2018-11-22 15:54:52 -05:00
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using Syroot.NintenTools.NSW.Bfres ;
using System.Windows.Forms ;
using Switch_Toolbox.Library ;
using Switch_Toolbox.Library.Rendering ;
using Switch_Toolbox.Library.Forms ;
using ResU = Syroot . NintenTools . Bfres ;
using ResUGX2 = Syroot . NintenTools . Bfres . GX2 ;
using ResGFX = Syroot . NintenTools . NSW . Bfres . GFX ;
using FirstPlugin ;
namespace Bfres.Structs
public class FmdlFolder : TreeNodeCustom
public FmdlFolder ( )
Text = "Models" ;
2018-11-23 15:39:16 -05:00
Name = "FMDL" ;
2018-11-22 16:17:03 -05:00
ContextMenu = new ContextMenu ( ) ;
MenuItem import = new MenuItem ( "Import" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( import ) ;
import . Click + = Import ;
MenuItem exportAll = new MenuItem ( "Export All" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( exportAll ) ;
exportAll . Click + = ExportAll ;
MenuItem clear = new MenuItem ( "Clear" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( clear ) ;
clear . Click + = Clear ;
public void Import ( object sender , EventArgs args )
public void ExportAll ( object sender , EventArgs args )
private void Clear ( object sender , EventArgs args )
DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox . Show ( "Are you sure you want to remove all objects? This cannot be undone!" , "" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) ;
if ( dialogResult = = DialogResult . Yes )
Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
( ( ResourceFile ) Parent ) . BFRESRender . models . Clear ( ) ;
( ( ResourceFile ) Parent ) . BFRESRender . UpdateVertexData ( ) ;
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public override void OnClick ( TreeView treeView )
FormLoader . LoadEditor ( this , Text ) ;
public class FMDL : STGenericModel
public List < FSHP > shapes = new List < FSHP > ( ) ;
public Dictionary < string , FMAT > materials = new Dictionary < string , FMAT > ( ) ;
public Model Model ;
public ResU . Model ModelU ;
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public ResFile GetResFile ( )
//ResourceFile -> FMDL -> Material Folder -> this
return ( ( ResourceFile ) Parent . Parent ) . resFile ;
public ResU . ResFile GetResFileU ( )
return ( ( ResourceFile ) Parent . Parent ) . resFileU ;
public void UpdateVertexData ( )
( ( ResourceFile ) Parent . Parent ) . BFRESRender . UpdateVertexData ( ) ;
public List < FMDL > GetModelList ( )
return ( ( ResourceFile ) Parent . Parent ) . BFRESRender . models ;
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public FMDL ( )
ImageKey = "model" ;
SelectedImageKey = "model" ;
Nodes . Add ( new FSHPFolder ( ) ) ;
Nodes . Add ( new FMATFolder ( ) ) ;
ContextMenu = new ContextMenu ( ) ;
MenuItem export = new MenuItem ( "Export Model" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( export ) ;
export . Click + = Export ;
MenuItem replace = new MenuItem ( "Replace Model" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( replace ) ;
replace . Click + = Replace ;
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MenuItem rename = new MenuItem ( "Rename" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( rename ) ;
rename . Click + = Rename ;
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MenuItem calcTansBitans = new MenuItem ( "Calculate Tangents/Bitangents" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( calcTansBitans ) ;
calcTansBitans . Click + = CalcTansBitansAllShapes ;
MenuItem normals = new MenuItem ( "Normals" ) ;
ContextMenu . MenuItems . Add ( normals ) ;
MenuItem smoothNormals = new MenuItem ( "Smooth" ) ;
normals . MenuItems . Add ( smoothNormals ) ;
smoothNormals . Click + = SmoothNormals ;
MenuItem recalculateNormals = new MenuItem ( "Recalculate" ) ;
normals . MenuItems . Add ( recalculateNormals ) ;
recalculateNormals . Click + = RecalculateNormals ;
private void SmoothNormals ( object sender , EventArgs args )
Cursor . Current = Cursors . WaitCursor ;
foreach ( FSHP shp in shapes )
bool HasNormals = shp . vertexAttributes . Any ( x = > x . Name = = "_n0" ) ;
if ( HasNormals )
shp . SmoothNormals ( ) ;
shp . SaveVertexBuffer ( ) ;
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UpdateVertexData ( ) ;
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Cursor . Current = Cursors . Default ;
private void RecalculateNormals ( object sender , EventArgs args )
Cursor . Current = Cursors . WaitCursor ;
foreach ( FSHP shp in shapes )
bool HasNormals = shp . vertexAttributes . Any ( x = > x . Name = = "_n0" ) ;
if ( HasNormals )
shp . CalculateNormals ( ) ;
shp . SaveVertexBuffer ( ) ;
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UpdateVertexData ( ) ;
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Cursor . Current = Cursors . Default ;
private void Rename ( object sender , EventArgs args )
RenameDialog dialog = new RenameDialog ( ) ;
dialog . SetString ( Text ) ;
if ( dialog . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
Text = dialog . textBox1 . Text ;
private void CalcTansBitansAllShapes ( object sender , EventArgs args )
Cursor . Current = Cursors . WaitCursor ;
foreach ( FSHP shp in shapes )
bool HasTans = shp . vertexAttributes . Any ( x = > x . Name = = "_t0" ) ;
bool HasBiTans = shp . vertexAttributes . Any ( x = > x . Name = = "_b0" ) ;
if ( ! shp . HasUV0 ( ) )
MessageBox . Show ( $"Error! {Text} does not have UVs!" , "" , MessageBoxButtons . OK , MessageBoxIcon . Error ) ;
return ;
if ( ! HasBiTans )
DialogResult dialogResult2 = MessageBox . Show ( "Mesh does not have bitangents. Do you want to create them? (will make file size bigger)" , "" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) ;
FSHP . VertexAttribute att2 = new FSHP . VertexAttribute ( ) ;
att2 . Name = "_b0" ;
att2 . Format = ResGFX . AttribFormat . Format_10_10_10_2_SNorm ;
if ( dialogResult2 = = DialogResult . Yes )
if ( ! HasBiTans )
shp . vertexAttributes . Add ( att2 ) ;
if ( ! HasTans )
DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox . Show ( "Mesh does not have tangets. Do you want to create them? (will make file size bigger)" , "" , MessageBoxButtons . YesNo ) ;
FSHP . VertexAttribute att = new FSHP . VertexAttribute ( ) ;
att . Name = "_t0" ;
att . Format = ResGFX . AttribFormat . Format_10_10_10_2_SNorm ;
if ( dialogResult = = DialogResult . Yes )
if ( ! HasTans )
shp . vertexAttributes . Add ( att ) ;
shp . CalculateTangentBitangent ( ) ;
shp . SaveVertexBuffer ( ) ;
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UpdateVertexData ( ) ;
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Cursor . Current = Cursors . Default ;
public void CopyMaterial ( FMAT selectedMaterial )
CopyMaterialMenu menu = new CopyMaterialMenu ( ) ;
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menu . LoadMaterials ( selectedMaterial . Text , GetModelList ( ) ) ;
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if ( menu . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
foreach ( TreeNode mdl in menu . materialTreeView . Nodes )
foreach ( TreeNode n in mdl . Nodes )
if ( n . Checked )
if ( materials . ContainsKey ( n . Text ) )
SetCopiedMaterialData ( menu , selectedMaterial , materials [ n . Text ] ) ;
Viewport . Instance . UpdateViewport ( ) ;
private void SetCopiedMaterialData ( CopyMaterialMenu menu ,
FMAT selectedMaterial , FMAT targetMaterial )
targetMaterial . Material . Flags = selectedMaterial . Material . Flags ;
targetMaterial . Material . UserDatas = selectedMaterial . Material . UserDatas ;
targetMaterial . Material . UserDataDict = selectedMaterial . Material . UserDataDict ;
if ( menu . chkBoxRenderInfo . Checked )
targetMaterial . Material . RenderInfoDict = selectedMaterial . Material . RenderInfoDict ;
targetMaterial . Material . RenderInfos = selectedMaterial . Material . RenderInfos ;
if ( menu . chkBoxShaderOptions . Checked )
targetMaterial . Material . ShaderAssign = selectedMaterial . Material . ShaderAssign ;
if ( menu . chkBoxShaderParams . Checked )
targetMaterial . Material . ShaderParamData = selectedMaterial . Material . ShaderParamData ;
targetMaterial . Material . ShaderParamDict = selectedMaterial . Material . ShaderParamDict ;
targetMaterial . Material . ShaderParams = selectedMaterial . Material . ShaderParams ;
targetMaterial . Material . VolatileFlags = selectedMaterial . Material . VolatileFlags ;
if ( menu . chkBoxTextures . Checked )
targetMaterial . Material . SamplerDict = selectedMaterial . Material . SamplerDict ;
targetMaterial . Material . Samplers = selectedMaterial . Material . Samplers ;
targetMaterial . Material . SamplerSlotArray = selectedMaterial . Material . SamplerSlotArray ;
targetMaterial . Material . TextureSlotArray = selectedMaterial . Material . TextureSlotArray ;
targetMaterial . Material . TextureRefs = selectedMaterial . Material . TextureRefs ;
targetMaterial . ReadMaterial ( targetMaterial . Material ) ;
public void ExportAll ( )
FolderSelectDialog sfd = new FolderSelectDialog ( ) ;
List < string > Formats = new List < string > ( ) ;
Formats . Add ( "Bfres object (.bfobj)" ) ;
Formats . Add ( "CSV (.csv)" ) ;
if ( sfd . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
string folderPath = sfd . SelectedPath ;
TextureFormatExport form = new TextureFormatExport ( Formats ) ;
if ( form . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
foreach ( FSHP shp in shapes )
if ( form . Index = = 0 )
shp . ExportBinaryObject ( folderPath + '\\' + shp . Text + ".bfobj" ) ;
public void Export ( object sender , EventArgs args )
SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog ( ) ;
sfd . Filter = "Supported Formats|*.bfmdl;*.fbx;*.dae; *.obj;*.csv;|" +
"Bfres Model|*.bfmdl|" +
"FBX |*.fbx|" +
"DAE |*.dae|" +
"OBJ |*.obj|" +
"CSV |*.csv|" +
"All files(*.*)|*.*" ;
sfd . DefaultExt = ".bfobj" ;
sfd . FileName = Text ;
if ( sfd . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
string ext = System . IO . Path . GetExtension ( sfd . FileName ) ;
ext = ext . ToLower ( ) ;
switch ( ext )
case ".bfmdl" :
2018-11-22 19:40:36 -05:00
Model . Export ( sfd . FileName , GetResFile ( ) ) ;
2018-11-22 15:54:52 -05:00
break ;
case ".csv" :
CsvModel csv = new CsvModel ( ) ;
foreach ( FSHP shape in shapes )
STGenericObject obj = new STGenericObject ( ) ;
obj . ObjectName = shape . Text ;
obj . vertices = shape . vertices ;
obj . faces = shape . lodMeshes [ shape . DisplayLODIndex ] . faces ;
csv . objects . Add ( obj ) ;
int CurVtx = 0 ;
foreach ( Vertex v in shape . vertices )
if ( v . boneIds [ 0 ] ! = 0 )
obj . vertices [ CurVtx ] . boneNames . Add ( shape . GetBoneNameFromIndex ( this , v . boneIds [ 0 ] ) ) ;
if ( v . boneIds [ 1 ] ! = 0 )
obj . vertices [ CurVtx ] . boneNames . Add ( shape . GetBoneNameFromIndex ( this , v . boneIds [ 1 ] ) ) ;
if ( v . boneIds [ 2 ] ! = 0 )
obj . vertices [ CurVtx ] . boneNames . Add ( shape . GetBoneNameFromIndex ( this , v . boneIds [ 2 ] ) ) ;
if ( v . boneIds [ 3 ] ! = 0 )
obj . vertices [ CurVtx ] . boneNames . Add ( shape . GetBoneNameFromIndex ( this , v . boneIds [ 3 ] ) ) ;
CurVtx + + ;
System . IO . File . WriteAllBytes ( sfd . FileName , csv . Save ( ) ) ;
break ;
default :
AssimpData assimp = new AssimpData ( ) ;
assimp . SaveFromModel ( this , sfd . FileName ) ;
break ;
public void Replace ( object sender , EventArgs args )
OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog ( ) ;
ofd . Filter = "Supported Formats|*.bfobj;*.fbx;*.dae;*.obj;*.csv;|" +
"Bfres Object (shape/vertices) |*.bfobj|" +
"FBX |*.fbx|" +
"DAE |*.dae|" +
"OBJ |*.obj|" +
"CSV |*.csv|" +
"All files(*.*)|*.*" ;
if ( ofd . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
AddOjects ( ofd . FileName ) ;
//Function addes shapes, vertices and meshes
public void AddOjects ( string FileName , bool Replace = true )
int MatStartIndex = materials . Count ;
string ext = System . IO . Path . GetExtension ( FileName ) ;
ext = ext . ToLower ( ) ;
switch ( ext )
case ".bfobj" :
Cursor . Current = Cursors . WaitCursor ;
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if ( Replace )
shapes . Clear ( ) ;
Nodes [ "FshpFolder" ] . Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
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Shape shpS = new Shape ( ) ;
VertexBuffer vertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer ( ) ;
shpS . Import ( FileName , vertexBuffer ) ;
FSHP shapeS = new FSHP ( ) ;
shapeS . Shape = shpS ;
BfresSwitch . ReadShapesVertices ( shapeS , shpS , vertexBuffer , this ) ;
shapes . Add ( shapeS ) ;
Nodes [ "FshpFolder" ] . Nodes . Add ( shapeS ) ;
Cursor . Current = Cursors . Default ;
break ;
case ".bfmdl" :
Cursor . Current = Cursors . WaitCursor ;
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if ( Replace )
shapes . Clear ( ) ;
Nodes [ "FshpFolder" ] . Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
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Model mdl = new Model ( ) ;
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mdl . Import ( FileName , GetResFile ( ) ) ;
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mdl . Name = Text ;
shapes . Clear ( ) ;
foreach ( Shape shp in mdl . Shapes )
FSHP shape = new FSHP ( ) ;
shape . Shape = shp ;
BfresSwitch . ReadShapesVertices ( shape , shp , mdl . VertexBuffers [ shp . VertexBufferIndex ] , this ) ;
shapes . Add ( shape ) ;
Nodes [ "FshpFolder" ] . Nodes . Add ( shape ) ;
Cursor . Current = Cursors . Default ;
break ;
case ".csv" :
CsvModel csvModel = new CsvModel ( ) ;
csvModel . LoadFile ( FileName , true ) ;
if ( csvModel . objects . Count = = 0 )
MessageBox . Show ( "No models found!" ) ;
return ;
BfresModelImportSettings csvsettings = new BfresModelImportSettings ( ) ;
csvsettings . DisableMaterialEdits ( ) ;
csvsettings . SetModelAttributes ( csvModel . objects [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( csvsettings . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
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if ( Replace )
shapes . Clear ( ) ;
Nodes [ "FshpFolder" ] . Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
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Cursor . Current = Cursors . WaitCursor ;
foreach ( STGenericObject obj in csvModel . objects )
FSHP shape = new FSHP ( ) ;
shape . VertexBufferIndex = shapes . Count ;
shape . vertices = obj . vertices ;
shape . MaterialIndex = 0 ;
shape . VertexSkinCount = obj . GetMaxSkinInfluenceCount ( ) ;
shape . vertexAttributes = csvsettings . CreateNewAttributes ( ) ;
shape . boneIndx = 0 ;
shape . Text = obj . ObjectName ;
shape . lodMeshes = obj . lodMeshes ;
shape . CreateNewBoundingBoxes ( ) ;
shape . CreateBoneList ( obj , this ) ;
shape . CreateIndexList ( obj , this ) ;
shape . ApplyImportSettings ( csvsettings , GetMaterial ( shape . MaterialIndex ) ) ;
shape . SaveShape ( ) ;
shape . SaveVertexBuffer ( ) ;
shape . BoneIndices = new List < ushort > ( ) ;
Nodes [ "FshpFolder" ] . Nodes . Add ( shape ) ;
shapes . Add ( shape ) ;
Cursor . Current = Cursors . Default ;
break ;
default :
AssimpData assimp = new AssimpData ( ) ;
assimp . LoadFile ( FileName ) ;
if ( assimp . objects . Count = = 0 )
MessageBox . Show ( "No models found!" ) ;
return ;
BfresModelImportSettings settings = new BfresModelImportSettings ( ) ;
settings . SetModelAttributes ( assimp . objects [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( settings . ShowDialog ( ) = = DialogResult . OK )
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if ( Replace )
shapes . Clear ( ) ;
Nodes [ "FshpFolder" ] . Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
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Cursor . Current = Cursors . WaitCursor ;
if ( ! BFRES . IsWiiU & & Replace )
materials . Clear ( ) ;
Nodes [ "FmatFolder" ] . Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
MatStartIndex = 0 ;
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foreach ( STGenericMaterial mat in assimp . materials )
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2018-11-27 21:21:31 -05:00
FMAT fmat = new FMAT ( ) ;
if ( settings . ExternalMaterialPath ! = string . Empty )
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2018-11-27 21:21:31 -05:00
if ( ! BFRES . IsWiiU )
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fmat . Material = new Material ( ) ;
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fmat . Material . Import ( settings . ExternalMaterialPath ) ;
fmat . ReadMaterial ( fmat . Material ) ;
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2018-11-22 15:54:52 -05:00
2018-11-27 21:21:31 -05:00
fmat . MaterialU = new ResU . Material ( ) ;
fmat . MaterialU . Import ( settings . ExternalMaterialPath , GetResFileU ( ) ) ;
BfresWiiU . ReadMaterial ( fmat , fmat . MaterialU ) ;
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2018-11-27 21:21:31 -05:00
fmat . Text = mat . Text ;
//Setup placeholder textures
//Note we can't add/remove samplers so we must fill these slots
foreach ( var t in fmat . textures )
t . wrapModeS = 0 ;
t . wrapModeT = 0 ;
switch ( t . Type )
case STGenericMatTexture . TextureType . Diffuse :
t . Name = "Basic_Alb" ;
break ;
case STGenericMatTexture . TextureType . Emission :
t . Name = "Basic_Emm" ;
break ;
case STGenericMatTexture . TextureType . Normal :
t . Name = "Basic_Nrm" ;
break ;
case STGenericMatTexture . TextureType . Specular :
t . Name = "Basic_Spm" ;
break ;
case STGenericMatTexture . TextureType . SphereMap :
t . Name = "Basic_Sphere" ;
break ;
case STGenericMatTexture . TextureType . Metalness :
t . Name = "Basic_Mtl" ;
break ;
case STGenericMatTexture . TextureType . Roughness :
t . Name = "Basic_Rgh" ;
break ;
case STGenericMatTexture . TextureType . MRA :
t . Name = "Basic_MRA" ;
break ;
case STGenericMatTexture . TextureType . Shadow :
t . Name = "Basic_Bake_st0" ;
break ;
case STGenericMatTexture . TextureType . Light :
t . Name = "Basic_Bake_st1" ;
break ;
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2018-11-27 21:21:31 -05:00
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2018-11-27 21:21:31 -05:00
if ( PluginRuntime . bntxContainers . Count > 0 )
foreach ( var node in Parent . Parent . Nodes [ "EXT" ] . Nodes )
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2018-11-27 21:21:31 -05:00
if ( node is BinaryTextureContainer )
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2018-11-27 21:21:31 -05:00
var bntx = ( BinaryTextureContainer ) node ;
bntx . ImportBasicTextures ( "Basic_Alb" ) ;
bntx . ImportBasicTextures ( "Basic_Nrm" ) ;
bntx . ImportBasicTextures ( "Basic_Spm" ) ;
bntx . ImportBasicTextures ( "Basic_Sphere" ) ;
bntx . ImportBasicTextures ( "Basic_Mtl" ) ;
bntx . ImportBasicTextures ( "Basic_Rgh" ) ;
bntx . ImportBasicTextures ( "Basic_MRA" ) ;
bntx . ImportBasicTextures ( "Basic_Bake_st0" ) ;
bntx . ImportBasicTextures ( "Basic_Bake_st1" ) ;
bntx . ImportBasicTextures ( "Basic_Emm" ) ;
2018-11-22 15:54:52 -05:00
2018-11-27 21:21:31 -05:00
2018-11-22 15:54:52 -05:00
2018-11-27 21:21:31 -05:00
foreach ( var tex in mat . TextureMaps )
foreach ( var t in fmat . textures )
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2018-11-27 21:21:31 -05:00
if ( t . Type = = tex . Type )
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2018-11-27 21:21:31 -05:00
t . Name = tex . Name ;
t . wrapModeS = tex . wrapModeS ;
t . wrapModeT = tex . wrapModeT ;
t . wrapModeW = tex . wrapModeW ;
t . Type = tex . Type ;
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2018-11-27 21:21:31 -05:00
List < string > keyList = new List < string > ( materials . Keys ) ;
fmat . Text = Utils . RenameDuplicateString ( keyList , fmat . Text ) ;
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2018-11-27 21:21:31 -05:00
materials . Add ( fmat . Text , fmat ) ;
Nodes [ "FmatFolder" ] . Nodes . Add ( fmat ) ;
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2018-11-27 21:21:31 -05:00
if ( BFRES . IsWiiU )
fmat . MaterialU . Name = Text ;
fmat . SetMaterial ( fmat . MaterialU ) ;
fmat . Material . Name = Text ;
fmat . SetMaterial ( fmat . Material ) ;
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2018-11-27 21:21:31 -05:00
2018-11-22 15:54:52 -05:00
foreach ( STGenericObject obj in assimp . objects )
FSHP shape = new FSHP ( ) ;
shape . VertexBufferIndex = shapes . Count ;
shape . vertices = obj . vertices ;
shape . VertexSkinCount = obj . MaxSkinInfluenceCount ;
shape . vertexAttributes = settings . CreateNewAttributes ( ) ;
shape . boneIndx = obj . BoneIndex ;
shape . MaterialIndex = obj . MaterialIndex + MatStartIndex ;
shape . Text = obj . ObjectName ;
shape . lodMeshes = obj . lodMeshes ;
shape . CreateNewBoundingBoxes ( ) ;
shape . CreateBoneList ( obj , this ) ;
shape . CreateIndexList ( obj , this ) ;
shape . ApplyImportSettings ( settings , GetMaterial ( shape . MaterialIndex ) ) ;
shape . SaveShape ( ) ;
shape . SaveVertexBuffer ( ) ;
shape . BoneIndices = new List < ushort > ( ) ;
List < string > keyList = shapes . Select ( o = > o . Text ) . ToList ( ) ;
shape . Text = Utils . RenameDuplicateString ( keyList , shape . Text ) ;
Nodes [ "FshpFolder" ] . Nodes . Add ( shape ) ;
shapes . Add ( shape ) ;
Cursor . Current = Cursors . Default ;
break ;
2018-11-22 19:40:36 -05:00
UpdateVertexData ( ) ;
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public FMAT GetMaterial ( int index )
return materials . Values . ElementAt ( index ) ;
public void AddMaterials ( string FileName , bool Replace = true )
string ext = System . IO . Path . GetExtension ( FileName ) ;
ext = ext . ToLower ( ) ;
switch ( ext )
case ".bfmat" :
Cursor . Current = Cursors . WaitCursor ;
if ( Replace )
materials . Clear ( ) ;
Nodes [ "FmatFolder" ] . Nodes . Clear ( ) ;
FMAT mat = new FMAT ( ) ;
mat . Material = new Material ( ) ;
mat . Material . Import ( FileName ) ;
mat . ReadMaterial ( mat . Material ) ;
mat . Text = mat . Material . Name ;
materials . Add ( mat . Text , mat ) ;
Nodes [ "FmatFolder" ] . Nodes . Add ( mat ) ;
break ;
public override void OnClick ( TreeView treeView )
private void CreateSkeleton ( )
private void CreateBones ( STBone bone )
Bone bn = new Bone ( ) ;
bn . BillboardIndex = ( ushort ) bone . BillboardIndex ;
bn . Flags = BoneFlags . Visible ;
bn . FlagsRotation = BoneFlagsRotation . EulerXYZ ;
bn . FlagsTransform = BoneFlagsTransform . None ;
bn . FlagsTransformCumulative = BoneFlagsTransformCumulative . None ;
bn . Name = bone . Text ;
bn . RigidMatrixIndex = 0 ;
bn . Rotation = new Syroot . Maths . Vector4F ( bone . rotation [ 0 ] ,
bone . rotation [ 1 ] , bone . rotation [ 2 ] , bone . rotation [ 3 ] ) ;
bn . Position = new Syroot . Maths . Vector3F ( bone . position [ 0 ] ,
bone . position [ 1 ] , bone . position [ 2 ] ) ;
bn . Scale = new Syroot . Maths . Vector3F ( bone . scale [ 0 ] ,
bone . scale [ 1 ] , bone . scale [ 2 ] ) ;
bn . UserData = new List < UserData > ( ) ;
bn . UserDataDict = new ResDict ( ) ;
public FSKL Skeleton
return skeleton ;
skeleton = value ;
private FSKL skeleton = new FSKL ( ) ;