set DEBUGLEVEL 0 #-------- # GENERAL # keep import path and filename # unused # set KeepImportName True #-------- # force output DX10 FOURCC DDS file # doesn't work with LA88, as there is no analog in DXGI # warns and falls back to regular DDS file set DX10DDS False #-------- # GCM/GNM # "RAW" - outputs only data without headers # adds info to the filename # for manual processing with id-daemon's "Raw texture previewer/converter" GUI # # will add automatic batch file creation # if id-daemon adds swizzle options to his/her CLI version of the tool # "GNF" - outputs a GNF file # "DDS" - outputs a DDS file set GCMOutputMode "DDS" # "RAW" or "DDS" set GNMOutputMode "DDS" # "RAW", "GNF" or "DDS" # Data offset for GNF files # 0x30 - for compability with Noesis # 0x100 - with Scarlet: set GNFDataOffset 0x30 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- endian big idstring 0 "PHYR" endian save FileEndian goto 0 0 set i 0 for FileOffset = 0 != "" if FileEndian == 0 findloc FileOffset string "RYHP" 0 "" elif FileEndian == 1 findloc FileOffset string "PHYR" 0 "" endif if FileOffset == "" print "[i] Total PhyreEngine asset markers found: %i%." else math i += 1 putarray 40 i FileOffset goto FileOffset 0 goto 1 0 SEEK_CUR endif next for j = 1 <= i getarray FileOffset 40 j if j < i xmath TMP "j+1" getarray FileOffset_next 40 TMP else get FileOffset_next asize endif xmath ScanSize "FileOffset_next-FileOffset" print "[i] PhyreEngine asset marker #%j%. Data start: %FileOffset|h%; data to scan: %ScanSize% B." log MEMORY_FILE5 FileOffset ScanSize 0 CallFunction MainProcess 0 -5 next j #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- StartFunction MainProcess # MainProcess_ARG1 - file number endian big idstring MainProcess_ARG1 "PHYR" get PClusterHeaderBase_m_size long MainProcess_ARG1 # PClusterHeaderBase.m_size get m_packedNamespaceSize long MainProcess_ARG1 get m_platformID long MainProcess_ARG1 if m_platformID == 0x44583131 set m_platformID "DX11" elif m_platformID == 0x47434D00 set m_platformID "GCM" elif m_platformID == 0x47584D01 set m_platformID "GXM" elif m_platformID == 0x474E4D02 set m_platformID "GNM" else print "[x] Unsupported platform: %m_platformID|h%!" cleanexit endif print "[i] Platform: %m_platformID%" get DUMMY long MainProcess_ARG1 # m_instanceListCount get DUMMY long MainProcess_ARG1 # m_arrayFixupSize get m_arrayFixupCount long MainProcess_ARG1 print "[i] # of textures: %m_arrayFixupCount%" # --- PClusterHeaderBase end goto PClusterHeaderBase_m_size MainProcess_ARG1 get MAGIC2 long MainProcess_ARG1 if MAGIC2 != 0x01020304 print "[x] Wrong magic #2: %MAGIC|h%" cleanexit endif get m_packedNamespaceSize long MainProcess_ARG1 get SKIPTHESE long MainProcess_ARG1 get ROOTDESCRIPTORS long MainProcess_ARG1 get SUBDESCRIPTORS long MainProcess_ARG1 get STRING_TABLE_SIZE long MainProcess_ARG1 math SKIPTHESE += 2 for i = 0 < SKIPTHESE get DUMMY long MainProcess_ARG1 next i if DEBUGLEVEL >= 2 print "#-#| DUMMY0 | FLAGS1 | DUMMY1 |DESC_STR_O|SUB|F|L| DUMMY2 | DUMMY3 | DUMMY4 | DUMMY5 | DUMMY6 |NAME" print "---+----------+----------+----------+----------+---+-+-+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----" endif set j_min 0 set j_max 0 for i = 1 <= ROOTDESCRIPTORS get DUMMY0 long MainProcess_ARG1 get DUMMY1 short MainProcess_ARG1 get DUMMY2 short MainProcess_ARG1 get DESC_STRING_OFFSET long MainProcess_ARG1 get SUBRECORDS long MainProcess_ARG1 get DUMMY3 long MainProcess_ARG1 get DUMMY4 long MainProcess_ARG1 get DUMMY5 long MainProcess_ARG1 get DUMMY6 long MainProcess_ARG1 get DUMMY7 long MainProcess_ARG1 if SUBRECORDS > 0 math FirstSubrecord = j_max math FirstSubrecord += 1 math j_max += SUBRECORDS math LastSubrecord = j_max else math FirstSubrecord = 0 math LastSubrecord = 0 endif savepos CurrentOffset MainProcess_ARG1 xmath NAME_OFF "PClusterHeaderBase_m_size+m_packedNamespaceSize-STRING_TABLE_SIZE+DESC_STRING_OFFSET" goto NAME_OFF MainProcess_ARG1 get NAME string MainProcess_ARG1 goto CurrentOffset MainProcess_ARG1 putarray 0 i SUBRECORDS putarray 1 i FirstSubrecord putarray 2 i LastSubrecord putarray 3 i NAME if DEBUGLEVEL >= 2 print "%i%-0|%DUMMY0|h%|%DUMMY1|h%|%DUMMY2|h%|%DESC_STRING_OFFSET|h%|%SUBRECORDS%|%FirstSubrecord%|%LastSubrecord%|%DUMMY3|h%|%DUMMY4|h%|%DUMMY5|h%|%DUMMY6|h%|%DUMMY7|h%|%NAME%" endif next i if DEBUGLEVEL >= 2 print "----+----------+----------+----------+----------+---+-+-+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----" endif if DEBUGLEVEL >= 2 print "#|DESC_STR_O| DUMMY1 | OFFSET | DATASIZE | DUMMY4 | DUMMY5 |NAME" print "-+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----" # 0|0x00000163|0x0000000e|0x00000018|0x00000004|0x00000010|0x00000000|m_id endif for i = 1 <= SUBDESCRIPTORS get DESC_STRING_OFFSET long MainProcess_ARG1 get DUMMY1 long MainProcess_ARG1 get OFFSET long MainProcess_ARG1 get SIZE long MainProcess_ARG1 get DUMMY4 long MainProcess_ARG1 get DUMMY5 long MainProcess_ARG1 savepos CurrentOffset MainProcess_ARG1 xmath NAME_OFF "PClusterHeaderBase_m_size+m_packedNamespaceSize-STRING_TABLE_SIZE+DESC_STRING_OFFSET" goto NAME_OFF MainProcess_ARG1 get NAME string MainProcess_ARG1 # --- safeguard #2; against models and shaders if NAME == "PEffect" print "[x] Not a texture!" cleanexit endif # --- safeguard end goto CurrentOffset MainProcess_ARG1 putarray 4 i OFFSET putarray 5 i SIZE putarray 6 i NAME if DEBUGLEVEL >= 2 print "%i%|%DESC_STRING_OFFSET|h%|%DUMMY1|h%|%OFFSET|h%|%SIZE|h%|%DUMMY4|h%|%DUMMY5|h%|%NAME%" endif next i if DEBUGLEVEL >= 2 print "--+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----" endif set PInstanceListHeader_SIZE 0x24 # size of one PInstanceListHeader structure for i = 1 <= ROOTDESCRIPTORS getarray SUBRECORDS 0 i getarray FirstSubrecord 1 i getarray LastSubrecord 2 i getarray ROOTNAME 3 i if DEBUGLEVEL >= 2 print "%i%-0|%ROOTNAME%" endif if SUBRECORDS > 0 for j = FirstSubrecord <= LastSubrecord getarray OFFSET 4 j getarray SIZE 5 j getarray NAME 6 j if i >= 2 && i <= 6 math BaseOffset = OFFSET goto BaseOffset MainProcess_ARG1 get TMP long MainProcess_ARG1 goto BaseOffset MainProcess_ARG1 getdstring TMP2 4 MainProcess_ARG1 if NAME == "m_maxTextureBufferSize" # DX11 (PC) math DataSize = TMP elif NAME == "m_vramBufferSize" # GCM (PS3) math DataSize = TMP elif NAME == "m_cdramTextureBufferSize" # GXM (PSVita) math DataSize = TMP elif NAME == "m_sharedVideoMemoryBufferSize" # GNM (PS4) math DataSize = TMP elif NAME == "m_instanceListCount" # how many PInstanceListHeader structs are there math m_instanceListCount_ = TMP elif NAME == "m_totalDataSize" math m_totalDataSize_ = TMP elif NAME == "m_userFixupCount" math m_userFixupCount_ = TMP elif NAME == "m_userFixupDataSize" math m_userFixupDataSize_ = TMP elif NAME == "m_arrayFixupSize" math m_arrayFixupSize_ = TMP elif NAME == "m_pointerFixupSize" math m_pointerFixupSize_ = TMP endif if DEBUGLEVEL >= 2 print "%i%-%j%|%OFFSET|h%|%SIZE|h%|%NAME% = %TMP|h%|%TMP%|%TMP2% @ %BaseOffset|h%" endif elif ROOTNAME == "PInstanceListHeader" for k = 1 <= m_instanceListCount_ xmath BaseOffset "OFFSET+PClusterHeaderBase_m_size+m_packedNamespaceSize+PInstanceListHeader_SIZE*(k-1)" goto BaseOffset MainProcess_ARG1 get TMP long MainProcess_ARG1 if NAME == "m_size" putarray 7 k TMP elif NAME == "m_objectsSize" putarray 8 k TMP elif NAME == "m_arraysSize" putarray 9 k TMP endif if DEBUGLEVEL >= 2 print "%i%-%j%|%OFFSET|h%|%SIZE|h%|%NAME%[%k%] = %TMP|h%|%TMP% @ %BaseOffset|h%" endif next k elif ROOTNAME == "PString" xmath BaseOffset "PClusterHeaderBase_m_size+m_packedNamespaceSize+PInstanceListHeader_SIZE*m_instanceListCount_" getarray TMP 8 1 math BaseOffset += TMP goto BaseOffset MainProcess_ARG1 getarray TMP 9 1 log MEMORY_FILE4 BaseOffset TMP MainProcess_ARG1 if DEBUGLEVEL >= 2 print "%i%-%j%|%OFFSET|h%|%SIZE|h%|%NAME% = %TMP% @ %BaseOffset|h%" endif elif ROOTNAME == "PTexture2DBase" && m_platformID != "GCM" xmath BaseOffset "OFFSET+PClusterHeaderBase_m_size+m_packedNamespaceSize+PInstanceListHeader_SIZE*m_instanceListCount_" getarray TMP 7 1 math BaseOffset += TMP goto BaseOffset MainProcess_ARG1 get TMP long MainProcess_ARG1 if NAME == "m_width" math m_width_ = TMP elif NAME == "m_height" math m_height_ = TMP endif if DEBUGLEVEL >= 2 print "%i%-%j%|%OFFSET|h%|%SIZE|h%|%NAME% = %TMP|h%|%TMP% @ %BaseOffset|h%" endif elif ROOTNAME == "PTexture2DGCM" for k = 1 <= m_arrayFixupCount for l = 1 <= SUBDESCRIPTORS getarray NAME 6 l if NAME == "m_samplerState" math m_samplerState_PROPNO = l elif NAME == "m_width" math m_width_PROPNO = l elif NAME == "m_height" math m_height_PROPNO = l elif NAME == "m_buffers" math m_buffers_PROPNO = l elif NAME == "m_u" math m_u_PROPNO = l elif NAME == "m_gcmTextureBlock" math m_gcmTextureBlock_PROPNO = l elif NAME == "m_offsetInAllocatedBuffer" math m_offsetInAllocatedBuffer_PROPNO = l endif next l getarray TMP 4 m_samplerState_PROPNO getarray TMP2 5 m_samplerState_PROPNO xmath PTextureSamplerStateGCM_SIZE "TMP+TMP2" xmath BaseOffset "PClusterHeaderBase_m_size+m_packedNamespaceSize+PInstanceListHeader_SIZE*m_instanceListCount_+PTextureSamplerStateGCM_SIZE*(k-1)" getarray TMP 7 1 math BaseOffset += TMP getarray TMP 4 m_width_PROPNO xmath TempOffset "BaseOffset+TMP" goto TempOffset MainProcess_ARG1 get m_width_ long MainProcess_ARG1 putarray 11 k m_width_ getarray TMP 4 m_height_PROPNO xmath TempOffset "BaseOffset+TMP" goto TempOffset MainProcess_ARG1 get m_height_ long MainProcess_ARG1 putarray 12 k m_height_ getarray TMP 4 m_samplerState_PROPNO math BaseOffset += TMP getarray TMP 4 m_buffers_PROPNO math BaseOffset += TMP getarray TMP 4 m_u_PROPNO math BaseOffset += TMP getarray TMP 4 m_gcmTextureBlock_PROPNO xmath TempOffset "BaseOffset+TMP" goto TempOffset MainProcess_ARG1 get format byte MainProcess_ARG1 putarray 13 k format getarray TMP 4 m_offsetInAllocatedBuffer_PROPNO xmath TempOffset "BaseOffset+TMP" goto TempOffset MainProcess_ARG1 get m_offsetInAllocatedBuffer_ long MainProcess_ARG1 putarray 14 k m_offsetInAllocatedBuffer_ next k else if DEBUGLEVEL >= 2 print "%i%-%j%|%OFFSET|h%|%SIZE|h%|%NAME%" endif endif next j endif next i xmath BaseOffset "PClusterHeaderBase_m_size+m_packedNamespaceSize+PInstanceListHeader_SIZE*m_instanceListCount_+m_totalDataSize_" goto BaseOffset MainProcess_ARG1 for i = 1 <= m_userFixupCount_ getct TMP string 0x00 MainProcess_ARG1 putarray 15 i TMP next i xmath DataOffset "BaseOffset+m_userFixupDataSize_+(m_userFixupCount_*12)+m_arrayFixupSize_+m_pointerFixupSize_" # --- safeguard #3; against anything else but supported stuff getarray TMP 15 1 if TMP == "PTexture2D" print "[i] PTexture2D" elif TMP == "PFsBin" print "[i] PFsBin" print "[i] Do nothing." else print "[x] %TMP% is not supported!" cleanexit endif # --- safeguard end if TMP == "PTexture2D" # !!!!! UNINDENTED BLOCK # --- asset name array processing start xmath BaseOffset "PClusterHeaderBase_m_size+m_packedNamespaceSize+PInstanceListHeader_SIZE*m_instanceListCount_+m_totalDataSize_+m_userFixupDataSize_+(m_userFixupCount_*12)+m_pointerFixupSize_" goto BaseOffset MainProcess_ARG1 math m_arrayFixupCount_TEMP = m_arrayFixupCount math m_arrayFixupCount_TEMP += 2 for i = 1 <= m_arrayFixupCount_TEMP get TMP byte MainProcess_ARG1 set threshold 0x80 for TMP = TMP >= threshold get TMP2 byte MainProcess_ARG1 xmath TMP "TMP+(TMP2-1)*threshold" math threshold *= 0x80 next putarray 50 i TMP next i savepos CurrentOffset MainProcess_ARG1 math TMP = CurrentOffset math TMP -= BaseOffset if TMP != m_arrayFixupSize_ print "[!] m_arrayFixupSize (%m_arrayFixupSize_%) mismatch with length of read data (%TMP%)!" endif getarray TMP 50 1 getarray TMP2 50 2 if TMP == 8 && TMP2 & 1 for i = 1 <= m_arrayFixupCount math j = i math j += 2 getarray TMP 50 j putarray 50 i TMP next i else print "[!] List_AssetNameArrayOffset: unexpected value!" endif for i = 1 <= m_arrayFixupCount getarray TMP 50 i goto TMP MEMORY_FILE4 getct TMP string 0x00 MEMORY_FILE4 putarray 10 i TMP next i # --- asset name array processing end getarray FORMAT_TYPE 15 2 if m_platformID != "GCM" getarray TMP 10 1 print "[i] Asset import name: %TMP%" print "[i] Format: %FORMAT_TYPE%; WxH: %m_width_%x%m_height_%; data start: %DataOffset|h%; data size: %DataSize% B." endif #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if m_platformID == "DX11" CallFunction GetFormatParameters 1 CallFunction IgnoreMipMaps 1 CallFunction CreateDDSHeader append log MEMORY_FILE DataOffset DataSize MainProcess_ARG1 append getarray NAME 10 1 CallFunction RemoveExtensionFromAssetImportName 1 string NAME += ".dds" # get PREALLOC asize MEMORY_FILE log NAME 0 PREALLOC MEMORY_FILE #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif m_platformID == "GCM" for i = 1 <= m_arrayFixupCount math GCMDataOffset = DataOffset getarray TMP 14 i math GCMDataOffset += TMP if i < m_arrayFixupCount getarray TMP 14 i math DUMMY = i math DUMMY += 1 getarray TMP2 14 DUMMY xmath GCMDataSize "TMP2-TMP" else getarray TMP 14 i xmath GCMDataSize "DataSize-TMP" endif getarray NAME 10 i print "[i] Texture #%i%. Asset import name: %NAME%" getarray m_width_ 11 i getarray m_height_ 12 i # --- consolidated texture decoding parameters start set IsSwizzled True getarray format 13 i if format && 0x80 math format_L = format math format_L &= 0xF if format_L == 1 set FORMAT_TYPE "L8" elif format_L == 2 set FORMAT_TYPE "ARGB1555" elif format_L == 3 set FORMAT_TYPE "ARGB4444" elif format_L == 5 # possible race condition resolves to "RGBA8" for j = 2 <= m_userFixupCount_ getarray m_userFixupData 15 j if m_userFixupData == "RGBA8" set FORMAT_TYPE "RGBA8" elif m_userFixupData == "ARGB8" set FORMAT_TYPE "ARGB8" endif next j elif format_L == 6 set FORMAT_TYPE "DXT1" elif format_L == 7 set FORMAT_TYPE "DXT3" elif format_L == 8 set FORMAT_TYPE "DXT5" elif format_L == 11 set FORMAT_TYPE "LA88" else print "[x] Texture #%i%. Unhandled format: %format|h% = %FORMAT_TYPE%; swizzled: %IsSwizzled%; WxH: %m_width_%x%m_height_%; data start: %GCMDataOffset|h%; data size: %GCMDataSize% B." cleanexit endif CallFunction GetFormatParameters 1 if IsBlockCompressed == 1 set IsSwizzled False endif if format && 0x20 set IsSwizzled False endif else print "[x] format && 0x80 hasn't pass!" cleanexit endif # --- consolidated texture decoding parameters end print "[i] Texture #%i%. Format: %format|h% = %FORMAT_TYPE%; swizzled: %IsSwizzled%; WxH: %m_width_%x%m_height_%; data start: %GCMDataOffset|h%; data size: %GCMDataSize% B." CallFunction IgnoreMipMaps 1 if GCMOutputMode == "RAW" CallFunction GetFormatParameters 1 if FORMAT_TYPE == "ARGB1555" || FORMAT_TYPE == "ARGB4444" log MEMORY_FILE GCMDataOffset GCMDataSize MainProcess_ARG1 set CurrentOffset 0 goto CurrentOffset MEMORY_FILE for CurrentOffset = CurrentOffset < GCMDataSize getvarchr TMP MEMORY_FILE CurrentOffset short math TMP s= BytesPerBlock # 2 putvarchr MEMORY_FILE CurrentOffset TMP short next CurrentOffset += BytesPerBlock # 2 endif getarray NAME 10 1 CallFunction RemoveExtensionFromAssetImportName 1 string TMP P= "-PS3_%DXGI%_(%TextDXGI%)_0_%m_width_%_%m_height_%" string NAME += TMP if FORMAT_TYPE == "ARGB1555" || FORMAT_TYPE == "ARGB4444" log NAME 0 GCMDataSize MEMORY_FILE else log NAME GCMDataOffset GCMDataSize MainProcess_ARG1 endif elif GCMOutputMode == "DDS" CallFunction CreateDDSHeader append log MEMORY_FILE GCMDataOffset GCMDataSize MainProcess_ARG1 append # Morton order unswizzling start if IsSwizzled == True log MEMORY_FILE2 GCMDataOffset GCMDataSize MainProcess_ARG1 xmath WidthInBlocks m_width_ xmath HeightInBlocks m_height_ xmath RowSize "BytesPerBlock*WidthInBlocks" xmath BlocksSwizzled "WidthInBlocks*HeightInBlocks" if WidthInBlocks < HeightInBlocks math min = WidthInBlocks else math min = HeightInBlocks endif # finding log(min, 2) math min_log2 = 31 set min2 long min set check 0 for check = check != 0x80000000 math min2 <<= 1 math min_log2 -= 1 math check = min2 math check &= 0x80000000 next math min_mask = min math min_mask -= 1 for Z = 0 < BlocksSwizzled math X = Z math X &= 0x55555555 xmath X "(X ^ (X >> 1)) & 0x33333333" xmath X "(X ^ (X >> 2)) & 0x0f0f0f0f" xmath X "(X ^ (X >> 4)) & 0x00ff00ff" xmath X "(X ^ (X >> 8)) & 0x0000ffff" math Y = Z math Y >>= 1 math Y &= 0x55555555 xmath Y "(Y ^ (Y >> 1)) & 0x33333333" xmath Y "(Y ^ (Y >> 2)) & 0x0f0f0f0f" xmath Y "(Y ^ (Y >> 4)) & 0x00ff00ff" xmath Y "(Y ^ (Y >> 8)) & 0x0000ffff" # adapted from if HeightInBlocks < WidthInBlocks math TMP = Z math TMP >>= min_log2 math TMP >>= min_log2 math TMP <<= min_log2 math TMP <<= min_log2 math TMP2 = X math TMP2 &= min_mask math TMP2 <<= min_log2 math TMP |= TMP2 math TMP2 = Y math TMP2 &= min_mask math TMP |= TMP2 math X = TMP math X /= HeightInBlocks math Y = TMP math Y %= HeightInBlocks elif WidthInBlocks < HeightInBlocks math TMP = Z math TMP >>= min_log2 math TMP >>= min_log2 math TMP <<= min_log2 math TMP <<= min_log2 math TMP2 = Y math TMP2 &= min_mask math TMP2 <<= min_log2 math TMP |= TMP2 math TMP2 = X math TMP2 &= min_mask math TMP |= TMP2 math X = TMP math X %= WidthInBlocks math Y = TMP math Y /= WidthInBlocks endif # adaptation end math PixelOffset_In = Z math PixelOffset_In *= BytesPerBlock # math PixelOffset_In += 0 math PixelOffset_Out = DDSHeaderSize math TMP = X math TMP *= BytesPerBlock math PixelOffset_Out += TMP math TMP = Y math TMP *= RowSize math PixelOffset_Out += TMP goto PixelOffset_In MEMORY_FILE2 goto PixelOffset_Out MEMORY_FILE for o = 0 < BytesPerBlock get TMP byte MEMORY_FILE2 put TMP byte MEMORY_FILE next o next Z endif # Morton order unswizzling end get PREALLOC asize MEMORY_FILE if FORMAT_TYPE == "ARGB1555" || FORMAT_TYPE == "ARGB4444" set CurrentOffset DDSHeaderSize goto CurrentOffset MEMORY_FILE for CurrentOffset = CurrentOffset < PREALLOC getvarchr TMP MEMORY_FILE CurrentOffset short math TMP s= BytesPerBlock # 2 putvarchr MEMORY_FILE CurrentOffset TMP short next CurrentOffset += BytesPerBlock # 2 endif getarray NAME 10 i CallFunction RemoveExtensionFromAssetImportName 1 string NAME += ".dds" log NAME 0 PREALLOC MEMORY_FILE else print "[x] Please specify correct GCMOutputMode (currently %GCMOutputMode%)!" cleanexit endif next i #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif m_platformID == "GXM" getarray NAME 10 1 CallFunction RemoveExtensionFromAssetImportName 1 string NAME += ".gxt" log NAME DataOffset DataSize 0 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif m_platformID == "GNM" if GNMOutputMode = "RAW" CallFunction GetFormatParameters 1 getarray NAME 10 1 CallFunction RemoveExtensionFromAssetImportName 1 string TMP P= "-PS4_%DXGI%_(%TextDXGI%)_0_%m_width_%_%m_height_%" string NAME += TMP log NAME DataOffset DataSize MainProcess_ARG1 elif GNMOutputMode = "GNF" for i = 1 <= SUBDESCRIPTORS getarray NAME 6 i if NAME == "m_texState" math m_texState_PROPNO = i elif NAME == "m_buffers" math m_buffers_PROPNO = i elif NAME == "m_u" math m_u_PROPNO = i elif NAME == "m_gnmTexture" math m_gnmTexture_PROPNO = i endif next i xmath BaseOffset "PClusterHeaderBase_m_size+m_packedNamespaceSize+PInstanceListHeader_SIZE*m_instanceListCount_" getarray TMP 7 1 math BaseOffset += TMP getarray TMP 4 m_texState_PROPNO math BaseOffset += TMP getarray TMP 4 m_buffers_PROPNO math BaseOffset += TMP getarray TMP 4 m_u_PROPNO math BaseOffset += TMP getarray TMP 4 m_gnmTexture_PROPNO math BaseOffset += TMP set MEMORY_FILE binary "\x47\x4E\x46\x20\x28\x00\x00\x00\x02\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" getarray TMP 5 m_gnmTexture_PROPNO append log MEMORY_FILE BaseOffset TMP MainProcess_ARG1 append math GNFSize = DataSize math GNFSize += GNFDataOffset math TMP = GNFDataOffset math TMP -= 1 putvarchr MEMORY_FILE TMP 0 putvarchr MEMORY_FILE 0xC GNFSize long putvarchr MEMORY_FILE 0x2C DataSize long # adaptation of getvarchr TMP MEMORY_FILE 0x14 long math SH1 = 25 math SH2 = 20 xmath dataFormat "TMP < (31-SH1) > (31-SH1+SH2)" math SH1 = 29 math SH2 = 26 xmath numFormat "TMP < (31-SH1) > (31-SH1+SH2)" getvarchr TMP MEMORY_FILE 0x18 long math SH1 = 13 math SH2 = 0 xmath width "TMP < (31-SH1) > (31-SH1+SH2) + 1" math SH1 = 27 math SH2 = 14 xmath height "TMP < (31-SH1) > (31-SH1+SH2) + 1" getvarchr TMP MEMORY_FILE 0x20 long math SH1 = 12 math SH2 = 0 xmath depth "TMP < (31-SH1) > (31-SH1+SH2)" math SH1 = 26 math SH2 = 13 xmath pitch "TMP < (31-SH1) > (31-SH1+SH2) + 1" getvarchr TMP MEMORY_FILE 0x1C long math SH1 = 2 math SH2 = 0 xmath destX "TMP < (31-SH1) > (31-SH1+SH2)" math SH1 = 5 math SH2 = 3 xmath destY "TMP < (31-SH1) > (31-SH1+SH2)" math SH1 = 8 math SH2 = 6 xmath destZ "TMP < (31-SH1) > (31-SH1+SH2)" math SH1 = 11 math SH2 = 9 xmath destW "TMP < (31-SH1) > (31-SH1+SH2)" if DEBUGLEVEL >= 3 print "[i] GNF parameters:" print "[i] dataFormat: %dataFormat|h%" print "[i] numFormat: %numFormat|h%" print "[i] width: %width%" print "[i] height: %height%" print "[i] depth: %depth%" print "[i] pitch: %pitch%" print "[i] destX: %destX%" print "[i] destY: %destY%" print "[i] destZ: %destZ%" print "[i] destW: %destW%" print "[i] End of GNF parameters." endif append log MEMORY_FILE DataOffset DataSize MainProcess_ARG1 append getarray NAME 10 1 CallFunction RemoveExtensionFromAssetImportName 1 string NAME += ".gnf" log NAME 0 GNFSize MEMORY_FILE elif GNMOutputMode = "DDS" # Peano curve(?) unswizzling start CallFunction GetFormatParameters 1 log MEMORY_FILE2 DataOffset DataSize MainProcess_ARG1 putvarchr MEMORY_FILE PREALLOC 0 # adaptation of set MEMORY_FILE4 binary "\x00\x01\x08\x09\x02\x03\x0A\x0B\x10\x11\x18\x19\x12\x13\x1A\x1B\x04\x05\x0C\x0D\x06\x07\x0E\x0F\x14\x15\x1C\x1D\x16\x17\x1E\x1F\x20\x21\x28\x29\x22\x23\x2A\x2B\x30\x31\x38\x39\x32\x33\x3A\x3B\x24\x25\x2C\x2D\x26\x27\x2E\x2F\x34\x35\x3C\x3D\x36\x37\x3E\x3F" math tileWidth = 8 math tileHeight = 8 xmath tileSize "tileWidth * tileHeight" math WidthInBlocks = m_width_ math HeightInBlocks = m_height_ if IsBlockCompressed == 1 math WidthInBlocks u>>= 2 math HeightInBlocks u>>= 2 endif /* # requires reading pitch from GNF parameters if WidthInBlocks % tileWidth print "[!] Physical width doesn't match with virtual!" math m_width_ = pitch print "[!] Physical width: %m_width_%" endif */ if WidthInBlocks % tileWidth || HeightInBlocks % tileHeight print "[!] Physical dimensions don't match with virtual!" math WidthVirtual = m_width_ math HeightVirtual = m_height_ xmath WidthPhysical "((WidthInBlocks + (tileWidth-1)) / tileWidth) * tileWidth" xmath HeightPhysical "((HeightInBlocks + (tileHeight-1)) / tileHeight) * tileHeight" if IsBlockCompressed == 1 math WidthPhysical u<<= 2 math HeightPhysical u<<= 2 endif print "[!] Physical dimensions: %WidthPhysical%x%HeightPhysical%" math m_width_ = WidthPhysical math m_height_ = HeightPhysical else math WidthVirtual = m_width_ math HeightVirtual = m_height_ math WidthPhysical = m_width_ math HeightPhysical = m_height_ endif CallFunction IgnoreMipMaps 1 CallFunction GetFormatParameters 1 CallFunction CreateDDSHeader math WidthInBlocks = m_width_ math HeightInBlocks = m_height_ if IsBlockCompressed == 1 math WidthInBlocks u>>= 2 math HeightInBlocks u>>= 2 endif xmath RowSize "BytesPerBlock*WidthInBlocks" for InY = 0 < HeightInBlocks for InX = 0 < WidthInBlocks math Z = InY math Z *= WidthInBlocks math Z += InX xmath globalX "(Z / tileSize) * tileWidth" xmath globalY "(globalX / WidthInBlocks) * tileHeight" math globalX %= WidthInBlocks xmath inTileX "Z % tileWidth" xmath inTileY "(Z / tileWidth) % tileHeight" xmath inTilePixel "(inTileY * tileHeight) + inTileX" getvarchr inTilePixel MEMORY_FILE4 inTilePixel byte xmath inTileX "inTilePixel % tileWidth" xmath inTileY "inTilePixel / tileHeight" xmath OutX "globalX + inTileX" xmath OutY "globalY + inTileY" math PixelOffset_In = 0 math TMP = InX math TMP *= BytesPerBlock math PixelOffset_In += TMP math TMP = InY math TMP *= RowSize math PixelOffset_In += TMP math PixelOffset_Out = DDSHeaderSize math TMP = OutX math TMP *= BytesPerBlock math PixelOffset_Out += TMP math TMP = OutY math TMP *= RowSize math PixelOffset_Out += TMP for o = 0 < BytesPerBlock getvarchr TMP MEMORY_FILE2 PixelOffset_In byte math PixelOffset_In += 1 putvarchr MEMORY_FILE PixelOffset_Out TMP byte math PixelOffset_Out += 1 next o next InX next InY # Peano curve(?) unswizzling end if WidthVirtual != WidthPhysical || HeightVirtual != HeightPhysical print "[!] Cropping %WidthPhysical%x%HeightPhysical% -> %WidthVirtual%x%HeightVirtual%" log MEMORY_FILE2 DDSHeaderSize DataSize MEMORY_FILE math m_width_ = WidthVirtual math m_height_ = HeightVirtual CallFunction GetFormatParameters 1 CallFunction IgnoreMipMaps 1 CallFunction GetFormatParameters 1 CallFunction CreateDDSHeader math WidthVirtualInBlocks = WidthVirtual math WidthPhysicalInBlocks = WidthPhysical math HeightVirtualInBlocks = HeightVirtual math HeightPhysicalInBlocks = HeightPhysical if IsBlockCompressed == 1 math WidthVirtualInBlocks u>>= 2 math WidthPhysicalInBlocks u>>= 2 math HeightVirtualInBlocks u>>= 2 math HeightPhysicalInBlocks u>>= 2 endif goto DDSHeaderSize MEMORY_FILE xmath ReadInOneRow "BytesPerBlock*WidthVirtualInBlocks" xmath SkipInOneRow "RowSize - ReadInOneRow" for Y = 0 < HeightVirtualInBlocks xmath Offset_IN "Y * RowSize" goto Offset_IN MEMORY_FILE2 append log MEMORY_FILE Offset_IN ReadInOneRow MEMORY_FILE2 append goto SkipInOneRow MEMORY_FILE2 SEEK_CUR next Y endif getarray NAME 10 1 CallFunction RemoveExtensionFromAssetImportName 1 string NAME += ".dds" log NAME 0 PREALLOC MEMORY_FILE else print "[x] Please specify correct GNMOutputMode (currently %GNMOutputMode%)!" cleanexit endif endif endif # !!!!! EndFunction # !!!!! #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- StartFunction CreateDDSHeader CallFunction GetFormatParameters 1 set DXT 0 if FORMAT_TYPE == "RGBA8" set dwFlags 0x41 # set DDPF_RGB (0x40), DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS (0x1) set dwRGBBitCount 32 set dwRBitMask 0x000000ff set dwGBitMask 0x0000ff00 set dwBBitMask 0x00ff0000 set dwABitMask 0xff000000 elif FORMAT_TYPE == "ARGB8" set dwFlags 0x41 # set DDPF_RGB (0x40), DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS (0x1) set dwRGBBitCount 32 if m_platformID == "DX11" set dwRBitMask 0x0000ff00 set dwGBitMask 0x00ff0000 set dwBBitMask 0xff000000 set dwABitMask 0x000000ff else set dwRBitMask 0x00ff0000 set dwGBitMask 0x0000ff00 set dwBBitMask 0x000000ff set dwABitMask 0xff000000 endif elif FORMAT_TYPE == "ARGB8_SRGB" set DXGI 90 # 90 = "b8g8r8a8_unorm_srgb" elif FORMAT_TYPE == "RGBA16F" set DXGI 10 # 10 = "r16g16b16a16_float" elif FORMAT_TYPE == "ARGB1555" set dwFlags 0x41 # set DDPF_RGB (0x40), DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS (0x1) set dwRGBBitCount 16 set dwRBitMask 0x7c00 set dwGBitMask 0x03e0 set dwBBitMask 0x001f set dwABitMask 0x8000 elif FORMAT_TYPE == "ARGB4444" set dwFlags 0x41 # set DDPF_RGB (0x40), DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS (0x1) set dwRGBBitCount 16 set dwRBitMask 0x0f00 set dwGBitMask 0x00f0 set dwBBitMask 0x000f set dwABitMask 0xf000 elif FORMAT_TYPE == "LA88" set dwFlags 0x20001 # set DDPF_LUMINANCE (0x20000), DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS (0x1) set dwRGBBitCount 16 set dwRBitMask 0x00ff set dwGBitMask 0 set dwBBitMask 0 set dwABitMask 0xff00 elif FORMAT_TYPE == "L8" set dwFlags 0x20000 # set DDPF_LUMINANCE (0x20000) set dwRGBBitCount 8 set dwRBitMask 0xff set dwGBitMask 0 set dwBBitMask 0 set dwABitMask 0 elif FORMAT_TYPE == "A8" set dwFlags 1 # set DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS (0x1) set dwRGBBitCount 8 set dwRBitMask 0 set dwGBitMask 0 set dwBBitMask 0 set dwABitMask 0xff elif FORMAT_TYPE == "DXT1" set DXT 0x31545844 elif FORMAT_TYPE == "DXT3" set DXT 0x33545844 elif FORMAT_TYPE == "DXT5" set DXT 0x35545844 elif FORMAT_TYPE == "BC5" set DXT 0x32495441 # "ATI2" elif FORMAT_TYPE == "BC7" set DXGI 98 # 98 = "bc7_unorm" endif if DX10DDS == True if DXGI == 0 print "[!] %FORMAT_TYPE% can't be output as DX10 DDS!" else set DXT 0x30315844 # "DX10" print "[i] Forcing DX10 DDS output." endif endif putvarchr MEMORY_FILE PREALLOC 0 log MEMORY_FILE 0 0 set MEMORY_FILE binary "\x44\x44\x53\x20\x7C\x00\x00\x00\x07\x10\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x20\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x10\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" endian little # DDS Header (DDS_HEADER) putvarchr MEMORY_FILE 0x0C m_height_ long # dwHeight putvarchr MEMORY_FILE 0x10 m_width_ long # dwWidth putvarchr MEMORY_FILE 0x14 DataSize long # dwPitchOrLinearSize # Pixel format struct (ddspf) if DXT == 0 putvarchr MEMORY_FILE 0x50 dwFlags long # dwFlags putvarchr MEMORY_FILE 0x54 DXT long # dwFourCC putvarchr MEMORY_FILE 0x58 dwRGBBitCount long # dwRGBBitCount putvarchr MEMORY_FILE 0x5C dwRBitMask long # dwRBitMask putvarchr MEMORY_FILE 0x60 dwGBitMask long # dwGBitMask putvarchr MEMORY_FILE 0x64 dwBBitMask long # dwBBitMask putvarchr MEMORY_FILE 0x68 dwABitMask long # dwABitMask else putvarchr MEMORY_FILE 0x50 4 long # dwFlags, set DDPF_FOURCC (0x4) putvarchr MEMORY_FILE 0x54 DXT long # dwFourCC endif # DDS Header cont. (DDS_HEADER2) - empty # DDS_HEADER_DXT10 if DXT == 0x30315844 putvarchr MEMORY_FILE 0x80 DXGI long # dxgiFormat putvarchr MEMORY_FILE 0x84 3 long MEMORY_FILE # resourceDimension, set DDS_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D (3) putvarchr MEMORY_FILE 0x88 0 long MEMORY_FILE # miscFlag putvarchr MEMORY_FILE 0x8C 1 long MEMORY_FILE # arraySize putvarchr MEMORY_FILE 0x90 0 long MEMORY_FILE # miscFlags2 endif EndFunction #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- StartFunction IgnoreMipMaps CallFunction GetFormatParameters 1 if m_platformID == "GCM" math DataSizeWithoutMipMaps_prev = GCMDataSize else math DataSizeWithoutMipMaps_prev = DataSize endif if IsBlockCompressed == 0 xmath DataSizeWithoutMipMaps "m_width_ * m_height_ * BytesPerBlock" else xmath DataSizeWithoutMipMaps "(m_width_ >> 2) * (m_height_ >> 2) * BytesPerBlock" endif if DataSizeWithoutMipMaps != DataSizeWithoutMipMaps_prev print "[i] Ignoring mipmaps. New data size: %DataSizeWithoutMipMaps% B." if m_platformID == "GCM" math GCMDataSize = DataSizeWithoutMipMaps else math DataSize = DataSizeWithoutMipMaps endif endif EndFunction #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- StartFunction GetFormatParameters set DXGI 0 set TextDXGI "unknown" set IsBlockCompressed 0 set DDSHeaderSize 128 if FORMAT_TYPE == "RGBA8" set DXGI 28 set TextDXGI "r8g8b8a8_unorm" set BytesPerBlock 4 elif FORMAT_TYPE == "ARGB8" set DXGI 87 set TextDXGI "b8g8r8a8_unorm" set BytesPerBlock 4 elif FORMAT_TYPE == "ARGB8_SRGB" set DX10DDS True set DXGI 90 set TextDXGI "b8g8r8a8_unorm_srgb" set BytesPerBlock 4 elif FORMAT_TYPE == "RGBA16F" set DX10DDS True set DXGI 10 set TextDXGI "r16g16b16a16_float" set BytesPerBlock 8 elif FORMAT_TYPE == "ARGB1555" set DXGI 86 set TextDXGI "b5g5r5a1_unorm" set BytesPerBlock 2 elif FORMAT_TYPE == "ARGB4444" set DXGI 115 set TextDXGI "b4g4r4a4_unorm" set BytesPerBlock 2 elif FORMAT_TYPE == "LA88" set DXGI 0 set TextDXGI "unknown" set BytesPerBlock 2 elif FORMAT_TYPE == "L8" set DXGI 61 set TextDXGI "r8_unorm" set BytesPerBlock 1 elif FORMAT_TYPE == "A8" set DXGI 65 set TextDXGI "a8_unorm" set BytesPerBlock 1 elif FORMAT_TYPE == "DXT1" set IsBlockCompressed 1 set DXGI 71 set TextDXGI "bc1_unorm" set BytesPerBlock 8 elif FORMAT_TYPE == "DXT3" set IsBlockCompressed 1 set DXGI 74 set TextDXGI "bc2_unorm" set BytesPerBlock 16 elif FORMAT_TYPE == "DXT5" set IsBlockCompressed 1 set DXGI 77 set TextDXGI "bc3_unorm" set BytesPerBlock 16 elif FORMAT_TYPE == "BC5" set IsBlockCompressed 1 set DXGI 83 set TextDXGI "bc5_unorm" set BytesPerBlock 16 elif FORMAT_TYPE == "BC7" set IsBlockCompressed 1 set DX10DDS True set DXGI 98 set TextDXGI "bc7_unorm" set BytesPerBlock 16 else print "[x] Unsupported format: %FORMAT_TYPE%!" cleanexit endif if DX10DDS == True && DXGI != 0 set DDSHeaderSize 148 endif if m_platformID == "GCM" xmath PREALLOC "GCMDataSize + DDSHeaderSize" else xmath PREALLOC "DataSize + DDSHeaderSize" endif EndFunction #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- StartFunction RemoveExtensionFromAssetImportName string NAME % ".dds" string NAME % ".png" string NAME % ".tga" string NAME % ".bmp" EndFunction #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------