#version 330 in vec3 objectPosition; in vec2 f_texcoord0; in vec2 f_texcoord1; in vec2 f_texcoord2; in vec2 f_texcoord3; in vec3 normal; in vec4 vertexColor; in vec3 tangent; in vec3 binormal; in vec3 boneWeightsColored; // Viewport Camera/Lighting uniform mat4 mtxCam; uniform mat4 mtxMdl; uniform vec3 specLightDirection; uniform vec3 difLightDirection; uniform mat4 projMatrix; uniform mat4 normalMatrix; uniform mat4 modelViewMatrix; uniform mat4 rotationMatrix; uniform int colorOverride; uniform int renderType; uniform int renderVertColor; uniform mat4 modelview; uniform int uvChannel; // Texture Samplers uniform sampler2D DiffuseMap; uniform sampler2D BakeShadowMap; uniform sampler2D NormalMap; uniform sampler2D BakeLightMap; uniform sampler2D UVTestPattern; uniform sampler2D EmissionMap; uniform sampler2D SpecularMap; uniform sampler2D DiffuseLayer; uniform sampler2D MetalnessMap; uniform sampler2D RoughnessMap; uniform sampler2D ProjectionMap; uniform sampler2D SphereMap; // Texture Map Toggles uniform int HasDiffuse; uniform int HasNormalMap; uniform int HasSpecularMap; uniform int HasShadowMap; uniform int HasAmbientOcclusionMap; uniform int HasLightMap; uniform int HasEmissionMap; uniform int HasDiffuseLayer; uniform int HasMetalnessMap; uniform int HasRoughnessMap; uniform int HasProjectionMap; // Diffuse Channel Toggles uniform int RedChannel; uniform int GreenChannel; uniform int BlueChannel; uniform int AlphaChannel; uniform samplerCube irradianceMap; uniform samplerCube specularIbl; uniform sampler2D brdfLUT; int isTransparent; out vec4 fragColor; struct VertexAttributes { vec3 objectPosition; vec2 texCoord; vec2 texCoord2; vec2 texCoord3; vec4 vertexColor; vec3 normal; vec3 viewNormal; vec3 tangent; vec3 binormal; }; #define gamma 2.2 const float PI = 3.14159265359; // Shader code adapted from learnopengl.com's PBR tutorial: // https://learnopengl.com/PBR/Theory //Defined in PBR Utilty vec3 FresnelSchlick(float cosTheta, vec3 F0); vec3 FresnelSchlickRoughness(float cosTheta, vec3 F0, float roughness); float DistributionGGX(vec3 N, vec3 H, float roughness); float GeometrySchlickGGX(float NdotV, float roughness); float GeometrySmith(vec3 N, vec3 V, vec3 L, float roughness); vec3 saturation(vec3 rgb, float adjustment); //In Utility.frag float GetComponent(int Type, vec4 Texture); void main() { fragColor = vec4(1); // Create a struct for passing all the vertex attributes to other functions. VertexAttributes vert; vert.objectPosition = objectPosition; vert.texCoord = f_texcoord0; vert.texCoord2 = f_texcoord1; vert.texCoord3 = f_texcoord2; vert.vertexColor = vertexColor; vert.normal = normal; vert.tangent = tangent; vert.binormal = binormal; float specIntensity = 1; // Wireframe color. if (colorOverride == 1) { fragColor = vec4(1); return; } vec3 albedo = vec3(1); if (HasDiffuse == 1) { vec4 DiffuseTex = pow(texture(DiffuseMap, f_texcoord0).rgba, vec4(gamma)); //Comp Selectors albedo.r = GetComponent(RedChannel, DiffuseTex); albedo.g = GetComponent(GreenChannel, DiffuseTex); albedo.b = GetComponent(BlueChannel, DiffuseTex); } float metallic = 0; if (HasMetalnessMap == 1) metallic = texture(MetalnessMap, f_texcoord0).r; float roughness = 0.5; if (HasRoughnessMap == 1) roughness = texture(RoughnessMap, f_texcoord0).r; float ao = 1; if (HasShadowMap == 1) ao = texture(BakeShadowMap, f_texcoord1).r; vec3 emissionTerm = vec3(0); // Calculate shading vectors. vec3 I = vec3(0,0,-1) * mat3(mtxCam); vec3 N = normal; vec3 V = normalize(I); // view vec3 L = normalize(specLightDirection); // Light vec3 H = normalize(specLightDirection + I); // half angle vec3 R = reflect(-I, N); // reflection vec3 f0 = mix(vec3(0.04), albedo, metallic); // dialectric vec3 kS = FresnelSchlickRoughness(max(dot(N, V), 0.0), f0, roughness); vec3 kD = 1.0 - kS; kD *= 1.0 - metallic; // Diffuse pass vec3 diffuseIblColor = texture(irradianceMap, N).rgb; vec3 diffuseTerm = diffuseIblColor * albedo; diffuseTerm *= kD; diffuseTerm *= ao; // Adjust for metalness. diffuseTerm *= clamp(1 - metallic, 0, 1); diffuseTerm *= vec3(1) - kS.xxx; // // Specular pass. int maxSpecularLod = 8; vec3 specularIblColor = textureLod(specularIbl, R, roughness * maxSpecularLod).rgb; vec2 envBRDF = texture(brdfLUT, vec2(max(dot(N, V), 0.0), roughness)).rg; vec3 brdfTerm = (kS * envBRDF.x + envBRDF.y); // vec3 specularTerm = specularIblColor * (kS * brdfTerm.x + brdfTerm.y) * specIntensity; vec3 specularTerm = specularIblColor * brdfTerm * specIntensity; // Add render passes. fragColor.rgb = vec3(0); fragColor.rgb += diffuseTerm; fragColor.rgb += specularTerm; fragColor.rgb += emissionTerm; // Global brightness adjustment. fragColor.rgb *= 2.5; fragColor.rgb *= min(boneWeightsColored, vec3(1)); // HDR tonemapping fragColor.rgb = fragColor.rgb / (fragColor.rgb + vec3(1.0)); // Convert back to sRGB. fragColor.rgb = pow(fragColor.rgb, vec3(1 / gamma)); // Alpha calculations. if (isTransparent == 1) { float alpha = GetComponent(AlphaChannel, texture(DiffuseMap, f_texcoord0)); fragColor.a = alpha; } //Debug Shading vec2 displayTexCoord = f_texcoord0; if (uvChannel == 1) displayTexCoord = f_texcoord0; if (uvChannel == 2) displayTexCoord = f_texcoord2; if (uvChannel == 3) displayTexCoord = f_texcoord3; vec3 displayNormal = (normal.xyz * 0.5) + 0.5; if (renderType == 1) // normals color fragColor = vec4(displayNormal.rgb,1); else if (renderType == 2) { diffuseIblColor = texture(irradianceMap, N).rgb; diffuseTerm = diffuseIblColor * vec3(0.5); diffuseTerm *= kD; diffuseTerm *= ao; // Adjust for metalness. diffuseTerm *= clamp(1 - metallic, 0, 1); diffuseTerm *= vec3(1) - kS.xxx; fragColor.rgb = vec3(0); fragColor.rgb += diffuseTerm; fragColor.rgb += specularTerm; fragColor.rgb += emissionTerm; // Global brightness adjustment. fragColor.rgb *= 1.5; // HDR tonemapping fragColor.rgb = fragColor.rgb / (fragColor.rgb + vec3(1.0)); // Convert back to sRGB. fragColor.rgb = pow(fragColor.rgb, vec3(1 / gamma)); } else if (renderType == 3) //DiffuseColor { //Comp Selectors vec4 diffuseMapColor = vec4(texture(DiffuseMap, displayTexCoord).rgb, 1); diffuseMapColor.r = GetComponent(RedChannel, diffuseMapColor); diffuseMapColor.g = GetComponent(GreenChannel, diffuseMapColor); diffuseMapColor.b = GetComponent(BlueChannel, diffuseMapColor); fragColor = vec4(diffuseMapColor.rgb, 1); } else if (renderType == 5) // vertexColor fragColor = vertexColor; else if (renderType == 6) //Display Ambient Occlusion fragColor = vec4(vec3(ao), 1); else if (renderType == 7) // uv coords fragColor = vec4(displayTexCoord.x, displayTexCoord.y, 1, 1); else if (renderType == 8) // uv test pattern { fragColor = vec4(texture(UVTestPattern, displayTexCoord).rgb, 1); } else if (renderType == 9) //Display tangents { vec3 displayTangent = (tangent * 0.5) + 0.5; if (dot(tangent, vec3(1)) == 0) displayTangent = vec3(0); fragColor = vec4(displayTangent,1); } else if (renderType == 10) //Display binormals { vec3 displayBinormal = (binormal * 0.5) + 0.5; if (dot(binormal, vec3(1)) == 0) displayBinormal = vec3(0); fragColor = vec4(displayBinormal,1); } else if (renderType == 12) { fragColor.rgb = boneWeightsColored; } }