using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Toolbox; using System.Windows.Forms; using Toolbox.Library; using System.IO; using Toolbox.Library.IO; using Toolbox.Library.Animations; namespace FirstPlugin { public class GFPAK : TreeNodeFile, IArchiveFile, IFileFormat { public FileType FileType { get; set; } = FileType.Archive; public bool CanSave { get; set; } public string[] Description { get; set; } = new string[] { "Graphic Package" }; public string[] Extension { get; set; } = new string[] { "*.gfpak" }; public string FileName { get; set; } public string FilePath { get; set; } public IFileInfo IFileInfo { get; set; } public Dictionary CategoryLookup { get { return new Dictionary() { { ".bnsh_vsh", "VertexShaders" }, { ".bnsh_fsh", "FragmentShaders" }, { ".bnsh", "Shaders" }, { ".bntx", "Textures" }, { ".gfbmdl", "Models" }, { ".gfbanm", "Animations" }, { ".gfbanmcfg", "AnimationConfigs" }, { ".gfbpokecfg", "PokemonConfigs" }, }; } } private string FindMatch(byte[] f) { if (f.Matches("SARC")) return ".szs"; else if (f.Matches("Yaz")) return ".szs"; else if (f.Matches("YB") || f.Matches("BY")) return ".byaml"; else if (f.Matches("FRES")) return ".bfres"; else if (f.Matches("Gfx2")) return ".gtx"; else if (f.Matches("FLYT")) return ".bflyt"; else if (f.Matches("CLAN")) return ".bclan"; else if (f.Matches("CLYT")) return ".bclyt"; else if (f.Matches("FLIM")) return ".bclim"; else if (f.Matches("FLAN")) return ".bflan"; else if (f.Matches("FSEQ")) return ".bfseq"; else if (f.Matches("VFXB")) return ".ptcl"; else if (f.Matches("AAHS")) return ".sharc"; else if (f.Matches("BAHS")) return ".sharcb"; else if (f.Matches("BNTX")) return ".bntx"; else if (f.Matches("BNSH")) return ".bnsh"; else if (f.Matches("FSHA")) return ".bfsha"; else if (f.Matches("FFNT")) return ".bffnt"; else if (f.Matches("CFNT")) return ".bcfnt"; else if (f.Matches("CSTM")) return ".bcstm"; else if (f.Matches("FSTM")) return ".bfstm"; else if (f.Matches("STM")) return ".bstm"; else if (f.Matches("CWAV")) return ".bcwav"; else if (f.Matches("FWAV")) return ".bfwav"; else if (f.Matches("CTPK")) return ".ctpk"; else if (f.Matches("CGFX")) return ".bcres"; else if (f.Matches("AAMP")) return ".aamp"; else if (f.Matches("MsgStdBn")) return ".msbt"; else if (f.Matches("MsgPrjBn")) return ".msbp"; else if (f.Matches(0x00000004)) return ".gfbanm"; else if (f.Matches(0x00000014)) return ".gfbanm"; else if (f.Matches(0x00000018)) return ".gfbanmcfg"; else if (f.Matches(0x00000020)) return ".gfbmdl"; else if (f.Matches(0x00000044)) return ".gfbpokecfg"; else return ""; } //For BNTX, BNSH, etc private string GetBinaryHeaderName(byte[] Data) { using (var reader = new FileReader(Data)) { reader.Seek(0x10, SeekOrigin.Begin); uint NameOffset = reader.ReadUInt32(); reader.Seek(NameOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); return reader.ReadString(Syroot.BinaryData.BinaryStringFormat.ZeroTerminated); } } public bool Identify(System.IO.Stream stream) { using (var reader = new Toolbox.Library.IO.FileReader(stream, true)) { return reader.CheckSignature(8, "GFLXPACK"); } } public Type[] Types { get { List types = new List(); return types.ToArray(); } } public List files = new List(); public IEnumerable Files => files; public void ClearFiles() { files.Clear(); folders.Clear(); } public bool CanAddFiles { get; set; } = true; public bool CanRenameFiles { get; set; } = false; public bool CanReplaceFiles { get; set; } = true; public bool CanDeleteFiles { get; set; } = true; public void Load(System.IO.Stream stream) { CanSave = true; Read(new FileReader(stream)); TreeNode node = new QuickAccessFolder(this, "Quick access"); Nodes.Add(node); Dictionary folders = new Dictionary(); foreach (var file in files) { string ext = Utils.GetExtension(file.FileName); string folderName = "Other"; if (CategoryLookup.ContainsKey(ext)) folderName = CategoryLookup[ext]; if (!folders.ContainsKey(folderName)) { TreeNode folder = new QuickAccessFileFolder(folderName); if (folderName == "Textures") folder = new TextureFolder(this, "Textures"); if (folderName == "Models") folder = new ModelFolder("Models"); if (folderName == "Animations") folder = new AnimationFolder("Animations"); node.Nodes.Add(folder); folders.Add(folderName, folder); } string name = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName).Split('[').FirstOrDefault(); string imageKey = "fileBlank"; switch (ext) { case ".bntx": imageKey = "bntx"; break; case ".gfbmdl": imageKey = "model"; break; } TreeNode fodlerNode = folders[folderName]; fodlerNode.Nodes.Add(new QuickAccessFile(name) { Tag = file, ImageKey = imageKey, SelectedImageKey = imageKey, }); } } public class QuickAccessFileFolder : TreeNodeCustom { private bool HasExpanded = false; public QuickAccessFileFolder(string text) { Text = text; } public override void OnExpand() { if (HasExpanded) return; List files = new List(); foreach (TreeNode node in Nodes) { var file = (ArchiveFileInfo)node.Tag; try { if (file.FileFormat == null) file.FileFormat = file.OpenFile(); } catch { files.Add(node); continue; } var fileNode = file.FileFormat as TreeNode; if (fileNode != null) { fileNode.Tag = file; fileNode.ImageKey = "fileBlank"; fileNode.SelectedImageKey = "fileBlank"; fileNode.Tag = file; fileNode.Text = node.Text; files.Add(fileNode); } else files.Add(node); } Nodes.Clear(); Nodes.AddRange(files.ToArray()); HasExpanded = true; } } public class ModelFolder : TreeNodeCustom { private bool HasExpanded = false; public ModelFolder(string text) { Text = text; } public override void OnExpand() { if (HasExpanded) return; List models = new List(); foreach (TreeNode node in Nodes) { var file = (ArchiveFileInfo)node.Tag; if (file.FileFormat == null) file.FileFormat = file.OpenFile(); var model = file.FileFormat as GFBMDL; if (model != null) { model.Tag = file; model.Text = node.Text; if (Utils.GetExtension(model.Text) != ".gfbmdl") model.Text += ".gfbmdl"; model.ImageKey = "model"; model.SelectedImageKey = "model"; models.Add(model); } } Nodes.Clear(); Nodes.AddRange(models.ToArray()); HasExpanded = true; } } public class AnimationFolder : QuickAccessFileFolder, IContextMenuNode { public AnimationFolder(string text) : base(text) { } public virtual ToolStripItem[] GetContextMenuItems() { List Items = new List(); Items.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem("Export All", null, ExportAllAction, Keys.Control | Keys.E)); return Items.ToArray(); } private void ExportAllAction(object sender, EventArgs args) { OnExpand(); List Formats = new List(); Formats.Add("SMD (.smd)"); Formats.Add("SEANIM (.seanim)"); FolderSelectDialog sfd = new FolderSelectDialog(); if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string folderPath = sfd.SelectedPath; BatchFormatExport form = new BatchFormatExport(Formats); if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { foreach (TreeNode node in Nodes) { Console.WriteLine($"node {node}"); if (!(node is IAnimationContainer)) continue; var anim = ((IAnimationContainer)node).AnimationController; string name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(node.Text); if (form.Index == 0) SMD.Save((STSkeletonAnimation)anim, $"{folderPath}/{name}.smd"); if (form.Index == 1) SEANIM.Save((STSkeletonAnimation)anim, $"{folderPath}/{name}.seanim"); } } } } } public class TextureSubFolder : TreeNodeCustom { } public class TextureFolder : TreeNodeCustom, IContextMenuNode { private bool HasExpanded = false; private IArchiveFile ArchiveFile; private List Textures = new List(); public TextureFolder(IArchiveFile archive, string text) { ArchiveFile = archive; Text = text; } public void AddTexture(string fileName) { BNTX bntx = BNTX.CreateBNTXFromTexture(fileName); var mem = new MemoryStream(); bntx.Save(mem); string filePath = fileName; ArchiveFile.AddFile(new ArchiveFileInfo() { FileData = mem.ToArray(), FileFormat = bntx, FileName = filePath, }); } private void OnTextureDeleted(object sender, EventArgs e) { var tex = (TextureData)sender; foreach (var file in ArchiveFile.Files) { if (file.FileFormat != null && file.FileFormat is BNTX) { var bntx = (BNTX)file.FileFormat; if (bntx.Textures.ContainsKey(tex.Text)) { bntx.RemoveTexture(tex); bntx.Unload(); ArchiveFile.DeleteFile(file); Nodes.RemoveByKey(tex.Text); } } } } public virtual ToolStripItem[] GetContextMenuItems() { List Items = new List(); Items.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem("Export All", null, ExportAllAction, Keys.Control | Keys.E)); Items.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem("Replace Textures (From Folder)", null, ReplaceAllAction, Keys.Control | Keys.R)); return Items.ToArray(); } private void ReplaceAllAction(object sender, EventArgs args) { LoadTextures(); List bntxFiles = new List(); foreach (TextureData node in Textures) bntxFiles.Add(node.ParentBNTX); if (bntxFiles.Count > 0) BNTX.ReplaceAll(bntxFiles.ToArray()); } private void ExportAllAction(object sender, EventArgs args) { LoadTextures(); List Formats = new List(); Formats.Add("Microsoft DDS (.dds)"); Formats.Add("Portable Graphics Network (.png)"); Formats.Add("Joint Photographic Experts Group (.jpg)"); Formats.Add("Bitmap Image (.bmp)"); Formats.Add("Tagged Image File Format (.tiff)"); FolderSelectDialog sfd = new FolderSelectDialog(); if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string folderPath = sfd.SelectedPath; BatchFormatExport form = new BatchFormatExport(Formats); if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { foreach (STGenericTexture tex in Textures) { if (form.Index == 0) tex.SaveDDS(folderPath + '\\' + tex.Text + ".dds"); else if (form.Index == 1) tex.SaveBitMap(folderPath + '\\' + tex.Text + ".png"); else if (form.Index == 2) tex.SaveBitMap(folderPath + '\\' + tex.Text + ".jpg"); else if (form.Index == 3) tex.SaveBitMap(folderPath + '\\' + tex.Text + ".bmp"); else if (form.Index == 4) tex.SaveBitMap(folderPath + '\\' + tex.Text + ".tiff"); } } } } public override void OnExpand() { LoadTextures(); } public void LoadTextures() { if (HasExpanded) return; Dictionary folders = new Dictionary(); //Create a folder lookup foreach (TreeNode node in Nodes) { var file = (FileEntry)node.Tag; string folder = file.FolderHash.Parent.hash.ToString(); if (!folders.ContainsKey(folder)) { folders.Add(folder, new TreeNode($"{folders.Count}")); } } List subNodes = new List(); if (folders.Count > 1) { foreach (var node in folders.Values) subNodes.Add(node); } foreach (TreeNode node in Nodes) { var file = (FileEntry)node.Tag; if (file.FileFormat == null) file.FileFormat = file.OpenFile(); string folder = file.FolderHash.Parent.hash.ToString(); BNTX bntx = file.FileFormat as BNTX; foreach (var tex in bntx.Textures.Values) { tex.OnTextureDeleted += OnTextureDeleted; //Set tree key for deletion tex.Name = tex.Text; tex.Tag = file; var texNode = new TreeNode(tex.Text); texNode.Tag = tex; texNode.ImageKey = tex.ImageKey; texNode.SelectedImageKey = tex.SelectedImageKey; if (folders.Count > 1) folders[folder].Nodes.Add(texNode); else subNodes.Add(texNode); Textures.Add(tex); } } Nodes.Clear(); Nodes.AddRange(subNodes.ToArray()); HasExpanded = true; } } public void Unload() { foreach (var file in files) { if (file.FileFormat != null) file.FileFormat.Unload(); file.FileData = null; } files.Clear(); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } public void Save(System.IO.Stream stream) { Write(new FileWriter(stream)); } private void Save(object sender, EventArgs args) { List formats = new List(); SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog(); sfd.Filter = Utils.GetAllFilters(formats); sfd.FileName = FileName; if (sfd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { STFileSaver.SaveFileFormat(this, sfd.FileName); } } private void CallRecursive(TreeView treeView) { // Print each node recursively. TreeNodeCollection nodes = treeView.Nodes; foreach (TreeNode n in nodes) { PrintRecursive(n); } } private void PrintRecursive(TreeNode treeNode) { // Print each node recursively. foreach (TreeNode tn in treeNode.Nodes) { PrintRecursive(tn); } } public ushort BOM; public uint Version; public List folders = new List(); public int version; public int FolderCount; public void Read(FileReader reader) { string Signature = reader.ReadString(8, Encoding.ASCII); if (Signature != "GFLXPACK") throw new Exception($"Invalid signature {Signature}! Expected GFLXPACK."); version = reader.ReadInt32(); uint padding = reader.ReadUInt32(); uint FileCount = reader.ReadUInt32(); FolderCount = reader.ReadInt32(); ulong FileInfoOffset = reader.ReadUInt64(); ulong hashArrayPathsOffset = reader.ReadUInt64(); ulong FolderArrayOffset = reader.ReadUInt64(); reader.Seek((long)FolderArrayOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); List hashes = new List(); List FolderFiles = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < FolderCount; i++) { Folder folder = new Folder(); folder.Read(reader); folders.Add(folder); foreach (var hash in folder.hashes) FolderFiles.Add(hash); } reader.Seek((long)hashArrayPathsOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); for (int i = 0; i < FileCount; i++) { ulong hash = reader.ReadUInt64(); hashes.Add(hash); } reader.Seek((long)FileInfoOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); for (int i = 0; i < FileCount; i++) { FileEntry fileEntry = new FileEntry(this); fileEntry.Read(reader); string Extension = FindMatch(fileEntry.FileData); if (Extension.EndsWith("gfbanmcfg")) { GFBANMCFG cfg = new GFBANMCFG(); cfg.Load(new MemoryStream(fileEntry.FileData)); GenerateAnmCfgStrings(cfg); } files.Add(fileEntry); } for (int i = 0; i < FileCount; i++) { FileEntry fileEntry = files[i]; for (int f = 0; f < FolderFiles.Count; f++) if (FolderFiles[f].Index == i) fileEntry.FolderHash = FolderFiles[f]; var dir = fileEntry.FolderHash.Parent; fileEntry.FileName = GetString(hashes[i], fileEntry.FolderHash, fileEntry.FileData); fileEntry.FilePathHash = hashes[i]; } } private Dictionary hashList; public Dictionary HashList { get { if (hashList == null) { hashList = new Dictionary(); GenerateHashList(); } return hashList; } } private void GenerateHashList() { foreach (string hashStr in Properties.Resources.Pkmn.Split('\n')) { string HashString = hashStr.TrimEnd(); ulong hash = FNV64A1.Calculate(HashString); if (!hashList.ContainsKey(hash)) hashList.Add(hash, HashString); if (HashString.Contains("pm0000") || HashString.Contains("poke_XXXX") || HashString.Contains("poke_ball_0000") || HashString.Contains("poke_face_0000") || HashString.Contains("poke_motion_0000")) GeneratePokeStrings(HashString); string[] hashPaths = HashString.Split('/'); for (int i = 0; i < hashPaths?.Length; i++) { hash = FNV64A1.Calculate(hashPaths[i]); if (!hashList.ContainsKey(hash)) hashList.Add(hash, HashString); } } } private void GenerateAnmCfgStrings(GFBANMCFG cfg) { foreach (GFBANMCFG.Animation a in cfg.Config.Animations) { ulong Hash = FNV64A1.Calculate(a.FileName); if (!HashList.ContainsKey(Hash)) { HashList.Add(Hash, a.FileName); } } } private void GeneratePokeStrings(string hashStr) { //Also check file name just in case if (FileName.Contains("pm")) { string baseName = FileName.Substring(0, 12); string pokeStrFile = hashStr.Replace("pm0000_00", baseName); ulong hash = FNV64A1.Calculate(pokeStrFile); if (!hashList.ContainsKey(hash)) hashList.Add(hash, pokeStrFile); } for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { string pokeStr = string.Empty; if (hashStr.Contains("pm0000")) pokeStr = hashStr.Replace("pm0000", $"pm{i.ToString("D4")}"); else if (hashStr.Contains("poke_XXXX")) pokeStr = hashStr.Replace("poke_XXXX", $"poke_{i.ToString("D4")}"); else if (hashStr.Contains("poke_ball_0000")) pokeStr = hashStr.Replace("poke_ball_0000", $"poke_ball_{i.ToString("D4")}"); else if (hashStr.Contains("poke_face_0000")) pokeStr = hashStr.Replace("poke_face_0000", $"poke_face_{i.ToString("D4")}"); else if (hashStr.Contains("poke_motion_0000")) pokeStr = hashStr.Replace("poke_motion_0000", $"poke_motion_{i.ToString("D4")}"); ulong hash = FNV64A1.Calculate(pokeStr); if (!hashList.ContainsKey(hash)) hashList.Add(hash, pokeStr); } } private string GetString(ulong fullHash, HashIndex fileHashIndex, byte[] Data) { var folderHash = fileHashIndex.Parent.hash; var fileHash = fileHashIndex.hash; bool hasFolderHash = false; string folder = ""; if (HashList.ContainsKey(folderHash)) { hasFolderHash = true; folder = $"{HashList[folderHash]}/"; } if (!hasFolderHash) folder = $"{folderHash.ToString("X")}/"; string ext = FindMatch(Data); if (ext == ".bntx" || ext == ".bfres" || ext == ".bnsh" || ext == ".bfsha") { string fileName = GetBinaryHeaderName(Data); //Check for matches for shaders if (ext == ".bnsh") { if (FNV64A1.Calculate($"{fileName}.bnsh_fsh") == fileHash) fileName = $"{fileName}.bnsh_fsh"; else if (FNV64A1.Calculate($"{fileName}.bnsh_vsh") == fileHash) fileName = $"{fileName}.bnsh_vsh"; } else fileName = $"{fileName}{ext}"; if (hasFolderHash) return $"{folder}{fileName}"; else return $"{folder}{fileName}[FullHash={fullHash.ToString("X")}]{ext}"; } else { if (HashList.ContainsKey(fileHash)) { if (hasFolderHash) return $"{folder}{HashList[fileHash]}"; else return $"{folder}{HashList[fileHash]}[FullHash={fullHash.ToString("X")}]{ext}"; } else return $"{folder}{fileHash.ToString("X")}[FullHash={fullHash.ToString("X")}]{ext}"; } } public void Write(FileWriter writer) { writer.WriteSignature("GFLXPACK"); writer.Write(version); writer.Write(0); writer.Write(files.Count); writer.Write(FolderCount); long FileInfoOffset = writer.Position; writer.Write(0L); long HashArrayOffset = writer.Position; writer.Write(0L); long folderArrOffset = writer.Position; //Reserve space for folder offsets for (int f = 0; f < FolderCount; f++) writer.Write(0L); //Now write all sections writer.WriteUint64Offset(HashArrayOffset); foreach (var fileTbl in files) writer.Write(fileTbl.FilePathHash); //Save folder sections List FolderSectionPositions = new List(); foreach (var folder in folders) { FolderSectionPositions.Add(writer.Position); folder.Write(writer); } //Write the folder offsets back using (writer.TemporarySeek(folderArrOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin)) { foreach (long offset in FolderSectionPositions) writer.Write(offset); } //Now file data writer.WriteUint64Offset(FileInfoOffset); foreach (var fileTbl in files) fileTbl.Write(writer); //Save data blocks foreach (var fileTbl in files) { fileTbl.WriteBlock(writer); } writer.Align(16); } public class Folder { public ulong hash; public uint FileCount => (uint)hashes.Count; public uint Padding = 0xCC; public List hashes = new List(); public void Read(FileReader reader) { hash = reader.ReadUInt64(); uint fileCount = reader.ReadUInt32(); Padding = reader.ReadUInt32(); for (int f = 0; f < fileCount; f++) { HashIndex hash = new HashIndex(); hash.Read(reader, this); hashes.Add(hash); } } public void Write(FileWriter writer) { writer.Write(hash); writer.Write(FileCount); writer.Write(Padding); foreach (var hash in hashes) hash.Write(writer); } } public class HashIndex { public ulong hash; public int Index; public uint Padding = 0xCC; public Folder Parent { get; set; } public void Read(FileReader reader, Folder parent) { Parent = parent; hash = reader.ReadUInt64(); Index = reader.ReadInt32(); Padding = reader.ReadUInt32(); //Always 0xCC? } public void Write(FileWriter writer) { writer.Write(hash); writer.Write(Index); writer.Write(Padding); } } public class FileEntry : ArchiveFileInfo { public HashIndex FolderHash; public UInt64 FilePathHash; public ushort Level = 9; public CompressionType Type = CompressionType.Lz4; private long DataOffset; public uint CompressedFileSize; public uint Padding = 0xCC; private IArchiveFile ArchiveFile; public FileEntry(IArchiveFile archiveFile) { ArchiveFile = archiveFile; } private bool IsTexturesLoaded = false; public override IFileFormat OpenFile() { var FileFormat = base.OpenFile(); bool IsModel = FileFormat is GFBMDL; if (IsModel && !IsTexturesLoaded) { IsTexturesLoaded = true; foreach (var file in ArchiveFile.Files) { if (Utils.GetExtension(file.FileName) == ".bntx") { file.FileFormat = file.OpenFile(); } } } return base.OpenFile(); } public void Read(FileReader reader) { Level = reader.ReadUInt16(); //Usually 9? Type = reader.ReadEnum(true); uint DecompressedFileSize = reader.ReadUInt32(); CompressedFileSize = reader.ReadUInt32(); Padding = reader.ReadUInt32(); ulong FileOffset = reader.ReadUInt64(); using (reader.TemporarySeek((long)FileOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin)) { FileData = reader.ReadBytes((int)CompressedFileSize); FileData = STLibraryCompression.Type_LZ4.Decompress(FileData, 0, (int)CompressedFileSize, (int)DecompressedFileSize); } } byte[] CompressedData; public void Write(FileWriter writer) { this.SaveFileFormat(); CompressedData = Compress(FileData, Type); writer.Write(Level); writer.Write(Type, true); writer.Write(FileData.Length); writer.Write(CompressedData.Length); writer.Write(Padding); DataOffset = writer.Position; writer.Write(0L); } public void WriteBlock(FileWriter writer) { writer.Align(16); writer.WriteUint64Offset(DataOffset); writer.Write(CompressedData); } public static byte[] Compress(byte[] data, CompressionType Type) { if (Type == CompressionType.Lz4) return STLibraryCompression.Type_LZ4.Compress(data); else if (Type == CompressionType.None) return data; else if (Type == CompressionType.Zlib) return STLibraryCompression.ZLIB.Compress(data); else throw new Exception("Unkown compression type?"); } public enum CompressionType : ushort { None = 0, Zlib = 1, Lz4 = 2, } } public static void ReplaceNode(TreeNode node, TreeNode replaceNode, TreeNode NewNode) { if (NewNode == null) return; int index = node.Nodes.IndexOf(replaceNode); node.Nodes.RemoveAt(index); node.Nodes.Insert(index, NewNode); } public bool AddFile(ArchiveFileInfo archiveFileInfo) { //First we need to determine the paths string fullPath = archiveFileInfo.FileName.Replace("\\", "/"); string filePath = Path.GetFileName(fullPath); string filePathNoExt = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fullPath); string directoryPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(fullPath).Replace("\\", "/"); ulong fullPathHash = 0; ulong directoryHash = 0; ulong fileHash = 0; //Calculate hashes for each one //Check for full path hashes if (fullPath.Contains("[FullHash=")) { string HashString = fullPath.Split('=').LastOrDefault().Replace("]", string.Empty); HashString = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(HashString); filePath = filePath.Split('[').FirstOrDefault(); TryParseHex(HashString, out fullPathHash); } ulong hash = 0; bool isDirectoryHash = TryParseHex(directoryPath, out hash); bool isFileHash = TryParseHex(filePath, out hash); if (isFileHash) TryParseHex(filePath, out fileHash); else fileHash = FNV64A1.Calculate(filePath); if (isDirectoryHash) TryParseHex(directoryPath, out directoryHash); else directoryHash = FNV64A1.Calculate($"{directoryPath}/"); if (!isFileHash && !isDirectoryHash) fullPathHash = FNV64A1.Calculate(fullPath); var folder = folders.FirstOrDefault(x => x.hash == directoryHash); Console.WriteLine($"{fullPath} FilePathHash {fullPathHash}"); Console.WriteLine($"{directoryPath} FolderHash {directoryHash} directoryHash {directoryHash}"); Console.WriteLine($"{filePath} fileHash {fileHash} isFileHash {isFileHash}"); if (folder != null) { folder.hashes.Add(new HashIndex() { hash = fileHash, Parent = folder, Index = files.Count, }); } else { folder = new Folder(); folder.hash = directoryHash; folder.hashes.Add(new HashIndex() { hash = fileHash, Parent = folder, Index = files.Count, }); folders.Add(folder); } files.Add(new FileEntry(this) { FilePathHash = fullPathHash, FolderHash = folder.hashes.LastOrDefault(), FileData = archiveFileInfo.FileData, FileDataStream = archiveFileInfo.FileDataStream, FileName = archiveFileInfo.FileName, }); return true; } private static bool TryParseHex(string str, out ulong value) { return ulong.TryParse(str, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber, null, out value); } public bool DeleteFile(ArchiveFileInfo archiveFileInfo) { int removeindex = files.IndexOf((FileEntry)archiveFileInfo); foreach (var folder in folders) { for (int f = 0; f < folder.FileCount; f++) if (folder.hashes[f].Index == removeindex) folder.hashes.RemoveAt(f); } files.Remove((FileEntry)archiveFileInfo); RegenerateFileIndices(); return true; } private void RegenerateFileIndices() { foreach (var folder in folders) { int index = 0; foreach (FileEntry file in files) { for (int f = 0; f < folder.FileCount; f++) { if (file.FolderHash == folder.hashes[f]) folder.hashes[f].Index = index; } index++; } } } } }