using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Switch_Toolbox; using System.Windows.Forms; using Switch_Toolbox.Library; using Switch_Toolbox.Library.IO; using Switch_Toolbox.Library.Forms; using Switch_Toolbox.Library.Rendering; using OpenTK; namespace FirstPlugin { public class GFBMDL : TreeNodeFile, IFileFormat { public FileType FileType { get; set; } = FileType.Model; public bool CanSave { get; set; } public string[] Description { get; set; } = new string[] { "Graphic Model" }; public string[] Extension { get; set; } = new string[] { "*.gfbmdl" }; public string FileName { get; set; } public string FilePath { get; set; } public IFileInfo IFileInfo { get; set; } public bool Identify(System.IO.Stream stream) { using (var reader = new Switch_Toolbox.Library.IO.FileReader(stream, true)) { reader.ByteOrder = Syroot.BinaryData.ByteOrder.BigEndian; bool IsMatch = reader.ReadUInt32() == 0x20000000; reader.Position = 0; return IsMatch; } } public Type[] Types { get { List types = new List(); return types.ToArray(); } } Viewport viewport { get { var editor = LibraryGUI.Instance.GetObjectEditor(); return editor.GetViewport(); } set { var editor = LibraryGUI.Instance.GetObjectEditor(); editor.LoadViewport(value); } } bool DrawablesLoaded = false; public override void OnClick(TreeView treeView) { if (Runtime.UseOpenGL) { if (viewport == null) { viewport = new Viewport(ObjectEditor.GetDrawableContainers()); viewport.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; } if (!DrawablesLoaded) { ObjectEditor.AddContainer(DrawableContainer); DrawablesLoaded = true; } viewport.ReloadDrawables(DrawableContainer); LibraryGUI.Instance.LoadEditor(viewport); viewport.Text = Text; } } public Header header; public GFBMDL_Render Renderer; public DrawableContainer DrawableContainer = new DrawableContainer(); public void Load(System.IO.Stream stream) { Text = FileName; DrawableContainer.Name = FileName; Renderer = new GFBMDL_Render(); header = new Header(); header.Read(new FileReader(stream), this); } public void Unload() { } public byte[] Save() { var mem = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); header.Write(new FileWriter(mem)); return mem.ToArray(); } //Todo replace tedius offset handling with a class to store necessary data and methods to execute public class Header { public STSkeleton Skeleton { get; set; } public uint Version { get; set; } public float[] Boundings { get; set; } public List TextureMaps = new List(); public List MaterialNames = new List(); public List VertexBuffers = new List(); public List VisualGroups = new List(); public List Materials = new List(); public List GenericMaterials = new List(); public void Read(FileReader reader, GFBMDL Root) { Skeleton = new STSkeleton(); Root.DrawableContainer.Drawables.Add(Skeleton); Root.DrawableContainer.Drawables.Add(Root.Renderer); reader.SetByteOrder(false); Version = reader.ReadUInt32(); Boundings = reader.ReadSingles(9); long TextureOffset = reader.ReadOffset(true, typeof(uint)); long MaterialOffset = reader.ReadOffset(true, typeof(uint)); long Unknown1ffset = reader.ReadOffset(true, typeof(uint)); long Unknown2Offset = reader.ReadOffset(true, typeof(uint)); long ShaderOffset = reader.ReadOffset(true, typeof(uint)); long VisGroupOffset = reader.ReadOffset(true, typeof(uint)); long VerteBufferOffset = reader.ReadOffset(true, typeof(uint)); long BoneDataOffset = reader.ReadOffset(true, typeof(uint)); if (TextureOffset != 0) { reader.SeekBegin(TextureOffset); uint Count = reader.ReadUInt32(); TextureMaps = reader.ReadNameOffsets(Count, true, typeof(uint), true); } if (MaterialOffset != 0) { reader.SeekBegin(MaterialOffset); uint Count = reader.ReadUInt32(); MaterialNames = reader.ReadNameOffsets(Count, true, typeof(uint)); } if (ShaderOffset != 0) { reader.SeekBegin(ShaderOffset); uint Count = reader.ReadUInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { MaterialShaderData shaderData = new MaterialShaderData(); shaderData.Read(reader); Materials.Add(shaderData); } } if (VisGroupOffset != 0) { reader.SeekBegin(VisGroupOffset); uint Count = reader.ReadUInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { VisGroup visualGroup = new VisGroup(); visualGroup.Read(reader); VisualGroups.Add(visualGroup); } } if (VerteBufferOffset != 0) { reader.SeekBegin(VerteBufferOffset); uint Count = reader.ReadUInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { VertexBuffer vertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer(); vertexBuffer.Read(reader); VertexBuffers.Add(vertexBuffer); } } if (BoneDataOffset != 0) { TreeNode SkeletonWrapper = new TreeNode("Skeleton"); Root.Nodes.Add(SkeletonWrapper); reader.SeekBegin(BoneDataOffset); uint Count = reader.ReadUInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { var bone = new Bone(Skeleton); bone.Read(reader); Skeleton.bones.Add(bone); } foreach (var bone in Skeleton.bones) { if (bone.Parent == null) SkeletonWrapper.Nodes.Add(bone); } } TreeNode MaterialFolderWrapper = new TreeNode("Materials"); Root.Nodes.Add(MaterialFolderWrapper); for (int i = 0; i < Materials.Count; i++) { GFBMaterial mat = new GFBMaterial(Root); mat.Text = Materials[i].Name; int textureUnit = 1; foreach (var textureMap in Materials[i].TextureMaps) { textureMap.Name = TextureMaps[(int)textureMap.Index]; STGenericMatTexture matTexture = new STGenericMatTexture(); matTexture.Name = textureMap.Name; matTexture.textureUnit = textureUnit++; matTexture.wrapModeS = 0; matTexture.wrapModeT = 0; if (textureMap.Effect == "Col0Tex") { matTexture.Type = STGenericMatTexture.TextureType.Diffuse; } mat.TextureMaps.Add(matTexture); if (textureMap.Effect != string.Empty) mat.Nodes.Add($"{textureMap.Name} ({textureMap.Effect})"); else mat.Nodes.Add($"{textureMap.Name}"); } GenericMaterials.Add(mat); MaterialFolderWrapper.Nodes.Add(mat); } TreeNode VisualGroupWrapper = new TreeNode("Visual Groups"); Root.Nodes.Add(VisualGroupWrapper); for (int i = 0; i < VisualGroups.Count; i++) { GFBMesh mesh = new GFBMesh(Root); mesh.Checked = true; mesh.ImageKey = "model"; mesh.SelectedImageKey = "model"; mesh.BoneIndex = (int)VisualGroups[i].BoneIndex; mesh.Text = Skeleton.bones[(int)VisualGroups[i].BoneIndex].Text; Root.Renderer.Meshes.Add(mesh); var Buffer = VertexBuffers[i]; for (int v= 0; v < Buffer.Positions.Count; v++) { Vertex vertex = new Vertex(); vertex.pos = Buffer.Positions[v]; if (Buffer.Normals.Count > 0) vertex.nrm = Buffer.Normals[v]; if (Buffer.TexCoord1.Count > 0) vertex.uv0 = Buffer.TexCoord1[v]; if (Buffer.TexCoord2.Count > 0) vertex.uv1 = Buffer.TexCoord2[v]; if (Buffer.TexCoord3.Count > 0) vertex.uv2 = Buffer.TexCoord3[v]; if (Buffer.Weights.Count > 0) vertex.boneWeights = new List(Buffer.Weights[v]); if (Buffer.BoneIndex.Count > 0) vertex.boneIds = new List(Buffer.BoneIndex[v]); if (Buffer.Colors1.Count > 0) vertex.col = Buffer.Colors1[v]; if (Buffer.Binormals.Count > 0) vertex.bitan = Buffer.Binormals[v]; mesh.vertices.Add(vertex); } int polyIndex = 0; foreach (var group in Buffer.PolygonGroups) { TreeNode polyWrapper = new TreeNode($"Polygon Group {polyIndex++}"); polyWrapper.ImageKey = "mesh"; polyWrapper.SelectedImageKey = "mesh"; var polygonGroup = new STGenericPolygonGroup(); polygonGroup.faces = group.Faces.ToList(); polygonGroup.MaterialIndex = group.MaterialID; mesh.PolygonGroups.Add(polygonGroup); mesh.Nodes.Add(polyWrapper); } VisualGroupWrapper.Nodes.Add(mesh); } Skeleton.update(); Skeleton.reset(); } public void Write(FileWriter writer) { writer.Write(Version); } } public class VisGroup { public Vector3 BoundingBoxMax = new Vector3(0); public Vector3 BoundingBoxMin = new Vector3(0); public uint BoneIndex { get; set; } public void Read(FileReader reader) { long DataPosition = reader.Position; var DataOffset = reader.ReadOffset(true, typeof(uint)); reader.SeekBegin(DataOffset); long InfoPosition = reader.Position; int InfoOffset = reader.ReadInt32(); //Read the info section for position data reader.SeekBegin(InfoPosition - InfoOffset); ushort HeaderLength = reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort UnknownPosition = 0; ushort VisBonePosition = 0; ushort Unknown2Position = 0; ushort VisBoundsPosition = 0; ushort Unknown3Position = 0; if (HeaderLength == 0x0A) { UnknownPosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); VisBonePosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); Unknown2Position = reader.ReadUInt16(); VisBoundsPosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); } else if (HeaderLength == 0x0C) { UnknownPosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); VisBonePosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); Unknown2Position = reader.ReadUInt16(); VisBoundsPosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); Unknown3Position = reader.ReadUInt16(); } else throw new Exception("Unexpected Header Length! " + HeaderLength); if (VisBoundsPosition != 0) { reader.SeekBegin(InfoPosition + VisBoundsPosition); BoundingBoxMin = reader.ReadVec3(); BoundingBoxMax = reader.ReadVec3(); } if (VisBonePosition != 0) { reader.SeekBegin(InfoPosition + VisBonePosition); BoneIndex = reader.ReadUInt32(); } //Seek back to next in array reader.SeekBegin(DataPosition + sizeof(uint)); } } public class MaterialShaderData { public string Name { get; set; } public string ShaderName { get; set; } public List TextureMaps = new List(); public void Read(FileReader reader) { long DataPosition = reader.Position; var DataOffset = reader.ReadOffset(true, typeof(uint)); reader.SeekBegin(DataOffset); long InfoPosition = reader.Position; int InfoOffset = reader.ReadInt32(); //Read the info section for position data reader.SeekBegin(InfoPosition - InfoOffset); ushort HeaderLength = reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort ShaderPropertyPosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort MaterialStringNamePosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort ShaderStringNamePosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort Unknown1Position = reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort Unknown2Position = reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort Unknown3Position = reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort ShaderParam1Position = reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort ShaderParam2Position = reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort ShaderParam3Position = reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort ShaderParam4Position = reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort ShaderParam5Position = reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort ShaderParam6Position = reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort TextureMapsPosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort ShaderParamAPosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort ShaderParamBPosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort ShaderParamCPosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort Unknown4Position = reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort Unknown5Position = reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort Unknown6Position = reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort Unknown7Position = reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort Unknown8Position = reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort ShaderProperty2Position = reader.ReadUInt16(); if (MaterialStringNamePosition != 0) { reader.SeekBegin(InfoPosition + MaterialStringNamePosition); Name = reader.ReadNameOffset(true, typeof(uint), true); } if (ShaderStringNamePosition != 0) { reader.SeekBegin(InfoPosition + ShaderStringNamePosition); ShaderName = reader.ReadNameOffset(true, typeof(uint), true); } if (TextureMapsPosition != 0) { reader.SeekBegin(InfoPosition + TextureMapsPosition); var TextureMapOffset = reader.ReadOffset(true, typeof(uint)); reader.SeekBegin(TextureMapOffset); uint Count = reader.ReadUInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { TextureMap textureMap = new TextureMap(); textureMap.Read(reader); TextureMaps.Add(textureMap); } } //Seek back to next in array reader.SeekBegin(DataPosition + sizeof(uint)); } } public class TextureMap { public string Effect { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public uint Index { get; set; } = 0; public void Read(FileReader reader) { long DataPosition = reader.Position; var DataOffset = reader.ReadOffset(true, typeof(uint)); reader.SeekBegin(DataOffset); long InfoPosition = reader.Position; int InfoOffset = reader.ReadInt32(); //Read the info section for position data reader.SeekBegin(InfoPosition - InfoOffset); ushort HeaderSize = reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort EffectPosition = 0; ushort UnknownPosition = 0; ushort IdPosition = 0; ushort UnknownPosition2 = 0; if (HeaderSize == 0x0A) { EffectPosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); UnknownPosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); IdPosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); UnknownPosition2 = reader.ReadUInt16(); } else throw new Exception("Unexpected header size! " + HeaderSize); if (EffectPosition != 0) { reader.SeekBegin(InfoPosition + EffectPosition); uint NameLength = reader.ReadUInt32(); Effect = reader.ReadString((int)NameLength); } if (IdPosition != 0) { reader.SeekBegin(InfoPosition + IdPosition); Index = reader.ReadUInt32(); } //Seek back to next in array reader.SeekBegin(DataPosition + sizeof(uint)); } } public class VertexBuffer { public List Attributes = new List(); public List PolygonGroups = new List(); public List Positions = new List(); public List Normals = new List(); public List TexCoord1 = new List(); public List TexCoord2 = new List(); public List TexCoord3 = new List(); public List TexCoord4 = new List(); public List BoneIndex = new List(); public List Weights = new List(); public List Colors1 = new List(); public List Colors2 = new List(); public List Binormals = new List(); public void Read(FileReader reader) { long DataPosition = reader.Position; var VertexBufferDataOffset = reader.ReadOffset(true, typeof(uint)); reader.SeekBegin(VertexBufferDataOffset); long InfoPosition = reader.Position; int InfoOffset = reader.ReadInt32(); //Read the info section for position data reader.SeekBegin(InfoPosition - InfoOffset); ushort InfoSize = reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort VerticesPosition = 0; ushort FacesPosition = 0; ushort AttributeInfoPosition = 0; ushort BufferUnknownPosition = 0; if (InfoSize == 0x0A) { BufferUnknownPosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); FacesPosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); AttributeInfoPosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); VerticesPosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); } else throw new Exception("Unexpected Vertex Buffer Info Header Size! " + InfoSize); uint VertBufferStride = 0; if (AttributeInfoPosition != 0) { reader.SeekBegin(InfoPosition + AttributeInfoPosition); var AttributeOffset = reader.ReadOffset(true, typeof(uint)); reader.SeekBegin(AttributeOffset); uint AttributeCount = reader.ReadUInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < AttributeCount; i++) { var attribute = new VertexAttribute(); attribute.Read(reader); Attributes.Add(attribute); switch (attribute.Type) { case VertexAttribute.BufferType.Position: if (attribute.Format == VertexAttribute.BufferFormat.HalfFloat) VertBufferStride += 0x08; else if (attribute.Format == VertexAttribute.BufferFormat.Float) VertBufferStride += 0x0C; else throw new Exception($"Unknown Combination! {attribute.Type} {attribute.Format}"); break; case VertexAttribute.BufferType.Normal: if (attribute.Format == VertexAttribute.BufferFormat.HalfFloat) VertBufferStride += 0x08; else if (attribute.Format == VertexAttribute.BufferFormat.Float) VertBufferStride += 0x0C; else throw new Exception($"Unknown Combination! {attribute.Type} {attribute.Format}"); break; case VertexAttribute.BufferType.Binormal: if (attribute.Format == VertexAttribute.BufferFormat.HalfFloat) VertBufferStride += 0x08; else if (attribute.Format == VertexAttribute.BufferFormat.Float) VertBufferStride += 0x0C; else throw new Exception($"Unknown Combination! {attribute.Type} {attribute.Format}"); break; case VertexAttribute.BufferType.TexCoord1: case VertexAttribute.BufferType.TexCoord2: case VertexAttribute.BufferType.TexCoord3: case VertexAttribute.BufferType.TexCoord4: if (attribute.Format == VertexAttribute.BufferFormat.HalfFloat) VertBufferStride += 0x04; else if (attribute.Format == VertexAttribute.BufferFormat.Float) VertBufferStride += 0x08; else throw new Exception($"Unknown Combination! {attribute.Type} {attribute.Format}"); break; case VertexAttribute.BufferType.Color1: case VertexAttribute.BufferType.Color2: if (attribute.Format == VertexAttribute.BufferFormat.Byte) VertBufferStride += 0x04; else throw new Exception($"Unknown Combination! {attribute.Type} {attribute.Format}"); break; case VertexAttribute.BufferType.BoneIndex: if (attribute.Format == VertexAttribute.BufferFormat.Short) VertBufferStride += 0x08; else if (attribute.Format == VertexAttribute.BufferFormat.Byte) VertBufferStride += 0x04; else throw new Exception($"Unknown Combination! {attribute.Type} {attribute.Format}"); break; case VertexAttribute.BufferType.Weights: if (attribute.Format == VertexAttribute.BufferFormat.BytesAsFloat) VertBufferStride += 0x04; else throw new Exception($"Unknown Combination! {attribute.Type} {attribute.Format}"); break; } Console.WriteLine($"{attribute.Format} {attribute.Type} VertBufferStride {VertBufferStride}"); } } if (FacesPosition != 0) { reader.SeekBegin(InfoPosition + FacesPosition); var BufferOffset = reader.ReadOffset(true, typeof(uint)); reader.SeekBegin(BufferOffset); uint GroupCount = reader.ReadUInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < GroupCount; i++) { var polygonGroup = new PolygonGroup(); polygonGroup.Read(reader); PolygonGroups.Add(polygonGroup); } } if (VerticesPosition != 0) { reader.SeekBegin(InfoPosition + VerticesPosition); var VertexOffset = reader.ReadOffset(true, typeof(uint)); reader.SeekBegin(VertexOffset); uint VertexBufferSize = reader.ReadUInt32(); for (int v = 0; v < VertexBufferSize / VertBufferStride; v++) { for (int att = 0; att < Attributes.Count; att++) { switch (Attributes[att].Type) { case VertexAttribute.BufferType.Position: var pos = ParseBuffer(reader, Attributes[att].Format, Attributes[att].Type); Positions.Add(new Vector3(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z)); break; case VertexAttribute.BufferType.Normal: var normal = ParseBuffer(reader, Attributes[att].Format, Attributes[att].Type); Normals.Add(new Vector3(normal.X, normal.Y, normal.Z)); break; case VertexAttribute.BufferType.TexCoord1: var texcoord1 = ParseBuffer(reader, Attributes[att].Format, Attributes[att].Type); TexCoord1.Add(new Vector2(texcoord1.X, texcoord1.Y)); break; case VertexAttribute.BufferType.TexCoord2: var texcoord2 = ParseBuffer(reader, Attributes[att].Format, Attributes[att].Type); TexCoord2.Add(new Vector2(texcoord2.X, texcoord2.Y)); break; case VertexAttribute.BufferType.TexCoord3: var texcoord3 = ParseBuffer(reader, Attributes[att].Format, Attributes[att].Type); TexCoord3.Add(new Vector2(texcoord3.X, texcoord3.Y)); break; case VertexAttribute.BufferType.TexCoord4: var texcoord4 = ParseBuffer(reader, Attributes[att].Format, Attributes[att].Type); TexCoord4.Add(new Vector2(texcoord4.X, texcoord4.Y)); break; case VertexAttribute.BufferType.Weights: var weights = ParseBuffer(reader, Attributes[att].Format, Attributes[att].Type); Weights.Add(new float[] { weights.X, weights.Y, weights.Z, weights.W }); break; case VertexAttribute.BufferType.BoneIndex: var boneIndices = ParseBuffer(reader, Attributes[att].Format, Attributes[att].Type); BoneIndex.Add(new int[] { (int)boneIndices.X, (int)boneIndices.Y, (int)boneIndices.Z, (int)boneIndices.W }); break; case VertexAttribute.BufferType.Color1: var colors1 = ParseBuffer(reader, Attributes[att].Format, Attributes[att].Type); Colors1.Add(new Vector4(colors1.X, colors1.Y, colors1.Z, colors1.W)); break; case VertexAttribute.BufferType.Color2: var colors2 = ParseBuffer(reader, Attributes[att].Format, Attributes[att].Type); Colors2.Add(new Vector4(colors2.X, colors2.Y, colors2.Z, colors2.W)); break; case VertexAttribute.BufferType.Binormal: var binormals = ParseBuffer(reader, Attributes[att].Format, Attributes[att].Type); Binormals.Add(new Vector4(binormals.X, binormals.Y, binormals.Z, binormals.W)); break; } } } } //Seek back to next in array reader.SeekBegin(DataPosition + sizeof(uint)); } private Vector4 ParseBuffer(FileReader reader, VertexAttribute.BufferFormat Format, VertexAttribute.BufferType AttributeType) { if (AttributeType == VertexAttribute.BufferType.Position) { switch (Format) { case VertexAttribute.BufferFormat.Float: return new Vector4(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), 0); case VertexAttribute.BufferFormat.HalfFloat: return new Vector4(reader.ReadHalfSingle(), reader.ReadHalfSingle(), reader.ReadHalfSingle(), reader.ReadHalfSingle()); default: throw new Exception($"Unknown Combination! {AttributeType} {Format}"); } } else if (AttributeType == VertexAttribute.BufferType.Normal) { switch (Format) { case VertexAttribute.BufferFormat.Float: return new Vector4(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), 0); case VertexAttribute.BufferFormat.HalfFloat: return new Vector4(reader.ReadHalfSingle(), reader.ReadHalfSingle(), reader.ReadHalfSingle(), reader.ReadHalfSingle()); default: throw new Exception($"Unknown Combination! {AttributeType} {Format}"); } } else if (AttributeType == VertexAttribute.BufferType.Binormal) { switch (Format) { case VertexAttribute.BufferFormat.Float: return new Vector4(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), 0); case VertexAttribute.BufferFormat.HalfFloat: return new Vector4(reader.ReadHalfSingle(), reader.ReadHalfSingle(), reader.ReadHalfSingle(), reader.ReadHalfSingle()); default: throw new Exception($"Unknown Combination! {AttributeType} {Format}"); } } else if (AttributeType == VertexAttribute.BufferType.TexCoord1 || AttributeType == VertexAttribute.BufferType.TexCoord2 || AttributeType == VertexAttribute.BufferType.TexCoord3 || AttributeType == VertexAttribute.BufferType.TexCoord4) { switch (Format) { case VertexAttribute.BufferFormat.Float: return new Vector4(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), 0, 0); case VertexAttribute.BufferFormat.HalfFloat: return new Vector4(reader.ReadHalfSingle(), reader.ReadHalfSingle(), 0, 0); default: throw new Exception($"Unknown Combination! {AttributeType} {Format}"); } } else if (AttributeType == VertexAttribute.BufferType.Color1 || AttributeType == VertexAttribute.BufferType.Color2) { switch (Format) { case VertexAttribute.BufferFormat.Byte: return new Vector4(reader.ReadByte(), reader.ReadByte(), reader.ReadByte(), reader.ReadByte()); default: throw new Exception($"Unknown Combination! {AttributeType} {Format}"); } } else if (AttributeType == VertexAttribute.BufferType.BoneIndex) { switch (Format) { case VertexAttribute.BufferFormat.Short: return new Vector4(reader.ReadInt16(), reader.ReadInt16(), reader.ReadInt16(), reader.ReadInt16()); case VertexAttribute.BufferFormat.Byte: return new Vector4(reader.ReadByte(), reader.ReadByte(), reader.ReadByte(), reader.ReadByte()); default: throw new Exception($"Unknown Combination! {AttributeType} {Format}"); } } else if (AttributeType == VertexAttribute.BufferType.Weights) { switch (Format) { case VertexAttribute.BufferFormat.BytesAsFloat: return new Vector4(reader.ReadByteAsFloat(), reader.ReadByteAsFloat(), reader.ReadByteAsFloat(), reader.ReadByteAsFloat()); default: throw new Exception($"Unknown Combination! {AttributeType} {Format}"); } } return new Vector4(0); } } //Represents an offset which points to another public class OffsetInfo { } public class PolygonGroup { public int MaterialID { get; set; } public int[] Faces { get; set; } public void Read(FileReader reader) { long DataPosition = reader.Position; var DataOffset = reader.ReadOffset(true, typeof(uint)); reader.SeekBegin(DataOffset); long InfoPosition = reader.Position; int InfoOffset = reader.ReadInt32(); //Read the info section for position data reader.SeekBegin(InfoPosition - InfoOffset); ushort PolygonHeaderSize = reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort PolygonStartPosition = 0; ushort PolgonMaterialId = 0; ushort PolygonUnknown = 0; if (PolygonHeaderSize == 0x08) { PolygonStartPosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); PolgonMaterialId = reader.ReadUInt16(); PolygonUnknown = reader.ReadUInt16(); } else throw new Exception("Unexpected Polygon Buffer Info Header Size! " + PolygonHeaderSize); if (PolgonMaterialId != 0) { reader.SeekBegin(InfoPosition + PolgonMaterialId); MaterialID = reader.ReadInt32(); } if (PolygonStartPosition != 0) { reader.SeekBegin(InfoPosition + PolygonStartPosition); uint FaceCount = reader.ReadUInt32(); Faces = new int[FaceCount]; for (int i = 0; i < FaceCount; i++) Faces[i] = reader.ReadUInt16(); } //Seek back to next in array reader.SeekBegin(DataPosition + sizeof(uint)); } } public class VertexAttribute { public BufferFormat Format { get; set; } = BufferFormat.Float; public BufferType Type { get; set; } = BufferType.Position; public enum BufferType { Position = 0, Normal = 1, Binormal = 2, TexCoord1 = 3, TexCoord2 = 4, TexCoord3 = 5, TexCoord4 = 6, Color1 = 7, Color2 = 8, BoneIndex = 11, Weights = 12, } public enum BufferFormat { Float = 0, HalfFloat = 1, Byte = 3, Short = 5, BytesAsFloat = 8, } public void Read(FileReader reader) { long DataPosition = reader.Position; var DataOffset = reader.ReadOffset(true, typeof(uint)); reader.SeekBegin(DataOffset); long InfoPosition = reader.Position; int InfoOffset = reader.ReadInt32(); //Read the info section for position data reader.SeekBegin(InfoPosition - InfoOffset); ushort LayoutHeaderLength = reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort LayoutSizePosition = 0; ushort LayoutTypePosition = 0; ushort LayoutFormatPosition = 0; ushort LayoutUnknownPosition = 0; if (LayoutHeaderLength == 0x0A) { LayoutSizePosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); LayoutTypePosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); LayoutFormatPosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); LayoutUnknownPosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); } else throw new Exception("Unexpected Attribute Layout Header Size! " + LayoutHeaderLength); if (LayoutFormatPosition != 0) { reader.SeekBegin(InfoPosition + LayoutFormatPosition); Format = reader.ReadEnum(true); } if (LayoutTypePosition != 0) { reader.SeekBegin(InfoPosition + LayoutTypePosition); Type = reader.ReadEnum(true); } //Seek back to next in array reader.SeekBegin(DataPosition + sizeof(uint)); } } public class Bone : STBone { internal BoneInfo BoneInfo { get; set; } public Bone(STSkeleton skeleton) : base(skeleton) { } public void Read(FileReader reader) { long DataPosition = reader.Position; var BoneDataOffset = reader.ReadOffset(true, typeof(uint)); reader.SeekBegin(BoneDataOffset); long InfoPosition = reader.Position; int BoneInfoOffset = reader.ReadInt32(); //Read the info section for position data reader.SeekBegin(InfoPosition - BoneInfoOffset); BoneInfo = new BoneInfo(); BoneInfo.Read(reader); RotationType = BoneRotationType.Euler; Checked = true; if (BoneInfo.NamePosition != 0) { reader.SeekBegin(InfoPosition + BoneInfo.NamePosition); uint NameLength = reader.ReadUInt32(); Text = reader.ReadString((int)NameLength); } if (BoneInfo.RotationPosition != 0) { reader.SeekBegin(InfoPosition + BoneInfo.RotationPosition); float RotationX = reader.ReadSingle(); float RotationY = reader.ReadSingle(); float RotationZ = reader.ReadSingle(); rotation = new float[] { RotationX,RotationY, RotationZ }; } if (BoneInfo.TranslationPosition != 0) { reader.SeekBegin(InfoPosition + BoneInfo.TranslationPosition); float TranslateX = reader.ReadSingle(); float TranslateY = reader.ReadSingle(); float TranslateZ = reader.ReadSingle(); position = new float[] { TranslateX, TranslateY, TranslateZ }; } if (BoneInfo.ScalePosition != 0) { reader.SeekBegin(InfoPosition + BoneInfo.ScalePosition); float ScaleX = reader.ReadSingle(); float ScaleY = reader.ReadSingle(); float ScaleZ = reader.ReadSingle(); scale = new float[] { ScaleX, ScaleY, ScaleZ }; } if (BoneInfo.ParentPosition != 0) { reader.SeekBegin(InfoPosition + BoneInfo.ParentPosition); parentIndex = reader.ReadInt32(); } //Seek back to next bone in array reader.SeekBegin(DataPosition + sizeof(uint)); } } //A section that stores position info for bone data public class BoneInfo { internal ushort SectionSize { get; set; } internal ushort NamePosition { get; set; } internal ushort UnknownPosition { get; set; } internal ushort Unknown2Position { get; set; } internal ushort ParentPosition { get; set; } internal ushort Unknown3Position { get; set; } internal ushort IsVisiblePosition { get; set; } internal ushort ScalePosition { get; set; } internal ushort RotationPosition { get; set; } internal ushort TranslationPosition { get; set; } internal ushort Unknown4Position { get; set; } internal ushort Unknown5Position { get; set; } public void Read(FileReader reader) { SectionSize = reader.ReadUInt16(); NamePosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); UnknownPosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); Unknown2Position = reader.ReadUInt16(); ParentPosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); Unknown3Position = reader.ReadUInt16(); //Padding IsVisiblePosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); //Points to byte. 0 or 1 for visibilty ScalePosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); RotationPosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); TranslationPosition = reader.ReadUInt16(); Unknown4Position = reader.ReadUInt16(); //Padding Unknown5Position = reader.ReadUInt16(); //Padding } } public class Material { } } }