KCL support has been greatly improved.
- High poly collisions can now be created (even higher than 65k+).
Collision should still be made with the game limitations and performance in mind!
- Support for all KCL versions (GC, Wii, DS, 3DS, etc). Keep in mind for various games to work, you must create a preset and configure the settings used for individual games. I will be adding many more soon to support a wide range of games.
- KCL files can now have the endianness switched and saved back allowing for direct conversion.
- OBJ importing will auto map materials by name COL_## (## being hex value). This allows to export and reimport collisions with all the data intact.
- File sizes are more optmized and improved.
- Speed signifcantly improved and is much faster for both exporting and replacing.
-Materials are now split in the node view for a KCL. This is to select and easily see all the material types and so they can be highlighted.
Panes can now be selected and moved around.
Panes can be resized from corners or edges.
Improved hit detection for panes.
Mouse left click now selects and moves panes. Use middle mouse or hold shift + left mouse to pan/move camera.
More progress on timeline, but currently not functional so currently disabled atm.
Multiple layout animations can be selected and played at once. Goes to the highest amount of frames.
Start to impliment a parts manager. Will allow editing external layout and animation data, and saving back properly.