using System; using System.IO; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Syroot.NintenTools.NSW.Bntx; using Syroot.NintenTools.NSW.Bntx.GFX; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using OpenTK; using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL; using Switch_Toolbox.Library; using WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking; using Smash_Forge.Rendering; using Switch_Toolbox.Library.Forms; namespace FirstPlugin { public class Formats { public enum BNTXImageFormat { IMAGE_FORMAT_INVALID = 0x0, IMAGE_FORMAT_R8_G8_B8_A8 = 0x0b, IMAGE_FORMAT_R5_G6_B5 = 0x07, IMAGE_FORMAT_R8 = 0x02, IMAGE_FORMAT_R8_G8 = 0x09, IMAGE_FORMAT_BC1 = 0x1a, IMAGE_FORMAT_BC2 = 0x1b, IMAGE_FORMAT_BC3 = 0x1c, IMAGE_FORMAT_BC4 = 0x1d, IMAGE_FORMAT_BC5 = 0x1e, IMAGE_FORMAT_BC6 = 0x1f, IMAGE_FORMAT_BC7 = 0x20, }; public enum BNTXImageTypes { UNORM = 0x01, SNORM = 0x02, SRGB = 0x06, }; public static uint blk_dims(uint format) { switch (format) { case (uint)BNTXImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BC1: case (uint)BNTXImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BC2: case (uint)BNTXImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BC3: case (uint)BNTXImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BC4: case (uint)BNTXImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BC5: case (uint)BNTXImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BC6: case (uint)BNTXImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BC7: case 0x2d: return 0x44; case 0x2e: return 0x54; case 0x2f: return 0x55; case 0x30: return 0x65; case 0x31: return 0x66; case 0x32: return 0x85; case 0x33: return 0x86; case 0x34: return 0x88; case 0x35: return 0xa5; case 0x36: return 0xa6; case 0x37: return 0xa8; case 0x38: return 0xaa; case 0x39: return 0xca; case 0x3a: return 0xcc; default: return 0x11; } } public static uint bpps(uint format) { switch (format) { case (uint)BNTXImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_R8_G8_B8_A8: return 4; case (uint)BNTXImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_R8: return 1; case (uint)BNTXImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_R5_G6_B5: case (uint)BNTXImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_R8_G8: return 2; case (uint)BNTXImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BC1: case (uint)BNTXImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BC4: return 8; case (uint)BNTXImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BC2: case (uint)BNTXImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BC3: case (uint)BNTXImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BC5: case (uint)BNTXImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BC6: case (uint)BNTXImageFormat.IMAGE_FORMAT_BC7: case 0x2e: case 0x2f: case 0x30: case 0x31: case 0x32: case 0x33: case 0x34: case 0x35: case 0x36: case 0x37: case 0x38: case 0x39: case 0x3a: return 16; default: return 0x00; } } } public class BNTX : IFileFormat { public bool CanSave { get; set; } = false; public bool FileIsEdited { get; set; } = false; public bool FileIsCompressed { get; set; } = false; public string[] Description { get; set; } = new string[] { "*BNTX"}; public string[] Extension { get; set; } = new string[] { "*.bntx"}; public string Magic { get; set; } = "BNTX"; public CompressionType CompressionType { get; set; } = CompressionType.None; public byte[] Data { get; set; } public string FileName { get; set; } public TreeNodeFile EditorRoot { get; set; } public bool IsActive { get; set; } = false; public bool UseEditMenu { get; set; } = false; public int Alignment { get; set; } = 0; public string FilePath { get; set; } public IFileInfo IFileInfo { get; set; } public Type[] Types { get { List types = new List(); types.Add(typeof(MenuExt)); return types.ToArray(); } } class MenuExt : IFileMenuExtension { public ToolStripItemDark[] NewFileMenuExtensions => null; public ToolStripItemDark[] ToolsMenuExtensions => null; public ToolStripItemDark[] TitleBarExtensions => null; public ToolStripItemDark[] CompressionMenuExtensions => null; public ToolStripItemDark[] ExperimentalMenuExtensions => null; ToolStripItemDark[] newFileExt = new ToolStripItemDark[1]; public MenuExt() { newFileExt[0] = new ToolStripItemDark("BNTX "); } } BinaryTextureContainer bntx; public void Load() { IFileInfo = new IFileInfo(); IsActive = true; UseEditMenu = true; CanSave = true; bntx = new BinaryTextureContainer(Data, FileName, "", this); EditorRoot = bntx; } public void Unload() { foreach (TextureData tex in bntx.Textures.Values) { tex.mipmaps.Clear(); tex.renderedGLTex = null; } bntx.Textures.Clear(); bntx.Nodes.Clear(); } public byte[] Save() { return bntx.Save(); } } public class BinaryTextureContainer : TreeNodeFile { public Dictionary Textures; public byte[] Data; public PropertieGridData prop; public BntxFile BinaryTexFile; public string FileNameText; MenuItem save = new MenuItem("Save"); MenuItem replace = new MenuItem("Replace"); MenuItem rename = new MenuItem("Rename"); MenuItem importTex = new MenuItem("Import Texture"); MenuItem exportAll = new MenuItem("Export All Textures"); MenuItem clear = new MenuItem("Clear"); private bool hasParent; public bool HasParent { get { hasParent = Parent != null; replace.Enabled = hasParent; rename.Enabled = hasParent; return hasParent; } } public bool CanReplace; public bool AllGLInitialized { get { if (Textures.Any(item => item.Value.GLInitialized == false)) return false; else return true; } } public BinaryTextureContainer() { ImageKey = "bntx"; SelectedImageKey = "bntx"; } public BinaryTextureContainer(byte[] data, string Name = "", string FileName = "", IFileFormat handler = null) { if (data.Length == 0) data = CreateNewBNTX(Name); ImageKey = "bntx"; SelectedImageKey = "bntx"; FileNameText = FileName; LoadFile(data, Name); PluginRuntime.bntxContainers.Add(this); FileHandler = handler; //Check if bntx is parented to determine if an archive is used bool checkParent = HasParent; ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(save); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(replace); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(rename); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(importTex); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(exportAll); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(clear); save.Click += Save; replace.Click += Import; rename.Click += Rename; importTex.Click += ImportTexture; exportAll.Click += ExportAll; clear.Click += Clear; } private byte[] CreateNewBNTX(string Name) { MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(); BntxFile bntx = new BntxFile(); bntx.Target = new char[] { 'N', 'X', ' ', ' '}; bntx.Name = Name; bntx.Alignment = 0xC; bntx.TargetAddressSize = 0x40; bntx.VersionMajor = 0; bntx.VersionMajor2 = 4; bntx.VersionMinor = 0; bntx.VersionMinor2 = 0; bntx.Textures = new List(); bntx.TextureDict = new ResDict(); bntx.RelocationTable = new RelocationTable(); bntx.Flag = 0; bntx.Save(mem); return mem.ToArray(); } public void RemoveTexture(TextureData textureData) { Nodes.Remove(textureData); Textures.Remove(textureData.Text); Viewport.Instance.UpdateViewport(); } public override void OnClick(TreeView treeView) { } //Check right click to enable/disable certain context menus public override void OnMouseRightClick(TreeView treeview) { bool checkParent = HasParent; } public void LoadFile(byte[] data, string Name = "") { Textures = new Dictionary(); Data = data; BinaryTexFile = new BntxFile(new MemoryStream(Data)); Text = BinaryTexFile.Name; prop = new PropertieGridData(); prop.Target = new string(BinaryTexFile.Target); prop.VersionMajor = BinaryTexFile.VersionMajor; prop.VersionMajor2 = BinaryTexFile.VersionMajor2; prop.VersionMinor = BinaryTexFile.VersionMinor; prop.VersionMinor2 = BinaryTexFile.VersionMinor2; prop.VersionFull = $"{BinaryTexFile.VersionMajor}.{BinaryTexFile.VersionMajor2}.{BinaryTexFile.VersionMinor}.{BinaryTexFile.VersionMinor2}"; foreach (Texture tex in BinaryTexFile.Textures) { TextureData texData = new TextureData(tex, BinaryTexFile); // texData.LoadOpenGLTexture(); Nodes.Add(texData); Textures.Add(tex.Name, texData); } BinaryTexFile.Textures.Clear(); //We don't need these in memeory anymore BinaryTexFile.TextureDict.Clear(); } private void ImportTexture(object sender, EventArgs args) { ImportTexture(); } public void ImportTexture() { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.Filter = "Supported Formats|*.bftex;*.dds; *.png;*.tga;*.jpg;*.tiff|" + "Binary Texture |*.bftex|" + "Microsoft DDS |*.dds|" + "Portable Network Graphics |*.png|" + "Joint Photographic Experts Group |*.jpg|" + "Bitmap Image |*.bmp|" + "Tagged Image File Format |*.tiff|" + "All files(*.*)|*.*"; ofd.DefaultExt = "bftex"; ofd.Multiselect = true; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { BinaryTextureImporterList importer = new BinaryTextureImporterList(); List settings = new List(); foreach (string name in ofd.FileNames) { string ext = Path.GetExtension(name); ext = ext.ToLower(); if (ext == ".dds" || ext == ".bftex") { AddTexture(name); } else { settings.Add(LoadSettings(name)); } } if (settings.Count == 0) { importer.Dispose(); return; } importer.LoadSettings(settings, this); if (importer.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; foreach (var setting in settings) { if (setting.GenerateMipmaps) { setting.DataBlockOutput.Clear(); setting.DataBlockOutput.Add(setting.GenerateMips()); } if (setting.DataBlockOutput != null) { Texture tex = setting.FromBitMap(setting.DataBlockOutput[0], setting); if (setting.textureData != null) { setting.textureData.LoadTexture(tex, 1); } else { setting.textureData = new TextureData(tex, setting.bntx); } int i = 0; if (Textures.ContainsKey(setting.textureData.Text)) { setting.textureData.Text = setting.textureData.Text + i++; } Nodes.Add(setting.textureData); Textures.Add(setting.textureData.Text, setting.textureData); setting.textureData.LoadOpenGLTexture(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong???"); } } } settings.Clear(); GC.Collect(); Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; } } //This function is an optional feature that will import a dummy texture if one is missing in the materials public void ImportPlaceholderTexture(string TextureName) { if (Textures.ContainsKey(TextureName)) return; if (TextureName == "Basic_Alb") ImportBasicTextures("Basic_Alb"); else if (TextureName == "Basic_Nrm") ImportBasicTextures("Basic_Nrm"); else if (TextureName == "Basic_Spm") ImportBasicTextures("Basic_Spm"); else if (TextureName == "Basic_Sphere") ImportBasicTextures("Basic_Sphere"); else if (TextureName == "Basic_Mtl") ImportBasicTextures("Basic_Mtl"); else if (TextureName == "Basic_Rgh") ImportBasicTextures("Basic_Rgh"); else if (TextureName == "Basic_MRA") ImportBasicTextures("Basic_MRA"); else if (TextureName == "Basic_Bake_st0") ImportBasicTextures("Basic_Bake_st0"); else if (TextureName == "Basic_Bake_st1") ImportBasicTextures("Basic_Bake_st1"); else if (TextureName == "Basic_Emm") ImportBasicTextures("Basic_Emm"); else { ImportPlaceholderTexture(Properties.Resources.InjectTexErrored, TextureName); } } private void ImportPlaceholderTexture(byte[] data, string TextureName) { TextureImporterSettings importDDS = new TextureImporterSettings(); importDDS.LoadDDS(TextureName, BinaryTexFile, data); TextureData texData = importDDS.textureData; texData.Text = TextureName; Nodes.Add(texData); Textures.Add(TextureName, texData); texData.LoadOpenGLTexture(); } public void ImportBasicTextures(string TextureName, bool BC5Nrm = true) { if (Textures.ContainsKey(TextureName)) return; if (TextureName == "Basic_Alb") ImportPlaceholderTexture(Properties.Resources.InjectTexErrored, TextureName); if (TextureName == "Basic_Nrm" && BC5Nrm) ImportPlaceholderTexture(Properties.Resources.Basic_NrmBC5, TextureName); if (TextureName == "Basic_Nrm" && BC5Nrm == false) ImportPlaceholderTexture(Properties.Resources.Basic_Nrm, TextureName); if (TextureName == "Basic_Spm") ImportPlaceholderTexture(Properties.Resources.Black, TextureName); if (TextureName == "Basic_Sphere") ImportPlaceholderTexture(Properties.Resources.Black, TextureName); if (TextureName == "Basic_Mtl") ImportPlaceholderTexture(Properties.Resources.Black, TextureName); if (TextureName == "Basic_Rgh") ImportPlaceholderTexture(Properties.Resources.White, TextureName); if (TextureName == "Basic_MRA") ImportPlaceholderTexture(Properties.Resources.Black, TextureName); if (TextureName == "Basic_Bake_st0") ImportPlaceholderTexture(Properties.Resources.Basic_Bake_st0, TextureName); if (TextureName == "Basic_Bake_st1") ImportPlaceholderTexture(Properties.Resources.Basic_Bake_st1, TextureName); } public TextureImporterSettings LoadSettings(string name) { var importer = new TextureImporterSettings(); string ext = Path.GetExtension(name); ext = ext.ToLower(); switch (ext) { case ".bftex": Texture tex = new Texture(); tex.Import(name); break; case ".dds": importer.LoadDDS(name, BinaryTexFile); break; default: importer.LoadBitMap(name, BinaryTexFile); break; } return importer; } public TextureData AddTexture(string name) { var importer = new TextureImporterSettings(); TextureData texData = null; string ext = Path.GetExtension(name); ext = ext.ToLower(); switch (ext) { case ".bftex": Texture tex = new Texture(); tex.Import(name); texData = new TextureData(tex, BinaryTexFile); break; case ".dds": importer.LoadDDS(name, BinaryTexFile); texData = importer.textureData; break; default: importer.LoadBitMap(name, BinaryTexFile); texData = importer.textureData; break; } if (texData != null) { List keyList = new List(Textures.Keys); texData.Text = Utils.RenameDuplicateString(keyList, texData.Text); Nodes.Add(texData); Textures.Add(texData.Text, texData); texData.LoadOpenGLTexture(); } return texData; } private void Clear(object sender, EventArgs args) { Nodes.Clear(); Textures.Clear(); GC.Collect(); } private void ExportAll(object sender, EventArgs args) { List Formats = new List(); Formats.Add("Cafe Binary Textures (.bftex)"); Formats.Add("Microsoft DDS (.dds)"); Formats.Add("Portable Graphics Network (.png)"); Formats.Add("Joint Photographic Experts Group (.jpg)"); Formats.Add("Bitmap Image (.bmp)"); Formats.Add("Tagged Image File Format (.tiff)"); FolderSelectDialog sfd = new FolderSelectDialog(); if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string folderPath = sfd.SelectedPath; TextureFormatExport form = new TextureFormatExport(Formats); if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { foreach (TextureData tex in Nodes) { if (form.Index == 0) tex.SaveBinaryTexture(folderPath + '\\' + tex.Text + ".bftex"); else if (form.Index == 1) tex.SaveDDS(folderPath + '\\' + tex.Text + ".dds"); else if (form.Index == 2) tex.SaveBitMap(folderPath + '\\' + tex.Text + ".png"); else if (form.Index == 3) tex.SaveBitMap(folderPath + '\\' + tex.Text + ".jpg"); else if (form.Index == 4) tex.SaveBitMap(folderPath + '\\' + tex.Text + ".bmp"); else if (form.Index == 5) tex.SaveBitMap(folderPath + '\\' + tex.Text + ".tiff"); } } } } public byte[] Save() { BinaryTexFile.Textures.Clear(); BinaryTexFile.TextureDict.Clear(); foreach (TextureData tex in Textures.Values) { tex.Texture.Name = tex.Text; BinaryTexFile.Textures.Add(tex.Texture); BinaryTexFile.TextureDict.Add(tex.Text); } MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(); BinaryTexFile.Save(mem); return mem.ToArray(); } public class PropertieGridData { [Browsable(true)] [Category("BNTX")] [DisplayName("Name")] public string Name { get; set; } [Browsable(true)] [Category("BNTX")] [DisplayName("Original Path")] public string Path { get; set; } [Browsable(true)] [Category("BNTX")] [DisplayName("Target")] public string Target { get; set; } [Browsable(true)] [ReadOnly(true)] [Category("Versions")] [DisplayName("Full Version")] public string VersionFull { get; set; } [Browsable(true)] [Category("Versions")] [DisplayName("Version Major 1")] public uint VersionMajor { get; set; } [Browsable(true)] [Category("Versions")] [DisplayName("Version Major 2")] public uint VersionMajor2 { get; set; } [Browsable(true)] [Category("Versions")] [DisplayName("Version Minor 1")] public uint VersionMinor { get; set; } [Browsable(true)] [Category("Versions")] [DisplayName("Version Minor 2")] public uint VersionMinor2 { get; set; } } private void Import(object sender, EventArgs args) { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Data = File.ReadAllBytes(ofd.FileName); LoadFile(Data); } } private void Rename(object sender, EventArgs args) { RenameDialog dialog = new RenameDialog(); dialog.SetString(Text); if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Text = dialog.textBox1.Text; } } private void Save(object sender, EventArgs args) { SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog(); sfd.DefaultExt = "bntx"; sfd.Filter = "Supported Formats|*.bntx;"; sfd.FileName = FileHandler.FileName; if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { File.WriteAllBytes(sfd.FileName, FileHandler.Save()); } } } public class TextureData : TreeNodeCustom { public Texture Texture; public BntxFile bntxFile; public List> mipmaps = new List>(); public BRTI_Texture renderedGLTex = new BRTI_Texture(); public bool GLInitialized = false; public TextureData() { ImageKey = "Texture"; SelectedImageKey = "Texture"; } public TextureData(Texture tex, BntxFile bntx) { ImageKey = "Texture"; SelectedImageKey = "Texture"; Texture = tex; bntxFile = bntx; Text = tex.Name; ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(); MenuItem export = new MenuItem("Export"); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(export); export.Click += Export; MenuItem replace = new MenuItem("Replace"); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(replace); replace.Click += Replace; MenuItem remove = new MenuItem("Remove"); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(remove); remove.Click += Remove; MenuItem rename = new MenuItem("Rename"); ContextMenu.MenuItems.Add(rename); rename.Click += Rename; string TargetString = new string(bntx.Target); int target = 0; if (TargetString == "NX ") target = 1; } public override void OnClick(TreeView treeView) { if (LibraryGUI.Instance.dockContent != null && !EditorIsActive(LibraryGUI.Instance.dockContent)) { BNTXEditor BNTXEditor = new BNTXEditor(); BNTXEditor.Text = Text; BNTXEditor.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; BNTXEditor.LoadProperty(this); LibraryGUI.Instance.LoadDockContent(BNTXEditor, PluginRuntime.FSHPDockState); } } public bool EditorIsActive(DockContent dock) { foreach (Control ctrl in dock.Controls) { if (ctrl is BNTXEditor) { dock.Text = Text; ((BNTXEditor)ctrl).LoadProperty(this); return true; } } return false; } public BRTI_Texture LoadOpenGLTexture() { if (OpenTKSharedResources.SetupStatus == OpenTKSharedResources.SharedResourceStatus.Unitialized) return null; LoadTexture(Texture); if (mipmaps.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception("No texture data found"); } = mipmaps[0][0]; renderedGLTex.width = (int)Texture.Width; renderedGLTex.height = (int)Texture.Height; switch (Texture.Format) { case SurfaceFormat.BC1_UNORM: renderedGLTex.type = PixelInternalFormat.CompressedRgbaS3tcDxt1Ext; break; case SurfaceFormat.BC1_SRGB: renderedGLTex.type = PixelInternalFormat.CompressedRgbaS3tcDxt1Ext; break; case SurfaceFormat.BC2_UNORM: renderedGLTex.type = PixelInternalFormat.CompressedRgbaS3tcDxt3Ext; break; case SurfaceFormat.BC2_SRGB: renderedGLTex.type = PixelInternalFormat.CompressedSrgbAlphaS3tcDxt3Ext; break; case SurfaceFormat.BC3_UNORM: renderedGLTex.type = PixelInternalFormat.CompressedRgbaS3tcDxt5Ext; break; case SurfaceFormat.BC3_SRGB: renderedGLTex.type = PixelInternalFormat.CompressedSrgbAlphaS3tcDxt5Ext; break; case SurfaceFormat.BC4_UNORM: renderedGLTex.type = PixelInternalFormat.CompressedRedRgtc1; break; case SurfaceFormat.BC4_SNORM: renderedGLTex.type = PixelInternalFormat.CompressedSignedRedRgtc1; break; case SurfaceFormat.BC5_UNORM: renderedGLTex.type = PixelInternalFormat.CompressedRgRgtc2; break; case SurfaceFormat.BC5_SNORM: = DDSCompressor.DecompressBC5(mipmaps[0][0], (int)Texture.Width, (int)Texture.Height, true, true); renderedGLTex.type = PixelInternalFormat.Rgba; renderedGLTex.utype = OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat.Rgba; break; case SurfaceFormat.BC6_FLOAT: renderedGLTex.type = PixelInternalFormat.CompressedRgbBptcSignedFloat; break; case SurfaceFormat.BC6_UFLOAT: renderedGLTex.type = PixelInternalFormat.CompressedRgbBptcUnsignedFloat; break; case SurfaceFormat.BC7_SRGB: renderedGLTex.type = PixelInternalFormat.CompressedSrgbAlphaBptcUnorm; break; case SurfaceFormat.BC7_UNORM: renderedGLTex.type = PixelInternalFormat.CompressedRgbaBptcUnorm; break; case SurfaceFormat.R8_G8_B8_A8_SRGB: renderedGLTex.type = PixelInternalFormat.Rgba; renderedGLTex.utype = OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat.Rgba; break; } renderedGLTex.display = loadImage(renderedGLTex); GLInitialized = true; return renderedGLTex; } //Gets the decompressed byte[] public static Bitmap DecodeBlock(byte[] data, uint Width, uint Height, SurfaceFormat Format) { Bitmap decomp; if (Format == SurfaceFormat.BC5_SNORM) return DDSCompressor.DecompressBC5(data, (int)Width, (int)Height, true); byte[] d = null; if (IsCompressedFormat(Format)) d = DDSCompressor.DecompressBlock(data, (int)Width, (int)Height, GetCompressedDXGI_FORMAT(Format)); else if (IsAtscFormat(Format)) d = null; else d = DDSCompressor.DecodePixelBlock(data, (int)Width, (int)Height, GetUncompressedDXGI_FORMAT(Format)); if (d != null) { decomp = BitmapExtension.GetBitmap(d, (int)Width, (int)Height); return SwapBlueRedChannels(decomp); } return null; } private static DDS.DXGI_FORMAT GetUncompressedDXGI_FORMAT(SurfaceFormat Format) { switch (Format) { case SurfaceFormat.A1_B5_G5_R5_UNORM: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_B5G5R5A1_UNORM; case SurfaceFormat.A4_B4_G4_R4_UNORM: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_B4G4R4A4_UNORM; case SurfaceFormat.B5_G5_R5_A1_UNORM: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_B5G5R5A1_UNORM; case SurfaceFormat.B5_G6_R5_UNORM: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM; case SurfaceFormat.B8_G8_R8_A8_SRGB: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM_SRGB; case SurfaceFormat.B8_G8_R8_A8_UNORM: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM; case SurfaceFormat.R10_G10_B10_A2_UNORM: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM; case SurfaceFormat.R11_G11_B10_FLOAT: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_R11G11B10_FLOAT; case SurfaceFormat.R16_UNORM: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UNORM; case SurfaceFormat.R32_FLOAT: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT; case SurfaceFormat.R4_G4_B4_A4_UNORM: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_B4G4R4A4_UNORM; case SurfaceFormat.R4_G4_UNORM: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_B4G4R4A4_UNORM; case SurfaceFormat.R5_G5_B5_A1_UNORM: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_B5G5R5A1_UNORM; case SurfaceFormat.R5_G6_B5_UNORM: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM; case SurfaceFormat.R8_G8_B8_A8_SRGB: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB; case SurfaceFormat.R8_G8_B8_A8_UNORM: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM; case SurfaceFormat.R8_G8_UNORM: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_UNORM; case SurfaceFormat.R8_UNORM: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_R8_UNORM; case SurfaceFormat.Invalid: throw new Exception("Invalid Format"); default: throw new Exception($"Cannot convert format {Format}"); } } private static DDS.DXGI_FORMAT GetCompressedDXGI_FORMAT(SurfaceFormat Format) { switch (Format) { case SurfaceFormat.BC1_UNORM: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_UNORM; case SurfaceFormat.BC1_SRGB: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_UNORM_SRGB; case SurfaceFormat.BC2_UNORM: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_UNORM; case SurfaceFormat.BC2_SRGB: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_BC2_UNORM_SRGB; case SurfaceFormat.BC3_UNORM: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_UNORM; case SurfaceFormat.BC3_SRGB: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_BC3_UNORM_SRGB; case SurfaceFormat.BC4_UNORM: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_BC4_UNORM; case SurfaceFormat.BC4_SNORM: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_BC4_SNORM; case SurfaceFormat.BC5_UNORM: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_UNORM; case SurfaceFormat.BC5_SNORM: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_SNORM; case SurfaceFormat.BC6_UFLOAT: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_UF16; case SurfaceFormat.BC6_FLOAT: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_SF16; case SurfaceFormat.BC7_UNORM: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_UNORM; case SurfaceFormat.BC7_SRGB: return DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_UNORM_SRGB; case SurfaceFormat.Invalid: throw new Exception("Invalid Format"); default: throw new Exception($"Cannot convert format {Format}"); } } private static bool IsCompressedFormat(SurfaceFormat Format) { switch (Format) { case SurfaceFormat.BC1_UNORM: case SurfaceFormat.BC1_SRGB: case SurfaceFormat.BC2_UNORM: case SurfaceFormat.BC2_SRGB: case SurfaceFormat.BC3_UNORM: case SurfaceFormat.BC3_SRGB: case SurfaceFormat.BC4_UNORM: case SurfaceFormat.BC4_SNORM: case SurfaceFormat.BC5_UNORM: case SurfaceFormat.BC5_SNORM: case SurfaceFormat.BC6_UFLOAT: case SurfaceFormat.BC6_FLOAT: case SurfaceFormat.BC7_UNORM: case SurfaceFormat.BC7_SRGB: return true; default: return false; } } private static bool IsAtscFormat(SurfaceFormat Format) { switch (Format) { case SurfaceFormat.ASTC_10x10_SRGB: case SurfaceFormat.ASTC_10x10_UNORM: case SurfaceFormat.ASTC_10x5_SRGB: case SurfaceFormat.ASTC_10x5_UNORM: case SurfaceFormat.ASTC_10x6_SRGB: case SurfaceFormat.ASTC_10x6_UNORM: case SurfaceFormat.ASTC_10x8_SRGB: case SurfaceFormat.ASTC_10x8_UNORM: case SurfaceFormat.ASTC_12x10_SRGB: case SurfaceFormat.ASTC_12x10_UNORM: case SurfaceFormat.ASTC_12x12_SRGB: case SurfaceFormat.ASTC_12x12_UNORM: case SurfaceFormat.ASTC_4x4_SRGB: case SurfaceFormat.ASTC_5x4_SRGB: case SurfaceFormat.ASTC_5x4_UNORM: case SurfaceFormat.ASTC_5x5_SRGB: case SurfaceFormat.ASTC_5x5_UNORM: case SurfaceFormat.ASTC_6x5_SRGB: case SurfaceFormat.ASTC_6x5_UNORM: case SurfaceFormat.ASTC_6x6_SRGB: case SurfaceFormat.ASTC_6x6_UNORM: case SurfaceFormat.ASTC_8x5_SRGB: case SurfaceFormat.ASTC_8x5_UNORM: case SurfaceFormat.ASTC_8x6_SRGB: case SurfaceFormat.ASTC_8x6_UNORM: case SurfaceFormat.ASTC_8x8_SRGB: case SurfaceFormat.ASTC_8x8_UNORM: return true; default: return false; } } public static Bitmap SwapBlueRedChannels(Bitmap bitmap) { return ColorComponentSelector(bitmap, ChannelType.Blue, ChannelType.Green, ChannelType.Red, ChannelType.Alpha); } public static byte[] CompressBlock(byte[] data, int width, int height, SurfaceFormat format) { if (IsCompressedFormat(format)) return DDSCompressor.CompressBlock(data, width, height, GetCompressedDXGI_FORMAT(format)); else if (IsAtscFormat(format)) return null; else return DDSCompressor.EncodePixelBlock(data, width, height, GetUncompressedDXGI_FORMAT(format)); } public unsafe Bitmap GLTextureToBitmap(BRTI_Texture t, int id) { Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(t.width, t.height); System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData bitmapData = bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, t.width, t.height), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, id); GL.GetTexImage(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat.Bgra, PixelType.UnsignedByte, bitmapData.Scan0); bitmap.UnlockBits(bitmapData); return bitmap; } public unsafe void ExportAsImage(BRTI_Texture t, int id, string path) { Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(t.width, t.height); System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData bitmapData = bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, t.width, t.height), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, id); GL.GetTexImage(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat.Bgra, PixelType.UnsignedByte, bitmapData.Scan0); bitmap.UnlockBits(bitmapData); bitmap.Save(path); } public class BRTI_Texture { public List mipmaps = new List(); public byte[] data; public int width, height; public int display = 0; public PixelInternalFormat type; public OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat utype; } public static int getImageSize(BRTI_Texture t) { switch (t.type) { case PixelInternalFormat.CompressedRgbaS3tcDxt1Ext: case PixelInternalFormat.CompressedSrgbAlphaS3tcDxt1Ext: case PixelInternalFormat.CompressedRedRgtc1: case PixelInternalFormat.CompressedSignedRedRgtc1: return (t.width * t.height / 2); case PixelInternalFormat.CompressedRgbaS3tcDxt3Ext: case PixelInternalFormat.CompressedSrgbAlphaS3tcDxt3Ext: case PixelInternalFormat.CompressedRgbaS3tcDxt5Ext: case PixelInternalFormat.CompressedSrgbAlphaS3tcDxt5Ext: case PixelInternalFormat.CompressedSignedRgRgtc2: case PixelInternalFormat.CompressedRgRgtc2: return (t.width * t.height); case PixelInternalFormat.Rgba: return; default: return; } } public static int loadImage(BRTI_Texture t) { int texID = GL.GenTexture(); GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, texID); if (t.type != PixelInternalFormat.Rgba) { GL.CompressedTexImage2D(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, (InternalFormat)t.type, t.width, t.height, 0, getImageSize(t),; //Debug.WriteLine(GL.GetError()); } else { GL.TexImage2D(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, t.type, t.width, t.height, 0, t.utype, PixelType.UnsignedByte,; } GL.GenerateMipmap(GenerateMipmapTarget.Texture2D); return texID; } private void Remove(object sender, EventArgs args) { ((BinaryTextureContainer)Parent).RemoveTexture(this); } private void Rename(object sender, EventArgs args) { RenameDialog dialog = new RenameDialog(); dialog.SetString(Text); if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { ((BinaryTextureContainer)Parent).Textures.Remove(Text); Text = dialog.textBox1.Text; ((BinaryTextureContainer)Parent).Textures.Add(Text, this); } } private void Replace(object sender, EventArgs args) { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.Filter = "Supported Formats|*.bftex;*.dds; *.png;*.tga;*.jpg;*.tiff|" + "Binary Texture |*.bftex|" + "Microsoft DDS |*.dds|" + "Portable Network Graphics |*.png|" + "Joint Photographic Experts Group |*.jpg|" + "Bitmap Image |*.bmp|" + "Tagged Image File Format |*.tiff|" + "All files(*.*)|*.*"; ofd.Multiselect = false; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Replace(ofd.FileName); } } public void Replace(string FileName) { string ext = Path.GetExtension(FileName); ext = ext.ToLower(); TextureImporterSettings setting = new TextureImporterSettings(); BinaryTextureImporterList importer = new BinaryTextureImporterList(); switch (ext) { case ".bftex": Texture.Import(FileName); break; case ".dds": setting.LoadDDS(FileName, bntxFile, null, this); break; default: setting.LoadBitMap(FileName, bntxFile); importer.LoadSetting(setting, (BinaryTextureContainer)Parent); break; } if (importer.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; if (setting.GenerateMipmaps) { setting.DataBlockOutput.Clear(); setting.DataBlockOutput.Add(setting.GenerateMips()); } if (setting.DataBlockOutput != null) { Texture = setting.FromBitMap(setting.DataBlockOutput[0], setting); LoadTexture(Texture, 1); LoadOpenGLTexture(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong???"); } Texture.Name = Text; UpdateBfresTextureMapping(); //LibraryGUI.Instance.LoadDockContent(BNTXEditor); } } private void UpdateBfresTextureMapping() { foreach (GL_Core.Interfaces.AbstractGlDrawable draw in Runtime.abstractGlDrawables) { if (draw is BFRESRender) { ((BFRESRender)draw).UpdateTextureMaps(); } } } private void Export(object sender, EventArgs args) { SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog(); sfd.FileName = Texture.Name; sfd.DefaultExt = "bftex"; sfd.Filter = "Supported Formats|*.bftex;*.dds; *.png;*.tga;*.jpg;*.tiff|" + "Binary Texture |*.bftex|" + "Microsoft DDS |*.dds|" + "Portable Network Graphics |*.png|" + "Joint Photographic Experts Group |*.jpg|" + "Bitmap Image |*.bmp|" + "Tagged Image File Format |*.tiff|" + "All files(*.*)|*.*"; if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Export(sfd.FileName); } } public void Export(string FileName, bool ExportSurfaceLevel = false, bool ExportMipMapLevel = false, int SurfaceLevel = 0, int MipLevel = 0) { string ext = Path.GetExtension(FileName); ext = ext.ToLower(); switch (ext) { case ".bftex": SaveBinaryTexture(FileName); break; case ".dds": SaveDDS(FileName); break; default: SaveBitMap(FileName); break; } } internal void SaveBitMap(string FileName, int SurfaceLevel = 0, int MipLevel = 0) { Bitmap bitMap = DisplayTexture(MipLevel, SurfaceLevel); bitMap.Save(FileName); } internal void SaveBinaryTexture(string FileName) { Console.WriteLine("Test"); Texture.Export(FileName, bntxFile); } internal void SaveDDS(string FileName) { DDS dds = new DDS(); dds.header = new DDS.Header(); dds.header.width = Texture.Width; dds.header.height = Texture.Height; dds.header.mipmapCount = (uint)mipmaps.Count; bool IsDX10 = false; switch (Texture.Format) { case SurfaceFormat.BC1_UNORM: case SurfaceFormat.BC1_SRGB: dds.header.ddspf.fourCC = "DXT1"; break; case SurfaceFormat.BC2_UNORM: case SurfaceFormat.BC2_SRGB: dds.header.ddspf.fourCC = "DXT3"; break; case SurfaceFormat.BC3_UNORM: case SurfaceFormat.BC3_SRGB: dds.header.ddspf.fourCC = "DXT5"; break; case SurfaceFormat.BC4_UNORM: IsDX10 = true; dds.DX10header = new DDS.DX10Header(); dds.DX10header.DXGI_Format = DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_BC4_UNORM; break; case SurfaceFormat.BC4_SNORM: IsDX10 = true; dds.DX10header = new DDS.DX10Header(); dds.DX10header.DXGI_Format = DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_BC4_SNORM; break; case SurfaceFormat.BC5_UNORM: IsDX10 = true; dds.DX10header = new DDS.DX10Header(); dds.DX10header.DXGI_Format = DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_UNORM; break; case SurfaceFormat.BC5_SNORM: IsDX10 = true; dds.DX10header = new DDS.DX10Header(); dds.DX10header.DXGI_Format = DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_SNORM; break; case SurfaceFormat.BC6_FLOAT: IsDX10 = true; dds.DX10header = new DDS.DX10Header(); dds.DX10header.DXGI_Format = DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_SF16; break; case SurfaceFormat.BC6_UFLOAT: IsDX10 = true; dds.DX10header = new DDS.DX10Header(); dds.DX10header.DXGI_Format = DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_UF16; break; case SurfaceFormat.BC7_UNORM: IsDX10 = true; dds.DX10header = new DDS.DX10Header(); dds.DX10header.DXGI_Format = DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_UNORM_SRGB; break; case SurfaceFormat.BC7_SRGB: IsDX10 = true; dds.DX10header = new DDS.DX10Header(); dds.DX10header.DXGI_Format = DDS.DXGI_FORMAT.DXGI_FORMAT_BC7_UNORM; break; default: throw new Exception($"Format {Texture.Format} not supported!"); } if (IsDX10) dds.header.ddspf.fourCC = "DX10"; dds.Save(dds, FileName, IsDX10, mipmaps); } public void LoadTexture(Texture tex, int target = 1) { mipmaps.Clear(); uint blk_dim = Formats.blk_dims((uint)((int)tex.Format >> 8)); uint blkWidth = blk_dim >> 4; uint blkHeight = blk_dim & 0xF; int linesPerBlockHeight = (1 << (int)tex.BlockHeightLog2) * 8; uint bpp = Formats.bpps((uint)((int)tex.Format >> 8)); for (int arrayLevel = 0; arrayLevel < tex.ArrayLength; arrayLevel++) { int blockHeightShift = 0; List mips = new List(); for (int mipLevel = 0; mipLevel < tex.TextureData[arrayLevel].Count; mipLevel++) { uint width = (uint)Math.Max(1, tex.Width >> mipLevel); uint height = (uint)Math.Max(1, tex.Height >> mipLevel); uint size = TegraX1Swizzle.DIV_ROUND_UP(width, blkWidth) * TegraX1Swizzle.DIV_ROUND_UP(height, blkHeight) * bpp; if (TegraX1Swizzle.pow2_round_up(TegraX1Swizzle.DIV_ROUND_UP(height, blkWidth)) < linesPerBlockHeight) blockHeightShift += 1; byte[] result = TegraX1Swizzle.deswizzle(width, height, blkWidth, blkHeight, target, bpp, (uint)tex.TileMode, (int)Math.Max(0, tex.BlockHeightLog2 - blockHeightShift), tex.TextureData[arrayLevel][mipLevel]); //Create a copy and use that to remove uneeded data byte[] result_ = new byte[size]; Array.Copy(result, 0, result_, 0, size); mips.Add(result_); } mipmaps.Add(mips); } Texture = tex; } public Bitmap DisplayTexture(int DisplayMipIndex = 0, int ArrayIndex = 0) { LoadTexture(Texture); if (mipmaps.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception("No texture data found"); } uint width = (uint)Math.Max(1, Texture.Width >> DisplayMipIndex); uint height = (uint)Math.Max(1, Texture.Height >> DisplayMipIndex); byte[] data = mipmaps[ArrayIndex][DisplayMipIndex]; return DecodeBlock(data, width, height, Texture.Format); } public Bitmap ToBitmap() { return new Bitmap(""); } public Bitmap UpdateBitmap(Bitmap image) { return ColorComponentSelector(image, Texture.ChannelRed, Texture.ChannelGreen, Texture.ChannelBlue, Texture.ChannelAlpha); } public static ChannelType[] SetChannelsByFormat(SurfaceFormat Format) { ChannelType[] channels = new ChannelType[4]; switch (Format) { case SurfaceFormat.BC5_UNORM: case SurfaceFormat.BC5_SNORM: channels[0] = ChannelType.Red; channels[1] = ChannelType.Green; channels[2] = ChannelType.Zero; channels[3] = ChannelType.One; break; case SurfaceFormat.BC4_SNORM: case SurfaceFormat.BC4_UNORM: channels[0] = ChannelType.Red; channels[1] = ChannelType.Red; channels[2] = ChannelType.Red; channels[3] = ChannelType.Red; break; default: channels[0] = ChannelType.Red; channels[1] = ChannelType.Green; channels[2] = ChannelType.Blue; channels[3] = ChannelType.Alpha; break; } return channels; } public static Bitmap ColorComponentSelector(Bitmap image, ChannelType R, ChannelType G, ChannelType B, ChannelType A) { BitmapExtension.ColorSwapFilter color = new BitmapExtension.ColorSwapFilter(); if (R == ChannelType.Red) color.CompRed = BitmapExtension.ColorSwapFilter.Red.Red; if (R == ChannelType.Green) color.CompRed = BitmapExtension.ColorSwapFilter.Red.Green; if (R == ChannelType.Blue) color.CompRed = BitmapExtension.ColorSwapFilter.Red.Blue; if (R == ChannelType.Alpha) color.CompRed = BitmapExtension.ColorSwapFilter.Red.Alpha; if (R == ChannelType.One) color.CompRed = BitmapExtension.ColorSwapFilter.Red.One; if (R == ChannelType.Zero) color.CompRed = BitmapExtension.ColorSwapFilter.Red.Zero; if (G == ChannelType.Red) color.CompGreen = BitmapExtension.ColorSwapFilter.Green.Red; if (G == ChannelType.Green) color.CompGreen = BitmapExtension.ColorSwapFilter.Green.Green; if (G == ChannelType.Blue) color.CompGreen = BitmapExtension.ColorSwapFilter.Green.Blue; if (G == ChannelType.Alpha) color.CompGreen = BitmapExtension.ColorSwapFilter.Green.Alpha; if (G == ChannelType.One) color.CompGreen = BitmapExtension.ColorSwapFilter.Green.One; if (G == ChannelType.Zero) color.CompGreen = BitmapExtension.ColorSwapFilter.Green.Zero; if (B == ChannelType.Red) color.CompBlue = BitmapExtension.ColorSwapFilter.Blue.Red; if (B == ChannelType.Green) color.CompBlue = BitmapExtension.ColorSwapFilter.Blue.Green; if (B == ChannelType.Blue) color.CompBlue = BitmapExtension.ColorSwapFilter.Blue.Blue; if (B == ChannelType.Alpha) color.CompBlue = BitmapExtension.ColorSwapFilter.Blue.Alpha; if (B == ChannelType.One) color.CompBlue = BitmapExtension.ColorSwapFilter.Blue.One; if (B == ChannelType.Zero) color.CompBlue = BitmapExtension.ColorSwapFilter.Blue.Zero; if (A == ChannelType.Red) color.CompAlpha = BitmapExtension.ColorSwapFilter.Alpha.Red; if (A == ChannelType.Green) color.CompAlpha = BitmapExtension.ColorSwapFilter.Alpha.Green; if (A == ChannelType.Blue) color.CompAlpha = BitmapExtension.ColorSwapFilter.Alpha.Blue; if (A == ChannelType.Alpha) color.CompAlpha = BitmapExtension.ColorSwapFilter.Alpha.Alpha; if (A == ChannelType.One) color.CompAlpha = BitmapExtension.ColorSwapFilter.Alpha.One; if (A == ChannelType.Zero) color.CompAlpha = BitmapExtension.ColorSwapFilter.Alpha.Zero; return BitmapExtension.SwapRGB(image, color); } private void SwapChannels(Bitmap bitmap) { for (int x = 0; x < bitmap.Width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < bitmap.Height; y++) { bitmap.GetPixel(x, y); } } } } }