# Sonic Audio Tools A set of tools to modify CRIWARE file formats. # Releases You can get the latest executables on the [AppVeyor page.](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/blueskythlikesclouds/sonicaudiotools/build/artifacts) Stable builds are planned to be published [here.](https://github.com/blueskythlikesclouds/SonicAudioTools/releases) # Building If you still wish to build the solution yourself, this is what you should do: 1. Clone from [GitHub](https://github.com/blueskythlikesclouds/SonicAudioTools.git) `git clone https://github.com/blueskythlikesclouds/SonicAudioTools.git` 2. Open the solution in Visual Studio. (Visual Studio 2017 or later is required.) 3. Install the missing NuGet packages. 4. Build the solution. # Projects If you wish to see more detailed information about the projects, visit the [wiki](https://github.com/blueskythlikesclouds/SonicAudioTools/wiki) page. ## [Sonic Audio Library](https://github.com/blueskythlikesclouds/SonicAudioTools/tree/master/Source/SonicAudioLib) This is the main library of the solution. Contains classes for IO and file formats. ## [ACB Editor](https://github.com/blueskythlikesclouds/SonicAudioTools/tree/master/Source/AcbEditor) This tool allows you to edit the audio content of an ACB file. A more advanced version like CSB Builder is planned to be made soon. ## [ACB Injector](https://github.com/blueskythlikesclouds/SonicAudioTools/tree/master/Source/AcbInjector) This tool allows you to inject audio file directly into ACB without repacking its AWB. Useful for background music ACBs that use huge AWB files. ## [CSB Builder](https://github.com/blueskythlikesclouds/SonicAudioTools/tree/master/Source/CsbBuilder) This tool allows you to create or edit CSB files. You can do things like adding/removing cues, editing real-time sound parameters, and more. ## [CSB Editor](https://github.com/blueskythlikesclouds/SonicAudioTools/tree/master/Source/CsbEditor) This tool allows you to edit the audio content of a CSB file. It works like ACB Editor, and it is a lot simpler to use than CSB Builder. # License See [LICENSE.md](https://github.com/blueskythlikesclouds/SonicAudioTools/blob/master/LICENSE.md) for details.