2018-11-19 12:39:06 -05:00
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using Switch_Toolbox.Library;
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using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
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namespace Switch_Toolbox.Library
public class DDSCompressor
//Huge thanks to gdkchan and AbooodXD for the method of decomp BC5/BC4.
//Todo. Add these to DDS code and add in methods to compress and decode more formats
//BC7 also needs to be decompressed properly since OpenTK can't decompress those
//BC4 actually breaks a bit with artifacts so i'll need to go back and fix
private static byte[] BCnDecodeTile(byte[] Input, int Offset, bool IsBC1)
Color[] CLUT = new Color[4];
int c0 = Get16(Input, Offset + 0);
int c1 = Get16(Input, Offset + 2);
CLUT[0] = DecodeRGB565(c0);
CLUT[1] = DecodeRGB565(c1);
CLUT[2] = CalculateCLUT2(CLUT[0], CLUT[1], c0, c1, IsBC1);
CLUT[3] = CalculateCLUT3(CLUT[0], CLUT[1], c0, c1, IsBC1);
int Indices = Get32(Input, Offset + 4);
int IdxShift = 0;
byte[] Output = new byte[4 * 4 * 4];
int OOffset = 0;
for (int TY = 0; TY < 4; TY++)
for (int TX = 0; TX < 4; TX++)
int Idx = (Indices >> IdxShift) & 3;
IdxShift += 2;
Color Pixel = CLUT[Idx];
Output[OOffset + 0] = Pixel.B;
Output[OOffset + 1] = Pixel.G;
Output[OOffset + 2] = Pixel.R;
Output[OOffset + 3] = Pixel.A;
OOffset += 4;
return Output;
private static Color DecodeRGB565(int Value)
int B = ((Value >> 0) & 0x1f) << 3;
int G = ((Value >> 5) & 0x3f) << 2;
int R = ((Value >> 11) & 0x1f) << 3;
return Color.FromArgb(
R | (R >> 5),
G | (G >> 6),
B | (B >> 5));
private static Color CalculateCLUT2(Color C0, Color C1, int c0, int c1, bool IsBC1)
if (c0 > c1 || !IsBC1)
return Color.FromArgb(
(2 * C0.R + C1.R) / 3,
(2 * C0.G + C1.G) / 3,
(2 * C0.B + C1.B) / 3);
return Color.FromArgb(
(C0.R + C1.R) / 2,
(C0.G + C1.G) / 2,
(C0.B + C1.B) / 2);
private static Color CalculateCLUT3(Color C0, Color C1, int c0, int c1, bool IsBC1)
if (c0 > c1 || !IsBC1)
(2 * C1.R + C0.R) / 3,
(2 * C1.G + C0.G) / 3,
(2 * C1.B + C0.B) / 3);
return Color.Transparent;
public static Bitmap DecompressBC1(Byte[] data, int width, int height, bool IsSRGB)
int W = (width + 3) / 4;
int H = (height + 3) / 4;
byte[] Output = new byte[W * H * 64];
for (int Y = 0; Y < H; Y++)
for (int X = 0; X < W; X++)
int IOffs = (Y * W + X) * 8;
byte[] Tile = BCnDecodeTile(data, IOffs, true);
int TOffset = 0;
for (int TY = 0; TY < 4; TY++)
for (int TX = 0; TX < 4; TX++)
int OOffset = (X * 4 + TX + (Y * 4 + TY) * W * 4) * 4;
Output[OOffset + 0] = Tile[TOffset + 0];
Output[OOffset + 1] = Tile[TOffset + 1];
Output[OOffset + 2] = Tile[TOffset + 2];
Output[OOffset + 3] = Tile[TOffset + 3];
TOffset += 4;
return BitmapExtension.GetBitmap(Output, W * 4, H * 4);
public static Bitmap DecompressBC3(Byte[] data, int width, int height, bool IsSRGB)
int W = (width + 3) / 4;
int H = (height + 3) / 4;
byte[] Output = new byte[W * H * 64];
for (int Y = 0; Y < H; Y++)
for (int X = 0; X < W; X++)
int IOffs = (Y * W + X) * 16;
byte[] Tile = BCnDecodeTile(data, IOffs + 8, false);
byte[] Alpha = new byte[8];
Alpha[0] = data[IOffs + 0];
Alpha[1] = data[IOffs + 1];
int AlphaLow = Get32(data, IOffs + 2);
int AlphaHigh = Get16(data, IOffs + 6);
ulong AlphaCh = (uint)AlphaLow | (ulong)AlphaHigh << 32;
int TOffset = 0;
for (int TY = 0; TY < 4; TY++)
for (int TX = 0; TX < 4; TX++)
int OOffset = (X * 4 + TX + (Y * 4 + TY) * W * 4) * 4;
byte AlphaPx = Alpha[(AlphaCh >> (TY * 12 + TX * 3)) & 7];
Output[OOffset + 0] = Tile[TOffset + 0];
Output[OOffset + 1] = Tile[TOffset + 1];
Output[OOffset + 2] = Tile[TOffset + 2];
Output[OOffset + 3] = AlphaPx;
TOffset += 4;
return BitmapExtension.GetBitmap(Output, W * 4, H * 4);
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public static Bitmap DecompressBC4(Byte[] data, int width, int height, bool IsSNORM)
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int W = (width + 3) / 4;
int H = (height + 3) / 4;
byte[] Output = new byte[W * H * 64];
for (int Y = 0; Y < H; Y++)
for (int X = 0; X < W; X++)
int IOffs = (Y * W + X) * 8;
byte[] Red = new byte[8];
Red[0] = data[IOffs + 0];
Red[1] = data[IOffs + 1];
int RedLow = Get32(data, IOffs + 2);
int RedHigh = Get16(data, IOffs + 6);
ulong RedCh = (uint)RedLow | (ulong)RedHigh << 32;
int TOffset = 0;
int TW = Math.Min(width - X * 4, 4);
int TH = Math.Min(height - Y * 4, 4);
for (int TY = 0; TY < 4; TY++)
for (int TX = 0; TX < 4; TX++)
int OOffset = (X * 4 + TX + (Y * 4 + TY) * W * 4) * 4;
byte RedPx = Red[(RedCh >> (TY * 12 + TX * 3)) & 7];
Output[OOffset + 0] = RedPx;
Output[OOffset + 1] = RedPx;
Output[OOffset + 2] = RedPx;
Output[OOffset + 3] = 255;
TOffset += 4;
return BitmapExtension.GetBitmap(Output, W * 4, H * 4);
public static byte[] DecompressBC5(Byte[] data, int width, int height, bool IsSNORM, bool IsByteArray)
int W = (width + 3) / 4;
int H = (height + 3) / 4;
byte[] Output = new byte[W * H * 64];
for (int Y = 0; Y < H; Y++)
for (int X = 0; X < W; X++)
int IOffs = (Y * W + X) * 16;
byte[] Red = new byte[8];
byte[] Green = new byte[8];
Red[0] = data[IOffs + 0];
Red[1] = data[IOffs + 1];
Green[0] = data[IOffs + 8];
Green[1] = data[IOffs + 9];
if (IsSNORM == true)
int RedLow = Get32(data, IOffs + 2);
int RedHigh = Get16(data, IOffs + 6);
int GreenLow = Get32(data, IOffs + 10);
int GreenHigh = Get16(data, IOffs + 14);
ulong RedCh = (uint)RedLow | (ulong)RedHigh << 32;
ulong GreenCh = (uint)GreenLow | (ulong)GreenHigh << 32;
int TW = Math.Min(width - X * 4, 4);
int TH = Math.Min(height - Y * 4, 4);
if (IsSNORM == true)
for (int TY = 0; TY < TH; TY++)
for (int TX = 0; TX < TW; TX++)
int Shift = TY * 12 + TX * 3;
int OOffset = ((Y * 4 + TY) * width + (X * 4 + TX)) * 4;
byte RedPx = Red[(RedCh >> Shift) & 7];
byte GreenPx = Green[(GreenCh >> Shift) & 7];
if (IsSNORM == true)
RedPx += 0x80;
GreenPx += 0x80;
float NX = (RedPx / 255f) * 2 - 1;
float NY = (GreenPx / 255f) * 2 - 1;
float NZ = (float)Math.Sqrt(1 - (NX * NX + NY * NY));
Output[OOffset + 0] = Clamp((NX + 1) * 0.5f);
Output[OOffset + 1] = Clamp((NY + 1) * 0.5f);
Output[OOffset + 2] = Clamp((NZ + 1) * 0.5f);
Output[OOffset + 3] = 0xff;
for (int TY = 0; TY < TH; TY++)
for (int TX = 0; TX < TW; TX++)
int Shift = TY * 12 + TX * 3;
int OOffset = ((Y * 4 + TY) * width + (X * 4 + TX)) * 4;
byte RedPx = Red[(RedCh >> Shift) & 7];
byte GreenPx = Green[(GreenCh >> Shift) & 7];
Output[OOffset + 0] = RedPx;
Output[OOffset + 1] = GreenPx;
Output[OOffset + 2] = 255;
Output[OOffset + 3] = 255;
return Output;
public static Bitmap DecompressBC5(Byte[] data, int width, int height, bool IsSNORM)
int W = (width + 3) / 4;
int H = (height + 3) / 4;
byte[] Output = new byte[W * H * 64];
for (int Y = 0; Y < H; Y++)
for (int X = 0; X < W; X++)
int IOffs = (Y * W + X) * 16;
byte[] Red = new byte[8];
byte[] Green = new byte[8];
Red[0] = data[IOffs + 0];
Red[1] = data[IOffs + 1];
Green[0] = data[IOffs + 8];
Green[1] = data[IOffs + 9];
if (IsSNORM == true)
int RedLow = Get32(data, IOffs + 2);
int RedHigh = Get16(data, IOffs + 6);
int GreenLow = Get32(data, IOffs + 10);
int GreenHigh = Get16(data, IOffs + 14);
ulong RedCh = (uint)RedLow | (ulong)RedHigh << 32;
ulong GreenCh = (uint)GreenLow | (ulong)GreenHigh << 32;
int TW = Math.Min(width - X * 4, 4);
int TH = Math.Min(height - Y * 4, 4);
if (IsSNORM == true)
for (int TY = 0; TY < TH; TY++)
for (int TX = 0; TX < TW; TX++)
int Shift = TY * 12 + TX * 3;
int OOffset = ((Y * 4 + TY) * width + (X * 4 + TX)) * 4;
byte RedPx = Red[(RedCh >> Shift) & 7];
byte GreenPx = Green[(GreenCh >> Shift) & 7];
if (IsSNORM == true)
RedPx += 0x80;
GreenPx += 0x80;
float NX = (RedPx / 255f) * 2 - 1;
float NY = (GreenPx / 255f) * 2 - 1;
float NZ = (float)Math.Sqrt(1 - (NX * NX + NY * NY));
Output[OOffset + 0] = Clamp((NZ + 1) * 0.5f);
Output[OOffset + 1] = Clamp((NY + 1) * 0.5f);
Output[OOffset + 2] = Clamp((NX + 1) * 0.5f);
Output[OOffset + 3] = 0xff;
for (int TY = 0; TY < TH; TY++)
for (int TX = 0; TX < TW; TX++)
int Shift = TY * 12 + TX * 3;
int OOffset = ((Y * 4 + TY) * width + (X * 4 + TX)) * 4;
byte RedPx = Red[(RedCh >> Shift) & 7];
byte GreenPx = Green[(GreenCh >> Shift) & 7];
Output[OOffset + 0] = 255;
Output[OOffset + 1] = GreenPx;
Output[OOffset + 2] = RedPx;
Output[OOffset + 3] = 255;
return BitmapExtension.GetBitmap(Output, W * 4, H * 4);
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/* public static unsafe byte[] CreateImage(Byte[] data, int width, int height, DDS.DXGI_FORMAT format)
long inputRowPitch;
long inputSlicePitch;
TexHelper.Instance.ComputePitch((DXGI_FORMAT)format, width, height, out inputRowPitch, out inputSlicePitch, CP_FLAGS.NONE);
if (data.Length == inputSlicePitch)
byte* buf;
buf = (byte*)Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)inputSlicePitch);
Marshal.Copy(data, 0, (IntPtr)buf, (int)inputSlicePitch);
DirectXTexNet.Image inputImage = new DirectXTexNet.Image(width, height, (DXGI_FORMAT)format, inputRowPitch, inputSlicePitch, (IntPtr)buf, null);
ScratchImage scratchImage = TexHelper.Instance.Initialize2D((DXGI_FORMAT)format, width, height, 1, 1, CP_FLAGS.NONE);
using (var comp = scratchImage.Compress(DXGI_FORMAT.BC1_UNORM, TEX_COMPRESS_FLAGS.PARALLEL, 0.5f))
long outRowPitch;
long outSlicePitch;
TexHelper.Instance.ComputePitch((DXGI_FORMAT)format, width, height, out outRowPitch, out outSlicePitch, CP_FLAGS.NONE);
byte[] result = new byte[outSlicePitch];
Marshal.Copy(result, 0, scratchImage.GetPixels(), (int)outSlicePitch);
return result;
return null;
public unsafe byte* PointerData(byte* data, int length)
byte[] safe = new byte[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
safe[i] = data[i];
fixed (byte* converted = safe)
// This will update the safe and converted arrays.
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
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return converted;
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public static byte[] DecompressBlock(Byte[] data, int width, int height, DDS.DXGI_FORMAT format)
return DirectXTex.ImageCompressor.Decompress(data, width, height, (int)format);
public static byte[] CompressBlock(Byte[] data, int width, int height, DDS.DXGI_FORMAT format)
return DirectXTex.ImageCompressor.Compress(data, width, height, (int)format);
public static byte[] EncodePixelBlock(Byte[] data, int width, int height, DDS.DXGI_FORMAT format)
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return data;
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return DirectXTex.ImageConverter.Convert(data, width, height,(int)DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM, (int)format);
public static byte[] DecodePixelBlock(Byte[] data, int width, int height, DDS.DXGI_FORMAT format)
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return data;
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return DirectXTex.ImageConverter.Convert(data, width, height, (int)format, (int)DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM);
public static Bitmap DecompressBlock(Byte[] data, int width, int height, DDS.DXGI_FORMAT format, bool GetBitmap)
return BitmapExtension.GetBitmap(DirectXTex.ImageCompressor.Decompress(data, width, height, (int)format), width, height);
public static int Get16(byte[] Data, int Address)
Data[Address + 0] << 0 |
Data[Address + 1] << 8;
public static int Get32(byte[] Data, int Address)
Data[Address + 0] << 0 |
Data[Address + 1] << 8 |
Data[Address + 2] << 16 |
Data[Address + 3] << 24;
private static byte Clamp(float Value)
if (Value > 1)
return 0xff;
else if (Value < 0)
return 0;
return (byte)(Value * 0xff);
private static void CalculateBC3Alpha(byte[] Alpha)
for (int i = 2; i < 8; i++)
if (Alpha[0] > Alpha[1])
Alpha[i] = (byte)(((8 - i) * Alpha[0] + (i - 1) * Alpha[1]) / 7);
else if (i < 6)
Alpha[i] = (byte)(((6 - i) * Alpha[0] + (i - 1) * Alpha[1]) / 7);
else if (i == 6)
Alpha[i] = 0;
else /* i == 7 */
Alpha[i] = 0xff;
private static void CalculateBC3AlphaS(byte[] Alpha)
for (int i = 2; i < 8; i++)
if ((sbyte)Alpha[0] > (sbyte)Alpha[1])
Alpha[i] = (byte)(((8 - i) * (sbyte)Alpha[0] + (i - 1) * (sbyte)Alpha[1]) / 7);
else if (i < 6)
Alpha[i] = (byte)(((6 - i) * (sbyte)Alpha[0] + (i - 1) * (sbyte)Alpha[1]) / 7);
else if (i == 6)
Alpha[i] = 0x80;
else /* i == 7 */
Alpha[i] = 0x7f;
public static byte[] DecodeBC7(int X, int Y, int block)
byte[] result = null;
//Alright so BC7 decompression as multple modes
return result;