gdkchan 36e8e074c9
Misc. CPU improvements (#519)
* Fix and simplify TranslatorCache

* Fix some assignment alignments, remove some unused usings

* Changes to ILEmitter, separate it from ILEmitterCtx

* Rename ILEmitter to ILMethodBuilder

* Rename LdrLit and *_Fix opcodes

* Revert TranslatorCache impl to the more performant one, fix a few issues with it

* Allow EmitOpCode to be called even after everything has been emitted

* Make Emit and AdvanceOpCode private, simplify it a bit now that it starts emiting from the entry point

* Remove unneeded temp use

* Add missing exit call on TestExclusive

* Use better hash

* Implement the == and != operators
2018-12-10 22:58:52 -02:00

924 lines
25 KiB

using ChocolArm64.Events;
using ChocolArm64.Exceptions;
using ChocolArm64.Instructions;
using ChocolArm64.State;
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Intrinsics;
using System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86;
using System.Threading;
namespace ChocolArm64.Memory
public unsafe class MemoryManager : IMemory, IDisposable
private const int PtLvl0Bits = 13;
private const int PtLvl1Bits = 14;
private const int PtPageBits = 12;
private const int PtLvl0Size = 1 << PtLvl0Bits;
private const int PtLvl1Size = 1 << PtLvl1Bits;
public const int PageSize = 1 << PtPageBits;
private const int PtLvl0Mask = PtLvl0Size - 1;
private const int PtLvl1Mask = PtLvl1Size - 1;
public const int PageMask = PageSize - 1;
private const int PtLvl0Bit = PtPageBits + PtLvl1Bits;
private const int PtLvl1Bit = PtPageBits;
private const long ErgMask = (4 << CpuThreadState.ErgSizeLog2) - 1;
private class ArmMonitor
public long Position;
public bool ExState;
public bool HasExclusiveAccess(long position)
return Position == position && ExState;
private Dictionary<int, ArmMonitor> _monitors;
private ConcurrentDictionary<long, IntPtr> _observedPages;
public IntPtr Ram { get; private set; }
private byte* _ramPtr;
private byte*** _pageTable;
public event EventHandler<InvalidAccessEventArgs> InvalidAccess;
public MemoryManager(IntPtr ram)
_monitors = new Dictionary<int, ArmMonitor>();
_observedPages = new ConcurrentDictionary<long, IntPtr>();
Ram = ram;
_ramPtr = (byte*)ram;
_pageTable = (byte***)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(PtLvl0Size * IntPtr.Size);
for (int l0 = 0; l0 < PtLvl0Size; l0++)
_pageTable[l0] = null;
public void RemoveMonitor(int core)
lock (_monitors)
public void SetExclusive(int core, long position)
position &= ~ErgMask;
lock (_monitors)
foreach (ArmMonitor mon in _monitors.Values)
if (mon.Position == position && mon.ExState)
mon.ExState = false;
if (!_monitors.TryGetValue(core, out ArmMonitor threadMon))
threadMon = new ArmMonitor();
_monitors.Add(core, threadMon);
threadMon.Position = position;
threadMon.ExState = true;
public bool TestExclusive(int core, long position)
//Note: Any call to this method also should be followed by a
//call to ClearExclusiveForStore if this method returns true.
position &= ~ErgMask;
if (!_monitors.TryGetValue(core, out ArmMonitor threadMon))
return false;
bool exState = threadMon.HasExclusiveAccess(position);
if (!exState)
return exState;
public void ClearExclusiveForStore(int core)
if (_monitors.TryGetValue(core, out ArmMonitor threadMon))
threadMon.ExState = false;
public void ClearExclusive(int core)
lock (_monitors)
if (_monitors.TryGetValue(core, out ArmMonitor threadMon))
threadMon.ExState = false;
public void WriteInt32ToSharedAddr(long position, int value)
long maskedPosition = position & ~ErgMask;
lock (_monitors)
foreach (ArmMonitor mon in _monitors.Values)
if (mon.Position == maskedPosition && mon.ExState)
mon.ExState = false;
WriteInt32(position, value);
public sbyte ReadSByte(long position)
return (sbyte)ReadByte(position);
public short ReadInt16(long position)
return (short)ReadUInt16(position);
public int ReadInt32(long position)
return (int)ReadUInt32(position);
public long ReadInt64(long position)
return (long)ReadUInt64(position);
public byte ReadByte(long position)
return *((byte*)Translate(position));
public ushort ReadUInt16(long position)
if ((position & 1) == 0)
return *((ushort*)Translate(position));
return (ushort)(ReadByte(position + 0) << 0 |
ReadByte(position + 1) << 8);
public uint ReadUInt32(long position)
if ((position & 3) == 0)
return *((uint*)Translate(position));
return (uint)(ReadUInt16(position + 0) << 0 |
ReadUInt16(position + 2) << 16);
public ulong ReadUInt64(long position)
if ((position & 7) == 0)
return *((ulong*)Translate(position));
return (ulong)ReadUInt32(position + 0) << 0 |
(ulong)ReadUInt32(position + 4) << 32;
public Vector128<float> ReadVector8(long position)
if (Sse2.IsSupported)
return Sse.StaticCast<byte, float>(Sse2.SetVector128(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ReadByte(position)));
Vector128<float> value = VectorHelper.VectorSingleZero();
value = VectorHelper.VectorInsertInt(ReadByte(position), value, 0, 0);
return value;
public Vector128<float> ReadVector16(long position)
if (Sse2.IsSupported && (position & 1) == 0)
return Sse.StaticCast<ushort, float>(Sse2.Insert(Sse2.SetZeroVector128<ushort>(), ReadUInt16(position), 0));
Vector128<float> value = VectorHelper.VectorSingleZero();
value = VectorHelper.VectorInsertInt(ReadUInt16(position), value, 0, 1);
return value;
public Vector128<float> ReadVector32(long position)
if (Sse.IsSupported && (position & 3) == 0)
return Sse.LoadScalarVector128((float*)Translate(position));
Vector128<float> value = VectorHelper.VectorSingleZero();
value = VectorHelper.VectorInsertInt(ReadUInt32(position), value, 0, 2);
return value;
public Vector128<float> ReadVector64(long position)
if (Sse2.IsSupported && (position & 7) == 0)
return Sse.StaticCast<double, float>(Sse2.LoadScalarVector128((double*)Translate(position)));
Vector128<float> value = VectorHelper.VectorSingleZero();
value = VectorHelper.VectorInsertInt(ReadUInt64(position), value, 0, 3);
return value;
public Vector128<float> ReadVector128(long position)
if (Sse.IsSupported && (position & 15) == 0)
return Sse.LoadVector128((float*)Translate(position));
Vector128<float> value = VectorHelper.VectorSingleZero();
value = VectorHelper.VectorInsertInt(ReadUInt64(position + 0), value, 0, 3);
value = VectorHelper.VectorInsertInt(ReadUInt64(position + 8), value, 1, 3);
return value;
public byte[] ReadBytes(long position, long size)
long endAddr = position + size;
if ((ulong)size > int.MaxValue)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(size));
if ((ulong)endAddr < (ulong)position)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(position));
byte[] data = new byte[size];
int offset = 0;
while ((ulong)position < (ulong)endAddr)
long pageLimit = (position + PageSize) & ~(long)PageMask;
if ((ulong)pageLimit > (ulong)endAddr)
pageLimit = endAddr;
int copySize = (int)(pageLimit - position);
Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)Translate(position), data, offset, copySize);
position += copySize;
offset += copySize;
return data;
public void ReadBytes(long position, byte[] data, int startIndex, int size)
//Note: This will be moved later.
long endAddr = position + size;
if ((ulong)size > int.MaxValue)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(size));
if ((ulong)endAddr < (ulong)position)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(position));
int offset = startIndex;
while ((ulong)position < (ulong)endAddr)
long pageLimit = (position + PageSize) & ~(long)PageMask;
if ((ulong)pageLimit > (ulong)endAddr)
pageLimit = endAddr;
int copySize = (int)(pageLimit - position);
Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)Translate(position), data, offset, copySize);
position += copySize;
offset += copySize;
public void WriteSByte(long position, sbyte value)
WriteByte(position, (byte)value);
public void WriteInt16(long position, short value)
WriteUInt16(position, (ushort)value);
public void WriteInt32(long position, int value)
WriteUInt32(position, (uint)value);
public void WriteInt64(long position, long value)
WriteUInt64(position, (ulong)value);
public void WriteByte(long position, byte value)
*((byte*)TranslateWrite(position)) = value;
public void WriteUInt16(long position, ushort value)
if ((position & 1) == 0)
*((ushort*)TranslateWrite(position)) = value;
WriteByte(position + 0, (byte)(value >> 0));
WriteByte(position + 1, (byte)(value >> 8));
public void WriteUInt32(long position, uint value)
if ((position & 3) == 0)
*((uint*)TranslateWrite(position)) = value;
WriteUInt16(position + 0, (ushort)(value >> 0));
WriteUInt16(position + 2, (ushort)(value >> 16));
public void WriteUInt64(long position, ulong value)
if ((position & 7) == 0)
*((ulong*)TranslateWrite(position)) = value;
WriteUInt32(position + 0, (uint)(value >> 0));
WriteUInt32(position + 4, (uint)(value >> 32));
public void WriteVector8(long position, Vector128<float> value)
if (Sse41.IsSupported)
WriteByte(position, Sse41.Extract(Sse.StaticCast<float, byte>(value), 0));
else if (Sse2.IsSupported)
WriteByte(position, (byte)Sse2.Extract(Sse.StaticCast<float, ushort>(value), 0));
WriteByte(position, (byte)VectorHelper.VectorExtractIntZx(value, 0, 0));
public void WriteVector16(long position, Vector128<float> value)
if (Sse2.IsSupported)
WriteUInt16(position, Sse2.Extract(Sse.StaticCast<float, ushort>(value), 0));
WriteUInt16(position, (ushort)VectorHelper.VectorExtractIntZx(value, 0, 1));
public void WriteVector32(long position, Vector128<float> value)
if (Sse.IsSupported && (position & 3) == 0)
Sse.StoreScalar((float*)TranslateWrite(position), value);
WriteUInt32(position, (uint)VectorHelper.VectorExtractIntZx(value, 0, 2));
public void WriteVector64(long position, Vector128<float> value)
if (Sse2.IsSupported && (position & 7) == 0)
Sse2.StoreScalar((double*)TranslateWrite(position), Sse.StaticCast<float, double>(value));
WriteUInt64(position, VectorHelper.VectorExtractIntZx(value, 0, 3));
public void WriteVector128(long position, Vector128<float> value)
if (Sse.IsSupported && (position & 15) == 0)
Sse.Store((float*)TranslateWrite(position), value);
WriteUInt64(position + 0, VectorHelper.VectorExtractIntZx(value, 0, 3));
WriteUInt64(position + 8, VectorHelper.VectorExtractIntZx(value, 1, 3));
public void WriteBytes(long position, byte[] data)
long endAddr = position + data.Length;
if ((ulong)endAddr < (ulong)position)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(position));
int offset = 0;
while ((ulong)position < (ulong)endAddr)
long pageLimit = (position + PageSize) & ~(long)PageMask;
if ((ulong)pageLimit > (ulong)endAddr)
pageLimit = endAddr;
int copySize = (int)(pageLimit - position);
Marshal.Copy(data, offset, (IntPtr)TranslateWrite(position), copySize);
position += copySize;
offset += copySize;
public void WriteBytes(long position, byte[] data, int startIndex, int size)
//Note: This will be moved later.
long endAddr = position + size;
if ((ulong)endAddr < (ulong)position)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(position));
int offset = startIndex;
while ((ulong)position < (ulong)endAddr)
long pageLimit = (position + PageSize) & ~(long)PageMask;
if ((ulong)pageLimit > (ulong)endAddr)
pageLimit = endAddr;
int copySize = (int)(pageLimit - position);
Marshal.Copy(data, offset, (IntPtr)TranslateWrite(position), copySize);
position += copySize;
offset += copySize;
public void CopyBytes(long src, long dst, long size)
//Note: This will be moved later.
if (IsContiguous(src, size) &&
IsContiguous(dst, size))
byte* srcPtr = Translate(src);
byte* dstPtr = TranslateWrite(dst);
Buffer.MemoryCopy(srcPtr, dstPtr, size, size);
WriteBytes(dst, ReadBytes(src, size));
public void Map(long va, long pa, long size)
SetPtEntries(va, _ramPtr + pa, size);
public void Unmap(long position, long size)
SetPtEntries(position, null, size);
StopObservingRegion(position, size);
public bool IsMapped(long position)
if (!(IsValidPosition(position)))
return false;
long l0 = (position >> PtLvl0Bit) & PtLvl0Mask;
long l1 = (position >> PtLvl1Bit) & PtLvl1Mask;
if (_pageTable[l0] == null)
return false;
return _pageTable[l0][l1] != null || _observedPages.ContainsKey(position >> PtPageBits);
public long GetPhysicalAddress(long virtualAddress)
byte* ptr = Translate(virtualAddress);
return (long)(ptr - _ramPtr);
internal byte* Translate(long position)
long l0 = (position >> PtLvl0Bit) & PtLvl0Mask;
long l1 = (position >> PtLvl1Bit) & PtLvl1Mask;
long old = position;
byte** lvl1 = _pageTable[l0];
if ((position >> (PtLvl0Bit + PtLvl0Bits)) != 0)
goto Unmapped;
if (lvl1 == null)
goto Unmapped;
position &= PageMask;
byte* ptr = lvl1[l1];
if (ptr == null)
goto Unmapped;
return ptr + position;
return HandleNullPte(old);
private byte* HandleNullPte(long position)
long key = position >> PtPageBits;
if (_observedPages.TryGetValue(key, out IntPtr ptr))
return (byte*)ptr + (position & PageMask);
InvalidAccess?.Invoke(this, new InvalidAccessEventArgs(position));
throw new VmmPageFaultException(position);
internal byte* TranslateWrite(long position)
long l0 = (position >> PtLvl0Bit) & PtLvl0Mask;
long l1 = (position >> PtLvl1Bit) & PtLvl1Mask;
long old = position;
byte** lvl1 = _pageTable[l0];
if ((position >> (PtLvl0Bit + PtLvl0Bits)) != 0)
goto Unmapped;
if (lvl1 == null)
goto Unmapped;
position &= PageMask;
byte* ptr = lvl1[l1];
if (ptr == null)
goto Unmapped;
return ptr + position;
return HandleNullPteWrite(old);
private byte* HandleNullPteWrite(long position)
long key = position >> PtPageBits;
if (_observedPages.TryGetValue(key, out IntPtr ptr))
SetPtEntry(position, (byte*)ptr);
return (byte*)ptr + (position & PageMask);
InvalidAccess?.Invoke(this, new InvalidAccessEventArgs(position));
throw new VmmPageFaultException(position);
private void SetPtEntries(long va, byte* ptr, long size)
long endPosition = (va + size + PageMask) & ~PageMask;
while ((ulong)va < (ulong)endPosition)
SetPtEntry(va, ptr);
va += PageSize;
if (ptr != null)
ptr += PageSize;
private void SetPtEntry(long position, byte* ptr)
if (!IsValidPosition(position))
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(position));
long l0 = (position >> PtLvl0Bit) & PtLvl0Mask;
long l1 = (position >> PtLvl1Bit) & PtLvl1Mask;
if (_pageTable[l0] == null)
byte** lvl1 = (byte**)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(PtLvl1Size * IntPtr.Size);
for (int zl1 = 0; zl1 < PtLvl1Size; zl1++)
lvl1[zl1] = null;
_pageTable[l0] = lvl1;
_pageTable[l0][l1] = ptr;
public (bool[], int) IsRegionModified(long position, long size)
long endPosition = (position + size + PageMask) & ~PageMask;
position &= ~PageMask;
size = endPosition - position;
bool[] modified = new bool[size >> PtPageBits];
int count = 0;
lock (_observedPages)
for (int page = 0; page < modified.Length; page++)
byte* ptr = Translate(position);
if (_observedPages.TryAdd(position >> PtPageBits, (IntPtr)ptr))
modified[page] = true;
long l0 = (position >> PtLvl0Bit) & PtLvl0Mask;
long l1 = (position >> PtLvl1Bit) & PtLvl1Mask;
byte** lvl1 = _pageTable[l0];
if (lvl1 != null)
if (modified[page] = lvl1[l1] != null)
SetPtEntry(position, null);
position += PageSize;
return (modified, count);
public void StopObservingRegion(long position, long size)
long endPosition = (position + size + PageMask) & ~PageMask;
while (position < endPosition)
lock (_observedPages)
if (_observedPages.TryRemove(position >> PtPageBits, out IntPtr ptr))
SetPtEntry(position, (byte*)ptr);
position += PageSize;
public bool TryGetHostAddress(long position, long size, out IntPtr ptr)
if (IsContiguous(position, size))
ptr = (IntPtr)Translate(position);
return true;
ptr = IntPtr.Zero;
return false;
private bool IsContiguous(long position, long size)
long endPos = position + size;
position &= ~PageMask;
long expectedPa = GetPhysicalAddress(position);
while ((ulong)position < (ulong)endPos)
long pa = GetPhysicalAddress(position);
if (pa != expectedPa)
return false;
position += PageSize;
expectedPa += PageSize;
return true;
public bool IsValidPosition(long position)
return position >> (PtLvl0Bits + PtLvl1Bits + PtPageBits) == 0;
public void Dispose()
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (_pageTable == null)
for (int l0 = 0; l0 < PtLvl0Size; l0++)
if (_pageTable[l0] != null)
_pageTable[l0] = null;
_pageTable = null;