using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Serialization; using CsbBuilder.Builder; using CsbBuilder.BuilderNode; using CsbBuilder.Audio; using CsbBuilder.Importer; using CsbBuilder.Project; using CsbBuilder.Serialization; using CsbBuilder.Properties; using SonicAudioLib.IO; using SonicAudioLib.Archive; using NAudio.Wave; namespace CsbBuilder { public partial class MainForm : Form { public static Settings Settings; private bool enabled = false; private bool saved = true; private CsbProject project = null; private TreeNode copiedNode = null; private TreeView treeViewOfCopiedNode = null; private List sounds = new List(); public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); imageList.Images.Add("Node", Resources.Node); imageList.Images.Add("Folder", Resources.Folder); imageList.Images.Add("FolderOpen", Resources.FolderOpen); imageList.Images.Add("Sound", Resources.Sound); Settings = Settings.Load(); } public void ClearTreeViews() { cueTree.Nodes.Clear(); synthTree.Nodes.Clear(); soundElementTree.Nodes.Clear(); aisacTree.Nodes.Clear(); voiceLimitGroupTree.Nodes.Clear(); } public void ExpandAllTreeViews() { cueTree.ExpandAll(); if (cueTree.Nodes.Count > 0) { cueTree.Nodes[0].EnsureVisible(); } synthTree.ExpandAll(); if (synthTree.Nodes.Count > 0) { synthTree.Nodes[0].EnsureVisible(); } soundElementTree.ExpandAll(); if (soundElementTree.Nodes.Count > 0) { soundElementTree.Nodes[0].EnsureVisible(); } aisacTree.ExpandAll(); if (aisacTree.Nodes.Count > 0) { aisacTree.Nodes[0].EnsureVisible(); } voiceLimitGroupTree.ExpandAll(); if (voiceLimitGroupTree.Nodes.Count > 0) { voiceLimitGroupTree.Nodes[0].EnsureVisible(); } } public void ClearProject() { project = null; ClearTreeViews(); Text = Program.ApplicationTitle; saved = true; } public void DisplayOnTreeView() { foreach (BuilderCueNode cueNode in project.CueNodes) { TreeNode treeNode = new TreeNode(); treeNode.ContextMenuStrip = cueReferenceMenu; treeNode.Name = cueNode.Name; treeNode.Text = treeNode.Name; treeNode.Tag = cueNode; cueTree.Nodes.Add(treeNode); } foreach (BuilderSynthNode synthNode in project.SynthNodes) { TreeNode treeNode = synthTree.CreateNodesByFullPath(synthNode.Name); treeNode.ContextMenuStrip = trackMenu; treeNode.Tag = synthNode; if (synthNode.Type == BuilderSynthType.Single) { treeNode.ContextMenuStrip = trackItemMenu; treeNode.ImageIndex = 3; treeNode.SelectedImageIndex = 3; } while ((treeNode = treeNode.Parent) != null) { if (treeNode.Tag == null) { treeNode.ContextMenuStrip = synthFolderMenu; } } } foreach (BuilderSoundElementNode soundElementNode in project.SoundElementNodes) { TreeNode treeNode = soundElementTree.CreateNodesByFullPath(soundElementNode.Name); treeNode.ContextMenuStrip = soundElementMenu; treeNode.Tag = soundElementNode; treeNode.ImageIndex = 3; treeNode.SelectedImageIndex = 3; while ((treeNode = treeNode.Parent) != null) { if (treeNode.Tag == null) { treeNode.ContextMenuStrip = folderMenu; } } } foreach (BuilderAisacNode aisacNode in project.AisacNodes) { TreeNode treeNode = aisacTree.CreateNodesByFullPath(aisacNode.Name); treeNode.ContextMenuStrip = aisacNodeMenu; treeNode.Tag = aisacNode; while ((treeNode = treeNode.Parent) != null) { if (treeNode.Tag == null) { treeNode.ContextMenuStrip = aisacFolderMenu; } } } foreach (BuilderVoiceLimitGroupNode voiceLimitGroupNode in project.VoiceLimitGroupNodes) { TreeNode treeNode = new TreeNode(); treeNode.ContextMenuStrip = nodeMenu; treeNode.Name = voiceLimitGroupNode.Name; treeNode.Text = treeNode.Name; treeNode.Tag = voiceLimitGroupNode; voiceLimitGroupTree.Nodes.Add(treeNode); } } public void SetProject(CsbProject project) { StopSound(null, null); if (!enabled) { splitContainer1.Enabled = true; splitContainer2.Enabled = true; propertyGrid.Enabled = true; saveProjectAsToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; saveProjectToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; buildCurrentProjectAsToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; buildCurrentProjectToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; mergeProjectToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; ımportAndMergeToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = true; enabled = true; } ClearProject(); this.project = project; project.Create(); DisplayOnTreeView(); UpdateAllNodes(); ExpandAllTreeViews(); Text += $" - {project.Name}"; } private void CreateNewProject(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (AskForSave() == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } using (CreateNewProjectForm newProject = new CreateNewProjectForm()) { if (newProject.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { SetProject(newProject.Project); project.Save(); } } } private void ImportCsbFile(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (AskForSave() == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } using (OpenFileDialog openCsbFile = new OpenFileDialog { Title = "Import CSB File", DefaultExt = "csb", Filter = "CSB Files|*.csb", }) { if (openCsbFile.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { using (CreateNewProjectForm createProject = new CreateNewProjectForm(openCsbFile.FileName)) { if (createProject.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { createProject.Project.Create(); CsbImporter.Import(openCsbFile.FileName, createProject.Project); SetProject(createProject.Project); project.Save(); } } } } } private void OnNodeClick(object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e) { e.Node.TreeView.SelectedNode = e.Node; } private TreeNode CreateCueNode(TreeNodeCollection collection, TreeNode parent, int nodeIndex = -1) { saved = false; int index = 0; string parentName = parent != null && Settings.NameNodeAfterParent ? parent.Name : "Cue"; while (collection.ContainsKey($"{parentName}_{index}")) { index++; } TreeNode treeNode = nodeIndex == -1 ? collection.Add($"{parentName}_{index}") : collection.Insert(nodeIndex, $"{parentName}_{index}"); treeNode.Name = treeNode.Text; treeNode.ContextMenuStrip = cueReferenceMenu; BuilderCueNode cueNode = new BuilderCueNode(); cueNode.Name = treeNode.FullPath; if (project.CueNodes.Count > 0) { cueNode.Identifier = project.CueNodes.Max(cue => cue.Identifier) + 1; } treeNode.Tag = cueNode; project.CueNodes.Add(cueNode); treeNode.TreeView.SelectedNode = treeNode; treeNode.EnsureVisible(); return treeNode; } private void RemoveNode(BuilderBaseNode node) { if (node is BuilderCueNode cueNode) { project.CueNodes.Remove(cueNode); } else if (node is BuilderSynthNode synthNode) { project.SynthNodes.Remove(synthNode); project.CueNodes.Where(cue => cue.SynthReference == synthNode.Name).ToList().ForEach(cue => cue.SynthReference = string.Empty); project.SynthNodes.Where(synth => synth.Children.Contains(synthNode.Name)).ToList().ForEach(synth => synth.Children.Remove(synthNode.Name)); } else if (node is BuilderSoundElementNode soundElementNode) { project.SoundElementNodes.Remove(soundElementNode); project.SynthNodes.Where(soundElement => soundElement.SoundElementReference == soundElementNode.Name).ToList().ForEach(synth => synth.SoundElementReference = string.Empty); } else if (node is BuilderAisacNode aisacNode) { project.AisacNodes.Remove(aisacNode); project.SynthNodes.Where(synth => synth.AisacReference == aisacNode.Name).ToList().ForEach(synth => synth.AisacReference = string.Empty); } else if (node is BuilderVoiceLimitGroupNode voiceLimitGroupNode) { project.VoiceLimitGroupNodes.Remove(voiceLimitGroupNode); project.SynthNodes.Where(synth => synth.VoiceLimitGroupReference == voiceLimitGroupNode.Name).ToList().ForEach(voiceLimitGroup => voiceLimitGroup.VoiceLimitGroupReference = string.Empty); } } private TreeNode CreateSynthNode(TreeNodeCollection collection, TreeNode parent, int nodeIndex = -1) { saved = false; int index = 0; string parentName = parent != null && Settings.NameNodeAfterParent ? parent.Name : "Synth"; while (collection.ContainsKey($"{parentName}_{index}")) { index++; } TreeNode treeNode = nodeIndex == -1 ? collection.Add($"{parentName}_{index}") : collection.Insert(nodeIndex, $"{parentName}_{index}"); treeNode.Name = treeNode.Text; treeNode.ContextMenuStrip = trackMenu; BuilderSynthNode synthNode = new BuilderSynthNode(); synthNode.Type = BuilderSynthType.WithChildren; synthNode.Name = treeNode.FullPath; treeNode.Tag = synthNode; project.SynthNodes.Add(synthNode); if (parent != null && parent.Tag is BuilderSynthNode parentSynthNode) { if (parentSynthNode.Type == BuilderSynthType.WithChildren) { parentSynthNode.Children.Add(synthNode.Name); } } treeNode.TreeView.SelectedNode = treeNode; treeNode.EnsureVisible(); return treeNode; } private TreeNode CreateSoundNode(TreeNodeCollection collection, TreeNode parent, int nodeIndex = -1) { saved = false; int index = 0; string parentName = parent != null && Settings.NameNodeAfterParent ? parent.Name : "Sound"; while (collection.ContainsKey($"{parentName}_{index}")) { index++; } TreeNode treeNode = nodeIndex == -1 ? collection.Add($"{parentName}_{index}") : collection.Insert(nodeIndex, $"{parentName}_{index}"); treeNode.Name = treeNode.Text; treeNode.ContextMenuStrip = trackItemMenu; treeNode.ImageIndex = 3; treeNode.SelectedImageIndex = 3; BuilderSynthNode synthNode = new BuilderSynthNode(); synthNode.Name = treeNode.FullPath; treeNode.Tag = synthNode; project.SynthNodes.Add(synthNode); if (parent != null && parent.Tag is BuilderSynthNode parentSynthNode) { if (parentSynthNode.Type == BuilderSynthType.WithChildren) { parentSynthNode.Children.Add(synthNode.Name); } } treeNode.TreeView.SelectedNode = treeNode; treeNode.EnsureVisible(); return treeNode; } private TreeNode CreateSoundElementNode(TreeNodeCollection collection, TreeNode parent, int nodeIndex = -1) { saved = false; int index = 0; string parentName = parent != null && Settings.NameNodeAfterParent ? parent.Name : "SoundElement"; while (collection.ContainsKey($"{parentName}_{index}")) { index++; } TreeNode treeNode = nodeIndex == -1 ? collection.Add($"{parentName}_{index}") : collection.Insert(nodeIndex, $"{parentName}_{index}"); treeNode.Name = treeNode.Text; treeNode.ContextMenuStrip = soundElementMenu; BuilderSoundElementNode soundElementNode = new BuilderSoundElementNode(); soundElementNode.Name = treeNode.FullPath; treeNode.Tag = soundElementNode; treeNode.ImageIndex = 3; treeNode.SelectedImageIndex = 3; project.SoundElementNodes.Add(soundElementNode); treeNode.TreeView.SelectedNode = treeNode; treeNode.EnsureVisible(); return treeNode; } private TreeNode CreateAisacNode(TreeNodeCollection collection, TreeNode parent, int nodeIndex = -1, BuilderAisacNode aisacNodeToImport = null) { saved = false; int index = 0; string parentName = parent != null && Settings.NameNodeAfterParent ? parent.Name : "AISAC"; while (collection.ContainsKey($"{parentName}_{index}")) { index++; } TreeNode treeNode = nodeIndex == -1 ? collection.Add($"{parentName}_{index}") : collection.Insert(nodeIndex, $"{parentName}_{index}"); treeNode.Name = treeNode.Text; treeNode.ContextMenuStrip = aisacNodeMenu; BuilderAisacNode aisacNode = aisacNodeToImport != null ? aisacNodeToImport : new BuilderAisacNode(); aisacNode.Name = treeNode.FullPath; treeNode.Tag = aisacNode; project.AisacNodes.Add(aisacNode); treeNode.TreeView.SelectedNode = treeNode; treeNode.EnsureVisible(); return treeNode; } private TreeNode CreateVoiceLimitGroupNode(TreeNodeCollection collection, TreeNode parent, int nodeIndex = -1) { saved = false; int index = 0; string parentName = parent != null && Settings.NameNodeAfterParent ? parent.Name : "VoiceLimitGroup"; while (collection.ContainsKey($"{parentName}_{index}")) { index++; } TreeNode treeNode = nodeIndex == -1 ? collection.Add($"{parentName}_{index}") : collection.Insert(nodeIndex, $"{parentName}_{index}"); treeNode.Name = treeNode.Text; treeNode.ContextMenuStrip = nodeMenu; BuilderVoiceLimitGroupNode voiceLimitGroup = new BuilderVoiceLimitGroupNode(); voiceLimitGroup.Name = treeNode.FullPath; treeNode.Tag = voiceLimitGroup; project.VoiceLimitGroupNodes.Add(voiceLimitGroup); treeNode.TreeView.SelectedNode = treeNode; treeNode.EnsureVisible(); return treeNode; } private TreeNode CreateFolder(TreeNodeCollection collection, TreeNode parent) { saved = false; int index = 0; string parentName = parent != null && Settings.NameNodeAfterParent ? parent.Name : "Folder"; while (collection.ContainsKey($"Folder_{index}")) { index++; } TreeNode treeNode = collection.Add($"Folder_{index}"); treeNode.Name = treeNode.Text; treeNode.ContextMenuStrip = folderMenu; treeNode.ImageIndex = 1; treeNode.SelectedImageIndex = 2; treeNode.TreeView.SelectedNode = treeNode; treeNode.EnsureVisible(); return treeNode; } private TreeNode CreateSynthFolder(TreeNodeCollection collection) { saved = false; int index = 0; while (collection.ContainsKey($"Folder_{index}")) { index++; } TreeNode treeNode = collection.Add($"Folder_{index}"); treeNode.Name = treeNode.Text; treeNode.ContextMenuStrip = synthFolderMenu; treeNode.ImageIndex = 1; treeNode.SelectedImageIndex = 2; treeNode.TreeView.SelectedNode = treeNode; treeNode.EnsureVisible(); return treeNode; } private void CreateChildNode(object sender, EventArgs e) { ContextMenuStrip menuStrip = (ContextMenuStrip)((ToolStripItem)sender).Owner; if (menuStrip.SourceControl is TreeView selectedTree) { TreeNode selectedNode = selectedTree.SelectedNode; if (selectedTree == cueTree) { CreateCueNode(selectedTree.Nodes, null); } else if (selectedTree == synthTree) { if (selectedNode.Tag is BuilderSynthNode synthNode && synthNode.Type == BuilderSynthType.WithChildren) { CreateSoundNode(selectedNode.Nodes, selectedNode); } else { CreateSynthNode(selectedNode.Nodes, selectedNode); } } else if (selectedTree == soundElementTree) { CreateSoundElementNode(selectedNode.Nodes, selectedNode); } else if (selectedTree == aisacTree) { CreateAisacNode(selectedNode.Nodes, selectedNode); } else if (selectedTree == voiceLimitGroupTree) { CreateVoiceLimitGroupNode(selectedTree.Nodes, null); } } } private void CreateNode(object sender, EventArgs e) { ContextMenuStrip menuStrip = (ContextMenuStrip)((ToolStripItem)sender).Owner; if (menuStrip.SourceControl is TreeView selectedTree) { if (selectedTree == cueTree) { CreateCueNode(selectedTree.Nodes, null); } else if (selectedTree == synthTree) { CreateSynthNode(selectedTree.Nodes, null); } else if (selectedTree == soundElementTree) { CreateSoundElementNode(selectedTree.Nodes, null); } else if (selectedTree == aisacTree) { CreateAisacNode(selectedTree.Nodes, null); } else if (selectedTree == voiceLimitGroupTree) { CreateVoiceLimitGroupNode(selectedTree.Nodes, null); } } } private void CreateFolder(object sender, EventArgs e) { ContextMenuStrip menuStrip = (ContextMenuStrip)((ToolStripItem)sender).Owner; if (menuStrip.SourceControl is TreeView selectedTree) { if (selectedTree == synthTree) { CreateSynthFolder(selectedTree.Nodes); } else { CreateFolder(selectedTree.Nodes, null); } } } private void RemoveNodes(TreeNodeCollection collection) { foreach (TreeNode node in collection) { if (node.Tag is BuilderBaseNode baseNode) { RemoveNode(baseNode); } RemoveNodes(node.Nodes); } } private void RemoveNode(TreeNode treeNode) { saved = false; if (treeNode.Tag is BuilderBaseNode baseNode) { RemoveNode(baseNode); } RemoveNodes(treeNode.Nodes); treeNode.Remove(); } private void RemoveNode(object sender, EventArgs e) { saved = false; ContextMenuStrip menuStrip = (ContextMenuStrip)((ToolStripItem)sender).Owner; if (menuStrip.SourceControl is TreeView selectedTree) { TreeNode selectedNode = selectedTree.SelectedNode; RemoveNode(selectedNode); } } private void BuildProject(object sender, EventArgs e) { project.BinaryDirectory.Create(); project.Order(cueTree, synthTree, soundElementTree, aisacTree, voiceLimitGroupTree); Builder.CsbBuilder.Build(project, Path.Combine(project.BinaryDirectory.FullName, project.Name + ".csb")); Process.Start(project.BinaryDirectory.FullName); } private void CopyFullPath(object sender, EventArgs e) { ContextMenuStrip menuStrip = (ContextMenuStrip)((ToolStripItem)sender).Owner; if (menuStrip.SourceControl is TreeView selectedTree) { TreeNode selectedNode = selectedTree.SelectedNode; Clipboard.SetText(selectedNode.FullPath); } } private void CreateChildFolder(object sender, EventArgs e) { ContextMenuStrip menuStrip = (ContextMenuStrip)((ToolStripItem)sender).Owner; if (menuStrip.SourceControl is TreeView selectedTree) { TreeNode selectedNode = selectedTree.SelectedNode; if (selectedTree == synthTree) { CreateSynthFolder(selectedNode.Nodes); } else { CreateFolder(selectedNode.Nodes, selectedNode); } } } private void RenameNode(object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e) { e.Node.BeginEdit(); } private void UpdateNodeNoRename(TreeNode treeNode) { if (treeNode.Tag is BuilderBaseNode baseNode) { baseNode.Name = treeNode.FullPath; } foreach (TreeNode childNode in treeNode.Nodes) { UpdateNodeNoRename(childNode); } } private void UpdateNodes(TreeNodeCollection collection) { foreach (TreeNode treeNode in collection) { if (treeNode.Tag is BuilderBaseNode baseNode) { string previousName = baseNode.Name; baseNode.Name = treeNode.FullPath; // Do it only if it's different, don't waste time if (previousName != baseNode.Name) { string fullPath = baseNode.Name; if (baseNode is BuilderSynthNode) { project.CueNodes.Where(cue => cue.SynthReference == previousName).ToList().ForEach(cue => cue.SynthReference = fullPath); project.SynthNodes.Where(synth => synth.Children.Contains(previousName)).ToList().ForEach(synth => synth.Children[synth.Children.IndexOf(previousName)] = fullPath); } else if (baseNode is BuilderSoundElementNode) { project.SynthNodes.Where(synth => synth.SoundElementReference == previousName).ToList().ForEach(synth => synth.SoundElementReference = fullPath); } else if (baseNode is BuilderAisacNode) { project.SynthNodes.Where(synth => synth.AisacReference == previousName).ToList().ForEach(synth => synth.AisacReference = fullPath); } else if (baseNode is BuilderVoiceLimitGroupNode) { project.SynthNodes.Where(synth => synth.VoiceLimitGroupReference == previousName).ToList().ForEach(synth => synth.VoiceLimitGroupReference = fullPath); } } } else { treeNode.ImageIndex = 1; treeNode.SelectedImageIndex = 2; } UpdateNodes(treeNode.Nodes); } } private void UpdateAllNodes() { UpdateNodes(cueTree.Nodes); UpdateNodes(synthTree.Nodes); UpdateNodes(soundElementTree.Nodes); UpdateNodes(aisacTree.Nodes); UpdateNodes(voiceLimitGroupTree.Nodes); } private void RenameNode(TreeNode node, string name) { saved = false; string previousName = node.FullPath; // check siblings before rename TreeNodeCollection collection = node.Parent != null ? node.Parent.Nodes : node.TreeView.Nodes; if (collection.ContainsKey(name)) { int index = -1; string _name = name; while (collection.ContainsKey(name)) { name = $"{_name}_{++index}"; } } node.Name = name; node.Text = name; string fullPath = node.FullPath; UpdateAllNodes(); if (node.Tag is BuilderSynthNode) { project.CueNodes.Where(cue => cue.SynthReference == previousName).ToList().ForEach(cue => cue.SynthReference = fullPath); project.SynthNodes.Where(synth => synth.Children.Contains(previousName)).ToList().ForEach(synth => synth.Children[synth.Children.IndexOf(previousName)] = fullPath); } else if (node.Tag is BuilderSoundElementNode) { project.SynthNodes.Where(synth => synth.SoundElementReference == previousName).ToList().ForEach(synth => synth.SoundElementReference = fullPath); } else if (node.Tag is BuilderAisacNode) { project.SynthNodes.Where(synth => synth.AisacReference == previousName).ToList().ForEach(synth => synth.AisacReference = fullPath); } else if (node.Tag is BuilderVoiceLimitGroupNode) { project.SynthNodes.Where(synth => synth.VoiceLimitGroupReference == previousName).ToList().ForEach(synth => synth.VoiceLimitGroupReference = fullPath); } propertyGrid.Refresh(); } private void OnRenameEnd(object sender, NodeLabelEditEventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Label) || e.Label == e.Node.Name) { e.CancelEdit = true; return; } RenameNode(e.Node, e.Label); } private void OnPropertyChange(object s, PropertyValueChangedEventArgs e) { saved = false; propertyGrid.Refresh(); } private DialogResult AskForSave() { DialogResult dialogResult = DialogResult.No; if (!saved) { dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to save your changes?", "CSB Builder", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { SaveProject(null, null); } } return dialogResult; } private void LoadProject(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (AskForSave() == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } using (OpenFileDialog openProject = new OpenFileDialog { Title = "Open CSB Project File", Filter = "CSB Project files|*.csbproject", DefaultExt = "csbproject", }) { if (openProject.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { CsbProject csbProject = CsbProject.Load(openProject.FileName); if (!csbProject.AudioDirectory.Exists) { MessageBox.Show("Audio directory does not seem to be present for this project. All the audio references will be removed."); csbProject.SoundElementNodes.ForEach(soundElementNode => soundElementNode.Intro = string.Empty); csbProject.SoundElementNodes.ForEach(soundElementNode => soundElementNode.Loop = string.Empty); } SetProject(csbProject); } } } private void SaveProject(object sender, EventArgs e) { project.Order(cueTree, synthTree, soundElementTree, aisacTree, voiceLimitGroupTree); project.Save(); saved = true; } private void SaveProjectAs(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (SaveFileDialog saveProject = new SaveFileDialog { Title = "Save CSB Project File As", Filter = "CSB Project files|*.csbproject", DefaultExt = "csbproject", }) { if (saveProject.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { project.Order(cueTree, synthTree, soundElementTree, aisacTree, voiceLimitGroupTree); project.SaveAs(saveProject.FileName); saved = true; // Reload the project SetProject(project); } } } private void OnClose(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { if (AskForSave() == DialogResult.Cancel) { e.Cancel = true; } } private void Exit(object sender, EventArgs e) { Close(); } private void BuildProjectAs(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (SaveFileDialog buildCsb = new SaveFileDialog() { Title = "Build Current Project As", DefaultExt = "csb", Filter = "CSB Files|*.csb", FileName = project.Name, }) { if (buildCsb.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { project.Order(cueTree, synthTree, soundElementTree, aisacTree, voiceLimitGroupTree); Builder.CsbBuilder.Build(project, buildCsb.FileName); } } } private void AfterNodeSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e) { propertyGrid.SelectedObject = e.Node.Tag; } private void MergeProject(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (OpenFileDialog openProject = new OpenFileDialog { Title = "Merge Project With", Filter = "CSB Project files|*.csbproject", DefaultExt = "csbproject", }) { if (openProject.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { CsbProject csbProject = CsbProject.Load(openProject.FileName); if (!csbProject.AudioDirectory.Exists) { MessageBox.Show("Audio directory does not seem to be present for this project. All the audio references will be removed."); csbProject.SoundElementNodes.ForEach(soundElementNode => soundElementNode.Intro = string.Empty); csbProject.SoundElementNodes.ForEach(soundElementNode => soundElementNode.Loop = string.Empty); } else { // Copy all to this project's audio folder foreach (FileInfo audioFile in csbProject.AudioDirectory.EnumerateFiles()) { audioFile.CopyTo(Path.Combine(project.AudioDirectory.FullName, audioFile.Name), true); } } project.CueNodes.AddRange(csbProject.CueNodes); project.SynthNodes.AddRange(csbProject.SynthNodes); project.SoundElementNodes.AddRange(csbProject.SoundElementNodes); project.AisacNodes.AddRange(csbProject.AisacNodes); project.VoiceLimitGroupNodes.AddRange(csbProject.VoiceLimitGroupNodes); // Reload SetProject(project); } } } private void ImportAndMergeProject(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (OpenFileDialog openCsbFile = new OpenFileDialog { Title = "Import And Merge CSB File With", DefaultExt = "csb", Filter = "CSB Files|*.csb", }) { if (openCsbFile.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { CsbProject csbProject = new CsbProject(); csbProject.Directory = project.Directory; CsbImporter.Import(openCsbFile.FileName, csbProject); project.CueNodes.AddRange(csbProject.CueNodes); project.SynthNodes.AddRange(csbProject.SynthNodes); project.SoundElementNodes.AddRange(csbProject.SoundElementNodes); project.AisacNodes.AddRange(csbProject.AisacNodes); project.VoiceLimitGroupNodes.AddRange(csbProject.VoiceLimitGroupNodes); // Reload SetProject(project); } } } private void OnKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { TreeView treeView = (TreeView)sender; if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Delete && treeView.SelectedNode != null) { RemoveNode(treeView.SelectedNode); } else if (e.Control && e.KeyCode == Keys.C && treeView.SelectedNode != null) { CopyNode(treeView.SelectedNode); } else if (e.Control && e.KeyCode == Keys.V && treeView == treeViewOfCopiedNode) { if (treeView.SelectedNode == null) { PasteNode(); } else if (treeView.SelectedNode != null && (treeView.SelectedNode.Tag == null || (treeView.SelectedNode.Tag is BuilderSynthNode synthNode && synthNode.Type == BuilderSynthType.WithChildren))) { PasteAsChildNode(treeView.SelectedNode); } else if (treeView.SelectedNode != null && treeView.SelectedNode.Tag != null) { PasteNode(treeView.SelectedNode.Index + 1); } } else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter && treeView.SelectedNode != null) { treeView.SelectedNode.BeginEdit(); } } private bool CheckIfAny(TreeView treeView) { foreach (TreeNode treeNode in treeView.Nodes) { if (CheckIfAny(treeNode)) { return true; } } return false; } private bool CheckIfAny(TreeNode treeNode) { if (treeNode.Tag != null) { return true; } foreach (TreeNode childNode in treeNode.Nodes) { if (CheckIfAny(childNode)) { return true; } } return false; } private void SetAisacReference(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!CheckIfAny(aisacTree)) { MessageBox.Show("This project does not contain any Aisac nodes.", "CSB Builder", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } using (SetReferenceForm setReferenceForm = new SetReferenceForm(aisacTree)) { if (setReferenceForm.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { ContextMenuStrip menuStrip = (ContextMenuStrip)((ToolStripItem)sender).Owner; if (menuStrip.SourceControl is TreeView selectedTree) { TreeNode selectedNode = selectedTree.SelectedNode; if (selectedNode.Tag is BuilderSynthNode synthNode) { if (setReferenceForm.SelectedNode == null) { synthNode.AisacReference = string.Empty; } else { synthNode.AisacReference = setReferenceForm.SelectedNode.FullPath; } } saved = false; propertyGrid.Refresh(); } } } } private void SetVoiceLimitGroupReference(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (voiceLimitGroupTree.Nodes.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("This project does not contain any Voice Limit Group nodes.", "CSB Builder", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } using (SetReferenceForm setReferenceForm = new SetReferenceForm(voiceLimitGroupTree)) { if (setReferenceForm.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { ContextMenuStrip menuStrip = (ContextMenuStrip)((ToolStripItem)sender).Owner; if (menuStrip.SourceControl is TreeView selectedTree) { TreeNode selectedNode = selectedTree.SelectedNode; if (selectedNode.Tag is BuilderSynthNode synthNode) { if (setReferenceForm.SelectedNode == null) { synthNode.VoiceLimitGroupReference = string.Empty; } else { synthNode.VoiceLimitGroupReference = setReferenceForm.SelectedNode.FullPath; } } saved = false; propertyGrid.Refresh(); } } } } private void SetSynthReference(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!CheckIfAny(synthTree)) { MessageBox.Show("This project does not contain any Synth nodes.", "CSB Builder", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } using (SetReferenceForm setReferenceForm = new SetReferenceForm(synthTree)) { if (setReferenceForm.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { ContextMenuStrip menuStrip = (ContextMenuStrip)((ToolStripItem)sender).Owner; if (menuStrip.SourceControl is TreeView selectedTree) { TreeNode selectedNode = selectedTree.SelectedNode; if (selectedNode.Tag is BuilderCueNode) { BuilderCueNode cueNode = (BuilderCueNode)selectedNode.Tag; if (setReferenceForm.SelectedNode == null) { cueNode.SynthReference = string.Empty; } else { cueNode.SynthReference = setReferenceForm.SelectedNode.FullPath; } } saved = false; propertyGrid.Refresh(); } } } } private void SelectSynthReference(object sender, EventArgs e) { ContextMenuStrip menuStrip = (ContextMenuStrip)((ToolStripItem)sender).Owner; if (menuStrip.SourceControl is TreeView selectedTree) { TreeNode selectedNode = selectedTree.SelectedNode; if (selectedNode.Tag is BuilderCueNode cueNode) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cueNode.SynthReference)) { TreeNode treeNode = synthTree.FindNodeByFullPath(cueNode.SynthReference); synthTree.SelectedNode = treeNode; treeNode.EnsureVisible(); synthTree.Focus(); } } } } private void SelectAisacReference(object sender, EventArgs e) { ContextMenuStrip menuStrip = (ContextMenuStrip)((ToolStripItem)sender).Owner; if (menuStrip.SourceControl is TreeView selectedTree) { TreeNode selectedNode = selectedTree.SelectedNode; if (selectedNode.Tag is BuilderSynthNode synthNode) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(synthNode.AisacReference)) { TreeNode treeNode = aisacTree.FindNodeByFullPath(synthNode.AisacReference); tabControl1.SelectTab(tabPage1); aisacTree.SelectedNode = treeNode; treeNode.EnsureVisible(); aisacTree.Focus(); } } } } private void SelectVoiceLimitGroupReference(object sender, EventArgs e) { ContextMenuStrip menuStrip = (ContextMenuStrip)((ToolStripItem)sender).Owner; if (menuStrip.SourceControl is TreeView selectedTree) { TreeNode selectedNode = selectedTree.SelectedNode; if (selectedNode.Tag is BuilderSynthNode synthNode) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(synthNode.VoiceLimitGroupReference)) { TreeNode treeNode = voiceLimitGroupTree.FindNodeByFullPath(synthNode.VoiceLimitGroupReference); tabControl1.SelectTab(tabPage2); voiceLimitGroupTree.SelectedNode = treeNode; treeNode.EnsureVisible(); voiceLimitGroupTree.Focus(); } } } } private void SelectSoundElementReference(object sender, EventArgs e) { ContextMenuStrip menuStrip = (ContextMenuStrip)((ToolStripItem)sender).Owner; if (menuStrip.SourceControl is TreeView selectedTree) { TreeNode selectedNode = selectedTree.SelectedNode; if (selectedNode.Tag is BuilderSynthNode synthNode) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(synthNode.SoundElementReference)) { TreeNode treeNode = soundElementTree.FindNodeByFullPath(synthNode.SoundElementReference); soundElementTree.SelectedNode = treeNode; treeNode.EnsureVisible(); soundElementTree.Focus(); } } } } private void SetSoundElementReference(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!CheckIfAny(soundElementTree)) { MessageBox.Show("This project does not contain any Sound nodes.", "CSB Builder", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } using (SetReferenceForm setReferenceForm = new SetReferenceForm(soundElementTree)) { if (setReferenceForm.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { ContextMenuStrip menuStrip = (ContextMenuStrip)((ToolStripItem)sender).Owner; if (menuStrip.SourceControl is TreeView selectedTree) { TreeNode selectedNode = selectedTree.SelectedNode; if (selectedNode.Tag is BuilderSynthNode synthNode) { if (setReferenceForm.SelectedNode == null) { synthNode.SoundElementReference = string.Empty; } else { synthNode.SoundElementReference = setReferenceForm.SelectedNode.FullPath; if (Settings.RenameToSoundElement) { RenameNode(selectedNode, setReferenceForm.SelectedNode.Name); } } } saved = false; propertyGrid.Refresh(); } } } } private void SetAudio(object sender, EventArgs e) { ContextMenuStrip menuStrip = (ContextMenuStrip)((ToolStripItem)sender).Owner; if (menuStrip.SourceControl is TreeView selectedTree) { TreeNode selectedNode = selectedTree.SelectedNode; if (selectedNode.Tag is BuilderSoundElementNode soundElementNode) { string intro = soundElementNode.Intro; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(intro)) { intro = Path.Combine(project.AudioDirectory.FullName, intro); } string loop = soundElementNode.Loop; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(loop)) { loop = Path.Combine(project.AudioDirectory.FullName, loop); } using (SetAudioForm setAudioForm = new SetAudioForm(intro, loop)) { if (setAudioForm.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { uint sampleRate = soundElementNode.SampleRate; byte channelCount = soundElementNode.ChannelCount; uint introSampleCount = 0; soundElementNode.Intro = project.AddAudio(setAudioForm.Intro); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(setAudioForm.Intro)) { ReadAdx(setAudioForm.Intro, out sampleRate, out channelCount, out introSampleCount); } uint loopSampleCount = 0; soundElementNode.Loop = project.AddAudio(setAudioForm.Loop); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(setAudioForm.Loop)) { ReadAdx(setAudioForm.Loop, out sampleRate, out channelCount, out loopSampleCount); } soundElementNode.SampleRate = sampleRate; soundElementNode.ChannelCount = channelCount; soundElementNode.SampleCount = introSampleCount + loopSampleCount; propertyGrid.Refresh(); } } } } } public void ReadAdx(string path, out uint sampleRate, out byte channelCount, out uint sampleCount) { AdxHeader header = AdxFileReader.LoadHeader(path); sampleRate = header.SampleRate; channelCount = header.ChannelCount; sampleCount = header.SampleCount; } private void CreateChildSoundNode(object sender, EventArgs e) { ContextMenuStrip menuStrip = (ContextMenuStrip)((ToolStripItem)sender).Owner; if (menuStrip.SourceControl is TreeView selectedTree) { TreeNode selectedNode = selectedTree.SelectedNode; if (selectedNode.Tag == null) { CreateSoundNode(selectedNode.Nodes, selectedNode); } } } private void CreateSound(object sender, EventArgs e) { ContextMenuStrip menuStrip = (ContextMenuStrip)((ToolStripItem)sender).Owner; if (menuStrip.SourceControl is TreeView selectedTree) { CreateSoundNode(selectedTree.Nodes, null); } } private int GetByteCountFromMiliseconds(int miliseconds, int sampleRate, int channelCount, int bitsPerSample) { return (int)(miliseconds * sampleRate / 1000.0) * channelCount * bitsPerSample / 8; } private void AddSoundElementSound(BuilderSoundElementNode soundElementNode, double volume, double pitch, int sampleCount, int delayTime) { WaveStream waveStream = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(soundElementNode.Intro) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(soundElementNode.Loop)) { waveStream = new AdxFileReader(project.GetFullAudioPath(soundElementNode.Intro)) { Volume = volume, Pitch = pitch, DelayTime = delayTime }; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(soundElementNode.Intro) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(soundElementNode.Loop)) { waveStream = new ExtendedAdxFileReader(project.GetFullAudioPath(soundElementNode.Loop)) { Volume = volume, Pitch = pitch, DelayTime = delayTime }; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(soundElementNode.Intro) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(soundElementNode.Loop)) { waveStream = new ExtendedAdxFileReader(project.GetFullAudioPath(soundElementNode.Intro), project.GetFullAudioPath(soundElementNode.Loop)) { Volume = volume, Pitch = pitch, DelayTime = delayTime }; } if (waveStream != null) { DirectSoundOut waveOut = new DirectSoundOut(); waveOut.Init(waveStream); sounds.Add(waveOut); } } private void AddSoundElementSound(TreeNode soundElementTreeNode, double volume, double pitch, int sampleCount, int delayTime) { AddSoundElementSound((BuilderSoundElementNode)soundElementTreeNode.Tag, volume, pitch, sampleCount, delayTime); } private double GetSecondsFromSampleCount(int sampleCount, int sampleRate) { return sampleCount / (double)sampleRate; } private void GetTheBiggestSampleCount(TreeNode synthTreeNode, ref int sampleCount) { if (synthTreeNode.Tag is BuilderSynthNode synthNode) { if (synthNode.Type == BuilderSynthType.Single && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(synthNode.SoundElementReference)) { BuilderSoundElementNode soundElementNode = (BuilderSoundElementNode)soundElementTree.FindNodeByFullPath(synthNode.SoundElementReference).Tag; // We want the loop to be at least 10 seconds int soundElementSampleCount = (int)soundElementNode.SampleCount; while (GetSecondsFromSampleCount(soundElementSampleCount, (int)soundElementNode.SampleRate) < 10.0) { soundElementSampleCount *= 2; } if (soundElementSampleCount > sampleCount) { sampleCount = soundElementSampleCount; } } } foreach (TreeNode childNode in synthTreeNode.Nodes) { GetTheBiggestSampleCount(childNode, ref sampleCount); } } private double GetAbsolutePitch(TreeNode synthTreeNode) { double pitch = 0; while (synthTreeNode != null) { if (synthTreeNode.Tag is BuilderSynthNode synthNode) { pitch += synthNode.Pitch; } synthTreeNode = synthTreeNode.Parent; } return pitch / 100.0; } private double GetAbsoluteVolume(TreeNode synthTreeNode) { double volume = 1000; while (synthTreeNode != null) { if (synthTreeNode.Tag is BuilderSynthNode synthNode) { volume = (volume * synthNode.Volume) / 1000; } synthTreeNode = synthTreeNode.Parent; } return volume / 1000.0; } private int GetAbsoluteDelayTime(TreeNode synthTreeNode) { int delayTime = 0; while (synthTreeNode != null) { if (synthTreeNode.Tag is BuilderSynthNode synthNode) { delayTime += (int)synthNode.DelayTime; } synthTreeNode = synthTreeNode.Parent; } return delayTime; } private void AddSynthSound(TreeNode synthTreeNode, int sampleCount) { BuilderSynthNode synthNode = (BuilderSynthNode)synthTreeNode.Tag; if (synthNode.Type == BuilderSynthType.WithChildren) { if (synthNode.PlaybackType == BuilderSynthPlaybackType.RandomNoRepeat || synthNode.PlaybackType == BuilderSynthPlaybackType.Random) { TreeNode childNode = synthTreeNode.Nodes[synthNode.RandomChildNode]; BuilderSynthNode childSynthNode = (BuilderSynthNode)childNode.Tag; if (childSynthNode.Type == BuilderSynthType.Single && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(childSynthNode.SoundElementReference) && childSynthNode.PlayThisTurn) { AddSoundElementSound(soundElementTree.FindNodeByFullPath(childSynthNode.SoundElementReference), GetAbsoluteVolume(childNode), GetAbsolutePitch(childNode), sampleCount, GetAbsoluteDelayTime(childNode)); } else if (childSynthNode.Type == BuilderSynthType.WithChildren) { AddSynthSound(childNode, sampleCount); } } else if (synthNode.PlaybackType == BuilderSynthPlaybackType.Sequential) { TreeNode childNode = synthTreeNode.Nodes[synthNode.NextChildNode]; BuilderSynthNode childSynthNode = (BuilderSynthNode)childNode.Tag; if (childSynthNode.Type == BuilderSynthType.Single && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(childSynthNode.SoundElementReference) && childSynthNode.PlayThisTurn) { AddSoundElementSound(soundElementTree.FindNodeByFullPath(childSynthNode.SoundElementReference), GetAbsoluteVolume(childNode), GetAbsolutePitch(childNode), sampleCount, GetAbsoluteDelayTime(childNode)); } else if (childSynthNode.Type == BuilderSynthType.WithChildren) { AddSynthSound(childNode, sampleCount); } } else { foreach (TreeNode childNode in synthTreeNode.Nodes) { BuilderSynthNode childSynthNode = (BuilderSynthNode)childNode.Tag; if (childSynthNode.Type == BuilderSynthType.Single && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(childSynthNode.SoundElementReference) && childSynthNode.PlayThisTurn) { AddSoundElementSound(soundElementTree.FindNodeByFullPath(childSynthNode.SoundElementReference), GetAbsoluteVolume(childNode), GetAbsolutePitch(childNode), sampleCount, GetAbsoluteDelayTime(childNode)); } else if (childSynthNode.Type == BuilderSynthType.WithChildren) { AddSynthSound(childNode, sampleCount); } } } } else if (synthNode.Type == BuilderSynthType.Single) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(synthNode.SoundElementReference) && synthNode.PlayThisTurn) { AddSoundElementSound(soundElementTree.FindNodeByFullPath(synthNode.SoundElementReference), synthNode.Volume / 1000.0, synthNode.Pitch / 1000.0, GetTheBiggestSampleCount(synthTreeNode), (int)synthNode.DelayTime); } } } private int GetTheBiggestSampleCount(TreeNode synthNode) { int sampleCount = -1; GetTheBiggestSampleCount(synthNode, ref sampleCount); return sampleCount; } private void PlaySound(object sender, EventArgs e) { StopSound(sender, e); if (cueTree.Focused && cueTree.SelectedNode != null && cueTree.SelectedNode.Tag is BuilderCueNode cueNode) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cueNode.SynthReference)) { TreeNode synthNode = synthTree.FindNodeByFullPath(cueNode.SynthReference); AddSynthSound(synthNode, GetTheBiggestSampleCount(synthNode)); } } else if (soundElementTree.Focused && soundElementTree.SelectedNode != null && soundElementTree.SelectedNode.Tag is BuilderSoundElementNode) { AddSoundElementSound(soundElementTree.SelectedNode, 1, 0, -1, 0); } else if (synthTree.Focused && synthTree.SelectedNode != null && synthTree.SelectedNode.Tag is BuilderSynthNode) { AddSynthSound(synthTree.SelectedNode, GetTheBiggestSampleCount(synthTree.SelectedNode)); } sounds.ForEach(sound => sound.Play()); } private void StopSound(object sender, EventArgs e) { sounds.ForEach(sound => { sound.Stop(); sound.Dispose(); }); sounds.Clear(); } private TreeNode CloneNode(TreeNode treeNode) { TreeNode clonedNode = (TreeNode)treeNode.Clone(); CloneTag(clonedNode); return clonedNode; } private void CloneTag(TreeNode treeNode) { if (treeNode.Tag != null && treeNode.Tag is ICloneable clonable) { treeNode.Tag = clonable.Clone(); } foreach (TreeNode childNode in treeNode.Nodes) { CloneTag(childNode); } } private void CopyNode(TreeNode treeNode) { treeViewOfCopiedNode = treeNode.TreeView; copiedNode = CloneNode(treeNode); } private void CopyNode(object sender, EventArgs e) { ContextMenuStrip menuStrip = (ContextMenuStrip)((ToolStripItem)sender).Owner; if (menuStrip.SourceControl is TreeView selectedTree) { CopyNode(selectedTree.SelectedNode); } } private void AddToProject(TreeNode treeNode) { if (treeNode.Tag is BuilderCueNode cueNode) { // Do checks if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cueNode.SynthReference) && synthTree.FindNodeByFullPath(cueNode.SynthReference) == null) { cueNode.SynthReference = string.Empty; } project.CueNodes.Add(cueNode); } else if (treeNode.Tag is BuilderSynthNode synthNode) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(synthNode.SoundElementReference) && soundElementTree.FindNodeByFullPath(synthNode.SoundElementReference) == null) { synthNode.SoundElementReference = string.Empty; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(synthNode.AisacReference) && aisacTree.FindNodeByFullPath(synthNode.AisacReference) == null) { synthNode.AisacReference = string.Empty; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(synthNode.VoiceLimitGroupReference) && !voiceLimitGroupTree.Nodes.ContainsKey(synthNode.VoiceLimitGroupReference)) { synthNode.VoiceLimitGroupReference = string.Empty; } project.SynthNodes.Add(synthNode); } if (treeNode.Tag is BuilderSoundElementNode soundElementNode) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(soundElementNode.Intro) && !File.Exists(project.GetFullAudioPath(soundElementNode.Intro))) { soundElementNode.Intro = string.Empty; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(soundElementNode.Loop) && !File.Exists(project.GetFullAudioPath(soundElementNode.Loop))) { soundElementNode.Loop = string.Empty; } project.SoundElementNodes.Add(soundElementNode); } if (treeNode.Tag is BuilderAisacNode aisacNode) { project.AisacNodes.Add(aisacNode); } if (treeNode.Tag is BuilderVoiceLimitGroupNode voiceLimitGroupNode) { project.VoiceLimitGroupNodes.Add(voiceLimitGroupNode); } } private void PasteAsChildNode(TreeNode parent, int nodeIndex = -1) { saved = false; TreeNode nodeToPaste = CloneNode(copiedNode); // Look for any duplicates int index = -1; string name = nodeToPaste.Name; while (parent.Nodes.ContainsKey(nodeToPaste.Name)) { nodeToPaste.Name = $"{name}_Copy{++index}"; } nodeToPaste.Text = nodeToPaste.Name; // paste it now if (nodeIndex == -1) { parent.Nodes.Add(nodeToPaste); } else { parent.Nodes.Insert(nodeIndex, nodeToPaste); } // Update the CSB node and its children (will prevent some issues) UpdateNodeNoRename(nodeToPaste); // fix node if the tree is synthTree, and the nodes are synth nodes if (parent.TreeView == synthTree && parent.Tag is BuilderSynthNode synthNode && nodeToPaste.Tag is BuilderSynthNode copiedSynthNode) { if (synthNode.Type == BuilderSynthType.WithChildren) { // add the new node to track's children synthNode.Children.Add(copiedSynthNode.Name); } } AddToProject(nodeToPaste); nodeToPaste.TreeView.SelectedNode = nodeToPaste; nodeToPaste.EnsureVisible(); } private void PasteNode(object sender, EventArgs e) { ContextMenuStrip menuStrip = (ContextMenuStrip)((ToolStripItem)sender).Owner; if (menuStrip.SourceControl is TreeView selectedTree) { TreeNode selectedNode = selectedTree.SelectedNode; if (selectedTree == treeViewOfCopiedNode) { // Parent is a CSB node but the copied object is a folder? abort. if (selectedNode.Tag != null && copiedNode.Tag == null) { return; } PasteAsChildNode(selectedNode); } } } private void PasteNode(int nodeIndex = -1) { saved = false; TreeNode nodeToPaste = CloneNode(copiedNode); // check if it's cue and fix duplicate identifier if needed if (nodeToPaste.Tag is BuilderCueNode cueNode) { while (project.CueNodes.Exists(cue => cue.Identifier == cueNode.Identifier)) { cueNode.Identifier++; } } // paste if (treeViewOfCopiedNode.SelectedNode != null && treeViewOfCopiedNode.SelectedNode.Parent != null) { // Look for any duplicates int index = -1; string name = nodeToPaste.Name; while (treeViewOfCopiedNode.SelectedNode.Parent.Nodes.ContainsKey(nodeToPaste.Name)) { nodeToPaste.Name = $"{name}_Copy{++index}"; } nodeToPaste.Text = nodeToPaste.Name; if (nodeIndex == -1) { treeViewOfCopiedNode.SelectedNode.Parent.Nodes.Add(nodeToPaste); } else { treeViewOfCopiedNode.SelectedNode.Parent.Nodes.Insert(nodeIndex, nodeToPaste); } } else { // Look for any duplicates int index = -1; string name = nodeToPaste.Name; while (treeViewOfCopiedNode.Nodes.ContainsKey(nodeToPaste.Name)) { nodeToPaste.Name = $"{name}_Copy{++index}"; } nodeToPaste.Text = nodeToPaste.Name; if (nodeIndex == -1) { treeViewOfCopiedNode.Nodes.Add(nodeToPaste); } else { treeViewOfCopiedNode.Nodes.Insert(nodeIndex, nodeToPaste); } } // update the CSB node and its children UpdateNodeNoRename(nodeToPaste); AddToProject(nodeToPaste); nodeToPaste.TreeView.SelectedNode = nodeToPaste; nodeToPaste.EnsureVisible(); } private void PasteNodeOnTree(object sender, EventArgs e) { ContextMenuStrip menuStrip = (ContextMenuStrip)((ToolStripItem)sender).Owner; if (menuStrip.SourceControl is TreeView selectedTree) { if (selectedTree == treeViewOfCopiedNode) { PasteNode(); } } } private void PasteAndInsertNode(object sender, EventArgs e) { ContextMenuStrip menuStrip = (ContextMenuStrip)((ToolStripItem)sender).Owner; if (menuStrip.SourceControl is TreeView selectedTree) { TreeNode selectedNode = selectedTree.SelectedNode; if (selectedTree == treeViewOfCopiedNode) { PasteNode(selectedNode.Index + 1); } } } private void ShowAbout(object sender, EventArgs e) { MessageBox.Show($"{Program.ApplicationTitle} by Skyth (blueskythlikesclouds)", "CSB Builder"); } private void CreateChildTrackNode(object sender, EventArgs e) { ContextMenuStrip menuStrip = (ContextMenuStrip)((ToolStripItem)sender).Owner; if (menuStrip.SourceControl is TreeView selectedTree) { TreeNode selectedNode = selectedTree.SelectedNode; if (selectedTree == synthTree) { CreateSynthNode(selectedNode.Nodes, selectedNode); } } } private void CreateAndInsertNode(object sender, EventArgs e) { ContextMenuStrip menuStrip = (ContextMenuStrip)((ToolStripItem)sender).Owner; if (menuStrip.SourceControl is TreeView selectedTree) { TreeNode selectedNode = selectedTree.SelectedNode; if (selectedTree == cueTree) { CreateCueNode(selectedTree.Nodes, null, selectedNode.Index + 1); } else if (selectedTree == synthTree) { if (selectedNode.Tag is BuilderSynthNode synthNode && synthNode.Type == BuilderSynthType.WithChildren) { CreateSoundNode(selectedNode.Nodes, selectedNode, selectedNode.Index + 1); } else { CreateSynthNode(selectedNode.Nodes, selectedNode, selectedNode.Index + 1); } } else if (selectedTree == soundElementTree) { CreateSoundElementNode(selectedNode.Parent != null ? selectedNode.Parent.Nodes : selectedTree.Nodes, selectedNode, selectedNode.Index + 1); } else if (selectedTree == aisacTree) { CreateAisacNode(selectedNode.Nodes, selectedNode, selectedNode.Index + 1); } else if (selectedTree == voiceLimitGroupTree) { CreateVoiceLimitGroupNode(selectedTree.Nodes, null, selectedNode.Index + 1); } } } private void CreateAndInsertSoundNode(object sender, EventArgs e) { ContextMenuStrip menuStrip = (ContextMenuStrip)((ToolStripItem)sender).Owner; if (menuStrip.SourceControl is TreeView selectedTree) { TreeNode selectedNode = selectedTree.SelectedNode; if (selectedNode.Tag is BuilderSynthNode) { if (selectedNode.Parent == null) { CreateSoundNode(synthTree.Nodes, null, selectedNode.Index + 1); } else { CreateSoundNode(selectedNode.Parent.Nodes, selectedNode.Parent, selectedNode.Index + 1); } } } } private void LoadTemplate(object sender, EventArgs e) { ContextMenuStrip menuStrip = (ContextMenuStrip)((ToolStripItem)sender).Owner; if (menuStrip.SourceControl is TreeView selectedTree) { TreeNode selectedNode = selectedTree.SelectedNode; if (selectedTree == aisacTree) { using (OpenFileDialog openAisacTemplate = new OpenFileDialog() { Title = "Load AISAC Template", Filter = "XML Files|*.xml", DefaultExt = "xml", FileName = selectedNode != null ? selectedNode.Name : string.Empty, }) { if (openAisacTemplate.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { XmlSerializer aisacSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(BuilderAisacNode)); try { using (Stream source = File.OpenRead(openAisacTemplate.FileName)) { BuilderAisacNode aisacNode = (BuilderAisacNode)aisacSerializer.Deserialize(source); TreeNode aisacTreeNode = null; // folder if (selectedNode != null && selectedNode.Tag == null) { aisacTreeNode = CreateAisacNode(selectedNode.Nodes, selectedNode, -1, aisacNode); } // aisac else if (selectedNode != null && selectedNode.Tag is BuilderAisacNode) { project.AisacNodes[project.AisacNodes.IndexOf((BuilderAisacNode)selectedNode.Tag)] = aisacNode; aisacNode.Name = selectedNode.FullPath; selectedNode.Tag = aisacNode; selectedTree.SelectedNode = selectedNode; } // nothing, create a new aisac else if (selectedNode == null) { aisacTreeNode = CreateAisacNode(aisacTree.Nodes, null, -1, aisacNode); } // fix the current aisac if it was imported if (aisacTreeNode != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(aisacNode.Name)) { // duplicate? fix it really quick string name = Path.GetFileName(aisacNode.Name); string uniqueName = name; TreeNodeCollection collection = aisacTreeNode.Parent != null ? aisacTreeNode.Parent.Nodes : aisacTree.Nodes; int index = -1; while (collection.ContainsKey(uniqueName)) { uniqueName = $"{name}_{++index}"; } aisacTreeNode.Name = uniqueName; aisacTreeNode.Text = aisacTreeNode.Name; } aisacNode.Name = aisacTreeNode.FullPath; aisacTreeNode.Tag = aisacNode; selectedTree.SelectedNode = aisacTreeNode; aisacTreeNode.EnsureVisible(); } } } catch { MessageBox.Show("The template file is invalid.", "CSB Builder", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } } } } } private void SaveTemplate(object sender, EventArgs e) { ContextMenuStrip menuStrip = (ContextMenuStrip)((ToolStripItem)sender).Owner; if (menuStrip.SourceControl is TreeView selectedTree) { TreeNode selectedNode = selectedTree.SelectedNode; if (selectedTree == aisacTree) { using (SaveFileDialog saveAisacTemplate = new SaveFileDialog() { Title = "Save AISAC Template", Filter = "XML Files|*.xml", DefaultExt = "xml", FileName = selectedNode.Name, }) { if (saveAisacTemplate.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (selectedNode.Tag is BuilderAisacNode) { XmlSerializer aisacSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(BuilderAisacNode)); using (Stream destination = File.Create(saveAisacTemplate.FileName)) { aisacSerializer.Serialize(destination, selectedNode.Tag); } } } } } } } private void OpenSettings(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (SettingsForm settings = new SettingsForm()) { settings.ShowDialog(this); } } private void convertADXsToWAVToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog { Title = "Convert ADX Files", FileName = "Select ADX files you want to convert and press Open", Filter = "ADX Files|*.adx", DefaultExt = "adx", Multiselect = true, }) { if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { using (SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog { Title = "Output Directory", FileName = "Enter into a directory and press Save", }) { if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { foreach (string fileName in openFileDialog.FileNames) { using (AdxFileReader reader = new AdxFileReader(fileName)) using (WaveFileWriter writer = new WaveFileWriter( Path.Combine( Path.GetDirectoryName(saveFileDialog.FileName), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName) + ".wav"), reader.WaveFormat)) { int num; byte[] buffer = new byte[Settings.BufferSize]; while ((num = reader.Read(buffer, 0, Settings.BufferSize)) != 0) { writer.Write(buffer, 0, num); } } } } } } } } private void extractAAXToFolderToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog { Title = "Extract AAX Files", FileName = "Select AAX files you want to extract and press Open", Filter = "AAX Files|*.aax", DefaultExt = "aax", Multiselect = true, }) { if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { using (SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog { Title = "Output Directory", FileName = "Enter into a directory and press Save", }) { if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { foreach (string fileName in openFileDialog.FileNames) { CriAaxArchive aaxArchive = new CriAaxArchive(); aaxArchive.Load(fileName, Settings.BufferSize); foreach (CriAaxEntry entry in aaxArchive) { using (Stream source = File.OpenRead(fileName)) using (Stream destination = File.Create( Path.Combine( Path.GetDirectoryName(saveFileDialog.FileName), $"{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName)}_{entry.Flag}.adx"))) { EndianStream.CopyPartTo(source, destination, entry.Position, entry.Length, Settings.BufferSize); } } } } } } } } private void packFolderToAAXToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog { Title = "Extract ADX Files", FileName = "Select ADX files you want to pack and press Open", Filter = "ADX Files|*.adx", DefaultExt = "adx", Multiselect = true, }) { string[] files = null; DialogResult dialogResult; while ((dialogResult = openFileDialog.ShowDialog(this)) == DialogResult.OK) { if (openFileDialog.FileNames.Length > 2) { MessageBox.Show("You can select maximum 2 ADX files.", "CSB Builder", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { files = openFileDialog.FileNames; break; } } if (dialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { using (SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog { Title = "Output File", FileName = "*.aax", Filter = "AAX Files|*.aax", DefaultExt = "aax", }) { if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { CriAaxArchive archive = new CriAaxArchive(); for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) { archive.Add(new CriAaxEntry { FilePath = new FileInfo(files[i]), Flag = (CriAaxEntryFlag)i }); } archive.Save(saveFileDialog.FileName); } } } } } } }