using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Syroot.Maths; using Toolbox.Library.IO; using Toolbox.Library; using WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking; using System.ComponentModel; namespace LayoutBXLYT { public class BasePane : SectionCommon { public bool IsRoot = false; public bool ParentIsRoot { get { return Parent != null && Parent.IsRoot; } } internal RenderablePane renderablePane; [DisplayName("Alpha"), CategoryAttribute("Alpha")] public byte Alpha { get; set; } [DisplayName("Influence Alpha"), CategoryAttribute("Alpha")] public virtual bool InfluenceAlpha { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public virtual bool DisplayInEditor { get; set; } = true; [DisplayName("Name"), CategoryAttribute("Pane")] public string Name { get; set; } [DisplayName("Translate"), CategoryAttribute("Pane")] public Vector3F Translate { get; set; } [DisplayName("Rotate"), CategoryAttribute("Pane")] public Vector3F Rotate { get; set; } [DisplayName("Scale"), CategoryAttribute("Pane")] public Vector2F Scale { get; set; } [DisplayName("Width"), CategoryAttribute("Pane")] public float Width { get; set; } [DisplayName("Height"), CategoryAttribute("Pane")] public float Height { get; set; } [DisplayName("Origin X"), CategoryAttribute("Origin")] public virtual OriginX originX { get; set; } [DisplayName("Origin X"), CategoryAttribute("Origin")] public virtual OriginY originY { get; set; } [DisplayName("Parent Origin X"), CategoryAttribute("Origin")] public virtual OriginX ParentOriginX { get; set; } [DisplayName("Parent Origin Y"), CategoryAttribute("Origin")] public virtual OriginY ParentOriginY { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public BasePane Parent { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public List Childern { get; set; } = new List(); [Browsable(false)] public bool HasChildern { get { return Childern.Count > 0; } } public BasePane() { originX = OriginX.Center; originY = OriginY.Center; ParentOriginX = OriginX.Center; ParentOriginY = OriginY.Center; } private CustomRectangle rectangle; [Browsable(false)] public CustomRectangle Rectangle { get { UpdateRectangle(); return rectangle; } } private void UpdateRectangle() { rectangle = CreateRectangle(); } public CustomRectangle CreateRectangle(uint width, uint height) { //Do origin transforms var transformed = TransformOrientation((int)width, (int)height, originX, originY); var parentTransform = ParentOriginTransform(transformed); return new CustomRectangle( parentTransform.X, parentTransform.Y, parentTransform.Z, parentTransform.W); } public CustomRectangle CreateRectangle() { //Do origin transforms var transformed = TransformOrientation((int)Width, (int)Height, originX, originY); var parentTransform = ParentOriginTransform(transformed); return new CustomRectangle( parentTransform.X, parentTransform.Y, parentTransform.Z, parentTransform.W); } //Get the previous transform from the parent origin private Vector4 ParentOriginTransform(Vector4 points) { //Dont shift the root or the first child of the root //The parent setting shouldn't be set, but it doesn't hurt to do this if (IsRoot || ParentIsRoot || Parent == null) return points; var transformedPosition = TransformOrientationPosition((int)Parent.Width, (int)Parent.Height, ParentOriginX, ParentOriginY); var transformed = ShiftRectangle(transformedPosition, points); if (Parent != null) return Parent.ParentOriginTransform(transformed); return transformed; } private static Vector4 ShiftRectangle(Vector2 position, Vector4 points) { int left = points[0] + position.X; int right = points[1] + position.X; int top = points[2] + position.Y; int bottom = points[3] + position.Y; return new Vector4(left, right, top, bottom); } private static Vector2 TransformOrientationPosition(int Width, int Height, OriginX originX, OriginY originY) { int x = 0; int y = 0; if (originX == OriginX.Left) x = -(Width / 2); else if (originX == OriginX.Right) x = (Width / 2); if (originY == OriginY.Top) y = Height / 2; else if (originY == OriginY.Bottom) y = -(Height / 2); return new Vector2(x,y); } private static Vector4 TransformOrientation(int Width, int Height, OriginX originX, OriginY originY) { int left = 0; int right = 0; int top = 0; int bottom = 0; if (originX == OriginX.Left) right = Width; else if (originX == OriginX.Right) left = -Width; else //To center { left = -Width / 2; right = Width / 2; } if (originY == OriginY.Top) bottom = -Height; else if (originY == OriginY.Bottom) top = Height; else //To center { top = Height / 2; bottom = -Height / 2; } return new Vector4(left, right, top, bottom); } public bool IsHit(int X, int Y) { if ((X > Translate.X) && (X < Translate.X + Width) && (Y > Translate.Y) && (Y < Translate.Y + Height)) return true; else return false; } } public enum FilterMode { Near = 0, Linear = 1 } public enum WrapMode { Clamp = 0, Repeat = 1, Mirror = 2 } public enum OriginX : byte { Center = 0, Left = 1, Right = 2 }; public enum OriginY : byte { Center = 0, Top = 1, Bottom = 2 }; public interface IUserDataContainer { UserData UserData { get; set; } } public class BxlytTextureRef { public short ID { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public virtual WrapMode WrapModeU { get; set; } public virtual WrapMode WrapModeV { get; set; } public virtual FilterMode MinFilterMode { get; set; } public virtual FilterMode MaxFilterMode { get; set; } } public class UserData : SectionCommon { public List Entries { get; set; } public UserData() { Entries = new List(); } public override void Write(FileWriter writer, LayoutHeader header) { } } public class UserDataEntry { public string Name { get; set; } public UserDataType Type { get; set; } public byte Unknown { get; set; } public object data; public string GetString() { return (string)data; } public float[] GetFloats() { return (float[])data; } public int[] GetInts() { return (int[])data; } public void SetValue(string value) { data = value; Type = UserDataType.String; } public void SetValue(float[] value) { data = value; Type = UserDataType.Float; } public void SetValue(int[] value) { data = value; Type = UserDataType.Int; } internal long _pos; } public enum UserDataType : byte { String, Int, Float, } public enum AnimationTarget : byte { Pane = 0, Material = 1 } public enum KeyType : byte { Uin16 = 1, Float = 2, } public enum LPATarget : byte { TranslateX = 0x00, TranslateY = 0x01, TranslateZ = 0x02, RotateX = 0x03, RotateY = 0x04, RotateZ = 0x05, ScaleX = 0x06, ScaleY = 0x07, SizeX = 0x08, SizeZ = 0x09, } public enum LTSTarget : byte { TranslateS = 0x00, TranslateT = 0x01, Rotate = 0x02, ScaleS = 0x03, ScaleT = 0x04, } public enum LVITarget : byte { Visibility = 0x00, } public enum LVCTarget : byte { LeftTopRed = 0x00, LeftTopGreen = 0x01, LeftTopBlue = 0x02, LeftTopAlpha = 0x03, RightTopRed = 0x04, RightTopGreen = 0x05, RightTopBlue = 0x06, RightTopAlpha = 0x07, LeftBottomRed = 0x08, LeftBottomGreen = 0x09, LeftBottomBlue = 0x0A, LeftBottomAlpha = 0x0B, RightBottomRed = 0x0C, RightBottomGreen = 0x0D, RightBottomBlue = 0x0E, RightBottomAlpha = 0x0F, PaneAlpha = 0x10, } public enum LTPTarget : byte { Image = 0x00, } public enum LMCTarget : byte { BlackColorRed, BlackColorGreen, BlackColorBlue, BlackColorAlpha, WhiteColorRed, WhiteColorGreen, WhiteColorBlue, WhiteColorAlpha, } public enum LFSTarget : byte { FontShadowBlackColorRed, FontShadowBlackColorGreen, FontShadowBlackColorBlue, FontShadowBlackColorAlpha, FontShadowWhiteColorRed, FontShadowWhiteColorGreen, FontShadowWhiteColorBlue, FontShadowWhiteColorAlpha, } public enum LCTTarget : byte { FontShadowBlackColorRed, FontShadowBlackColorGreen, FontShadowBlackColorBlue, FontShadowBlackColorAlpha, FontShadowWhiteColorRed, FontShadowWhiteColorGreen, FontShadowWhiteColorBlue, FontShadowWhiteColorAlpha, } public enum WindowKind { Around = 0, Horizontal = 1, HorizontalNoContent = 2 } public enum WindowFrameTexFlip : byte { None = 0, FlipH = 1, FlipV = 2, Rotate90 = 3, Rotate180 = 4, Rotate270 = 5 } public interface IWindowPane { bool UseOneMaterialForAll { get; set; } bool UseVertexColorForAll { get; set; } WindowKind WindowKind { get; set; } bool NotDrawnContent { get; set; } ushort StretchLeft { get; set; } ushort StretchRight { get; set; } ushort StretchTop { get; set; } ushort StretchBottm { get; set; } ushort FrameElementLeft { get; set; } ushort FrameElementRight { get; set; } ushort FrameElementTop { get; set; } ushort FrameElementBottm { get; set; } byte FrameCount { get; set; } BxlytWindowContent Content { get; set; } List WindowFrames { get; set; } } public class BxlytWindowContent { public STColor8 ColorTopLeft { get; set; } public STColor8 ColorTopRight { get; set; } public STColor8 ColorBottomLeft { get; set; } public STColor8 ColorBottomRight { get; set; } public ushort MaterialIndex { get; set; } [TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public virtual BxlytMaterial Material { get; set; } public List TexCoords = new List(); } public class BxlytWindowFrame { [TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public BxlytMaterial Material { get; set; } public ushort MaterialIndex; public WindowFrameTexFlip TextureFlip; } public class TexCoord { public Vector2F TopLeft { get; set; } public Vector2F TopRight { get; set; } public Vector2F BottomLeft { get; set; } public Vector2F BottomRight { get; set; } public TexCoord() { TopLeft = new Vector2F(0, 0); TopRight = new Vector2F(1, 0); BottomLeft = new Vector2F(0, 1); BottomRight = new Vector2F(1, 1); } } public class LayoutHeader : IDisposable { [Browsable(false)] public string FileName { get { return FileInfo.FileName; } } [DisplayName("Use Big Endian"), CategoryAttribute("File Settings")] public bool IsBigEndian { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] internal IFileFormat FileInfo; [Browsable(false)] internal uint Version; [DisplayName("Version"), CategoryAttribute("File Settings")] public string VersionFull { get { return $"{VersionMajor},{VersionMinor},{VersionMicro},{VersionMicro2}"; } } [RefreshProperties(RefreshProperties.All)] public uint VersionMajor { get; set; } [RefreshProperties(RefreshProperties.All)] public uint VersionMinor { get; set; } [RefreshProperties(RefreshProperties.All)] public uint VersionMicro { get; set; } [RefreshProperties(RefreshProperties.All)] public uint VersionMicro2 { get; set; } internal void SetVersionInfo() { VersionMajor = Version >> 24; VersionMinor = Version >> 16 & 0xFF; VersionMicro = Version >> 8 & 0xFF; VersionMicro2 = Version & 0xFF; } internal uint SaveVersion() { return VersionMajor << 24 | VersionMinor << 16 | VersionMicro << 8 | VersionMicro2; } public static void WriteSection(FileWriter writer, string magic, SectionCommon section, Action WriteMethod = null) { long startPos = writer.Position; writer.WriteSignature(magic); writer.Write(uint.MaxValue); WriteMethod?.Invoke(); writer.Align(4); long endPos = writer.Position; using (writer.TemporarySeek(startPos + 4, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin)) { writer.Write((uint)(endPos - startPos)); } } public void Dispose() { FileInfo.Unload(); } } public class BxlanHeader : LayoutHeader { } public class BxlytHeader : LayoutHeader { [Browsable(false)] public BasePane RootPane { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public BasePane RootGroup { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public virtual Dictionary GetTextures { get; } [Browsable(false)] public virtual List Textures { get; } [Browsable(false)] public virtual List Fonts { get; } [Browsable(false)] public virtual List GetMaterials() { return new List(); } } public class BxlytMaterial { [DisplayName("Name"), CategoryAttribute("General")] public virtual string Name { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public virtual BxlytShader Shader { get; set; } [DisplayName("Texture Maps"), CategoryAttribute("Texture")] public BxlytTextureRef[] TextureMaps { get; set; } } public class SectionCommon { [Browsable(false)] public virtual string Signature { get; } internal uint SectionSize { get; set; } internal long StartPosition { get; set; } internal byte[] Data { get; set; } public SectionCommon() { } public SectionCommon(string signature) { Signature = signature; } public virtual void Write(FileWriter writer, LayoutHeader header) { if (Data != null) writer.Write(Data); } } public class CustomRectangle { public int LeftPoint; public int RightPoint; public int TopPoint; public int BottomPoint; public CustomRectangle(int left, int right, int top, int bottom) { LeftPoint = left; RightPoint = right; TopPoint = top; BottomPoint = bottom; } public float Width { get { return LeftPoint - RightPoint; } } public float Height { get { return TopPoint - BottomPoint; } } } public class LayoutDocked : DockContent { } }