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<member name="T:Syroot.Maths.Algebra">
Represents a set of mathematical (extension) methods.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Algebra.Pi">
Represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, specified by the constant, π.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Algebra.PiOver2">
Represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, specified by the constant, π, divided
two times.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Algebra.PiOver4">
Represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, specified by the constant, π, divided
four times.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Algebra.PiOver8">
Represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, specified by the constant, π, divided
eight times.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Algebra.Clamp(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
Limits the given <paramref name="value"/> to lie between <paramref name="min"/> and <paramref name="max"/>.
<param name="value">The value to clamp.</param>
<param name="min">The smallest value to return.</param>
<param name="max">The biggest value to return.</param>
<returns>The clamped value.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Algebra.Clamp(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
Limits the given <paramref name="value"/> to lie between <paramref name="min"/> and <paramref name="max"/>.
<param name="value">The value to clamp.</param>
<param name="min">The smallest value to return.</param>
<param name="max">The biggest value to return.</param>
<returns>The clamped value.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Algebra.Sin(System.Single)">
Returns the sine of the specified angle.
<param name="value">An angle, measured in radians.</param>
<returns>The sine of a. If a is equal to <see cref="F:System.Single.NaN"/>, <see cref="F:System.Single.NegativeInfinity"/> or
<see cref="F:System.Single.PositiveInfinity"/>, this method returns <see cref="F:System.Single.NaN"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Algebra.Cos(System.Single)">
Returns the cosine of the specified angle.
<param name="value">An angle, measured in radians.</param>
<returns>The cosine of a. If a is equal to <see cref="F:System.Single.NaN"/>, <see cref="F:System.Single.NegativeInfinity"/>
or <see cref="F:System.Single.PositiveInfinity"/>, this method returns <see cref="F:System.Single.NaN"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Algebra.Tan(System.Single)">
Returns the tangent of the specified angle.
<param name="value">An angle, measured in radians.</param>
<returns>The tangent of a. If a is equal to <see cref="F:System.Single.NaN"/>, <see cref="F:System.Single.NegativeInfinity"/>
or <see cref="F:System.Single.PositiveInfinity"/>, this method returns <see cref="F:System.Single.NaN"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Algebra.Lerp(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
Interpolates between the given values by the given factor. If the factor is 0f, a is returned, otherwise b,
and for anything between, an interpolation by that factor is returned.
<param name="a">The start value returned if the factor would be 0f.</param>
<param name="b">The end value returned if the factor would be 1f.</param>
<param name="factor">The factor by which the two values are interpolated.</param>
<returns>An interpolation between the two values by the given factor.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Algebra.DegreesToRadians(System.Single)">
Converts the given angle in degrees into radians.
<param name="degrees">The angle in degrees to convert.</param>
<returns>The converted angle in radians.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Algebra.RadiansToDegrees(System.Single)">
Converts the given angle in radians into degrees.
<param name="radians">The angle in radians to convert.</param>
<returns>The converted angle in degrees .</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Algebra.NearlyEquals(System.Single,System.Single)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:System.Single"/> is nearly equal to another <see cref="T:System.Single"/>.
<param name="current">The extended <see cref="T:System.Single"/>.</param>
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:System.Single"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:System.Single"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:System.Single"/> is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise <c>false</c>.
<seealso href="http://floating-point-gui.de/errors/comparison/"/>
<member name="T:Syroot.Maths.Color">
Represents a 4-component color with the components red, green, blue and alpha, representing each value as a
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Transparent">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FFFFFF00.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.AliceBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #F0F8FFFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.AntiqueWhite">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FAEBD7FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Aqua">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #00FFFFFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Aquamarine">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #7FFFD4FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Azure">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #F0FFFFFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Beige">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #F5F5DCFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Bisque">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FFE4C4FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Black">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #000000FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.BlanchedAlmond">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FFEBCDFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Blue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #0000FFFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.BlueViolet">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #8A2BE2FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Brown">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #A52A2AFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.BurlyWood">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #DEB887FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.CadetBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #5F9EA0FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Chartreuse">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #7FFF00FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Chocolate">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #D2691EFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Coral">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FF7F50FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.CornflowerBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #6495EDFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Cornsilk">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FFF8DCFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Crimson">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #DC143CFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Cyan">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #00FFFFFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.DarkBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #00008BFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.DarkCyan">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #008B8BFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.DarkGoldenrod">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #B8860BFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.DarkGray">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #A9A9A9FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.DarkGreen">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #006400FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.DarkKhaki">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #BDB76BFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.DarkMagenta">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #8B008BFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.DarkOliveGreen">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #556B2FFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.DarkOrange">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FF8C00FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.DarkOrchid">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #9932CCFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.DarkRed">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #8B0000FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.DarkSalmon">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #E9967AFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.DarkSeaGreen">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #8FBC8BFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.DarkSlateBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #483D8BFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.DarkSlateGray">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #2F4F4FFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.DarkTurquoise">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #00CED1FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.DarkViolet">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #9400D3FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.DeepPink">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FF1493FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.DeepSkyBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #00BFFFFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.DimGray">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #696969FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.DodgerBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #1E90FFFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Firebrick">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #B22222FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.FloralWhite">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FFFAF0FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.ForestGreen">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #228B22FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Fuchsia">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FF00FFFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Gainsboro">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #DCDCDCFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.GhostWhite">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #F8F8FFFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Gold">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FFD700FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Goldenrod">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #DAA520FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Gray">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #808080FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Green">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #008000FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.GreenYellow">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #ADFF2FFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Honeydew">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #F0FFF0FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.HotPink">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FF69B4FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.IndianRed">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #CD5C5CFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Indigo">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #4B0082FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Ivory">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FFFFF0FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Khaki">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #F0E68CFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Lavender">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #E6E6FAFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.LavenderBlush">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FFF0F5FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.LawnGreen">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #7CFC00FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.LemonChiffon">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FFFACDFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.LightBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #ADD8E6FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.LightCoral">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #F08080FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.LightCyan">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #E0FFFFFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.LightGoldenrodYellow">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FAFAD2FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.LightGray">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #D3D3D3FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.LightGreen">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #90EE90FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.LightPink">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FFB6C1FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.LightSalmon">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FFA07AFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.LightSeaGreen">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #20B2AAFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.LightSkyBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #87CEFAFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.LightSlateGray">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #778899FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.LightSteelBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #B0C4DEFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.LightYellow">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FFFFE0FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Lime">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #00FF00FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.LimeGreen">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #32CD32FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Linen">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FAF0E6FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Magenta">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FF00FFFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Maroon">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #800000FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.MediumAquamarine">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #66CDAAFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.MediumBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #0000CDFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.MediumOrchid">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #BA55D3FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.MediumPurple">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #9370DBFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.MediumSeaGreen">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #3CB371FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.MediumSlateBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #7B68EEFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.MediumSpringGreen">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #00FA9AFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.MediumTurquoise">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #48D1CCFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.MediumVioletRed">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #C71585FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.MidnightBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #191970FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.MintCream">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #F5FFFAFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.MistyRose">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FFE4E1FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Moccasin">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FFE4B5FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.NavajoWhite">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FFDEADFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Navy">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #000080FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.OldLace">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FDF5E6FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Olive">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #808000FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.OliveDrab">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #6B8E23FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Orange">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FFA500FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.OrangeRed">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FF4500FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Orchid">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #DA70D6FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.PaleGoldenrod">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #EEE8AAFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.PaleGreen">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #98FB98FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.PaleTurquoise">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #AFEEEEFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.PaleVioletRed">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #DB7093FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.PapayaWhip">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FFEFD5FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.PeachPuff">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FFDAB9FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Peru">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #CD853FFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Pink">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FFC0CBFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Plum">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #DDA0DDFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.PowderBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #B0E0E6FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Purple">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #800080FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Red">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FF0000FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.RosyBrown">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #BC8F8FFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.RoyalBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #4169E1FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.SaddleBrown">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #8B4513FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Salmon">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FA8072FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.SandyBrown">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #F4A460FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.SeaGreen">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #2E8B57FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.SeaShell">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FFF5EEFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Sienna">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #A0522DFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Silver">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #C0C0C0FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.SkyBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #87CEEBFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.SlateBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #6A5ACDFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.SlateGray">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #708090FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Snow">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FFFAFAFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.SpringGreen">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #00FF7FFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.SteelBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #4682B4FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Tan">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #D2B48CFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Teal">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #008080FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Thistle">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #D8BFD8FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Tomato">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FF6347FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Turquoise">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #40E0D0FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Violet">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #EE82EEFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Wheat">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #F5DEB3FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.White">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FFFFFFFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.WhiteSmoke">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #F5F5F5FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.Yellow">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #FFFF00FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.YellowGreen">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> with an RGBA value of #9ACD32FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.ValueCount">
Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.SizeInBytes">
Gets the size of this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.R">
The amount of red between 0f (no red) and 1f (full red).
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.G">
The amount of green between 0f (no green) and 1f (full green).
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.B">
The amount of blue between 0f (no blue) and 1f (full blue).
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Color.A">
The opacity amount between 0f (fully transparent) and 1f (fully opaque).
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Color.#ctor(System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> struct with the specified components and full opacity.
<param name="red">The amount of red.</param>
<param name="green">The amount of green.</param>
<param name="blue">The amount of blue.</param>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Color.#ctor(Syroot.Maths.Color,System.Byte)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> struct with the specified color and opacity amount.
<param name="color">The color which to use as a base.</param>
<param name="alpha">The opacity amount of the color.</param>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Color.#ctor(System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte,System.Byte)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> struct with the specified component values.
<param name="red">The amount of red.</param>
<param name="green">The amount of green.</param>
<param name="blue">The amount of blue.</param>
<param name="alpha">The opacity amount.</param>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Color.op_Equality(Syroot.Maths.Color,Syroot.Maths.Color)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> are the same as
the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> to compare.</param>
<returns><c>true</c>, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Color.op_Inequality(Syroot.Maths.Color,Syroot.Maths.Color)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> are not the same
as the components of the second specified<see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> to compare.</param>
<returns><c>true</c>, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> are not the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Color.op_Explicit(Syroot.Maths.ColorF)~Syroot.Maths.Color">
Explicit conversion from <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/>
<param name="color">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> to convert from.</param>
<returns>The retrieved <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Color.Equals(System.Object)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> are the same as the components
of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/>.
<param name="obj">The object to compare, if it is a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/>.</param>
<returns><c>true</c>, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Color.GetHashCode">
Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality.
<returns>The hash code.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Color.ToString">
Gets a string describing the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/>.
<returns>A string describing this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Color.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Color)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/>.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Color.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Color@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> to compare with this structure.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF">
Represents a 4-component color with the components red, green, blue and alpha, representing each value as a
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Transparent">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FFFFFF00.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.AliceBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #F0F8FFFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.AntiqueWhite">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FAEBD7FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Aqua">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #00FFFFFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Aquamarine">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #7FFFD4FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Azure">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #F0FFFFFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Beige">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #F5F5DCFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Bisque">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FFE4C4FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Black">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #000000FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.BlanchedAlmond">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FFEBCDFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Blue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #0000FFFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.BlueViolet">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #8A2BE2FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Brown">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #A52A2AFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.BurlyWood">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #DEB887FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.CadetBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #5F9EA0FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Chartreuse">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #7FFF00FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Chocolate">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #D2691EFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Coral">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FF7F50FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.CornflowerBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #6495EDFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Cornsilk">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FFF8DCFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Crimson">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #DC143CFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Cyan">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #00FFFFFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.DarkBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #00008BFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.DarkCyan">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #008B8BFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.DarkGoldenrod">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #B8860BFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.DarkGray">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #A9A9A9FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.DarkGreen">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #006400FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.DarkKhaki">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #BDB76BFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.DarkMagenta">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #8B008BFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.DarkOliveGreen">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #556B2FFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.DarkOrange">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FF8C00FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.DarkOrchid">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #9932CCFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.DarkRed">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #8B0000FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.DarkSalmon">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #E9967AFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.DarkSeaGreen">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #8FBC8BFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.DarkSlateBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #483D8BFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.DarkSlateGray">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #2F4F4FFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.DarkTurquoise">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #00CED1FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.DarkViolet">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #9400D3FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.DeepPink">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FF1493FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.DeepSkyBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #00BFFFFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.DimGray">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #696969FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.DodgerBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #1E90FFFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Firebrick">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #B22222FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.FloralWhite">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FFFAF0FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.ForestGreen">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #228B22FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Fuchsia">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FF00FFFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Gainsboro">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #DCDCDCFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.GhostWhite">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #F8F8FFFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Gold">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FFD700FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Goldenrod">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #DAA520FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Gray">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #808080FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Green">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #008000FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.GreenYellow">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #ADFF2FFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Honeydew">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #F0FFF0FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.HotPink">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FF69B4FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.IndianRed">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #CD5C5CFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Indigo">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #4B0082FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Ivory">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FFFFF0FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Khaki">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #F0E68CFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Lavender">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #E6E6FAFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.LavenderBlush">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FFF0F5FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.LawnGreen">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #7CFC00FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.LemonChiffon">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FFFACDFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.LightBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #ADD8E6FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.LightCoral">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #F08080FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.LightCyan">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #E0FFFFFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.LightGoldenrodYellow">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FAFAD2FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.LightGray">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #D3D3D3FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.LightGreen">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #90EE90FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.LightPink">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FFB6C1FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.LightSalmon">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FFA07AFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.LightSeaGreen">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #20B2AAFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.LightSkyBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #87CEFAFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.LightSlateGray">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #778899FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.LightSteelBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #B0C4DEFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.LightYellow">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FFFFE0FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Lime">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #00FF00FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.LimeGreen">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #32CD32FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Linen">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FAF0E6FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Magenta">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FF00FFFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Maroon">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #800000FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.MediumAquamarine">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #66CDAAFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.MediumBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #0000CDFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.MediumOrchid">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #BA55D3FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.MediumPurple">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #9370DBFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.MediumSeaGreen">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #3CB371FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.MediumSlateBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #7B68EEFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.MediumSpringGreen">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #00FA9AFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.MediumTurquoise">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #48D1CCFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.MediumVioletRed">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #C71585FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.MidnightBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #191970FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.MintCream">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #F5FFFAFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.MistyRose">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FFE4E1FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Moccasin">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FFE4B5FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.NavajoWhite">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FFDEADFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Navy">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #000080FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.OldLace">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FDF5E6FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Olive">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #808000FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.OliveDrab">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #6B8E23FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Orange">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FFA500FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.OrangeRed">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FF4500FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Orchid">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #DA70D6FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.PaleGoldenrod">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #EEE8AAFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.PaleGreen">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #98FB98FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.PaleTurquoise">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #AFEEEEFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.PaleVioletRed">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #DB7093FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.PapayaWhip">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FFEFD5FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.PeachPuff">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FFDAB9FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Peru">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #CD853FFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Pink">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FFC0CBFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Plum">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #DDA0DDFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.PowderBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #B0E0E6FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Purple">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #800080FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Red">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FF0000FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.RosyBrown">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #BC8F8FFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.RoyalBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #4169E1FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.SaddleBrown">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #8B4513FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Salmon">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FA8072FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.SandyBrown">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #F4A460FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.SeaGreen">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #2E8B57FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.SeaShell">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FFF5EEFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Sienna">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #A0522DFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Silver">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #C0C0C0FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.SkyBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #87CEEBFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.SlateBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #6A5ACDFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.SlateGray">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #708090FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Snow">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FFFAFAFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.SpringGreen">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #00FF7FFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.SteelBlue">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #4682B4FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Tan">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #D2B48CFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Teal">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #008080FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Thistle">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #D8BFD8FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Tomato">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FF6347FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Turquoise">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #40E0D0FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Violet">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #EE82EEFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Wheat">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #F5DEB3FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.White">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FFFFFFFF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.WhiteSmoke">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #F5F5F5FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Yellow">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #FFFF00FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.YellowGreen">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> with an RGBA value of #9ACD32FF.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.ValueCount">
Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.SizeInBytes">
Gets the size of this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.R">
The amount of red between 0f (no red) and 1f (full red).
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.G">
The amount of green between 0f (no green) and 1f (full green).
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.B">
The amount of blue between 0f (no blue) and 1f (full blue).
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.A">
The opacity amount between 0f (fully transparent) and 1f (fully opaque).
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.#ctor(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> struct with the specified components and full opacity.
<param name="red">The amount of red.</param>
<param name="green">The amount of green.</param>
<param name="blue">The amount of blue.</param>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.#ctor(Syroot.Maths.ColorF,System.Single)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> struct with the specified color and opacity amount.
<param name="color">The color which to use as a base.</param>
<param name="alpha">The opacity amount of the color.</param>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.#ctor(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> struct with the specified component values.
<param name="red">The amount of red.</param>
<param name="green">The amount of green.</param>
<param name="blue">The amount of blue.</param>
<param name="alpha">The opacity amount.</param>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.op_Equality(Syroot.Maths.ColorF,Syroot.Maths.ColorF)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> are the same as
the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> to compare.</param>
<returns><c>true</c>, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.op_Inequality(Syroot.Maths.ColorF,Syroot.Maths.ColorF)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> are not the same
as the components of the second specified<see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> to compare.</param>
<returns><c>true</c>, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> are not the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.op_Implicit(Syroot.Maths.Color)~Syroot.Maths.ColorF">
Implicit conversion from <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/>.
<param name="color">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Color"/> to convert from.</param>
<returns>The retrieved <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Equals(System.Object)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> are the same as the components
of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/>.
<param name="obj">The object to compare, if it is a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/>.</param>
<returns><c>true</c>, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.GetHashCode">
Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality.
<returns>The hash code.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.ToString">
Gets a string describing the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/>.
<returns>A string describing this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Equals(Syroot.Maths.ColorF)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/>.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise <c>false</c>.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.Equals(Syroot.Maths.ColorF@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> to compare with this structure.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.NearlyEquals(Syroot.Maths.ColorF)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> is nearly equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/>.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.ColorF.NearlyEquals(Syroot.Maths.ColorF@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> is nearly equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/>.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.ColorF"/> is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="T:Syroot.Maths.IEquatableByRef`1">
Defines a generalized method that a value type or class implements to create a type-specific method for
determining equality of instances.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<typeparam name="T">The type of structures to compare.</typeparam>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.IEquatableByRef`1.Equals(`0@)">
Indicates whether the current structure is equal to another structure of the same type.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A structure to compare with this structure.</param>
<returns>true if the current structure is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.</returns>
<member name="T:Syroot.Maths.INearlyEquatable`1">
Defines a generalized method that a value type or class implements to create a type-specific method for
determining nearly equality of instances with float values, ignoring rounding precision errors.
<typeparam name="T">The type of objects to compare.</typeparam>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.INearlyEquatable`1.NearlyEquals(`0)">
Indicates whether the current object is nearly equal to another object of the same type.
<param name="other">An object to compare with this object.</param>
<returns>true if the current object is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise <c>false</c>.</returns>
<member name="T:Syroot.Maths.INearlyEquatableByRef`1">
Defines a generalized method that a value type or class implements to create a type-specific method for
determining nearly equality of instances with float values, ignoring rounding precision errors.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<typeparam name="T">The type of objects to compare.</typeparam>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.INearlyEquatableByRef`1.NearlyEquals(`0@)">
Indicates whether the current object is nearly equal to another object of the same type.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">An object to compare with this object.</param>
<returns>true if the current object is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.</returns>
<member name="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2">
Represents a matrix with 2 rows and 2 columns in row-major notation.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2.Zero">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/> with all components being 0f.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2.Rows">
Gets the number of rows.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2.Columns">
Gets the number of columns.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2.ValueCount">
Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2.SizeInBytes">
Gets the size of this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2.M11">
The value in the first row and the first column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2.M12">
The value in the first row and the second column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2.M21">
The value in the second row and the first column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2.M22">
The value in the second row and the second column.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2.#ctor(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/> struct with the given values.
<param name="m11">The value in the first row and the first column.</param>
<param name="m12">The value in the first row and the second column.</param>
<param name="m21">The value in the second row and the first column.</param>
<param name="m22">The value in the second row and the second column.</param>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2.op_Equality(Syroot.Maths.Matrix2,Syroot.Maths.Matrix2)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of Matrix4 first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/> are the
same as the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2.op_Inequality(Syroot.Maths.Matrix2,Syroot.Maths.Matrix2)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/> are not the
same as the components of the second specified<see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/> are not the same.</returns>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2.Item(System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the component at the given <paramref name="index"/>.
<param name="index">The index of the component.</param>
<returns>The value of the component.</returns>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2.Item(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the component at the given <paramref name="row"/> and <paramref name="column"/>.
<param name="row">The row of the component.</param>
<param name="column">The column of the component.</param>
<returns>The value of the component.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2.Equals(System.Object)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/> are the same as the
components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/>.
<param name="obj">The object to compare, if it is a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/>.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2.GetHashCode">
Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality.
<returns>The hash code.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2.ToString">
Gets a string describing the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/>.
<returns>A string describing this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix2)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix2@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/> to compare with this structure.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2.NearlyEquals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix2)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/> is nearly equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/> is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2.NearlyEquals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix2@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/> is nearly equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/>.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2"/> is nearly equal to the other parameter;
otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
<member name="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3">
Represents a matrix with 2 rows and 3 columns in row-major notation.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3.Zero">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/> with all components being 0f.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3.Rows">
Gets the number of rows.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3.Columns">
Gets the number of columns.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3.ValueCount">
Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3.SizeInBytes">
Gets the size of this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3.M11">
The value in the first row and the first column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3.M12">
The value in the first row and the second column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3.M13">
The value in the first row and the third column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3.M21">
The value in the second row and the first column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3.M22">
The value in the second row and the second column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3.M23">
The value in the second row and the third column.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3.#ctor(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/> struct with the given values.
<param name="m11">The value in the first row and the first column.</param>
<param name="m12">The value in the first row and the second column.</param>
<param name="m13">The value in the first row and the third column.</param>
<param name="m21">The value in the second row and the first column.</param>
<param name="m22">The value in the second row and the second column.</param>
<param name="m23">The value in the second row and the third column.</param>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3.op_Equality(Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3,Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of Matrix4 first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/> are the
same as the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3.op_Inequality(Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3,Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/> are not the
same as the components of the second specified<see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/> are not the same.</returns>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3.Item(System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the component at the given <paramref name="index"/>.
<param name="index">The index of the component.</param>
<returns>The value of the component.</returns>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3.Item(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the component at the given <paramref name="row"/> and <paramref name="column"/>.
<param name="row">The row of the component.</param>
<param name="column">The column of the component.</param>
<returns>The value of the component.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3.Equals(System.Object)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/> are the same as the
components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/>.
<param name="obj">The object to compare, if it is a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/>.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3.GetHashCode">
Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality.
<returns>The hash code.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3.ToString">
Gets a string describing the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/>.
<returns>A string describing this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/> to compare with this structure.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3.NearlyEquals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/> is nearly equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/> is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3.NearlyEquals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/> is nearly equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/>.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/> is nearly equal to the other parameter;
otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
<member name="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4">
Represents a matrix with 2 rows and 4 columns in row-major notation.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4.Zero">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> with all components being 0f.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4.Rows">
Gets the number of rows.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4.Columns">
Gets the number of columns.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4.ValueCount">
Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4.SizeInBytes">
Gets the size of this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4.M11">
The value in the first row and the first column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4.M12">
The value in the first row and the second column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4.M13">
The value in the first row and the third column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4.M14">
The value in the first row and the fourth column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4.M21">
The value in the second row and the first column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4.M22">
The value in the second row and the second column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4.M23">
The value in the second row and the third column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4.M24">
The value in the second row and the fourth column.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4.#ctor(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> struct with the given values.
<param name="m11">The value in the first row and the first column.</param>
<param name="m12">The value in the first row and the second column.</param>
<param name="m13">The value in the first row and the third column.</param>
<param name="m14">The value in the first row and the fourth column.</param>
<param name="m21">The value in the second row and the first column.</param>
<param name="m22">The value in the second row and the second column.</param>
<param name="m23">The value in the second row and the third column.</param>
<param name="m24">The value in the second row and the fourth column.</param>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4.op_Equality(Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4,Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of Matrix4 first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/> are the same
as the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4.op_Inequality(Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4,Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/> are not the same
as the components of the second specified<see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/> are not the same.</returns>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4.Item(System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the component at the given <paramref name="index"/>.
<param name="index">The index of the component.</param>
<returns>The value of the component.</returns>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4.Item(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the component at the given <paramref name="row"/> and <paramref name="column"/>.
<param name="row">The row of the component.</param>
<param name="column">The column of the component.</param>
<returns>The value of the component.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4.Equals(System.Object)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/> are the same as the components
of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/>.
<param name="obj">The object to compare, if it is a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/>.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4.GetHashCode">
Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality.
<returns>The hash code.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4.ToString">
Gets a string describing the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/>.
<returns>A string describing this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/> to compare with this structure.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4.NearlyEquals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/> is nearly equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/> is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4.NearlyEquals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/> is nearly equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/>.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x4"/> is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3">
Represents a matrix with 3 rows and 3 columns in row-major notation.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3.Zero">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/> with all components being 0f.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3.Identity">
The identity <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/> which causes no transformations to happen.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3.Rows">
Gets the number of rows.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3.Columns">
Gets the number of columns.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3.ValueCount">
Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3.SizeInBytes">
Gets the size of this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3.M11">
The value in the first row and the first column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3.M12">
The value in the first row and the second column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3.M13">
The value in the first row and the third column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3.M21">
The value in the second row and the first column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3.M22">
The value in the second row and the second column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3.M23">
The value in the second row and the third column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3.M31">
The value in the third row and the first column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3.M32">
The value in the third row and the second column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3.M33">
The value in the third row and the third column.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3.#ctor(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/> struct with the given values.
<param name="m11">The value in the first row and the first column.</param>
<param name="m12">The value in the first row and the second column.</param>
<param name="m13">The value in the first row and the third column.</param>
<param name="m21">The value in the second row and the first column.</param>
<param name="m22">The value in the second row and the second column.</param>
<param name="m23">The value in the second row and the third column.</param>
<param name="m31">The value in the third row and the first column.</param>
<param name="m32">The value in the third row and the second column.</param>
<param name="m33">The value in the third row and the third column.</param>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3.op_Multiply(Syroot.Maths.Matrix3,Syroot.Maths.Matrix3)">
Multiplicates the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/> with the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/> to multiplicate with.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/> to multiplicate with.</param>
<returns>The multiplication result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3.op_Equality(Syroot.Maths.Matrix3,Syroot.Maths.Matrix3)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of Matrix3 first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/> are the same
as the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3.op_Inequality(Syroot.Maths.Matrix3,Syroot.Maths.Matrix3)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/> are not the same
as the components of the second specified<see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/> are not the same.</returns>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3.Item(System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the component at the given <paramref name="index"/>.
<param name="index">The index of the component.</param>
<returns>The value of the component.</returns>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3.Item(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the component at the given <paramref name="row"/> and <paramref name="column"/>.
<param name="row">The row of the component.</param>
<param name="column">The column of the component.</param>
<returns>The value of the component.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3.Equals(System.Object)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/> are the same as the components
of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/>.
<param name="obj">The object to compare, if it is a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/>.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3.GetHashCode">
Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality.
<returns>The hash code.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3.ToString">
Gets a string describing the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/>.
<returns>A string describing this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix3)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix3@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/> to compare with this structure.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3.NearlyEquals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix3)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/> is nearly equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/> is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3.NearlyEquals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix3@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/> is nearly equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/>.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3"/> is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2">
Represents a matrix with 3 rows and 3 columns in row-major notation.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2.Zero">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/> with all components being 0f.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2.Rows">
Gets the number of rows.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2.Columns">
Gets the number of columns.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2.ValueCount">
Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2.SizeInBytes">
Gets the size of this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2.M11">
The value in the first row and the first column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2.M12">
The value in the first row and the second column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2.M21">
The value in the second row and the first column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2.M22">
The value in the second row and the second column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2.M31">
The value in the third row and the first column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2.M32">
The value in the third row and the second column.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2.#ctor(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/> struct with the given values.
<param name="m11">The value in the first row and the first column.</param>
<param name="m12">The value in the first row and the second column.</param>
<param name="m21">The value in the second row and the first column.</param>
<param name="m22">The value in the second row and the second column.</param>
<param name="m31">The value in the third row and the first column.</param>
<param name="m32">The value in the third row and the second column.</param>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2.op_Equality(Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2,Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of Matrix3x2 first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/> are the
same as the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2.op_Inequality(Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2,Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/> are not the
same as the components of the second specified<see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/> are not the same.</returns>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2.Item(System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the component at the given <paramref name="index"/>.
<param name="index">The index of the component.</param>
<returns>The value of the component.</returns>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2.Item(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the component at the given <paramref name="row"/> and <paramref name="column"/>.
<param name="row">The row of the component.</param>
<param name="column">The column of the component.</param>
<returns>The value of the component.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2.Equals(System.Object)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/> are the same as the components
of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/>.
<param name="obj">The object to compare, if it is a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/>.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2.GetHashCode">
Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality.
<returns>The hash code.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2.ToString">
Gets a string describing the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/>.
<returns>A string describing this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/> to compare with this structure.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2.NearlyEquals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/> is nearly equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/> is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2.NearlyEquals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/> is nearly equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/>.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x2"/> is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4">
Represents a matrix with 3 rows and 4 columns in row-major notation.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4.Zero">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> with all components being 0f.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4.Rows">
Gets the number of rows.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4.Columns">
Gets the number of columns.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4.ValueCount">
Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4.SizeInBytes">
Gets the size of this structure.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4.M11">
The value in the first row and the first column.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4.M12">
The value in the first row and the second column.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4.M13">
The value in the first row and the third column.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4.M14">
The value in the first row and the fourth column.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4.M21">
The value in the second row and the first column.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4.M22">
The value in the second row and the second column.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4.M23">
The value in the second row and the third column.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4.M24">
The value in the second row and the fourth column.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4.M31">
The value in the third row and the first column.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4.M32">
The value in the third row and the second column.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4.M33">
The value in the third row and the third column.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4.M34">
The value in the third row and the fourth column.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4.#ctor(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> struct with the given values.
<param name="m11">The value in the first row and the first column.</param>
<param name="m12">The value in the first row and the second column.</param>
<param name="m13">The value in the first row and the third column.</param>
<param name="m14">The value in the first row and the fourth column.</param>
<param name="m21">The value in the second row and the first column.</param>
<param name="m22">The value in the second row and the second column.</param>
<param name="m23">The value in the second row and the third column.</param>
<param name="m24">The value in the second row and the fourth column.</param>
<param name="m31">The value in the third row and the first column.</param>
<param name="m32">The value in the third row and the second column.</param>
<param name="m33">The value in the third row and the third column.</param>
<param name="m34">The value in the third row and the fourth column.</param>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4.op_Equality(Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4,Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of Matrix4 first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/> are the same
as the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4.op_Inequality(Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4,Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/> are not the same
as the components of the second specified<see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/> are not the same.</returns>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4.Item(System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the component at the given <paramref name="index"/>.
<param name="index">The index of the component.</param>
<returns>The value of the component.</returns>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4.Item(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the component at the given <paramref name="row"/> and <paramref name="column"/>.
<param name="row">The row of the component.</param>
<param name="column">The column of the component.</param>
<returns>The value of the component.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4.Equals(System.Object)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/> are the same as the components
of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/>.
<param name="obj">The object to compare, if it is a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/>.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4.GetHashCode">
Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality.
<returns>The hash code.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4.ToString">
Gets a string describing the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/>.
<returns>A string describing this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/> to compare with this structure.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4.NearlyEquals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/> is nearly equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/> is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4.NearlyEquals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/> is nearly equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/>.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4"/> is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4">
Represents a matrix with 4 rows and 4 columns in row-major notation.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.Zero">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> with all components being 0f.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.Identity">
The identity <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> which causes no transformations to happen.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.Rows">
Gets the number of rows.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.Columns">
Gets the number of columns.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.ValueCount">
Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.SizeInBytes">
Gets the size of this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.M11">
The value in the first row and the first column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.M12">
The value in the first row and the second column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.M13">
The value in the first row and the third column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.M14">
The value in the first row and the fourth column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.M21">
The value in the second row and the first column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.M22">
The value in the second row and the second column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.M23">
The value in the second row and the third column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.M24">
The value in the second row and the fourth column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.M31">
The value in the third row and the first column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.M32">
The value in the third row and the second column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.M33">
The value in the third row and the third column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.M34">
The value in the third row and the fourth column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.M41">
The value in the fourth row and the first column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.M42">
The value in the fourth row and the second column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.M43">
The value in the fourth row and the third column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.M44">
The value in the fourth row and the fourth column.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.#ctor(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> struct with the given values.
<param name="m11">The value in the first row and the first column.</param>
<param name="m12">The value in the first row and the second column.</param>
<param name="m13">The value in the first row and the third column.</param>
<param name="m14">The value in the first row and the fourth column.</param>
<param name="m21">The value in the second row and the first column.</param>
<param name="m22">The value in the second row and the second column.</param>
<param name="m23">The value in the second row and the third column.</param>
<param name="m24">The value in the second row and the fourth column.</param>
<param name="m31">The value in the third row and the first column.</param>
<param name="m32">The value in the third row and the second column.</param>
<param name="m33">The value in the third row and the third column.</param>
<param name="m34">The value in the third row and the fourth column.</param>
<param name="m41">The value in the fourth row and the first column.</param>
<param name="m42">The value in the fourth row and the second column.</param>
<param name="m43">The value in the fourth row and the third column.</param>
<param name="m44">The value in the fourth row and the fourth column.</param>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.op_Multiply(Syroot.Maths.Matrix4,Syroot.Maths.Matrix4)">
Multiplicates the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> with the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> to multiplicate with.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> to multiplicate with.</param>
<returns>The multiplication result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.op_Equality(Syroot.Maths.Matrix4,Syroot.Maths.Matrix4)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of Matrix4 first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> are the same
as the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.op_Inequality(Syroot.Maths.Matrix4,Syroot.Maths.Matrix4)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> are not the same
as the components of the second specified<see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> are not the same.</returns>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.Item(System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the component at the given <paramref name="index"/>.
<param name="index">The index of the component.</param>
<returns>The value of the component.</returns>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.Item(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the component at the given <paramref name="row"/> and <paramref name="column"/>.
<param name="row">The row of the component.</param>
<param name="column">The column of the component.</param>
<returns>The value of the component.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.GetOrthographicMatrix(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
Gets a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> for an orthographic camera to transform vertices to normalized device
<param name="top">The top clipping distance before which vertices will disappear.</param>
<param name="right">The right clipping distance before which vertices will disappear.</param>
<param name="bottom">The bottom clipping distance before which vertices will disappear.</param>
<param name="left">The left clipping distance before which vertices will disappear.</param>
<param name="zNear">The near clipping distance before which vertices will disappear.</param>
<param name="zFar">The far clipping distance after which vertices will disappear.</param>
<returns>An orthographic camera <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.GetRotationXMatrix(System.Single)">
Gets a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> for a rotation around the X axis in 3-dimensional space.
<param name="degrees">The degrees of rotation.</param>
<returns>A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> representing the given rotation.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.GetRotationYMatrix(System.Single)">
Gets a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> for a rotation around the Y axis in 3-dimensional space.
<param name="degrees">The degrees of rotation.</param>
<returns>A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> representing the given rotation.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.GetRotationZMatrix(System.Single)">
Gets a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> for a rotation around the Z axis in 3-dimensional space.
<param name="degrees">The degrees of rotation.</param>
<returns>A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> representing the given rotation.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.GetScalingMatrix(Syroot.Maths.Vector3F)">
Gets a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> for a scaling of vectors in 3-dimensional space.
<param name="scaling">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> containing the scaling amount on all axes.</param>
<returns>A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> representing the given scaling.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.GetScalingMatrix(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
Gets a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> for a scaling of vectors in 3-dimensional space.
<param name="xScale">The scaling amount on the X axis.</param>
<param name="yScale">The scaling amount on the Y axis.</param>
<param name="zScale">The scaling amount on the Z axis.</param>
<returns>A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> representing the given scaling.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.GetTranslationMatrix(Syroot.Maths.Vector3F)">
Gets a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> for a translation of vectors in 3-dimensional space.
<param name="translation">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> containing the translation amount on all axes.</param>
<returns>A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> representing the given translation.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.GetTranslationMatrix(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
Gets a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> for a translation of vectors in 3-dimensional space.
<param name="x">The translation amount on the X axis.</param>
<param name="y">The translation amount on the Y axis.</param>
<param name="z">The translation amount on the Z axis.</param>
<returns>A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> representing the given translation.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.Equals(System.Object)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> are the same as the components
of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/>.
<param name="obj">The object to compare, if it is a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/>.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.GetHashCode">
Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality.
<returns>The hash code.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.ToString">
Gets a string describing the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/>.
<returns>A string describing this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix4)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix4@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> to compare with this structure.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.NearlyEquals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix4)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> is nearly equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4.NearlyEquals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix4@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> is nearly equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/>.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4"/> is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2">
Represents a matrix with 4 rows and 3 columns in row-major notation.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2.Zero">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/> with all components being 0f.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2.Rows">
Gets the number of rows.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2.Columns">
Gets the number of columns.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2.ValueCount">
Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2.SizeInBytes">
Gets the size of this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2.M11">
The value in the first row and the first column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2.M12">
The value in the first row and the second column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2.M21">
The value in the second row and the first column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2.M22">
The value in the second row and the second column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2.M31">
The value in the third row and the first column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2.M32">
The value in the third row and the second column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2.M41">
The value in the fourth row and the first column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2.M42">
The value in the fourth row and the second column.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2.#ctor(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/> struct with the given values.
<param name="m11">The value in the first row and the first column.</param>
<param name="m12">The value in the first row and the second column.</param>
<param name="m21">The value in the second row and the first column.</param>
<param name="m22">The value in the second row and the second column.</param>
<param name="m31">The value in the third row and the first column.</param>
<param name="m32">The value in the third row and the second column.</param>
<param name="m41">The value in the fourth row and the first column.</param>
<param name="m42">The value in the fourth row and the second column.</param>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2.op_Equality(Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2,Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of Matrix4 first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/> are the
same as the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2.op_Inequality(Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2,Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/> are not the
same as the components of the second specified<see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/> are not the same.</returns>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2.Item(System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the component at the given <paramref name="index"/>.
<param name="index">The index of the component.</param>
<returns>The value of the component.</returns>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2.Item(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the component at the given <paramref name="row"/> and <paramref name="column"/>.
<param name="row">The row of the component.</param>
<param name="column">The column of the component.</param>
<returns>The value of the component.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2.Equals(System.Object)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/> are the same as the
components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/>.
<param name="obj">The object to compare, if it is a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/>.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2.GetHashCode">
Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality.
<returns>The hash code.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2.ToString">
Gets a string describing the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/>.
<returns>A string describing this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/> to compare with this structure.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2.NearlyEquals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/> is nearly equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/> is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2.NearlyEquals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/> is nearly equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/>.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x2"/> is nearly equal to the other parameter;
otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
<member name="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3">
Represents a matrix with 4 rows and 3 columns in row-major notation.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3.Zero">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/> with all components being 0f.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3.Rows">
Gets the number of rows.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3.Columns">
Gets the number of columns.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3.ValueCount">
Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3.SizeInBytes">
Gets the size of this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3.M11">
The value in the first row and the first column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3.M12">
The value in the first row and the second column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3.M13">
The value in the first row and the third column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3.M21">
The value in the second row and the first column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3.M22">
The value in the second row and the second column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3.M23">
The value in the second row and the third column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3.M31">
The value in the third row and the first column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3.M32">
The value in the third row and the second column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3.M33">
The value in the third row and the third column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3.M41">
The value in the fourth row and the first column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3.M42">
The value in the fourth row and the second column.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3.M43">
The value in the fourth row and the third column.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3.#ctor(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/> struct with the given values.
<param name="m11">The value in the first row and the first column.</param>
<param name="m12">The value in the first row and the second column.</param>
<param name="m13">The value in the first row and the third column.</param>
<param name="m21">The value in the second row and the first column.</param>
<param name="m22">The value in the second row and the second column.</param>
<param name="m23">The value in the second row and the third column.</param>
<param name="m31">The value in the third row and the first column.</param>
<param name="m32">The value in the third row and the second column.</param>
<param name="m33">The value in the third row and the third column.</param>
<param name="m41">The value in the fourth row and the first column.</param>
<param name="m42">The value in the fourth row and the second column.</param>
<param name="m43">The value in the fourth row and the third column.</param>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3.op_Equality(Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3,Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of Matrix4 first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/> are the
same as the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix2x3"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3.op_Inequality(Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3,Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/> are not the
same as the components of the second specified<see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/> are not the same.</returns>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3.Item(System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the component at the given <paramref name="index"/>.
<param name="index">The index of the component.</param>
<returns>The value of the component.</returns>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3.Item(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the component at the given <paramref name="row"/> and <paramref name="column"/>.
<param name="row">The row of the component.</param>
<param name="column">The column of the component.</param>
<returns>The value of the component.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3.Equals(System.Object)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/> are the same as the
components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/>.
<param name="obj">The object to compare, if it is a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/>.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3.GetHashCode">
Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality.
<returns>The hash code.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3.ToString">
Gets a string describing the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/>.
<returns>A string describing this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/> to compare with this structure.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3.NearlyEquals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/> is nearly equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/> is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3.NearlyEquals(Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/> is nearly equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/>.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Matrix4x3"/> is nearly equal to the other parameter;
otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
<member name="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle">
Represents a rectangle specifying a position and size which uses integer values.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle.Zero">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/> at position 0, 0 and a width and height of 0.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle.One">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/> at position 0, 0 and a width and height of 1.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle.ValueCount">
Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle.SizeInBytes">
Gets the size of this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle.X">
The X integer component.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle.Y">
The Y integer component.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle.Width">
The integer width of the rectangle.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle.Height">
The integer height of the rectangle.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/> structure with the given values for the position
and size components.
<param name="x">The value of the X position component.</param>
<param name="y">The value of the Y position component.</param>
<param name="width">The value of the width size component.</param>
<param name="height">The value of the height size component.</param>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle.#ctor(Syroot.Maths.Vector2,Syroot.Maths.Vector2)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/> structure with the given values for the position
and size components.
<param name="position">The values of the position components.</param>
<param name="size">The values of the size components.</param>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle.Position">
Gets or sets the positional <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> of this rectangle, representing the <see cref="F:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle.X"/> and
<see cref="F:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle.Y"/> members.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle.Size">
Gets or sets the sizing <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> of this rectangle, representing the <see cref="F:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle.Width"/> and
<see cref="F:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle.Height"/> members.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle.X2">
Gets or sets the end coordinate on the X axis.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle.Y2">
Gets or sets the end coordinate on the Y axis.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle.op_Equality(Syroot.Maths.Rectangle,Syroot.Maths.Rectangle)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/> are the same
as the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle.op_Inequality(Syroot.Maths.Rectangle,Syroot.Maths.Rectangle)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/> are not the
same as the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/> are not the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle.op_Explicit(Syroot.Maths.RectangleF)~Syroot.Maths.Rectangle">
Explicit conversion from <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/>
<param name="rectangle">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/> to convert from.</param>
<returns>The retrieved <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle.Equals(System.Object)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/> are the same as the
components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/>.
<param name="obj">The object to compare, if it is a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/>.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle.GetHashCode">
Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality.
<returns>The hash code.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle.ToString">
Gets a string describing the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/>.
<returns>A string describing this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Rectangle)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Rectangle@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/> to compare with this structure.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF">
Represents a rectangle specifying a position and size which uses float values.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF.Zero">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/> at position 0f, 0f and a width and height of 0f.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF.One">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/> at position 0f, 0f and a width and height of 1f.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF.ValueCount">
Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF.SizeInBytes">
Gets the size of this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF.X">
The X float component.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF.Y">
The Y float component.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF.Width">
The float width of the rectangle.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF.Height">
The float height of the rectangle.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF.#ctor(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/> structure with the given values for the position
and size components.
<param name="x">The value of the X position component.</param>
<param name="y">The value of the Y position component.</param>
<param name="width">The value of the width size component.</param>
<param name="height">The value of the height size component.</param>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF.#ctor(Syroot.Maths.Vector2F,Syroot.Maths.Vector2F)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/> structure with the given values for the position
and size components.
<param name="position">The values of the position components.</param>
<param name="size">The values of the size components.</param>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF.Position">
Gets or sets the positional <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> of this rectangle, representing the <see cref="F:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF.X"/> and
<see cref="F:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF.Y"/> members.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF.Size">
Gets or sets the sizing <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> of this rectangle, representing the <see cref="F:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF.Width"/> and
<see cref="F:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF.Height"/> members.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF.X2">
Gets or sets the end coordinate on the X axis.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF.Y2">
Gets or sets the end coordinate on the Y axis.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF.op_Equality(Syroot.Maths.RectangleF,Syroot.Maths.RectangleF)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/> are the same
as the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF.op_Inequality(Syroot.Maths.RectangleF,Syroot.Maths.RectangleF)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/> are not the
same as the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/> are not the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF.op_Implicit(Syroot.Maths.Rectangle)~Syroot.Maths.RectangleF">
Implicit conversion from <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/>.
<param name="rectangle">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/> to convert from.</param>
<returns>The retrieved <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF.Equals(System.Object)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/> are the same as the
components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/>.
<param name="obj">The object to compare, if it is a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/>.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF.GetHashCode">
Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality.
<returns>The hash code.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF.ToString">
Gets a string describing the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/>.
<returns>A string describing this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF.Equals(Syroot.Maths.RectangleF)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF.Equals(Syroot.Maths.RectangleF@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/> to compare with this structure.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF.NearlyEquals(Syroot.Maths.RectangleF)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/> is nearly equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/> is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF.NearlyEquals(Syroot.Maths.RectangleF@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/> is nearly equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/>.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/> is nearly equal to the other parameter;
otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
<member name="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2">
Represents a two-dimensional vector which uses integer values.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector2.Zero">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> with the X and Y components being 0.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector2.One">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> with the X and Y components being 1.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector2.ValueCount">
Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector2.SizeInBytes">
Gets the size of this structure.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector2.X">
The X integer component.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector2.Y">
The Y integer component.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> structure with the given values for the X and Y
<param name="x">The value of the X component.</param>
<param name="y">The value of the Y component.</param>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2.op_UnaryPlus(Syroot.Maths.Vector2)">
Returns the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/>.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/>.</param>
<returns>The result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2.op_Addition(Syroot.Maths.Vector2,Syroot.Maths.Vector2)">
Adds the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> to the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/>.</param>
<returns>The addition result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2.op_UnaryNegation(Syroot.Maths.Vector2)">
Negates the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/>.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> to negate.</param>
<returns>The negated result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2.op_Subtraction(Syroot.Maths.Vector2,Syroot.Maths.Vector2)">
Subtracts the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> from the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/>.</param>
<returns>The subtraction result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2.op_Multiply(Syroot.Maths.Vector2,System.Single)">
Multiplicates the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> by the scalar.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/>.</param>
<param name="s">The scalar.</param>
<returns>The multiplication result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2.op_Multiply(Syroot.Maths.Vector2,Syroot.Maths.Vector2)">
Multiplicates the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> by the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/>.</param>
<returns>The multiplication result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2.op_Division(Syroot.Maths.Vector2,System.Single)">
Divides the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> through the scalar.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/>.</param>
<param name="s">The scalar.</param>
<returns>The division result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2.op_Division(Syroot.Maths.Vector2,Syroot.Maths.Vector2)">
Divides the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> through the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/>.</param>
<returns>The division result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2.op_Equality(Syroot.Maths.Vector2,Syroot.Maths.Vector2)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> are the same as
the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2.op_Inequality(Syroot.Maths.Vector2,Syroot.Maths.Vector2)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> are not the same
as the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> are not the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2.op_Explicit(Syroot.Maths.Vector2F)~Syroot.Maths.Vector2">
Explicit conversion from <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/>
<param name="vector">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> to convert from.</param>
<returns>The retrieved <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2.op_Explicit(Syroot.Maths.Vector2U)~Syroot.Maths.Vector2">
Explicit conversion from <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/>
<param name="vector">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/> to convert from.</param>
<returns>The retrieved <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/>.</returns>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector2.Item(System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the component at the given <paramref name="index"/>.
<param name="index">The index of the component.</param>
<returns>The value of the component.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2.Equals(System.Object)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> are the same as the components
of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/>.
<param name="obj">The object to compare, if it is a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/>.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2.GetHashCode">
Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality.
<returns>The hash code.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2.ToString">
Gets a string describing the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/>.
<returns>A string describing this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Vector2)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Vector2@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> to compare with this structure.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2.Intersects(Syroot.Maths.Rectangle)">
Returns a value indicating whether the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> lies within the provided
<see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/>.
<param name="rectangle">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/> tested for intersection.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> when the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> lies within the rectangle, otherwise <c>false</c>.
<member name="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool">
Represents a two-dimensional vector which uses boolean values.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool.Zero">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> with the X and Y components being false.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool.One">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> with the X and Y components being true.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool.ValueCount">
Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool.SizeInBytes">
Gets the size of this structure.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool.X">
The X boolean component.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool.Y">
The Y boolean component.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool.#ctor(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool"/> structure with the given values for the X and Y
<param name="x">The value of the X component.</param>
<param name="y">The value of the Y component.</param>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool.op_Equality(Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool,Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool"/> are the same
as the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool.op_Inequality(Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool,Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool"/> are not the
same as the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool"/> are not the same.</returns>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool.Item(System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the component at the given <paramref name="index"/>.
<param name="index">The index of the component.</param>
<returns>The value of the component.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool.Equals(System.Object)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool"/> are the same as the
components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool"/>.
<param name="obj">The object to compare, if it is a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool"/>.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool.GetHashCode">
Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality.
<returns>The hash code.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool.ToString">
Gets a string describing the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool"/>.
<returns>A string describing this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool"/> to compare with this structure.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2Bool"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F">
Represents a two-dimensional vector which uses float values.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F.Zero">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> with the X and Y components being 0f.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F.Half">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> with the X and Y components being 0.5f.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F.One">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> with the X and Y components being 1f.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F.ValueCount">
Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F.SizeInBytes">
Gets the size of this structure.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F.X">
The X float component.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F.Y">
The Y float component.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F.#ctor(System.Single,System.Single)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> struct with the given values for the X and Y
<param name="x">The value of the X component.</param>
<param name="y">The value of the Y component.</param>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F.op_UnaryPlus(Syroot.Maths.Vector2F)">
Returns the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/>.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/>.</param>
<returns>The result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F.op_Addition(Syroot.Maths.Vector2F,Syroot.Maths.Vector2F)">
Adds the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> to the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/>.</param>
<returns>The addition result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F.op_UnaryNegation(Syroot.Maths.Vector2F)">
Negates the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/>.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> to negate.</param>
<returns>The negated result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F.op_Subtraction(Syroot.Maths.Vector2F,Syroot.Maths.Vector2F)">
Subtracts the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> from the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/>.</param>
<returns>The subtraction result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F.op_Multiply(Syroot.Maths.Vector2F,System.Single)">
Multiplicates the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> by the scalar.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/>.</param>
<param name="s">The scalar.</param>
<returns>The multiplication result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F.op_Multiply(Syroot.Maths.Vector2F,Syroot.Maths.Vector2F)">
Multiplicates the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> by the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/>.</param>
<returns>The multiplication result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F.op_Division(Syroot.Maths.Vector2F,System.Single)">
Divides the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> through the scalar.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/>.</param>
<param name="s">The scalar.</param>
<returns>The division result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F.op_Division(Syroot.Maths.Vector2F,Syroot.Maths.Vector2F)">
Divides the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> through the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/>.</param>
<returns>The division result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F.op_Equality(Syroot.Maths.Vector2F,Syroot.Maths.Vector2F)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> are the same as
the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F.op_Inequality(Syroot.Maths.Vector2F,Syroot.Maths.Vector2F)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> are not the
same as the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> are not the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F.op_Implicit(Syroot.Maths.Vector2)~Syroot.Maths.Vector2F">
Implicit conversion from <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/>.
<param name="vector">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> to convert from.</param>
<returns>The retrieved <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F.op_Implicit(Syroot.Maths.Vector2U)~Syroot.Maths.Vector2F">
Implicit conversion from <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/>.
<param name="vector">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/> to convert from.</param>
<returns>The retrieved <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/>.</returns>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F.Item(System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the component at the given <paramref name="index"/>.
<param name="index">The index of the component.</param>
<returns>The value of the component.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F.Equals(System.Object)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> are the same as the components
of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/>.
<param name="obj">The object to compare, if it is a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/>.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F.GetHashCode">
Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality.
<returns>The hash code.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F.ToString">
Gets a string describing the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/>.
<returns>A string describing this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Vector2F)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Vector2F@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> to compare with this structure.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F.NearlyEquals(Syroot.Maths.Vector2F)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> is nearly equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F.NearlyEquals(Syroot.Maths.Vector2F@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> is nearly equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/>.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> is nearly equal to the other parameter;
otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F.Intersects(Syroot.Maths.RectangleF)">
Returns a value indicating whether the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> lies within the provided
<see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/>.
<param name="rectangle">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.RectangleF"/> tested for intersection.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> when the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> lies within the rectangle, otherwise <c>false</c>.
<member name="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U">
Represents a two-dimensional vector which uses unsigned integer values.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U.Zero">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/> with the X and Y components being 0.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U.One">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/> with the X and Y components being 1.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U.ValueCount">
Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U.SizeInBytes">
Gets the size of this structure.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U.X">
The X unsigned integer component.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U.Y">
The Y unsigned integer component.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U.#ctor(System.UInt32,System.UInt32)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/> structure with the given values for the X and Y
<param name="x">The value of the X component.</param>
<param name="y">The value of the Y component.</param>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U.op_UnaryPlus(Syroot.Maths.Vector2U)">
Returns the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/>.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/>.</param>
<returns>The result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U.op_Addition(Syroot.Maths.Vector2U,Syroot.Maths.Vector2U)">
Adds the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/> to the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/>.</param>
<returns>The addition result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U.op_Subtraction(Syroot.Maths.Vector2U,Syroot.Maths.Vector2U)">
Subtracts the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/> from the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/>.</param>
<returns>The subtraction result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U.op_Multiply(Syroot.Maths.Vector2U,System.Single)">
Multiplicates the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/> by the scalar.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/>.</param>
<param name="s">The scalar.</param>
<returns>The multiplication result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U.op_Multiply(Syroot.Maths.Vector2U,Syroot.Maths.Vector2U)">
Multiplicates the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/> by the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/>.</param>
<returns>The multiplication result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U.op_Division(Syroot.Maths.Vector2U,System.Single)">
Divides the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/> through the scalar.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/>.</param>
<param name="s">The scalar.</param>
<returns>The division result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U.op_Division(Syroot.Maths.Vector2U,Syroot.Maths.Vector2U)">
Divides the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/> through the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/>.</param>
<returns>The division result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U.op_Equality(Syroot.Maths.Vector2U,Syroot.Maths.Vector2U)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/> are the same as
the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U.op_Inequality(Syroot.Maths.Vector2U,Syroot.Maths.Vector2U)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/> are not the same
as the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/> are not the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U.op_Explicit(Syroot.Maths.Vector2)~Syroot.Maths.Vector2U">
Explicit conversion from <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/>
<param name="vector">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2"/> to convert from.</param>
<returns>The retrieved <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U.op_Explicit(Syroot.Maths.Vector2F)~Syroot.Maths.Vector2U">
Explicit conversion from <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/>
<param name="vector">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2F"/> to convert from.</param>
<returns>The retrieved <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/>.</returns>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U.Item(System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the component at the given <paramref name="index"/>.
<param name="index">The index of the component.</param>
<returns>The value of the component.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U.Equals(System.Object)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/> are the same as the components
of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/>.
<param name="obj">The object to compare, if it is a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/>.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U.GetHashCode">
Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality.
<returns>The hash code.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U.ToString">
Gets a string describing the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/>.
<returns>A string describing this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Vector2U)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Vector2U@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/> to compare with this structure.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U.Intersects(Syroot.Maths.Rectangle)">
Returns a value indicating whether the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/> lies within the provided
<see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/>.
<param name="rectangle">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Rectangle"/> tested for intersection.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> when the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector2U"/> lies within the rectangle, otherwise <c>false</c>.
<member name="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3">
Represents a three-dimensional vector which uses integer values.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.Zero">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/> with the X, Y and Z components being 0.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.One">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/> with the X, Y and Z components being 1.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.ValueCount">
Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.SizeInBytes">
Gets the size of this structure.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.X">
The X integer component.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.Y">
The Y integer component.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.Z">
The Z integer component.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/> structure with the given values for the X, Y and Z
<param name="x">The value of the X component.</param>
<param name="y">The value of the Y component.</param>
<param name="z">The value of the Z component.</param>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.Length">
Gets the length of this vector.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.op_UnaryPlus(Syroot.Maths.Vector3)">
Returns the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.</param>
<returns>The result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.op_Addition(Syroot.Maths.Vector3,Syroot.Maths.Vector3)">
Adds the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/> to the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.</param>
<returns>The addition result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.op_UnaryNegation(Syroot.Maths.Vector3)">
Negates the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/> to negate.</param>
<returns>The negated result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.op_Subtraction(Syroot.Maths.Vector3,Syroot.Maths.Vector3)">
Subtracts the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/> from the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.</param>
<returns>The subtraction result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.op_Multiply(Syroot.Maths.Vector3,System.Single)">
Multiplicates the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/> by the scalar.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.</param>
<param name="s">The scalar.</param>
<returns>The multiplication result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.op_Multiply(Syroot.Maths.Vector3,Syroot.Maths.Vector3)">
Multiplicates the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/> by the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.</param>
<returns>The multiplication result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.op_Division(Syroot.Maths.Vector3,System.Single)">
Divides the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/> through the scalar.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.</param>
<param name="s">The scalar.</param>
<returns>The division result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.op_Division(Syroot.Maths.Vector3,Syroot.Maths.Vector3)">
Divides the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/> through the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.</param>
<returns>The division result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.op_Equality(Syroot.Maths.Vector3,Syroot.Maths.Vector3)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/> are the same as
the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.op_Inequality(Syroot.Maths.Vector3,Syroot.Maths.Vector3)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/> are not the same
as the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/> are not the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.op_Explicit(Syroot.Maths.Vector3F)~Syroot.Maths.Vector3">
Explicit conversion from <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>
<param name="vector">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> to convert from.</param>
<returns>The retrieved <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.op_Explicit(Syroot.Maths.Vector3U)~Syroot.Maths.Vector3">
Explicit conversion from <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>
<param name="vector">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/> to convert from.</param>
<returns>The retrieved <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.</returns>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.Item(System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the component at the given <paramref name="index"/>.
<param name="index">The index of the component.</param>
<returns>The value of the component.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.Equals(System.Object)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/> are the same as the components
of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.
<param name="obj">The object to compare, if it is a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.GetHashCode">
Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality.
<returns>The hash code.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.ToString">
Gets a string describing the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.
<returns>A string describing this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Vector3)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Vector3@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/> to compare with this structure.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.Angle(Syroot.Maths.Vector3)">
Gets the angle between this and the other <paramref name="vector"/>.
<param name="vector">The other <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.</param>
<returns>The angle between this and the other vector.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.Angle(Syroot.Maths.Vector3@)">
Gets the angle between this and the other <paramref name="vector"/>.
<param name="vector">The other <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.</param>
<returns>The angle between this and the other vector.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.Cross(Syroot.Maths.Vector3)">
Gets the cross product between this and the other <paramref name="vector"/>.
<param name="vector">The other <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.</param>
<returns>The cross product between this and the other vector.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.Cross(Syroot.Maths.Vector3@)">
Gets the cross product between this and the other <paramref name="vector"/>.
<param name="vector">The other <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.</param>
<returns>The cross product between this and the other vector.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.Dot(Syroot.Maths.Vector3)">
Gets the dot product between this and the other <paramref name="vector"/>.
<param name="vector">The other <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.</param>
<returns>The dot product between this and the other vector.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.Dot(Syroot.Maths.Vector3@)">
Gets the dot product between this and the other <paramref name="vector"/>.
<param name="vector">The other <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.</param>
<returns>The dot product between this and the other vector.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.Normalize">
Normalizes the length of this vector.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3.Normalized">
Returns a normalized version of this vector.
<member name="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool">
Represents a three-dimensional vector which uses boolean values.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool.Zero">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool"/> with the X, Y and Z components being false.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool.One">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool"/> with the X, Y and Z components being true.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool.ValueCount">
Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool.SizeInBytes">
Gets the size of this structure.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool.X">
The X boolean component.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool.Y">
The Y boolean component.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool.Z">
The Z boolean component.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool.#ctor(System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool"/> structure with the given values for the X, Y and
Z components.
<param name="x">The value of the X component.</param>
<param name="y">The value of the Y component.</param>
<param name="z">The value of the Z component.</param>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool.op_Equality(Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool,Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool"/> are the same
as the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool.op_Inequality(Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool,Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool"/> are not the
same as the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool"/> are not the same.</returns>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool.Item(System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the component at the given <paramref name="index"/>.
<param name="index">The index of the component.</param>
<returns>The value of the component.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool.Equals(System.Object)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool"/> are the same as the
components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool"/>.
<param name="obj">The object to compare, if it is a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool"/>.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool.GetHashCode">
Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality.
<returns>The hash code.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool.ToString">
Gets a string describing the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool"/>.
<returns>A string describing this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool"/> to compare with this structure.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3Bool"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F">
Represents a three-dimensional vector which uses float values.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.Zero">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> with the X, Y and Z components being 0f.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.One">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> with the X, Y and Z components being 1f.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.ValueCount">
Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.SizeInBytes">
Gets the size of this structure.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.X">
The X float component.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.Y">
The Y float component.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.Z">
The Z float component.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.#ctor(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> struct with the given values for the X, Y and Z
<param name="x">The value of the X component.</param>
<param name="y">The value of the Y component.</param>
<param name="z">The value of the Z component.</param>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.Length">
Gets the length of this vector.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.op_UnaryPlus(Syroot.Maths.Vector3F)">
Returns the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.</param>
<returns>The result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.op_Addition(Syroot.Maths.Vector3F,Syroot.Maths.Vector3F)">
Adds the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> to the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.</param>
<returns>The addition result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.op_UnaryNegation(Syroot.Maths.Vector3F)">
Negates the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> to negate.</param>
<returns>The negated result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.op_Subtraction(Syroot.Maths.Vector3F,Syroot.Maths.Vector3F)">
Subtracts the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> from the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.</param>
<returns>The subtraction result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.op_Multiply(Syroot.Maths.Vector3F,System.Single)">
Multiplicates the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> by the scalar.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.</param>
<param name="s">The scalar.</param>
<returns>The multiplication result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.op_Multiply(Syroot.Maths.Vector3F,Syroot.Maths.Vector3F)">
Multiplicates the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> by the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.</param>
<returns>The multiplication result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.op_Division(Syroot.Maths.Vector3F,System.Single)">
Divides the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> through the scalar.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.</param>
<param name="s">The scalar.</param>
<returns>The division result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.op_Division(Syroot.Maths.Vector3F,Syroot.Maths.Vector3F)">
Divides the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> through the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.</param>
<returns>The division result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.op_Equality(Syroot.Maths.Vector3F,Syroot.Maths.Vector3F)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> are the same as
the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.op_Inequality(Syroot.Maths.Vector3F,Syroot.Maths.Vector3F)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> are not the
same as the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> are not the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.op_Implicit(Syroot.Maths.Vector3)~Syroot.Maths.Vector3F">
Implicit conversion from <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>.
<param name="vector">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/> to convert from.</param>
<returns>The retrieved <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.op_Implicit(Syroot.Maths.Vector3U)~Syroot.Maths.Vector3F">
Implicit conversion from <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>.
<param name="vector">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/> to convert from.</param>
<returns>The retrieved <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.</returns>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.Item(System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the component at the given <paramref name="index"/>.
<param name="index">The index of the component.</param>
<returns>The value of the component.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.Equals(System.Object)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> are the same as the components
of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.
<param name="obj">The object to compare, if it is a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.GetHashCode">
Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality.
<returns>The hash code.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.ToString">
Gets a string describing the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.
<returns>A string describing this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Vector3F)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Vector3F@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> to compare with this structure.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.NearlyEquals(Syroot.Maths.Vector3F)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> is nearly equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.NearlyEquals(Syroot.Maths.Vector3F@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> is nearly equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> is nearly equal to the other parameter;
otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.Angle(Syroot.Maths.Vector3F)">
Gets the angle between this and the other <paramref name="vector"/>.
<param name="vector">The other <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.</param>
<returns>The angle between this and the other vector.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.Angle(Syroot.Maths.Vector3F@)">
Gets the angle between this and the other <paramref name="vector"/>.
<param name="vector">The other <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.</param>
<returns>The angle between this and the other vector.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.Cross(Syroot.Maths.Vector3F)">
Gets the cross product between this and the other <paramref name="vector"/>.
<param name="vector">The other <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.</param>
<returns>The cross product between this and the other vector.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.Cross(Syroot.Maths.Vector3F@)">
Gets the cross product between this and the other <paramref name="vector"/>.
<param name="vector">The other <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.</param>
<returns>The cross product between this and the other vector.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.Dot(Syroot.Maths.Vector3F)">
Gets the dot product between this and the other <paramref name="vector"/>.
<param name="vector">The other <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.</param>
<returns>The dot product between this and the other vector.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.Dot(Syroot.Maths.Vector3F@)">
Gets the dot product between this and the other <paramref name="vector"/>.
<param name="vector">The other <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>.</param>
<returns>The dot product between this and the other vector.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.Normalize">
Normalizes the length of this vector.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F.Normalized">
Returns a normalized version of this vector.
<member name="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U">
Represents a three-dimensional vector which uses unsigned integer values.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.Zero">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/> with the X, Y and Z components being 0.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.One">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/> with the X, Y and Z components being 1.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.ValueCount">
Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.SizeInBytes">
Gets the size of this structure.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.X">
The X unsigned integer component.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.Y">
The Y unsigned integer component.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.Z">
The Z unsigned integer component.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.#ctor(System.UInt32,System.UInt32,System.UInt32)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/> structure with the given values for the X, Y and Z
<param name="x">The value of the X component.</param>
<param name="y">The value of the Y component.</param>
<param name="z">The value of the Z component.</param>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.Length">
Gets the length of this vector.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.op_UnaryPlus(Syroot.Maths.Vector3U)">
Returns the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>.</param>
<returns>The result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.op_Addition(Syroot.Maths.Vector3U,Syroot.Maths.Vector3U)">
Adds the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/> to the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>.</param>
<returns>The addition result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.op_Subtraction(Syroot.Maths.Vector3U,Syroot.Maths.Vector3U)">
Subtracts the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/> from the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>.</param>
<returns>The subtraction result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.op_Multiply(Syroot.Maths.Vector3U,System.Single)">
Multiplicates the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/> by the scalar.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>.</param>
<param name="s">The scalar.</param>
<returns>The multiplication result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.op_Multiply(Syroot.Maths.Vector3U,Syroot.Maths.Vector3U)">
Multiplicates the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/> by the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>.</param>
<returns>The multiplication result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.op_Division(Syroot.Maths.Vector3U,System.Single)">
Divides the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/> through the scalar.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>.</param>
<param name="s">The scalar.</param>
<returns>The division result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.op_Division(Syroot.Maths.Vector3U,Syroot.Maths.Vector3U)">
Divides the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/> through the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>.</param>
<returns>The division result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.op_Equality(Syroot.Maths.Vector3U,Syroot.Maths.Vector3U)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/> are the same as
the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.op_Inequality(Syroot.Maths.Vector3U,Syroot.Maths.Vector3U)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/> are not the
same as the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/> are not the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.op_Explicit(Syroot.Maths.Vector3)~Syroot.Maths.Vector3U">
Explicit conversion from <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/>
<param name="vector">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3"/> to convert from.</param>
<returns>The retrieved <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.op_Explicit(Syroot.Maths.Vector3F)~Syroot.Maths.Vector3U">
Explicit conversion from <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/>
<param name="vector">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3F"/> to convert from.</param>
<returns>The retrieved <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>.</returns>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.Item(System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the component at the given <paramref name="index"/>.
<param name="index">The index of the component.</param>
<returns>The value of the component.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.Equals(System.Object)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/> are the same as the components
of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>.
<param name="obj">The object to compare, if it is a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.GetHashCode">
Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality.
<returns>The hash code.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.ToString">
Gets a string describing the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>.
<returns>A string describing this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Vector3U)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Vector3U@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/> to compare with this structure.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.Angle(Syroot.Maths.Vector3U)">
Gets the angle between this and the other <paramref name="vector"/>.
<param name="vector">The other <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>.</param>
<returns>The angle between this and the other vector.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.Angle(Syroot.Maths.Vector3U@)">
Gets the angle between this and the other <paramref name="vector"/>.
<param name="vector">The other <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>.</param>
<returns>The angle between this and the other vector.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.Cross(Syroot.Maths.Vector3U)">
Gets the cross product between this and the other <paramref name="vector"/>.
<param name="vector">The other <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>.</param>
<returns>The cross product between this and the other vector.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.Cross(Syroot.Maths.Vector3U@)">
Gets the cross product between this and the other <paramref name="vector"/>.
<param name="vector">The other <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>.</param>
<returns>The cross product between this and the other vector.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.Dot(Syroot.Maths.Vector3U)">
Gets the dot product between this and the other <paramref name="vector"/>.
<param name="vector">The other <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>.</param>
<returns>The dot product between this and the other vector.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.Dot(Syroot.Maths.Vector3U@)">
Gets the dot product between this and the other <paramref name="vector"/>.
<param name="vector">The other <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U"/>.</param>
<returns>The dot product between this and the other vector.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.Normalize">
Normalizes the length of this vector.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector3U.Normalized">
Returns a normalized version of this vector.
<member name="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4">
Represents a four-dimensional vector which uses integer values.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector4.Zero">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/> with the X, Y, Z and W components being 0.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector4.One">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/> with the X, Y, Z and W components being 1.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector4.ValueCount">
Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector4.SizeInBytes">
Gets the size of this structure.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector4.X">
The X integer component.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector4.Y">
The Y integer component.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector4.Z">
The Z integer component.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector4.W">
The W integer component.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/> struct with the given values for the X, Y, Z and W
<param name="x">The value of the X component.</param>
<param name="y">The value of the Y component.</param>
<param name="z">The value of the Z component.</param>
<param name="w">The value of the W component.</param>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4.op_UnaryPlus(Syroot.Maths.Vector4)">
Returns the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/>.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/>.</param>
<returns>The result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4.op_Addition(Syroot.Maths.Vector4,Syroot.Maths.Vector4)">
Adds the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/> to the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/>.</param>
<returns>The addition result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4.op_UnaryNegation(Syroot.Maths.Vector4)">
Negates the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/>.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/> to negate.</param>
<returns>The negated result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4.op_Subtraction(Syroot.Maths.Vector4,Syroot.Maths.Vector4)">
Subtracts the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/> from the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/>.</param>
<returns>The subtraction result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4.op_Multiply(Syroot.Maths.Vector4,System.Single)">
Multiplicates the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/> by the scalar.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/>.</param>
<param name="s">The scalar.</param>
<returns>The multiplication result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4.op_Multiply(Syroot.Maths.Vector4,Syroot.Maths.Vector4)">
Multiplicates the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/> by the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/>.</param>
<returns>The multiplication result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4.op_Division(Syroot.Maths.Vector4,System.Single)">
Divides the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/> through the scalar.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/>.</param>
<param name="s">The scalar.</param>
<returns>The division result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4.op_Division(Syroot.Maths.Vector4,Syroot.Maths.Vector4)">
Divides the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/> through the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/>.</param>
<returns>The division result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4.op_Equality(Syroot.Maths.Vector4,Syroot.Maths.Vector4)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/> are the same as
the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4.op_Inequality(Syroot.Maths.Vector4,Syroot.Maths.Vector4)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/> are not the
same as the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/> are not the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4.op_Explicit(Syroot.Maths.Vector4F)~Syroot.Maths.Vector4">
Explicit conversion from <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/>
<param name="vector">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> to convert from.</param>
<returns>The retrieved <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4.op_Explicit(Syroot.Maths.Vector4U)~Syroot.Maths.Vector4">
Explicit conversion from <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/>
<param name="vector">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/> to convert from.</param>
<returns>The retrieved <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/>.</returns>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector4.Item(System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the component at the given <paramref name="index"/>.
<param name="index">The index of the component.</param>
<returns>The value of the component.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4.Equals(System.Object)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/> are the same as the components
of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/>.
<param name="obj">The object to compare, if it is a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/>.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4.GetHashCode">
Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality.
<returns>The hash code.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4.ToString">
Gets a string describing the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/>.
<returns>A string describing this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Vector4)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Vector4@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/> to compare with this structure.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool">
Represents a four-dimensional vector which uses integer values.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool.Zero">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/> with the X, Y, Z and W components being false.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool.One">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/> with the X, Y, Z and W components being true.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool.ValueCount">
Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool.SizeInBytes">
Gets the size of this structure.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool.X">
The X boolean component.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool.Y">
The Y boolean component.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool.Z">
The Z boolean component.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool.W">
The W boolean component.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool.#ctor(System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool"/> struct with the given values for the X, Y, Z and
W components.
<param name="x">The value of the X component.</param>
<param name="y">The value of the Y component.</param>
<param name="z">The value of the Z component.</param>
<param name="w">The value of the W component.</param>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool.op_Equality(Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool,Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool"/> are the same
as the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool.op_Inequality(Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool,Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool"/> are not the
same as the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool"/> are not the same.</returns>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool.Item(System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the component at the given <paramref name="index"/>.
<param name="index">The index of the component.</param>
<returns>The value of the component.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool.Equals(System.Object)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool"/> are the same as the
components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool"/>.
<param name="obj">The object to compare, if it is a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool"/>.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool.GetHashCode">
Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality.
<returns>The hash code.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool.ToString">
Gets a string describing the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool"/>.
<returns>A string describing this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool"/> to compare with this structure.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4Bool"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F">
Represents a four-dimensional vector which uses float values.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F.Zero">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> with the X, Y, Z and W components being 0f.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F.One">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> with the X, Y, Z and W components being 1f.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F.ValueCount">
Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F.SizeInBytes">
Gets the size of this structure.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F.X">
The X float component.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F.Y">
The Y float component.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F.Z">
The Z float component.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F.W">
The W float component.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F.#ctor(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> struct with the given values for the X, Y, Z and W
<param name="x">The value of the X component.</param>
<param name="y">The value of the Y component.</param>
<param name="z">The value of the Z component.</param>
<param name="w">The value of the W component.</param>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F.op_UnaryPlus(Syroot.Maths.Vector4F)">
Returns the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/>.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/>.</param>
<returns>The result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F.op_Addition(Syroot.Maths.Vector4F,Syroot.Maths.Vector4F)">
Adds the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> to the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/>.</param>
<returns>The addition result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F.op_UnaryNegation(Syroot.Maths.Vector4F)">
Negates the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/>.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> to negate.</param>
<returns>The negated result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F.op_Subtraction(Syroot.Maths.Vector4F,Syroot.Maths.Vector4F)">
Subtracts the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> from the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/>.</param>
<returns>The subtraction result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F.op_Multiply(Syroot.Maths.Vector4F,System.Single)">
Multiplicates the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> by the scalar.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/>.</param>
<param name="s">The scalar.</param>
<returns>The multiplication result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F.op_Multiply(Syroot.Maths.Vector4F,Syroot.Maths.Vector4F)">
Multiplicates the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> by the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/>.</param>
<returns>The multiplication result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F.op_Division(Syroot.Maths.Vector4F,System.Single)">
Divides the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> through the scalar.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/>.</param>
<param name="s">The scalar.</param>
<returns>The division result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F.op_Division(Syroot.Maths.Vector4F,Syroot.Maths.Vector4F)">
Divides the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> through the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/>.</param>
<returns>The division result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F.op_Equality(Syroot.Maths.Vector4F,Syroot.Maths.Vector4F)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> are the same as
the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F.op_Inequality(Syroot.Maths.Vector4F,Syroot.Maths.Vector4F)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> are not the
same as the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> are not the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F.op_Implicit(Syroot.Maths.Vector4)~Syroot.Maths.Vector4F">
Implicit conversion from <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/>.
<param name="vector">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/> to convert from.</param>
<returns>The retrieved <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F.op_Implicit(Syroot.Maths.Vector4U)~Syroot.Maths.Vector4F">
Implicit conversion from <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/>.
<param name="vector">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/> to convert from.</param>
<returns>The retrieved <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/>.</returns>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F.Item(System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the component at the given <paramref name="index"/>.
<param name="index">The index of the component.</param>
<returns>The value of the component.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F.Equals(System.Object)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> are the same as the components
of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/>.
<param name="obj">The object to compare, if it is a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/>.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F.GetHashCode">
Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality.
<returns>The hash code.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F.ToString">
Gets a string describing the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/>.
<returns>A string describing this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Vector4F)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Vector4F@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> to compare with this structure.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F.NearlyEquals(Syroot.Maths.Vector4F)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> is nearly equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> is nearly equal to the other parameter; otherwise,
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F.NearlyEquals(Syroot.Maths.Vector4F@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> is nearly equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/>.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> is nearly equal to the other parameter;
otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
<member name="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U">
Represents a four-dimensional vector which uses unsigned integer values.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U.Zero">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/> with the X, Y, Z and W components being 0.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U.One">
A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/> with the X, Y, Z and W components being 1.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U.ValueCount">
Gets the amount of value types required to represent this structure.
<member name="F:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U.SizeInBytes">
Gets the size of this structure.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U.X">
The X unsigned integer component.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U.Y">
The Y unsigned integer component.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U.Z">
The Z unsigned integer component.
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U.W">
The W unsigned integer component.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U.#ctor(System.UInt32,System.UInt32,System.UInt32,System.UInt32)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/> struct with the given values for the X, Y, Z and W
<param name="x">The value of the X component.</param>
<param name="y">The value of the Y component.</param>
<param name="z">The value of the Z component.</param>
<param name="w">The value of the W component.</param>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U.op_UnaryPlus(Syroot.Maths.Vector4U)">
Returns the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/>.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/>.</param>
<returns>The result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U.op_Addition(Syroot.Maths.Vector4U,Syroot.Maths.Vector4U)">
Adds the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/> to the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/>.</param>
<returns>The addition result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U.op_Subtraction(Syroot.Maths.Vector4U,Syroot.Maths.Vector4U)">
Subtracts the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/> from the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/>.</param>
<returns>The subtraction result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U.op_Multiply(Syroot.Maths.Vector4U,System.UInt32)">
Multiplicates the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/> by the scalar.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/>.</param>
<param name="s">The scalar.</param>
<returns>The multiplication result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U.op_Multiply(Syroot.Maths.Vector4U,Syroot.Maths.Vector4U)">
Multiplicates the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/> by the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/>.</param>
<returns>The multiplication result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U.op_Division(Syroot.Maths.Vector4U,System.UInt32)">
Divides the given <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/> through the scalar.
<param name="a">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/>.</param>
<param name="s">The scalar.</param>
<returns>The division result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U.op_Division(Syroot.Maths.Vector4U,Syroot.Maths.Vector4U)">
Divides the first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/> through the second one.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/>.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/>.</param>
<returns>The division result.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U.op_Equality(Syroot.Maths.Vector4U,Syroot.Maths.Vector4U)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/> are the same as
the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U.op_Inequality(Syroot.Maths.Vector4U,Syroot.Maths.Vector4U)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of the first specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/> are not the
same as the components of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/>.
<param name="a">The first <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/> to compare.</param>
<param name="b">The second <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/> to compare.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/> are not the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U.op_Explicit(Syroot.Maths.Vector4)~Syroot.Maths.Vector4U">
Explicit conversion from <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/>
<param name="vector">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4"/> to convert from.</param>
<returns>The retrieved <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U.op_Explicit(Syroot.Maths.Vector4F)~Syroot.Maths.Vector4U">
Explicit conversion from <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/>
<param name="vector">The <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4F"/> to convert from.</param>
<returns>The retrieved <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/>.</returns>
<member name="P:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U.Item(System.Int32)">
Gets or sets the component at the given <paramref name="index"/>.
<param name="index">The index of the component.</param>
<returns>The value of the component.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U.Equals(System.Object)">
Gets a value indicating whether the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/> are the same as the components
of the second specified <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/>.
<param name="obj">The object to compare, if it is a <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/>.</param>
<returns>true, if the components of both <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/> are the same.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U.GetHashCode">
Gets a hash code as an indication for object equality.
<returns>The hash code.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U.ToString">
Gets a string describing the components of this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/>.
<returns>A string describing this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Vector4U)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/>.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/> to compare with this <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/>.</param>
<returns>true if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise, false.
<member name="M:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U.Equals(Syroot.Maths.Vector4U@)">
Indicates whether the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/> is equal to another <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/>.
Structures are passed by reference to avoid stack structure copying.
<param name="other">A <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/> to compare with this structure.</param>
<returns><c>true</c> if the current <see cref="T:Syroot.Maths.Vector4U"/> is equal to the other parameter; otherwise,