2019-05-01 19:09:39 -04:00
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Drawing ;
using System.Text ;
using Switch_Toolbox.Library.IO ;
using Switch_Toolbox.Library ;
using System.IO ;
using Syroot.BinaryData ;
using System.Windows.Forms ;
using Switch_Toolbox.Library.Forms ;
using Bfres.Structs ;
namespace FirstPlugin
public class PTCL_WiiU
public class Header
public List < EmitterSet > emitterSets = new List < EmitterSet > ( ) ;
public List < TextureInfo > Textures = new List < TextureInfo > ( ) ;
public bool IsSPBD = false ;
public uint EffectNameTableOffset ;
public uint TextureBlockTableOffset ;
public uint TextureBlockTableSize ;
public uint ShaderGtxTableOffset ;
public uint ShaderGtxTableSize ;
public void Read ( FileReader reader , PTCL pctl )
uint Position = ( uint ) reader . Position ; //Offsets are relative to this
reader . ByteOrder = Syroot . BinaryData . ByteOrder . BigEndian ;
string Signature = reader . ReadString ( 4 , Encoding . ASCII ) ;
if ( Signature = = "SPBD" )
IsSPBD = true ;
uint Version = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
uint EmitterCount = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
uint Padding = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
EffectNameTableOffset = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
TextureBlockTableOffset = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
TextureBlockTableSize = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
ShaderGtxTableOffset = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
ShaderGtxTableSize = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
uint KeyAnimationTableOffset = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
uint KeyAnimationTableSize = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
uint PrimativeTableOffset = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
uint PrimativeTableSize = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
uint ShaderParamTableOffset = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
uint ShaderParamTableSize = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
var groupEmitterSets = new TreeNode ( "Emitter Sets" ) ;
var textureFolder = new TreeNode ( "Textures" ) ;
pctl . Nodes . Add ( textureFolder ) ;
pctl . Nodes . Add ( groupEmitterSets ) ;
if ( IsSPBD )
reader . Seek ( 0x40 , SeekOrigin . Begin ) ;
reader . Seek ( 72 , SeekOrigin . Begin ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < EmitterCount ; i + + )
EmitterSet emitterSet = new EmitterSet ( ) ;
emitterSet . Read ( reader , this ) ;
emitterSets . Add ( emitterSet ) ;
groupEmitterSets . Nodes . Add ( emitterSet ) ;
int index = 0 ;
foreach ( var tex in Textures )
tex . Text = $"Texture{index++}" ;
textureFolder . Nodes . Add ( tex ) ;
reader . Dispose ( ) ;
reader . Close ( ) ;
public void Write ( FileWriter writer , PTCL ptcl )
writer . ByteOrder = ByteOrder . BigEndian ;
writer . Write ( ptcl . data . ToArray ( ) ) ;
foreach ( TextureInfo tex in ptcl . headerU . Textures )
//write texture blocks. Some slots are empty so check if it exists
tex . Write ( writer , this ) ;
foreach ( EmitterSet emitterSets in emitterSets )
foreach ( EmitterU emitter in emitterSets . Nodes )
writer . Seek ( ( ( EmitterU ) emitter ) . ColorPosition , SeekOrigin . Begin ) ;
foreach ( var color0 in emitter . Color0Array )
writer . Write ( color0 . R ) ;
writer . Write ( color0 . G ) ;
writer . Write ( color0 . B ) ;
writer . Write ( color0 . A ) ;
foreach ( var color1 in emitter . Color1Array )
writer . Write ( color1 . R ) ;
writer . Write ( color1 . G ) ;
writer . Write ( color1 . B ) ;
writer . Write ( color1 . A ) ;
writer . Flush ( ) ;
writer . Close ( ) ;
writer . Dispose ( ) ;
public class EmitterSet : TreeNodeCustom
public void Read ( FileReader reader , Header header )
uint NameOffset = 0 ;
uint EmitterCount = 0 ;
uint EmitterTableOffset = 0 ;
if ( header . IsSPBD )
uint Description = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
uint Unknown = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
NameOffset = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
uint NamePointer = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
EmitterCount = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
EmitterTableOffset = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
uint Unknown2 = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
uint padding = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
uint padding2 = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
NameOffset = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
uint padding3 = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
EmitterCount = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
EmitterTableOffset = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
uint padding4 = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
using ( reader . TemporarySeek ( header . EffectNameTableOffset + NameOffset , SeekOrigin . Begin ) )
Text = reader . ReadString ( BinaryStringFormat . ZeroTerminated ) ;
long pos = reader . Position ;
reader . Seek ( EmitterTableOffset , SeekOrigin . Begin ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < EmitterCount ; i + + )
EmitterTable table = new EmitterTable ( ) ;
table . Read ( reader , header ) ;
Nodes . Add ( table . emitter ) ;
reader . Seek ( pos , SeekOrigin . Begin ) ;
public void Write ( FileWriter writer )
public class EmitterTable
public EmitterU emitter ;
public uint EmitterOffset ;
public void Read ( FileReader reader , Header header )
if ( header . IsSPBD )
EmitterOffset = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
uint padding = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
EmitterOffset = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
uint padding = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
uint padding2 = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
uint padding3 = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
long pos = reader . Position ;
reader . Seek ( EmitterOffset , SeekOrigin . Begin ) ;
emitter = new EmitterU ( ) ;
emitter . Read ( reader , header ) ;
reader . Seek ( pos , SeekOrigin . Begin ) ;
public void Write ( FileWriter writer )
public class EmitterU : PTCL . Emitter
public long ColorPosition ;
public override void OnClick ( TreeView treeview )
EmitterEditor editor = ( EmitterEditor ) LibraryGUI . Instance . GetActiveContent ( typeof ( EmitterEditor ) ) ;
if ( editor = = null )
editor = new EmitterEditor ( ) ;
LibraryGUI . Instance . LoadEditor ( editor ) ;
editor . Text = Text ;
editor . Dock = DockStyle . Fill ;
editor . LoadEmitter ( this ) ;
public void Read ( FileReader reader , Header header )
long pos = reader . Position ;
reader . Seek ( 56 ) ;
uint NameOffset = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
uint padding = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
if ( NameOffset ! = PTCL . NullOffset )
using ( reader . TemporarySeek ( header . EffectNameTableOffset + NameOffset , SeekOrigin . Begin ) )
Text = reader . ReadString ( BinaryStringFormat . ZeroTerminated ) ;
2019-05-05 20:50:15 -04:00
uint TextureAmount = 3 ;
if ( header . IsSPBD )
TextureAmount = 2 ;
2019-05-01 19:09:39 -04:00
2019-05-05 20:50:15 -04:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < TextureAmount ; i + + ) //Max of 3 or 2 textures depending on version. Seems to fill in texture info even if unused
2019-05-01 19:09:39 -04:00
TextureInfo textureInfo = new TextureInfo ( ) ;
textureInfo . Read ( reader , header , Text ) ;
if ( ! textureInfo . IsEmpty ( ) )
DrawableTex . Add ( textureInfo ) ;
bool HasImage = header . Textures . Any ( item = > item . DataPos = = textureInfo . DataPos ) ;
if ( ! HasImage )
header . Textures . Add ( textureInfo ) ;
2019-05-05 20:50:15 -04:00
if ( header . IsSPBD )
2019-05-06 17:19:07 -04:00
reader . Seek ( pos + 1358 , SeekOrigin . Begin ) ;
2019-05-05 20:50:15 -04:00
reader . Seek ( pos + 1616 , SeekOrigin . Begin ) ;
2019-05-01 19:09:39 -04:00
ColorPosition = reader . Position ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i + + )
ColorData clr = new ColorData ( ) ;
clr . R = reader . ReadSingle ( ) ;
clr . G = reader . ReadSingle ( ) ;
clr . B = reader . ReadSingle ( ) ;
clr . A = reader . ReadSingle ( ) ;
Color0Array [ i ] = clr ;
int red = Utils . FloatToIntClamp ( clr . R ) ;
int green = Utils . FloatToIntClamp ( clr . G ) ;
int blue = Utils . FloatToIntClamp ( clr . B ) ;
int alpha = Utils . FloatToIntClamp ( clr . A ) ;
// Console.WriteLine($"Color0 {i} R {R} G {G} B {B} A {A}");
// Console.WriteLine($"Color0 {i} R {red} G {green} B {blue} A {alpha}");
Color0s [ i ] = Color . FromArgb ( alpha , red , green , blue ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i + + )
ColorData clr = new ColorData ( ) ;
clr . R = reader . ReadSingle ( ) ;
clr . G = reader . ReadSingle ( ) ;
clr . B = reader . ReadSingle ( ) ;
clr . A = reader . ReadSingle ( ) ;
Color1Array [ i ] = clr ;
int red = Utils . FloatToIntClamp ( clr . R ) ;
int green = Utils . FloatToIntClamp ( clr . G ) ;
int blue = Utils . FloatToIntClamp ( clr . B ) ;
int alpha = Utils . FloatToIntClamp ( clr . A ) ;
// Console.WriteLine($"Color1 {i} R {R} G {G} B {B} A {A}");
// Console.WriteLine($"Color1 {i} R {red} G {green} B {blue} A {alpha}");
Color1s [ i ] = Color . FromArgb ( alpha , red , green , blue ) ;
public void Write ( FileWriter writer )
public class TextureInfo : STGenericTexture
public const uint Alignment = 8192 ;
public TextureInfo ( )
ImageKey = "Texture" ;
SelectedImageKey = "Texture" ;
public override void OnClick ( TreeView treeView )
UpdateEditor ( ) ;
public override string ExportFilter = > FileFilters . GTX ;
public override string ReplaceFilter = > FileFilters . GTX ;
public override void Export ( string FileName )
Export ( FileName , false , false , 0 , 0 ) ;
public override void Replace ( string FileName )
int size = data . Length ;
FTEX ftex = new FTEX ( ) ;
2019-05-16 20:10:58 -04:00
ftex . ReplaceTexture ( FileName , Format , MipCount , SupportedFormats , true , true , true ) ;
2019-05-01 19:09:39 -04:00
if ( ftex . texture ! = null )
byte [ ] ImageData = ftex . texture . Data ;
if ( ftex . texture . MipData ! = null )
ImageData = Utils . CombineByteArray ( ftex . texture . Data , ftex . texture . MipData ) ;
// if (ImageData.Length != size)
// MessageBox.Show($"Image size does not match! Make sure mip map count, format, height and width are all the same! Original Size {size} Import {ImageData.Length}", );
Swizzle = ( byte ) ftex . texture . Swizzle ;
byte [ ] NewData = new byte [ size ] ;
Array . Copy ( ImageData , 0 , NewData , 0 , size ) ;
data = NewData ;
UpdateEditor ( ) ;
public byte [ ] AlignData ( byte [ ] data )
using ( var mem = new MemoryStream ( data ) )
using ( var writer = new FileWriter ( mem ) )
writer . Write ( data ) ;
writer . Align ( ( int ) Alignment ) ;
return mem . ToArray ( ) ;
public void UpdateEditor ( )
ImageEditorBase editor = ( ImageEditorBase ) LibraryGUI . Instance . GetActiveContent ( typeof ( ImageEditorBase ) ) ;
if ( editor = = null )
editor = new ImageEditorBase ( ) ;
editor . Dock = DockStyle . Fill ;
LibraryGUI . Instance . LoadEditor ( editor ) ;
editor . Text = Text ;
editor . LoadProperties ( GenericProperties ) ;
editor . LoadImage ( this ) ;
public override TEX_FORMAT [ ] SupportedFormats
return new TEX_FORMAT [ ]
} ;
public override bool CanEdit { get ; set ; } = false ;
public enum SurfaceFormat
INVALID = 0x0 ,
TCS_R8_G8_B8_A8 = 2 ,
T_BC1_UNORM = 3 ,
T_BC1_SRGB = 4 ,
T_BC2_UNORM = 5 ,
T_BC2_SRGB = 6 ,
T_BC3_UNORM = 7 ,
T_BC3_SRGB = 8 ,
T_BC4_UNORM = 9 ,
T_BC4_SNORM = 10 ,
T_BC5_UNORM = 11 ,
T_BC5_SNORM = 12 ,
TC_R8_UNORM = 13 ,
TC_R8_G8_UNORM = 14 ,
TCS_R8_G8_B8_A8_UNORM = 15 ,
TCS_R5_G6_B5_UNORM = 25 ,
} ;
public uint TileMode ;
public uint Swizzle ;
public byte WrapMode ;
2019-05-05 20:50:15 -04:00
public byte [ ] CompSel ;
2019-05-01 19:09:39 -04:00
public uint ImageSize ;
public uint ImageOffset ;
public SurfaceFormat SurfFormat ;
public byte [ ] data ;
public uint DataPos ;
public bool IsEmpty ( )
if ( Width = = 0 | | Height = = 0 | | SurfFormat = = 0 )
return true ;
return false ;
public void Read ( FileReader reader , Header header , string EmitterName )
CanReplace = true ;
CanRename = false ;
Width = reader . ReadUInt16 ( ) ;
Height = reader . ReadUInt16 ( ) ;
TileMode = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
Swizzle = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
if ( header . IsSPBD )
2019-05-03 21:33:36 -04:00
uint Alignment = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
uint Pitch = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
WrapMode = reader . ReadByte ( ) ; //11 = repeat, 22 = mirror
byte unk = reader . ReadByte ( ) ;
byte unk2 = reader . ReadByte ( ) ;
byte unk3 = reader . ReadByte ( ) ;
uint mipCount = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
2019-05-05 20:50:15 -04:00
CompSel = reader . ReadBytes ( 4 ) ;
2019-05-03 21:33:36 -04:00
uint [ ] MipOffsets = reader . ReadUInt32s ( 13 ) ;
2019-05-01 19:09:39 -04:00
uint enableMipLevel = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
uint mipBias = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
uint originalDataFormat = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
uint originalDataPos = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
uint originalDataSize = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
SurfFormat = reader . ReadEnum < SurfaceFormat > ( false ) ;
ImageSize = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
DataPos = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
WrapMode = reader . ReadByte ( ) ; //11 = repeat, 22 = mirror
byte unk = reader . ReadByte ( ) ;
Depth = reader . ReadByte ( ) ;
byte unk1 = reader . ReadByte ( ) ;
uint mipCount = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
if ( mipCount < 14 )
MipCount = mipCount ;
2019-05-05 20:50:15 -04:00
CompSel = reader . ReadBytes ( 4 ) ;
2019-05-01 19:09:39 -04:00
uint enableMipLevel = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
uint mipBias = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
uint originalDataFormat = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
uint originalDataPos = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
uint originalDataSize = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
SurfFormat = reader . ReadEnum < SurfaceFormat > ( false ) ;
ImageSize = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
DataPos = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
2019-05-05 20:50:15 -04:00
RedChannel = SetChannel ( CompSel [ 0 ] ) ;
GreenChannel = SetChannel ( CompSel [ 1 ] ) ;
BlueChannel = SetChannel ( CompSel [ 2 ] ) ;
AlphaChannel = SetChannel ( CompSel [ 3 ] ) ;
2019-05-01 19:09:39 -04:00
ArrayCount = 1 ;
2019-05-03 21:33:36 -04:00
Depth = 1 ;
2019-05-01 19:09:39 -04:00
if ( Width ! = 0 & & Height ! = 0 & & SurfFormat ! = 0 )
using ( reader . TemporarySeek ( header . TextureBlockTableOffset + DataPos , SeekOrigin . Begin ) )
data = reader . ReadBytes ( ( int ) ImageSize ) ;
if ( data ! = null & & data . Length > 0 )
ConvertFormat ( ) ;
reader . Seek ( 164 , SeekOrigin . Current ) ;
2019-05-05 20:50:15 -04:00
private STChannelType SetChannel ( int comp )
if ( comp = = 0 ) return STChannelType . Red ;
else if ( comp = = 1 ) return STChannelType . Green ;
else if ( comp = = 2 ) return STChannelType . Blue ;
else if ( comp = = 3 ) return STChannelType . Alpha ;
else if ( comp = = 4 ) return STChannelType . Zero ;
else return STChannelType . One ;
2019-05-01 19:09:39 -04:00
public void Write ( FileWriter writer , Header header )
if ( data ! = null & & data . Length > 0 )
using ( writer . TemporarySeek ( header . TextureBlockTableOffset + DataPos , SeekOrigin . Begin ) )
writer . Write ( data ) ;
public override void SetImageData ( Bitmap bitmap , int ArrayLevel )
throw new NotImplementedException ( "Cannot set image data! Operation not implemented!" ) ;
uint GX2Format = 0 ;
private void ConvertFormat ( )
switch ( SurfFormat )
case SurfaceFormat . T_BC1_UNORM :
GX2Format = ( uint ) GX2 . GX2SurfaceFormat . T_BC1_UNORM ;
break ;
case SurfaceFormat . T_BC1_SRGB :
GX2Format = ( uint ) GX2 . GX2SurfaceFormat . T_BC1_SRGB ;
break ;
case SurfaceFormat . T_BC2_UNORM :
GX2Format = ( uint ) GX2 . GX2SurfaceFormat . T_BC2_UNORM ;
break ;
case SurfaceFormat . T_BC2_SRGB :
GX2Format = ( uint ) GX2 . GX2SurfaceFormat . T_BC2_SRGB ;
break ;
case SurfaceFormat . T_BC3_UNORM :
GX2Format = ( uint ) GX2 . GX2SurfaceFormat . T_BC3_UNORM ;
break ;
case SurfaceFormat . T_BC3_SRGB :
GX2Format = ( uint ) GX2 . GX2SurfaceFormat . T_BC3_SRGB ;
break ;
case SurfaceFormat . T_BC4_UNORM :
GX2Format = ( uint ) GX2 . GX2SurfaceFormat . T_BC4_UNORM ;
break ;
case SurfaceFormat . T_BC4_SNORM :
GX2Format = ( uint ) GX2 . GX2SurfaceFormat . T_BC4_SNORM ;
break ;
case SurfaceFormat . T_BC5_UNORM :
GX2Format = ( uint ) GX2 . GX2SurfaceFormat . T_BC5_UNORM ;
break ;
case SurfaceFormat . T_BC5_SNORM :
GX2Format = ( uint ) GX2 . GX2SurfaceFormat . T_BC5_SNORM ;
break ;
case SurfaceFormat . TC_R8_G8_UNORM :
GX2Format = ( uint ) GX2 . GX2SurfaceFormat . TC_R8_G8_UNORM ;
Format = TEX_FORMAT . R8G8_UNORM ;
break ;
case SurfaceFormat . TCS_R8_G8_B8_A8_UNORM :
GX2Format = ( uint ) GX2 . GX2SurfaceFormat . TCS_R8_G8_B8_A8_UNORM ;
Format = TEX_FORMAT . R8G8B8A8_UNORM ;
break ;
case SurfaceFormat . TCS_R8_G8_B8_A8 :
GX2Format = ( uint ) GX2 . GX2SurfaceFormat . TCS_R8_G8_B8_A8_UNORM ;
Format = TEX_FORMAT . R8G8B8A8_UNORM ;
break ;
case SurfaceFormat . TC_R8_UNORM :
GX2Format = ( uint ) GX2 . GX2SurfaceFormat . TC_R8_UNORM ;
Format = TEX_FORMAT . R8_UNORM ;
break ;
case SurfaceFormat . TCS_R5_G6_B5_UNORM :
GX2Format = ( uint ) GX2 . GX2SurfaceFormat . TCS_R5_G6_B5_UNORM ;
Format = TEX_FORMAT . B5G6R5_UNORM ;
break ;
default :
throw new Exception ( "Format unsupported! " + SurfFormat ) ;
public override byte [ ] GetImageData ( int ArrayLevel = 0 , int MipLevel = 0 )
int swizzle = ( int ) Swizzle ;
int pitch = ( int ) 0 ;
uint bpp = GX2 . surfaceGetBitsPerPixel ( GX2Format ) > > 3 ;
GX2 . GX2Surface surf = new GX2 . GX2Surface ( ) ;
surf . bpp = bpp ;
surf . height = Height ;
surf . width = Width ;
surf . aa = ( uint ) 0 ;
surf . alignment = Alignment ;
surf . depth = Depth ;
surf . dim = 0x1 ;
surf . format = GX2Format ;
surf . use = 0x1 ;
surf . pitch = 0 ;
surf . data = data ;
surf . numMips = MipCount ;
surf . mipOffset = new uint [ MipCount ] ;
surf . mipData = null ;
surf . tileMode = TileMode ;
surf . swizzle = Swizzle ;
surf . imageSize = ImageSize ;
// GX2.GenerateMipSurfaceData(surf);
foreach ( var mipoffset in surf . mipOffset )
Console . WriteLine ( $"mipoffset {mipoffset}" ) ;
var surfaces = GX2 . Decode ( surf ) ;
return surfaces [ ArrayLevel ] [ MipLevel ] ;
public void Write ( FileWriter writer )