphrase:",
"LdnPassphraseTooltip": "You will only be able to see hosted games with the same passphrase as you.",
"LdnPassphraseInputTooltip": "Enter a passphrase in the format Ryujinx-<8 hex chars>. You will only be able to see hosted games with the same passphrase as you.",
"LdnPassphraseInputPublic": "(public)",
"GenLdnPass": "Generate Random",
"GenLdnPassTooltip": "Generates a new passphrase, which can be shared with other players.",
"ClearLdnPass": "Clear",
"ClearLdnPassTooltip": "Clears the current passphrase, returning to the public network.",
"InvalidLdnPassphrase": "Invalid Passphrase! Must be in the format \"Ryujinx-<8 hex chars>\""
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"MenuBarToolsManageFileTypes": "管理文件扩展名",
"MenuBarToolsInstallFileTypes": "关联文件扩展名",
"MenuBarToolsUninstallFileTypes": "取消关联扩展名",
"MenuBarToolsXCITrimmer": "Trim XCI Files",
"MenuBarView": "视图(_V)",
"MenuBarViewWindow": "窗口大小",
"MenuBarViewWindow720": "720p",
@ -84,8 +85,11 @@
"GameListContextMenuOpenModsDirectoryToolTip": "打开存放游戏 MOD 的目录",
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectory": "打开大气层系统 MOD 目录",
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectoryToolTip": "打开存放适用于大气层系统的游戏 MOD 的目录,对于为真实硬件打包的 MOD 非常有用",
"GameListContextMenuTrimXCI": "Check and Trim XCI File",
"GameListContextMenuTrimXCIToolTip": "Check and Trim XCI File to Save Disk Space",
"StatusBarGamesLoaded": "{0}/{1} 游戏加载完成",
"StatusBarSystemVersion": "系统固件版本:{0}",
"StatusBarXCIFileTrimming": "Trimming XCI File '{0}'",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTitle": "检测到操作系统内存映射最大数量被设置的过低",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextPrimary": "你想要将操作系统 vm.max_map_count 的值增加到 {0} 吗",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextSecondary": "有些游戏可能会尝试创建超过当前系统允许的内存映射最大数量,若超过当前最大数量,Ryujinx 模拟器将会闪退。",
@ -400,6 +404,8 @@
"InputDialogTitle": "输入对话框",
"InputDialogOk": "完成",
"InputDialogCancel": "取消",
"InputDialogCancelling": "Cancelling",
"InputDialogClose": "Close",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileTitle": "选择用户名称",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileHeader": "请输入账户名称",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileSubtext": "(最大长度:{0})",
@ -469,6 +475,7 @@
"DialogUninstallFileTypesSuccessMessage": "成功解除文件类型关联!",
"DialogUninstallFileTypesErrorMessage": "解除文件类型关联失败!",
"DialogOpenSettingsWindowLabel": "打开设置窗口",
"DialogOpenXCITrimmerWindowLabel": "XCI Trimmer Window",
"DialogControllerAppletTitle": "控制器小窗口",
"DialogMessageDialogErrorExceptionMessage": "显示消息对话框时出错:{0}",
"DialogSoftwareKeyboardErrorExceptionMessage": "显示软件键盘时出错:{0}",
@ -671,6 +678,12 @@
"TitleUpdateVersionLabel": "游戏更新的版本 {0}",
"TitleBundledUpdateVersionLabel": "捆绑:版本 {0}",
"TitleBundledDlcLabel": "捆绑:",
"TitleXCIStatusPartialLabel": "Partial",
"TitleXCIStatusTrimmableLabel": "Untrimmed",
"TitleXCIStatusUntrimmableLabel": "Trimmed",
"TitleXCIStatusFailedLabel": "(Failed)",
"TitleXCICanSaveLabel": "Save {0:n0} Mb",
"TitleXCISavingLabel": "Saved {0:n0} Mb",
"RyujinxInfo": "Ryujinx - 信息",
"RyujinxConfirm": "Ryujinx - 确认",
"FileDialogAllTypes": "全部类型",
@ -723,11 +736,37 @@
"SelectDlcDialogTitle": "选择 DLC 文件",
"SelectUpdateDialogTitle": "选择更新文件",
"SelectModDialogTitle": "选择 MOD 目录",
"TrimXCIFileDialogTitle": "Check and Trim XCI File",
"TrimXCIFileDialogPrimaryText": "This function will first check the empty space and then trim the XCI File to save disk space.",
"TrimXCIFileDialogSecondaryText": "Current File Size: {0:n} MB\nGame Data Size: {1:n} MB\nDisk Space Savings: {2:n} MB",
"TrimXCIFileNoTrimNecessary": "XCI File does not need to be trimmed. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileNoUntrimPossible": "XCI File cannot be untrimmed. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileReadOnlyFileCannotFix": "XCI File is Read Only and could not be made writable. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFileSizeChanged": "XCI File has changed in size since it was scanned. Please check the file is not being written to and try again.",
"TrimXCIFileFreeSpaceCheckFailed": "XCI File has data in the free space area, it is not safe to trim",
"TrimXCIFileInvalidXCIFile": "XCI File contains invalid data. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFileIOWriteError": "XCI File could not be opened for writing. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFailedPrimaryText": "Trimming of the XCI file failed",
"TrimXCIFileCancelled": "The operation was cancelled",
"TrimXCIFileFileUndertermined": "No operation was performed",
"UserProfileWindowTitle": "管理用户账户",
"CheatWindowTitle": "金手指管理器",
"DlcWindowTitle": "管理 {0} ({1}) 的 DLC",
"ModWindowTitle": "管理 {0} ({1}) 的 MOD",
"UpdateWindowTitle": "游戏更新管理器",
"XCITrimmerWindowTitle": "XCI File Trimmer",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusCount": "{0} of {1} Title(s) Selected",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusCountWithFilter": "{0} of {1} Title(s) Selected ({2} displayed)",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusTrimming": "Trimming {0} Title(s)...",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusUntrimming": "Untrimming {0} Title(s)...",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusFailed": "Failed",
"XCITrimmerPotentialSavings": "Potential Savings",
"XCITrimmerActualSavings": "Actual Savings",
"XCITrimmerSavingsMb": "{0:n0} Mb",
"XCITrimmerSelectDisplayed": "Select Shown",
"XCITrimmerDeselectDisplayed": "Deselect Shown",
"XCITrimmerSortName": "Title",
"XCITrimmerSortSaved": "Space Savings",
"XCITrimmerTrim": "Trim",
"XCITrimmerUntrim": "Untrim",
"UpdateWindowUpdateAddedMessage": "{0} 个更新被添加",
@ -743,6 +782,7 @@
"AutoloadUpdateRemovedMessage": "{0} 个失效的游戏更新已移除",
"ModWindowHeading": "{0} Mod",
"UserProfilesEditProfile": "编辑所选",
"Continue": "Continue",
"Cancel": "取消",
"Save": "保存",
"Discard": "放弃",
@ -810,5 +850,17 @@
"MultiplayerMode": "联机模式:",
"MultiplayerModeTooltip": "修改 LDN 多人联机游玩模式。\n\nldn_mitm 联机插件将修改游戏中的本地无线和本地游玩功能,使其表现得像局域网一样,允许和其他安装了 ldn_mitm 插件的 Ryujinx 模拟器和破解的任天堂 Switch 主机在同一网络下进行本地连接,实现多人联机游玩。\n\n多人联机游玩要求所有玩家必须运行相同的游戏版本(例如,游戏版本 v13.0.1 无法与 v13.0.0 联机)。\n\n如果不确定,请保持为“禁用”。",
"MultiplayerModeDisabled": "禁用",
"MultiplayerModeLdnMitm": "ldn_mitm"
"MultiplayerModeLdnMitm": "ldn_mitm",
"MultiplayerModeLdnRyu": "RyuLDN",
"MultiplayerDisableP2P": "Disable P2P Network Hosting (may increase latency)",
"MultiplayerDisableP2PTooltip": "Disable P2P network hosting, peers will proxy through the master server instead of connecting to you directly.",
"LdnPassphrase": "Network Passphrase:",
"LdnPassphraseTooltip": "You will only be able to see hosted games with the same passphrase as you.",
"LdnPassphraseInputTooltip": "Enter a passphrase in the format Ryujinx-<8 hex chars>. You will only be able to see hosted games with the same passphrase as you.",
"LdnPassphraseInputPublic": "(public)",
"GenLdnPass": "Generate Random",
"GenLdnPassTooltip": "Generates a new passphrase, which can be shared with other players.",
"ClearLdnPass": "Clear",
"ClearLdnPassTooltip": "Clears the current passphrase, returning to the public network.",
"InvalidLdnPassphrase": "Invalid Passphrase! Must be in the format \"Ryujinx-<8 hex chars>\""
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"MenuBarToolsManageFileTypes": "管理檔案類型",
"MenuBarToolsInstallFileTypes": "安裝檔案類型",
"MenuBarToolsUninstallFileTypes": "移除檔案類型",
"MenuBarToolsXCITrimmer": "Trim XCI Files",
"MenuBarView": "檢視(_V)",
"MenuBarViewWindow": "視窗大小",
"MenuBarViewWindow720": "720p",
@ -84,8 +85,11 @@
"GameListContextMenuOpenModsDirectoryToolTip": "開啟此應用程式模組的資料夾",
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectory": "開啟 Atmosphere 模組資料夾",
"GameListContextMenuOpenSdModsDirectoryToolTip": "開啟此應用程式模組的另一個 SD 卡 Atmosphere 資料夾。適用於為真實硬體封裝的模組。",
"GameListContextMenuTrimXCI": "Check and Trim XCI File",
"GameListContextMenuTrimXCIToolTip": "Check and Trim XCI File to Save Disk Space",
"StatusBarGamesLoaded": "{0}/{1} 遊戲已載入",
"StatusBarSystemVersion": "系統版本: {0}",
"StatusBarXCIFileTrimming": "Trimming XCI File '{0}'",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTitle": "檢測到記憶體映射的低限值",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextPrimary": "您是否要將 vm.max_map_count 的數值增至 {0}?",
"LinuxVmMaxMapCountDialogTextSecondary": "某些遊戲可能會嘗試建立超過目前允許的記憶體映射。一旦超過此限制,Ryujinx 就會崩潰。",
@ -400,6 +404,8 @@
"InputDialogTitle": "輸入對話方塊",
"InputDialogOk": "確定",
"InputDialogCancel": "取消",
"InputDialogCancelling": "Cancelling",
"InputDialogClose": "Close",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileTitle": "選擇設定檔名稱",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileHeader": "請輸入設定檔名稱",
"InputDialogAddNewProfileSubtext": "(最大長度: {0})",
@ -469,6 +475,7 @@
"DialogUninstallFileTypesSuccessMessage": "成功移除檔案類型!",
"DialogUninstallFileTypesErrorMessage": "無法移除檔案類型。",
"DialogOpenSettingsWindowLabel": "開啟設定視窗",
"DialogOpenXCITrimmerWindowLabel": "XCI Trimmer Window",
"DialogControllerAppletTitle": "控制器小程式",
"DialogMessageDialogErrorExceptionMessage": "顯示訊息對話方塊時出現錯誤: {0}",
"DialogSoftwareKeyboardErrorExceptionMessage": "顯示軟體鍵盤時出現錯誤: {0}",
@ -671,6 +678,12 @@
"TitleUpdateVersionLabel": "版本 {0}",
"TitleBundledUpdateVersionLabel": "附帶: 版本 {0}",
"TitleBundledDlcLabel": "附帶:",
"TitleXCIStatusPartialLabel": "Partial",
"TitleXCIStatusTrimmableLabel": "Untrimmed",
"TitleXCIStatusUntrimmableLabel": "Trimmed",
"TitleXCIStatusFailedLabel": "(Failed)",
"TitleXCICanSaveLabel": "Save {0:n0} Mb",
"TitleXCISavingLabel": "Saved {0:n0} Mb",
"RyujinxInfo": "Ryujinx - 資訊",
"RyujinxConfirm": "Ryujinx - 確認",
"FileDialogAllTypes": "全部類型",
@ -723,11 +736,37 @@
"SelectDlcDialogTitle": "選取 DLC 檔案",
"SelectUpdateDialogTitle": "選取更新檔",
"SelectModDialogTitle": "選取模組資料夾",
"TrimXCIFileDialogTitle": "Check and Trim XCI File",
"TrimXCIFileDialogPrimaryText": "This function will first check the empty space and then trim the XCI File to save disk space.",
"TrimXCIFileDialogSecondaryText": "Current File Size: {0:n} MB\nGame Data Size: {1:n} MB\nDisk Space Savings: {2:n} MB",
"TrimXCIFileNoTrimNecessary": "XCI File does not need to be trimmed. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileNoUntrimPossible": "XCI File cannot be untrimmed. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileReadOnlyFileCannotFix": "XCI File is Read Only and could not be made writable. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFileSizeChanged": "XCI File has changed in size since it was scanned. Please check the file is not being written to and try again.",
"TrimXCIFileFreeSpaceCheckFailed": "XCI File has data in the free space area, it is not safe to trim",
"TrimXCIFileInvalidXCIFile": "XCI File contains invalid data. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFileIOWriteError": "XCI File could not be opened for writing. Check logs for further details",
"TrimXCIFileFailedPrimaryText": "Trimming of the XCI file failed",
"TrimXCIFileCancelled": "The operation was cancelled",
"TrimXCIFileFileUndertermined": "No operation was performed",
"UserProfileWindowTitle": "使用者設定檔管理員",
"CheatWindowTitle": "密技管理員",
"DlcWindowTitle": "管理 {0} 的可下載內容 ({1})",
"ModWindowTitle": "管理 {0} 的模組 ({1})",
"UpdateWindowTitle": "遊戲更新管理員",
"XCITrimmerWindowTitle": "XCI File Trimmer",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusCount": "{0} of {1} Title(s) Selected",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusCountWithFilter": "{0} of {1} Title(s) Selected ({2} displayed)",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusTrimming": "Trimming {0} Title(s)...",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusUntrimming": "Untrimming {0} Title(s)...",
"XCITrimmerTitleStatusFailed": "Failed",
"XCITrimmerPotentialSavings": "Potential Savings",
"XCITrimmerActualSavings": "Actual Savings",
"XCITrimmerSavingsMb": "{0:n0} Mb",
"XCITrimmerSelectDisplayed": "Select Shown",
"XCITrimmerDeselectDisplayed": "Deselect Shown",
"XCITrimmerSortName": "Title",
"XCITrimmerSortSaved": "Space Savings",
"XCITrimmerTrim": "Trim",
"XCITrimmerUntrim": "Untrim",
"UpdateWindowUpdateAddedMessage": "已加入 {0} 個遊戲更新",
@ -743,6 +782,7 @@
"AutoloadUpdateRemovedMessage": "已刪除 {0} 個遺失的遊戲更新",
"ModWindowHeading": "{0} 模組",
"UserProfilesEditProfile": "編輯所選",
"Continue": "Continue",
"Cancel": "取消",
"Save": "儲存",
"Discard": "放棄變更",
@ -810,5 +850,17 @@
"MultiplayerMode": "模式:",
"MultiplayerModeTooltip": "變更 LDN 多人遊戲模式。\n\nLdnMitm 將修改遊戲中的本機無線/本機遊戲功能,使其如同區域網路一樣執行,允許與其他安裝了 ldn_mitm 模組的 Ryujinx 實例和已破解的 Nintendo Switch 遊戲機進行本機同網路連線。\n\n多人遊戲要求所有玩家使用相同的遊戲版本 (例如,Super Smash Bros. Ultimate v13.0.1 無法連接 v13.0.0)。\n\n如果不確定,請保持 Disabled (停用) 狀態。",
"MultiplayerModeDisabled": "已停用",
"MultiplayerModeLdnMitm": "ldn_mitm"
"MultiplayerModeLdnMitm": "ldn_mitm",
"MultiplayerModeLdnRyu": "RyuLDN",
"MultiplayerDisableP2P": "Disable P2P Network Hosting (may increase latency)",
"MultiplayerDisableP2PTooltip": "Disable P2P network hosting, peers will proxy through the master server instead of connecting to you directly.",
"LdnPassphrase": "Network Passphrase:",
"LdnPassphraseTooltip": "You will only be able to see hosted games with the same passphrase as you.",
"LdnPassphraseInputTooltip": "Enter a passphrase in the format Ryujinx-<8 hex chars>. You will only be able to see hosted games with the same passphrase as you.",
"LdnPassphraseInputPublic": "(public)",
"GenLdnPass": "Generate Random",
"GenLdnPassTooltip": "Generates a new passphrase, which can be shared with other players.",
"ClearLdnPass": "Clear",
"ClearLdnPassTooltip": "Clears the current passphrase, returning to the public network.",
"InvalidLdnPassphrase": "Invalid Passphrase! Must be in the format \"Ryujinx-<8 hex chars>\""
Reference in New Issue
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