2018-11-11 20:51:12 -05:00
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
using Syroot.NintenTools.NSW.Bfres ;
using Syroot.NintenTools.NSW.Bfres.Helpers ;
using OpenTK ;
2018-11-11 20:51:12 -05:00
using System.Windows.Forms ;
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
using Switch_Toolbox.Library ;
using Switch_Toolbox.Library.Rendering ;
using WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking ;
using Switch_Toolbox.Library.IO ;
using Switch_Toolbox.Library.Forms ;
using ResU = Syroot . NintenTools . Bfres ;
using ResUGX2 = Syroot . NintenTools . Bfres . GX2 ;
using ResGFX = Syroot . NintenTools . NSW . Bfres . GFX ;
using FirstPlugin ;
2018-11-11 20:51:12 -05:00
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
namespace Bfres.Structs
2018-11-11 20:51:12 -05:00
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
public class Misc
2018-11-11 20:51:12 -05:00
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
public static List < string > HackyTextureList = new List < string > ( new string [ ] {
"Alb" , "alb" , "Base" , "base" , "bonbon.167300917" , "Eye.00" , "EyeIce.00" , "FaceDummy" , "Eye01.17" , "Dee.00" ,
"rainbow.758540574" , "Mucus._1700670200" , "Eye.11" , "CapTail00" , "eye.0" , "pallet_texture" , "Mark.930799313" , "InEye.1767598300" , "Face.00" ,
"ThunderHair_Thunder_BaseColor.1751853236" , "FireHair_Thunder_BaseColor._162539711" , "IceHair_Thunder_BaseColor.674061150" , "BodyEnemy.1866226988" ,
} ) ;
public class ResourceFile : TreeNodeFile
public BFRESRender BFRESRender ;
public TreeNode TextureFolder = new TreeNode ( "Textures" ) ;
public ResourceFile ( IFileFormat handler )
ImageKey = "bfres" ;
SelectedImageKey = "bfres" ;
FileHandler = handler ;
ContextMenu = new ContextMenu ( ) ;
MenuItem save = new MenuItem ( "Save" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( save ) ;
save . Click + = Save ;
MenuItem newMenu = new MenuItem ( "New" ) ;
MenuItem import = new MenuItem ( "Import" ) ;
// ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(newMenu);
// ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(import);
MenuItem rename = new MenuItem ( "Rename" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( rename ) ;
rename . Click + = Rename ;
MenuItem remove = new MenuItem ( "Remove" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( remove ) ;
remove . Click + = Remove ;
if ( Parent = = null )
remove . Enabled = false ;
if ( BFRES . IsWiiU )
MenuItem model = new MenuItem ( "Model" ) ;
MenuItem fska = new MenuItem ( "Skeletal Animation" ) ;
MenuItem fmaa = new MenuItem ( "Material Animation" ) ;
MenuItem bonevis = new MenuItem ( "Bone Visual Animation" ) ;
MenuItem shape = new MenuItem ( "Shape Animation" ) ;
MenuItem scene = new MenuItem ( "Scene Animation" ) ;
MenuItem embedded = new MenuItem ( "Embedded File" ) ;
MenuItem texture = new MenuItem ( "Texture File" ) ;
texture . Click + = NewTextureFile ;
newMenu . MenuItems . Add ( model ) ;
newMenu . MenuItems . Add ( fska ) ;
newMenu . MenuItems . Add ( fmaa ) ;
newMenu . MenuItems . Add ( bonevis ) ;
newMenu . MenuItems . Add ( shape ) ;
newMenu . MenuItems . Add ( scene ) ;
newMenu . MenuItems . Add ( embedded ) ;
newMenu . MenuItems . Add ( texture ) ;
MenuItem importmodel = new MenuItem ( "Model" ) ;
MenuItem importfska = new MenuItem ( "Skeletal Animation" ) ;
MenuItem importfmaa = new MenuItem ( "Material Animation" ) ;
MenuItem importbonevis = new MenuItem ( "Bone Visual Animation" ) ;
MenuItem importshape = new MenuItem ( "Shape Animation" ) ;
MenuItem importscene = new MenuItem ( "Scene Animation" ) ;
MenuItem importembedded = new MenuItem ( "Embedded File" ) ;
MenuItem importtexture = new MenuItem ( "Texture File" ) ;
import . MenuItems . Add ( importmodel ) ;
import . MenuItems . Add ( importfska ) ;
import . MenuItems . Add ( importfmaa ) ;
import . MenuItems . Add ( importbonevis ) ;
import . MenuItems . Add ( importshape ) ;
import . MenuItems . Add ( importscene ) ;
import . MenuItems . Add ( importembedded ) ;
import . MenuItems . Add ( importtexture ) ;
public override void OnClick ( TreeView treeView )
//If has models
if ( Nodes . ContainsKey ( "FMDLFolder" ) )
if ( Nodes [ "FMDLFolder" ] . Nodes . ContainsKey ( "FshpFolder" ) )
2018-11-22 13:08:50 -05:00
LibraryGUI . Instance . LoadViewport ( Viewport . Instance ) ;
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
BFRESRender . UpdateVertexData ( ) ;
public void Load ( ResU . ResFile resFile )
Text = resFile . Name ;
if ( resFile . Models . Count > 0 )
Nodes . Add ( new FmdlFolder ( ) ) ;
if ( resFile . Textures . Count > 0 )
AddFTEXTextures ( resFile ) ;
if ( resFile . SkeletalAnims . Count > 0 )
AddSkeletonAnims ( resFile ) ;
if ( resFile . ShaderParamAnims . Count > 0 )
Nodes . Add ( new FshaFolder ( ) ) ;
if ( resFile . ColorAnims . Count > 0 )
Nodes . Add ( new FshaColorFolder ( ) ) ;
if ( resFile . TexSrtAnims . Count > 0 )
Nodes . Add ( new TexSrtFolder ( ) ) ;
if ( resFile . TexPatternAnims . Count > 0 )
Nodes . Add ( new TexPatFolder ( ) ) ;
if ( resFile . ShapeAnims . Count > 0 )
Nodes . Add ( new FshpaFolder ( ) ) ;
if ( resFile . BoneVisibilityAnims . Count > 0 )
Nodes . Add ( new FbnvFolder ( ) ) ;
if ( resFile . SceneAnims . Count > 0 )
Nodes . Add ( new FscnFolder ( ) ) ;
if ( resFile . ExternalFiles . Count > 0 )
Nodes . Add ( new EmbeddedFilesFolder ( ) ) ;
foreach ( var anim in resFile . ShaderParamAnims )
Nodes [ "FSHA" ] . Nodes . Add ( anim . Key ) ;
foreach ( var anim in resFile . ColorAnims )
Nodes [ "FSHAColor" ] . Nodes . Add ( anim . Key ) ;
foreach ( var anim in resFile . TexSrtAnims )
Nodes [ "TEXSRT" ] . Nodes . Add ( anim . Key ) ;
foreach ( var anim in resFile . TexPatternAnims )
Nodes [ "TEXPAT" ] . Nodes . Add ( anim . Key ) ;
int ext = 0 ;
foreach ( var extfile in resFile . ExternalFiles )
string Name = extfile . Key ;
FileReader f = new FileReader ( extfile . Value . Data ) ;
string Magic = f . ReadMagic ( 0 , 4 ) ;
if ( Magic = = "FSHA" )
Nodes [ "EXT" ] . Nodes . Add ( new BfshaFileData ( extfile . Value . Data , Name ) ) ;
Nodes [ "EXT" ] . Nodes . Add ( new ExternalFileData ( extfile . Value . Data , Name ) ) ;
f . Dispose ( ) ;
f . Close ( ) ;
ext + + ;
public void Load ( ResFile resFile )
Text = resFile . Name ;
UpdateTree ( resFile ) ;
foreach ( MaterialAnim anim in resFile . MaterialAnims )
Nodes [ "FMAA" ] . Nodes . Add ( anim . Name ) ;
foreach ( ShapeAnim anim in resFile . ShapeAnims )
Nodes [ "FSHPA" ] . Nodes . Add ( anim . Name ) ;
foreach ( VisibilityAnim anim in resFile . BoneVisibilityAnims )
Nodes [ "FBNV" ] . Nodes . Add ( anim . Name ) ;
foreach ( SceneAnim anim in resFile . SceneAnims )
Nodes [ "FSCN" ] . Nodes . Add ( anim . Name ) ;
int ext = 0 ;
foreach ( ExternalFile extfile in resFile . ExternalFiles )
string Name = resFile . ExternalFileDict . GetKey ( ext ) ;
FileReader f = new FileReader ( extfile . Data ) ;
string Magic = f . ReadMagic ( 0 , 4 ) ;
if ( Magic = = "BNTX" )
2018-11-22 10:20:12 -05:00
BNTX bntx = new BNTX ( ) ;
bntx . Data = extfile . Data ;
bntx . FileName = Name ;
bntx . Load ( ) ;
bntx . IFileInfo . InArchive = true ;
Nodes [ "EXT" ] . Nodes . Add ( bntx . EditorRoot ) ;
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
else if ( Magic = = "FSHA" )
Nodes [ "EXT" ] . Nodes . Add ( new BfshaFileData ( extfile . Data , Name ) ) ;
Nodes [ "EXT" ] . Nodes . Add ( new ExternalFileData ( extfile . Data , Name ) ) ;
f . Dispose ( ) ;
f . Close ( ) ;
ext + + ;
private void NewTextureFile ( object sender , EventArgs args )
string Name = "textures" ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < BFRESRender . resFile . ExternalFiles . Count ; i + + )
if ( BFRESRender . resFile . ExternalFileDict . GetKey ( i ) = = Name )
Name = Name + i ;
if ( ! Nodes . ContainsKey ( "EXT" ) )
Nodes . Add ( new EmbeddedFilesFolder ( ) ) ;
BNTX bntx = new BNTX ( ) ;
bntx . Data = new byte [ 0 ] ;
BinaryTextureContainer bntxTreeNode = new BinaryTextureContainer ( new byte [ 0 ] , "textures" , BFRESRender . resFile . Name ) ;
Nodes [ "EXT" ] . Nodes . Add ( bntxTreeNode ) ;
private void NewEmbeddedFile ( object sender , EventArgs args )
private void Save ( object sender , EventArgs args )
2018-11-22 10:20:12 -05:00
( ( BFRES ) FileHandler ) . SaveFile ( ) ;
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
private void Rename ( object sender , EventArgs args )
RenameDialog dialog = new RenameDialog ( ) ;
dialog . SetString ( Text ) ;
if ( dialog . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
Text = dialog . textBox1 . Text ;
private void Remove ( object sender , EventArgs args )
BFRESRender . DisposeFile ( ) ;
private void UpdateTree ( ResFile resFile )
if ( resFile . Models . Count > 0 )
Nodes . Add ( new FmdlFolder ( ) ) ;
if ( resFile . SkeletalAnims . Count > 0 )
AddSkeletonAnims ( resFile ) ;
if ( resFile . MaterialAnims . Count > 0 )
Nodes . Add ( new FmmaFolder ( ) ) ;
if ( resFile . ShapeAnims . Count > 0 )
Nodes . Add ( new FshpaFolder ( ) ) ;
if ( resFile . BoneVisibilityAnims . Count > 0 )
Nodes . Add ( new FbnvFolder ( ) ) ;
if ( resFile . SceneAnims . Count > 0 )
Nodes . Add ( new FscnFolder ( ) ) ;
if ( resFile . ExternalFiles . Count > 0 )
Nodes . Add ( new EmbeddedFilesFolder ( ) ) ;
private void AddFTEXTextures ( ResU . ResFile resFile )
FTEXContainer ftexContainer = new FTEXContainer ( ) ;
foreach ( ResU . Texture tex in resFile . Textures . Values )
string TextureName = tex . Name ;
FTEX texture = new FTEX ( ) ;
texture . Read ( tex ) ;
ftexContainer . Nodes . Add ( texture ) ;
ftexContainer . Textures . Add ( texture . Text , texture ) ;
PluginRuntime . ftexContainers . Add ( ftexContainer ) ;
Nodes . Add ( ftexContainer ) ;
private void AddSkeletonAnims ( ResU . ResFile resFile )
FskaFolder FSKA = new FskaFolder ( ) ;
FSKA . LoadAnimations ( resFile , BFRESRender ) ;
Nodes . Add ( FSKA ) ;
private void AddSkeletonAnims ( ResFile resFile )
FskaFolder FSKA = new FskaFolder ( ) ;
FSKA . LoadAnimations ( resFile , BFRESRender ) ;
Nodes . Add ( FSKA ) ;
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public class FskaFolder : AnimationGroupNode
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
public FskaFolder ( )
Text = "Skeleton Animations" ;
Name = "FSKA" ;
public void LoadAnimations ( ResU . ResFile resFile , BFRESRender BFRESRender )
foreach ( var ska in resFile . SkeletalAnims . Values )
BfresSkeletonAnim skeletonAnim = new BfresSkeletonAnim ( ska . Name ) ;
skeletonAnim . BFRESRender = BFRESRender ;
skeletonAnim . Read ( ska , resFile ) ;
Nodes . Add ( skeletonAnim ) ;
public void LoadAnimations ( ResFile resFile , BFRESRender BFRESRender )
foreach ( SkeletalAnim ska in resFile . SkeletalAnims )
BfresSkeletonAnim skeletonAnim = new BfresSkeletonAnim ( ska . Name ) ;
skeletonAnim . BFRESRender = BFRESRender ;
skeletonAnim . Read ( ska , resFile ) ;
Nodes . Add ( skeletonAnim ) ;
2018-11-22 10:20:12 -05:00
/ * public override void OnClick ( TreeView treeView )
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
FormLoader . LoadEditor ( this , Text ) ;
2018-11-22 10:20:12 -05:00
} * /
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
public class FmdlFolder : TreeNodeCustom
public FmdlFolder ( )
Text = "Models" ;
Name = "FMDLFolder" ;
public override void OnClick ( TreeView treeView )
FormLoader . LoadEditor ( this , Text ) ;
public class FmmaFolder : TreeNodeCustom
public FmmaFolder ( )
Text = "Material Animations" ;
Name = "FMAA" ;
public override void OnClick ( TreeView treeView )
FormLoader . LoadEditor ( this , Text ) ;
public class FshpaFolder : TreeNodeCustom
public FshpaFolder ( )
Text = "Shape Animations" ;
Name = "FSHPA" ;
public override void OnClick ( TreeView treeView )
FormLoader . LoadEditor ( this , Text ) ;
public class FbnvFolder : TreeNodeCustom
public FbnvFolder ( )
Text = "Bone Visabilty Animations" ;
Name = "FBNV" ;
public override void OnClick ( TreeView treeView )
FormLoader . LoadEditor ( this , Text ) ;
public class FscnFolder : TreeNodeCustom
public FscnFolder ( )
Text = "Scene Animations" ;
Name = "FSCN" ;
public override void OnClick ( TreeView treeView )
FormLoader . LoadEditor ( this , Text ) ;
public class EmbeddedFilesFolder : TreeNodeCustom
public EmbeddedFilesFolder ( )
Text = "Embedded Files" ;
Name = "EXT" ;
public override void OnClick ( TreeView treeView )
FormLoader . LoadEditor ( this , Text ) ;
public class TexPatFolder : TreeNodeCustom
public TexPatFolder ( )
Text = "Texture Pattern Animations" ;
Name = "TEXPAT" ;
public override void OnClick ( TreeView treeView )
FormLoader . LoadEditor ( this , Text ) ;
public class TexSrtFolder : TreeNodeCustom
public TexSrtFolder ( )
Text = "Texture SRT Animations" ;
Name = "TEXSRT" ;
public override void OnClick ( TreeView treeView )
FormLoader . LoadEditor ( this , Text ) ;
public class FshaFolder : TreeNodeCustom
public FshaFolder ( )
Text = "Shader Parameter Animations" ;
Name = "FSHA" ;
public override void OnClick ( TreeView treeView )
FormLoader . LoadEditor ( this , Text ) ;
public class FshaColorFolder : TreeNodeCustom
public FshaColorFolder ( )
Text = "Color Animations" ;
Name = "FSHAColor" ;
public override void OnClick ( TreeView treeView )
FormLoader . LoadEditor ( this , Text ) ;
public class BfshaFileData : TreeNode
public byte [ ] Data ;
public BfshaFileData ( byte [ ] data , string Name )
Text = Name ;
ImageKey = "bfsha" ;
SelectedImageKey = "bfsha" ;
Data = data ;
ContextMenu = new ContextMenu ( ) ;
MenuItem export = new MenuItem ( "Export" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( export ) ;
export . Click + = Export ;
MenuItem replace = new MenuItem ( "Replace" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( replace ) ;
replace . Click + = Import ;
private void Import ( object sender , EventArgs args )
OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog ( ) ;
ofd . Filter = "All files(*.*)|*.*" ;
if ( ofd . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
Data = System . IO . File . ReadAllBytes ( ofd . FileName ) ;
private void Export ( object sender , EventArgs args )
SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog ( ) ;
sfd . Filter = "All files(*.*)|*.*" ;
sfd . DefaultExt = System . IO . Path . GetExtension ( Text ) ;
sfd . FileName = Text ;
if ( sfd . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
System . IO . File . WriteAllBytes ( sfd . FileName , Data ) ;
public class ExternalFileData : TreeNode
public byte [ ] Data ;
public ExternalFileData ( byte [ ] data , string Name )
Text = Name ;
ImageKey = "folder" ;
Data = data ;
ContextMenu = new ContextMenu ( ) ;
MenuItem export = new MenuItem ( "Export" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( export ) ;
export . Click + = Export ;
MenuItem replace = new MenuItem ( "Replace" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( replace ) ;
replace . Click + = Import ;
private void Import ( object sender , EventArgs args )
OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog ( ) ;
ofd . Filter = "All files(*.*)|*.*" ;
if ( ofd . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
Data = System . IO . File . ReadAllBytes ( ofd . FileName ) ;
private void Export ( object sender , EventArgs args )
SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog ( ) ;
sfd . Filter = "All files(*.*)|*.*" ;
sfd . DefaultExt = System . IO . Path . GetExtension ( Text ) ;
sfd . FileName = Text ;
if ( sfd . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
System . IO . File . WriteAllBytes ( sfd . FileName , Data ) ;
public class BfresSkeletonAnim : Animation
public enum TrackType
XSCA = 0x4 ,
YSCA = 0x8 ,
ZSCA = 0xC ,
XPOS = 0x10 ,
YPOS = 0x14 ,
ZPOS = 0x18 ,
XROT = 0x20 ,
YROT = 0x24 ,
ZROT = 0x28 ,
public SkeletalAnim SkeletalAnim ;
public BFRESRender BFRESRender ;
public BfresSkeletonAnim ( )
ImageKey = "skeletonAnimation" ;
SelectedImageKey = "skeletonAnimation" ;
ContextMenu = new ContextMenu ( ) ;
MenuItem export = new MenuItem ( "Export" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( export ) ;
export . Click + = Export ;
MenuItem replace = new MenuItem ( "Replace" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( replace ) ;
replace . Click + = Replace ;
public BfresSkeletonAnim ( string name )
Text = name ;
ImageKey = "skeletonAnimation" ;
SelectedImageKey = "skeletonAnimation" ;
ContextMenu = new ContextMenu ( ) ;
MenuItem export = new MenuItem ( "Export" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( export ) ;
export . Click + = Export ;
MenuItem replace = new MenuItem ( "Replace" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( replace ) ;
replace . Click + = Replace ;
public void Export ( object sender , EventArgs args )
SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog ( ) ;
sfd . Filter = "Supported Formats|*.bfska;|" +
"Bfres Object (shape/vertices) |*.bfska|" +
"All files(*.*)|*.*" ;
sfd . FileName = Text ;
sfd . DefaultExt = ".bfska" ;
if ( sfd . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
SkeletalAnim . Export ( sfd . FileName , BFRESRender . resFile ) ;
public void Replace ( object sender , EventArgs args )
OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog ( ) ;
ofd . Filter = "Supported Formats|*.bfska;|" +
"Bfres Object (shape/vertices) |*.bfska|" +
"All files(*.*)|*.*" ;
if ( ofd . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
SkeletalAnim . Import ( ofd . FileName ) ;
SkeletalAnim . Name = Text ;
public static List < Animation > SkeletonAnimations = new List < Animation > ( ) ;
public void Read ( ResU . SkeletalAnim ska , ResU . ResFile b )
public void Read ( SkeletalAnim ska , ResFile b )
FrameCount = ska . FrameCount ;
SkeletalAnim = ska ;
foreach ( BoneAnim bn in ska . BoneAnims )
FSKANode bonean = new FSKANode ( bn ) ;
Animation . KeyNode bone = new Animation . KeyNode ( "" ) ;
Bones . Add ( bone ) ;
if ( ska . FlagsRotate = = SkeletalAnimFlagsRotate . EulerXYZ )
bone . RotType = Animation . RotationType . EULER ;
bone . RotType = Animation . RotationType . QUATERNION ;
bone . Text = bonean . Text ;
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2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
for ( int Frame = 0 ; Frame < ska . FrameCount ; Frame + + )
if ( Frame = = 0 )
if ( bn . FlagsBase . HasFlag ( BoneAnimFlagsBase . Scale ) )
2018-11-22 10:20:12 -05:00
bone . XSCA . Keys . Add ( new KeyFrame ( ) { Frame = 0 , Value = bonean . sca . X } ) ;
bone . YSCA . Keys . Add ( new KeyFrame ( ) { Frame = 0 , Value = bonean . sca . Y } ) ;
bone . ZSCA . Keys . Add ( new KeyFrame ( ) { Frame = 0 , Value = bonean . sca . Z } ) ;
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
if ( bn . FlagsBase . HasFlag ( BoneAnimFlagsBase . Rotate ) )
2018-11-22 10:20:12 -05:00
bone . XROT . Keys . Add ( new KeyFrame ( ) { Frame = 0 , Value = bonean . rot . X } ) ;
bone . YROT . Keys . Add ( new KeyFrame ( ) { Frame = 0 , Value = bonean . rot . Y } ) ;
bone . ZROT . Keys . Add ( new KeyFrame ( ) { Frame = 0 , Value = bonean . rot . Z } ) ;
bone . WROT . Keys . Add ( new KeyFrame ( ) { Frame = 0 , Value = bonean . rot . W } ) ;
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
if ( bn . FlagsBase . HasFlag ( BoneAnimFlagsBase . Translate ) )
2018-11-22 10:20:12 -05:00
bone . XPOS . Keys . Add ( new KeyFrame ( ) { Frame = 0 , Value = bonean . pos . X } ) ;
bone . YPOS . Keys . Add ( new KeyFrame ( ) { Frame = 0 , Value = bonean . pos . Y } ) ;
bone . ZPOS . Keys . Add ( new KeyFrame ( ) { Frame = 0 , Value = bonean . pos . Z } ) ;
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foreach ( FSKATrack track in bonean . tracks )
2018-11-22 10:20:12 -05:00
KeyFrame frame = new KeyFrame ( ) ;
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
frame . InterType = Animation . InterpolationType . HERMITE ;
frame . Frame = Frame ;
FSKAKey left = track . GetLeft ( Frame ) ;
FSKAKey right = track . GetRight ( Frame ) ;
float value ;
value = Animation . Hermite ( Frame , left . frame , right . frame , 0 , 0 , left . unk1 , right . unk1 ) ;
// interpolate the value and apply
switch ( track . flag )
case ( int ) TrackType . XPOS : frame . Value = value ; bone . XPOS . Keys . Add ( frame ) ; break ;
case ( int ) TrackType . YPOS : frame . Value = value ; bone . YPOS . Keys . Add ( frame ) ; break ;
case ( int ) TrackType . ZPOS : frame . Value = value ; bone . ZPOS . Keys . Add ( frame ) ; break ;
case ( int ) TrackType . XROT : frame . Value = value ; bone . XROT . Keys . Add ( frame ) ; break ;
case ( int ) TrackType . YROT : frame . Value = value ; bone . YROT . Keys . Add ( frame ) ; break ;
case ( int ) TrackType . ZROT : frame . Value = value ; bone . ZROT . Keys . Add ( frame ) ; break ;
case ( int ) TrackType . XSCA : frame . Value = value ; bone . XSCA . Keys . Add ( frame ) ; break ;
case ( int ) TrackType . YSCA : frame . Value = value ; bone . YSCA . Keys . Add ( frame ) ; break ;
case ( int ) TrackType . ZSCA : frame . Value = value ; bone . ZSCA . Keys . Add ( frame ) ; break ;
public class FSKANode
public int flags ;
public int flags2 ;
public int stride ;
public int BeginRotate ;
public int BeginTranslate ;
public long offBase ;
public int trackCount ;
public int trackFlag ;
public long offTrack ;
public string Text ;
public Vector3 sca , pos ;
public Vector4 rot ;
public List < FSKATrack > tracks = new List < FSKATrack > ( ) ;
public FSKANode ( BoneAnim b )
Text = b . Name ;
2018-11-22 10:20:12 -05:00
sca = new Vector3 ( b . BaseData . Scale . X , b . BaseData . Scale . Y , b . BaseData . Scale . Z ) ;
rot = new Vector4 ( b . BaseData . Rotate . X , b . BaseData . Rotate . Y , b . BaseData . Rotate . Z , b . BaseData . Rotate . W ) ;
pos = new Vector3 ( b . BaseData . Translate . X , b . BaseData . Translate . Y , b . BaseData . Translate . Z ) ;
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
foreach ( AnimCurve tr in b . Curves )
FSKATrack t = new FSKATrack ( ) ;
t . flag = ( int ) tr . AnimDataOffset ;
tracks . Add ( t ) ;
float tanscale = tr . Delta ;
if ( tanscale = = 0 )
tanscale = 1 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ( ushort ) tr . Frames . Length ; i + + )
if ( tr . CurveType = = AnimCurveType . Cubic )
int framedata = ( int ) tr . Frames [ i ] ;
float keydata = tr . Offset + ( ( tr . Keys [ i , 0 ] * tr . Scale ) ) ;
float keydata2 = tr . Offset + ( ( tr . Keys [ i , 1 ] * tr . Scale ) ) ;
float keydata3 = tr . Offset + ( ( tr . Keys [ i , 2 ] * tr . Scale ) ) ;
float keydata4 = tr . Offset + ( ( tr . Keys [ i , 3 ] * tr . Scale ) ) ;
if ( tr . KeyType = = AnimCurveKeyType . Int16 )
else if ( tr . KeyType = = AnimCurveKeyType . Single )
else if ( tr . KeyType = = AnimCurveKeyType . SByte )
t . keys . Add ( new FSKAKey ( )
frame = ( int ) tr . Frames [ i ] ,
unk1 = tr . Offset + ( ( tr . Keys [ i , 0 ] * tr . Scale ) ) ,
unk2 = tr . Offset + ( ( tr . Keys [ i , 1 ] * tr . Scale ) ) ,
unk3 = tr . Offset + ( ( tr . Keys [ i , 2 ] * tr . Scale ) ) ,
unk4 = tr . Offset + ( ( tr . Keys [ i , 3 ] * tr . Scale ) ) ,
} ) ;
public class FSKATrack
public short type ;
public short keyCount ;
public int flag ;
public int unk2 ;
public int padding1 ;
public int padding2 ;
public int padding3 ;
public float frameCount ;
public float scale , init , unkf3 ;
public long offtolastKeys , offtolastData ;
public List < FSKAKey > keys = new List < FSKAKey > ( ) ;
public int offset ;
public FSKAKey GetLeft ( int frame )
FSKAKey prev = keys [ 0 ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < keys . Count - 1 ; i + + )
FSKAKey key = keys [ i ] ;
if ( key . frame > frame & & prev . frame < = frame )
break ;
prev = key ;
return prev ;
public FSKAKey GetRight ( int frame )
FSKAKey cur = keys [ 0 ] ;
FSKAKey prev = keys [ 0 ] ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < keys . Count ; i + + )
FSKAKey key = keys [ i ] ;
cur = key ;
if ( key . frame > frame & & prev . frame < = frame )
break ;
prev = key ;
return cur ;
public class FSKAKey
public int frame ;
public float unk1 , unk2 , unk3 , unk4 ;
public int offset ;
public struct DisplayVertex
// Used for rendering.
public Vector3 pos ;
public Vector3 nrm ;
public Vector3 tan ;
public Vector3 bit ;
public Vector2 uv ;
public Vector4 col ;
public Vector4 node ;
public Vector4 weight ;
public Vector2 uv2 ;
public Vector2 uv3 ;
public Vector3 pos1 ;
public Vector3 pos2 ;
public static int Size = 4 * ( 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 3 ) ;
public class FSHPFolder : TreeNodeCustom
public FSHPFolder ( )
Text = "Objects" ;
Name = "FshpFolder" ;
ContextMenu = new ContextMenu ( ) ;
MenuItem import = new MenuItem ( "Add Object" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( import ) ;
import . Click + = Import ;
MenuItem exportAll = new MenuItem ( "Export All Objects" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( exportAll ) ;
exportAll . Click + = ExportAll ;
MenuItem clear = new MenuItem ( "Clear All Objects" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( clear ) ;
clear . Click + = Clear ;
public void Clear ( object sender , EventArgs args )
DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox . Show ( "Are you sure you want to remove all objects? This cannot be undone!" , "" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) ;
if ( dialogResult = = DialogResult . Yes )
Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
( ( FMDL ) Parent ) . shapes . Clear ( ) ;
( ( FMDL ) Parent ) . BFRESRender . UpdateVertexData ( ) ;
public void ExportAll ( object sender , EventArgs args )
( ( FMDL ) Parent ) . ExportAll ( ) ;
public void Import ( object sender , EventArgs args )
OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog ( ) ;
ofd . Filter = "Supported Formats|*.bfobj;*.fbx;*.dae; *.obj;*.csv;|" +
"Bfres Object (shape/vertices) |*.bfobj|" +
"FBX |*.fbx|" +
"DAE |*.dae|" +
"OBJ |*.obj|" +
"CSV |*.csv|" +
"All files(*.*)|*.*" ;
ofd . Multiselect = true ;
if ( ofd . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
foreach ( string file in ofd . FileNames )
( ( FMDL ) Parent ) . AddOjects ( file , false ) ;
public override void OnClick ( TreeView treeView )
public class FMATFolder : TreeNodeCustom
public FMATFolder ( )
Text = "Materials" ;
Name = "FmatFolder" ;
ContextMenu = new ContextMenu ( ) ;
MenuItem import = new MenuItem ( "Add Material" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( import ) ;
import . Click + = Import ;
public void Import ( object sender , EventArgs args )
OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog ( ) ;
ofd . Filter = "Bfres Material |*.bfmat;" ;
ofd . Multiselect = true ;
if ( ofd . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
foreach ( string file in ofd . FileNames )
( ( FMDL ) Parent ) . AddMaterials ( file , false ) ;
public override void OnClick ( TreeView treeView )
public class FSKL : STSkeleton
public int [ ] Node_Array ;
public fsklNode node ;
public class fsklNode : TreeNodeCustom
public Skeleton Skeleton ;
public ResU . Skeleton SkeletonU ;
public BFRESRender BFRESRender ;
public fsklNode ( )
Text = "Skeleton" ;
ImageKey = "skeleton" ;
SelectedImageKey = "skeleton" ;
ContextMenu = new ContextMenu ( ) ;
MenuItem export = new MenuItem ( "Export" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( export ) ;
export . Click + = Export ;
MenuItem replace = new MenuItem ( "Replace" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( replace ) ;
replace . Click + = Replace ;
public void Export ( object sender , EventArgs args )
SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog ( ) ;
sfd . Filter = "Bfres Skeleton|*.bfskl;" ;
sfd . FileName = Text ;
sfd . DefaultExt = ".bfskl" ;
if ( sfd . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
Skeleton . Export ( sfd . FileName , BFRESRender . resFile ) ;
public void Replace ( object sender , EventArgs args )
OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog ( ) ;
ofd . Filter = "Supported Formats|*.bfska;|" +
"Bfres Object (shape/vertices) |*.bfska|" +
"All files(*.*)|*.*" ;
if ( ofd . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
Skeleton . Import ( ofd . FileName ) ;
public override void OnClick ( TreeView treeView )
public FSKL ( )
public FSKL ( Skeleton skl )
node = new fsklNode ( ) ;
node . Skeleton = skl ;
BfresSwitch . SetSkeleton ( node , skl , this ) ;
public FSKL ( ResU . Skeleton skl )
node = new fsklNode ( ) ;
node . SkeletonU = skl ;
BfresWiiU . SetSkeleton ( node , skl , this ) ;
public class BfresBone : STBone
public bool IsVisable = true ;
public BoneFlagsBillboard billboard ;
public BoneFlagsRotation rotationFlags ;
public BoneFlagsTransform transformFlags ;
public Bone Bone ;
public ResU . Bone BoneU ;
public BFRESRender BFRESRender ;
public BfresBone ( )
ImageKey = "bone" ;
SelectedImageKey = "bone" ;
ContextMenu = new ContextMenu ( ) ;
MenuItem export = new MenuItem ( "Export" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( export ) ;
export . Click + = Export ;
MenuItem replace = new MenuItem ( "Replace" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( replace ) ;
replace . Click + = Replace ;
public void Export ( object sender , EventArgs args )
SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog ( ) ;
sfd . Filter = "Bfres Bone|*.bfbn;" ;
sfd . FileName = Text ;
sfd . DefaultExt = ".bfbn" ;
if ( sfd . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
Bone . Export ( sfd . FileName , BFRESRender . resFile ) ;
public void Replace ( object sender , EventArgs args )
OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog ( ) ;
ofd . Filter = "Supported Formats|*.bfska;|" +
"Bfres Object (shape/vertices) |*.bfska|" +
"All files(*.*)|*.*" ;
if ( ofd . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
Bone . Import ( ofd . FileName ) ;
Bone . Name = Text ;
public BfresBone ( STSkeleton skeleton )
skeletonParent = skeleton ;
public override void OnClick ( TreeView treeView )
FormLoader . LoadBoneEditor ( this ) ;
public class FMDL : STGenericModel
public List < FSHP > shapes = new List < FSHP > ( ) ;
public Dictionary < string , FMAT > materials = new Dictionary < string , FMAT > ( ) ;
public BFRESRender BFRESRender ;
public Model Model ;
public ResU . Model ModelU ;
public FMDL ( )
ImageKey = "model" ;
SelectedImageKey = "model" ;
Nodes . Add ( new FSHPFolder ( ) ) ;
Nodes . Add ( new FMATFolder ( ) ) ;
ContextMenu = new ContextMenu ( ) ;
MenuItem export = new MenuItem ( "Export Model" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( export ) ;
export . Click + = Export ;
MenuItem replace = new MenuItem ( "Replace Model" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( replace ) ;
replace . Click + = Replace ;
MenuItem calcTansBitans = new MenuItem ( "Calculate Tangents/Bitangents" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( calcTansBitans ) ;
calcTansBitans . Click + = CalcTansBitansAllShapes ;
MenuItem normals = new MenuItem ( "Normals" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( normals ) ;
MenuItem smoothNormals = new MenuItem ( "Smooth" ) ;
normals . MenuItems . Add ( smoothNormals ) ;
smoothNormals . Click + = SmoothNormals ;
MenuItem recalculateNormals = new MenuItem ( "Recalculate" ) ;
normals . MenuItems . Add ( recalculateNormals ) ;
recalculateNormals . Click + = RecalculateNormals ;
MenuItem rename = new MenuItem ( "Rename" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( rename ) ;
rename . Click + = Rename ;
private void SmoothNormals ( object sender , EventArgs args )
Cursor . Current = Cursors . WaitCursor ;
foreach ( FSHP shp in shapes )
bool HasNormals = shp . vertexAttributes . Any ( x = > x . Name = = "_n0" ) ;
if ( HasNormals )
shp . SmoothNormals ( ) ;
shp . SaveVertexBuffer ( ) ;
BFRESRender . UpdateVertexData ( ) ;
Cursor . Current = Cursors . Default ;
private void RecalculateNormals ( object sender , EventArgs args )
Cursor . Current = Cursors . WaitCursor ;
foreach ( FSHP shp in shapes )
bool HasNormals = shp . vertexAttributes . Any ( x = > x . Name = = "_n0" ) ;
if ( HasNormals )
shp . CalculateNormals ( ) ;
shp . SaveVertexBuffer ( ) ;
BFRESRender . UpdateVertexData ( ) ;
Cursor . Current = Cursors . Default ;
private void Rename ( object sender , EventArgs args )
RenameDialog dialog = new RenameDialog ( ) ;
dialog . SetString ( Text ) ;
if ( dialog . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
Text = dialog . textBox1 . Text ;
private void CalcTansBitansAllShapes ( object sender , EventArgs args )
Cursor . Current = Cursors . WaitCursor ;
foreach ( FSHP shp in shapes )
bool HasTans = shp . vertexAttributes . Any ( x = > x . Name = = "_t0" ) ;
bool HasBiTans = shp . vertexAttributes . Any ( x = > x . Name = = "_b0" ) ;
if ( ! shp . HasUV0 ( ) )
MessageBox . Show ( $"Error! {Text} does not have UVs!" , "" , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Error ) ;
return ;
if ( ! HasBiTans )
DialogResult dialogResult2 = MessageBox . Show ( "Mesh does not have bitangents. Do you want to create them? (will make file size bigger)" , "" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) ;
FSHP . VertexAttribute att2 = new FSHP . VertexAttribute ( ) ;
att2 . Name = "_b0" ;
att2 . Format = ResGFX . AttribFormat . Format_10_10_10_2_SNorm ;
if ( dialogResult2 = = DialogResult . Yes )
if ( ! HasBiTans )
shp . vertexAttributes . Add ( att2 ) ;
if ( ! HasTans )
DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox . Show ( "Mesh does not have tangets. Do you want to create them? (will make file size bigger)" , "" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) ;
FSHP . VertexAttribute att = new FSHP . VertexAttribute ( ) ;
att . Name = "_t0" ;
att . Format = ResGFX . AttribFormat . Format_10_10_10_2_SNorm ;
if ( dialogResult = = DialogResult . Yes )
if ( ! HasTans )
shp . vertexAttributes . Add ( att ) ;
shp . CalculateTangentBitangent ( ) ;
shp . SaveVertexBuffer ( ) ;
BFRESRender . UpdateVertexData ( ) ;
Cursor . Current = Cursors . Default ;
public void CopyMaterial ( FMAT selectedMaterial )
CopyMaterialMenu menu = new CopyMaterialMenu ( ) ;
menu . LoadMaterials ( selectedMaterial . Text , BFRESRender . models ) ;
if ( menu . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
foreach ( TreeNode mdl in menu . materialTreeView . Nodes )
foreach ( TreeNode n in mdl . Nodes )
if ( n . Checked )
if ( materials . ContainsKey ( n . Text ) )
SetCopiedMaterialData ( menu , selectedMaterial , materials [ n . Text ] ) ;
Viewport . Instance . UpdateViewport ( ) ;
private void SetCopiedMaterialData ( CopyMaterialMenu menu ,
FMAT selectedMaterial , FMAT targetMaterial )
targetMaterial . Material . Flags = selectedMaterial . Material . Flags ;
targetMaterial . Material . UserDatas = selectedMaterial . Material . UserDatas ;
targetMaterial . Material . UserDataDict = selectedMaterial . Material . UserDataDict ;
if ( menu . chkBoxRenderInfo . Checked )
targetMaterial . Material . RenderInfoDict = selectedMaterial . Material . RenderInfoDict ;
targetMaterial . Material . RenderInfos = selectedMaterial . Material . RenderInfos ;
if ( menu . chkBoxShaderOptions . Checked )
targetMaterial . Material . ShaderAssign = selectedMaterial . Material . ShaderAssign ;
if ( menu . chkBoxShaderParams . Checked )
targetMaterial . Material . ShaderParamData = selectedMaterial . Material . ShaderParamData ;
targetMaterial . Material . ShaderParamDict = selectedMaterial . Material . ShaderParamDict ;
targetMaterial . Material . ShaderParams = selectedMaterial . Material . ShaderParams ;
targetMaterial . Material . VolatileFlags = selectedMaterial . Material . VolatileFlags ;
if ( menu . chkBoxTextures . Checked )
targetMaterial . Material . SamplerDict = selectedMaterial . Material . SamplerDict ;
targetMaterial . Material . Samplers = selectedMaterial . Material . Samplers ;
targetMaterial . Material . SamplerSlotArray = selectedMaterial . Material . SamplerSlotArray ;
targetMaterial . Material . TextureSlotArray = selectedMaterial . Material . TextureSlotArray ;
targetMaterial . Material . TextureRefs = selectedMaterial . Material . TextureRefs ;
targetMaterial . ReadMaterial ( targetMaterial . Material ) ;
public void ExportAll ( )
FolderSelectDialog sfd = new FolderSelectDialog ( ) ;
List < string > Formats = new List < string > ( ) ;
Formats . Add ( "Bfres object (.bfobj)" ) ;
Formats . Add ( "CSV (.csv)" ) ;
if ( sfd . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
string folderPath = sfd . SelectedPath ;
TextureFormatExport form = new TextureFormatExport ( Formats ) ;
if ( form . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
foreach ( FSHP shp in shapes )
if ( form . Index = = 0 )
shp . ExportBinaryObject ( folderPath + '\\' + shp . Text + ".bfobj" ) ;
public void Export ( object sender , EventArgs args )
SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog ( ) ;
sfd . Filter = "Supported Formats|*.bfmdl;*.fbx;*.dae; *.obj;*.csv;|" +
"Bfres Model|*.bfmdl|" +
"FBX |*.fbx|" +
"DAE |*.dae|" +
"OBJ |*.obj|" +
"CSV |*.csv|" +
"All files(*.*)|*.*" ;
sfd . DefaultExt = ".bfobj" ;
sfd . FileName = Text ;
if ( sfd . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
string ext = System . IO . Path . GetExtension ( sfd . FileName ) ;
ext = ext . ToLower ( ) ;
switch ( ext )
case ".bfmdl" :
Model . Export ( sfd . FileName , BFRESRender . resFile ) ;
break ;
case ".csv" :
CsvModel csv = new CsvModel ( ) ;
foreach ( FSHP shape in shapes )
STGenericObject obj = new STGenericObject ( ) ;
obj . ObjectName = shape . Text ;
obj . vertices = shape . vertices ;
obj . faces = shape . lodMeshes [ shape . DisplayLODIndex ] . faces ;
csv . objects . Add ( obj ) ;
int CurVtx = 0 ;
foreach ( Vertex v in shape . vertices )
if ( v . boneIds [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
obj . vertices [ CurVtx ] . boneNames . Add ( shape . GetBoneNameFromIndex ( this , v . boneIds [ 0 ] ) ) ;
if ( v . boneIds [ 1 ] ! = 0 )
obj . vertices [ CurVtx ] . boneNames . Add ( shape . GetBoneNameFromIndex ( this , v . boneIds [ 1 ] ) ) ;
if ( v . boneIds [ 2 ] ! = 0 )
obj . vertices [ CurVtx ] . boneNames . Add ( shape . GetBoneNameFromIndex ( this , v . boneIds [ 2 ] ) ) ;
if ( v . boneIds [ 3 ] ! = 0 )
obj . vertices [ CurVtx ] . boneNames . Add ( shape . GetBoneNameFromIndex ( this , v . boneIds [ 3 ] ) ) ;
CurVtx + + ;
System . IO . File . WriteAllBytes ( sfd . FileName , csv . Save ( ) ) ;
break ;
default :
AssimpData assimp = new AssimpData ( ) ;
assimp . SaveFromModel ( this , sfd . FileName ) ;
break ;
public void Replace ( object sender , EventArgs args )
OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog ( ) ;
ofd . Filter = "Supported Formats|*.bfobj;*.fbx;*.dae;*.obj;*.csv;|" +
"Bfres Object (shape/vertices) |*.bfobj|" +
"FBX |*.fbx|" +
"DAE |*.dae|" +
"OBJ |*.obj|" +
"CSV |*.csv|" +
"All files(*.*)|*.*" ;
if ( ofd . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
AddOjects ( ofd . FileName ) ;
//Function addes shapes, vertices and meshes
public void AddOjects ( string FileName , bool Replace = true )
if ( Replace )
shapes . Clear ( ) ;
Nodes [ "FshpFolder" ] . Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
int MatStartIndex = materials . Count ;
string ext = System . IO . Path . GetExtension ( FileName ) ;
ext = ext . ToLower ( ) ;
switch ( ext )
case ".bfobj" :
Cursor . Current = Cursors . WaitCursor ;
Shape shpS = new Shape ( ) ;
VertexBuffer vertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer ( ) ;
shpS . Import ( FileName , vertexBuffer ) ;
FSHP shapeS = new FSHP ( ) ;
shapeS . Shape = shpS ;
shapeS . BFRESRender = BFRESRender ;
BfresSwitch . ReadShapesVertices ( shapeS , shpS , vertexBuffer , this ) ;
shapes . Add ( shapeS ) ;
Nodes [ "FshpFolder" ] . Nodes . Add ( shapeS ) ;
Cursor . Current = Cursors . Default ;
break ;
case ".bfmdl" :
Cursor . Current = Cursors . WaitCursor ;
shapes . Clear ( ) ;
Model mdl = new Model ( ) ;
mdl . Import ( FileName , BFRESRender . resFile ) ;
mdl . Name = Text ;
shapes . Clear ( ) ;
Nodes [ "FshpFolder" ] . Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
foreach ( Shape shp in mdl . Shapes )
FSHP shape = new FSHP ( ) ;
shape . Shape = shp ;
BfresSwitch . ReadShapesVertices ( shape , shp , mdl . VertexBuffers [ shp . VertexBufferIndex ] , this ) ;
shapes . Add ( shape ) ;
Nodes [ "FshpFolder" ] . Nodes . Add ( shape ) ;
Cursor . Current = Cursors . Default ;
break ;
case ".csv" :
CsvModel csvModel = new CsvModel ( ) ;
csvModel . LoadFile ( FileName , true ) ;
if ( csvModel . objects . Count = = 0 )
MessageBox . Show ( "No models found!" ) ;
return ;
BfresModelImportSettings csvsettings = new BfresModelImportSettings ( ) ;
csvsettings . DisableMaterialEdits ( ) ;
csvsettings . SetModelAttributes ( csvModel . objects [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( csvsettings . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
Cursor . Current = Cursors . WaitCursor ;
foreach ( STGenericObject obj in csvModel . objects )
FSHP shape = new FSHP ( ) ;
shape . VertexBufferIndex = shapes . Count ;
shape . vertices = obj . vertices ;
shape . MaterialIndex = 0 ;
shape . VertexSkinCount = obj . GetMaxSkinInfluenceCount ( ) ;
shape . vertexAttributes = csvsettings . CreateNewAttributes ( ) ;
shape . boneIndx = 0 ;
shape . Text = obj . ObjectName ;
shape . lodMeshes = obj . lodMeshes ;
shape . CreateNewBoundingBoxes ( ) ;
shape . CreateBoneList ( obj , this ) ;
shape . CreateIndexList ( obj , this ) ;
2018-11-18 12:09:54 -05:00
shape . ApplyImportSettings ( csvsettings , GetMaterial ( shape . MaterialIndex ) ) ;
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
shape . SaveShape ( ) ;
shape . SaveVertexBuffer ( ) ;
shape . BFRESRender = BFRESRender ;
shape . BoneIndices = new List < ushort > ( ) ;
Nodes [ "FshpFolder" ] . Nodes . Add ( shape ) ;
shapes . Add ( shape ) ;
Cursor . Current = Cursors . Default ;
break ;
default :
AssimpData assimp = new AssimpData ( ) ;
assimp . LoadFile ( FileName ) ;
if ( assimp . objects . Count = = 0 )
MessageBox . Show ( "No models found!" ) ;
return ;
BfresModelImportSettings settings = new BfresModelImportSettings ( ) ;
2018-11-18 19:03:27 -05:00
if ( BFRES . IsWiiU )
settings . DisableMaterialEdits ( ) ;
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
settings . SetModelAttributes ( assimp . objects [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( settings . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
Cursor . Current = Cursors . WaitCursor ;
2018-11-18 19:03:27 -05:00
if ( ! BFRES . IsWiiU & & Replace )
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
materials . Clear ( ) ;
Nodes [ "FmatFolder" ] . Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
MatStartIndex = 0 ;
2018-11-18 19:03:27 -05:00
if ( ! BFRES . IsWiiU )
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
2018-11-18 19:03:27 -05:00
foreach ( STGenericMaterial mat in assimp . materials )
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
2018-11-18 19:03:27 -05:00
FMAT fmat = new FMAT ( ) ;
fmat . Material = new Material ( ) ;
if ( settings . ExternalMaterialPath ! = string . Empty )
fmat . Material . Import ( settings . ExternalMaterialPath ) ;
fmat . ReadMaterial ( fmat . Material ) ;
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
2018-11-18 19:03:27 -05:00
fmat . Text = mat . Text ;
//Setup placeholder textures
//Note we can't add/remove samplers so we must fill these slots
foreach ( var t in fmat . textures )
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
2018-11-18 19:03:27 -05:00
t . wrapModeS = 0 ;
t . wrapModeT = 0 ;
switch ( t . Type )
case STGenericMatTexture . TextureType . Diffuse :
t . Name = "Basic_Alb" ;
break ;
case STGenericMatTexture . TextureType . Emission :
t . Name = "Basic_Emm" ;
break ;
case STGenericMatTexture . TextureType . Normal :
t . Name = "Basic_Nrm" ;
break ;
case STGenericMatTexture . TextureType . Specular :
t . Name = "Basic_Spm" ;
break ;
case STGenericMatTexture . TextureType . SphereMap :
t . Name = "Basic_Sphere" ;
break ;
case STGenericMatTexture . TextureType . Metalness :
t . Name = "Basic_Mtl" ;
break ;
case STGenericMatTexture . TextureType . Roughness :
t . Name = "Basic_Rgh" ;
break ;
case STGenericMatTexture . TextureType . MRA :
t . Name = "Basic_MRA" ;
break ;
case STGenericMatTexture . TextureType . Shadow :
t . Name = "Basic_Bake_st0" ;
break ;
case STGenericMatTexture . TextureType . Light :
t . Name = "Basic_Bake_st1" ;
break ;
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
2018-11-18 19:03:27 -05:00
if ( PluginRuntime . bntxContainers . Count > 0 )
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
2018-11-18 19:03:27 -05:00
foreach ( var node in Parent . Parent . Nodes [ "EXT" ] . Nodes )
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
2018-11-18 19:03:27 -05:00
if ( node is BinaryTextureContainer )
var bntx = ( BinaryTextureContainer ) node ;
bntx . ImportBasicTextures ( "Basic_Alb" ) ;
bntx . ImportBasicTextures ( "Basic_Nrm" ) ;
bntx . ImportBasicTextures ( "Basic_Spm" ) ;
bntx . ImportBasicTextures ( "Basic_Sphere" ) ;
bntx . ImportBasicTextures ( "Basic_Mtl" ) ;
bntx . ImportBasicTextures ( "Basic_Rgh" ) ;
bntx . ImportBasicTextures ( "Basic_MRA" ) ;
bntx . ImportBasicTextures ( "Basic_Bake_st0" ) ;
bntx . ImportBasicTextures ( "Basic_Bake_st1" ) ;
bntx . ImportBasicTextures ( "Basic_Emm" ) ;
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
2018-11-18 19:03:27 -05:00
foreach ( var tex in mat . TextureMaps )
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
2018-11-18 19:03:27 -05:00
foreach ( var t in fmat . textures )
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
2018-11-18 19:03:27 -05:00
if ( t . Type = = tex . Type )
t . Name = tex . Name ;
t . wrapModeS = tex . wrapModeS ;
t . wrapModeT = tex . wrapModeT ;
t . wrapModeW = tex . wrapModeW ;
t . Type = tex . Type ;
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
2018-11-18 19:03:27 -05:00
fmat . Material . Name = Text ;
fmat . SetMaterial ( fmat . Material ) ;
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
2018-11-18 19:03:27 -05:00
List < string > keyList = new List < string > ( materials . Keys ) ;
fmat . Text = Utils . RenameDuplicateString ( keyList , fmat . Text ) ;
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
2018-11-18 19:03:27 -05:00
materials . Add ( fmat . Text , fmat ) ;
Nodes [ "FmatFolder" ] . Nodes . Add ( fmat ) ;
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
2018-11-18 19:03:27 -05:00
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
foreach ( STGenericObject obj in assimp . objects )
FSHP shape = new FSHP ( ) ;
shape . VertexBufferIndex = shapes . Count ;
shape . vertices = obj . vertices ;
shape . VertexSkinCount = obj . MaxSkinInfluenceCount ;
shape . vertexAttributes = settings . CreateNewAttributes ( ) ;
shape . boneIndx = obj . BoneIndex ;
shape . MaterialIndex = obj . MaterialIndex + MatStartIndex ;
2018-11-18 19:03:27 -05:00
if ( BFRES . IsWiiU )
shape . MaterialIndex = 0 ;
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
shape . Text = obj . ObjectName ;
shape . lodMeshes = obj . lodMeshes ;
shape . CreateNewBoundingBoxes ( ) ;
shape . CreateBoneList ( obj , this ) ;
shape . CreateIndexList ( obj , this ) ;
2018-11-18 12:09:54 -05:00
shape . ApplyImportSettings ( settings , GetMaterial ( shape . MaterialIndex ) ) ;
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
shape . SaveShape ( ) ;
shape . SaveVertexBuffer ( ) ;
shape . BFRESRender = BFRESRender ;
shape . BoneIndices = new List < ushort > ( ) ;
List < string > keyList = shapes . Select ( o = > o . Text ) . ToList ( ) ;
shape . Text = Utils . RenameDuplicateString ( keyList , shape . Text ) ;
Nodes [ "FshpFolder" ] . Nodes . Add ( shape ) ;
shapes . Add ( shape ) ;
Cursor . Current = Cursors . Default ;
break ;
BFRESRender . UpdateVertexData ( ) ;
2018-11-18 12:09:54 -05:00
public FMAT GetMaterial ( int index )
return materials . Values . ElementAt ( index ) ;
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
public void AddMaterials ( string FileName , bool Replace = true )
string ext = System . IO . Path . GetExtension ( FileName ) ;
ext = ext . ToLower ( ) ;
switch ( ext )
case ".bfmat" :
Cursor . Current = Cursors . WaitCursor ;
if ( Replace )
materials . Clear ( ) ;
Nodes [ "FmatFolder" ] . Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
FMAT mat = new FMAT ( ) ;
mat . Material = new Material ( ) ;
mat . Material . Import ( FileName ) ;
mat . ReadMaterial ( mat . Material ) ;
mat . BFRESRender = BFRESRender ;
mat . Text = mat . Material . Name ;
materials . Add ( mat . Text , mat ) ;
Nodes [ "FmatFolder" ] . Nodes . Add ( mat ) ;
break ;
public override void OnClick ( TreeView treeView )
private void CreateSkeleton ( )
private void CreateBones ( STBone bone )
Bone bn = new Bone ( ) ;
bn . BillboardIndex = ( ushort ) bone . BillboardIndex ;
bn . Flags = BoneFlags . Visible ;
bn . FlagsRotation = BoneFlagsRotation . EulerXYZ ;
bn . FlagsTransform = BoneFlagsTransform . None ;
bn . FlagsTransformCumulative = BoneFlagsTransformCumulative . None ;
bn . Name = bone . Text ;
bn . RigidMatrixIndex = 0 ;
bn . Rotation = new Syroot . Maths . Vector4F ( bone . rotation [ 0 ] ,
bone . rotation [ 1 ] , bone . rotation [ 2 ] , bone . rotation [ 3 ] ) ;
bn . Position = new Syroot . Maths . Vector3F ( bone . position [ 0 ] ,
bone . position [ 1 ] , bone . position [ 2 ] ) ;
bn . Scale = new Syroot . Maths . Vector3F ( bone . scale [ 0 ] ,
bone . scale [ 1 ] , bone . scale [ 2 ] ) ;
bn . UserData = new List < UserData > ( ) ;
bn . UserDataDict = new ResDict ( ) ;
public FSKL Skeleton
return skeleton ;
skeleton = value ;
private FSKL skeleton = new FSKL ( ) ;
public class FMAT : STGenericMaterial
public FMAT ( )
Checked = true ;
ImageKey = "material" ;
SelectedImageKey = "material" ;
ContextMenu = new ContextMenu ( ) ;
MenuItem export = new MenuItem ( "Export" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( export ) ;
export . Click + = Export ;
MenuItem replace = new MenuItem ( "Replace" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( replace ) ;
replace . Click + = Replace ;
MenuItem copy = new MenuItem ( "Copy" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( copy ) ;
copy . Click + = Copy ;
MenuItem rename = new MenuItem ( "Rename" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( rename ) ;
rename . Click + = Rename ;
public BFRESRender BFRESRender ;
public bool Enabled = true ;
public override void OnClick ( TreeView treeView )
FormLoader . LoadMatEditor ( this ) ;
public bool EditorIsActive ( DockContent dock )
foreach ( Control ctrl in dock . Controls )
if ( ctrl is FMATEditor )
( ( FMATEditor ) ctrl ) . LoadMaterial ( this , BFRESRender ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
public void SetActiveGame ( )
string ShaderName = shaderassign . ShaderArchive ;
string ShaderModel = shaderassign . ShaderModel ;
if ( ShaderName = = "alRenderMaterial" | | ShaderName = = "alRenderCloudLayer" | | ShaderName = = "alRenderSky" )
Runtime . activeGame = Runtime . ActiveGame . SMO ;
else if ( ShaderName = = "Turbo_UBER" )
Runtime . activeGame = Runtime . ActiveGame . MK8D ;
else if ( ShaderName . Contains ( "uking_mat" ) )
Runtime . activeGame = Runtime . ActiveGame . BOTW ;
else if ( ShaderName . Contains ( "Blitz_UBER" ) )
Runtime . activeGame = Runtime . ActiveGame . Splatoon2 ;
Runtime . activeGame = Runtime . ActiveGame . KSA ;
private void Rename ( object sender , EventArgs args )
RenameDialog dialog = new RenameDialog ( ) ;
dialog . SetString ( Text ) ;
if ( dialog . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
( ( FMDL ) Parent . Parent ) . materials . Remove ( Text ) ;
Text = dialog . textBox1 . Text ;
( ( FMDL ) Parent . Parent ) . materials . Add ( Text , this ) ;
private void Copy ( object sender , EventArgs args )
( ( FMDL ) Parent . Parent ) . CopyMaterial ( this ) ;
private void Export ( object sender , EventArgs args )
SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog ( ) ;
sfd . Filter = "Supported Formats|*.bfmat;" ;
sfd . DefaultExt = ".bfmat" ;
sfd . FileName = Text ;
if ( sfd . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
Material . Export ( sfd . FileName , BFRESRender . resFile ) ;
private void Replace ( object sender , EventArgs args )
OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog ( ) ;
ofd . Filter = "Supported Formats|*.bfmat;" ;
if ( ofd . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
Material . Import ( ofd . FileName ) ;
Material . Name = Text ;
BfresSwitch . ReadMaterial ( this , Material ) ;
public Dictionary < string , float [ ] > anims = new Dictionary < string , float [ ] > ( ) ;
public Dictionary < string , int > Samplers = new Dictionary < string , int > ( ) ;
public List < MatTexture > textures = new List < MatTexture > ( ) ;
public List < BfresRenderInfo > renderinfo = new List < BfresRenderInfo > ( ) ;
public List < SamplerInfo > samplerinfo = new List < SamplerInfo > ( ) ;
public Dictionary < string , BfresShaderParam > matparam = new Dictionary < string , BfresShaderParam > ( ) ;
public Material Material ;
public ResU . Material MaterialU ;
public ShaderAssign shaderassign = new ShaderAssign ( ) ;
public class ShaderAssign
public string ShaderModel = "" ;
public string ShaderArchive = "" ;
public Dictionary < string , string > options = new Dictionary < string , string > ( ) ;
public Dictionary < string , string > samplers = new Dictionary < string , string > ( ) ;
public Dictionary < string , string > attributes = new Dictionary < string , string > ( ) ;
public class SamplerInfo
public int WrapModeU ;
public int WrapModeV ;
public int WrapModeW ;
public bool HasDiffuseMap = false ;
public bool HasNormalMap = false ;
public bool HasSpecularMap = false ;
public bool HasEmissionMap = false ;
public bool HasDiffuseLayer = false ;
public bool HasTeamColorMap = false ; //Splatoon uses this (TLC)
public bool HasTransparencyMap = false ;
public bool HasShadowMap = false ;
public bool HasAmbientOcclusionMap = false ;
public bool HasLightMap = false ;
public bool HasSphereMap = false ;
public bool HasSubSurfaceScatteringMap = false ;
//PBR (Switch) data
public bool HasMetalnessMap = false ;
public bool HasRoughnessMap = false ;
public bool HasMRA = false ;
public class BfresShaderParam
public ShaderParamType Type ;
public string Name ;
public float [ ] ValueFloat ;
public bool [ ] ValueBool ;
public uint [ ] ValueUint ;
public int [ ] ValueInt ;
public byte [ ] ValueReserved ;
public Srt2D ValueSrt2D ;
public Srt3D ValueSrt3D ;
public TexSrt ValueTexSrt ;
public TexSrtEx ValueTexSrtEx ;
//If a data set is not defined then defaults in this to save back properly
//Note this may be rarely needed or not at all
public byte [ ] Value_Unk ;
private void ReadSRT2D ( FileReader reader )
ValueSrt2D = new Srt2D ( ) ;
ValueSrt2D . Scaling = reader . ReadVec2SY ( ) ;
ValueSrt2D . Rotation = reader . ReadSingle ( ) ;
ValueSrt2D . Translation = reader . ReadVec2SY ( ) ;
private void ReadSRT3D ( FileReader reader )
ValueSrt3D = new Srt3D ( ) ;
ValueSrt3D . Scaling = reader . ReadVec3SY ( ) ;
ValueSrt3D . Rotation = reader . ReadVec3SY ( ) ;
ValueSrt3D . Translation = reader . ReadVec3SY ( ) ;
private void ReadTexSrt ( FileReader reader )
ValueTexSrt = new TexSrt ( ) ;
ValueTexSrt . Mode = reader . ReadEnum < TexSrtMode > ( false ) ;
ValueTexSrt . Scaling = reader . ReadVec2SY ( ) ;
ValueTexSrt . Rotation = reader . ReadSingle ( ) ;
ValueTexSrt . Translation = reader . ReadVec2SY ( ) ;
private void ReadTexSrtEx ( FileReader reader )
ValueTexSrtEx = new TexSrtEx ( ) ;
ValueTexSrtEx . Mode = reader . ReadEnum < TexSrtMode > ( true ) ;
ValueTexSrtEx . Scaling = reader . ReadVec2SY ( ) ;
ValueTexSrtEx . Rotation = reader . ReadSingle ( ) ;
ValueTexSrtEx . Translation = reader . ReadVec2SY ( ) ;
ValueTexSrtEx . MatrixPointer = reader . ReadUInt32 ( ) ;
public ShaderParamType GetTypeWiiU ( ResU . ShaderParamType type )
return ( ShaderParamType ) System . Enum . Parse ( typeof ( ShaderParamType ) , type . ToString ( ) ) ;
public ResU . ShaderParamType SetTypeWiiU ( ShaderParamType type )
return ( ResU . ShaderParamType ) System . Enum . Parse ( typeof ( ResU . ShaderParamType ) , type . ToString ( ) ) ;
public void ReadValue ( FileReader reader , int Size )
switch ( Type )
case ShaderParamType . Bool :
case ShaderParamType . Bool2 :
case ShaderParamType . Bool3 :
case ShaderParamType . Bool4 :
ValueBool = reader . ReadBooleans ( Size / sizeof ( bool ) ) ; break ;
case ShaderParamType . Float :
case ShaderParamType . Float2 :
case ShaderParamType . Float3 :
case ShaderParamType . Float4 :
case ShaderParamType . Float2x2 :
case ShaderParamType . Float2x3 :
case ShaderParamType . Float2x4 :
case ShaderParamType . Float4x2 :
case ShaderParamType . Float4x3 :
case ShaderParamType . Float4x4 :
ValueFloat = reader . ReadSingles ( Size / sizeof ( float ) ) ; break ;
case ShaderParamType . Int :
case ShaderParamType . Int2 :
case ShaderParamType . Int3 :
case ShaderParamType . Int4 :
ValueInt = reader . ReadInt32s ( Size / sizeof ( int ) ) ; break ;
case ShaderParamType . Reserved2 :
case ShaderParamType . Reserved3 :
case ShaderParamType . Reserved4 :
ValueReserved = reader . ReadBytes ( Size / sizeof ( byte ) ) ; break ;
case ShaderParamType . Srt2D :
ReadSRT2D ( reader ) ; break ;
case ShaderParamType . Srt3D :
ReadSRT3D ( reader ) ; break ;
case ShaderParamType . TexSrt :
ReadTexSrt ( reader ) ; break ;
case ShaderParamType . TexSrtEx :
ReadTexSrtEx ( reader ) ; break ;
case ShaderParamType . UInt :
case ShaderParamType . UInt2 :
case ShaderParamType . UInt3 :
case ShaderParamType . UInt4 :
ValueUint = reader . ReadUInt32s ( Size / sizeof ( uint ) ) ; break ;
// Invalid
default :
throw new ArgumentException ( $"Invalid {nameof(ShaderParamType)} {Type}." ,
nameof ( Type ) ) ;
public void WriteValue ( FileWriter writer )
switch ( Type )
case ShaderParamType . Bool :
case ShaderParamType . Bool2 :
case ShaderParamType . Bool3 :
case ShaderParamType . Bool4 :
writer . Write ( ValueBool ) ; break ;
case ShaderParamType . Float :
case ShaderParamType . Float2 :
case ShaderParamType . Float3 :
case ShaderParamType . Float4 :
case ShaderParamType . Float2x2 :
case ShaderParamType . Float2x3 :
case ShaderParamType . Float2x4 :
case ShaderParamType . Float4x2 :
case ShaderParamType . Float4x3 :
case ShaderParamType . Float4x4 :
writer . Write ( ValueFloat ) ; break ;
case ShaderParamType . Int :
case ShaderParamType . Int2 :
case ShaderParamType . Int3 :
case ShaderParamType . Int4 :
writer . Write ( ValueInt ) ; break ;
case ShaderParamType . Reserved2 :
case ShaderParamType . Reserved3 :
case ShaderParamType . Reserved4 :
writer . Write ( ValueInt ) ; break ;
case ShaderParamType . Srt2D :
WriteSRT2D ( writer ) ; break ;
case ShaderParamType . Srt3D :
WriteSRT3D ( writer ) ; break ;
case ShaderParamType . TexSrt :
WriteTexSrt ( writer ) ; break ;
case ShaderParamType . TexSrtEx :
WriteTexSrtEx ( writer ) ; break ;
case ShaderParamType . UInt :
case ShaderParamType . UInt2 :
case ShaderParamType . UInt3 :
case ShaderParamType . UInt4 :
writer . Write ( ValueUint ) ; break ;
// Invalid
default :
throw new ArgumentException ( $"Invalid {nameof(ShaderParamType)} {Type}." ,
nameof ( Type ) ) ;
private void WriteSRT2D ( FileWriter writer )
writer . Write ( ValueSrt2D . Scaling ) ;
writer . Write ( ValueSrt2D . Rotation ) ;
writer . Write ( ValueSrt2D . Translation ) ;
private void WriteSRT3D ( FileWriter writer )
writer . Write ( ValueSrt3D . Scaling ) ;
writer . Write ( ValueSrt3D . Rotation ) ;
writer . Write ( ValueSrt3D . Translation ) ;
private void WriteTexSrt ( FileWriter writer )
writer . Write ( ( uint ) ValueTexSrt . Mode ) ;
writer . Write ( ValueTexSrt . Scaling ) ;
writer . Write ( ValueTexSrt . Rotation ) ;
writer . Write ( ValueTexSrt . Translation ) ;
private void WriteTexSrtEx ( FileWriter writer )
writer . Write ( ( uint ) ValueTexSrtEx . Mode ) ;
writer . Write ( ValueTexSrtEx . Scaling ) ;
writer . Write ( ValueTexSrtEx . Rotation ) ;
writer . Write ( ValueTexSrtEx . Translation ) ;
writer . Write ( ValueTexSrtEx . MatrixPointer ) ;
public class BfresRenderInfo
public string Name ;
public long DataOffset ;
public RenderInfoType Type ;
public int ArrayLength ;
//Data Section by "Type"
public int [ ] ValueInt ;
public string [ ] ValueString ;
public float [ ] ValueFloat ;
public RenderInfoType GetTypeWiiU ( ResU . RenderInfoType type )
return ( RenderInfoType ) System . Enum . Parse ( typeof ( RenderInfoType ) , type . ToString ( ) ) ;
public ResU . RenderInfoType SetTypeWiiU ( RenderInfoType type )
return ( ResU . RenderInfoType ) System . Enum . Parse ( typeof ( ResU . RenderInfoType ) , type . ToString ( ) ) ;
public class MatTexture : STGenericMatTexture
public int hash ;
public string SamplerName ;
//Note samplers will get converted to another sampler type sometimes in the shader assign section
//Use this string if not empty for our bfres fragment shader to produce the accurate affects
//An example of a conversion maybe be like a1 - t0 so texture gets used as a transparent map/alpha texture
public string FragShaderSampler = "" ;
public MatTexture ( )
public class FSHP : STGenericObject
public FSHP ( )
Checked = true ;
ImageKey = "mesh" ;
SelectedImageKey = "mesh" ;
ContextMenu = new ContextMenu ( ) ;
MenuItem export = new MenuItem ( "Export Mesh" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( export ) ;
export . Click + = Export ;
MenuItem replace = new MenuItem ( "Replace Mesh" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( replace ) ;
replace . Click + = Replace ;
MenuItem remove = new MenuItem ( "Delete Mesh" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( remove ) ;
remove . Click + = Remove ;
MenuItem calcTansBitans = new MenuItem ( "Recalulate Tangents/Bitangents" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( calcTansBitans ) ;
calcTansBitans . Click + = CalcTansBitans ;
MenuItem flipUVsY = new MenuItem ( "Flip UVs (Vertical)" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( flipUVsY ) ;
flipUVsY . Click + = FlipUvsVertical ;
MenuItem flipUVsX = new MenuItem ( "Flip UVs (Horizontal)" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( flipUVsX ) ;
flipUVsX . Click + = FlipUvsHorizontal ;
MenuItem normals = new MenuItem ( "Normals" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( normals ) ;
MenuItem smoothNormals = new MenuItem ( "Smooth" ) ;
normals . MenuItems . Add ( smoothNormals ) ;
smoothNormals . Click + = SmoothNormals ;
MenuItem recalculateNormals = new MenuItem ( "Recalculate" ) ;
normals . MenuItems . Add ( recalculateNormals ) ;
recalculateNormals . Click + = RecalculateNormals ;
MenuItem matEditor = new MenuItem ( "Open Material Editor" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( matEditor ) ;
matEditor . Click + = OpenMaterialEditor ;
MenuItem rename = new MenuItem ( "Rename" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( rename ) ;
rename . Click + = Rename ;
public BFRESRender BFRESRender ;
public FMATEditor editor ;
public int ModelIndex ; //For getting the model the shape is in
public VertexBuffer VertexBuffer ;
public Shape Shape ;
public ResU . VertexBuffer VertexBufferU ;
public ResU . Shape ShapeU ;
public FMAT GetMaterial ( )
return ( ( FMDL ) Parent . Parent ) . materials . Values . ElementAt ( MaterialIndex ) ;
public void SetMaterial ( FMAT material )
( ( FMDL ) Parent . Parent ) . materials [ material . Text ] = material ;
public override void OnClick ( TreeView treeView )
2018-11-11 20:51:12 -05:00
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
FormLoader . LoadShapeEditor ( this ) ;
private void SmoothNormals ( object sender , EventArgs args )
Cursor . Current = Cursors . WaitCursor ;
SmoothNormals ( ) ;
SaveVertexBuffer ( ) ;
BFRESRender . UpdateVertexData ( ) ;
Cursor . Current = Cursors . Default ;
private void RecalculateNormals ( object sender , EventArgs args )
Cursor . Current = Cursors . WaitCursor ;
CalculateNormals ( ) ;
SaveVertexBuffer ( ) ;
BFRESRender . UpdateVertexData ( ) ;
Cursor . Current = Cursors . Default ;
private void Rename ( object sender , EventArgs args )
RenameDialog dialog = new RenameDialog ( ) ;
dialog . SetString ( Text ) ;
if ( dialog . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
Text = dialog . textBox1 . Text ;
private void Remove ( object sender , EventArgs args )
DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox . Show ( "Are you sure you want to remove this object? This cannot be undone!" , "" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) ;
if ( dialogResult = = DialogResult . Yes )
( ( FMDL ) Parent . Parent ) . shapes . Remove ( this ) ;
( ( FMDL ) Parent . Parent ) . BFRESRender . UpdateVertexData ( ) ;
Parent . Nodes . Remove ( this ) ;
2018-11-18 12:09:54 -05:00
public void ApplyImportSettings ( BfresModelImportSettings settings , FMAT mat )
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
if ( settings . FlipUVsVertical )
foreach ( Vertex v in vertices )
v . uv0 = new Vector2 ( v . uv0 . X , 1 - v . uv0 . Y ) ;
if ( settings . RecalculateNormals )
CalculateNormals ( ) ;
if ( settings . Rotate90DegreesY )
TransformPosition ( Vector3 . Zero , new Vector3 ( 90 , 0 , 0 ) , new Vector3 ( 1 ) ) ;
if ( settings . Rotate90DegreesNegativeY )
TransformPosition ( Vector3 . Zero , new Vector3 ( - 90 , 0 , 0 ) , new Vector3 ( 1 ) ) ;
if ( settings . EnableTangents )
CalculateTangentBitangent ( ) ;
MessageBox . Show ( $"Failed to generate tangents for mesh {Text}" ) ;
2018-11-18 12:09:54 -05:00
if ( settings . SetDefaultParamData )
foreach ( var param in mat . matparam . Values )
switch ( param . Name )
case "const_color0" :
case "const_color1" :
case "const_color2" :
case "const_color3" :
case "base_color_mul_color" :
case "uniform0_mul_color" :
case "uniform1_mul_color" :
case "uniform2_mul_color" :
case "uniform3_mul_color" :
case "uniform4_mul_color" :
case "proc_texture_2d_mul_color" :
case "proc_texture_3d_mul_color" :
case "displacement1_color" :
case "ripple_emission_color" :
case "hack_color" :
case "stain_color" :
case "displacement_color" :
param . ValueFloat = new float [ ] { 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 } ;
break ;
case "gsys_bake_st0" :
param . ValueFloat = new float [ ] { 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 } ;
break ;
case "gsys_bake_st1" :
param . ValueFloat = new float [ ] { 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 } ;
break ;
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
public void TransformPosition ( Vector3 Position , Vector3 Rotation , Vector3 Scale )
Matrix4 BonePosExtra = Utils . TransformValues ( Position , Rotation , Scale ) ;
foreach ( Vertex v in vertices )
v . pos = Vector3 . TransformPosition ( v . pos , BonePosExtra ) ;
v . nrm = Vector3 . TransformNormal ( v . pos , BonePosExtra ) ;
private void OpenMaterialEditor ( object sender , EventArgs args )
FormLoader . LoadMatEditor ( GetMaterial ( ) ) ;
private void CalcTansBitans ( object sender , EventArgs args )
Cursor . Current = Cursors . WaitCursor ;
bool HasTans = vertexAttributes . Any ( x = > x . Name = = "_t0" ) ;
bool HasBiTans = vertexAttributes . Any ( x = > x . Name = = "_b0" ) ;
if ( ! HasUV0 ( ) )
MessageBox . Show ( $"Error! {Text} does not have UVs!" , "" , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Error ) ;
return ;
if ( ! HasBiTans )
DialogResult dialogResult2 = MessageBox . Show ( "Mesh does not have bitangents. Do you want to create them? (will make file size bigger)" , "" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) ;
VertexAttribute att2 = new VertexAttribute ( ) ;
att2 . Name = "_b0" ;
att2 . Format = ResGFX . AttribFormat . Format_10_10_10_2_SNorm ;
if ( dialogResult2 = = DialogResult . Yes )
if ( ! HasBiTans )
vertexAttributes . Add ( att2 ) ;
if ( ! HasTans )
DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox . Show ( "Mesh does not have tangets. Do you want to create them? (will make file size bigger)" , "" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) ;
VertexAttribute att = new VertexAttribute ( ) ;
att . Name = "_t0" ;
att . Format = ResGFX . AttribFormat . Format_10_10_10_2_SNorm ;
if ( dialogResult = = DialogResult . Yes )
if ( ! HasTans )
vertexAttributes . Add ( att ) ;
CalculateTangentBitangent ( ) ;
SaveVertexBuffer ( ) ;
BFRESRender . UpdateVertexData ( ) ;
Cursor . Current = Cursors . Default ;
public bool HasUV0 ( )
return vertexAttributes . Any ( x = > x . Name = = "_u0" ) ;
public bool HasUV1 ( )
return vertexAttributes . Any ( x = > x . Name = = "_u1" ) ;
public bool HasUV2 ( )
return vertexAttributes . Any ( x = > x . Name = = "_u2" ) ;
public void FlipUvsVertical ( object sender , EventArgs args )
if ( ! HasUV0 ( ) )
MessageBox . Show ( $"Error! {Text} does not have UVs!" , "" , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Error ) ;
return ;
FlipUvsVertical ( ) ;
SaveVertexBuffer ( ) ;
BFRESRender . UpdateVertexData ( ) ;
public void FlipUvsHorizontal ( object sender , EventArgs args )
if ( ! HasUV0 ( ) )
MessageBox . Show ( $"Error! {Text} does not have UVs!" , "" , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Error ) ;
return ;
FlipUvsHorizontal ( ) ;
SaveVertexBuffer ( ) ;
BFRESRender . UpdateVertexData ( ) ;
public void ExportMaterials ( object sender , EventArgs args )
SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog ( ) ;
sfd . Filter = "Materials|*.bfmat;" ;
sfd . DefaultExt = ".bfmat" ;
sfd . FileName = GetMaterial ( ) . Text ;
if ( sfd . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
GetMaterial ( ) . Material . Export ( sfd . FileName , BFRESRender . resFile ) ;
public void ReplaceMaterials ( object sender , EventArgs args )
OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog ( ) ;
ofd . Filter = "Materials|*.bfmat;" ;
ofd . DefaultExt = ".bfmat" ;
ofd . FileName = GetMaterial ( ) . Text ;
if ( ofd . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
GetMaterial ( ) . Material . Import ( ofd . FileName ) ;
public void Export ( object sender , EventArgs args )
SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog ( ) ;
sfd . Filter = "Supported Formats|*.bfobj;*.fbx;*.dae; *.obj;|" +
"Bfres Object (shape/vertices) |*.bfobj|" +
"FBX |*.fbx|" +
"DAE |*.dae|" +
"OBJ |*.obj|" +
"All files(*.*)|*.*" ;
sfd . DefaultExt = ".bfobj" ;
sfd . FileName = Text ;
if ( sfd . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
string ext = System . IO . Path . GetExtension ( sfd . FileName ) ;
ext = ext . ToLower ( ) ;
switch ( ext )
case ".bfobj" :
ExportBinaryObject ( sfd . FileName ) ;
break ;
default :
AssimpData assimp = new AssimpData ( ) ;
assimp . SaveFromObject ( vertices , lodMeshes [ DisplayLODIndex ] . faces , Text , sfd . FileName ) ;
break ;
public void ExportBinaryObject ( string FileName )
Shape . Export ( FileName , BFRESRender . resFile ) ;
public void Replace ( object sender , EventArgs args )
OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog ( ) ;
ofd . Filter = "Supported Formats|*.bfobj;*.fbx;*.dae; *.obj;|" +
"Bfres Object (shape/vertices) |*.bfobj|" +
"FBX |*.fbx|" +
"DAE |*.dae|" +
"OBJ |*.obj|" +
"All files(*.*)|*.*" ;
if ( ofd . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
string ext = System . IO . Path . GetExtension ( ofd . FileName ) ;
ext = ext . ToLower ( ) ;
switch ( ext )
case ".bfobj" :
Shape shp = new Shape ( ) ;
shp . Import ( ofd . FileName , VertexBuffer ) ;
shp . Name = Text ;
shp . MaterialIndex = ( ushort ) MaterialIndex ;
BfresSwitch . ReadShapesVertices ( this , shp , VertexBuffer , BFRESRender . models [ ModelIndex ] ) ;
break ;
default :
AssimpData assimp = new AssimpData ( ) ;
assimp . LoadFile ( ofd . FileName ) ;
AssimpMeshSelector selector = new AssimpMeshSelector ( ) ;
selector . LoadMeshes ( assimp , Index ) ;
if ( selector . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
if ( assimp . objects . Count = = 0 )
MessageBox . Show ( "No models found!" ) ;
return ;
BfresModelImportSettings settings = new BfresModelImportSettings ( ) ;
settings . SetModelAttributes ( assimp . objects [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( settings . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
GenericObject obj = selector . GetSelectedMesh ( ) ;
Cursor . Current = Cursors . WaitCursor ;
VertexBufferIndex = obj . VertexBufferIndex ;
vertices = obj . vertices ;
CreateBoneList ( obj , ( FMDL ) Parent . Parent ) ;
VertexSkinCount = obj . MaxSkinInfluenceCount ;
vertexAttributes = settings . CreateNewAttributes ( ) ;
lodMeshes = obj . lodMeshes ;
CreateNewBoundingBoxes ( ) ;
SaveShape ( ) ;
SaveVertexBuffer ( ) ;
Cursor . Current = Cursors . Default ;
break ;
BFRESRender . UpdateVertexData ( ) ;
public void CreateIndexList ( GenericObject ob , FMDL mdl = null )
BoneIndices = new List < ushort > ( ) ;
List < string > boneNames = new List < string > ( ) ;
foreach ( Vertex v in ob . vertices )
foreach ( string bn in v . boneNames )
if ( ! boneNames . Contains ( bn ) )
boneNames . Add ( bn ) ;
int index = 0 ;
foreach ( STBone bone in mdl . Skeleton . bones )
foreach ( string bnam in boneNames )
if ( bone . Text = = bnam )
BoneIndices . Add ( ( ushort ) index ) ;
index + + ;
public void CreateBoneList ( GenericObject ob , FMDL mdl )
string [ ] nodeArrStrings = new string [ mdl . Skeleton . Node_Array . Length ] ;
int CurNode = 0 ;
foreach ( int thing in mdl . Skeleton . Node_Array )
nodeArrStrings [ CurNode + + ] = mdl . Skeleton . bones [ thing ] . Text ;
foreach ( Vertex v in ob . vertices )
foreach ( string bn in v . boneNames )
foreach ( var defBn in nodeArrStrings . Select ( ( Value , Index ) = > new { Value , Index } ) )
if ( bn = = defBn . Value )
v . boneIds . Add ( defBn . Index ) ;
public void CreateNewBoundingBoxes ( )
boundingBoxes . Clear ( ) ;
boundingRadius . Clear ( ) ;
foreach ( LOD_Mesh mesh in lodMeshes )
BoundingBox box = CalculateBoundingBox ( ) ;
boundingBoxes . Add ( box ) ;
boundingRadius . Add ( ( float ) ( box . Center . Length + box . Extend . Length ) ) ;
foreach ( LOD_Mesh . SubMesh sub in mesh . subMeshes )
boundingBoxes . Add ( box ) ;
private BoundingBox CalculateBoundingBox ( )
Vector3 Max = new Vector3 ( ) ;
Vector3 Min = new Vector3 ( ) ;
Min = Max = vertices [ 0 ] . pos ;
Min = CalculateBBMin ( vertices ) ;
Max = CalculateBBMax ( vertices ) ;
Vector3 center = ( Max + Min ) ;
Vector3 extend = Max - Min ;
return new BoundingBox ( ) { Center = center , Extend = extend } ;
private Vector3 CalculateBBMin ( List < Vertex > positionVectors )
Vector3 minimum = new Vector3 ( ) ;
foreach ( Vertex vtx in positionVectors )
if ( vtx . pos . X < minimum . X ) minimum . X = vtx . pos . X ;
if ( vtx . pos . Y < minimum . Y ) minimum . Y = vtx . pos . Y ;
if ( vtx . pos . Z < minimum . Z ) minimum . Z = vtx . pos . Z ;
return minimum ;
private Vector3 CalculateBBMax ( List < Vertex > positionVectors )
Vector3 maximum = new Vector3 ( ) ;
foreach ( Vertex vtx in positionVectors )
if ( vtx . pos . X > maximum . X ) maximum . X = vtx . pos . X ;
if ( vtx . pos . Y > maximum . Y ) maximum . Y = vtx . pos . Y ;
if ( vtx . pos . Z > maximum . Z ) maximum . Z = vtx . pos . Z ;
return maximum ;
private void UpdateShaderAssignAttributes ( FMAT material )
material . shaderassign . samplers . Clear ( ) ;
foreach ( VertexAttribute att in vertexAttributes )
material . shaderassign . attributes . Add ( att . Name , att . Name ) ;
public int [ ] Faces ;
public List < ushort > BoneIndices = new List < ushort > ( ) ;
// for drawing
public int [ ] display ;
public int VertexSkinCount ;
public int DisplayId ;
public int boneIndx ;
public int VertexBufferIndex ;
public int TargetAttribCount ;
public List < float > boundingRadius = new List < float > ( ) ;
public List < BoundingBox > boundingBoxes = new List < BoundingBox > ( ) ;
public class BoundingBox
public Vector3 Center ;
public Vector3 Extend ;
public int DisplayLODIndex = 0 ;
public List < VertexAttribute > vertexAttributes = new List < VertexAttribute > ( ) ;
public class VertexAttribute
public string Name ;
public ResGFX . AttribFormat Format ;
public override string ToString ( )
return Name ;
public ResGFX . AttribFormat GetTypeWiiU ( ResUGX2 . GX2AttribFormat type )
return ( ResGFX . AttribFormat ) System . Enum . Parse ( typeof ( ResGFX . AttribFormat ) , $"{type.ToString()}" ) ;
public ResUGX2 . GX2AttribFormat SetTypeWiiU ( ResGFX . AttribFormat type )
return ( ResUGX2 . GX2AttribFormat ) System . Enum . Parse ( typeof ( ResUGX2 . GX2AttribFormat ) , type . ToString ( ) ) ;
public void SaveShape ( )
if ( ! BFRES . IsWiiU )
Shape = BfresSwitch . SaveShape ( this ) ;
ShapeU = BfresWiiU . SaveShape ( this ) ;
public IList < ushort > GetIndices ( )
IList < ushort > indices = new List < ushort > ( ) ;
List < string > BoneNodes = new List < string > ( ) ;
foreach ( Vertex vtx in vertices )
return indices ;
public Vector3 TransformLocal ( Vector3 position , bool IsPos = true )
Matrix4 trans = Matrix4 . CreateTranslation ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( IsPos )
return Vector3 . TransformPosition ( position , trans ) ;
return Vector3 . TransformNormal ( position , trans ) ;
public void SaveVertexBuffer ( )
if ( BFRES . IsWiiU )
BfresWiiU . SaveVertexBuffer ( this ) ;
return ;
VertexBufferHelper helpernx = new VertexBufferHelper ( new VertexBuffer ( ) , Syroot . BinaryData . ByteOrder . LittleEndian ) ;
List < VertexBufferHelperAttrib > atrib = new List < VertexBufferHelperAttrib > ( ) ;
UpdateVertices ( ) ;
foreach ( VertexAttribute att in vertexAttributes )
if ( att . Name = = "_p0" )
VertexBufferHelperAttrib vert = new VertexBufferHelperAttrib ( ) ;
vert . Name = att . Name ;
vert . Data = verts . ToArray ( ) ;
vert . Format = att . Format ;
atrib . Add ( vert ) ;
if ( att . Name = = "_n0" )
VertexBufferHelperAttrib vert = new VertexBufferHelperAttrib ( ) ;
vert . Name = att . Name ;
vert . Data = norms . ToArray ( ) ;
vert . Format = att . Format ;
atrib . Add ( vert ) ;
if ( att . Name = = "_u0" )
VertexBufferHelperAttrib vert = new VertexBufferHelperAttrib ( ) ;
vert . Name = att . Name ;
vert . Data = uv0 . ToArray ( ) ;
vert . Format = att . Format ;
atrib . Add ( vert ) ;
if ( att . Name = = "_u1" )
VertexBufferHelperAttrib vert = new VertexBufferHelperAttrib ( ) ;
vert . Name = att . Name ;
vert . Data = uv1 . ToArray ( ) ;
vert . Format = att . Format ;
atrib . Add ( vert ) ;
if ( att . Name = = "_u2" )
VertexBufferHelperAttrib vert = new VertexBufferHelperAttrib ( ) ;
vert . Name = att . Name ;
vert . Data = uv2 . ToArray ( ) ;
vert . Format = att . Format ;
atrib . Add ( vert ) ;
if ( att . Name = = "_w0" )
VertexBufferHelperAttrib vert = new VertexBufferHelperAttrib ( ) ;
vert . Name = att . Name ;
vert . Data = weights . ToArray ( ) ;
vert . Format = att . Format ;
atrib . Add ( vert ) ;
if ( att . Name = = "_i0" )
VertexBufferHelperAttrib vert = new VertexBufferHelperAttrib ( ) ;
vert . Name = att . Name ;
vert . Data = boneInd . ToArray ( ) ;
vert . Format = att . Format ;
atrib . Add ( vert ) ;
if ( att . Name = = "_b0" )
VertexBufferHelperAttrib vert = new VertexBufferHelperAttrib ( ) ;
vert . Name = att . Name ;
vert . Data = bitans . ToArray ( ) ;
vert . Format = att . Format ;
atrib . Add ( vert ) ;
if ( att . Name = = "_t0" )
VertexBufferHelperAttrib vert = new VertexBufferHelperAttrib ( ) ;
vert . Name = att . Name ;
vert . Data = tans . ToArray ( ) ;
vert . Format = att . Format ;
atrib . Add ( vert ) ;
if ( att . Name = = "_c0" )
VertexBufferHelperAttrib vert = new VertexBufferHelperAttrib ( ) ;
vert . Name = att . Name ;
vert . Data = colors . ToArray ( ) ;
vert . Format = att . Format ;
atrib . Add ( vert ) ;
if ( atrib . Count = = 0 )
MessageBox . Show ( "Attributes are empty?" ) ;
return ;
helpernx . Attributes = atrib ;
VertexBuffer = helpernx . ToVertexBuffer ( ) ;
internal List < Syroot . Maths . Vector4F > verts = new List < Syroot . Maths . Vector4F > ( ) ;
internal List < Syroot . Maths . Vector4F > norms = new List < Syroot . Maths . Vector4F > ( ) ;
internal List < Syroot . Maths . Vector4F > uv0 = new List < Syroot . Maths . Vector4F > ( ) ;
internal List < Syroot . Maths . Vector4F > uv1 = new List < Syroot . Maths . Vector4F > ( ) ;
internal List < Syroot . Maths . Vector4F > uv2 = new List < Syroot . Maths . Vector4F > ( ) ;
internal List < Syroot . Maths . Vector4F > tans = new List < Syroot . Maths . Vector4F > ( ) ;
internal List < Syroot . Maths . Vector4F > bitans = new List < Syroot . Maths . Vector4F > ( ) ;
internal List < Syroot . Maths . Vector4F > weights = new List < Syroot . Maths . Vector4F > ( ) ;
internal List < Syroot . Maths . Vector4F > boneInd = new List < Syroot . Maths . Vector4F > ( ) ;
internal List < Syroot . Maths . Vector4F > colors = new List < Syroot . Maths . Vector4F > ( ) ;
public string GetBoneNameFromIndex ( FMDL mdl , int index )
if ( index = = 0 )
return "" ;
return mdl . Skeleton . bones [ mdl . Skeleton . Node_Array [ index ] ] . Text ;
public void UpdateVertices ( )
// CalculateTangentBitangent();
foreach ( Vertex vtx in vertices )
if ( VertexSkinCount = = 0 | | VertexSkinCount = = 1 )
// Console.WriteLine("Old " + vtx.pos);
// vtx.pos = TransformLocal(vtx.pos);
// vtx.nrm = TransformLocal(vtx.nrm, false);
// Console.WriteLine("New " + vtx.pos);
// Console.WriteLine($"Weight count {vtx.boneWeights.Count}");
// Console.WriteLine($"Index count {vtx.boneIds.Count}");
verts . Add ( new Syroot . Maths . Vector4F ( vtx . pos . X , vtx . pos . Y , vtx . pos . Z , 1.0f ) ) ;
norms . Add ( new Syroot . Maths . Vector4F ( vtx . nrm . X , vtx . nrm . Y , vtx . nrm . Z , 0 ) ) ;
uv0 . Add ( new Syroot . Maths . Vector4F ( vtx . uv0 . X , vtx . uv0 . Y , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
uv1 . Add ( new Syroot . Maths . Vector4F ( vtx . uv1 . X , vtx . uv1 . Y , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
uv2 . Add ( new Syroot . Maths . Vector4F ( vtx . uv2 . X , vtx . uv2 . Y , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
tans . Add ( new Syroot . Maths . Vector4F ( vtx . tan . X , vtx . tan . Y , vtx . tan . Z , vtx . tan . W ) ) ;
bitans . Add ( new Syroot . Maths . Vector4F ( vtx . bitan . X , vtx . bitan . Y , vtx . bitan . Z , vtx . bitan . W ) ) ;
if ( vtx . boneWeights . Count = = 0 )
vtx . boneWeights . Add ( 0 ) ;
vtx . boneWeights . Add ( 0 ) ;
vtx . boneWeights . Add ( 0 ) ;
vtx . boneWeights . Add ( 0 ) ;
if ( vtx . boneWeights . Count = = 1 )
vtx . boneWeights . Add ( 0 ) ;
vtx . boneWeights . Add ( 0 ) ;
vtx . boneWeights . Add ( 0 ) ;
if ( vtx . boneWeights . Count = = 2 )
vtx . boneWeights . Add ( 0 ) ;
vtx . boneWeights . Add ( 0 ) ;
if ( vtx . boneWeights . Count = = 3 )
vtx . boneWeights . Add ( 0 ) ;
if ( vtx . boneIds . Count = = 0 )
vtx . boneIds . Add ( 0 ) ;
vtx . boneIds . Add ( 0 ) ;
vtx . boneIds . Add ( 0 ) ;
vtx . boneIds . Add ( 0 ) ;
if ( vtx . boneIds . Count = = 1 )
vtx . boneIds . Add ( 0 ) ;
vtx . boneIds . Add ( 0 ) ;
vtx . boneIds . Add ( 0 ) ;
if ( vtx . boneIds . Count = = 2 )
vtx . boneIds . Add ( 0 ) ;
vtx . boneIds . Add ( 0 ) ;
if ( vtx . boneIds . Count = = 3 )
vtx . boneIds . Add ( 0 ) ;
weights . Add ( new Syroot . Maths . Vector4F ( vtx . boneWeights [ 0 ] , vtx . boneWeights [ 1 ] , vtx . boneWeights [ 2 ] , vtx . boneWeights [ 3 ] ) ) ;
boneInd . Add ( new Syroot . Maths . Vector4F ( vtx . boneIds [ 0 ] , vtx . boneIds [ 1 ] , vtx . boneIds [ 2 ] , vtx . boneIds [ 3 ] ) ) ;
colors . Add ( new Syroot . Maths . Vector4F ( vtx . col . X , vtx . col . Y , vtx . col . Z , vtx . col . W ) ) ;
public List < DisplayVertex > CreateDisplayVertices ( )
// rearrange faces
display = lodMeshes [ DisplayLODIndex ] . getDisplayFace ( ) . ToArray ( ) ;
List < DisplayVertex > displayVertList = new List < DisplayVertex > ( ) ;
if ( lodMeshes [ DisplayLODIndex ] . faces . Count < = 3 )
return displayVertList ;
foreach ( Vertex v in vertices )
DisplayVertex displayVert = new DisplayVertex ( )
pos = v . pos ,
nrm = v . nrm ,
tan = v . tan . Xyz ,
bit = v . bitan . Xyz ,
col = v . col ,
uv = v . uv0 ,
uv2 = v . uv1 ,
uv3 = v . uv2 ,
node = new Vector4 (
v . boneIds . Count > 0 ? v . boneIds [ 0 ] : - 1 ,
v . boneIds . Count > 1 ? v . boneIds [ 1 ] : - 1 ,
v . boneIds . Count > 2 ? v . boneIds [ 2 ] : - 1 ,
v . boneIds . Count > 3 ? v . boneIds [ 3 ] : - 1 ) ,
weight = new Vector4 (
v . boneWeights . Count > 0 ? v . boneWeights [ 0 ] : 0 ,
v . boneWeights . Count > 1 ? v . boneWeights [ 1 ] : 0 ,
v . boneWeights . Count > 2 ? v . boneWeights [ 2 ] : 0 ,
v . boneWeights . Count > 3 ? v . boneWeights [ 3 ] : 0 ) ,
} ;
displayVertList . Add ( displayVert ) ;
/ * Console . WriteLine ( $"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( $"Position {displayVert.pos.X} {displayVert.pos.Y} {displayVert.pos.Z}" ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( $"Normal {displayVert.nrm.X} {displayVert.nrm.Y} {displayVert.nrm.Z}" ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( $"Binormal {displayVert.bit.X} {displayVert.bit.Y} {displayVert.bit.Z}" ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( $"Tanget {displayVert.tan.X} {displayVert.tan.Y} {displayVert.tan.Z}" ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( $"Color {displayVert.col.X} {displayVert.col.Y} {displayVert.col.Z} {displayVert.col.W}" ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( $"UV Layer 1 {displayVert.uv.X} {displayVert.uv.Y}" ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( $"UV Layer 2 {displayVert.uv2.X} {displayVert.uv2.Y}" ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( $"UV Layer 3 {displayVert.uv3.X} {displayVert.uv3.Y}" ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( $"Bone Index {displayVert.node.X} {displayVert.node.Y} {displayVert.node.Z} {displayVert.node.W}" ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( $"Weights {displayVert.weight.X} {displayVert.weight.Y} {displayVert.weight.Z} {displayVert.weight.W}" ) ;
Console . WriteLine ( $"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ) ; * /
2018-11-11 20:51:12 -05:00
2018-11-16 21:08:58 -05:00
return displayVertList ;
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