using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.IO; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Syroot.NintenTools.Bfres; using Syroot.NintenTools.Bfres.Helpers; using Syroot.NintenTools.Bfres.GX2; using System.Windows.Forms; using Bfres.Structs; using Toolbox.Library.IO; using Toolbox.Library; using Toolbox.Library.Rendering; using OpenTK; using ResNSW = Syroot.NintenTools.NSW.Bfres; namespace FirstPlugin { public static class BfresWiiU { public static byte[] CreateNewBFRES(string Name) { MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(); ResFile resFile = new ResFile(); resFile.Name = Name; resFile.Save(mem); var data = mem.ToArray(); mem.Close(); mem.Dispose(); return data; } public static Model SetModel(FMDL fmdl) { Model model = new Model(); model.Name = fmdl.Text; model.Path = ""; model.Shapes = new ResDict(); model.VertexBuffers = new List(); model.Materials = new ResDict(); model.UserData = new ResDict(); model.Skeleton = new Skeleton(); model.Skeleton = fmdl.Skeleton.node.SkeletonU; model.UserData = fmdl.ModelU.UserData; fmdl.Skeleton.CalculateIndices(); int i = 0; var duplicates = fmdl.shapes.GroupBy(c => c.Text).Where(g => g.Skip(1).Any()).SelectMany(c => c); foreach (var shape in duplicates) shape.Text += i++; foreach (FSHP shape in fmdl.shapes) { BFRES.CheckMissingTextures(shape); SetShape(shape, shape.ShapeU); model.Shapes.Add(shape.Text, shape.ShapeU); model.VertexBuffers.Add(shape.VertexBufferU); shape.ShapeU.VertexBufferIndex = (ushort)(model.VertexBuffers.Count - 1); // BFRES.SetShaderAssignAttributes(shape.GetMaterial().shaderassign, shape); } foreach (FMAT mat in fmdl.materials.Values) { SetMaterial(mat, mat.MaterialU, fmdl.GetResFileU()); model.Materials.Add(mat.Text, mat.MaterialU); } return model; } public static void ReadModel(FMDL model, Model mdl) { if (model == null) model = new FMDL(); model.Text = mdl.Name; model.Skeleton = new FSKL(mdl.Skeleton); model.Nodes.RemoveAt(2); model.Nodes.Add(model.Skeleton.node); model.ModelU = mdl; foreach (Material mat in mdl.Materials.Values) { FMAT FMAT = new FMAT(); FMAT.Text = mat.Name; FMAT.ReadMaterial(mat); model.Nodes["FmatFolder"].Nodes.Add(FMAT); model.materials.Add(FMAT.Text, FMAT); } foreach (Shape shp in mdl.Shapes.Values) { VertexBuffer vertexBuffer = mdl.VertexBuffers[shp.VertexBufferIndex]; Material material = mdl.Materials[shp.MaterialIndex]; FSHP mesh = new FSHP(); ReadShapesVertices(mesh, shp, vertexBuffer, model); mesh.MaterialIndex = shp.MaterialIndex; model.Nodes["FshpFolder"].Nodes.Add(mesh); model.shapes.Add(mesh); } } public static void ReadShapesVertices(FSHP fshp, Shape shp, VertexBuffer vertexBuffer, FMDL model) { fshp.boundingBoxes.Clear(); fshp.boundingRadius.Clear(); fshp.BoneIndices.Clear(); foreach (Bounding bnd in shp.SubMeshBoundings) { FSHP.BoundingBox box = new FSHP.BoundingBox(); box.Center = new Vector3(bnd.Center.X, bnd.Center.Y, bnd.Center.Z); box.Extend = new Vector3(bnd.Extent.X, bnd.Extent.Y, bnd.Extent.Z); fshp.boundingBoxes.Add(box); } foreach (float rad in shp.RadiusArray) { fshp.boundingRadius.Add(rad); } fshp.VertexBufferIndex = shp.VertexBufferIndex; fshp.ShapeU = shp; fshp.VertexBufferU = vertexBuffer; fshp.VertexSkinCount = shp.VertexSkinCount; fshp.BoneIndex = shp.BoneIndex; fshp.Text = shp.Name; fshp.TargetAttribCount = shp.TargetAttribCount; fshp.MaterialIndex = shp.MaterialIndex; if (shp.SkinBoneIndices != null) { foreach (ushort bn in shp.SkinBoneIndices) fshp.BoneIndices.Add(bn); } ReadMeshes(fshp, shp); ReadVertexBuffer(fshp, vertexBuffer, model); } private static void ReadMeshes(FSHP fshp, Shape shp) { fshp.lodMeshes.Clear(); foreach (Mesh msh in shp.Meshes) { uint FaceCount = msh.IndexCount; uint[] indicesArray = msh.GetIndices().ToArray(); FSHP.LOD_Mesh lod = new FSHP.LOD_Mesh(); foreach (SubMesh subMsh in msh.SubMeshes) { FSHP.LOD_Mesh.SubMesh sub = new FSHP.LOD_Mesh.SubMesh(); sub.size = subMsh.Count; sub.offset = subMsh.Offset; lod.subMeshes.Add(sub); } lod.IndexFormat = (STIndexFormat)msh.IndexFormat; switch (msh.PrimitiveType) { case GX2PrimitiveType.Triangles: lod.PrimativeType = STPrimitiveType.Triangles; break; case GX2PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip: lod.PrimativeType = STPrimitiveType.TrangleStrips; break; case GX2PrimitiveType.Quads: lod.PrimativeType = STPrimitiveType.Quads; break; case GX2PrimitiveType.Lines: lod.PrimativeType = STPrimitiveType.Lines; break; case GX2PrimitiveType.LineStrip: lod.PrimativeType = STPrimitiveType.LineStrips; break; case GX2PrimitiveType.Points: lod.PrimativeType = STPrimitiveType.Points; break; } lod.FirstVertex = msh.FirstVertex; for (int face = 0; face < FaceCount; face++) lod.faces.Add((int)indicesArray[face] + (int)msh.FirstVertex); fshp.lodMeshes.Add(lod); } } private static void ReadVertexBuffer(FSHP fshp, VertexBuffer vtx, FMDL model) { fshp.vertices.Clear(); fshp.vertexAttributes.Clear(); //Create a buffer instance which stores all the buffer data VertexBufferHelper helper = new VertexBufferHelper(vtx, Syroot.BinaryData.ByteOrder.BigEndian); //Set each array first from the lib if exist. Then add the data all in one loop Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4Positions = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4Normals = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4uv0 = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4uv1 = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4uv2 = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4c0 = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4t0 = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4b0 = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4w0 = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4i0 = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; //For shape morphing Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4Positions1 = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] vec4Positions2 = new Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[0]; List SortedList = vtx.Attributes.Values.OrderBy(o => o.BufferIndex).ToList(); foreach (VertexAttrib att in SortedList) Console.WriteLine($"{att.Name} {att.BufferIndex} {att.Offset} {att.Format} "); foreach (VertexAttrib att in vtx.Attributes.Values) { FSHP.VertexAttribute attr = new FSHP.VertexAttribute(); attr.Name = att.Name; attr.Format = attr.GetTypeWiiU(att.Format); attr.BufferIndex = att.BufferIndex; if (att.Name == "_p0") vec4Positions = AttributeData(att, helper, "_p0"); if (att.Name == "_n0") vec4Normals = AttributeData(att, helper, "_n0"); if (att.Name == "_u0") vec4uv0 = AttributeData(att, helper, "_u0"); if (att.Name == "_u1") vec4uv1 = AttributeData(att, helper, "_u1"); if (att.Name == "_u2") vec4uv2 = AttributeData(att, helper, "_u2"); if (att.Name == "_c0") vec4c0 = AttributeData(att, helper, "_c0"); if (att.Name == "_t0") vec4t0 = AttributeData(att, helper, "_t0"); if (att.Name == "_b0") vec4b0 = AttributeData(att, helper, "_b0"); if (att.Name == "_w0") vec4w0 = AttributeData(att, helper, "_w0"); if (att.Name == "_i0") vec4i0 = AttributeData(att, helper, "_i0"); if (att.Name == "_p1") vec4Positions1 = AttributeData(att, helper, "_p1"); if (att.Name == "_p2") vec4Positions2 = AttributeData(att, helper, "_p2"); fshp.vertexAttributes.Add(attr); } for (int i = 0; i < vec4Positions.Length; i++) { Vertex v = new Vertex(); if (vec4Positions.Length > 0) v.pos = new Vector3(vec4Positions[i].X, vec4Positions[i].Y, vec4Positions[i].Z); if (vec4Positions1.Length > 0) v.pos1 = new Vector3(vec4Positions1[i].X, vec4Positions1[i].Y, vec4Positions1[i].Z); if (vec4Positions2.Length > 0) v.pos2 = new Vector3(vec4Positions2[i].X, vec4Positions2[i].Y, vec4Positions2[i].Z); if (vec4Normals.Length > 0) v.nrm = new Vector3(vec4Normals[i].X, vec4Normals[i].Y, vec4Normals[i].Z); if (vec4uv0.Length > 0) v.uv0 = new Vector2(vec4uv0[i].X, vec4uv0[i].Y); if (vec4uv1.Length > 0) v.uv1 = new Vector2(vec4uv1[i].X, vec4uv1[i].Y); if (vec4uv2.Length > 0) v.uv2 = new Vector2(vec4uv2[i].X, vec4uv2[i].Y); if (vec4w0.Length > 0) { v.boneWeights.Add(vec4w0[i].X); v.boneWeights.Add(vec4w0[i].Y); v.boneWeights.Add(vec4w0[i].Z); v.boneWeights.Add(vec4w0[i].W); } if (vec4i0.Length > 0) { v.boneIds.Add((int)vec4i0[i].X); v.boneIds.Add((int)vec4i0[i].Y); v.boneIds.Add((int)vec4i0[i].Z); v.boneIds.Add((int)vec4i0[i].W); } if (vec4t0.Length > 0) v.tan = new Vector4(vec4t0[i].X, vec4t0[i].Y, vec4t0[i].Z, vec4t0[i].W); if (vec4b0.Length > 0) v.bitan = new Vector4(vec4b0[i].X, vec4b0[i].Y, vec4b0[i].Z, vec4b0[i].W); if (vec4c0.Length > 0) v.col = new Vector4(vec4c0[i].X, vec4c0[i].Y, vec4c0[i].Z, vec4c0[i].W); if (fshp.VertexSkinCount == 1) { int boneIndex = fshp.BoneIndex; if (v.boneIds.Count > 0) boneIndex = model.Skeleton.Node_Array[v.boneIds[0]]; //Check if the bones are a rigid type //In game it seems to not transform if they are not rigid if (model.Skeleton.bones[boneIndex].RigidMatrixIndex != -1) { Matrix4 sb = model.Skeleton.bones[boneIndex].Transform; v.pos = Vector3.TransformPosition(v.pos, sb); v.nrm = Vector3.TransformNormal(v.nrm, sb); } } if (fshp.VertexSkinCount == 0) { try { if (model.Skeleton.bones.Count > 0) { int boneIndex = fshp.BoneIndex; Matrix4 NoBindFix = model.Skeleton.bones[boneIndex].Transform; v.pos = Vector3.TransformPosition(v.pos, NoBindFix); v.nrm = Vector3.TransformNormal(v.nrm, NoBindFix); } } catch //Matrix failed. Print the coordinate data of the bone { Console.WriteLine(model.Skeleton.bones[fshp.BoneIndex].Text); Console.WriteLine(model.Skeleton.bones[fshp.BoneIndex].GetPosition()); Console.WriteLine(model.Skeleton.bones[fshp.BoneIndex].GetRotation()); Console.WriteLine(model.Skeleton.bones[fshp.BoneIndex].GetScale()); } } fshp.vertices.Add(v); } } private static Syroot.Maths.Vector4F[] AttributeData(VertexAttrib att, VertexBufferHelper helper, string attName) { VertexBufferHelperAttrib attd = helper[attName]; return attd.Data; } public static void ReadSkeleton(this TreeNodeCustom skl, Skeleton skeleton, FSKL RenderableSkeleton) { if (skeleton.MatrixToBoneList == null) skeleton.MatrixToBoneList = new List(); RenderableSkeleton.Node_Array = new int[skeleton.MatrixToBoneList.Count]; int nodes = 0; foreach (ushort node in skeleton.MatrixToBoneList) { RenderableSkeleton.Node_Array[nodes] = node; nodes++; } RenderableSkeleton.bones.Clear(); foreach (Bone bone in skeleton.Bones.Values) { BfresBone STBone = new BfresBone(RenderableSkeleton); ReadBone(STBone, bone); RenderableSkeleton.bones.Add(STBone); } skl.Nodes.Clear(); foreach (var bone in RenderableSkeleton.bones) { if (bone.Parent == null) { skl.Nodes.Add(bone); } } RenderableSkeleton.update(); RenderableSkeleton.reset(); } public static void ReadBone(this BfresBone bone, Bone bn, bool SetParent = true) { bone.BoneU = bn; bone.FlagVisible = bn.Flags.HasFlag(BoneFlags.Visible); bone.Text = bn.Name; bone.RigidMatrixIndex = bn.RigidMatrixIndex; bone.SmoothMatrixIndex = bn.SmoothMatrixIndex; bone.BillboardIndex = bn.BillboardIndex; bone.UseRigidMatrix = bn.RigidMatrixIndex != -1; bone.UseSmoothMatrix = bn.SmoothMatrixIndex != -1; if (SetParent) bone.parentIndex = bn.ParentIndex; bone.scale = new float[3]; bone.rotation = new float[4]; bone.position = new float[3]; if (bn.FlagsRotation == BoneFlagsRotation.Quaternion) bone.RotationType = STBone.BoneRotationType.Quaternion; else bone.RotationType = STBone.BoneRotationType.Euler; bone.scale[0] = bn.Scale.X; bone.scale[1] = bn.Scale.Y; bone.scale[2] = bn.Scale.Z; bone.rotation[0] = bn.Rotation.X; bone.rotation[1] = bn.Rotation.Y; bone.rotation[2] = bn.Rotation.Z; bone.rotation[3] = bn.Rotation.W; bone.position[0] = bn.Position.X; bone.position[1] = bn.Position.Y; bone.position[2] = bn.Position.Z; } public static void SetShape(this FSHP s, Shape shp) { shp.Name = s.Text; shp.MaterialIndex = (ushort)s.MaterialIndex; shp.BoneIndex = (ushort)s.BoneIndex; if (shp.SubMeshBoundingNodes == null) shp.SubMeshBoundingNodes = new List(); if (shp.SubMeshBoundingIndices == null) shp.SubMeshBoundingIndices = new List(); if (shp.SkinBoneIndices == null) shp.SkinBoneIndices = new List(); int indx = 0; foreach (var mesh in shp.Meshes) { switch (s.lodMeshes[indx].PrimativeType) { case STPrimitiveType.Triangles: mesh.PrimitiveType = GX2PrimitiveType.Triangles; break; case STPrimitiveType.Lines: mesh.PrimitiveType = GX2PrimitiveType.Lines; break; case STPrimitiveType.LineStrips: mesh.PrimitiveType = GX2PrimitiveType.LineStrip; break; case STPrimitiveType.Points: mesh.PrimitiveType = GX2PrimitiveType.Points; break; } indx++; } } public static void SetMaterial(this FMAT m, Material mat, ResFile ResFile) { mat.Name = m.Text; if (m.Enabled) mat.Flags = MaterialFlags.Visible; else mat.Flags = MaterialFlags.None; if (mat.ShaderParamData == null) mat.ShaderParamData = new byte[0]; byte[] ParamData = WriteShaderParams(m, mat); mat.ShaderParamData = ParamData; WriteRenderInfo(m, mat); WriteTextureRefs(m, mat, ResFile); WriteShaderAssign(m.shaderassign, mat); } public static void ReadMaterial(this FMAT m, Material mat) { m.MaterialU = mat; if (mat.Flags == MaterialFlags.Visible) m.Enabled = true; else m.Enabled = false; m.ReadRenderInfo(mat); m.ReadShaderAssign(mat); m.SetActiveGame(); m.ReadShaderParams(mat); m.ReadTextureRefs(mat); m.ReadRenderState(mat.RenderState); m.UpdateRenderPass(); } public static void ReadRenderState(this FMAT m, RenderState renderState) { } public static void ReadTextureRefs(this FMAT m, Material mat) { m.TextureMaps.Clear(); int AlbedoCount = 0; int id = 0; string TextureName = ""; if (mat.TextureRefs == null) mat.TextureRefs = new List(); int textureUnit = 1; foreach (var tex in mat.TextureRefs) { TextureName = tex.Name; MatTexture texture = new MatTexture(); texture.wiiUSampler = mat.Samplers[id].TexSampler; texture.MinLod = mat.Samplers[id].TexSampler.MinLod; texture.MaxLod = mat.Samplers[id].TexSampler.MaxLod; texture.BiasLod = mat.Samplers[id].TexSampler.LodBias; texture.WrapModeS = (STTextureWrapMode)mat.Samplers[id].TexSampler.ClampX; texture.WrapModeT = (STTextureWrapMode)mat.Samplers[id].TexSampler.ClampY; texture.WrapModeW = (STTextureWrapMode)mat.Samplers[id].TexSampler.ClampZ; mat.Samplers.TryGetKey(mat.Samplers[id], out texture.SamplerName); string useSampler = texture.SamplerName; //Use the fragment sampler in the shader assign section. It's usually more accurate this way if (mat.ShaderAssign.SamplerAssigns.ContainsKey(texture.SamplerName)) useSampler = mat.ShaderAssign.SamplerAssigns[texture.SamplerName]; if (mat.Samplers[id].TexSampler.MinFilter == GX2TexXYFilterType.Point) texture.MinFilter = STTextureMinFilter.Nearest; if (mat.Samplers[id].TexSampler.MagFilter == GX2TexXYFilterType.Point) texture.MagFilter = STTextureMagFilter.Nearest; if (mat.Samplers[id].TexSampler.MinFilter == GX2TexXYFilterType.Bilinear) texture.MinFilter = STTextureMinFilter.Linear; if (mat.Samplers[id].TexSampler.MagFilter == GX2TexXYFilterType.Bilinear) texture.MagFilter = STTextureMagFilter.Linear; if (Runtime.activeGame == Runtime.ActiveGame.MK8D) { if (useSampler == "_a0") { m.HasDiffuseMap = true; AlbedoCount++; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.Diffuse; } else if (useSampler == "s_diffuse") { m.HasDiffuseMap = true; AlbedoCount++; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.Diffuse; } else if (useSampler == "s_normal") { m.HasNormalMap = true; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.Normal; } else if (useSampler == "s_specmask") { m.HasSpecularMap = true; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.Specular; } else if (useSampler == "_a1") { m.HasDiffuseLayer = true; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.DiffuseLayer2; } else if (useSampler == "_n0") { m.HasNormalMap = true; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.Normal; } else if (useSampler == "_e0") { m.HasEmissionMap = true; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.Emission; } else if (texture.SamplerName == "_s0" || useSampler == "_s0") { m.HasSpecularMap = true; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.Specular; } else if (useSampler == "_x0") { m.HasSphereMap = true; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.SphereMap; } else if (useSampler == "_b0") { m.HasShadowMap = true; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.Shadow; } else if (texture.SamplerName == "bake0") { m.HasShadowMap = true; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.Shadow; } else if (useSampler == "_b1") { m.HasLightMap = true; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.Light; } else if (texture.SamplerName == "_ao0") { texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.AO; m.HasAmbientOcclusionMap = true; } } else { if (useSampler == "s_diffuse") { m.HasDiffuseMap = true; AlbedoCount++; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.Diffuse; } else if (useSampler == "s_normal") { m.HasNormalMap = true; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.Normal; } else if (useSampler == "s_specmask") { m.HasSpecularMap = true; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.Specular; } else if (useSampler == "_a0") { m.HasDiffuseMap = true; AlbedoCount++; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.Diffuse; } else if (useSampler == "_n0") { m.HasNormalMap = true; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.Normal; } else if (TextureName.Contains("Emm")) { m.HasEmissionMap = true; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.Emission; } else if (TextureName.Contains("Spm")) { m.HasSpecularMap = true; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.Specular; } else if (TextureName.Contains("b00")) { m.HasShadowMap = true; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.Shadow; } else if (texture.SamplerName == "bake0") { m.HasShadowMap = true; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.Shadow; } else if (TextureName.Contains("Moc") || TextureName.Contains("AO")) { m.HasAmbientOcclusionMap = true; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.AO; } else if (TextureName.Contains("b01")) { m.HasLightMap = true; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.Light; } else if (TextureName.Contains("MRA")) //Metalness, Roughness, and Cavity Map in one { m.HasRoughnessMap = true; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.MRA; } else if (TextureName.Contains("mtl")) { m.HasMetalnessMap = true; texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.Metalness; } else if (TextureName.Contains("rgh")) { texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.Roughness; m.HasRoughnessMap = true; } else if (TextureName.Contains("sss")) { texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.SubSurfaceScattering; m.HasSubSurfaceScatteringMap = true; } else if (texture.SamplerName == "_ao0") { texture.Type = MatTexture.TextureType.AO; m.HasAmbientOcclusionMap = true; } } Console.WriteLine($"{useSampler} {texture.Type}"); texture.textureUnit = textureUnit++; texture.Name = TextureName; m.TextureMaps.Add(texture); id++; } } public static void ReadShaderParams(this FMAT m, Material mat) { m.matparam.Clear(); if (mat.ShaderParamData == null) return; using (FileReader reader = new FileReader(new System.IO.MemoryStream(mat.ShaderParamData))) { reader.ByteOrder = Syroot.BinaryData.ByteOrder.BigEndian; foreach (ShaderParam param in mat.ShaderParams.Values) { BfresShaderParam shaderParam = new BfresShaderParam(); shaderParam.Type = shaderParam.GetTypeWiiU(param.Type); shaderParam.Name = param.Name; shaderParam.HasPadding = param.UsePadding; shaderParam.PaddingLength = param.PaddingLength; shaderParam.DependedIndex = param.DependedIndex; shaderParam.DependIndex = param.DependIndex; reader.Seek(param.DataOffset, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin); shaderParam.ReadValue(reader, (int)param.DataSize); m.matparam.Add(param.Name, shaderParam); } reader.Close(); } } public static byte[] WriteShaderParams(this FMAT m, Material mat) { mat.ShaderParams = new ResDict(); System.IO.MemoryStream mem = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); using (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(mem)) { uint Offset = 0; int index = 0; writer.ByteOrder = Syroot.BinaryData.ByteOrder.BigEndian; foreach (BfresShaderParam shaderParam in m.matparam.Values) { ShaderParam param = new ShaderParam(); param.Name = shaderParam.Name; param.Type = shaderParam.SetTypeWiiU(shaderParam.Type); param.DataOffset = (ushort)Offset; param.offset = -1; param.callbackPointer = 0; param.PaddingLength = shaderParam.PaddingLength; param.DependedIndex = shaderParam.DependedIndex; param.DependIndex = shaderParam.DependIndex; writer.Seek(param.DataOffset, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin); shaderParam.WriteValue(writer); Offset += (param.DataSize + (uint)shaderParam.PaddingLength); mat.ShaderParams.Add(param.Name, param); index++; } writer.Close(); } return mem.ToArray(); } public static void ReadRenderInfo(this FMAT m, Material mat) { m.renderinfo.Clear(); foreach (RenderInfo rnd in mat.RenderInfos.Values) { BfresRenderInfo r = new BfresRenderInfo(); r.Name = rnd.Name; r.Type = r.GetTypeWiiU(rnd.Type); switch (rnd.Type) { case RenderInfoType.Int32: r.ValueInt = rnd.GetValueInt32s(); break; case RenderInfoType.Single: r.ValueFloat = rnd.GetValueSingles(); break; case RenderInfoType.String: r.ValueString = rnd.GetValueStrings(); break; } m.renderinfo.Add(r); } } public static void WriteTextureRefs(this FMAT m, Material mat, ResFile resFile) { mat.TextureRefs = new List(); mat.TextureRefs.Clear(); mat.Samplers.Clear(); int index = 0; foreach (MatTexture textu in m.TextureMaps) { TextureRef texref = new TextureRef(); texref.Name = textu.Name; Sampler sampler = new Sampler(); sampler.TexSampler = textu.wiiUSampler; sampler.Name = textu.SamplerName; mat.Samplers.Add(textu.SamplerName, sampler); Texture texMapped = new Texture(); resFile.Textures.TryGetValue(textu.Name, out texMapped); texref.Texture = texMapped; mat.TextureRefs.Add(texref); index++; } } public static void WriteRenderInfo(this FMAT m, Material mat) { if (mat.RenderInfos == null) mat.RenderInfos = new ResDict(); mat.RenderInfos.Clear(); foreach (BfresRenderInfo rnd in m.renderinfo) { RenderInfo r = new RenderInfo(); r.Name = rnd.Name; switch (rnd.Type) { case ResNSW.RenderInfoType.Int32: r.SetValue(rnd.ValueInt); break; case ResNSW.RenderInfoType.Single: r.SetValue(rnd.ValueFloat); break; case ResNSW.RenderInfoType.String: r.SetValue(rnd.ValueString); break; } mat.RenderInfos.Add(r.Name, r); } } public static void ReadShaderAssign(this FMAT m, Material mat) { m.shaderassign = new FMAT.ShaderAssign(); if (mat.ShaderAssign == null) mat.ShaderAssign = new ShaderAssign(); if (mat.ShaderAssign.ShaderOptions == null) mat.ShaderAssign.ShaderOptions = new ResDict(); if (mat.ShaderAssign.AttribAssigns == null) mat.ShaderAssign.AttribAssigns = new ResDict(); if (mat.ShaderAssign.SamplerAssigns == null) mat.ShaderAssign.SamplerAssigns = new ResDict(); m.shaderassign.options.Clear(); m.shaderassign.samplers.Clear(); m.shaderassign.attributes.Clear(); m.shaderassign = new FMAT.ShaderAssign(); m.shaderassign.ShaderArchive = mat.ShaderAssign.ShaderArchiveName; m.shaderassign.ShaderModel = mat.ShaderAssign.ShadingModelName; foreach (var op in mat.ShaderAssign.ShaderOptions) m.shaderassign.options.Add(op.Key, op.Value); if (mat.ShaderAssign.SamplerAssigns != null) { foreach (var op in mat.ShaderAssign.SamplerAssigns) m.shaderassign.samplers.Add(op.Key, op.Value); } if (mat.ShaderAssign.AttribAssigns != null) { foreach (var op in mat.ShaderAssign.AttribAssigns) m.shaderassign.attributes.Add(op.Key, op.Value); } } public static void WriteShaderAssign(this FMAT.ShaderAssign shd, Material mat) { mat.ShaderAssign = new ShaderAssign(); mat.ShaderAssign.ShaderOptions = new ResDict(); mat.ShaderAssign.AttribAssigns = new ResDict(); mat.ShaderAssign.SamplerAssigns = new ResDict(); mat.ShaderAssign.ShaderArchiveName = shd.ShaderArchive; mat.ShaderAssign.ShadingModelName = shd.ShaderModel; foreach (var option in shd.options) mat.ShaderAssign.ShaderOptions.Add(option.Key, option.Value); foreach (var samp in shd.samplers) mat.ShaderAssign.SamplerAssigns.Add(samp.Key, samp.Value); foreach (var att in shd.attributes) mat.ShaderAssign.AttribAssigns.Add(att.Key, att.Value); } public static Shape SaveShape(FSHP fshp) { Shape ShapeU = new Shape(); ShapeU.VertexSkinCount = (byte)fshp.VertexSkinCount; ShapeU.Flags = ShapeFlags.HasVertexBuffer; ShapeU.BoneIndex = (ushort)fshp.BoneIndex; ShapeU.MaterialIndex = (ushort)fshp.MaterialIndex; ShapeU.VertexBufferIndex = (ushort)fshp.VertexBufferIndex; ShapeU.KeyShapes = new ResDict(); ShapeU.Name = fshp.Text; ShapeU.TargetAttribCount = (byte)fshp.TargetAttribCount; ShapeU.SubMeshBoundings = new List(); ShapeU.RadiusArray = new List(); ShapeU.Meshes = new List(); foreach (ushort index in fshp.BoneIndices) ShapeU.SkinBoneIndices.Add(index); foreach (float radius in fshp.boundingRadius) ShapeU.RadiusArray.Add(radius); foreach (FSHP.BoundingBox box in fshp.boundingBoxes) { Bounding bnd = new Bounding(); bnd.Center = new Syroot.Maths.Vector3F(box.Center.X, box.Center.Y, box.Center.Z); bnd.Extent = new Syroot.Maths.Vector3F(box.Extend.X, box.Extend.Y, box.Extend.Z); ShapeU.SubMeshBoundings.Add(bnd); } foreach (FSHP.LOD_Mesh mesh in fshp.lodMeshes) { Mesh msh = new Mesh(); msh.SubMeshes = new List(); switch (mesh.PrimativeType) { case STPrimitiveType.Triangles: msh.PrimitiveType = GX2PrimitiveType.Triangles; break; case STPrimitiveType.TrangleStrips: msh.PrimitiveType = GX2PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip; break; case STPrimitiveType.Quads: msh.PrimitiveType = GX2PrimitiveType.Quads; break; case STPrimitiveType.Lines: msh.PrimitiveType = GX2PrimitiveType.Lines; break; case STPrimitiveType.LineStrips: msh.PrimitiveType = GX2PrimitiveType.LineStrip; break; case STPrimitiveType.Points: msh.PrimitiveType = GX2PrimitiveType.Points; break; } msh.FirstVertex = mesh.FirstVertex; foreach (FSHP.LOD_Mesh.SubMesh sub in mesh.subMeshes) { SubMesh subMesh = new SubMesh(); subMesh.Offset = sub.offset; subMesh.Count = (uint)mesh.faces.Count; msh.SubMeshes.Add(subMesh); } IList faceList = new List(); msh.IndexBuffer = new Syroot.NintenTools.Bfres.Buffer(); foreach (int f in mesh.faces) { faceList.Add((uint)f); } if (faceList.Count > 65000) { MessageBox.Show($"Warning! Your poly count for a single mesh {fshp.Text} is pretty high! ({faceList.Count})." + $" You may want to split this!"); msh.SetIndices(faceList, GX2IndexFormat.UInt32); } else msh.SetIndices(faceList, GX2IndexFormat.UInt16); ShapeU.Meshes.Add(msh); break; } return ShapeU; } public static void SaveSkeleton(FSKL fskl, List Bones) { if (fskl.node.SkeletonU == null) fskl.node.SkeletonU = new Skeleton(); fskl.node.SkeletonU.Bones.Clear(); fskl.node.SkeletonU.MatrixToBoneList = new List(); fskl.node.SkeletonU.InverseModelMatrices = new List(); fskl.node.Nodes.Clear(); ushort SmoothIndex = 0; foreach (STBone genericBone in Bones) { genericBone.BillboardIndex = -1; //Clone a generic bone with the generic data BfresBone bn = new BfresBone(fskl); bn.CloneBaseInstance(genericBone); //Set the bfres bone data if (bn.BoneU == null) bn.BoneU = new Bone(); bn.GenericToBfresBone(); if (bn.SmoothMatrixIndex != short.MaxValue) fskl.node.SkeletonU.MatrixToBoneList.Add(SmoothIndex++); //Check duplicated names List names = fskl.bones.Select(o => o.Text).ToList(); bn.Text = Utils.RenameDuplicateString(names, bn.Text); fskl.node.SkeletonU.InverseModelMatrices.Add(Syroot.Maths.Matrix3x4.Zero); fskl.bones.Add(bn); bn.BoneU.Name = bn.Text; fskl.node.SkeletonU.Bones.Add(bn.Text, bn.BoneU); //Add bones to tree if (bn.Parent == null) { fskl.node.Nodes.Add(bn); } } fskl.update(); fskl.reset(); fskl.Node_Array = new int[fskl.node.SkeletonU.MatrixToBoneList.Count]; int nodes = 0; foreach (ushort node in fskl.node.SkeletonU.MatrixToBoneList) { fskl.Node_Array[nodes] = node; nodes++; } } public static void SaveVertexBuffer(FSHP fshp) { VertexBuffer buffer = new VertexBuffer(); buffer.Attributes = new ResDict(); VertexBufferHelper helper = new VertexBufferHelper(buffer, Syroot.BinaryData.ByteOrder.BigEndian); List atrib = new List(); fshp.UpdateVertices(); Console.WriteLine("Creating Buffer"); foreach (FSHP.VertexAttribute att in fshp.vertexAttributes) { if (att.Name == "_p0") { VertexBufferHelperAttrib vert = new VertexBufferHelperAttrib(); vert.Name = att.Name; vert.Data = fshp.verts.ToArray(); vert.Format = att.SetTypeWiiU(att.Format); vert.BufferIndex = att.BufferIndex; atrib.Add(vert); } if (att.Name == "_n0") { VertexBufferHelperAttrib vert = new VertexBufferHelperAttrib(); vert.Name = att.Name; vert.Data = fshp.norms.ToArray(); vert.Format = att.SetTypeWiiU(att.Format); vert.BufferIndex = att.BufferIndex; atrib.Add(vert); } if (att.Name == "_u0") { VertexBufferHelperAttrib vert = new VertexBufferHelperAttrib(); vert.Name = att.Name; vert.Data = fshp.uv0.ToArray(); vert.Format = att.SetTypeWiiU(att.Format); vert.BufferIndex = att.BufferIndex; atrib.Add(vert); } if (att.Name == "_u1") { VertexBufferHelperAttrib vert = new VertexBufferHelperAttrib(); vert.Name = att.Name; vert.Data = fshp.uv1.ToArray(); vert.Format = att.SetTypeWiiU(att.Format); vert.BufferIndex = att.BufferIndex; atrib.Add(vert); } if (att.Name == "_u2") { VertexBufferHelperAttrib vert = new VertexBufferHelperAttrib(); vert.Name = att.Name; vert.Data = fshp.uv2.ToArray(); vert.Format = att.SetTypeWiiU(att.Format); vert.BufferIndex = att.BufferIndex; atrib.Add(vert); } if (att.Name == "_w0") { VertexBufferHelperAttrib vert = new VertexBufferHelperAttrib(); vert.Name = att.Name; vert.Data = fshp.weights.ToArray(); vert.Format = att.SetTypeWiiU(att.Format); vert.BufferIndex = att.BufferIndex; atrib.Add(vert); } if (att.Name == "_i0") { VertexBufferHelperAttrib vert = new VertexBufferHelperAttrib(); vert.Name = att.Name; vert.Data = fshp.boneInd.ToArray(); vert.Format = att.SetTypeWiiU(att.Format); vert.BufferIndex = att.BufferIndex; atrib.Add(vert); } if (att.Name == "_b0") { VertexBufferHelperAttrib vert = new VertexBufferHelperAttrib(); vert.Name = att.Name; vert.Data = fshp.bitans.ToArray(); vert.Format = att.SetTypeWiiU(att.Format); vert.BufferIndex = att.BufferIndex; atrib.Add(vert); } if (att.Name == "_t0") { VertexBufferHelperAttrib vert = new VertexBufferHelperAttrib(); vert.Name = att.Name; vert.Data = fshp.tans.ToArray(); vert.Format = att.SetTypeWiiU(att.Format); vert.BufferIndex = att.BufferIndex; atrib.Add(vert); } if (att.Name == "_c0") { VertexBufferHelperAttrib vert = new VertexBufferHelperAttrib(); vert.Name = att.Name; vert.Data = fshp.colors.ToArray(); vert.Format = att.SetTypeWiiU(att.Format); vert.BufferIndex = att.BufferIndex; atrib.Add(vert); } } if (atrib.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Attributes are empty?"); return; } helper.Attributes = atrib; fshp.VertexBufferU = helper.ToVertexBuffer(); fshp.VertexBufferU.VertexSkinCount = fshp.VertexSkinCount; } public static void WriteExternalFiles(ResFile resFile, TreeNode EditorRoot) { resFile.ExternalFiles.Clear(); if (EditorRoot.Nodes.ContainsKey("EXT")) { foreach (TreeNode node in EditorRoot.Nodes["EXT"].Nodes) { ExternalFile ext = new ExternalFile(); if (node is BNTX) { var mem = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); ((BNTX)node).Save(mem); ext.Data = mem.ToArray(); } else ext.Data = ((ExternalFileData)node).Data; resFile.ExternalFiles.Add(node.Text, ext); } } } } }