2019-07-17 16:14:55 -04:00
namespace FirstPlugin.Forms
partial class BffntEditor
/// <summary>
/// Required designer variable.
/// </summary>
private System . ComponentModel . IContainer components = null ;
/// <summary>
/// Clean up any resources being used.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="disposing">true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.</param>
protected override void Dispose ( bool disposing )
if ( disposing & & ( components ! = null ) )
components . Dispose ( ) ;
base . Dispose ( disposing ) ;
#region Windows Form Designer generated code
/// <summary>
/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
/// the contents of this method with the code editor.
/// </summary>
private void InitializeComponent ( )
this . components = new System . ComponentModel . Container ( ) ;
this . stPanel1 = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . STPanel ( ) ;
this . lineFeedUD = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . NumericUpDownUint ( ) ;
this . stLabel13 = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel ( ) ;
this . fontTypeCB = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . STComboBox ( ) ;
this . encodingTypeCB = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . STComboBox ( ) ;
this . stLabel12 = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel ( ) ;
this . stLabel11 = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel ( ) ;
this . stLabel10 = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel ( ) ;
this . leftSpacingUD = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . NumericUpDownUint ( ) ;
this . stLabel9 = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel ( ) ;
this . glyphWidthCB = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . NumericUpDownUint ( ) ;
this . stLabel8 = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel ( ) ;
this . charWidthUD = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . NumericUpDownUint ( ) ;
this . stLabel7 = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel ( ) ;
this . fontHeightUD = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . NumericUpDownUint ( ) ;
this . stLabel6 = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel ( ) ;
this . fontWidthUD = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . NumericUpDownUint ( ) ;
this . stLabel5 = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel ( ) ;
this . ascentUD = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . NumericUpDownUint ( ) ;
this . stLabel4 = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel ( ) ;
this . stLabel1 = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel ( ) ;
this . stPanel2 = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . STPanel ( ) ;
2019-07-18 13:33:16 -04:00
this . numericUpDownUint3 = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . NumericUpDownUint ( ) ;
this . stLabel17 = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel ( ) ;
this . numericUpDownUint2 = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . NumericUpDownUint ( ) ;
this . stLabel16 = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel ( ) ;
this . numericUpDownUint1 = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . NumericUpDownUint ( ) ;
this . stLabel15 = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel ( ) ;
this . stLabel14 = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel ( ) ;
this . characterCodeCB = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . STComboBox ( ) ;
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this . stLabel2 = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel ( ) ;
this . splitter1 = new System . Windows . Forms . Splitter ( ) ;
this . splitter2 = new System . Windows . Forms . Splitter ( ) ;
this . stPanel3 = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . STPanel ( ) ;
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this . imagePanel = new Forms . ImagePaenl ( ) ;
this . imagesCB = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . STComboBox ( ) ;
this . stLabel3 = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel ( ) ;
2019-07-17 16:14:55 -04:00
this . imageMenuStrip = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . STContextMenuStrip ( this . components ) ;
this . exportToolStripMenuItem = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
this . copyToolStripMenuItem = new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
2019-07-17 22:02:57 -04:00
this . stPanel4 = new Toolbox . Library . Forms . STPanel ( ) ;
2019-07-17 16:14:55 -04:00
this . stPanel1 . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
( ( System . ComponentModel . ISupportInitialize ) ( this . lineFeedUD ) ) . BeginInit ( ) ;
( ( System . ComponentModel . ISupportInitialize ) ( this . leftSpacingUD ) ) . BeginInit ( ) ;
( ( System . ComponentModel . ISupportInitialize ) ( this . glyphWidthCB ) ) . BeginInit ( ) ;
( ( System . ComponentModel . ISupportInitialize ) ( this . charWidthUD ) ) . BeginInit ( ) ;
( ( System . ComponentModel . ISupportInitialize ) ( this . fontHeightUD ) ) . BeginInit ( ) ;
( ( System . ComponentModel . ISupportInitialize ) ( this . fontWidthUD ) ) . BeginInit ( ) ;
( ( System . ComponentModel . ISupportInitialize ) ( this . ascentUD ) ) . BeginInit ( ) ;
this . stPanel2 . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
2019-07-18 13:33:16 -04:00
( ( System . ComponentModel . ISupportInitialize ) ( this . numericUpDownUint3 ) ) . BeginInit ( ) ;
( ( System . ComponentModel . ISupportInitialize ) ( this . numericUpDownUint2 ) ) . BeginInit ( ) ;
( ( System . ComponentModel . ISupportInitialize ) ( this . numericUpDownUint1 ) ) . BeginInit ( ) ;
2019-07-17 16:14:55 -04:00
this . stPanel3 . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
this . imageMenuStrip . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
2019-07-17 22:02:57 -04:00
this . stPanel4 . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
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this . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
// stPanel1
this . stPanel1 . Controls . Add ( this . lineFeedUD ) ;
this . stPanel1 . Controls . Add ( this . stLabel13 ) ;
this . stPanel1 . Controls . Add ( this . fontTypeCB ) ;
this . stPanel1 . Controls . Add ( this . encodingTypeCB ) ;
this . stPanel1 . Controls . Add ( this . stLabel12 ) ;
this . stPanel1 . Controls . Add ( this . stLabel11 ) ;
this . stPanel1 . Controls . Add ( this . stLabel10 ) ;
this . stPanel1 . Controls . Add ( this . leftSpacingUD ) ;
this . stPanel1 . Controls . Add ( this . stLabel9 ) ;
this . stPanel1 . Controls . Add ( this . glyphWidthCB ) ;
this . stPanel1 . Controls . Add ( this . stLabel8 ) ;
this . stPanel1 . Controls . Add ( this . charWidthUD ) ;
this . stPanel1 . Controls . Add ( this . stLabel7 ) ;
this . stPanel1 . Controls . Add ( this . fontHeightUD ) ;
this . stPanel1 . Controls . Add ( this . stLabel6 ) ;
this . stPanel1 . Controls . Add ( this . fontWidthUD ) ;
this . stPanel1 . Controls . Add ( this . stLabel5 ) ;
this . stPanel1 . Controls . Add ( this . ascentUD ) ;
this . stPanel1 . Controls . Add ( this . stLabel4 ) ;
this . stPanel1 . Controls . Add ( this . stLabel1 ) ;
this . stPanel1 . Dock = System . Windows . Forms . DockStyle . Left ;
this . stPanel1 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 0 , 0 ) ;
this . stPanel1 . Name = "stPanel1" ;
this . stPanel1 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 201 , 438 ) ;
this . stPanel1 . TabIndex = 0 ;
// lineFeedUD
this . lineFeedUD . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 86 , 139 ) ;
this . lineFeedUD . Maximum = new decimal ( new int [ ] {
255 ,
0 ,
0 ,
0 } ) ;
this . lineFeedUD . Name = "lineFeedUD" ;
this . lineFeedUD . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 97 , 20 ) ;
this . lineFeedUD . TabIndex = 19 ;
// stLabel13
this . stLabel13 . AutoSize = true ;
this . stLabel13 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( - 1 , 141 ) ;
this . stLabel13 . Name = "stLabel13" ;
this . stLabel13 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 57 , 13 ) ;
this . stLabel13 . TabIndex = 18 ;
this . stLabel13 . Text = "Line Feed:" ;
// fontTypeCB
this . fontTypeCB . BorderColor = System . Drawing . Color . Empty ;
this . fontTypeCB . BorderStyle = System . Windows . Forms . ButtonBorderStyle . Solid ;
this . fontTypeCB . ButtonColor = System . Drawing . Color . Empty ;
this . fontTypeCB . FormattingEnabled = true ;
this . fontTypeCB . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 87 , 42 ) ;
this . fontTypeCB . Name = "fontTypeCB" ;
this . fontTypeCB . ReadOnly = true ;
this . fontTypeCB . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 108 , 21 ) ;
this . fontTypeCB . TabIndex = 17 ;
// encodingTypeCB
this . encodingTypeCB . BorderColor = System . Drawing . Color . Empty ;
this . encodingTypeCB . BorderStyle = System . Windows . Forms . ButtonBorderStyle . Solid ;
this . encodingTypeCB . ButtonColor = System . Drawing . Color . Empty ;
this . encodingTypeCB . FormattingEnabled = true ;
this . encodingTypeCB . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 87 , 73 ) ;
this . encodingTypeCB . Name = "encodingTypeCB" ;
this . encodingTypeCB . ReadOnly = true ;
this . encodingTypeCB . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 108 , 21 ) ;
this . encodingTypeCB . TabIndex = 16 ;
// stLabel12
this . stLabel12 . AutoSize = true ;
this . stLabel12 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 3 , 73 ) ;
this . stLabel12 . Name = "stLabel12" ;
this . stLabel12 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 55 , 13 ) ;
this . stLabel12 . TabIndex = 15 ;
this . stLabel12 . Text = "Encoding:" ;
// stLabel11
this . stLabel11 . AutoSize = true ;
this . stLabel11 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 3 , 45 ) ;
this . stLabel11 . Name = "stLabel11" ;
this . stLabel11 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 34 , 13 ) ;
this . stLabel11 . TabIndex = 14 ;
this . stLabel11 . Text = "Type:" ;
// stLabel10
this . stLabel10 . AutoSize = true ;
this . stLabel10 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 3 , 106 ) ;
this . stLabel10 . Name = "stLabel10" ;
this . stLabel10 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 69 , 13 ) ;
this . stLabel10 . TabIndex = 13 ;
this . stLabel10 . Text = "Default Char:" ;
// leftSpacingUD
this . leftSpacingUD . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 86 , 165 ) ;
this . leftSpacingUD . Maximum = new decimal ( new int [ ] {
255 ,
0 ,
0 ,
0 } ) ;
this . leftSpacingUD . Name = "leftSpacingUD" ;
this . leftSpacingUD . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 97 , 20 ) ;
this . leftSpacingUD . TabIndex = 12 ;
// stLabel9
this . stLabel9 . AutoSize = true ;
this . stLabel9 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( - 1 , 167 ) ;
this . stLabel9 . Name = "stLabel9" ;
this . stLabel9 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 73 , 13 ) ;
this . stLabel9 . TabIndex = 11 ;
this . stLabel9 . Text = "Left Spacing::" ;
// glyphWidthCB
this . glyphWidthCB . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 86 , 217 ) ;
this . glyphWidthCB . Maximum = new decimal ( new int [ ] {
255 ,
0 ,
0 ,
0 } ) ;
this . glyphWidthCB . Name = "glyphWidthCB" ;
this . glyphWidthCB . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 97 , 20 ) ;
this . glyphWidthCB . TabIndex = 10 ;
// stLabel8
this . stLabel8 . AutoSize = true ;
this . stLabel8 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 2 , 219 ) ;
this . stLabel8 . Name = "stLabel8" ;
this . stLabel8 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 68 , 13 ) ;
this . stLabel8 . TabIndex = 9 ;
this . stLabel8 . Text = "Glyph Width:" ;
// charWidthUD
this . charWidthUD . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 86 , 191 ) ;
this . charWidthUD . Maximum = new decimal ( new int [ ] {
255 ,
0 ,
0 ,
0 } ) ;
this . charWidthUD . Name = "charWidthUD" ;
this . charWidthUD . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 97 , 20 ) ;
this . charWidthUD . TabIndex = 8 ;
// stLabel7
this . stLabel7 . AutoSize = true ;
this . stLabel7 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( - 1 , 193 ) ;
this . stLabel7 . Name = "stLabel7" ;
this . stLabel7 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 63 , 13 ) ;
this . stLabel7 . TabIndex = 7 ;
this . stLabel7 . Text = "Char Width:" ;
// fontHeightUD
this . fontHeightUD . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 86 , 295 ) ;
this . fontHeightUD . Maximum = new decimal ( new int [ ] {
255 ,
0 ,
0 ,
0 } ) ;
this . fontHeightUD . Name = "fontHeightUD" ;
this . fontHeightUD . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 97 , 20 ) ;
this . fontHeightUD . TabIndex = 6 ;
// stLabel6
this . stLabel6 . AutoSize = true ;
this . stLabel6 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 3 , 297 ) ;
this . stLabel6 . Name = "stLabel6" ;
this . stLabel6 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 41 , 13 ) ;
this . stLabel6 . TabIndex = 5 ;
this . stLabel6 . Text = "Height:" ;
// fontWidthUD
this . fontWidthUD . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 86 , 269 ) ;
this . fontWidthUD . Maximum = new decimal ( new int [ ] {
255 ,
0 ,
0 ,
0 } ) ;
this . fontWidthUD . Name = "fontWidthUD" ;
this . fontWidthUD . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 97 , 20 ) ;
this . fontWidthUD . TabIndex = 4 ;
// stLabel5
this . stLabel5 . AutoSize = true ;
this . stLabel5 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 2 , 271 ) ;
this . stLabel5 . Name = "stLabel5" ;
this . stLabel5 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 38 , 13 ) ;
this . stLabel5 . TabIndex = 3 ;
this . stLabel5 . Text = "Width:" ;
// ascentUD
this . ascentUD . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 86 , 243 ) ;
this . ascentUD . Maximum = new decimal ( new int [ ] {
255 ,
0 ,
0 ,
0 } ) ;
this . ascentUD . Name = "ascentUD" ;
this . ascentUD . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 97 , 20 ) ;
this . ascentUD . TabIndex = 2 ;
// stLabel4
this . stLabel4 . AutoSize = true ;
this . stLabel4 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 2 , 245 ) ;
this . stLabel4 . Name = "stLabel4" ;
this . stLabel4 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 43 , 13 ) ;
this . stLabel4 . TabIndex = 1 ;
this . stLabel4 . Text = "Ascent:" ;
// stLabel1
this . stLabel1 . AutoSize = true ;
this . stLabel1 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 3 , 9 ) ;
this . stLabel1 . Name = "stLabel1" ;
this . stLabel1 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 28 , 13 ) ;
this . stLabel1 . TabIndex = 0 ;
this . stLabel1 . Text = "Font" ;
// stPanel2
2019-07-17 22:02:57 -04:00
this . stPanel2 . Controls . Add ( this . numericUpDownUint3 ) ;
this . stPanel2 . Controls . Add ( this . stLabel17 ) ;
this . stPanel2 . Controls . Add ( this . numericUpDownUint2 ) ;
this . stPanel2 . Controls . Add ( this . stLabel16 ) ;
this . stPanel2 . Controls . Add ( this . numericUpDownUint1 ) ;
this . stPanel2 . Controls . Add ( this . stLabel15 ) ;
this . stPanel2 . Controls . Add ( this . stLabel14 ) ;
this . stPanel2 . Controls . Add ( this . characterCodeCB ) ;
2019-07-17 16:14:55 -04:00
this . stPanel2 . Controls . Add ( this . stLabel2 ) ;
this . stPanel2 . Dock = System . Windows . Forms . DockStyle . Right ;
this . stPanel2 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 619 , 0 ) ;
this . stPanel2 . Name = "stPanel2" ;
this . stPanel2 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 200 , 438 ) ;
this . stPanel2 . TabIndex = 1 ;
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// numericUpDownUint3
this . numericUpDownUint3 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 100 , 154 ) ;
this . numericUpDownUint3 . Maximum = new decimal ( new int [ ] {
255 ,
0 ,
0 ,
0 } ) ;
this . numericUpDownUint3 . Name = "numericUpDownUint3" ;
this . numericUpDownUint3 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 97 , 20 ) ;
this . numericUpDownUint3 . TabIndex = 25 ;
// stLabel17
this . stLabel17 . AutoSize = true ;
this . stLabel17 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 13 , 156 ) ;
this . stLabel17 . Name = "stLabel17" ;
this . stLabel17 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 79 , 13 ) ;
this . stLabel17 . TabIndex = 24 ;
this . stLabel17 . Text = "Effictive Width:" ;
// numericUpDownUint2
this . numericUpDownUint2 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 100 , 80 ) ;
this . numericUpDownUint2 . Maximum = new decimal ( new int [ ] {
255 ,
0 ,
0 ,
0 } ) ;
this . numericUpDownUint2 . Name = "numericUpDownUint2" ;
this . numericUpDownUint2 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 97 , 20 ) ;
this . numericUpDownUint2 . TabIndex = 23 ;
// stLabel16
this . stLabel16 . AutoSize = true ;
this . stLabel16 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 13 , 82 ) ;
this . stLabel16 . Name = "stLabel16" ;
this . stLabel16 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 73 , 13 ) ;
this . stLabel16 . TabIndex = 22 ;
this . stLabel16 . Text = "Left Spacing::" ;
// numericUpDownUint1
this . numericUpDownUint1 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 100 , 118 ) ;
this . numericUpDownUint1 . Maximum = new decimal ( new int [ ] {
255 ,
0 ,
0 ,
0 } ) ;
this . numericUpDownUint1 . Name = "numericUpDownUint1" ;
this . numericUpDownUint1 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 97 , 20 ) ;
this . numericUpDownUint1 . TabIndex = 21 ;
// stLabel15
this . stLabel15 . AutoSize = true ;
this . stLabel15 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 13 , 120 ) ;
this . stLabel15 . Name = "stLabel15" ;
this . stLabel15 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 77 , 13 ) ;
this . stLabel15 . TabIndex = 20 ;
this . stLabel15 . Text = "Texture Width:" ;
// stLabel14
this . stLabel14 . AutoSize = true ;
this . stLabel14 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 13 , 45 ) ;
this . stLabel14 . Name = "stLabel14" ;
this . stLabel14 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 84 , 13 ) ;
this . stLabel14 . TabIndex = 3 ;
this . stLabel14 . Text = "Character Code:" ;
// characterCodeCB
this . characterCodeCB . BorderColor = System . Drawing . Color . Empty ;
this . characterCodeCB . BorderStyle = System . Windows . Forms . ButtonBorderStyle . Solid ;
this . characterCodeCB . ButtonColor = System . Drawing . Color . Empty ;
this . characterCodeCB . Font = new System . Drawing . Font ( "Microsoft Sans Serif" , 20.25F , System . Drawing . FontStyle . Regular , System . Drawing . GraphicsUnit . Point , ( ( byte ) ( 0 ) ) ) ;
this . characterCodeCB . FormattingEnabled = true ;
this . characterCodeCB . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 103 , 27 ) ;
this . characterCodeCB . Name = "characterCodeCB" ;
this . characterCodeCB . ReadOnly = true ;
this . characterCodeCB . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 72 , 39 ) ;
this . characterCodeCB . TabIndex = 2 ;
2019-07-17 16:14:55 -04:00
// stLabel2
this . stLabel2 . AutoSize = true ;
this . stLabel2 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 13 , 9 ) ;
this . stLabel2 . Name = "stLabel2" ;
this . stLabel2 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 58 , 13 ) ;
this . stLabel2 . TabIndex = 1 ;
this . stLabel2 . Text = "Characters" ;
// splitter1
this . splitter1 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 201 , 0 ) ;
this . splitter1 . Name = "splitter1" ;
this . splitter1 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 3 , 438 ) ;
this . splitter1 . TabIndex = 2 ;
this . splitter1 . TabStop = false ;
// splitter2
this . splitter2 . Dock = System . Windows . Forms . DockStyle . Right ;
this . splitter2 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 616 , 0 ) ;
this . splitter2 . Name = "splitter2" ;
this . splitter2 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 3 , 438 ) ;
this . splitter2 . TabIndex = 3 ;
this . splitter2 . TabStop = false ;
// stPanel3
2019-07-17 22:02:57 -04:00
this . stPanel3 . Controls . Add ( this . imagePanel ) ;
2019-07-17 16:14:55 -04:00
this . stPanel3 . Controls . Add ( this . imagesCB ) ;
this . stPanel3 . Controls . Add ( this . stLabel3 ) ;
this . stPanel3 . Dock = System . Windows . Forms . DockStyle . Fill ;
this . stPanel3 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 204 , 0 ) ;
this . stPanel3 . Name = "stPanel3" ;
this . stPanel3 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 412 , 438 ) ;
this . stPanel3 . TabIndex = 4 ;
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// imagePanel
2019-07-17 22:02:57 -04:00
2019-07-18 13:33:16 -04:00
this . imagePanel . Anchor = ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles ) ( ( ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Top | System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Bottom )
| System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Left )
| System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Right ) ) ) ;
this . imagePanel . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 6 , 33 ) ;
this . imagePanel . Name = "imagePanel" ;
this . imagePanel . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 400 , 402 ) ;
this . imagePanel . TabIndex = 2 ;
this . imagePanel . Paint + = new System . Windows . Forms . PaintEventHandler ( this . imagePanel_Paint ) ;
this . imagePanel . MouseDown + = new System . Windows . Forms . MouseEventHandler ( this . imagePanel_MouseDown ) ;
this . imagePanel . MouseMove + = new System . Windows . Forms . MouseEventHandler ( this . imagePanel_MouseMove ) ;
this . imagePanel . MouseUp + = new System . Windows . Forms . MouseEventHandler ( this . imagePanel_MouseUp ) ;
this . imagePanel . MouseLeave + = new System . EventHandler ( this . imagePanel_MouseLeave ) ;
this . imagePanel . ContextMenuStrip = imageMenuStrip ;
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2019-07-17 16:14:55 -04:00
// imagesCB
this . imagesCB . BorderColor = System . Drawing . Color . Empty ;
this . imagesCB . BorderStyle = System . Windows . Forms . ButtonBorderStyle . Solid ;
this . imagesCB . ButtonColor = System . Drawing . Color . Empty ;
this . imagesCB . FormattingEnabled = true ;
this . imagesCB . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 82 , 6 ) ;
this . imagesCB . Name = "imagesCB" ;
this . imagesCB . ReadOnly = true ;
this . imagesCB . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 213 , 21 ) ;
this . imagesCB . TabIndex = 1 ;
this . imagesCB . SelectedIndexChanged + = new System . EventHandler ( this . imagesCB_SelectedIndexChanged ) ;
// stLabel3
this . stLabel3 . AutoSize = true ;
this . stLabel3 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 19 , 9 ) ;
this . stLabel3 . Name = "stLabel3" ;
this . stLabel3 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 41 , 13 ) ;
this . stLabel3 . TabIndex = 0 ;
this . stLabel3 . Text = "Images" ;
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// imageMenuStrip
this . imageMenuStrip . Items . AddRange ( new System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripItem [ ] {
this . exportToolStripMenuItem ,
this . copyToolStripMenuItem } ) ;
this . imageMenuStrip . Name = "stContextMenuStrip1" ;
this . imageMenuStrip . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 108 , 48 ) ;
// exportToolStripMenuItem
this . exportToolStripMenuItem . Name = "exportToolStripMenuItem" ;
this . exportToolStripMenuItem . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 107 , 22 ) ;
this . exportToolStripMenuItem . Text = "Export" ;
this . exportToolStripMenuItem . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . exportToolStripMenuItem_Click ) ;
// copyToolStripMenuItem
this . copyToolStripMenuItem . Name = "copyToolStripMenuItem" ;
this . copyToolStripMenuItem . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 107 , 22 ) ;
this . copyToolStripMenuItem . Text = "Copy" ;
this . copyToolStripMenuItem . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . copyToolStripMenuItem_Click ) ;
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// stPanel4
this . stPanel4 . Anchor = ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles ) ( ( ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Top | System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Bottom )
| System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Left )
| System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Right ) ) ) ;
this . stPanel4 . Controls . Add ( this . stPanel3 ) ;
this . stPanel4 . Controls . Add ( this . splitter2 ) ;
this . stPanel4 . Controls . Add ( this . splitter1 ) ;
this . stPanel4 . Controls . Add ( this . stPanel2 ) ;
this . stPanel4 . Controls . Add ( this . stPanel1 ) ;
this . stPanel4 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 0 , 24 ) ;
this . stPanel4 . Name = "stPanel4" ;
this . stPanel4 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 819 , 438 ) ;
this . stPanel4 . TabIndex = 2 ;
// BffntEditor
this . AutoScaleDimensions = new System . Drawing . SizeF ( 6F , 13F ) ;
this . AutoScaleMode = System . Windows . Forms . AutoScaleMode . Font ;
this . Controls . Add ( this . stPanel4 ) ;
this . Name = "BffntEditor" ;
this . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 819 , 462 ) ;
this . stPanel1 . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
this . stPanel1 . PerformLayout ( ) ;
( ( System . ComponentModel . ISupportInitialize ) ( this . lineFeedUD ) ) . EndInit ( ) ;
( ( System . ComponentModel . ISupportInitialize ) ( this . leftSpacingUD ) ) . EndInit ( ) ;
( ( System . ComponentModel . ISupportInitialize ) ( this . glyphWidthCB ) ) . EndInit ( ) ;
( ( System . ComponentModel . ISupportInitialize ) ( this . charWidthUD ) ) . EndInit ( ) ;
( ( System . ComponentModel . ISupportInitialize ) ( this . fontHeightUD ) ) . EndInit ( ) ;
( ( System . ComponentModel . ISupportInitialize ) ( this . fontWidthUD ) ) . EndInit ( ) ;
( ( System . ComponentModel . ISupportInitialize ) ( this . ascentUD ) ) . EndInit ( ) ;
this . stPanel2 . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
this . stPanel2 . PerformLayout ( ) ;
2019-07-18 13:33:16 -04:00
( ( System . ComponentModel . ISupportInitialize ) ( this . numericUpDownUint3 ) ) . EndInit ( ) ;
( ( System . ComponentModel . ISupportInitialize ) ( this . numericUpDownUint2 ) ) . EndInit ( ) ;
( ( System . ComponentModel . ISupportInitialize ) ( this . numericUpDownUint1 ) ) . EndInit ( ) ;
2019-07-17 16:14:55 -04:00
this . stPanel3 . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
this . stPanel3 . PerformLayout ( ) ;
this . imageMenuStrip . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
2019-07-17 22:02:57 -04:00
this . stPanel4 . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
2019-07-17 16:14:55 -04:00
this . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . STPanel stPanel1 ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel stLabel1 ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . STPanel stPanel2 ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel stLabel2 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Splitter splitter1 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Splitter splitter2 ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . STPanel stPanel3 ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . STComboBox imagesCB ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel stLabel3 ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . NumericUpDownUint ascentUD ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel stLabel4 ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel stLabel10 ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . NumericUpDownUint leftSpacingUD ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel stLabel9 ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . NumericUpDownUint glyphWidthCB ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel stLabel8 ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . NumericUpDownUint charWidthUD ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel stLabel7 ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . NumericUpDownUint fontHeightUD ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel stLabel6 ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . NumericUpDownUint fontWidthUD ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel stLabel5 ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . STComboBox fontTypeCB ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . STComboBox encodingTypeCB ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel stLabel12 ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel stLabel11 ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . STPanel stPanel4 ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . NumericUpDownUint lineFeedUD ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel stLabel13 ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . STContextMenuStrip imageMenuStrip ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem exportToolStripMenuItem ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ToolStripMenuItem copyToolStripMenuItem ;
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private Toolbox . Library . Forms . STComboBox characterCodeCB ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel stLabel14 ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . NumericUpDownUint numericUpDownUint3 ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel stLabel17 ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . NumericUpDownUint numericUpDownUint2 ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel stLabel16 ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . NumericUpDownUint numericUpDownUint1 ;
private Toolbox . Library . Forms . STLabel stLabel15 ;
2019-07-18 13:33:16 -04:00
private Forms . ImagePaenl imagePanel ;
2019-07-17 16:14:55 -04:00